
Demystifying Dissertation Writing: A Streamlined Process from Choice of Topic to Final Text

... Revision can take two forms, at the structural level or at the paragraph level (Single, 2009;Sharples, 1999). The structural level is organisational in nature, whereas the paragraph level dictates the flow and style of the work. ...
... This will involve analysis of current supervisory practice, through observations and interviews. The data collected will be combined with aspects from the literature on writing style and revision techniques (Single & Reis, 2009;Strunk Jr, 2006) to inform how best to integrate the highlighted practices into the system. ...
This chapter discusses a range of topics, including pedagogical concerns, writing practices, existing tools, and human computer interaction approaches, all related to the design of a tool to support PhD candidates with their academic writing. These topics are then used to inform the design of a computer supported collaborative writing tool, CAWriter, which is being developed as part of an ongoing participatory design research project concerned with the creation of a toolkit to support doctoral candidates. This chapter reviews existing tools to support the writing process and explores both the relevant pedagogical and human-computer interaction foundations necessary for the design of such tools. The chapter concludes with a look at a number of initial iterations of the CAWriter tool and the design rationale and approaches used.
... The research design employed in this study was the descriptive approach that was believed to be applicable for data and information collection that concerns in usual societal occurring conditions (Single, 2010). It mainly focused on the hard and soft skills of forty-one (41) third-year hospitality management students of St. Michael's College. ...
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Hard and soft skills are essential industry requirement. However, studies echoed lesser percent of employers worldwide believed that students are industry-ready and sufficiently prepared for the actual workplace. Correspondingly, this descriptive-correlational study assessed the relationship of the perceived hard and soft skills of the purposively chosen 41 third year hospitality management students of St. Michael's College. Findings on hard skills revealed high ability on complying with workplace hygiene; following safety and security procedures; preparing and storing food in safe and hygienic manner; cleaning , maintaining kitchen equipment and utensils. However, on the ability to develop and update tourism industry knowledge and ability to access and retrieve computer-based data received the lowest rating. Soft skills revealed high ability in teamwork but lowest score in verbal communication. Moreover, a highly significant relationship between hard and soft skills showed a direct connection of skills. With these findings , employability determinants were identified thus enable to help students leverage their skills, progress achievement and be part of the creative and productive workforce.
... Acorde con Rugg y Petre (2007), Single (2010) y Umberto (2010), la recolección de datos es una fase esencial en el proceso de investigación científica y social. Esta etapa implica la recopilación de información relevante y precisa que permitirá a los investigadores responder a sus preguntas de investigación y alcanzar sus objetivos. ...
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La investigación académica es un viaje fascinante y desafiante que nos invita a explorar el vasto territorio del conocimiento. Desde los primeros pasos en la educación de pregrado hasta los desafíos de una tesis de maestría o doctorado, el proceso de investigación es una experiencia que transforma a los estudiantes en pensadores críticos, investigadores apasionados y expertos en sus campos de estudio. El libro sirve como introducción a un vasto mundo de estrategias y consejos destinados a ayudarte en la aventura de desarrollar una tesis. En las páginas que siguen, exploraremos las herramientas y técnicas que te permitirán navegar por el proceso de investigación, desde la concepción de una idea hasta la presentación de tus hallazgos. Además, examinaremos cómo enfrentar los desafíos, superar los obstáculos y celebrar los éxitos que se encuentran en el camino hacia la culminación de tu tesis de pregrado, maestría o doctorado. A medida que te adentres en este viaje, encontrarás orientación sobre cómo definir y delimitar tu tema de investigación, recopilar y analizar datos, redactar y estructurar tu trabajo, y presentar tus ideas de manera efectiva. Además, discutiremos la importancia de la revisión por pares, la retroalimentación de tus supervisores y el equilibrio entre la investigación y otros aspectos de la vida académica. La investigación no es un camino fácil, pero es un camino gratificante que te permitirá contribuir al conocimiento de tu campo y prepararte para futuros desafíos en tu carrera. Así que, adelante, prepárate para embarcarte en esta emocionante travesía, armado con estrategias que te ayudarán a triunfar en la tarea de desarrollar una tesis que deje una huella duradera en tu campo de estudio. Palabras clave: desafíos, investigación, tesis universitaria, método.
... Counsellors who cannot motivate their students and therefore cannot encourage them to study are not fulfilling their counselling and guidance duties adequately. Single (2010) describes the relationship between the counsellor and the student as in Figure 1. ...
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Research Process and Stages in Social Sciences
... However, every academic or research institute may have its own regulations. Figure 1 shows a matrix for choosing a topic and a supervisor considering the candidate's involvement in the topic and the involvement of a supervisor (Single, 2010). The quadrant I (Mentoring) represents the best option as the involvement of both the supervisor and the scholar in the topic is high. ...
