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The Impact of Dysfunctional Families on the Mental Health of Children

  • National Prosecuting Authority


A healthy and nurturing family environment is necessary for the development of mental health in children. A positive atmosphere within the family, such as open communication, strong interpersonal relationships between parents and children, harmony and cohesion, contributes to a conducive and a safe space for children to develop healthy habits. Children who grow up in dysfunctional families are at risk of developing mental illness, which, if not treated, can result in long-term mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. Children who are exposed to constant conflict, aggression, abuse, neglect, domestic violence and separation because of divorce or parents who work long hours away from home are likely to present with behavioural and emotional problems. Parents, whether single, married or divorced, have got the responsibility to protect their children’s mental health.
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The Impact of Dysfunctional
Families on the Mental Health of
Lucy KganyagoMphaphuli
A healthy and nurturing family environment is necessary for the development
of mental health in children. A positive atmosphere within the family, such as open
communication, strong interpersonal relationships between parents and children,
harmony and cohesion, contributes to a conducive and a safe space for children to
develop healthy habits. Children who grow up in dysfunctional families are at risk of
developing mental illness, which, if not treated, can result in long-term mental health
problems such as depression and anxiety. Children who are exposed to constant
conflict, aggression, abuse, neglect, domestic violence and separation because of
divorce or parents who work long hours away from home are likely to present with
behavioural and emotional problems. Parents, whether single, married or divorced,
have got the responsibility to protect their childrens mental health.
Keywords: dysfunctional families, mental health, mental illness, parenting,
parent-child relationship, parental practices
1. Introduction
Mental health of children is a global and persistent concern. It is a multifaceted
problem with some of the leading courses being depression, anxiety and behavioural
disorders. According to the World Health Organisation [1], one in six people are of
ages 10–19, and within this age group, one in seven experience mental health chal-
lenges. Children of this age group are at a critical period of developing healthy habits
that are necessary for their mental wellness. Being exposed to difficult circumstances
at this tender age can compromise their ability to develop healthy mental wellness.
The first year of life is pivotal in the neurological development of children [2]. The
childhood experiences during this period can have a positive or negative impact in the
development of the brain. Children who are raised in nurturing environments of love,
care and support can develop healthy attachments, relationships of trust, security
and a good self-esteem. Infants who grow up in unconducive environments charac-
terised by abuse and neglect tend to feel unloved, unappreciated and unwanted. Such
children may avoid building intimate and social relationships later in life as they find
it difficult to trust other people. They develop fear of their environment and view the
world as a dangerous place [2].
Parenting in Modern Societies - Controversies and Lessons for the Future
Domestic violence is one of the environmental factors that may not be physically
directed at children within the family but have a direct impact on them. Children who
witness violence at home experience mental, emotional and social challenges that
predispose them to mental illness. They are likely to be victims of child abuse and or
perpetrators of violence later in their adulthood. The impact of domestic violence on
children is likely to manifest in behavioural challenges, low school grades, criminal
behaviour and antisocial behaviour [3]. The World Health Organisation [4] estimates
that 1 billion children of ages 2–17 have experienced violence of one kind or another,
most of which is perpetrated within the home environment. It is in this sense that
children are often referred to as silent victims of violence and abuse.
Another environmental factor that affects not only the married couple but chil-
dren as well is marital breakdown. Divorce brings a lot of devastation, grief and trau-
matic loss for the children of divorced parents. Logistically and practically, divorce
results in single parenting. This is still the case even when in cases of shared custody.
The parent who lives with the child carries more responsibility in terms of the day-
to-day care and support for the child. More often, parents who bear custody of the
children are overburdened financially and logistically, while the other parent might
resist and contest reasonable financial contribution towards the needs of the children
[5]. The stress of separation between parents can easily be transferred to children,
leading to mental health challenges as parents go about creating a new life for them-
selves, paying less attention to the emotional needs of children. Divorce is, thus, one
of the major sources of stress and anxiety in children that can result in mental illness.
Parents have got the responsibility to ensure financial security for their children
such as provision of medical care, being able to cater for educational costs, hous-
ing, and day-to-day provision for the needs of the family. In most cases, this can be
achieved through employment. Parental employment can have both positive and
negative effects on parent-child relationships. On the one hand, employment can
provide financial stability and a sense of accomplishment that can have a positive
impact on the well-being of the family. On the other hand, employment can create
stress and time pressures for parents, leading to a strain on parent-child relationships.
Parents are likely to bring home the stress of work, which may destabilise the homely
environment and further transfer stressful vibes to children.
Growing up in a dysfunctional family has harmful effects that extend to adult-
hood in children. Children have got no control of the unconducive living conditions
created by their parents, caregivers and guardians. Often parents who engage in
toxic relationships of violence and abuse are less considerate of the impact of their
behaviour on children. They are not aware of the extent of the impact of their actions
on children because their aggression is not directed at children, and therefore, they
do not think that they are causing emotional harm to children. This unfortunately
could not be far from the truth. Negative parenting patterns, such as emotional abuse
and neglect, punishment and rejection, create trauma that can result in mental health
issue for children.
