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Task-oriented and Semantics-aware
Communication Framework for
Augmented Reality
Zhe Wang, Yansha Deng, and A. Hamid Aghvami
Upon the advent of the emerging metaverse and its related applications in Augmented Reality
(AR), the current bit-oriented network struggles to support real-time changes for the vast amount of
associated information, hindering its development. Thus, a critical revolution in the Sixth Generation
(6G) networks is envisioned through the joint exploitation of information context and its importance to
the task, leading to a communication paradigm shift towards semantic and effectiveness levels. However,
current research has not yet proposed any explicit and systematic communication framework for AR
applications that incorporate these two levels. To fill this research gap, this paper presents a task-
oriented and semantics-aware communication framework for augmented reality (TSAR) to enhance
communication efficiency and effectiveness in 6G. Specifically, we first analyse the traditional wireless
AR point cloud communication framework and then summarize our proposed semantic information along
with the end-to-end wireless communication. We then detail the design blocks of the TSAR framework,
covering both semantic and effectiveness levels. Finally, numerous experiments have been conducted
to demonstrate that, compared to the traditional point cloud communication framework, our proposed
TSAR significantly reduces wireless AR application transmission latency by 95.6%, while improving
communication effectiveness in geometry and color aspects by up to 82.4% and 20.4%, respectively.
Index Terms
Metaverse, augmented reality, semantic communication, end-to-end communication.
Z. Wang, Y. Deng, and A. Hamid Aghvami (Emeritus Professor) are with the Department of Engineering, King’s College
London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS, U.K. (e-mail: tylor.wang@kcl.ac.uk; yansha.deng@kcl.ac.uk; hamid.aghvami@kcl.ac.uk)
(Corresponding author: Yansha Deng).
arXiv:2306.15470v1 [cs.IT] 27 Jun 2023
The metaverse, as an expansion of the digital universe, has the potential to significantly
influence people’s lives, affecting their entertainment experiences and social behaviors. Spe-
cific applications such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and other immersive
technologies within the metaverse have demonstrated remarkable potential in various areas,
including virtual conferences, online education, and real-time interactive games, capturing the
attention of both industry and academia [1]. These applications, also referred as eXtended Reality
(XR), need to process rich and complex data, such as animated avatars, point cloud, and model
mesh, to create immersive experiences for clients [2]. However, the extensive transmission of
information and high bandwidth requirements within the XR pose significant challenges for its
wider applications, particularly in avatar-related applications that necessitate real-time client
communication and interaction. The existing communication networks fails to achieve such
high bandwidth requirement and thus can not adequately support XR applications, necessitating
the development of 6G technology to enhance its applications for further advancement [3, 4].
Specifically, to ensure a good Quality of Experience (QoE) in AR applications, a transmission
latency of less than 20 ms is required, which is 20 times less than the transmission latency
tolerated in video communication applications [5]. Due to the nature of numerous sensing data
in AR applications, more packets need to be transmitted in such a short time, which consequently
increases the demand for bandwidth. This growing concern about the transmission latency and
bandwidth in AR application services highlights the need for further research in communication
technology to ensure a real-time immersive experiences for clients in AR-related applications.
To address the high bandwidth requirements diploma in wireless communication in AR appli-
cations, the concept of semantic communication has been proposed [6]. This approach aims to
facilitate communication at the semantic level by exploring only the content of traditional text
and speech data or the information freshness. Initial research on semantic communication for
text [7], speech [8], and image data [9] mainly focused on identifying the semantic content of
traditional data. Other semantic communication research on sensor and control data emphasize
on using information freshness, such as Age of Information (AoI) [10], as a semantic metric
to estimate timeliness and evaluate the importance of the information. Note that these AoI-
related semantic communication is unable to adequately capture the importance of specific
information with inherent importance in the emerging AR dataset. This underscores the need
to develop new strategies and techniques that effectively incorporate semantic communication
in AR, considering not only information timeliness but also the relevance and sufficiency of
the data content for a given application. In [11], a generic task-oriented and semantics-aware
communication framework taking into account the designs at the semantic and effectiveness
levels is envisioned for various tasks with diverse data types. However, an explicit and concrete
task-oriented and semantics-aware communication framework has not been designed for AR
application so far.
Current XR-related application research typically requires users to utilize Head-Mounted
Displays (HMD) [12]. These applications generally focus on avatar-centric services, where the
use of avatar animation in replacement of real human figures can decrease HMD computing
requirements, reduce transmission data, and protect user privacy [13]. This avatar representation
method has been implemented in social media platforms, such as TikTok and Instagram, where
avatar characters is used for augmented reality video effects. Interestingly, using avatars instead of
human has shown no significant differences in social behavior transmission and can even attract
users to complete tasks more quickly in gaming situations [14]. For instance, fitness coaches
can employ virtual avatars for AR conferencing to guide training. Games, like Pok´
emon Go, use
avatars in mixed reality to encourage gamer interaction [15]. Avatar-based communication has
been considered in [16], where the point cloud of avatars, structures, and models are transmitted
between transmitter and receiver. Task-related effectiveness level performance metrics, including
point-to-point [17], peak signal-to-noise ratio for the luminance component [18], mean per joint
position error [19] have been considered to assess the telepresence task [20], point cloud video
displaying task [21], and avatar pose recovery task [22], respectively. However, these AR-related
applications have not fully addressed the issue of the effectiveness of avatar transmission, and
bandwidth requirements for such applications still remain high. Users continue to experience
suboptimal and lagging AR experiences in areas with moderate signal strength, indicating that
the current AR communication framework has limitations, particularly in identifying a better
avatar representation method for more effective communication, which need to be addressed.
