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Ecological Efficiency Evaluation of Water Regulation of Drained Land in Changing Climatic Conditions

The main task of hydro-technical reclamation
is to ensure high and stable yields of cultivated
crops. That can be achieved by developing and
implementing a complex of agro-ameliorative
measures, technical and technological solutions
for regulating the water-air regime as a dening
component of the general natural and ameliora-
tive regime. At the same time, the criteria for the
Ecological Eciency Evaluation of Water Regulation of Drained Land
in Changing Climatic Conditions
Roman Koptyuk1, Anatoliy Rokochinskiy1, Pavlo Volk1, Vasil Turcheniuk1,
Nadia Frolenkova2, Oleg Pinchuk3*, Ruslan Tykhenko4, Ivan Openko5
1 Department of Water Engineering and Water Technologies, National University of Water and Environmental
Engineering, 11 Soborna St., 33028, Rivne, Ukraine
2 Department of Enterprise Economics and International Business, National University of Water and
Environmental Engineering, 11 Soborna St., 33028, Rivne, Ukraine
3 Department of Hydroinformatics, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering,
11 Soborna St., 33028, Rivne, Ukraine
4 Department of Management of Land Resources, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of
Ukraine, 17 Vasylkivska Str., 03040, Kyiv, Ukraine
5 Department of Geodesy and Cartography, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of
Ukraine, 17 Vasylkivska Str., 03040, Kyiv, Ukraine
* Corresponding author’s e-mail:
In view of global climate changes, the study of the ecological feasibility of hydromelioration systems and their
impact on the natural environment is extremely relevant. Evaluation of the ecological eectiveness of water
regulation of drained land for current and forecasted climatic conditions was performed by determining the en-
vironmental reliability coecient, which characterizes the ecological reliability of a reclamation project. The
environmental reliability coecient was determined on the basis of a certain set of physical indicators. The set
of physical indicators reects the extremely complex nature of the formation of water and general natural and
ameliorative regimes of reclaimed land as a whole in changing natural, climatic and agro-ameliorative conditions
of real objects. Their determining is based on the implementation of a machine experiment based on a complex of
predictive and simulation models for water regulation of drained land on a long-term basis. The obtained results
showed that ecologically optimal natural, ameliorative and soil regimes of the drained land, subject to compliance
with the restrictions 0.5 < kn ≤ 1.0, are ensured by the application of humidifying sluicing. At the same time, the
environmental reliability coecients are 0.59 and 0.58, respectively, for current and forecast climatic conditions,
and the level of ecological reliability of applying humidication to drained land is suciently high. The carried
out evaluation of ecological reliability of water regulation of drained land conrms the need to increase the role of
humidication as a component of eective adaptive measures on drained land in modern and forecasted climatic
conditions. Humidifying measures have a decisive inuence on the ecological eect and the ecological and ame-
lioration state of drained land.
Keywords: ecological reliability, drained land, water regulation technologies, changing climatic conditions,
adaptive measures.
Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology 2023, 24(5), 210–216
ISSN 2719–7050, License CC-BY 4.0
Received: 2023.04.16
Accepted: 2023.05.20
Published: 2023.06.05
Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology 2023, 24(5), 210–216
application of hydro-technical reclamation are
economic eciency and ecological feasibility of
the impact of hydro-melioration systems on the
surrounding natural environment.
The ecological expediency of ameliorative
measures to preserve and improve soil fertility in
view of rational use of land and water resources
as well as environmental protection is becoming
extremely relevant. First of all, this is due to the
global climate changes, which encourage the ad-
aptation of agricultural production to new climat-
ic conditions [Altieri, et al., 2017; Lipper, et al.,
2014; Rokochynskiy et al., 2019].
On the drained land with a close occurrence
of groundwater, climatic conditions directly take
part in the formation of water regime of soil and
groundwater. In addition, climatic conditions de-
termine the course of soil processes in certain
growing periods of agricultural crops. Therefore,
there is already a need to determine the conse-
quences of predicted global climate changes and
make appropriate adaptive decisions regard-
ing these changes, as well as mitigating their
consequences in agricultural production [Fio-
rillo et al., 2022; Romashchenko et al., 2020;
Kulhavý et al., 2015].
On drained land, adaptive measures should
be aimed at: eective regulation of water regime;
regulation and accumulation of moisture in the
soil prole, as well as within the drainage sys-
tem; transition from traditional periodic to regular
humidication of drained land; improvement of
water regulation technologies; improvement of
types and designs of drainage systems and their
technical elements; introduction of new methods
of their design, etc. [Querner et al., 2022; Kova-
lenko et al., 2019; Morecroft et al. 2019].
