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Imbalanced data distribution is a challenge in identifying Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) as the amount of false SNP data is far greater than actual SNP data, leading to inappropriate classification results. To overcome this issue, we propose using the Signal to Noise Ratio as a feature selection approach combined with an undersampling technique. We recommend the five best features out of the 24 available ones: maximum quality of minor alleles, average quality of minor alleles, minor allele frequencies, probability of error, and balance of alleles. Our proposed model, which applies five selected features followed by the undersampling process, achieves the highest average sensitivity and F-Measure of 0.96 and 0.92, respectively, while also improving computation speed by up to 28 times. Our strategy is especially suitable for classifications with an imbalanced data distribution, particularly for large data sizes.
Rossy Nurhasanah
Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universitas
Sumatera Utara, Medan 20155, Indonesia
Agus Buono
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University, Bogor 16680,
Wisnu Ananta Kusuma*
Tropical Biopharmaca Research Center, IPB University, Bogor, 16154, Indonesia
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University, Bogor 16680,
*Corresponding author:
Imbalanced data distribution is a challenge in identifying Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) as the
amount of false SNP data is far greater than actual SNP data, leading to inappropriate classification results.
To overcome this issue, we propose using the Signal to Noise Ratio as a feature selection approach combined
with an undersampling technique. We recommend the five best features out of the 24 available ones:
maximum quality of minor alleles, average quality of minor alleles, minor allele frequencies, probability of
error, and balance of alleles. Our proposed model, which applies five selected features followed by the
undersampling process, achieves the highest average sensitivity and F-Measure of 0.96 and 0.92,
respectively, while also improving computation speed by up to 28 times. Our strategy is especially suitable
for classifications with an imbalanced data distribution, particularly for large data sizes.
Keywords: feature selection; undersampling; imbalanced data; single nucleotide polymorphisms
1. Introduction
In the last few years, molecular markers have proven to be effective tools in the identification of genes that
determine various crop properties with economic value [Jannink et al. (2010); Lema (2018); Wani et al. (2018)].
One of the most used molecular markers is Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) [Yang et al. (2019)]. SNPs
are DNA markers that indicate variations in a genome sequence at a single position caused by a change of one
nucleotide among individuals [Gupta et al. (2001)]. Each organism contains many SNPs that form unique patterns
and have biological implications that contribute to species diversity [Kwok and Chen (2003); Liao and Lee
(2010)]. These variations are responsible for most trait differences within a species. Typically, SNP identification
involves comparing the aligned reads with the reference sequence or the sequence of assembled consensus reads
with the reference sequence. The SNP locations are identified by detecting the mismatches between the aligned
genomes and the reference sequence [Han et al. (2020)]. Some SNPs found in the human genome have been used
to diagnose diseases, while in agriculture, particularly in plant breeding, researchers utilize SNP markers to obtain
superior varieties that can produce high-quality crops and resist multiple environmental conditions [Gupta et al.
e-ISSN : 0976-5166
p-ISSN : 2231-3850
Rossy Nurhasanah et al. / Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE)
DOI : 10.21817/indjcse/2023/v14i3/231403029
Vol. 14 No. 3 May-Jun 2023
© The Author(s) 2023. This is an open access article published under the CC BY license (
Identifying accurate SNPs remains a challenge due to the high error rate of data generated from Next
Generation Sequencers (NGS) [Korani, Clevenger, Chu, & Ozias‐Akins, 2019; Nurhasanah, Hasibuan, &
Kusuma, 2020]. These errors may stem from base-calling or the alignment process, making it difficult to use NGS
data for SNP mining [Istiadi et al. (2014)]. As a result, many of the single base variations in DNA sequences
originate from errors rather than actual SNPs, resulting in imbalanced class problems where the number of actual
SNPs, the most important class for classification, is significantly lower than that of false SNPs. This imbalance
can result in biased machine learning models that are less capable of detecting minor classes [Wang et al. (2022)],
which are more crucial for classification purposes [Soufan et al. (2018)]; [Koziarski, (2021)]; [Esposito et al.
(2021)]. Furthermore, the large size of NGS data leads to complex and time-consuming computations [Li et al.
(2016)]; [Ko et al. (2018)].
Several studies have aimed to improve the accuracy of SNP identification [Kirov et al. (2016); Korani et al.
(2019)]. Research conducted by Matukumalli et al. (2006) developed a SNP classifier using a decision tree
algorithm on six types of soybean genome data. The study selected relevant features that influenced the
polymorphism scoring decision, resulting in the recommendation of 16 optimized feature sets and an improved
positive predictive value of 84.8%. Another model, SNPSVM, used the Caucasus female exome sample from
Eastern Europe region and selected features that achieved high sensitivity and specificity. This model used two
strategies: initializing three low-performing attributes and sequentially adding new features, and a leave-one-out
procedure that calculated each feature's impact on the model's performance. SNPSVM achieved a sensitivity level
of 95% using the remaining 15 features [O'Fallon et al. (2013)].