Some parents come from toxic families themselves where they were exposed
to violence, aggression, abuse, neglect, rejection and other negative parenting as
children. It becomes difficult for such parents to divorce themselves from their child-
hood experiences and learn new and positive ways of parenting their own children.
Many families are reluctant to accept that they fall in the category of dysfunctional
families and thus resist or delay to seek help [6]. Parents are convinced that they are
doing well because they are able to provide financially for their children, by so doing,
overlooking the negative effects of the toxic environment in which they are raising
The Impact of Dysfunctional Families on the Mental Health of Children
children. This circle, if not broken, can be transferred from generation to generation,
hurting children up to the edge of mental illness and creating dysfunctional families
and communities.
The aim of this chapter is, therefore, to provide information about the relation-
ship between parenting, family dynamics and mental health of children targeting
children, parents, families, caregivers and officials who are responsible for proving
services to children and families such as social workers, psychologists, and teachers.
2. The impact of growing up in a dysfunctional family
Dysfunctional families have become a huge problem in modern society. While
there are no perfect families and people do not choose which family to belong to, the
level of dysfunction and lack of coherence in some families are a course for concern.
Dysfunctional families are characterised by multiple conflicts, tense relationships,
chaos, neglect, abuse, poor communication, lack of empathy and secrecy to an extent
that the emotional and physical needs of the family members are not met, especially
children. Conflicts are often between parents, parent-child conflict or sibling rival-
ries. Life in a dysfunctional family is a turbulence of uncertainty and instability as
well as an unsafe space for family members. Instead of expressing their concerns and
resolving issues in a positive manner, members in some dysfunctional families nor-
malise their situation and get accustomed to condoning unacceptable behaviour such
as abuse, victimisation and conflict, and they sweep issue under the carpet. Conflict
is an inevitable part of human relationships; however, dysfunctional families model
negative ways of managing conflict to children with the biggest problem being lack of
effective communication. In dysfunctional families, communication is replaced with
shouting, screaming, arguing and silence.
Healthy functioning families, on the other hand, exhibit harmony, love, care and
support for each other; the home is the safest environment where they are able to
express themselves, and members have a sense of emotional, mental and physical
wellness. In healthy functioning families, conflict, disagreements and differences are
resolved in a healthy manner that is beneficial to all concerned.
The negative dynamics that are found in dysfunctional families have adverse
effects on the growing personality of children and creates a negative viewpoint on life
in general; it inflicts pain and leave emotional wounds that are not reversible. This is
because the family has got influence on the development of the child and provides a
foundation for the growth of the child such as ones identity, values, norms and mor-
als that are acceptable in society by proving the child with a safe space, love, affection
as well as instilling social awareness and confidence [7]. This means the family can
influence the growth and development of the child in a positive or negative way
depending on the lifestyle, parenting, and the level of functionality of that family.
Children are likely to carry what they have observed and learned during their child-
hood into adulthood.
In dysfunctional families, mostly both or one parent exhibits unharmonious,
parenting style and behaves in an unpredictable manner resulting in the home envi-
ronment being unstable [8]. Children as a result are forever on guard because they
never know what to expect and when conflict is going to take place. Some parents are
emotionally distant towards children, making it hard to create normal family bonds.
The impact on children is low self-esteem and the inability to express their feelings in a
healthy way and ultimately childhood trauma. Children as a result experience repeated
Parenting in Modern Societies - Controversies and Lessons for the Future
trauma and pain from their parents’ actions, words and attitudes, while parents are
generally in denial that they lead a dysfunctional family [4]. Children grow up with
multiple traumas that leave them with permanent emotional and mental scars, sadness
and distress. Trauma if not treated may lead to physical and psychological illness [9].
Children from dysfunctional families may experience stigma by their peers for the
situation at home. This increases the risk of becoming withdrawn and isolated within
the family and around their friends. Growing up in a dysfunctional family indeed
exposes children to emotional trauma that can lead to mental illness.
3. Mental illness of children
Child mental health is the ability to grow psychologically, socially, intellectually
and spiritually, reaching emotional and developmental milestones without a struggle
[10]. Children with mental health challenges are at risk of experiencing a delay in
age-appropriate development that can affect their normal functioning and the quality
of life. Mental health in children is important for their present and future quality of
life because childhood experiences have a profound effect on adulthood.
Mental illness in children can be caused by a variety of issues such as stresses relat-
ing to domestic violence, being bullied, losing a loved one to death, separation from
friends because of moving homes or schools. It can also be caused by separation from
parents because of divorce or parents who work long hours away from home as well
as child abuse and suffering from a long illness. Mental illness can also be hereditary
meaning there is a likelihood that parents can pass the illness to their children. Some
of the symptoms in children are, but not limited to, persistent unhappiness and sad-
ness, emotional outbursts and extreme mood swings, difficulties in academic achieve-
ment, loss of appetite or overeating, difficulty falling asleep and fear and sudden loss
of interest in previously loved activities such as sport [11].