The purpose of the scientic research is to
determine the impact of climate and its changes
on the ecological eciency of water regula-
tion and the ecological and ameliorative state of
drained land in modern and changing forecasted
The substantiation of optimal natural, ame-
liorative and soil regimes of drained land based
on an integral assessment of an indicator set of
their ecological eciency can be eectively per-
formed using the method of B.P. Karuk [1987].
He suggested determining the ecological reli-
ability of the reclamation project by the sum of
the indicators of two levels. At the same time, the
indicator of the rst level takes into account envi-
ronmental protection requirements within the en-
tire region, while the indicator of the second level
takes into account the environmental protection
requirements within a specic reclamation object
[Rokochynskiy, 2010]. The choice of a rational
solution in this case is carried out on the basis of
a multi-criteria expert assessment of various indi-
cators of environmental components of the gen-
eral optimization condition. Conceptually, this
process is depicted in g. 1.
According to [Rokochynskiy, 2010], the char-
acteristics of the ecological reliability of the rec-
lamation project can be presented in the form of a
vector – terms H with components Hz
– the number of elements (factors) that
characterize the ecological reliability of
the reclamation project.
Figure 1. Scheme of nding optimal values of environmental factor X by environmental criterion Z:
1 – zone of ecological optimum; 2 – zone of environmental risk; Xopt – ecologically optimal value of the
factor; X1
lim, X2
lim – critical values of X; – search zone for ecologically acceptable values of X
Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology 2023, 24(5), 210–216
Here, the components Hz take their respective
values provided that
is the normative, critical or permis-
sible value of the z-th element.
Such an approach to evaluating the environ-
mental reliability of the project diers from the
classical theory of reliability, where probabi-
listic values appear. However, this approach is
quite simple and universal in nature. This makes
it possible to use dierent evaluation methods
and any set of heterogeneous indicators depend-
ing on the task.
Assuming that they are all equally important
in the system of factors, the absence of a certain
element can be considered as a corresponding de-
crease in the degree of environmental reliability.
Then the coecient of environmental reli-
ability of the reclamation project can be deter-
mined by the formula
This coecient represents an approximate
evaluation of the environmental sustainability of
the project and takes into account the factors of
environmental reliability of its functioning. This
is especially important for maintaining favorable
natural, ameliorative, and soil regimes within the
project term of the object’s operation.
The values of environmental reliability coef-
cients of the reclamation object by the recom-
mended scale are given in the Table 1.
Thus, by the considered method, ecologically
optimal natural, ameliorative and soil regimes of
drained land are provided that the environmental
reliability coecient is in the range of values
0150 ,k,
The proposed scheme of evaluating the en-
vironmental reliability of the reclamation proj-
ect is universal. That is why any factors, both
quantitative and qualitative, characterizing the
ecological and ameliorative state of the territory
can be the components of reliability.
By model (2), the component Hz takes xed
values Hz = 1 or Hz = 0. However, as practice and
accumulated experience show, such a relation-
ship has a non-linear nature with a pronounced
optimum within the limit (optimal minimum and
maximum) values of the ecological eciency in-
dicator of water regulation on drained land.
In contrast to the considered approach, we
propose a more exible tool for determining the
value of the component Hz, when it takes all pos-
sible values in the range from 0 to 1 by a non-
linear dependence based on a dome-shaped em-
pirical formula (see Fig. 1) of the general form
empirical coecients that de-
pend on the normalized optimal indicator
values of ecological eciency on drained
is the actual value of the z-th element.
The improved approach makes it possible to
dierentiate the coecient of environmental reli-
ability of the reclamation project. This approach
will also allow for a more objective evaluation of
the ecological eciency of applying an appropri-
ate water regulation technology.
According to [Rokochynskiy, 2010], the eco-
logical consequences of land reclamation projects
can be evaluated by groups of physical indica-
tors, selected as criteria for ecological eciency:
groundwater table (GT), moisture content of the
estimated soil layer (MC), maintaining a favor-
able water regime (WR) of estimated soil layer,
moisture exchange, irrigation standards, degree
of man-made load, etc.