To address the issue of imbalanced class distribution, a commonly used method is to apply resampling
techniques such as undersampling the majority class or over-sampling the minority class. [Istiadi et al. (2014)]
built a classifier to identify SNP in soybean genome using C4.5 decision tree algorithm following the pipeline
proposed by O'Fallon et al. (2013). The researchers extracted 24 features of SNPs based on a recommendation of
Matukumalli et al. (2006). However, their model performed poorly with low sensitivity (56.7%) due to
imbalanced data, but it was improved after conducting a simple random undersampling.
Using feature selection technique is another strategy for addressing the issue of class imbalance. In addition
to its benefit in reducing dimensions, the significance of feature selection in tackling the problem of imbalance
has been widely explored in recent studies. Research by Wasikowski and Chen (2010) investigated the
effectiveness of different feature selection methods, including Pearson correlation coefficient, χ2, and Signal to
Noise Ratio (SNR) in unbalanced data distribution. The outcome of the study showed that the SNR correlation
coefficient was among the most effective techniques in comparison to other feature selection methods for
classifying data with imbalanced distributions.
SNR is a technique that is frequently employed to rank features and assess the significance of genes in gene
expression analysis. Previous studies have utilized SNR to differentiate between two classes by determining the
maximum distance between the mean values and the minimum variation of expressions within each class
[Cuperlovic-Culf et al. (2005) ]. In a stu dy that aimed to select bio ma rkers in Leu kemia datasets, genes with similar
expressions were grouped using K-Means Clustering, followed by selecting the best feature for each cluster based
on SNR score. This approach yielded the best outcome when applied in Support Vector Machine [Mishra and
Sahu (2011a)]. Another study compared SNR with t-statistics methods to identify the most relevant genes using
65 genes and 14 samples from each dataset. The results showed that SNR was more effective than t-statistics and
achieved 100% accuracy in all datasets except breast cancer, where 5 genes were selected [Mishra and Sahu
(2011b)]. The findings indicate that SNR is a reliable approach for evaluating the discriminative power of genes.
A similar study also concluded that SNR analysis is useful in selecting the most important genes and reducing the
data dimension simultaneously. The study found that using Probabilistic Neural Networks with SNR achieved the
best performance for various types of cancer classifications within a reasonable amount of time, and the SNR
analysis provided several potential genes for further research [Huang and Liao (2003)].
Previous studies have shown that separately, each feature selection and resampling implementation has been
proven to improve classification performance, especially in imbalanced data distribution. However, some
researchers suggest that combining these two approaches could provide an optimal classifier model while reducing
computational requirements [Haury et al. (2011)]. The combination of feature selection with resampling is also
expected to yield a more effective and efficient method for overcoming classification problems with unbalanced
data [Zhang et al. (2022)]. Although this approach has not been applied to SNP identification, this work aims to
investigate the impact of combining feature selection with the resampling technique in this context.
e-ISSN : 0976-5166
p-ISSN : 2231-3850
Rossy Nurhasanah et al. / Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE)
DOI : 10.21817/indjcse/2023/v14i3/231403029
Vol. 14 No. 3 May-Jun 2023
In previous studies on SNP identification, different features were used, but some features were also found to
overlap [Matukumalli et al. (2006); O'Fallon et al. (2013); Lam et al. (2010)]. In this research, we utilized the 24
features extracted by prior studies [Istiadi et al. (2014)] to construct an SNP identification model. Initially, we
used SNR as a feature selection technique to identify the most important and relevant features in SNP
identification. After feature selection, the dataset was balanced by employing the random undersampling method.
Finally, we trained the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier using the final dataset and evaluated its
efficiency and effectiveness based on various metrics.
2. Material and Method
2.1. Data Explanation
The genomic data used in this study were derived from a previous study [Lam et al. (2010)]. The whole-genome
data used was 955.1 Mb base, of which 937.3 Mb base was successfully mapped into 20 chromosomes (labeled
Gm1 to Gm20). The values of each feature were extracted using the SNPSVM library [O'Fallon et al. (2013)] and
modified according to the needs by Istiadi et al. (2014). Every SNP candidate was represented in 24 features. In
the 20 chromosomes, 39,454,648 candidate SNPs were found, of which only 2,823,603 candidates were
designated as actual SNPs, while the rest were false SNPs, which originated from errors. An illustration of the
comparison of the number of false and actual SNP data on the 20 chromosomes can be seen in Figure 1.
Fig. 1. Comparison of the number of false SNPs with Actual SNPs on each chromosome
From the illustration in Figure 1, there is a significant difference in the amount of data from the two classes.
The ratio of false SNP to actual SNP is around 13: 1. Unbalanced data distribution in binary classification can
harm the performance of the SNP identifier model because machine learning algorithms generally tend to produce
unsatisfactory classifier when trained with an unbalanced data set.