People exist within the family environment from childhood to adulthood meaning
the family plays an essential role in the physical and mental well-being of its members
especially during the formative development of children. Children need care that
promotes resilience, ability to thrive, modelling appropriate behaviour and coping
resources. It is, however, difficult to achieve this when children experience inadequate
parental care [12]. Parents can minimise the risk of child mental illness by improving
the conditions of living at home, the environment in which the child functions and
general childhood relationships and experiences.
The family, specifically parents, have got the responsibility to raise their children
in the manner that encourages positive emotional health and overall mental health
and minimises the risk and exposure to anxiety, depression, fear and helplessness
both at home and outside the home environment by providing love and positive
affirmations. While some families try to raise children by ensuring healthy devel-
opment towards a bright future, some instill and model unhealthy and unhelpful
practices that will negatively impact the childs life permanently; an example of this
is the high percentage of children who are born with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder
(FASD). FASD happens when a pregnant woman consumes alcohol, and the baby is
exposed to the harsh impact of alcohol before birth. This condition manifests itself in
physical learning and behavioural challenges later when the child is born. According
to Tomlinson etal. [13], South Africa has got the highest rate of FASD in the world.
Children with FASD are at risk of developing mental illness. FASD unfortunately
creates a circle that requires resilience and courage to break.
The Impact of Dysfunctional Families on the Mental Health of Children
Modelling negative behaviour to children results in children adopting unhealthy
life habits. This can be seen in the prevalence of the adolescent who experience with
alcohol in South Africas province of Western Cape [13]. Such children are affected by
the behaviour of their parents, the same parents who are supposed to protect them.
This is an indication of unstable and unhealthy parenting practices that may ulti-
mately lead to mental health problems in children.
Mentally healthy children, on the other hand, have a positive outlook on life, and
they can function optimally emotionally, socially and academically.
4. The impact of divorce on children
Divorce is prevalent in today society across the world. According to the United
Nations Organisation [14], 4.08 per 1000 married persons end in divorce worldwide.
In 2020, for example, Maldives recorded the highest divorce rate in the world with
2984 divorces out of a population of 540,544, which translates to 5.52 divorce rate
per 1000 married persons. In South Africa alone, 23,710 divorces out of the 129,597
marriages were recorded in 2019, according to Statistics South Africa [15]. Divorce,
like other environmental factors that affect families, has a dire effect on children, and
it undermines the parent-child relationship because of the decline in the quality of
relationships, especially with the parent who does not bear custody. Children from
divorced families often experience a range of emotions and challenges, including
feelings of loss, confusion and insecurity. They lose the family structure that they are
accustomed to, and they have to adjust to living in two separate homes and spending
time away from one parent at a time.
Divorce creates emotional distance between the child and the parent who does
not live with the child on a full-time basis especially in instances where divorce is
preceded by conflict, tension and domestic violence between parents [16]. Protracted
divorce processes that are characterised by conflict also create emotional distance
between children and parents. According to Fagan and Churchill [17] domestic
violence weakens and undermines the parent-child relationship. Children of divorced
parents may also feel caught in between because of feelings of conflicting loyalty as
though they have to choose between their parents. The distance between parents and
children causes emotional strain and irreversible harm, which, if not treated, can
result in long-term mental health problems. Children of divorced parents are likely
to present with weakened health, psychological trauma and behavioural problems
because of insufficient emotional support, affection, care and love from both parents.
Children as a result struggle to trust and rely on their parents as they develop a sense
of fear for the environment around them. Lack of trust hampers family relations.
On the other hand, parents who bear custody of children are faced with difficul-
ties relating to raising children on their own. Juggling work and single parenting may
result in lack of sufficient supervision of children. Single parenting because of divorce
makes stress inherent as the parent tries to raise children alone. It reduces household
income and makes it difficult for the one parent to maintain the standard of living
that the children are accustomed to as well as ensuring the maintenance of the home.
These challenges can translate into exposure to risk behaviour for children such as
embarking on the use of drugs, criminal behaviour and ultimately falling behind
academically. Children in broken families may not receive enough encouragement,
support and stimulation, and this can affect their ability to focus on school. Active
parental involvement of both parents in the child’s life is important to prevent the
Parenting in Modern Societies - Controversies and Lessons for the Future
overload on one parent. Wajim and Shimfe [18] opined that children from divorced
families have an increased likelihood of presenting with anti-social behaviour because
of the lack of presence of both parents to bring the child up in the norms and values
of society, a task that is the responsibility of both parents, playing complimentary
roles in their childrens lives. Behere etal. [19] elucidate that divorce is a risk factor for
mental health problems especially for children.
Divorce paves a way for negative perceptions against marriage and stable relation-
ships. According to Fagan and Churchill [17], boy children from divorced families,
for example, are likely to engage in countless and short-term sexual relationships with
multiple partners, and they also have a high turnover of failed intimate relationships
compared to adults who were raised in intact families. Fagan and Churchill further
revealed that children who experience strained relations between parents prefer to
leave home earlier to get married, cohabit or live on their own because of the lack of
peace and harmony in their homes, instead of continuing to witness the commotion
between their parents.