In the zone of excessive and unstable mois-
ture, the recommended indicators of the ecological
Table 1. Scale of environmental reliability
No. Environmental
reliability coe󰀩cient
Level of environmental
1 0.00 – 0.25 Unreliable
2 0.26 – 0.50 Not reliable enough
3 0.51 – 0.75 Reliable enough
4 0.76 – 1.00 Reliable
Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology 2023, 24(5), 210–216
eciency of water, natural and ameliorative re-
gimes of the drained land can be such criteria:
IW – a moisture supply of the estimated soil
layer during the growing season;
n(IW) – a duration of the optimal moisture
supply of the estimated soil layer during the
growing season;
VI – an inltration during the growing season,
n(VI) a duration of inltration during the
growing season;
VP – feeding of the estimated soil layer from
WT during the growing season, m3/ha;
n(VP) – feeding duration of the estimated soil
layer from WT during the growing season;
V – a total moisture exchange during the grow-
ing season, m3/ha;
IC – a comprehensive indicator of soil mois-
ture supply during the growing season;
Fr – relative weather and climate risk as to the
αm – a share of inuence of ameliorative factor
during the growing season;
E PHAR a actual value of the eciency of
the use of photosynthetically active radiation
(PHAR) by the cultivated crop.
The determination of these indicators was
carried out based on a machine experiment using
the appropriate set of predictive and simulation
models regarding: main structural and technolog-
ical variable parameters of drainage systems; cli-
matic conditions of the area; water regime; water
regulation technologies; productivity of drained
land for schematized natural, climatic, and ame-
liorative conditions.
An example of determining the ecological
eciency of various technologies of water reg-
ulation of drained land for the drainage system
“Birka” of the Volodymyretskyi district of the
Rivne region in the area of 544.9 ha was imple-
mented for modern and forecasted changing cli-
matic conditions of the studied object [Scientic
and…., 2021; Kovalenko et al., 2019].
The machine experiment based on predictive
and simulation modeling was performed under
the following natural and ameliorative conditions
of the studied object:
for the calculated by heat and moisture sup-
ply growing seasons, the aggregates
{ }
n,p 1=
are following: very wet (p=10%), wet
(p=30%), medium (p=50%), dry (p=70%),
very dry (p =90%);
by two schemes for evaluating weath-
er and climate conditions: modern – (re-
cent-1991–2015); forecast (by the UKMO
climate model – the model of the United King-
dom Meteorological Oce, which predicts an
increase in the average annual air temperature
by C when increasing CO2 content in the
atmosphere). This model takes into account
more critical scenarios of changes in weather
and climate conditions when calculating fore-
cast regimes. Such a model is better consistent
with the models used by us for the predictive
evaluation of the normalized distribution of
the main meteorological characteristics both
for multi-year and intravegetation periods;
for two types of drained soil: sod-clay sandy
soils (g = 1) with a ltration coecient (kf =
0.7 m/day) and a fractional share of distribu-
tion within the system (fgm = 0.4) and peat me-
dium-strength and medium-decomposed soils
(g = 2), kf = 1.3 m/day, fgm = 0.6;
for the crops of estimated crop rotation:
winter wheat (estimated yield = 48 t/ha, es-
timated share of sowing fk = 0.3), potatoes
(Y = 420 c/ha, fk = 0.2), perennial grasses for
hay (Y = 42 c/ha, fk = 0.5);
by the methods of water regulation, the aggre-
gates {s}, s = 1,ns are following: D – drainage;
PS – preventive sluicing; HS – humidifying
sluicing; SD – sprinkler irrigation on the back-
ground of drainage, SPS- sprinkler irrigation
on the background of preventive sluicing.
As an example, the comparative characteris-
tics of changes in environmental eciency indi-
cators when applying preventive sluicing, as the
most widespread technology of water regulation
on drained land, by the entire spectrum of both
current and forecast weather and climate condi-
tions of the estimated years are shown in Fig. 2.
The relevant indicators are presented by the ratio
of their actual values to the optimal values.
The given data characterize the overall ef-
ciency of the application of preventive sluic-
ing. The comparative characteristics clearly
show the dierentiation of the eect of certain
factors in the formation of the water regime of
drained land depending on the water supply of
the growing season.
Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology 2023, 24(5), 210–216
At the same time, the predominant role of the
climatic factor in the wet periods of the growing
season can be traced both in the current and fore-
cast climatic conditions. At that, the eectiveness
of reclamation measures when applying drainage
and preventive sluicing deteriorates. Since certain
indicators specifying the intensication of wash-
ing water regime and the deterioration of eco-
logical and reclamation state of the drained land,
signicantly exceed their optimal values in some
estimated by heat and moisture supply years.