Before being used further, firstly the raw data is normalized using the min-max scaler method. All features’
values are normalized using the min-max scaler following Equation (1) so that all feature values are at the same
interval, between 0 and 1. The feature selection step utilized the SNR method, and the resampling stage employed
a 1:1 undersampling approach that was previously recommended for achieving the best outcomes [Hasibuan et
al. (2014)]. To classify the data, we used the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm, which is known for its
effectiveness in handling imbalanced classification problems, as it only uses support vectors to build the model
and ignores most other samples that are not support vectors [Tang et al. (2009)]. This leaves SVM to be less
affected by negative samples which are far from the hyperplane, even though the number of negative instances is
much higher.
Newdata 󰇛󰇜
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜 󰇛1󰇜
2.2. Feature selection using Signal to Noise Ratio
The reduction of features in a dataset can bring several benefits such as faster model training, lower susceptibility
to overfitting, and reduced storage, memory, and processing requirements during data analysis [Guyon and De
(2003)]. Feature selection involves identifying and selecting the most appropriate subset of features from an
original dataset [Ditzler and Polikar (2013)]. The main objectives of feature selection are to identify the most
influential features for classification and eliminate irrelevant features, thereby simplifying the classification
False SNP Actual SNP
e-ISSN : 0976-5166
p-ISSN : 2231-3850
Rossy Nurhasanah et al. / Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE)
DOI : 10.21817/indjcse/2023/v14i3/231403029
Vol. 14 No. 3 May-Jun 2023
process and speeding up the computational time by reducing the input dimensions. Additionally, feature selection
can improve the classification quality in terms of accuracy since several features may not have any impact on the
classification, and in some cases, they may even decrease the performance of the classifier [Kudo and Sklansky
The Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is a measure of the ratio between the strength of the signal being studied and
the noise present in the signal. It is used as a correlation coefficient that compares the ratio of differences between
the averages of two classes with the number of standard deviations of the two classes. When there is a significant
difference between the averages of the two classes for a feature, the probability of a sample being incorrectly
classified is reduced. Conversely, if the average class on a feature is only slightly different, then the probability
of a sample being incorrectly classified is increased. The SNR score can be calculated using equation (2) as shown
SNR score
µ  µ
  
µ1 and µ2 are the averages of feature values in the positive SNP class and the negative SNP class, meanwhile,
σ1 and σ2 are the standard deviations of feature values in the positive and negative SNP classes. Few studies have
used SNR as a feature selection metric. Research applied SNR to leukemia classification in calculating the
correlation between genes with class differentiation [Golub et al. (1999)]. Features that obtain a high SNR score
indicate a strong correlation between them and their ability to distinguish classes. Features with high SNR values
are informative features that can be selected for classification [Gunavathi and Premalatha (2014)]. While features
with low SNR scor es or app roachin g 0 represent that these features do not affect classification, and features having
high SNR scores or approaching 1 represent that the feature has a strong contribution to the classification [Verikas
and Bacauskiene (2002)].
2.3. SNP Classification
This research aimed to identify SNP in the soybean genome through a three-step process consisting of feature
selection, undersampling, and classification. The workflow for this process is illustrated in Figure 2.
Fig. 2. The workflow of SNP identification using feature selection and undersampling approach.
e-ISSN : 0976-5166
p-ISSN : 2231-3850
Rossy Nurhasanah et al. / Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE)
DOI : 10.21817/indjcse/2023/v14i3/231403029
Vol. 14 No. 3 May-Jun 2023
Compared to other classifiers, SVM is more suitable for facing imbalanced class problems. SVM only involves
support vectors in constructing the model, and the remaining samples far away from the hyperplane could be
denied without affecting classification performance [Akbani et al. (2004)]. However, the SVM performance could
be decreased due to a very imbalanced class in which the number of negative samples is significantly higher than
the number of positive ones [Tang et al. (2009)]. Some recent works have been conducted to improve the
classification performance of SVM on imbalanced datasets. However, they could not have addressed efficiency
better and could take a longer time for classification than a standard SVM. This becomes another challenge in
using SVM since it needs much time to do the computation, especially when working with large datasets. We
conducted SVM training and classification procedures using e1071, a free LIBSVM library for R Programming
[Meyer et al. (2014)]. We used the Radial Basis Function kernel and applied grid search with 10-fold-cross-
validation to optimize the C and γ parameters.
2.4. Evaluation Metrics
This research investigates the effect of integrating feature selection and undersampling techniques in the
identification of SNPs with an SVM classifier. The study concentrates on evaluating the efficacy and efficiency
of this approach. Efficiency is characterized by the swiftness of the model in identifying new samples, measured
by the time taken to execute the classification. The paper defines effectiveness as the ability of the model to detect
positive SNP instances, emphasizing their importance in the classification process.
Classifier performance is typically evaluated using accuracy metrics. However, when dealing with
unbalanced data, accuracy can be an inappropriate measure as a classifier may predict the negative class with high
accuracy but perform poorly in identifying the minority class. In such cases, alternative metrics are required to
assess a classifier's ability to detect positive samples. This study utilizes metrics such as Geometric Mean and F-
Measure to evaluate the classifier's performance in identifying the presence of positive samples in class imbalance
scenarios [Yu et al. (2022)].
