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Effect of Service Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction: Study at a Heavy Equipment Company in the City of Bandung



Researchers researched to determine the effect of service quality and price on customer satisfaction at one of the heavy equipment companies in the city of Bandung. Moreover, this research analyses the factor that has the most dominant influence on service quality and price on customer satisfaction at one of the heavy equipment companies in Bandung. As many as 57 consumers became the object of this study using a questionnaire. Based on research using path analysis, it can see that the variables of service quality and price at one of the heavy equipment companies in the city of Bandung are declared valid. Therefore, the conclusions and considerations related to the research results are paying attention to service quality and price to increase customer satisfaction. The results of the study show that Service Quality (X1) has a significant influence on Customer Satisfaction (Y). then Price (X2) significantly influences Customer Satisfaction (Y). To improve service quality, companies should pay more attention to service quality dimensions because a slight deficiency can satisfy consumers and impact consumer satisfaction. For example, if there are bad complaints, it will reduce consumer confidence in the product. Therefore, if a complaint occurs, the company must restore customer trust by evaluating the quality of service properly so that customers feel satisfied, one of which is by giving customer surveys when customers are and after using products/services so that customer feelings can be maintained. In terms of price, companies should evaluate more when setting prices for a product/service, such as considering market conditions and the number of competitors. Then, the company can package excellent and attractive price offers such as discounts or bonuses to customers to increase customer satisfaction.
Jurnal Computech & Bisnis, Vol. 16, No. 2, Desember 2022, 189-198
ISSN (print): 1978-9629, ISSN (online): 2442-4943
The Effect of Service Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction
(Study at a heavy equipment company in the city of Bandung)
Galih Kharisma Bulan1, Irena Larashati2
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi, Pasundan, Bandung, Indonesia1,2
Researchers researched to determine the effect of service quality and price on customer satisfaction at one
of the heavy equipment companies in the city of Bandung. Moreover, this research analyses the factor that
has the most dominant influence on service quality and price on customer satisfaction at one of the heavy
equipment companies in Bandung. As many as 57 consumers became the object of this study using a
Based on research using path analysis, it can see that the variables of service quality and price at one of
the heavy equipment companies in the city of Bandung are declared valid. Therefore, the conclusions and
considerations related to the research results are paying attention to service quality and price to increase
customer satisfaction.
The results of the study show that Service Quality (X1) has a significant influence on Customer Satisfaction
(Y). then Price (X2) significantly influences Customer Satisfaction (Y). To improve service quality,
companies should pay more attention to service quality dimensions because a slight deficiency can satisfy
consumers and impact consumer satisfaction. For example, if there are bad complaints, it will reduce
consumer confidence in the product. Therefore, if a complaint occurs, the company must restore customer
trust by evaluating the quality of service properly so that customers feel satisfied, one of which is by giving
customer surveys when customers are and after using products/services so that customer feelings can be
maintained. In terms of price, companies should evaluate more when setting prices for a product/service,
such as considering market conditions and the number of competitors. Then, the company can package
excellent and attractive price offers such as discounts or bonuses to customers to increase customer
Keywords : Service Quality, Price, Customer Satisfaction
Peneliti melakukan penelitian dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas pelayanan dan harga
terhadap kepuasan pelanggan Pada Salah Satu Perusahaan Alat Berat di Kota Bandung. Dan penelitian ini
untuk menganalisis faktor yang paling dominan pengaruhnya antara kualitas pelayanan dan harga terhadap
kepuasan pelanggan Pada Salah Satu Perusahaan Alat Berat di Kota Bandung, yang menjadi objek
penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 57 konsumen dengan menggunakan kuesioner.
Berdasarkan penelitian menggunakan analisis jalur, terlihat abhwa variabel kualitas pelayanan dan harga
di Pada Salah Satu Perusahaan Alat Berat di Kota Bandung dinyatakan valid. Adapun kesimpulan dan
pertimbangan sehubungan dengan hasil penelitian adalah memperhatikan kualitas pelayanan dan harga
guna meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Kualitas Pelayanan (X1) memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap
Kepuasan Pelanggan (Y). selanjutnya Harga (X2) memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap Kepuasan
Pelanggan (Y).
Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan sebaiknya perusahaan lebih memperhatikan lagi dari dimensi
kualitas pelayanan karena sedikit kekurangan dapat mengecewakan konsumen dan akan berdampak pada
ketidakpuasan konsumen. Jika terdapat keluhan yang buruk tentu sudah mengurangi kepercayaan
konsumen terhadap produk tersebut. Jika terjadi komplain maka perusahaan harus mengembalikan
kepercayaan pelanggan kembali yaitu dengan mengevaluasi kualitas pelayanan dengan baik sehingga
pelanggan merasakan puas, salah satunya dengan cara memberikan customer survey disaat pelanggan
sedang dan sesudah menggunakan produk/jasa agar perasaan pelanggan bisa terus terjaga. Dari segi harga
sebaikya perusahaan harus lebih mengevaluasi ketika akan menetapkan harga terhadap sebuah produk/jasa,
seperti mempertimbangkan kondisi pasar dan banyaknya kompetitor. Apabila memungkinkan perusahaan
bisa mengkemas penawaran harga yang baik dan menarik seperti adanya diskon atau bonus kepada
pelanggan sehingga kepuasan pelanggan akan meningkat.
Kata kunci : Kualitas Pelayanan, Harga, Kepuasan Pelanggan
The Effect of Service Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction
(Study at a heavy equipment company in the city of Bandung)
Developments in the business world today are
increasingly stringent. This increasingly fierce
competition requires business people to be able
to maximize the performance of their companies
in order to compete in the market. Companies
must be able to be creative and innovate to
survive, and most importantly, the company
continues to strive to learn and understand the
needs of its customers. Understanding a need,
wants, and demands of customers will provide
important input for companies to design
marketing strategies in order to create
satisfaction for their customers (Aditia, Komara,
Roslina, & Jatmika, 2021). Companies must
place an orientation on customer satisfaction as
the primary goal. The main key for companies to
win the competition is to provide value and
satisfaction to customers by delivering quality
products and services at competitive prices.
Customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction is part of
the customer experience of a product or service.
Based on experience from buying a
product/service, customers tend to build specific
values. This value will impact customers'
comparisons with competitors from products or
services from the previous purchase process
(Alzoubi & Inairat, 2020). For example, suppose
a company provides good-quality products or
services. In that case, it should meet customer
expectations and motivate customers to buy these
products, ultimately increasing sales to the
According to Aswati, Komara, Satria, & Roslina
(2022), service quality is a product offering
dimension that generates customer benefits. The
role of service quality directly or indirectly will
affect sales. Service quality is a beneficial
starting point for increasing sales, so good
service quality can create consumers who are
satisfied with the company's services so that
consumers are interested and want to buy
products. In addition to service quality, pricing
decisions are the company's selection of the
general price level that applies to certain services
relative to competitors' price levels. The role of
price directly affects customer satisfaction. Price
has a significant influence on consumers' buying.
The product price factor has always been an
essential factor in the context of every
customer/consumer purchasing process.
Based on the Customer Satisfaction pre-survey
results, it produces an average score of 3.18. On
the other hand, the dimensions of the complaint
handling system and consumer suggestions have
the lowest average value, with an average score
of 2.9. These results indicate that the system for
handling consumer complaints and suggestions
cannot increase customer satisfaction.
Customer satisfaction is the goal of every
company. This satisfaction assesses the level of
consumer pleasure related to meeting consumer
needs. Once, the importance of customer
satisfaction for a company because it is a factor
that has a positive impact on the sustainability of
a company, and Fernandes (2018) strengthens the
theory, which states that price and service quality
has a significant effect on customer satisfaction.
Based on the results of the pre-survey price, the
overall average score is 3.10. So, where the
dimension of affordability has the lowest average
value of 2.8, these results indicate that price
affordability cannot increase customer
satisfaction. Then the next lowest dimension is
The Effect of Service Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction
(Study at a heavy equipment company in the city of Bandung)
price competitiveness, with an average score of
2.95. So it shows that price competitiveness also
cannot increase customer satisfaction.