5. The impact of domestic violence on children
Domestic violence is recognised globally as a public health problem and a viola-
tion of human rights by organisations such as the United Nations [20] and the World
Health Organisation [21] as well as national and international studies such as [22–26].
It is a destructive act of violence and aggression that causes harm physically and
mentally as well as neglect and isolation to the family members who are victims.
The intention of violence in the family is mostly to wound, intimidate, manipulate,
humiliate and gain power over the victim. It affects people globally across the spec-
trum of race and class, and it is rooted in gender inequality [27, 28]. While violence
in the family affect both men and women, its prevalence is higher in violence against
women and children, perpetrated within the family or by intimate partners [29].
According to the World Health Organisation [30], exposure to domestic violence,
especially intimate partner violence, increases the risk of mental health problems.
Despite a change in the trend in some countries, violence in the family is often still
concealed and not reported because it is regarded as a private matter that does not
require external intervention [31]. This assumption that family violence is a private
matter normalises violence behind closed doors, leading to many families suffering
in silence. Children who are raised in homes with family violence may not report it
as they see it as a norm, meaning they may not receive help for the emotional trauma
suffered. Children who are exposed to violence and aggression of one form or another
may suffer psychologically and emotionally with the likelihood of using violence to
resolve conflict with their peers and siblings. This is because of the lack of role models
on positive conflict management. As teenagers, they may be victimised and stigma-
tised if they press criminal charges against their own family members; as a result, they
continue to suffer in silence. This may lead to the use of unhealthy methods of coping
such as self-harm, substances abuse and suicide. In adulthood, they are inclined to
argue with their peers, shouting and using physical violence instead of communicating
effectively, and they may exhibit signs of anxiety and depression [32].
Domestic violence is detrimental to the childrens mental health as it introduces
a stressful home environment with a sense of fear, anger, anxiety, nervousness and
depression. The home is supposed to be the safest place for children; however, when
violence takes place, children find themselves lost emotionally because they no longer
The Impact of Dysfunctional Families on the Mental Health of Children
regard their homes as safe environments. Often violence in the family is directed at
adults such as wives and girlfriends; however, the emotional impact goes to children
who are helpless. Perpetrators of domestic violence fail to appreciate the impact
of their actions on children as they believe that they are physically doing nothing
wrong to them. A parent cannot claim to love a child whom they continually subject
to witnessing violence against the other parent, mostly mothers. When children see
their mothers battered, they feel pain, anger and resentment [28]. This means when
violence is perpetrated against one member of the family, the entire family system
gets affected, with children being the most affected. Parents who were abused as
children may not be able to pay attention to nurturing their children as they may still
be battling with their own childhood issues, and this can lead to isolation and neglect
of their children.
Children need stable environments with responsive parents who are nurturing and
protective to grow and explore without fear of failure or harm. Domestic violence is
toxic, and it slowly hurts children emotionally.
6. The impact of working parents on parent: Child relationship
Some parents are not directly involved in conflict, but they are simply too busy
chasing careers, business or personal activities such as sport and personal entertain-
ment. Working long hours, taking work home and spending a lot of time on their
digital devices lead to physical and emotional absence in the home. As a result,
providing inadequate parenting neglects the emotional needs of children and creates
emotional distance between themselves and children. Parental employment is an
essential tool to obtain economic means and fulfilment of material benefits for the
family. Lack of income, on the other hand, can hamper the quality of parenting in
terms of providing the day-to-day needs of the child, educational needs and provision
of stimulating activities and entertainment.
By spending quality time with children, parents can provide a sense of security
and stability, which is essential for their mental health, growth and development.
The combination of parental employment and parent-child bond creates the founda-
tion for a healthy functioning environment for the well-being of the child. Lau [33]
emphasises that there is a need for parents to maintain a healthy family-work balance
to ensure financial, material provision and quality family bonds and relationships.
Working parents might find it difficult to fulfil the parental role and participate
in building family bonds. Juggling work and family responsibilities can also result
in emotional distress for a parent, which can lead to parents not being able to spend
quality time with children, participate in their schoolwork and provide support for
their emotional growth concurrently. Lack of parental support may result in compro-
mised parent-child relationship.
Working long hours away from home renders parents vulnerable to stress because
of competing demands of work and family roles. Work overload can result in parents
feeling overwhelmed, and this can lead to the deterioration in the mental health of
parents. It is easy for parents to bring home stress from work that can affect the par-
ent’s ability to provide emotional support for children; if not managed, it can under-
mine the atmosphere in the home and transfer to children [34]. This is because the
mental health of a parent has got an impact on the mental health of children. Lengthy
hours of work also mean children might have to be placed in alternative care such as
aftercare programmes resulting in children spending more time with schoolteachers
Parenting in Modern Societies - Controversies and Lessons for the Future
and aftercare staff members than with their parents. Bishnoi etal. [34] are of the view
that the communication and interaction between parents and children is negatively
affected when children spend more time with other people such as caregivers and
relatives than with parents. On the other hand, poor-quality day-care services can
expose children to physical and emotional harm. A good balance between family and
work roles and responsibilities is important for the healthy functioning of the family
and development of mental health in children.