Several studies have recently begun to explore the representation of avatars in wired com-
munication. Different data types have been designed to represent avatars, which results in
diverse avatar reconstruction required at the client side and limited transmission effectiveness
evaluation capabilities for AR. For instance, skeleton elements have been proposed as a means
to represent avatars, where motion capture devices are used to record skeletal positions. The
recorded avatar movements are then replayed in wired Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs), and
the differences in skeleton position between transmitter and receiver are measured to evaluate
wired AR communication [23]. However, how to best extract semantic information that reflects
the importance and context of information related to the avatar-centric display task is still unclear
in a wireless communication AR application. The presence of redundant messaging can lead to
an increase in transmission packets, resulting in decreased efficiency of wireless communication
and ultimately impacting the user’s viewing experience.
Inspired by the 3D keypoints extraction method presented in [24], we propose a task-oriented
and semantics-aware communication framework in AR (TSAR) for avatar-centric end-to-end AR
communication. In contrast to traditional point cloud AR communication frameworks that rely
solely on point cloud input, our proposed TSAR extracts and transmits only essential semantic
information. To the best of our knowledge, our contributions can be summarized as follows:
1) We propose a task-oriented and semantics-aware communication framework in augmented
reality (TSAR) for interactive avatar-centric displaying applications, which includes seman-
tic information extraction, task-oriented semantics-aware wireless communication, avatar
pose recovery and rendering. By integrating semantic level and effectiveness level com-
pression of raw data in AR applications, TSAR significantly enhances the efficiency and
effectiveness of wireless communication compared to the traditional point cloud frame-
2) We apply an avatar-based semantic ranking (AbSR) algorithm to abstract features from
the avatar skeleton graph using shared base knowledge and measure the importance of
different semantic information. By utilizing Channel State Information (CSI) feedback,
the AbSR can improve the avatar transmission quality in the wireless AR communication.
3) We have conducted a series of experiments comparing our proposed TSAR framework
with the traditional point cloud communication framework. Our results indicate that our
proposed TSAR framework outperforms the traditional point cloud communication frame-
work in terms of color quality, geometry quality, and transmission latency for avatar-centric
displaying task, with improvements of up to 20.4%, 82.4% and 95.6% respectively.
Fig. 1: Traditional point cloud communication framework
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In section II, we present the system model and
problem formation, covering both the traditional point cloud and the TSAR frameworks. Section
III details the design principles for semantic level. Section IV details the design principles for
effectiveness level. Section V demonstrates the avatar movement and experimental performance
evaluation. Finally, Section VI concludes this paper.
In this section, we first describe the existing traditional point cloud communication framework
for AR applications. Then, we present our wireless communication channel model implemented
in both the point cloud communication framework and the TSAR. We further introduce our
proposed TSAR in detail, which considers not only the bit-level but also the semantic and
effectiveness levels. Finally, we present the problem formation and the objective function.
A. Traditional Point Cloud Communication Framework
As shown in Fig. 1, the procedures for traditional point cloud communication in AR applica-
tions typically consist of point cloud collection, downsampling, upsampling, and rendering.
1) Point Cloud Collection: We focus on interactive avatar-centric displaying and gaming AR
applications, which are promising applications in the metaverse [13]. These AR applications
require transmitting avatar animations and other stationary background models to the client side
for displaying on an HMD in the area with dimensions length L, height H, and width W.
To guarantee a smooth viewing experience of the AR scenery at the client side, high-resolution
point cloud of both the moving avatar and stationary background models need to be captured and
transmitted to the client side. Current Unity3D platform have numerous plugins for generating
sensor data in real time, such as FM POINTS, which is a comprehensive point cloud visualization
plugin that can transform the whole AR scenery or any 3D models into real-time point cloud.
The information for each point
vican be represented as
vi“ p
ciq“plx, ly, lz, cr, cg, cbq,(1)
where the
cirepresent the three-dimensional location and RGB color of point, respectively.
The generated point cloud Ppc of the whole AR scenery consist of thousands of points vi, which
can be represented as
Ppc “ r
v2,¨ ¨ ¨ ,
vNpc sT,(2)
where Npc denotes the total number of generated point cloud of AR scenery. Typically, each 3D
object needs to be represented by over 1,500 thousand point cloud in each frame to achieve a
satisfactory viewing experience for clients [25].
2) Point Cloud Downsampling and Upsampling: In the traditional point cloud wireless com-
munication framework, the transmission of a large number of point cloud can lead to data
congestion at the wireless channel, causing intolerable delays and thus hinders AR application
development [26]. To minimize transmission delays, current research explores the use of compres-
sion algorithms in point cloud transmission [27]. By introducing an downsample algorithm at the
transmitter and an upsample algorithm at the receiver, the transmission latency can be reduced
through transmitting only the compressed point cloud. The farthest point sampling algorithm
[28] is ultilized as the downsample method, which enables the selection of representative points
from the original point cloud while maintaining the overall features of the 3D objects. This
algorithm reduces the number of points to be transmitted, thus improving the efficiency of the
communication system. The process of farthest point downsampling Dp¨q, can be expressed as
Pdpc “ r
v2,¨ ¨ ¨ ,
where Pdpc represents the downsampled point cloud data awaiting transmission, and Ndis
the total number of downsampled point cloud data. Then, the client’s view experience can
be enhanced by employing an upsampling algorithm for high-resolution point cloud recovery.
Due to the instability of the wireless channel, the receiver faces the challenge of converting
a sparse, irregular, and non-uniform point cloud into a dense, complete, and uniform one. To
address this challenging issue [29], the linear interpolation algorithm [30] is introduced for the
point cloud upsampling process. This algorithm involves estimating the positions of the missing
points based on the positions of their neighbors, effectively generating a denser point cloud
that closely resembles the original point cloud structure. The point cloud upsampling process,
denoted as Up¨q, can be expressed as
Pupc “ r
v2,¨ ¨ ¨ ,
where Pupc is the reconstructed point cloud after upsampling, Nurepresents the total number
of upsampled point cloud, and P1
dpc is the received point cloud data after transmitting Pdpc
over wireless channels. The upsampling process aims to accurately reconstruct the original point
cloud, ensuring that the client-side viewing experience is maintained at a high quality despite
the data compression and transmission through an unstable wireless channel.