Price is a factor that determines the success of a
business because price is an essential
determinant of customer satisfaction. The price
offered by the Hotel Bilique company still needs
to be by the facilities obtained. Price, seen from
the consumer's point of view, is often used as an
indicator of value. Consumers also have high
perceptions and expectations if the product
applies a high price. Price is a psychological
element that plays an essential role in consumer
response to products (Fida, Ahmed, Al-Balushi,
& Singh20, 20). Therefore, price is one factor
that influences consumer satisfaction after
buying a service or product. Based on research
conducted by Huang, Lee, & Chen (2019), price
significantly affects customer satisfaction. So,
the more competitive the price, the more likely
there will be an increase in customer satisfaction.
Based on the results of the pre-survey of service
quality, the overall average score is 3.35. The
reliability dimension has the lowest average
value, with an average value of 3.15, and the
dimension of physical evidence has the highest
average value of 3.6.
Companies also need to pay attention to quality
variables in providing convenience to
consumers. Companies need to pay attention to
service quality attractively and adequately to
influence consumers because service quality also
makes it easier for consumers to see consumer
satisfaction. In line with the opinion of Janahi &
Al Mubarak (2017), service quality is the
expectation of the level of excellence and control
over this advantage to meet consumer needs.
Based on the problem's background, the research
problem's formulation is how significant service
quality and price influence customer satisfaction.
At the same time, this study aimed to determine
the magnitude of the influence of service quality
and price on customer satisfaction.
The type of research in this study is a survey. In
survey research, information gathering responses
from respondents using a questionnaire. Survey
research is data collection using a
questionnaire/interview instrument to obtain
responses from respondents. The method used is
quantitative, with the type of causality
associative relationship, namely research to
reveal causal problems between two or more
To test the research hypothesis, the number of
samples in this study was 57 respondents from
the number of consumers who had made orders
and made transactions at one of the heavy
equipment companies in Bandung.
The independent variables (X) in this study are:
a) Service Quality
The definition of service quality is an effort to
fulfill the needs and desires of consumers and the
accuracy of their delivery to offset consumer
expectations (Kartikasari, & Albari, 2019). So
that quality is a dynamic condition associated
with products, services, people, processes, and
the environment that meets or exceeds
expectations (Kartikasari, & Albari, 2019). So
that quality is a dynamic condition associated
with products, services, people, processes, and
the environment that meets or exceeds
expectations (Kartikasari, & Albari, 2019).
The Effect of Service Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction
(Study at a heavy equipment company in the city of Bandung)
Indicators of service quality according to
Megawati (2021).:
• Reliability
• Responsiveness
• Guarantee and Assurance
• Empathy
• Physical Evidence
b) Price
Price is an exchange of monetary units or other
measures (including other goods and services) to
obtain ownership rights or use of an item or
service (Rohiman, Riadi, Adinata, & Suherman,
Price indicators, according to Stanton (Özkan,
Süer, Keser, & Kocakoç, (2020).
• Price Affordability
• Appropriate price with product quality
• Price competitiveness
• Price compatibility with benefits
The dependent variable (Y) in this study is
customer satisfaction. According to Pratama,
Heryanto, Dwiyanisa, & Megawati(2021), the
definition of customer satisfaction is a person's
level of satisfaction after comparing
(performance or results) that felt compared to his
expectations. According to Prentice, Dominique
Lopes, & Wang (2020), attribute indicators of
customer satisfaction consist of the following:
• System for handling consumer complaints and
• Company reputation survey system
• Consumer analysis system
Test the data quality using validity and reliability
tests on questionnaires filled out by respondents.
In this research, verification analysis intends to
determine the research results related to service
quality and price on customer satisfaction. The
analytical method used by the author is path
analysis, correlation coefficient, multiple linear
regression, and the coefficient of determination.
The characteristics of the respondents are
presented in table 1. below:
Table 1.