7. Conclusions
This chapter provides information about the role families play in the mental health
of children and the difficulties faced by children who grow up in dysfunctional fami-
lies. The family provides an environment for children to grow, develop, observe and
learn behavioural traits that will enable them to function in society such as norms,
values, morals and socially acceptable behaviour. What children learn and experi-
ence have a potential to influence their character and mental health. Children with
negative experiences such as divorce, domestic violence, parent-child separation and
dysfunctional families are prone to develop mental health challenges.
Divorce exposes children to the difficulties of being raised by a single parent as
well as emotional distance. Children from broken families tend to experience trust
problems with the perception that marriages and relationships are not safe and
intimate partners should not be trusted. Divorce separate children from parents and
undermines the parent-child bond, which is important for building and sustaining
relationships in the family, as well as social and intimate relationships.
Children are affected by the violence and aggression displayed in families that are
riddled by domestic violence. Violence in families is often perpetuated in secret, and as
a result, children suffer in silence. Witnessing violence by one parent against the other
affects children emotionally and psychologically. When they grow up, such children
tend to use violence to resolve conflict and use arguments instead of communication.
The inability of parents to spend quality time with children because of work-
related commitments impact the parent-child relationship and cause emotional
distance as well. The stress of parents from work if not managed can infiltrate the
home environment and lead to tensions in the family. Parental employment is neces-
sary to provide financially for children; however, it is necessary for parents to strike a
healthy balance between the two.
The challenges discussed above renders the family system dysfunctional.
Dysfunctional families are not able to effectively provide for the emotional, psycho-
logical, social and academic needs of their children. Children as such are exposed to
neglect, abuse, conflicts and poor communication. This can lead to mental health,
behavioural and social challenges in children.
The environment in which children grow up has got an impact on their developing
mental health. Families should ensure that factors that contribute to a dysfunctional
family are avoided so that children can grow up in nurturing and enabling environ-
ments for the development of a healthy mental well-being.
Conflict of interest
The author declares no conflict of interest.
The Impact of Dysfunctional Families on the Mental Health of Children
Author details
Lucy KganyagoMphaphuli
The National Prosecuting Authority, Witness Protection Programme, Pretoria,
*Address all correspondence to:
© 2023 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
Parenting in Modern Societies - Controversies and Lessons for the Future
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... 13 A nurturing family environment characterized by open communication, strong parent-child relationships, and harmony fosters healthy habits in children while, conversely, those being brought up in dysfunctional families face a heightened risk of mental disorder, potentially leading to long-term issues like depression and anxiety because of being exposed to conflict, abuse, and neglect that might result in behavioural and emotional problems in children. 14 A recent study researching the relationship between parenting styles of immigrant families and the school performance of their children indicated that academic success of children upbringing in authoritative and permissive parents are higher when compared with the ones upbringing in authoritarian immigrant families. 15 Another conceptual review also pointed to the fact that migrant families do not have functional approaches in parenting, and this problem can be overcome via parental education. ...
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ABSTRACT Collective trauma and migration affect individuals, families and entire societies in complex and profound ways. Whether forced or voluntary, migration is often driven by a multitude of complex factors, such as conflict, economic hardship or environmental instability. Regardless of the triviality of what motivates them, uprooting one's roots and moving to a new environment has a profound impact on the collective psyche. Such trauma sometimes does not only concern a single individual, but spreads to the community as a whole in the form of shared experiences of displacement and loss across generations , inevitably resulting in dissociation, anxiety and depression. Traumatic experiences such as migration contribute significantly to the onset of dissociation. Moreover, upbringing in families characterised by dysfunctional dynamics can exacerbate the difficulty of these experiences. Parenting styles, mental health and acculturation processes are important indicators that play a major role in coping with collective trauma and the aftermath of migration. ÖZET Kolektif travma ve göç, bireyleri, aileleri ve tüm toplumları karmaşık ve derin bir şekilde etkile-mektedir. İster zorunlu ister gönüllü olsun, göç genellikle çatışma, ekonomik zorluklar veya çevresel is-tikrarsızlık gibi çok sayıda karmaşık faktör sebebiyle ortaya çıkmaktadır. Onları harekete geçiren şeyin önemsizliği bir yana, köklerinden kopmak ve yeni bir çevreye taşınmak kolektif ruh üzerinde derin ya-ralar açmaktadır. Böyle bir travma bazen sadece tek bir bireyi ilgilendirmekle kalmaz, nesiller boyunca paylaşılan yerinden edilme ve kayıp deneyimleri şeklinde bir bütün olarak topluma yayılır ve kaçınılmaz olarak dissosiyasyon, anksiyete ve depresyon ile sonuçlanır. Göç gibi travmatik deneyimler dissosiyas-yonun başlamasına önemli ölçüde katkıda bulunur. Dahası, disfonksiyonel dinamiklerle karakterize olan aileler içinde yetişmek bu deneyimlerin zorluğunu daha da derinleştirebilir. Ebeveynlik stilleri, ruh sağ-lığı ve kültürleşme süreçleri, kolektif travma ve göç sonrasında yaşananlarla başa çıkmada büyük rol oynayan önemli göstergelerdir.