Thus, there is a need to increase the eect of
the reclamation factor on the formation of water
regime of drained land and the conditions for the
development of cultivated crops in dry periods
of vegetation by using regular humidifying mea-
sures. Such measures have a positive eect on the
ecological and ameliorative state of drained land.
For visualization and comparison, the gener-
alized results on the ecological reliability coe-
cient, determined by the model (3), are presented
in Figures 3, and 4.
The presented results show the signicant
variability of the overall ecological eciency of
applying various technologies of water regula-
tion on drained land for the estimated by heat and
moisture supply years in variable both current
and forecast weather and climate conditions.
The generalized results on the ecological ef-
ciency of the options of water regulation on
drained land for the current and forecast condi-
tions, determined by the model (3), are shown in
Table 2.
Figure 5 presents a generalized comparative
characteristic of ecological eciency of various
technologies of water regulation on drained land
in modern and forecast weather and climate con-
ditions, determined by the model (5).
a) b)
Figure 3. Generalized results on the ecological eciency of water regulation of
drained land in dierent estimated years by various water regulation technologies
in current (a) and forecast (b) weather and climate conditions
a) b)
Figure 2. Comparative characteristics of environmental eciency indicators in a relative
form when applying preventive sluicing for the estimated years for variable weather and
climate conditions of the studied object; (a) current conditions; (b) forecast conditions
Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology 2023, 24(5), 210–216
a) b)
Figure 4. Generalized results on the ecological eciency of applying various technologies of water regulation
on drained land by the estimated years of current (a) and forecast (b) weather and climate conditions
Table 2. Generalized results on the ecological eciency of the options of water regulation on drained land for
the current and forecast conditions
Indicator Optimal
Indicator value Hфz Hz by the model (5)
Current conditions
1IW 0.7–0.9 0.712 0.745 0.785 0.876 0.882 0.64 0.84 0.99 0.72 0.68
2n(IW) 0.8–1.0 0.75 0.77 0.88 1 1 0.41 0.51 0.98 0.67 0.67
3VI -200–0 -518 -439 -439 -518 -439 0.03 0.07 0.07 0.03 0.07
4n(VI) 0–0.2 0.34 0.24 0.24 0.34 0.24 0.10 0.32 0.32 0.10 0.32
5VP 500–1000 316 347 537 242 271 0.22 0.27 0.70 0.13 0.16
6n(VP) 0.8–1.0 0.66 0.76 0.76 0.66 0.76 0.10 0.46 0.46 0.10 0.46
7V500–1000 -203 -92 97 -276 -169 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00
8IC 0.9–1.0 1.176 1.133 1.009 1.019 1.006 0.14 0.27 0.87 0.83 0.88
9fr0.0–0.3 0.43 0.383 0.345 0.338 0.32 0.20 0.28 0.35 0.37 0.41
10 am0.0–0.1 0 0.06 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.82 0.99 0.68 0.53 0.39
11 Ephar 0.5–1.0 0.9 0.96 1 1 1.04 0.93 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.99
kn0.33 0.45 0.59 0.41 0.46
Forecast conditions
1IW 0.7–0.9 0.611 0.654 0.708 0.855 0.859 0.13 0.29 0.61 0.84 0.82
2n(IW) 0.8–1.0 0.66 0.69 0.74 0.99 1 0.10 0.17 0.36 0.72 0.67
3VI -200–0 -299 -238 -238 -299 -238 0.30 0.46 0.46 0.30 0.46
4n(VI) 0–0.2 0.26 0.15 0.15 0.26 0.15 0.26 0.64 0.64 0.26 0.64
5VP 500–1000 464 535 868 406 440 0.52 0.69 0.89 0.39 0.46
6n(VP) 0.8–1.0 0.74 0.85 0.85 0.74 0.85 0.36 0.90 0.90 0.36 0.90
7V500–1000 165 296 630 106 202 0.06 0.19 0.89 0.04 0.09
8IC 0.9–1.0 1.332 1.27 1.024 1.045 1.046 0.00 0.02 0.81 0.70 0.70
9fr0.0–0.3 0.457 0.413 0.356 0.327 0.321 0.16 0.22 0.33 0.39 0.40
10 am0.0–0.1 0 0.07 0.17 0.21 0.22 0.82 0.97 0.33 0.14 0.11
11 Ephar 0.5–1.0 1.37 1.45 1.54 1.6 1.63 0.35 0.21 0.11 0.06 0.05
kn0.28 0.43 0.58 0.38 0.48
Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology 2023, 24(5), 210–216
The obtained results showed that ecologically
optimal natural, reclamation and soil regimes of
the drained land, subject to compliance with the
restriction 0.5 < kn1.0, are ensured by applying
humidifying sluicing. At the same time, the eco-
logical reliability coecients are 0.59 and 0.58, re-
spectively, for current and forecast climate condi-
tions, and the ecological reliability of applying hu-
midication of drained land is suciently reliable.