3) Point Cloud Rendering: The point cloud rendering process begins when all the Nupoint
clouds for the AR scenery are received and upsampled. This process prepares the point cloud
data for the Unity3D platform and facilitates high-resolution rendering. The rendering process
needs to create a comprehensive 360˝view of the avatar, along with immersive background
scenery, which involves point cloud preparation and procedures:
(1) Point cloud preparation: Point cloud preparation involves formatting points from the received
point cloud data. Each point contains information such as three-dimensional location and
RGB color value, which determines the point’s position and visual depiction within the
virtual environment.
(2) Point cloud processing: The procedure of point cloud processing includes mesh recon-
struction along with positioning. It commences with the transformation of these discrete
points into a compatible mesh format for the Unity3D platform. Subsequently, the Shader,
a uniquely designed program, is employed during the rendering process to regulate the
gradients of illumination, obscurity, and chromaticity within the virtual environment. The
final step of this process involves implementing the positioning phase to optimize the visu-
alization, encompassing translation, rotation, and scaling elements. Concurrently, the Level
of Detail (LoD) strategy is invoked in the whole processing process, which dynamically
modulates the complexity of a 3D model representation contingent upon its spatial relation
to the clients. It renders fewer points when clients are distant and, conversely, more points
as they step closer, thereby providing a better viewing experience.
B. Wireless Channel Model
The wireless communication model is characterized by a Rayleigh fading channel, impacted
by additive white Gaussian noise and utilizing an Orthogonal Frequency-division Multiplexing
(OFDM) scheme. The OFDM approach divides the wireless channel into multiple parallel
subchannels. Each subchannel experiences varying levels of noise, leading to different Signal-
to-Noise Ratios (SNRs).
The wireless communication process begins with source encoding, transforming the awaiting
transmit data into the bitstream. Following this, a standard channel encoding is implemented to
inject redundancy into the data to be transmitted, safeguarding data integrity and enabling the
correction of potential errors during transmission. Traditional communication coding methods,
such as turbo coding and low-density parity-check coding, can be utilized in the channel coding
process [31]. The encoded bits generated by channel encoding are then carried forward as bn.
Following channel encoding, we implement Binary Phase-shift Keying (BPSK), a widely used
modulation technique. BPSK alters the phase of a carrier signal based on the encoded bits bn,
resulting in modulated signals denoted as sn. Finally, we take into account the multi-path channel
within the OFDM, represented as
Hc. In the wireless channel, each modulated bit snis allocated
to a subchannel, denoted as hn, and is then ready for transmission over that subchannel. This
approach allows for the simultaneous transmission of multiple modulated bits over different
subchannels, the channel gains in wireless multi-path channel is represented as
Hc“ rh1, h2,¨ ¨ ¨ , hNcsT,(5)
where Ncstands for the total number of subchannels in Hc, and hnsignifies the channel gain
of the nth subchannel.
Considering the characteristics of each subchannel, the cumulative SNR of the communication
process within channel
Hcis expressed as
SNR “řNc
where, σ2
nrepresents the noise within the nth subchannel. The received bits after the wireless
channel, marked as s1
n, are articulated by the subsequent equation, which can be expressed as
where the brefers to circular convolution, an operation that correlates the input signal with a
finite impulse response. Subsequently, the received data s1
nundergoes traditional channel decoder
and source decoder at the receiver to recover the original data.
C. Novel Task-oriented and Semantics-aware Framework
In this section, we provide a detailed description of our proposed TSAR framework, that not
only compare with the traditional point cloud communication framework but also incorporates
several task-oriented strategies, including effectiveness level optimization methodology. The
TSAR framework leverages shared base knowledge and utilizes a task-oriented context at the
semantic level, to exploit more efficient and effective communication for AR application. As
illustrated in Fig. 2 in the next page, the modules in TSAR include semantic information
extraction, task-oriented semantics-aware wireless communication, avatar pose recovery and
Fig. 2: Task-oriented and semantics-aware communication framework
1) Semantic Information Extraction: Unlike traditional point cloud communication frame-
work, which primarily relies on raw point cloud data for AR scenery representation and trans-
mission, our proposed TSAR framework provides a more sophisticated approach to extract a
rich depth of semantic and effectiveness levels data from the raw point cloud. The process
begins with the downsampled point cloud sensing data, Pdpc, as the input. This point cloud data
encapsulates all the AR scenery, which are broadly divided into two categories: the moving
avatar model Aaand the stationary model As. Only the avatar’s moving position is considered
essential information and needs to be refreshed at every frame. Thus, the output of this semantic
information extraction process is the skeletons information of the moving avatar,
i, which can
be represented as
i“ p
riq“plx, ly, lz, rx, ry, rz, rwq, i P r0, Nas,(8)
where Narepresents the total number of skeletons in the avatar,
lirepresents the three-dimensional
location and
rirepresents the quaternion rotation of the ith skeleton in the avatar model.
Apart from quaternion rotation, current research also employs euler angles to represent ro-
tations in AR scenery. In comparison to quaternion, euler angles offer a simpler and more
information-efficient method to represent rotation and calculate root node position when a
fixed root node point is available. This approach needs less information to reconstruct the
avatar’s pose compared to quaternion, resulting in less data packets and potentially more efficient
communication [32]. The transformation from rotation to euler angles can be expressed as
arctan 2pryrz`rwrxq
arcsin p2prwry´rxrzqq
arctan 2prxry`rwrzq
where the ep,ey, and erare defined as the pitch, roll, and yaw in euler angles to represent
rotations around the three primary axes with an associated root point. The semantic information
of the AR application, denoted as Dtsar, represents all the skeleton information
iof the avatar
model generated through a semantic information extraction process from the downsampled point
cloud Pdpc, which can be expressed as
Dtsar “ r
2,¨ ¨ ¨ ,
NasT“SpPdpc, θsq,(10)
where Sp¨q represents the semantic information extraction process, and θsencompasses all
the experimental and neural network parameters. This equation represents the entire semantic
information extraction process, which maps the downsampled point cloud data Pdpc to a more
meaningful semantic representation Dtsar for further transmitting over wireless channels.