... a proper adjustment process during the period in question is essential for the child's proper functioning throughout life as "a poor adjustment in one area of life may tend to spread to other areas and, in extreme forms, lead to disintegration of personality" (anderson, 2014). For a child in the kindergarten period, the instability of an incomplete family is the biggest threat because the lack of an authority figure may lead to the lack of personality cohesiveness and the inability to correctly form social relations (Mphaphuli, 2023). Preschool age is the period of highest plasticity in terms of shaping individual behaviours. ...
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Cel / przedmiot Celem prezentowanych w niniejszym artykule badań jest poznanie i opis różnic w zakresie wybranych czynników życia rodzinnego takich jak postawy rodzicielskie i stosunek dzieci do rodziców w rodzinach pełnych i rozbitych i określenie znaczenia tych czynników w różnicowaniu przystosowania dzieci do przedszkola. Metody i/lub materiały W celu weryfikacji przyjętych założeń zastosowano następujące narzędzia badawcze: Kwestionariusz do oceny przystosowania dziecka do przedszkola CBI, E. Schaefera i M. Aaronson; Kwestionariusz postaw rodzicielskich PARI i Test dwóch domków W. Szyryńskiego stosowany do oceny relacji emocjonalnych dziecka z rodzicami. Ponadto wykorzystano analizę dokumentów skupioną na informacjach na temat rodziców. Wyniki i/lub wnioski Ustalono, że dzieci z rozbitych rodzin wykazują tendencję do przejawiania nieśmiałości, są mniej otwarte w kontaktach społecznych, cechuje je też mniejszą wytrwałość w pracy i niższy poziom przystosowania do przedszkola. W zakresie postaw rodzicielskich ustalono, że rodzice z rodzin rozbitych są mniej zainteresowani potrzebami dzieci i bardziej skłonni do ich dyscyplinowania niż rodzice w rodzinach pełnych oraz że pomiędzy postawami rodziców a poziomem przystosowania dzieci do przedszkola w badanej grupie jest istotna korelacja. W odniesieniu do badania stosunku emocjonalnego dzieci do rodziców ustalono, że zarówno w rodzinach pełnych, jak i rozbitych, wśród najbardziej preferowanych osób są matki. Stwierdzono też, że mniej pozytywne relacje emocjonalne dzieci z rodzicami w rodzinach rozbitych są powiązane z niższym poziomem ich przystosowania do przedszkola.
... Many have backgrounds or reasons for being on the streets, namely economic factors, cultural factors, family factors, educational factors, environmental factors, and legal factors (De Jesus et al., 2023;Vafaie et al., 2023;Baysal, 2023). The background of the family is financially poor and the parent's level of education is low, there is wrong care in the family (poor communication between parents and children, conflict within the family, lack of early education for children) given by parents to children (Mphaphuli, 2023;Tsolou & Babalis, 2020). It has become a habit for children to play on the street, which previously could have been influenced by wrong relationships (Judah et al., 2018). ...
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Various programs were developed in response to the street children problem in Indonesia. The government (social services) has implemented a policy to overcome the problem of street children in the city of Jambi, including creating a shelter home policy for street children to study and provide skills in the field of science. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of skills in the field of science in handling street children. This research uses empirical demonstration and juridical methods using research specifications, population, samples, informants, data collection, data processing, and analysis. The results of the research show that skills in the field of science are very effective in developing street children in the city of Jambi, although they have not optimally reduced the number of street children in the city of Jambi due to several factors, both internal and external.
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Abstract: Abstract: Background: Child’s mental health around the world is important to consider. More than 13% of young people age 10-19 have a mental disorder. Despite several initiatives that have been put in place to deal with child mental health, the importance of the family in mental health of the child is still critical. Parenting styles affect psy- chology of children in one way or another. There exist four parenting styles which are; authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and uninvolved. Objective: This review aims to explore the role of family, through the lens of parenting styles in child’s mental health. Participants and Setting: The Participants are children and Adolescents aged less than 18 years. Methods: This Review was conducted from May, 2023 to January, 2024. Studies used were pub- lished by researchers between 2019-2023. The study followed Jesson & Laccy's critical literature review methodol- ogy, utilizing academic databases like PubMed and Google Scholar, as well as WHO and official public health web- sites. Results: The review indicated the parenting approaches have positive and negative impacts on child mental health. These approaches include authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and uninvolved. There are psychological factors that influence the birth of these styles among parents. Conclusions: parenting style play greater role on overall mental health of the children. Parents should promote their children’s self-esteem by showing them a lot of emotional support, avoiding rejection, and refraining from being overly protective. To enhance their children’s self-esteem and psychological adaptability.
