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Lambillionea CXXIII 2, 2023
The Distenidae family (Coleoptera, Chrysomeloi-
dea) is represented in the Philippines by a single tribe,
Disteniini, having four genera : Distenia
1828, Philippistenia
2021, Nericonia 1869, and Noemia
1857 ( 1958 y 1959 ; , 2021 ;
The genus Noemia 1857 was known for
the peculiarity of its long antennae which are inserted
below the eyes, rounded apex of its elytra, moderate legs,
short tarsi, and small labial palpi (, 1857). It was
Noemia avicornis
(type species) and Noemia stevensii
, 1857 from Malaysia and Borneo respectively.
Currently there are 24 recognized Noemia species, widely
Four of which are described in the Philippine Islands :
N. mindanaoensis 1935, Noemia mindorana
2012, Noemia negrosensis 1927 and
Noemia sibuyanensis 1927 (, 2009 ;
City, a small Distenidae was recently studied, and
now described as a new species of the genus Noemia.
Description details of N. catmani n. sp., catalogue and
taxonomic key of other four Philippine species are
presented below.
The genus Noemia Pascoe in the Philippine Islands
(New or interesting longhorn beetles from the Philippines (Pars-26)
(Coleoptera, Distenidae)
(article reçu le 28-2-2023)
Eduard Leslae Kay
Coleoptera Research Center, Institute of Biodiversity and Environment, University of Mindanao, Davao City 8000, Philippines.
Abstract. Description of a new species of the genus Noemia (Distenidae) from the island of Mindanao, Noemia catmani n. sp.
Presentations of the catalogue of the Philippine species, of the photos of the Holotypes and of a key to their separation of all the
Noemia species from Philippines.
Résumé. NoemiaNoemia catmani n. sp. Présentation du
Noemia des Philippines.
Keywords. Distenidae, Disteniini, Mindanao, taxonomy
Material and methods
The typical material of the new species studied was
deposited in the University of Mindanao Coleoptera Research
Center (UMCRC). Morphological characters were observed
stacked via Helicon Focus, and processed using a licensed
The acronyms used are the following :
UMCRC. University of Mindanao Coleoptera Research Center.
CPEV. Private collection Eduard
Family Distenidae
Tribe Disteniini
Noemia , 1857
Noemia negrosensis , 1927:525. (Fig. 1).
Type preserved.
Noemia sibuyanensis , 1927:525
Distribution. Philippines
Type preserved.
Noemia mindanaoensis , 1935:268. (Fig. 2)
Distribution. Philippines
Lambillionea CXXIII 2, 2023
Type preserved. .
Noemia mindorana , 2012:35. (Fig. 3)
Distribution. Philippines : Is. Mindoro (Mt Halcon).
Type preserved. CPEV.
Noemia catmani n. sp. (Figs 4-5)
Distribution. Philippines : Is. Mindanao, Davao City
(Mt Talomo).
Type preserved.UMCRC.
Noemia catmani n. sp. (Figs 4-5)
(preserved in UMCRC).
Measurements : Length of the body : 9.9 mm ;
Elytra : 6.5mm ; length of pronotum : 1.2 mm ; length of
genae : 0.3 mm ; length of eye lobe : 0.3mm ; width of
elytra : 1.2mm ; width of pronotum : 1.0mm ; width of
head : 1.0mm ; width of eye lobe : 0.25 mm.
Integuments having bluish-black general colora-
tion, with bright blue elytra, the forelegs brown on the
upper side and testaceous on the underside, the middle
and hind legs testaceous with the rear half bluish-black.
in its inner apical part, the rest of the antennomeres are
blackish on their upper face and testaceous on the lower.
Testaceous palps with the last segment almost black.
Lower part of the body bluish brown covered with long
gray tomentum.