Sensitivity and specificity are commonly used metrics to evaluate classification performance for two classes
separately. Sensitivity is also known as recall or actual positive rate, while specificity is the true negative rate or
negative class accuracy. However, sensitivity and specificity are trade-offs and cannot be used alone to evaluate
classifier performance. Therefore, this study uses G-Mean, the geometric mean of sensitivity and specificity, to
combine the classifier's ability to identify both positive and negative classes. The G-Mean is calculated using
Equation (3) to evaluate the classification results.
GmeanSensitivity × Specificity 󰇛3󰇜
We also observed the effective detection ability for only one class by adopting another pair of metrics, precision
and recall. F-Measure is used to integrate precision and recall into a single metric. F-Measure could be calculated
by using the following Equation 4.
Fmeasure    
   󰇛4󰇜
3. Results and Discussion
This section will explain the results generated from this research, which are divided into four topics: how to
determine the best feature subset for SNP identification, the influence of feature selection in SNP identification,
the fact that feature selection shifts the sample position, and the impact of combining feature selection with
3.1. Determining the best Feature Selection in SNP Identification
Referring to the application of the SNR technique, the selected features with significant SNR scores are
regarded as the best features due to their superior ability to distinguish classes. The average SNR value of each
feature from 20 chromosomes is used as the final SNR score, which is presented in Table 1. Among the chosen
features, two specific features, namely the maximum quality of minor alleles and allele balance, have been
previously recommended by Istiadi et al. (2014)] for the identification of SNPs. Additionally, allele balance has
been recognized as an essential attribute in variant filtering for the detection of SNPs and insertion-deletions
(INDELs) in studies related to rare human diseases [Pedersen et al. (2021]). Furthermore, the feature of error
e-ISSN : 0976-5166
p-ISSN : 2231-3850
Rossy Nurhasanah et al. / Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE)
DOI : 10.21817/indjcse/2023/v14i3/231403029
Vol. 14 No. 3 May-Jun 2023
probability has also been identified as a relevant attribute for recognizing true SNPs. This is in agreement with
the findings of O'Fallon, Wooderchak-Donahue and Crockett (2013)], as it can capture conditions where
sequencing or alignment errors result in a small portion of false base variation at a specific site. These selected
features are considered important for the accurate identification of SNPs and can aid in the detection of true genetic
variations in various genomic studies.
Table 1. The result of feature selection using SNR
3.2. The Influence of Feature Selection in SNP Identification
To evaluate the impact of various feature subsets on classification accuracy, the performance of models trained
using different subsets of the 24 available features was compared to that of the model trained on the complete set.
The performance of each model was assessed using a set of predefined evaluation metrics. A summary of the
experimental results is provided in Table 2.
Feature Number Sensitivity Specificity G-Mean F-Measure
3,5,7 0,59 0,96 0,75 0,62
3,5,7,21 0,63 0,96 0,78 0,63
3,5,7,21,12 0,65 0,96 0,79 0,66
All 24 features 0,60 0,97 0,76 0,63
Table 2. The planning and control components.
According to the results presented in Table 1, the model utilizing five features exhibited the highest sensitivity
among all models, even surpassing the model trained on the full set of 24 features. Specifically, the model
employing five features achieved a sensitivity of 0.65, indicating its ability to successfully identify 65% of positive
SNPs in the testing data. Furthermore, this model also exhibited the highest values for G-Mean (0.79) and F-
Measure (0.66). Notably, the computational time required for training a model using five features was 3.89 times
shorter than that of a model utilizing all 24 features, as the process of selecting features effectively reduced the
dataset dimensions used in the model. This resulted in improved computational efficiency, reduced computing
and storage resources, and faster computation time.
These findings demonstrate that employing more features in classifier development does not necessarily
translate to better results, as irrelevant or redundant features may weaken the training process, reduce classifier
performance, and increase computational time [Jeni et al. (2013]. Hence, judicious selection of features is critical
in building an effective classifier that can improve the ability to detect the minor class and expedite computation
[Soufan et al. (2018)].
In terms of specificity, all models performed exceptionally well, with a score of 0.97 for the model with 24
features and 0.96 for the rest. This indicates that 97% and 96% of negative SNPs were accurately identified as
false SNPs by the classifiers. However, a small percentage of negative SNPs (3% and 4%) were incorrectly
classified as positive SNPs. This outcome reveals that all models tended to classify all instances into the negative
class, disregarding the minority class, which is, in fact, a higher priority for identification. Such behavior
demonstrates how imbalanced classes could impact machine learning performance, specifically with Support
Vector Machines (SVM). Research has shown that as the training data becomes more imbalanced, the ratio
between positive and negative support vectors becomes more imbalanced as well. Consequently, the
neighborhoods of a test instance close to the boundary are more likely to be dominated by negative support vectors,
causing the decision function to be more likely to classify as negative [Wu and Chang (2003)].