2) Task-oriented Semantics-aware Wireless Communication: Building upon the extracted se-
mantic information, we develop an avatar-based semantic ranking algorithm to integrate task-
oriented semantic information ranking into end-to-end wireless communication to exploit the
importance of semantic information to an avatar-based AR displaying task. The algorithm cor-
relates the importance evaluation of semantic information and task relevance with channel state
information feedback, thereby prioritizing more important semantic information for optimal
transmission over more reliable subchannels. More specifically, each skeleton is represented
as a node in the avatar skeleton graph Gas shown in the Fig. 4, and the skeleton ranking is
determined by a calculated weight in the skeleton graph, which indicates the level of importance
in the later avatar pose recovery. The weights of all semantic information Dtsar are denoted as
Wtsar and can be formulated as
Wtsar “ rωI1, ωI2..., ωINasT“WpDtsar,Gq,(11)
where wIirepresents the weight of the semantic information of the ith skeleton in avatar
skeleton graph, these node weights essentially represent the importance of the semantic in-
formation to the avatar representation, with higher weights indicating greater importance of
the skeleton information for avatar pose recovery. By correlating these weights representing
the importance of semantic information with Channel State Information (CSI) feedback during
wireless communication, the effectiveness of the avatar transmission in AR application could be
optimized. Specifically, the semantically important information is mapped and transmitted over
more reliable subchannels. Current research in the OFDM has demonstrated that CSI can be
accurately estimated at the transmitter side using suitable algorithms and feedback mechanisms
[33]. Consequently, the subchannel gains hnat the receiver side are assumed to be added in the
CSI feedback, enabling the transmitter to be aware of the accurate all the subchannel state in the
OFDM. According to Eq. (6), the subchannel with a higher SNR will have a better subchannel
state and thus achieve a more reliable transmission for semantic information. Therefore, an
ascending sorting is employed to establish a mapping function Mp¨q between the semantic
information and various subchannels. This mapping relies on the weights calculated for the
semantic information and the CSI. Higher weights, indicating greater importance of the semantic
information in the avatar pose recovery, are assigned to more reliable subchannels. The mapping
function is expressed as
Hcq “ t
i, hju, i P r1, Nas, j P r1, Ncs,(12)
where the map t
i, hjurefers to transmit the semantic information
iat the subchannel hj.
Based on the channel mapping results, each semantic information is transmitted through different
subchannels in the OFDM subchannels.
3) Avatar Pose Recovery and rendering: In contrast to traditional point cloud wireless com-
munication framework, the TSAR framework approaches avatar pose recovery differently with
the transmission of the base knowledge at the beginning of AR application. As illustrated in Fig.
2, the data could be used for base knowledge B*encompasses different types of information,
which include avatar skeleton graph G, avatar initial position lo, avatar model Aa, stationary
background model As, stationary initial position ls, and their respective appearance meshes, Ma
and Ms. Whenever a new 3D object appears in the AR scenery, the base knowledge at both
transmitter and receiver need to be updated synchronously.
In this way, the TSAR framework considers the avatar as a whole entity and recover the
avatar’s pose using a limited set of skeleton points instead of treating individual points as the
smallest recovery unit. The avatar pose recovery process Rp¨q can be expressed as
tsar,Btsar q,(13)
where Btsar represents the base knowledge of TSAR, and ˆ
Aadenotes the avatar model Aawith
appearance Maafter pose recovery with semantic information D1
The AR displaying process is quite straightforward by presenting the reconstructed avatar
Aaand the stationary background model Soin the AR scenery. The process of avatar pose
recovery in the TSAR framework is intricately designed and hinges on associating each piece of
skeleton information
iwith the avatar model Aaon the Unity3D platform. In traditional point
cloud communication frameworks, the entire point cloud data must be refreshed for each frame,
which can be a computationally expensive and time-consuming process. In contrast, the TSAR
framework only requires the updating of the skeleton information associated with the avatar’s
movements, and update the avatar’s pose based on these information.
D. Problem Formation
In summary, the overall framework aims to achieve task-oriented semantics-aware communica-
tion with efficient data transmission for better avatar representation in wireless AR applications.
The primary objective of the framework is to maximize the client-side AR viewing experience
based on the transmitted semantic information. The objective function can be represented as
P: min
i,t ´
i,t ¯¨ωIi,
s.t. iP r1, Nas, j P r1, Ncs,
i,t represents the semantic information of the ith skeleton at time t, and
i,t is the
received semantic information after the wireless channel. The weights ωIireflect the importance
of each skeleton node iin representing the avatar graph. This equation formulates the problem
of minimizing the error in avatar representation during transmission.
In this section, we will discuss the semantic extraction and recovery blocks, including semantic
information extraction with deep learning, base knowledge selection, avatar pose recovery, and
evaluation metric.
A. Semantic Extraction with Deep Learning
Inspired by the KeypointNet proposed in [24], we propose a semantics-aware network called
SANet to extract the skeleton keypoint information of a moving avatar from the whole point
cloud of AR scenery. The extraction is an integral step towards creating a more interactive and
Fig. 3: Semantic Information Extraction Network
TABLE I: SANet parameters and training setup
Parameter Value
Semantic network In (2048,3), out (25,1)
Feature conv (In feature=2048, out feature=1440)
1st Conv2d (In feature=256, out feature=256)
2nd Conv2d (In feature=256, out feature=128)
Output layer (In feature=128, out feature=25)
Learning rate 10´4
Optimizer Adam
Episode 900
Activation function ReLU
immersive augmented reality experience. The SANet operates by using downsampled point cloud
data Pdpc as input, which represents the 3D coordinates of both the stationary models and the
moving avatar. This data is then processed by the SANet to extract accurate avatar skeleton
information, crucial for reproducing the avatar’s movements in the virtual environment. The
design objective of the SANet is to minimize the Euclidean distance (L2) between the predicted
semantic information, denoted as SpDdpcq, and the labeled semantic information of the skeleton
location, represented as Dl
tsar. The interplay between these variables is captured as
Loss “arg min L2
where θsrepresents all the neural networks and experiment parameters in the SANet, which
is defined in Table I and Fig. 3. Training the SANet involves optimizing these parameters to
minimize the loss, thus enhancing the accuracy of semantic information extraction.