From the results of processing the data in table 1.
that out of 57 respondents, 40 were male, and 17
were female. Men make up the majority in this
study with a percentage of 70%, and women are
lower with a percentage of 30%. Meanwhile,
from the results of data processing regarding age,
out of 57 respondents, there were three
respondents (5%) aged 20-25 years, 23
respondents (40%) aged 26-30 years, 26
respondents (46%) aged 31-35 years, and five
respondents (9%) aged > 35 years.
The Effect of Service Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction
(Study at a heavy equipment company in the city of Bandung)
Table 2. Validity Test and Reliability Test
Cronbach Alpha
Table 2 shows that the service quality variable
consists of 19 statement items, price consists of
15 statement items, and customer satisfaction
consists of 11 statement items with a correlation
value above 0.300 (valid). For the reliability test,
the Cronbach alpha value is above 0.700 (valid).
Based on the calculation results, the variable
(X1) is a path coefficient of 0.220, and the
variable (X2) has a path coefficient of 0.612. As
shown in Figure 1 below
Figure 1. Path analysis results
So, the direct effect of service quality on
customer satisfaction is 0.0484 or 4.84%. So the
direct effect of price on customer satisfaction is
0.375 or 37.5%. So service quality's direct and
indirect effect on customer satisfaction is 0.0152
or 1.52%. So, the indirect effect of price on
customer satisfaction is 0.0152 or 1.52%. So, the
quality of service and price on customer
satisfaction is 45.3%.
Based on the theory, service quality is an effort
to fulfill consumer needs and desires and the
accuracy of delivery in balancing consumer
expectations (Yanelka, Heryanto, Dwiyanisa, &
Megawati, 2022). Therefore, good service
quality is an essential factor in the success of a
business. Research conducted by Zhong, &
Moon, (2020). states that service quality
significantly influences customer satisfaction.
Thus, a company is required to maximize the
quality of its services in order to be able to create
customer satisfaction.Based on research on
service quality variables, most customers at a
heavy equipment company in Bandung City
The Effect of Service Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction
(Study at a heavy equipment company in the city of Bandung)
agreed that the service quality variable on
customer satisfaction examined in this study was
quite good. This can be seen from the answers to
as many as 19 statements representing service
quality variables that describe good or bad
service quality. All of these statements are the
results of the elaboration of 5 (five) indicators
raised by researchers in this study. These
indicators include reliability, responsiveness,
assurance and certainty, empathy, and tangibles.
The results of previous data processing indicate
that Ha1 is acceptable. Namely, service quality
has a positive and significant effect on customer
satisfaction. Based on the acquisition of a t count
of 2.174 > t table of 1.673 with a significance
level of 0.000 <0.05 and a positive regression
coefficient of 0.220, the service quality variable
significantly affects customer satisfaction
Based on the results of path analysis, it is known
that service quality (X1) has a positive, although
low, effect on the customer satisfaction variable
This is also by Huang, Lee, & Chen research
(2019) titled " The influence of service quality on
customer satisfaction and loyalty in B2B
technology service industry." which states that
there is a positive influence of service quality on
customer satisfaction.
Based on the theory, according to Wantara &
Tambrin (2019), the price is money plus some
goods and their services. Price is often used as an
indicator of value when the price is associated
with the benefits of a good or service. Pasharibu,
, Paramita & Febrianto, (2018), argues that if the
company sets prices, not on the product's
benefits, it will reduce customer satisfaction, and
vice versa. On the other hand, if the company sets
prices according to the benefits received, it will
increase customer satisfaction.
Based on research on price variables, most
customers agree that the price variable on
customer satisfaction in this study is quite good.
This can be seen from the answers to as many as
15 statements representing the price variable
which describes the good or bad prices. All of
these statements are the results of the elaboration
of 4 (four) indicators raised by researchers in this
study. These indicators include price
affordability, compatibility with products, price
competitiveness, and compatibility with benefits.
The data processing results show that Ha2 is
acceptable. Namely, the price has a positive and
significant effect on customer satisfaction. Based
on the acquisition of a t count of 6.046 > t table
of 1.673 with a significance level of 0.000 <0.05
and a positive regression coefficient of 0.612, it
can be concluded that the price variable has a
significant effect on customer satisfaction.