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Selection of a research topic is a challenge for students and professionals alike. This paper addresses those challenges by presenting some strategies based on existing body of knowledge and the author’s own experience. It identifies the attributes necessary to effectively generate ideas and to convert those ideas into research topics. The study proposes a ‘FRIENDS’ framework comprising seven best practices for selecting a research topic for Ph.D. dissertations or research projects. An example of using the suggested framework is presented.
... Some difficulties are related to researchers' research competence, academic writing (Fadda, 2012;Keck, 2014). Some difficulties lie in their psychological problems during their research work (Single, 2010;Solomon & Rothblum, 1984). ...
... Зеер (Дорожкин, Зеер, 2014). В учебно-методических пособиях для студентов всех уровней высшего образования даются как традиционные, так и инновационные взгляды на методологию, описывается методика работы над магистерской ВКР (Березкин, 2016;Герцог, 2013;Дворецкий и др., 2006;Новиков и др., 2007;Biggam, 2015;Kumar, 2011;Single, 2010). Прослушав лекцию и подготовившись к семинару по предложенным учебным пособиям, студент усваивает определенный набор знаний. ...
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The article considers the use of teaching methods in research methodology class for Master students doing the course in English. The author aims at defining the role and significance of the course in teaching Master students at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) and sets the following objectives: to identify conceptual barriers in perceiving research methodology, work out the algorithm of work aimed at building research skills of Master students; analyze the results of pilot teaching. The research methods used in working at the paper are as follows: questionnaire and analysis (in analyzing the results of pilot teaching and content analysis of the methodological part of several Master and PhD open access theses). The author uses activity and competence based approach in the combination with the didactic principles of visualization, systematization, consistency and accessibility. The paper analyzes the requirements of State Federal Education Standards in part of developing the research component of professionally relevant competences. The author identifies cognitive difficulties of perceiving theoretical and methodological material; builds the algorithm of work with conceptual apparatus offering a number of exercises aimed at forming research competence and creating simulation research discourse.
... Additional publications by the Council on Graduate Schools further highlighted the essential role that an advisor plays in a successful Ph.D. program experience (Council of Graduate Schools, 1990, 2008, and a more recent report by the council noted that, "Success in achieving a Ph.D. depends upon a close and effective working relationship with one's advisor" (Council of Graduate Schools, 2010, p. 3). Furthermore, several books outlining the best practices for selecting and working with advisors have been published, and all reiterate the importance of the advisor with regard to the completion of the Ph.D. degree (e.g., Cone & Foster, 1993;Glatthorn, 1998;Levin, 2011;Madsen, 1992;Mauch & Birch, 1998;Roberts, 2010;Rudestam & Newton, 2001;Single, 2009). ...
This study investigated the Ph.D. student–advisor relationship by identifying supervision dimensions and studying their effects on perception on supervision. Using principal component analysis, affective characteristics, intellectual expertise, and external grant/funding factors were found to play important roles in establishing the Ph.D. student–advisor relationship. Regression analysis revealed that affective personality and intellectual expertise positively influence student’s perception on supervision. Implications for students and faculty are discussed.
... On point, Jonas Salk, author of the introduction to Laboratory Life, famous immunologist, and director of the institute where Latour conducted his fieldwork, claimed that Latour and Woolgar's use of reflexivity was their "chief accomplishment" because it allowed them to "reveal how 'human aspects'" got "excluded from the final stages of 'fact production'" (13). But Salk's praise also put these sociologists studying 5 There is a terrific literature about how to write social scientific accounts (see, e.g., Becker 1986;Emerson 2011;Silvia 2002;Weiss 1994), especially those dreaded dissertations (see, e.g., Bolker 1998;Krathwohl and Smith 2005;Single and Reis 2009), as well as a literature in the broader academic enterprise about how to write non-fiction well (Zinsser 2006). These are valuable resources, which we routinely utilized; however, commenting on them or their utility is outside of the scope of this article. ...
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In science and technology studies (STS), reflexivity is not the foremost political or ethical concern that it is for some postmodernists, feminists, anthropologists, or those earnest students of Bourdieu. For us, reflexivity is a practical methodological concern. When reflexivity is raised in our scholarly communications it is, without irony, about crafting scientific communications (i.e., scholarly accounts like articles or books) reflexively. This paper therefore is an actor-network account of making reflexive actor-network accounts, specifically, in the process of writing-up qualitative research findings. It is a paper about research. It is a paper about the research process. As our empirical contribution, we report on research we previously conducted and about the subsequent steps we took toward a (publishable) way of reporting it. We are trying to honestly disclose how the process of preparing a reflexive account is more than merely a matter of cleaning-up the messiness of data, but also, and perhaps foremost, a process of finding, aligning, and occasionally distancing our accounts from our allies — in our case, actor-network theory (ANT) and reflexivity.