The carried out evaluation of ecological reli-
ability of water regulation on drained land con-
rms the need to increase the role of humidica-
tion as a component of eective adaptive mea-
sures on drained land in current and forecast cli-
matic conditions. Humidifying measures have a
decisive eect on the ecological and ameliorative
state of drained land.
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Figure 5. Generalized comparative characteristic of ecological eciency of various technologies
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... As a result of that, soil fertility decreases due to leaching of nutrients and disruption of the soil structure. Therefore, the deviation of the weighted average value of the drainage coefficient within the system and the design term of the object's operation q s from its limit valueq ecol , which corresponds to the ecological drainage efficiency, i.e. q s →q ecol can be a criterion for the ecological optimality of the pumping module on the PDS (Koptyuk et al 2023). ...
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A system optimization method was used, which consists in the consistent justification of optimal technological and constructive solutions and parameters of drainage polder systems during the development of their projects. This is done in compliance with modern economic and environmental requirements according to criteria and models for di erent levels of management decision-making over time (project, planned operation). Based on the performed relevant predictive and optimization calculations for the conditions of the real object, the following three tasks have been accomplished. (1) The optimal pump module at the stage of operation for the existing polder drainage system has been substantiated. (2) The design of the pumping unit and the parameters of its components during the reconstruction of the polder drainage system have been improved. This made it possible to reduce the load on the pumping equipment, the duration of its operation, and the cost of electricity by 20–40%, depending on the water level of the year. The improvement was carried out by the diversion of the corresponding part of the surface runo with additionally introduced gravity elements in the form of a puncture in the body of the protective dam and a siphon intake. (3) We have substantiated the optimal water regulation technology for the existing polder drainage system in modern and forecast weather and climate conditions, which will ensure the maintenance of the necessary water-air regime of the drained soils in di erent phases of the growing season of agricultural crops. This will make it possible, on demand, to increase the energy and general environmental and economic e ciency during their creation and functioning of the polder drainage system in accordance with modern changing conditions.
... Climate change, man-made disasters, the rise in built-up areas, and growing urbanization are far from an exhaustive list of threats to food security in the world. At the end of the last century, the problem of the negative impact of intensive land use arose not only in Ukraine (Koptyuk at al., 2023). That is both the high plowing of the territories and the excessive use of mineral fertilizers, as well as the application of energy-consuming, soil-depleting technologies. ...
... Koptyuk et al. (2023), who recorded the reduction of riverbeds in the region as a result of their transformation into main channels of drainage systems, which, against the background of climate change and a lowering of the groundwater table, has significantly changed the moisture supply of the soil and negatively affected its fertility. S.Tomscha et al. (2023) confirm the Ecological sustainability of landscapes of the preserving natural wetland complexes, which constitute an important ecological component of the environment and contribute to landscape stability and ecosystem services, and are essential for the conservation of water resources, carbon stocks, and the preservation of plant and animal diversity. ...