To determine the most suitable backbone for the designed SANet, we train the SANet with
various backbone networks, including ResNet, RsCNN, PointNet, SpiderCNN, PointConv, and
DGCNN [34]. Similar to [24], we use the mean Average Precision (mAP) as the performance
evaluation metric to assess the semantic information extraction accuracy of the predicted keypoint
probabilities in relation to the ground truth semantic information labels.
B. Base Knowledge Selection
To better explore the most suitable base knowledge, we propose basic TSAR framework
(TSAR) and euler angle based TSAR framework (E-TSAR) that considers different shared base
knowledge and semantic information definition1.
TSAR: For the basic TSAR framework, semantic information for each skeleton is defined as
the data pertaining to position and quaternion rotation as in Eq. (8). The shared base knowledge,
denoted as Btsar, comprises the stationary background model, stationary model initial position
moving avatar model, and their corresponding appearance meshes, which is denoted as
Btsar “ tAo,As,Mo,Ms,
E-TSAR: As an extension of TSAR, the semantic information in each skeleton Iiis defined
as the euler angle rotation in E-TSAR, according to Eq. (9), which could be defined as
i“ p
eiq “ per, ey, epq, i P r0, Nas,(17)
where the shared base knowledge Betsar encompasses the avatar skeleton graph, avatar initial
position, stationary background model, stationary model initial position, moving avatar model,
and their appearance meshes, defined as
Betsar “ tMa,Ms,Aa,As,
C. Avatar Pose Recovery
The avatar pose recovery involves using the skeleton graph Gin the base knowledge and the
received semantic information to reconstruct the avatar pose. The entire avatar pose recovery
process is shown in Algorithm 1. Specifically, a recursive algorithm is employed to traverse and
assign all skeleton information to the avatar model Aawith initialized parameters. However, due
to differences in the definition of the semantic information and the shared base knowledge, the
avatar poses recovery process has variations between the TSAR and E-TSAR framework.
On the one hand, the basic TSAR framework employs a simple avatar pose recovery method,
assigning the avatar model with value based on the skeleton point identity using the received
1Semantic information, as presented in Fig. 2, consists of the skeleton information that need to be transmitted in every frame.
Conversely, base knowledge encompasses information used primarily in the first frame.
position vector and quaternion rotation. On the other hand, the E-TSAR framework, which only
transmits the euler angle of each skeleton point as semantic information, requires calculating
each skeleton position with respect to its root point in the skeleton graph before assigning the
skeleton information to the avatar model. The E-TSAR framework reconstructs the avatar pose
by first determining the relationships between the skeleton points in the avatar skeleton graph
G. It then computes the position of each skeleton point by considering its euler angle and the
position of its root point within the G, the relative distance vector ∆
lpi,i´1qbetween the ith
skeleton node and the previous pi´1qth node can be represented as
lpi,i´1q“ p∆x,∆y,∆zq “
where eirepresents the eular angle of the ith skeleton node, p∆x,∆y,∆zqrepresents the distance
between two skeleton node towards the x, y, and z coordinates, and the actual position of the
ith skeleton node will be calculated by combining ∆
li´1, which can be expressed as
where the root node position
l0is equal to the avatar initial position
lain the base knowledge,
lirepresents the position of the ith skeleton node in the avatar, with its three components
representing the x, y, and z coordinates respectively.
D. Evaluation Metric
The semantic level of our proposed TSAR aims to enhance the communication effectiveness
to achieve accurate avatar moving of the AR application, specifically, the skeleton information
accuracy between the transmitter and the receiver. The optimization seeks to minimize the
Euclidean distance of the semantic information transmitted at the transmitter and received at
receiver. Thus, the MPJPE is used to estimate and evaluate the avatar pose error in geometry
aspect between the transmitter and receiver, including the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis values, which
can be expressed as
where the
irepresent the three dimensional position value of skeleton at the transmitter
and the receiver respectively.
Algorithm 1 Avatar Pose Recovery
1: Initialization: Received base knowledge B*, received data D1
2: Get skeleton graph G, avatar initial position
laavatar model Ma, and avatar appearance
mesh Aafrom B*
3: Count the skeleton number Na“CspGq
4: Count the received semantic information Nr“CrpD1
5: if pGRB*&liPD1
6: for each iin Nrdo
7: Attach
ito model Aa(Avatar pose recovery for the TSAR)
8: end for
9: else
10: for each iin Nado
11: update
liaccording to Eq. (20) and Eq. (19)
12: Attach
ito model Aa(Avatar pose recovery for the E-TSAR)
13: end for
14: end if
15: Generate avatar ˆ
Aawith appearance mesh Maand model initial position laaccording to
Eq. (13).
Output: Avatar ˆ
Aawith reconstructed pose
In this section, we will demonstrate the design principles of TSAR optimization at the
effectiveness level based on the above defined semantic information. In the following, we present
task-oriented semantics-aware wireless communication and its evaluation metric.
A. Task-oriented Semantics-aware Wireless Communication
To further enhance the effectiveness of avatar communication in AR applications, we propose
an avatar-based semantic ranking algorithm to calculate an importance weight value among all the
extracted semantic information, which plays a more advantageous role in avatar representation.