3.3. Feature Selection Shift the Sample Position
The use of data visualization is a useful tool for analyzing the structural relationships between variables in a
dataset [Yang and Moody (1999)]. The feature selection process is closely intertwined with the determination of
data visualization. An effective feature selection algorithm can produce a subset of features that demonstrate
Feature Number Name of feature SNR Score
3 Maximum quality of minor allele 1.275458
5 Mean quality of minor allele 1.177911
7 Frequency of minor allele 0.737776
12 Error probability 0.618131
21 Allele balance 0.642246
e-ISSN : 0976-5166
p-ISSN : 2231-3850
Rossy Nurhasanah et al. / Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE)
DOI : 10.21817/indjcse/2023/v14i3/231403029
Vol. 14 No. 3 May-Jun 2023
meaningful visualization, such as class differentiation, using a smaller data dimension. Figure 3 compares the
visualization obtained using 24 features with the five selected SNR features.
Fig. 3. Visualization of SNP candidates dataset from 16
Chromosome with (a) 24 features and (b) 5-SNR features
In Figure 4, positive SNPs are represented by light-grey dots while negative SNPs are represented by dark-
grey dots. Figure 4(a) shows that the separation between positive and negative classes in the dataset is not clear,
as the data from both classes appear to be blending, with no visible boundary between them. In contrast, Figure
4(b) displays a noticeable difference in the position of positive and negative class data. Feature selection provides
an alternative approach to addressing imbalanced data problems because the selection of features is related to the
selection of relevant data points [Shashua and Wolf (2004)]. Thus, the selection of features can shift the position
and distribution of data.
3.4. The Impact of Combining Feature Selection with Undersampling
In this study, we also aim to investigate the impact of integrating feature selection and data balancing techniques.
The data balancing approach employed in this study is 1:1 undersampling, following the recommendation of a
previous study [Hasibuan et al. (2014)]. The dataset under analysis corresponds to chromosome 1 6, and it include s
five features that were recommended in prior experiments. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed
methodology, we evaluate its performance using various metrics, which are presented in Figure 5. These findings
can provide valuable insights into the development of effective strategies for analyzing genomic data, particularly
with respect to improving the accuracy of SNP identification through the utilization of feature selection and data
balancing techniques.
Fig. 4. Comparison of classifier performance using five features with and without undersampling.
Figure 4 presents a bar chart comparing the performance of two models in identifying SNPs. The first model
utilizes feature selection alone, while the second model combines feature selection with undersampling. The
implementation of undersampling resulted in an improvement in sensitivity, which increased by 47% to 0.96,
indicating an increased ability to identify positive SNPs. The G-Mean value also increased by 11% to 0.88,
representing an overall improvement in model performance. Furthermore, the F-measure increased by 39.5% to
0.92, implying a higher number of correctly identified positive SNPs. However, the specificity value decreased
by 16% to 0.8, indicating a reduced ability to identify negative SNPs due to an increase in false positives.
5 features 5 features with undersampling
e-ISSN : 0976-5166
p-ISSN : 2231-3850
Rossy Nurhasanah et al. / Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE)
DOI : 10.21817/indjcse/2023/v14i3/231403029
Vol. 14 No. 3 May-Jun 2023
The efficiency of the undersampling technique was evaluated and found to reduce the computational time
required to build the model by up to 28 times compared to models without undersampling. This is due to the
undersampling technique could act as a data-cleaning process, where redundant or irrelevant samples are
eliminated, thereby increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of classification. Based on the comparison made,
the model that combines feature selection techniques with undersampling outperforms the model utilizing feature
selection alone in identifying SNPs.
Additionally, we compared classifiers using five features followed by undersampling with those using 24
features followed by undersampling, and the results are presented in Figure 5.
Fig. 5. Comparison of classifier performance using undersampling technique with 5 and 24 features.
The results presented in Figure 5 demonstrate that the model utilizing a reduced set of five features exhibits a
slightly superior G-Mean value of 0.88, accompanied by an increase in the F-Measure value of 0.92. Of note, this
model not only enhances the ability to identify positive instances, but it also requires significantly less time for
computation, with a speed improvement of 4.8 times compared to the model employing 24 features. These findings
highlight an additional benefit of undersampling, as this technique effectively reduces both the computation time
and storage requirements, as previously reported [Yu et al (2013)].
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, our study demonstrates the effectiveness of combining feature selection and undersampling
techniques in improving the performance of SNP identifier models. Specifically, using a combination of 5 selected
features and 1:1 undersampling, we achieved the best performance with G-Mean and F-Measure values of 0.88
and 0.92, respectively, while also reducing computation time by 28 times compared to conventional methods. Our
analysis also identified the five most important features for SNP identification, including the maximum quality of
minor alleles, mean quality of minor alleles, minor allele frequency, error probability, and allele balance. These
findings provide valuable insights for improving SNP identification methods and advancing genomic research.