... In my view, books on the thesis and dissertation process can be categorized as "methods" (e.g, Creswell, 2008;Hart, 1998;Rudestam & Newton, 2007) or "process" (e.g., Bryant, 2003;Foss & Waters, 2007;Single & Reis, 2009), and this book fits squarely in the latter. Three strengths of the book are that it (a) frequently cites academic research on indicators of dissertation quality, (b) can serve as a useful reference for faculty seeking resources and data to guide decision-making to reform institutional dissertation policies and practices, and (c) includes templates, graphics, and learning activities that faculty and chairs can use to assist students to make timely progress through the dissertation process. ...
This is a review of the book 'The Education Dissertation: A Guide for Practitioner Scholars' by Dan W. Butin and published by Corwin Press: Thousand Oaks, CA. ISBN: 1412960444, Pages: 184, Year: 2009.
... The next step is to revise each of the sections starting from the beginning. Ideally, you should limit yourself to working on small sections of about five pages at a time [14]. After these short sections, your eyes get used to your writing and your efficiency in spotting problems decreases. ...
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Writing a research manuscript is an intimidating process for many novice writers in the sciences. One of the stumbling blocks is the beginning of the process and creating the first draft. This paper presents guidelines on how to initiate the writing process and draft each section of a research manuscript. The paper discusses seven rules that allow the writer to prepare a well-structured and comprehensive manuscript for a publication submission. In addition, the author lists different strategies for successful revision. Each of those strategies represents a step in the revision process and should help the writer improve the quality of the manuscript. The paper could be considered a brief manual for publication.
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Bu çalışmada özellikle bilimsel araştırmaya yeni başlayan lisansüstü öğrenciler için sosyal bilimlerde bilimsel araştırmaların sürecine ilişkin detaylı bilgi sağlanması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda bilimsel araştırmada; araştırma konusunun belirlenmesi, araştırma probleminin yazılması, literatür taraması süreçleri ele alınmıştır. Araştırmanın çıkış noktası bilimsel araştırma sürecine yeni başlayanlara bu süreçte kolaylık sağlayacağı düşüncesidir. Bilimsel araştırmada konu belirlemek ve o konuya ilişkin yeni ve özgün fikir üretebilmesi araştırmacının analitik düşünme becerisine bağlıdır. Konunun belirlenmesinden sonra problemin tanımlanması aşamasında yine araştırmacının dikkat etmesi gereken önemli adımlar bulunmaktadır. Çünkü araştırma problemi konuya olan ilgi ile başlayıp, araştırmanın merkezinde yer almaktadır. Doğru soruların sorulması araştırmacının doğru cevap bulmasına yardımcı olur. Bilimsel araştırmalarda dikkat edilmesi gereken diğer önemli bir adım da literatürün taranmasıdır. Çünkü yeninin ortaya konabilmesi eskinin iyi bilinmesine bağlıdır. Bu nedenle literatür doğru şekilde taranmadan araştırmaya başlamak doğru değildir.
When writing at PhD level, postgraduates are dealing with their most substantial and complex piece of work, in both time and size. From macro-level advice on general ordering of the thesis, through to specific advice on structuring your chapter headings, this article will guide the reader through the key aspects to consider in writing your thesis.
Writing a dissertation is the single most important activity of one’s graduate career. Yet it is routinely conducted under immense pressure, with much effort wasted, and guided by many myths that obscure rather than clarify the path to success. Writing tips abound and are often contradictory: “Outline first” vs “Write first, then outline the written”; “Stick to the daily norm” vs “Do not interrupt the flow”. This chapter posits that such tips are honest, reasonable and worth adopting, albeit not simultaneously. It specifically addresses outlining and daily writing, teasing out the rationale behind each strategy in order to enable readers to make an informed decision that best fits their circumstances and their work habits.
The most enjoyable and memorable trips are planned in advance in accordance with the personal interests of the traveler. Taking the time to identify your travel interests will enable you to make good decisions regarding where you will travel and what you want to see and do during your trip.
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El presente libro lo escribimos con la finalidad de apoyar a nuestros estudiantes en la tarea de escribir la tesis doctoral
In this chapter, we explore the question of whether you have what it takes to undertake and complete a postgraduate research journey. It is not just about knowing research methodology and being able to write but is also about planning and managing yourself. There is a wide range of personal, professional and technical skills that you will need to draw upon, including intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, flexibility, project management skills, self management skills, communication skills, academic skills and belief in yourself. If you undertake a professional doctorate, additional skills to develop include critical reflexivity for learning, willingness to work in multidisciplinary/transdisciplinary spaces and ability to connect/communicate with diverse audiences. Doing a postgraduate research degree is inherently a learning experience, so, while you may not have all the attributes at the beginning, they will most certainly develop as you go along. To support this process, we show you how you can audit your skills.
This study utilizes a multivocal narrative approach to analyze the dynamics, accomplishments, and challenges of an interdisciplinary doctoral support group consisting primarily of female members. The authors raise issues of power, alliance, troubling expert-novice models of mentoring, and the role of social justice pedagogy in the group.
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