More specifically, we calculate the importance of the skeleton nodes in the skeleton graph G
using a ranking method based on the PageRank algorithm proposed by Google [35], the detailed
process of AbSR algorithm is proposed in Algorithm 2, and the weight is calculated as
lpi,jq| ˆ ωJj¯.(22)
where ωIirepresents the weight of the semantic information
Iiin the ith skeleton node of
skeleton graph, and |∆
lpi,jq|denotes the Euclidean distance between the ith and jth skeleton. Jj
denotes the node index which are connected to the ith node, ωJjis the weight value of the Jjth
skeleton, Njrepresents the total number of nodes Jjin the skeleton graph, and αis a discount
factor ranging from 0to 1. As suggested in [36], we set the discount factor to 0.7 in this paper.
A detailed diagram is shown in Fig. 4, which illustrates that skeletons with more connections
and longer distances from other connected skeletons are more critical. The underlying rationale
is that a node with more connections will have a greater impact on connected skeleton nodes if
it have bit error in wireless communication. Furthermore, nodes that are more isolated, indicated
by their greater distance from other skeletons, are likely to have a more substantial impact
on the avatar representation due to their distinctive appearance contributions, highlighting the
importance of these skeletons.
After calculating the critical node weight of skeleton graph, a descending sort algorithm is
applied to arrange the skeleton nodes in descending order of rank. Leveraging our proposed AbSR
algorithm, we consider the effectiveness level optimization during the wireless communication,
focusing on avatar semantic preservation. This shift advancing the semantic level design in
Section III, thus ensuring that crucial avatar semantic information is prioritized in our task-
based wireless communication approach. As shown in Eq. (12), this approach maps higher
weight semantic information to transmit in OFDM subchannels with better CSI. This is the so
called euler angle and channel-based TSAR framework (EC-TSAR), with details below.
EC-TSAR: Based on the E-TSAR, the CSI information is considered to implement the AbSR
and channel mapping in Algorithm 2 to improve communication effectiveness in AR application.
The semantic information is defined as the vector position and euler angle rotation of all skeletons
in the moving avatar as shown in Eq. (17), while the base knowledge encompasses the avatar
skeleton graph, shared background model, moving avatar model, and their appearance meshes,
as shown in Eq. (18).
Fig. 4: Skeleton Graph Formation and Ranking
Algorithm 2 Avatar-based Semantic Ranking Algorithm
1: Initialization: Base Knowledge B*, Semantic
information Dtsar
2: Get G,Aafrom B*,
3: Get ∆
lpi,i´1qfrom Aa
4: Count skeleton number Na“CspGq
5: repeat
6: k“k`1
7: for each iin Nado
8: Update ωk
Iiwith ∆
lpi,i´1qbased on Eq. (22)
9: δ“ ||ωk
10: end for
11: until δăε
12: Update t
i, hjuaccording to Eq. (12)
Output: Channel Mapping t
i, hju
B. Evaluation Metric
Building upon semantic level optimization, the overall goal of the task in AR application is to
recover the avatar for better clients viewing experience. To achieve this, we use point cloud to
evaluate the entire virtual scenery, which includes Point-to-Point (P2Point), Peak Signal-to-Noise
Ratio for the luminance component (PSNRy), and transmission latency:
P2Point: To evaluate the viewing experience of clients in AR applications, the P2Point metric
is employed to assess the AR scenery from a 360˝viewing angles, comparing the geometry
difference between the point cloud data at transmitter Ptand the point cloud data at receiver
Pr. The P2Point error calculation can be expressed as
P2Point “max `dpPt,Prq
rms , dpPr,Ptq
rms ˘,(23)
where the function drms is the root mean square error between two point cloud.
PSNRy: The color difference plays a crucial role in avatar displaying task of AR applications,
as it can significantly impact the user viewing experience if there are discrepancies in the
colors transmitted. The PSNRyis used to evaluate the luminance component of the AR scenery
difference between the receiver and transmitter . The PSNRyis then calculated as
PSNRy“10 log10 ¨
near ı2˛
near represents the nearest point to
vifrom point cloud Pr,Ntrepresents the total number
of point cloud in the Pt, and y
virepresents the luminance elements of point
Transmission Latency: Transmission Latency is a critical metric in AR applications and plays
a crucial role in evaluating client QoE. The transmission latency of the AR application can be
divided into different components, including semantic information extraction time Ts, wireless
communication time Tw, avatar pose recovery and rendering time Tr. The combination of all
these times results in the transmission delay of the AR application, which can be expressed as
Transmission Latency “Ts`Tw`Tr,(25)
by analyzing and optimizing each component of the transmission latency, we can justify and
indicate the efficiency of our proposed framework.
In this section, we evaluate the performance of our proposed TSAR framework and compare it
with the traditional point cloud communication framework as well as the enhanced frameworks
such as E-TSAR and EC-TSAR, as described in section III and IV. For assessing the performance
TABLE II: Experiment Setup
Dance type Last time
Upper body dance 2min 10s
Slight shaking 50s
Full body dance 2min 5s
Simulation Value
Data type Point cloud
FPS 60
Avatar skeleton number 25
Stationary model skeleton number 15
Point cloud number 2,048
Attribute information 1 Point index
Attribute information 2 Position
Attribute information 3 Rotation (optional)
Attribute information 4 Color (optional)
of the semantic information extraction, we use several different avatar dance types as specified
in Table I, and we configure the hyperparameters for the SANet as listed in Table II. The SANet
initially undergoes a learning phase where it is trained until it converges to an optimal state.
Once the training phase is complete, the resulting trained neural network is implemented across
TSAR, E-TSAR, and EC-TSAR. The subsequent sections present the results of our proposed
frameworks. Section V-A offers insights into the avatar movement distribution and Section V-
B first provides data on the semantic information extraction accuracy achieved by the SANet,
and following that, we present experimental results examining various metrics to evaluate the
XR application and avatar transmission. These metrics include the MPJPE, the adjacent frame
MPJPE, transmission latency, P2Point, and PSNRy.