Conflicts of interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
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e-ISSN : 0976-5166
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Rossy Nurhasanah et al. / Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE)
DOI : 10.21817/indjcse/2023/v14i3/231403029
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Authors Profile
Rossy Nurhasanah, received her Master of Computer Science from IPB University,
Bogor, Indonesia, in 2015. She is an Assistant Professor at the Department of
Information Technology, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia. She is also a
member of the Indonesian Society of Bioinformatics and Biodiversity. Her research
interests include bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, and object detection.
Agus Buono is a Professor of computer science in IPB University, Indonesia. He
received his Master of Statistics from the Department of Statistics - Bogor Agricultural
University, and both Master and Doctorate in Computer Science from the Faculty of
Computer Science - University of Indonesia. His research mainly focuses on
computational intelligence modeling applied to various fields, such as signal processing,
climate modeling, modeling climate change impacts on various sectors (agriculture,
health, water resources, engineering, management).
Wisnu Ananta Kusuma is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer
Science, and a researcher at Tropical Biopharmaca Research Center, IPB University,
Indonesia. He is also an executive committee of the Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Network
and president of the Indonesian Society of Bioinformatics and Biodiversity. His research
interests include bioinformatics, machine learning, network pharmacology, and high-
performance computing.
e-ISSN : 0976-5166
p-ISSN : 2231-3850
Rossy Nurhasanah et al. / Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE)
DOI : 10.21817/indjcse/2023/v14i3/231403029
Vol. 14 No. 3 May-Jun 2023
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Many real-world datasets exhibit imbalanced distributions, in which the majority classes have sufficient samples, whereas the minority classes often have a very small number of samples. Data resampling has proven to be effective in alleviating such imbalanced settings, while feature selection is a commonly used technique for improving classification performance. However, the joint impact of feature selection and data resampling on two-class imbalance classification has rarely been addressed before. This work investigates the performance of two opposite imbalanced classification frameworks in which feature selection is applied before or after data resampling. We conduct a large-scale empirical study with a total of 9225 experiments on 52 publicly available datasets. The results show that both frameworks should be considered for finding the best performing imbalanced classification model. We also study the impact of classifiers, the ratio between the number of majority and minority samples (IR), and the ratio between the number of samples and features (SFR) on the performance of imbalance classification. Overall, this work provides a new reference value for researchers and practitioners in imbalance learning.
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Imbalanced classification is widespread in the fields of medical diagnosis, biomedicine, smart city and Internet of Things. The imbalance of data distribution makes traditional classification methods more biased towards majority classes and ignores the importance of minority class. It makes the traditional classification methods ineffective in imbalanced classification. In this paper, a novel imbalance classification method based on deep learning and fuzzy support vector machine is proposed and named as DFSVM. DFSVM first uses a deep neural network to obtain an embedding representation of the data. This deep neural network is trained by using triplet loss to enhance similarities within classes and differences between classes. To alleviate the effects of imbalanced data distribution, oversampling is performed in the embedding space of the data. In this paper, we use an oversampling method based on feature and center distance, which can obtain more diverse new samples and prevent overfitting. To enhance the impact of minority class, we use a fuzzy support vector machine (FSVM) based on cost-sensitive learning as the final classifier. FSVM assigns a higher misclassification cost to minority class samples to improve the classification quality. Experiments were performed on multiple biological datasets and real-world datasets. The experimental results show that DFSVM has achieved promising classification performance.
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In studies of families with rare disease, it is common to screen for de novo mutations, as well as recessive or dominant variants that explain the phenotype. However, the filtering strategies and software used to prioritize high-confidence variants vary from study to study. In an effort to establish recommendations for rare disease research, we explore effective guidelines for variant (SNP and INDEL) filtering and report the expected number of candidates for de novo dominant, recessive, and autosomal dominant modes of inheritance. We derived these guidelines using two large family-based cohorts that underwent whole-genome sequencing, as well as two family cohorts with whole-exome sequencing. The filters are applied to common attributes, including genotype-quality, sequencing depth, allele balance, and population allele frequency. The resulting guidelines yield ~10 candidate SNP and INDEL variants per exome, and 18 per genome for recessive and de novo dominant modes of inheritance, with substantially more candidates for autosomal dominant inheritance. For family-based, whole-genome sequencing studies, this number includes an average of three de novo, ten compound heterozygous, one autosomal recessive, four X-linked variants, and roughly 100 candidate variants following autosomal dominant inheritance. The slivar software we developed to establish and rapidly apply these filters to VCF files is available at under an MIT license, and includes documentation and recommendations for best practices for rare disease analysis.