Head large, with a wide neck, protruding eyes,
micro-faceted, with almost no anterior notch. Front
furrowed longitudinally. The antennal bases barely
protruding and located in front of the eyes. Concave
labrum with gray tomentum. Epistome rectangular and
covered by dense gray tomentum. Maxillary palps long
with the third article short and dilated, truncated apically.
from the 6th antennomer. Long club-shaped scape and
slightly curved in its basal third, the rest of the cylindrical
segments covered with a short brown tomentum. Lower
part of the head smooth and shiny with some scattered
Pronotum slightly longer than wide, with its
and covered with gray tomentum. The posterior border
with gray tomentum. Discal zone of the pronotum
convex and with a transverse hump in front of its
a slight protuberance in its middle, covered with gray
tomentum. Prosternum slightly shorter than wide, with
its procoxal cavities displaced to the posterior border.
Transverse striatum in its anterior half, dotted and
and with open procoxal cavities in its posterior part.
Mesosternum very short and narrowed in its anterior
process. Metasternum longer than wide, convex,
furrowed longitudinally in its middle. Provided with
scattered gray tomentum. Metaepisterns long and
apex acute.
Elytra long and narrow, with almost parallel
sides, slightly narrowed in the middle. Rounded apical
Protruding and rounded shoulders. Discal area slightly
convex and provided with eight longitudinal rows of
large punctures, more or less aligned, very blurred in the
apical area. Epipleurae wider in the anterior half than in
the posterior. Hind wings present and well developed.
with gray tomentum. Long and thin legs, with the femurs
slightly thickened in their posterior half, the protibiae
short and sinuous in their apical third, the mesotibiae and
and divaricate nails.
Male terminalia : Tegmen with distal region
completely divided into parameres (Fig. 8) parameres
Lambillionea CXXIII 2, 2023
12 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
Fig. 1. Noemia negrosensis Fig. 2. Noemia mindanaoensis , Paratype. Fig. 3. Noemia
mindorana , Holotype. Fig. 4. Noemia catmani n. sp. Fig. 5. Ventral view. Figs 6-9.
Genitalia of Noemia catmani n. sp. 6. 7. Lateral view. 8. Tegmen, lateral view. 9. Lateral view.
Lambillionea CXXIII 2, 2023
ring piece elongated, proximal part connected only by
(Figs 6-7) about 1.4 times length of tegmen ; curved at
apical third in lateral view (Fig. 9) ; dorsal lobe shorter
than ventral lobe ; basal apophysis very short, one a long
keel on the lower part of the median lobe. Endophallus
This species is close to Noemia mindanaoensis
1935, (Fig. 2) from which it is distinguished
by the fact that N. catmani n. sp. has the pronotum
with a smooth discal area, and without the two discal
protuberances which is present in N. mindanaoensis. The
coloration of the legs and antennae is much darker in the
new species. The well-aligned score in N. catmani n. sp.
Fig. 10. Distribution of Noemia species in the Philippines : A. N. negrosensis. B. N. sibuyanensis. C. N. catmani n. sp.,
D. N. mindorana. E. N. mindanaoensis.
Lambillionea CXXIII 2, 2023
Noemia catmani n. sp. is named after the family name
"Cataytay Mantilla" to forever honour the loving memory of
Josie and Leozar , the parents of this
Noemia catmani n. sp.
the fauna of the Philippine Islands. Below we provide a
brief key to species of this genus in Philippines.
Key of the genus Noemia in the Philippines
elytra ............................................................................ 2
....................................................................................... 4
without spots of tomentum ............... N. mindanaoensis
spots of dark tomentum ................................................ 3
3 – Black elytra with gray spots of elytral tomentum
................................................................ N. negrosensis
- - Dark brown elytra with yellow brown spots
............................................................... N. sibuyanensis
4 – Head, pronotum and elytra is dull dark blue, brown
legs with orange femur base. Elytral punctuation well
aligned ................................................ N. catmani n. sp.
- - Head, pronotum and elytra is bright blue, legs
with femurs largely yellow. Poorly aligned elytral
punctuation ............................................. N. mindorana
The authors express their gratitude to the
University of Mindanao, to Dr Milton and Dr
for their support.
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