A. Avatar Skeleton Distribution
To obtain a comprehensive understanding of avatar movement in the AR environment, several
avatar dance types were conducted upon the Unity3D and Mixamo platform. Mixamo is a robust
3D character creation and animation tool offering a wide array of diverse and dynamic 3D
character animations suitable for a broad spectrum of movement analysis. Three distinct dance
(a) Avatar movement range of adjacent frame. (b) Semantic information extraction accuracy.
Fig. 5: Avatar movement distribution and semantic information extraction accuracy
types from Mixamo were selected for our experiments: an upper-body dance, a slight shaking
dance, and a full-body dance. These dances cover a wide range of avatar movements, from
localized to full-body motions, and each dance has a specific duration, as detailed in Table II.
The transmitter used for these experiments operates at 60 Frames Per Second (FPS), ensuring
a smooth and continuous displaying of the avatar’s movements at the transmitter. The moving
avatar, with 25 skeletons, is placed on a stationary background stage model.
Fig. 5 (a) plots the data analysis of the experiments, which is carried out based on the skeleton
difference between the adjacent frames across the X, Y, and Z axes under different SNR sceneries.
Green points correspond to adjacent frame skeleton position differences under optimal wireless
channels, which reveals that the shifts in position from one frame to the next were typically
minimal. The adjacent difference ranges for the three axes are (0, 0.46), (0, 0.48), and (0, 0.48)
meters, respectively, suggesting that the maximum movement of the avatar’s skeleton usually
remains less than 0.5 meters per frame in the Unity3D platform. Furthermore, with the SNR
increases, the adjacent skeleton difference indicates that the received data might be distorted
under highly noisy conditions and the Rayleigh fading channel. This can result in significant
positional differences between adjacent frames, potentially surpassing the realistic movement
capabilities of the avatar and subsequently causing disjointed in the virtual environment.
(a) Adjacent MPJPE of TSAR. (b) Adjacent MPJPE of E-TSAR. (c) Adjacent MPJPE of EC-TSAR.
Fig. 6: Adjacent MPJPE difference among TSAR, E-TSAR, and EC-TSAR
B. Performance Evaluation
1) Semantic information Extraction Performance: Figure 5 (b) plots the semantic extraction
precision of the SANet, anchored on a variety of backbone networks over equivalent training
epochs. Each network exhibits commendable proficiency, corroborating the viability of employing
such a deep learning mechanism to extract semantic information from point cloud data. The
degree of accuracy serves as a benchmark for the effectiveness of semantic extraction capabilities,
the accuracy of which is delineated as follows: SpiderCNN >PointConv >RsNet >RsCNN
>DGCNN. This pecking order underscores the pronounced superiority of the SpiderCNN-based
SANet, achieving an impressive accuracy surpassing 96% within the same epoch duration. As
outlined in Table II, the SpiderCNN boasts a unique structural design that performs better in
point cloud structure feature extraction. This advantage may become particularly obvious in
handling complex, high-dimensional data such as avatars and 3D model structures. This could
also illuminate the other backbone networks’ less efficient processing and learning capacities. It is
likely that other backbones struggle with adequately extracting and learning from the structure of
point cloud structure, which could consequently impact semantic information extraction accuracy.
These findings highlight the importance of not just the SANet, but also the backbone choice
while performing semantic information extraction over point cloud data.
2) Avatar Transmission Performance: Fig. 6 (a) plots the MPJPE of adjacent frames, alongside
the MPJPE error between the receiver and transmitter, under different wireless channel conditions
for the proposed TSAR. With the diminishing SNR, a visible degradation in AR displaying
fluency with uncontinued avatar movement of adjacent frames, marked by an increase in both
the adjacent MPJPE and the MPJPE. This result reemphasize the insights drawn from Fig. 5 (a),
signifying that a lower SNR channel generates noise and blur in the received packets, thereby
increasing the MPJPE. Furthermore, with the SNR decrease below 10 dB, the MPJPE of adjacent
frames amplifies with the decreasing SNR and transcends the general avatar movement range
under optimal wireless channels explicated in section V-A. This demonstrates that concerning
the adjacent MPJPE, with the SNR decrease, it alludes to precipitous movements of the avatar’s
constituent parts, potentially inducing stutters when substantial positional discrepancies arise
between successive frames. Simultaneously, if the MPJPE escalates excessively, it could engender
distortions in the avatar, with skeletal elements manifesting in aberrant positions, such as a foot
emerging at the head. Both the uninfluenced and distortion of the avatar in the AR application
could damage the viewing experience on the client side [37].
Fig. 6 (b) plots the MPJPE of adjacent frames, alongside the MPJPE error between the
receiver and transmitter, under different wireless channel conditions for the proposed E-TSAR.
In contrast to the outcomes of our proposed TSAR shown in Fig. 6 (a), E-TSAR profoundly
decreased the MPJPE between the transmitter and the receiver with the SNR increase and
achieved a 40% decrease in MPJPE within the 0dB SNR scenery. Such observations denote
a smoother and more fluent avatar movement of the E-TSAR compared to the TSAR, given
the E-TSAR a reduced likelihood of confronting disconcerting avatar distortions compared to
TSAR. Additionally, unlike the basic TSAR results, where the MPJPE continues to increases
as the SNR decreases, the E-TSAR MPJPE does not increase after the SNR drops below 10
dB. This indicates that using the avatar model as base knowledge in semantic communication
helps the avatar maintain its undistorted appearance in the poor wireless channel scenarios. This
improvement in avatar representation can lead to an enhanced user experience and a higher QoE
for clients, thereby underscoring the effectiveness of employing the avatar model as a shared
base knowledge in the domain of wireless AR implementations.
Fig. 6 (c) plots the MPJPE of adjacent frames, alongside the MPJPE error between the receiver
and transmitter, under different wireless channel conditions for the proposed EC-TSAR. With a
result generally similar to E-TSAR’s shown in 6 (b), EC-TSAR achieves a significant decrease
when the SNR increase above 10 dB, generating a more fluent video with lower adjacent
frames MPJPE. This illustrates that with the assistance of the AbSR algorithm and adaptive
channel mapping, more important semantic information is effectively transmitted through wire-
Fig. 7: Mean Per Joint Position Error.
less communication, ultimately aiding in avatar recovery on the client side. This highlights the
effectiveness of the AbSR algorithm and adaptive channel mapping in improving the efficacy
of avatar transmission, especially in higher SNR scenarios. Besides, similar to the E-TSAR, the
MPJPE does not continue to increase as the SNR decreases below 10 dB, which reemphasizes
the advantages of employing the avatar model as a shared base knowledge.