Based on the results of the path analysis, it is
known that the price (X2) on the customer
satisfaction variable (Y) is 39%, and the effect is
moderate so that the price variable (X2) has a
more dominant effect on the Y variable than the
service quality variable (X1).
This is also by Mensah research (2018). entitled
" Effects of service quality and customer
satisfaction on repurchase intention in restaurants
on University of Cape Coast campus" which
states that price is proven to affect the level of
customer satisfaction.
Based on the theory, according to Phuong, & Dai
Trang research (2018). customer satisfaction is a
person's level of satisfaction after comparing
The Effect of Service Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction
(Study at a heavy equipment company in the city of Bandung)
(performance or results) that is felt compared to
his expectations.
Based on research on customer satisfaction
variables, which consist of 11 statements
representing customer satisfaction variables that
describe good or bad customer satisfaction at a
heavy equipment company in Bandung. These
statements are the results of elaborating 3 (three)
indicators in this study. These indicators include
a system for handling consumer complaints and
suggestions, a company reputation survey
system, and a consumer analytics system.
Based on the results of the simultaneous
significance test (Test F), which aims to
determine how much influence the independent
variables jointly have on the dependent variable.
The test results obtained a calculated F of 22.405,
more significant than the F in table 3.16.
Therefore, it can be concluded that service
quality and price positively affect customer
satisfaction. The significance level of 0.000 is
less than α (0.05), then H03 is rejected, and Ha3
is accepted; namely, the independent variables
(service quality and price) have a significant
effect simultaneously or together on the
dependent variable (customer satisfaction).
From the path analysis, it can be seen that the
price variable is the variable that has the most
significant influence on customer satisfaction,
namely 0.612, which means that if the company
increases the price of one unit, customer
satisfaction will increase by 0.612. The results of
this study indicate that if there is a change in the
independent variables, namely service quality,
and price, there will also be a change in customer
satisfaction. This is shown by the results of the R
Square analysis of 0.453, which means service
quality and price influence customer satisfaction,
namely as much as 45.3%. In comparison, the
remaining 54.7% is accounted for by other
variables not examined in this study.
The results of this study support Yulisetiarini, &
Prahasta research (2019) with the title " The
effect of price, service quality, customer value,
and brand image on customers satisfaction of
telkomsel cellular operators in east Java
Indonesia" which states that all independent
variables, namely service quality and price
together have a significant effect on the
dependent variable is consumer satisfaction.
Based on the research results, service quality and
price affect customer satisfaction. So it can be
concluded that service quality and price
positively affect customer satisfaction. However,
based on research, it is known that other variables
need to be discovered in this study, such as
promotion, brand image, product quality, and
other factors that have the potential to impact
customer satisfaction.
Based on data analysis, two indications can
increase customer satisfaction: providing
feedback to provide customer satisfaction.
Moreover, the company further increases its
responsiveness to customer complaints. This can
be overcome by increasing human resources to
handle consumer complaints and suggestion
handling systems, such as finding people who are
experienced/skilled in the field of customer
service so that all complaints and suggestions
from customers are resolved, and customers
provide good feedback.
The Effect of Service Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction
(Study at a heavy equipment company in the city of Bandung)
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The Effect of Service Quality and Price on Customer Satisfaction
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Customer satisfaction is one of the critical aspects of achieving service goals in marketing. This study aims to determine service quality and location on customer satisfaction. Researchers surveyed one of the private banks in Bandung with several respondents as many as 100 customers. The researchers used path analysis techniques to determine the magnitude of the influence of service quality and location on customer satisfaction. The study results indicate that there is a significant effect of service quality and location on customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the study results indicate that to increase the satisfaction of existing customers; it should continue to be improved so that there is no decline by paying attention to service and other aspects such as location, so this can achieve.
Full-text available
This study aims to determine the effect of price and promotion on customer satisfaction. The research object is customers who use the company's services at one of the event organizer service providers in Bandung City, with 45 customers as respondents. The authors use descriptive analysis techniques and verification analysis to determine the magnitude of the influence of price and promotion on customer satisfaction. The study results indicate that there is a significant effect of price and promotion on customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the study results indicate that to increase customer satisfaction; the company should provide more detailed information to customers so that it is easy to understand. The company must also evaluate the existing bureaucracy to avoid confusing customers too much.