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The relevance of the research lies in the fact that, in the context of the global concept of sustainable development, one of the leading tasks is to maintain the sustainability of natural ecosystems by finding optimal strategies for the development of socio-economic systems. The purpose of the research is to assess the environmental sustainability of the landscapes of the Prypiat River basin within the territorial communities of the Volyn Oblast in the current conditions of the region’s development. The methods used to achieve this goal included the calculation of the landscape ecological sustainability coefficient based on the systematization of statistical reporting data, followed by comparative geographical analysis and environmental mapping using ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro. The main results of the research show that the coefficient of ecological stability of landscapes in the Prypiat River basin is in the range of 0.22-5.39 and assesses landscapes from the level of “unstable with pronounced instability” to “stable, with pronounced stability”. The distribution of land areas in the territorial communities located in the Tsyr sub-basin determines the landscape characterization at the level of “stable, with pronounced stability”. Within the territorial communities of the Vyzhivka sub-basin and the upper reaches of the Prypiat River, the landscapes are “conditionally stable” – “stable”. Within the communities of the Turia sub-basin – from “unstable” to “stable, with pronounced stability”. Within the communities of the Stokhid sub-basin – from “unstable” to “stable, with pronounced stability”. The territorial communities of the middle part of the Styr sub-basin are represented by landscapes ranging from “unstable, with pronounced instability” to “stable, with pronounced stability”. In general, more ecologically stable landscapes are located in the northern part of Volyn Oblast, due to the large areas of forested land. Environmental instability of landscapes is typical for the southern part of the region due to large areas of ploughed land. The practical value of the work lies in obtaining regional variations in the assessment of ecological stability of landscapes, which is important to consider when developing coordinated concepts between communities and environmental management bodies on a basin basis to achieve sustainable development goals in socio-ecological systems
In the realm of agricultural research, this study delves into the ecological state of agricultural land use, shedding light on significant trends in the transformation of land relations. The article meticulously evaluates the ecological state of land by considering the degree of anthropogenic load. Through rigorous analysis, it establishes the coefficient of ecological stability of the territory, providing valuable insights into the intensity of land use. The research also formulates diverse scenarios depicting the functioning of contemporary agroecosystems within agricultural land use. Furthermore, the study identifies pivotal pathways for a successful transition toward an adaptive farming system, crucial for the establishment of efficient agricultural land use. This research area specifically focuses on investigating the impact of ecological sustainability of the territory on rational land use within agricultural enterprises, emphasizing its paramount importance in the broader context of ensuring food security.
Conference Paper
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The study delves into a pivotal realm of rural infrastructure management by scrutinizing the efficacy of diverse building survey methodologies. The assessment encompassed laser scanning, total station surveying, and smartphone-enabled LiDAR, encompassing a meticulous evaluation across key dimensions: accuracy, economic cost, and time efficiency. The overarching objective was to pinpoint the most optimal surveying approach tailored for rural landscapes, considering the delicate equilibrium between cost-effectiveness and precision. The study findings illuminate a multifaceted landscape of trade-offs inherent in these methodologies. The findings revealed that the Total Station method, utilizing the GEOMAX ZOOM 10 (2”), emerged as the most expensive among the building measurement techniques, with a cost of 185.04 euros. However, it demonstrated the highest accuracy with an RMS (Root Mean Square) value of 0.0135 m. In contrast, Laser scanning employing the Leica ScanStation C10 had a cost of 149.85 euros, with an RMS value of 0.0205 m. The Lidar method using the iPhone 13 Pro, while being the third most expensive at 128.48 euros, exhibited a comparatively lower accuracy with an RMS value of 0.1694 m. By navigating the intricate interplay between economic considerations and the imperative for precise infrastructure management, this study endeavours to foster sustainable, efficient, and economically viable approaches in rural infrastructure development. The insights garnered herein endeavour to bridge the gap between precision and financial prudence, fostering a pragmatic balance in survey method selection for rural infrastructure initiatives.
Water resources are crucial for sustaining human life, industry, agriculture, and ecosystems. However, increasing pressure on these resources, pollution of water sources and climate change pose serious challenges to their effective management. It was determined that the water resources of Ukraine have great potential for the development of society, but they require effective management taking into account the principles of sustainable development. It is substantiated that the formation of the fundamental scientific basis for the evaluation of water resources of Ukraine should be based on the use of ecological and economic approaches, in particular, on the study of the water balance, assessment of ecosystem services, cost analysis and other tools for determining the ecological and economic value of water resources. A comparison of the indicators of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6 "Ensuring the availability and rational use of water resources and sanitation for all" between Ukraine and Poland was carried out. The study revealed certain differences and similarities in the level of achievement of both countries in this direction. Based on the results of the study, it was established that ecological and economic approaches to the assessment of water resources are effective tools for determining their value and making rational decisions about their management, which allows taking into account not only economic aspects, but also the impact on ecosystems and human health.
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The Drentsche Aa catchment in The Netherlands, which has nearly untouched natural river valleys, is a designated Natura 2000 area. Agriculture is practiced on the adjacent higher-lying ground. A set of measures was drafted to achieve climate-proof solutions in the short term by reducing the effects of a drier climate on nature and agriculture. These measures must have no adverse effects. In order to check this, the Hunze and Aa’s Water Board investigated the feasibility of using groundwater for sprinkler irrigation in parts of the catchment. In the study, the SIMulation of GROundwater and surface water levels (SIMGRO) hydrological model was used in order to model future scenarios with different water level strategies and climate scenarios. The modelling examined various measures in the nature and agricultural areas to optimise the hydrological situation for both land use functions. In addition, the effect on the nature areas of abstracting groundwater for irrigation was determined for buffer zones of different widths. The findings have indicated the policy direction to be taken by both the water board and the province, as well as offer them opportunities to deal with the requests for withdrawals in the near future by the means of future-proof general rules.