Fig. 7 plots the MPJPE performance results, which reveal the differences in the avatar skele-
ton’s position between the receiver and transmitter. A lower MPJPE indicates a better avatar
pose recovery ability in wireless communication, and the overall results of The MPJPE results
are ranked as TSAR ăEC-TSAR ăE-TSAR ăPoint Cloud. Specifically, the TSAR framework
achieves the lowest MPJPE with the SNR increase above 6 dB, achieving about an 83% decrease
compared to the point cloud framework at 26 dB scenery. In contrast, the EC-TSAR framework
achieves lower MPJPE than the TSAR framework when the SNR continues to decrease below
6 dB. Besides, the point cloud framework struggles to generate key points within the 3D
scenery with the SNR decrease below 16 dB. This observation indicates that in the cloud point
communication framework, the avatars are displayed with distorted proportions, such as an arm’s
length longer than the avatar’s entire body, which can cause the SANet to fail in distinguishing
the skeleton key points accurately. Meanwhile, in the EC-TSAR, the avatar model used in the
shared base knowledge functions not to allow movements exceeding the avatar’s capabilities,
resulting in a better and undistorted AR avatar displayed on the client side compared with other
frameworks with the SNR continue to decrease below 6 dB.
Fig. 8 (a) plots the P2Point error, revealing the geometry differences of the AR scene between
(a) Point to point. (b) Peak signal-to-noise ratio in the luminance (Y).
Fig. 8: Point to point and peak signal-to-noise ratio in the luminance(Y).
Fig. 9: Transmission Latency.
the transmitter and receiver. A lower P2Point value indicates a better viewing experience of the
geometry aspect on the client side, and the overall P2Point value is ranked as EC-TSAR ă
E-TSAR ăTSAR ăPoint Cloud. With the SNR increases, the P2Point of all the frameworks
witnessed an increase, indicating all the frameworks are affected by the worse wireless channel
conditions. Besides, The EC-TSAR and E-TSAR frameworks both achieve a flat P2Point value
increase with the SNR decrease below 8 dB compared with TSAR and Point Cloud, indicating
that the avatar model transmitted in the base knowledge works to prevent the avatar displaying
distortion, and make avatar only generates some odd positions in both frameworks, while the
avatar displaying in the point cloud framework and TSAR already shows distortion.
Fig. 8 (b) plots the PSNRyresults, which reveal the color differences of the AR displaying
scenery between the transmitter and receiver. A higher PSNRyvalue represents a better viewing
experience on the client side, and the PSNRyresults are ranked as EC-TSAR ąE-TSAR ą
TSAR ąPoint Cloud. All the frameworks shown an increase with the SNR increase, indicating
the viewing experience is affected by the wireless channel conditions. Besides, all the TSAR,
E-TSAR, and EC-TSAR achieve a significant increase when the SNR increase above 14 dB,
while the point cloud communication framework has a relatively flat increase. This indicates
the avatar model used in the shared base knowledge makes the avatar transmitted as a whole
model, which helps to more effectively transmit the exact color of the avatar model in wireless
communication, whereas the color value in the traditional point cloud framework totally up to
the channel conditions and will exhibit distortions through wireless communication.
Fig. 9 plots the transmission latency of all frameworks as defined in Eq. (25). A lower latency
could contribute to a better QoE on the client side, which is ranked as E-TSAR ăEC-TSAR ă
TSAR ăPoint Cloud. Compared to the point cloud communication framework, the TSAR, E-
TSAR, and EC-TSAR save a substantial amount of transmission time due to significantly fewer
packets transmitted. Although these frameworks introduce an additional semantic information
extraction step with the DL-based semantic information extractor, it only takes about one second
per 100 frames, constituting only a tiny portion of the total transmission time. Concerning pose
recovery and rendering, which are inherently linked to the data packets, the point cloud requires
rendering all the upsampled point cloud data based on 2,048 points. Conversely, the TSAR,
E-TSAR, and EC-TSAR merely require 25 skeletal points to update the pose of an already
rendered avatar, thereby significantly reducing time consumption on the client side. Moreover,
although both E-TSAR and EC-TSAR necessitate calculating the skeletal position according to
Eq. (19) and Eq. (20) before avatar pose recovery, while the TSAR can directly update the
avatar pose. The limited calculation time of 25 cycles renders the time consumption of this pose
recovery and rendering process relatively uniform among TSAR, E-TSAR, and EC-TSAR. This
substantial reduction in data transmission volume concurrently minimizes bandwidth usage spent
on wireless communication compared with the traditional point cloud framework.
This paper has presented a novel task-oriented and semantics-aware communication framework
designed to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of avatar-based communication in wireless
AR applications. By introducing new semantic information in AR and representing relationships
between different types of semantic information using a graph, our proposed task-oriented and
semantics-aware communication framework extracted and transmitted only essential semantic
information in wireless AR communication, substantially reducing communication bandwidth
requirements. This selective transmission of important semantic information provided a more
effective approach to semantic information extraction compared to traditional communication
frameworks, ensuring minimal errors and lower bandwidth usage. Furthermore, we have extracted
effectiveness level features from the complete avatar skeleton graph using shared base knowledge
based on end-to-end wireless communication, distinguishing it from and enhancing general
semantic communication frameworks. This pioneering work opened research for further advance-
ments in wireless AR communication frameworks. Our future work will focus on improvements
by integrating other semantic features, such as model recognition and interaction, to further
improve effectiveness and efficiency in the avatar-centric wireless AR application.
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