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Machine learning classifiers trained on class imbalanced data are prone to overpredict the majority class. This leads to a larger misclassification rate for the minority class, which in many real-world applications is the class of interest. For binary data, the classification threshold is set by default to 0.5 which, however, is often not ideal for imbalanced data. Adjusting the decision threshold is a good strategy to deal with the class imbalance problem. In this work, we present two different automated procedures for the selection of the optimal decision threshold for imbalanced classification. A major advantage of our procedures is that they do not require retraining of the machine learning models or resampling of the training data. The first approach is specific for random forest (RF), while the second approach, named GHOST, can be potentially applied to any machine learning classifier. We tested these procedures on 138 public drug discovery data sets containing structure–activity data for a variety of pharmaceutical targets. We show that both thresholding methods improve significantly the performance of RF. We tested the use of GHOST with four different classifiers in combination with two molecular descriptors, and we found that most classifiers benefit from threshold optimization. GHOST also outperformed other strategies, including random undersampling and conformal prediction. Finally, we show that our thresholding procedures can be effectively applied to real-world drug discovery projects, where the imbalance and characteristics of the data vary greatly between the training and test sets.
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Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) is a type of molecular marker which constitutes the phenotypic variations between individuals in certain species. In recent years, the advantages of SNP were widely considered in many fields, for instance in designing precision medicine in humans and assembling superior cultivars in plant breeding. The main challenge in SNP discovery is imbalanced data distribution between classes, where the number of true SNPs in question is much fewer than false SNPs. While the study in observing the benefit of feature selection in classification problem was widely reported, the use of this technique in solving imbalanced class problem still become interesting topic for research. In this study, we selected the features that most contribute in identifying SNP using Feature Assessment by Sliding Thresholds (FAST) method. FAST evaluates the contribution of each feature in identifying SNPs based on the Area under ROC Curve (AUC) value. SNP identification using 4 best features resulted in improved classifier performance in terms of G-Means compared to using 24 features. In addition, using feature selection techniques can reduce computational time and save resource needed.
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Most common machine learning (ML) algorithms usually work well on balanced training sets, that is, datasets in which all classes are approximately represented equally. Otherwise, the accuracy estimates may be unreliable and classes with only a few values are often misclassified or neglected. This is known as a class imbalance problem in machine learning and datasets that do not meet this criterion are referred to as imbalanced data. Most datasets of soil classes are, therefore, imbalanced data. One of our main objectives is to compare eight resampling strategies that have been developed to counteract the imbalanced data problem. We compared the performance of five of the most common ML algorithms with the resampling approaches. The highest increase in prediction accuracy was achieved with SMOTE (the synthetic minority oversampling technique). In comparison to the baseline prediction on the original dataset, we achieved an increase of about 10, 20 and 10% in the overall accuracy, kappa index and F‐score, respectively. Regarding the ML approaches, random forest (RF) showed the best performance with an overall accuracy, kappa index and F‐score of 66, 60 and 57%, respectively. Moreover, the combination of RF and SMOTE improved the accuracy of the individual soil classes, compared to RF trained on the original dataset and allowed better prediction of soil classes with a low number of samples in the corresponding soil profile database, in our case for Chernozems. Our results show that balancing existing soil legacy data using synthetic sampling strategies can significantly improve the prediction accuracy in digital soil mapping (DSM). Highlights Spatial distribution of soil classes in Iran can be predicted using machine learning (ML) algorithms. The synthetic minority oversampling technique overcomes the drawback of imbalanced and highly biased soil legacy data. When combining a random forest model with synthetic sampling strategies the prediction accuracy of the soil model improves significantly. The resulting new soil map of Iran has a much higher spatial resolution compared to existing maps and displays new soil classes that have not yet been mapped in Iran.
