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ケブカアリヤドリバチ(ハチ目,ヒメバチ科,アリヤドリバチ亜科)の九州からの初記録と若干の生態観察 [A new record of Hybrizon ghilarovi Tobias, 1988 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Hybrizontinae), with some biological observations from Kyushu, Japan]



Hybrizon ghilarovi Tobias, 1988 is recorded from Kyushu (Fukuoka Prefecture) for the first time. In addition, some parts of the host-seeking behavior of this species was observed.
昆蟲(ニューシリーズ), 26(2): 132133, 2023
〈新記録ノート Note on New Record
[A new record of Hybrizon ghilarovi Tobias, 1988 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Hybrizontinae), with some
biological observations from Kyushu, Japan]
久末遊(一財)自然環境研究センター,〒130–8606 東京都墨田区江東橋 3–3–7
[Yu Hisasue; Japan Wildlife Research Center, 3–3–7 Kotobashi, Sumida-ku, Tokyo, 130–8606, Japan]
種: Hybrizon ghilarovi Tobias, 1988Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Hybrizontinae)[ ケブカアリヤドリバチ
本: 1♂,1♀( 1(乾燥標本)Specimens examined: 1, 1♀( Fig. 1)( dried)]
採集地 福岡県大野城市牛頸(1♂: 33.4825°,東経 130.4826°; 1♀: 33.4792°,東経 130.4830°
Ushikubi, Onojo, Fukuoka1: 33.4825 °N, 130.4826°E; 1: 33.4792 °N, 130.4830°E)]
採集日 2018 624 日[ Collection date: 24. vi. 2018
採集者 久末遊Collector: Y. Hisasue
保管先 九州大学農学部昆虫学教室Depository: Entomological Laboratory Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu
同定 久末遊Identification: by Y. Hisasue
これまでの分布 日本(北海道,本州)ブルガリア,中国,ロシア,韓国[Former distribution records:
JapanHokkaido, Honshu), Bulgaria, China, Russia, South Korea
備考 本種はロシアの個体記載されたTobias, 1988,旧北区東洋区から分布確認されて
いるvan Archterberg, 1999; Konishi et al., 2012; van Archterberg et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2019.日本では2012
北海道からめて記録されKonishi et al., 2012), その本州東京都(小西2014長野県
(丸山2013から確認されているのみであった.本種寄主はトビイロケアリ Lasius japonicus Santschi,
1941 えられ,長野県においてトビイロケアリの巣周辺をホバリングする様子撮影されている(丸山
Fig. 1. Lateral habitus of Hybrizon ghilarovi Tobias, 1988 from Fukuoka Prefecture.
ケブカアリヤドリバチの九州からの記録 133
したほかホバリングを20–40 秒間続けた後,10–20 秒間巣口付近着地休憩する様子確認された
であるまた,東洋区から唯一記録されている中国湖南省ではケアリL. fuliginosus種群一種とと
もにられておりAchterberg et al., 2013,本種生活史についてはなる観察必要である
謝辞 本稿校閲していただいた小西和彦博士(愛媛大学ミュージアム御礼申げる
Konishi K, Choi M-B, Lee J-W (2012) Review of the East Asian species of the genera Hybrizon Fallén and
Ghilaromma Tobias (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Hybrizontinae). Entomological Research, 42(1):
小西和彦松本吏樹郎芳田琢磨渡辺恭平(2014)皇居II 期生物相調査採集されたヒ
485–497. [Konishi K, Matsumoto R, Yoshida T, Watanabe K (2014) Ichneumonidae and Trigonalidae
(Hymenoptera) collected by faunal survey of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo. Memoirs of the National
Museum of Nature and Science, (50): 485–497.]
Liu J-X, van Achterberg C, Zheng B-Y, Yang Q-M (2019) Hybrizon Fallén (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae,
Hybrizontinae) in China. Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 72: 11–26.
丸山宗利小松 貴工藤誠也島田 拓木野村恭一(2013アリのきもの図鑑.東海
大学出版会Maruyama M, Komatsu T, Kudo T, Shimada T, Kinomura K (2013) The guests of
Japanese ants. Tokai University Press.]
Tobias VI (1988) The family Paxylommatidae (Hymenoptera) in the fauna of the USSR. Trudy Vsesoyuznogo
Entomologicheskogo Obshchestva, 70: 131–143. [In Russian]
van Achterberg C (1999) The West Palaearctic species of the subfamily Paxylommatinae (Hymenoptera:
Ichneumonidae), with special reference to the genus Hybrizon Fallén. Zoologische Mededelingen,
Leiden, 73(2): 11–26.
van Achterberg C, You L-S, Li X-Y (2013) Hybrizon Fallén (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Hybrizoninae)
found in Hunan (China). Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 30: 65–74.
2023 315 日受領,2023326 日受理)
(Received March 15, 2023; Accepted March 26, 2023)
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Full-text available
The species of the genus Hybrizon Fallén (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Hybrizontinae) from China are reviewed, with special reference to Shandong (North China). Two new species ( Hybrizon heisp. nov. and H. xuisp. nov. ) are described and illustrated. A key to the East Palaearctic species of Hybrizon is included.
Full-text available
The species of the genus Hybrizon Fallen (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Hybrizoninae) from China are reviewed, with special reference to Hunan (South China). The genus Hybrizon and two species (H. flavofacialis Tobias, 1988, and H. ghilarovi Tobias, 1988) are reported for the first time from the Oriental region. The species known from the Palaearctic and Oriental regions are keyed.
Full-text available
Achterberg, C. van. The West Palaearctic species of the subfamily Paxylommatinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), with special reference to the genus Hybrizon Fallén. Zool. Med. Leiden 73 (2), 30.iv.1999: 11-26, figs 1-42.— ISSN 0024-0672. C. van Achterberg, Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Afdeling Entomologie (Hymenoptera), Post-bus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands (e-mail: The West Palaearctic species of the subfamily Paxylommatinae are reviewed and the species of the genus Hybrizon Fallén, 1813, from the Palaearctic region are keyed. Hybrizon juncoi (Ceballos, 1957) is recognized as a valid species, a neotype is designated for Hybrizon latebricola Nees, 1834, and a lecto-type is designated for Plancus apicalis Curtis, 1833. Paxylomma grandis Rudow, 1883, Ogkosoma schwarzi Haupt, 1913, and Eurypterna arakawae Matsumura, 1918, are new junior synonyms of Eurypterna cremieri (de Romand, 1838).
The guests of Japanese ants
  • M Maruyama
  • T Komatsu
  • T Kudo
  • T Shimada
  • K Kinomura
Maruyama M, Komatsu T, Kudo T, Shimada T, Kinomura K (2013) The guests of Japanese ants. Tokai University Press
The family Paxylommatidae (Hymenoptera) in the fauna of the USSR
  • V I Tobias
Tobias VI (1988) The family Paxylommatidae (Hymenoptera) in the fauna of the USSR. Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Entomologicheskogo Obshchestva, 70: 131-143. [In Russian]