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When the COVID-19 pandemic manifested urgent concerns were raised around the globe about the increased risk that public health restrictions could pose for victims of domestic abuse. Governments, NGOs and community services swiftly responded to convey the message that services for victims were operational and restrictions did not apply to those fleeing harm. This paper reports on the various approaches used to communicate this public health messaging during COVID-19, further highlighting strengths and learning which could inform future crises messaging. It utilises data gathered through a rapid review and mapping of policy and practice initiatives across 4 high-middle income countries: UK, Australia, South Africa and Ireland. Four themes were identified: (1) Top-down: National media messaging; (2) Top-down: Political leadership; (3) Traditional media vs. social media and (4) Bottom-up messaging: Localised, community-based messaging. It was found that a strong, clear top-down stance on domestic abuse was perceived as beneficial during COVID-19. However, a stronger focus on evaluation, reach and impact, particularly for minority groups may be required. Newer forms of media were shown to have potential in conveying messaging to minority groups. Community and grassroots organizations demonstrated their experiential knowledge in reaching target audiences. Harnessing this expertise for future crises messaging may be valuable.
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Studies on domestic violence are largely of the opinion that women or wives are the most affected. As it can often be seen that activities involving women are victims of this incident, but in fact, domestic violence affects all family members, especially children. But they always get help after women, and the impact activities on children are less and less widely discussed. Children are valuable for national development, but domestic violence is detrimental to children; it results in them being in a stressful environment, where they are usually overcome by anxiety, anger and fear. Therefore, children are as vulnerable to domestic violence as their mothers. To gain an overview of the issue, this research aims at concisely reviewing the impact of seeing and falling victim to domestic violence on children. This study focuses on literature relevant to the impact of domestic violence on children, in which children who experience domestic violence do not experience a sense of security, warmth, and love. In fact, domestic violence is also one of the problems that lead children to misbehave such as disobedience, criminality, alcohol addiction, etc. The literature review reveals that domestic violence has consequences on a child's physical, mental, family, and educational relationships.
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Hypertension and intimate partner violence is affecting longevity and quality of life among women worldwide. In this study, intimate partner violence is identified as a risk factor for hypertension outcomes among young women in South Africa. Using a nationally representative sample of 216 (N) young women (15–34 years old) from the South African Demographic and Health Survey, this study uses cross-tabulations and logistic regression methods to identify the odds of hypertension outcomes. Results show that between 20 and 41% of 15–34-year-old women have hypertension. Further, 68% of women with hypertension experienced physical intimate partner violence. Finally, the odds of hypertension are increased if young women experience physical (OR: 4.07; CI: 1.04726–15.82438) or sexual (OR: 2.56; CI: 1.18198–5.55834) intimate partner violence. Efforts to reduce hypertension outcomes in the country should include intimate partner violence awareness and assistance.
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Pregnancy is the time period in which a woman brings a new life that progress from one generation to the next one. It is the most important and crucial life stage as it needs more care and protection. Care during pregnancy depends on many aspects such as nutrition and diet, clothing, personal hygiene, exercise, physiological and psychological changes. All these factors are responsible for healthy pregnancy outcomes. Complete knowledge of all these aspects can help a woman in the best way. Many studies found that economic status, lack of knowledge and general health of the women affects too much during maternity. Further studies needs to be conducted in the respective field so that some beneficial outcomes can be achieved. Policy makers should be more focused on rural, migrant or illiterate women as these women are the most sufferers. These studies can help government to further investigate the problems and its root cause so that it can be uprooted as soon as possible.
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The study examined single parenting and its effects on the development of children in Nigeria. The study revealed that single parents/solo parents lack partners to share financial and child care responsibilities with. The study also unveiled that finance is the major problems encountered by the majority of single parents. This is because majority of the single parents find it difficult to meet the basic needs of their children such as food, clothing, school fees, and other personal needs. This also accounts for the difficult in maintaining discipline among their children. The study concluded that majority of single parents are faced with economic, emotional and social problems which translate into greater risk of embarking on dangerous behaviors by their children such as drugs, alcohol and criminal activities. A secondary source of data collection was used for this study. The study recommends that government should create more job opportunities and increase wages as such single parent can also benefit in order to cope with the difficulties they face. Also single parents should engage in savings such as local contribution, that no matter how small their income may be, they may be able to satisfy the required needs of their household, which to some extent will also curtail the crime rate in our dear macrocosm by the children of solo parents.