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The increasing frequency of extreme rainstorms due to climate changes calls for cost-effective methodologies to optimize drainage networks and flood risk mitigation practices. This paper presents an effective methodology that combines two well-known methods to optimize the drainage network design. The methodology uses the Harmony Search algorithm to identify the best solution for the drainage network and the simulations obtained through the Storm Water Management Model to verify the respect of the hydraulic constraints. The methodology is applied to the literature case study of Anytown, showing a significant reduction of 34.5% of the drainage network design cost compared with the common Rational Method. Moreover, the methodology is able to identify the optimum allocation and volumes of detention ponds for runoff control in case of variations in rainfall regime. The methodology allowed to prevent floods, by decreasing the channel filling degree.
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The article highlights the research results on the assessment of natural moisture supply in Ukraine, the state of water resources and agricultural production in the face of modern climate change taking into account the forecast for the medium and long term prospects. It was established that the rate of air temperature growth for the period of 1975-2019 in Ukraine ranges from 0.61 to 0.82oC, while in neighboring post-Soviet countries (Russia, Moldova, Belarus) – this figure is 0.47 - 0.59oC, and in the northern hemisphere and Europe – it is 0.34 and 0.47oC respectively. These data show that the rate of air temperature rise in Ukraine is much higher compared to European countries and the whole world. The rapid rise in average annual temperature in Ukraine is not accompanied by a significant increase in precipitation. Its amount in Ukraine as well as in some other regions remains virtually unchanged. Due to the steady increase in temperature, the area of Ukraine with a significant deficit of natural moisture supply for the period of 1990-2015 increased by 7%, and with excessive and sufficient natural moisture supply, on the contrary, decreased by 10%. If the current warming rates are kept until 2050 and 2100, the territory of the country with insufficient humidity will increase up to 56 and 71%, respectively. As a result of such changes, there is a high probability of medium and long-term prospects of increasing arable land with insufficient natural moisture supply up to 20.6 million hectares (67%) and up to 24.9 million hectares (80%) with a simultaneous decrease in arable land with sufficient natural moisture supply up to 5.5 - 1.8 million hectares. At present, the potential total evaporation is 40-45 km3/year higher than in 1990. As a result, despite the decrease in water consumption, the total amount of water consumption taken from the territory of Ukraine is 20-25 km3 higher. Further climate change will lead to an increase in the volume of additional water consumption till 2050 by 80 km3, and till 2100 - by almost 150 km3 compared to 1990. Modern climate change has significantly affected the cropping systems and their productivity at regional level. The average yield of grain and legumes in the Forest-Steppe and Polissya compared to 1990 increased by 46-61%, and in the Steppe it decreased by 10%. A similar trend is observed with regard to the changes in the productivity of other major cereals, except corn, the yield of which increased in all areas, but in the Forest-Steppe and Polissya by 71-82%, and in the Steppe - only by 9%. The general increase in the production of grain and legumes in the country for the last years was only due to more humid regions - Polissya and Forest-Steppe. Climate change, which has already taken place, proved to be favorable for the spread of the most economically profitable crops in the north of the country, while limiting their production in the south. Thus, in the face of climate change, the conditions of moisture supply in the territory of Ukraine are the main limiting factor that limits not only the level of crop productivity, but also the use of natural and anthropogenic potential of agriculture.
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Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an approach for transforming and reorienting agricultural systems to support food security under the new realities of climate change. Widespread changes in rainfall and temperature patterns threaten agricultural production and increase the vulnerability of people dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods, which includes most of the world's poor. Climate change disrupts food markets, posing population-wide risks to food supply. Threats can be reduced by increasing the adaptive capacity of farmers as well as increasing resilience and resource use efficiency in agricultural production systems. CSA promotes coordinated actions by farmers, researchers, private sector, civil society and policymakers towards climate-resilient pathways through four main action areas: (1) building evidence; (2) increasing local institutional effectiveness; (3) fostering coherence between climate and agricultural policies; and (4) linking climate and agricultural financing. CSA differs from 'business-as-usual' approaches by emphasizing the capacity to implement flexible, context-specific solutions, supported by innovative policy and financing actions.