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Background The development and utilization of genetic markers play a pivotal role in marker-assisted breeding of rice cultivars during pyramiding of valuable genes. Among molecular markers, SNPs have become the most promising due to their wide distribution within genomes and suitability for high -throughput automated genotyping. Although metadata of SNPs have been identified via next generation sequencing in rice, a large gap between the development of SNP markers and the application in breeding still exists. To promote the application of SNP markers based on the KASP (Kompetitive Allele-Specific PCR) method in rice breeding, a set of core SNP arrays was built via the screening of SNP databases and literature resources based on the KASP method. Results Five hundred and ninety six SNPs classified into eight subsets including quality control, indica-indica variation, highly polymorphic, functional genes, key genes targeting sites, gene cloned region, important trait associated and gap filling sites were chosen to design KASP primers and 565 out of them were successfully designed, and the assay design success rate was 94.8%. Finally, 467 out of the 565 successfully-designed SNPs can display diversity at the loci were used to develop a set of core SNP arrays. To evaluate the application value of the core SNP markers in rice breeding, 481 rice germplasms were genotyped with three functional KASP markers designed from the sequences of GBSSI, SSIIa, and Badh2 from the core SNP arrays for estimation of their grain quality performance. Eighteen rice lines, including Xiangwanxian 13, Basmati 370, Ruanhua A, and PR 33319–9–1-1-5-3-5-4-1, harbor all three favorable alleles. The core KASP arrays were also used for rice germplasm assessment, genetic diversity and population evaluation. Four hundred and eighty-one rice germplasms were divided into 3 groups: POP1, POP2 and POP3. POP1 and POP2 were indica rice subgroups consisting of 263 and 186 rice germplasms, respectively. POP3 was a japonica rice subgroup consisting of 32 rice germplasms. The average FST value for the three subgroups was 0.3501; the FST value of POP1 and POP3 was the largest (0.5482), while that of POP1 and POP2 was the smallest (0.0721). The results showed that the genetic distance between the japonica and indica rice subspecies was large, indicating that the core SNP markers were effective at discriminating the population structure of the germplasms. Finally, the core KASP arrays were used for association analysis with milled grain traits. A total of 31 KASP markers were significantly associated (P < 0.01) with ML and the LWR. Among the 31 markers, 13 were developed based on cloned genes or on identified loci related to yield traits. Notably, several KASP markers associated with grain quality were also found to be associated with brown planthopper resistance or green leafhopper resistance simultaneously. Conclusions The core KASP arrays developed in our study were efficient and versatile for rice germplasm assessment, genetic diversity and population evaluation and are valuable for promoting SNP molecular breeding in rice. Our study demonstrated that useful assays combined with molecular breeding can be exploited for important economic trait improvement in rice breeding. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1186/s12284-019-0272-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Data imbalance remains one of the factors negatively affecting the performance of contemporary machine learning algorithms. One of the most common approaches to reducing the negative impact of data imbalance is preprocessing the original dataset with data-level strategies. In this paper we propose a unified framework for imbalanced data over- and undersampling. The proposed approach utilizes radial basis functions to preserve the original shape of the underlying class distributions during the resampling process. This is done by optimizing the positions of generated synthetic observations with respect to the proposed potential resemblance loss. The final Potential Anchoring algorithm combines over- and undersampling within the proposed framework. The results of the experiments conducted on 60 imbalanced datasets show outperformance of Potential Anchoring over state-of-the-art resampling algorithms, including previously proposed methods that utilize radial basis functions to model class potential. Furthermore, the results of the analysis based on the proposed data complexity index show that Potential Anchoring is particularly well suited for handling naturally complex (i.e. not affected by the presence of noise) datasets.
Alternative splicing produces different isoforms from the same gene locus, it is an important mechanism for regulating gene expression and proteome diversity. Although the prediction of gene(ncRNA)-disease associations has been extensively studied, few (or no) computational solutions have been proposed for the prediction of isoform-disease association (IDA) at a large scale, mainly due to the lack of disease annotations of isoforms. However, increasing evidences confirm the associations between diseases and isoforms, which can more precisely uncover the pathology of complex diseases. Therefore, it is highly desirable to predict IDAs. To bridge this gap, we propose a deep neural network based solution (DeepIDA) to fuse multi-type genomics and transcriptomics data to predict IDAs. Particularly, DeepIDA uses gene-isoform relations to dispatch gene-disease associations to isoforms. In addition, it utilizes two DNN sub-networks with different structures to capture nucleotide and expression features of isoforms, Gene Ontology data and miRNA target data, respectively. After that, these two sub-networks are merged in a dense layer to predict IDAs. The experimental results on public datasets show that DeepIDA can effectively predict IDAs with AUPRC (area under the precision-recall curve) of 0.9141, macro F-measure of 0.9155, G-mean of 0.9278 and balanced accuracy of 0.9303 across 732 diseases, which are much higher than those of competitive methods. Further study on sixteen isoform-disease association cases again corroborates the superiority of DeepIDA. The code of DeepIDA is available at .
Motivation: Genome diagnostics have gradually become a prevailing routine for human healthcare. With the advances in understanding the causal genes for many human diseases, targeted sequencing provides a rapid, cost-efficient and focused option for clinical applications, such as SNP detection and haplotype classification, in a specific genomic region. Although nanopore sequencing offers a perfect tool for targeted sequencing because of its mobility, PCR-freeness, and long read properties, it poses a challenging computational problem of how to efficiently and accurately search and map genomic subsequences of interest in a pool of nanopore reads (or raw signals). Due to its relatively low sequencing accuracy, there is no reliable solution to this problem, especially at low sequencing coverage. Results: Here, we propose a brand new signal-based subsequence inquiry pipeline as well as two novel algorithms to tackle this problem. The proposed algorithms follow the principle of subsequence dynamic time warping and directly operate on the electrical current signals, without loss of information in base-calling. Therefore, the proposed algorithms can serve as a tool for sequence inquiry in targeted sequencing. Two novel criteria are offered for the consequent signal quality analysis and data classification. Comprehensive experiments on real-world nanopore datasets show the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. We further demonstrate the potential applications of the proposed algorithms in two typical tasks in nanopore-based targeted sequencing: SNP detection under low sequencing coverage, and haplotype classification under low sequencing accuracy. Availability: The project is accessible at, and the presented bench data is available upon request.