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The fast-food service industry has been growing rapidly across China over the last few decades. In accordance with the rising consumption level in the country, Chinese customers care increasingly about their food choices. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that can influence customer satisfaction, loyalty, and happiness, with a particular focus on the moderating role of gender. Data were collected through an online survey completed by customers who visited Western fast-food restaurants (KFC, McDonalds, etc.) in China. The structural equation model was applied to test 12 hypotheses. Results showed that perceived price, food, service, and physical environment quality positively affected customer satisfaction. Perceived price can significantly influence customers’ judgement of the quality dimensions of a restaurant. Moreover, customer satisfaction and happiness can lead to a sense of loyalty. Happiness functions as a mediator between satisfaction and loyalty. Nonetheless, our findings indicated that customers’ perceptions of food quality based on price and satisfaction levels based on service quality differ significantly between the genders, which demonstrated that gender moderation exists in food consumption. This study will contribute to a better understanding of managerial and theoretical perspectives, which will be beneficial for subsequent research.
The study discusses artificial intelligence (AI)-powered applications as a commercial service with a focus on the hotel industry. This research is approached from the customers' perspective and examines how AI and employee service quality influence customer satisfaction and loyalty. The study was conducted in multiple hotels in Portugal and focused on departure guests who had experienced both AI and employee services associated with the surveyed hotels. The results show that both AI and employee service quality explain significant variances in overall service quality assessment as well as customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, only certain service quality dimensions made unique variances in the outcomes of interest. When regressing both AI and employee service quality in the same equation, AI becomes negative and insignificant. This study contributes to the AI and customer loyalty research. The findings of this study have financial implications for hotels and provide insights into optimal resource allocation. 这项研究讨论了人工智能(AI)作为一项商业服务的应用,重点是 酒店业. 本研究从顾客的角度出发,探讨人工智能与员工服务品质 对顾客满意度与忠诚度的影响. 这项研究是在葡萄牙的多家酒店进 行的,研究对象是那些同时体验过人工智能和与被调查酒店相关的 员工服务的离境客人. 结果表明,人工智能和员工服务质量在总体 服务质量评价、顾客满意度和忠诚度上均具有显著差异. 然而,只 有某些服务质量维度在感兴趣的结果中产生了独特的差异. 当人工 智能和员工服务质量在同一方程中回归时,人工智能变为负且不显 著. 本研究有助于人工智能和顾客忠诚的研究. 这项研究的发现对酒 店业具有财务意义,并为优化资源配置提供了见解.
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of price, service quality, customer value, and brand image on customer satisfaction. The sampling method uses purposive sampling. The sample of this study amounted to 200 respondents. The analysis method used multiple linear regression with SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution). The results of this study price have a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction. By with the benefits obtained by customers. Service quality has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Quality of service provided can to meet the needs and desires of consumers as well as customer complaints, criticism, suggestions, or just asking for help responded quickly with a solution by the customer care. Customer value has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Benefits received can increase consumer trust. Consumers will be satisfied with the services provided. Brand image has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. The image of the Telkomsel cellular operator brand can be said to be good, well-known, easy to remember, and able to create consumer interest in the products offered.
  • A Aditia
  • A T Komara
  • N Y Roslina
  • L Jatmika
Aditia, A., Komara, A. T., Roslina, N. Y., & Jatmika, L.. (2021). Pengaruh Kualitas Branding Research, 5(2), 78.
The Effect of price and product quality towards customer satisfaction and customer loyalty on madura batik
  • P Wantara
  • M Tambrin
Wantara, P., & Tambrin, M. (2019). The Effect of price and product quality towards customer satisfaction and customer loyalty on madura batik. International Tourism and Hospitality Journal, 2(1), 1-9.
Riset Data Materiil Pertahanan Pesawat T-50 Di
  • E N Arasy
  • M Satar
Arasy, E. N., & Satar, M. (2016). Riset Data Materiil Pertahanan Pesawat T-50 Di