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This paper introduces issues of agricultural drainage systems from the views of former, current, and future roles and the functioning of these systems in Central Europe. A methodologically disparate survey was done on 39 model locations in the Czech Republic with different intensities and states of land drainage systems, aimed at describing commonly occurring problems and possible adaptations of agricultural drainage as perceived by farmers, land owners, and landscape managers, or by protective water management. The survey was focused on the technical state of the systems, fragmentation of land ownership within drained areas, and on possible conflicts between agricultural and environmental interests in a landscape. Achieved results confirmed that there is obviously an increasing need to reassess some functions of prevailingly single-purpose agricultural drainage systems. Drainage intensity and the detected unfavourable technical state of drainage systems as well as the risks connected with the anticipated climate change from the view of possible water scarcity claim for a complex solution. An array of adaptation options for agricultural drainage systems is presented, aimed at enhancement of water retention time and improvement of water quality. It encompasses additional flow-controlling measures on tiles or ditches, or facilities for making selected parts of a drainage system inoperable in order to retain or slow down drainage runoff. However, it was revealed that the question of landowner parcels fragmentation on drained land would dramatically complicate the design and realization of these measures. Presented solutions and findings are propounded with respect to contemporary and future state policies and international strategies for sustainable agriculture, water management, and the environment
In modern conditions, there are cardinal climate changes on the Earth as at the planetary scale, as at the regional level. According to numerous hydrometeorological characteristics and indicators, climatologists specialists concluded that Ukraine also take place significant climatic changes in the last 10-25 years. In complicated natural-technical systems, which include irrigation and drainage systems (IDS) on drained lands, the selection of regime-technological and technical solutions on different levels of the decision including the time, should be based on the appropriate meteorological information for selecting climatologically optimal management strategies for such systems in the long-term and annual periods. The decisive influence on the formation of water and the overall natural reclamation modes of reclaimed land and harvest crops in many cases depends exactly from climate or weather conditions. Thus, it is necessary to have available data about their implementation to the relevant object as for number of previous years retrospective observations and the forecast period of functioning of the object. Therefore, forecasting of weather and climate conditions become an indispensable condition for implementation of assessing the overall effectiveness of IDS operation. To solve this problem we performed large-scale computer experiment for multi-year retrospective and current data observations in the area of Zhytomyr Polissya. Were planned and implemented the following variants of studies - «Base», «Transitional», «Recent», «CCCM», «UKMO». The forecast was done for five years of typical groups of vegetation periods regarding conditions of heat and moisture provision (very wet - 10%, wet - 30%, average - 50%, dry - 70%, very dry - 90%) on such basic meteorological characteristics: air temperature; precipitation; relative air humidity; deficit of air humidity; photosynthetically active radiation (PAR); coefficient of moisture provision (the ratio of precipitation to evapotranspiration). Obtained results of comparative assess-ment of climatic conditions in Zhytomyr Polissya zone, suggests that for most of the basic meteorological parameters, already there are changes that in the short term may exceed 10% of the critical ecological threshold, which will lead to relevant irreversible changes in the state of the environment in the region. 2019
The adaptation and mitigation potential of traditional agriculture in a changing climate
  • M A Altieri
  • C I Nicholls
Altieri M.A., Nicholls C.I. 2017. The adaptation and mitigation potential of traditional agriculture in a changing climate. Climatic Change, 140(1), 33-45.
Specific features of environmental risk management in environmental projects
  • N Frolenkova
  • A Rokochinskiy
  • Mazhayskiy Yu
  • L Volk
  • N Prykhodko
  • R Tykhenko
  • I Openko
Frolenkova N., Rokochinskiy A., Mazhayskiy Yu., Volk L., Prykhodko N., Tykhenko R., Openko I. 2022. Specific features of environmental risk management in environmental projects. Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 22(2), 325-334.
Ensuring ecological reliability of reclamation objects
  • B P Karuk
Karuk B.P. 1987. Ensuring ecological reliability of reclamation objects. Kyiv: «Harvest».
Evaluation of climate change in polissia region and ways of adaptation to it
  • P Kovalenko
  • A Rokochynskiy
  • J Jeznach
  • R Koptyuk
  • P Volk
  • N Prykhodko
  • R Tykhenko
Kovalenko, P., Rokochynskiy, A., Jeznach, J., Koptyuk, R., Volk, P., Prykhodko, N., Tykhenko, R. (2019). Evaluation of climate change in polissia region and ways of adaptation to it. Journal of Water and Land Development, 41(1), 72-82.