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This article examines how domestic violence impacts the lives and education of young children, children, and young people and how they can be supported within the education system. Schools are often the service in closest and longest contact with a child living with domestic violence; teachers can play a vital role in helping families access welfare services. In the wake of high profile cases of child abuse and neglect, concerns have been raised about the effectiveness of multi-agency responses to children living with abuse. In the United Kingdom, the case of 4-year-old Daniel Pelka who died in 2012 following abuse and starvation by his mother, who experienced domestic violence, and her partner, led to a serious case review. It found recording systems in Daniel’s school were not used consistently, and details held by different agencies were not collated to enable the formation of a coherent assessment. The lack of integrated working cited in the report echoes findings from previous serious case reviews. A strong correlation exists between domestic abuse and child abuse, with approximately half of all domestic violence situations involving direct child abuse. Children can also be affected indirectly by violence occurring in their home by seeing or hearing it taking place. This article examines the impact of domestic violence on the mental health of children, and the impact on their education. Violence in children’s lives often causes disruption to their schooling and harms the quality of their educational experiences and outcomes. The abuse children experience can result in emotional trauma, physical and psychological barriers to learning, and disruptive behavior in school, while the underlying causes of these problems remain hidden. Knowing when and how to seek advice from multi-agency professionals is an essential part of effective practice among school staff. Despite their vital role in identifying signs of abuse and signposting referral pathways, research indicates teachers often lack confidence and knowledge for such work. The article examines how the professional learning and professional confidence of teachers can be developed, and how recent policy and practice developments in the United Kingdom have the potential to influence work in this area.
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There is no recent national data on the prevalence of intimate partner violence in Thailand. This study proposed to examine the prevalence of intimate partner violence in 4 regions of Thailand by using a standardized questionnaire from the WHO multi country study on women’s health and domestic violence. Two thousand four hundred and sixty-two married or cohabiting women aged 20–59 years were interviewed about their experiences of psychologically, physically, sexually violent, and/or controlling behaviors by their male partners. The study found that 15% of respondents had experienced psychological, physical, and/or sexual violence in their life time which suggests that 1 in 6 of Thai women have faced intimate partner violence. Of the 15% of women who reported intimate partner violence within the past 12 months, psychological violence was the most common (60–68%), followed by sexual violence (62–63%) and physical violence (52–65%). In addition, the percentage of women who faced various forms of controlling behaviors varied from 4.6% to 29.3%. Men who were more controlling were more likely to abuse their female partners. The results reveal that partner violence against women is a significant public health issue in Thai society that must be addressed.
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Background: To find any association between family structure and rates of hospitalization as an indicator for behavior problems in children. Methods: Retrospective chart review of 154 patients who were admitted to the preadolescent unit at Lincoln Prairie Behavioral Health Center between July and December 2012. Results: We found that only 11% of children came from intact families living with biological parents while 89% had some kind of disruption in their family structure. Two-third of the children in the study population had been exposed to trauma with physical abuse seen in 36% of cases. Seventy-one percent had reported either a parent or a sibling with a psychiatric disorder. Children coming from biologically family were less likely to have been exposed to trauma. Children coming from single/divorced families were less likely to have been exposed to sexual abuse but more likely to have a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) compared to other types of families. Strong association was found between exposure to trauma and certain diagnoses in respect to hospitalization. ADHD predicted a 4 times likelihood of having more than one previous hospitalization, with mood disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and physical abuse increasing the risk by more than twice. Conclusions: Significant differences in family structure were demonstrated in our study of children being admitted to inpatient psychiatric hospitalization. The presence of trauma and family psychiatric history predicted higher rates of readmission. Our study highlighted the role of psychosocial factors, namely, family structure and its adverse effects on the mental well-being of children.
Decades of research have demonstrated that the parent-child dyad and the environment of the family-which includes all primary caregivers-are at the foundation of children's well- being and healthy development. From birth, children are learning and rely on parents and the other caregivers in their lives to protect and care for them. The impact of parents may never be greater than during the earliest years of life, when a child's brain is rapidly developing and when nearly all of her or his experiences are created and shaped by parents and the family environment. Parents help children build and refine their knowledge and skills, charting a trajectory for their health and well-being during childhood and beyond. The experience of parenting also impacts parents themselves. For instance, parenting can enrich and give focus to parents' lives; generate stress or calm; and create any number of emotions, including feelings of happiness, sadness, fulfillment, and anger. Parenting of young children today takes place in the context of significant ongoing developments. These include: a rapidly growing body of science on early childhood, increases in funding for programs and services for families, changing demographics of the U.S. population, and greater diversity of family structure. Additionally, parenting is increasingly being shaped by technology and increased access to information about parenting. Parenting Matters identifies parenting knowledge, attitudes, and practices associated with positive developmental outcomes in children ages 0-8; universal/preventive and targeted strategies used in a variety of settings that have been effective with parents of young children and that support the identified knowledge, attitudes, and practices; and barriers to and facilitators for parents' use of practices that lead to healthy child outcomes as well as their participation in effective programs and services. This report makes recommendations directed at an array of stakeholders, for promoting the wide-scale adoption of effective programs and services for parents and on areas that warrant further research to inform policy and practice. It is meant to serve as a roadmap for the future of parenting policy, research, and practice in the United States. © 2016 by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.