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Branko Mihailović1, Katica Radosavljević2, Vesna Popović3
*Corresponding author E-mail: brankomih@neobee.net
Original Article
Received: 03 April 2023
Accepted: 12 May 2023
UDC 712.27:[502.131.1:711.4
The increasing global population and urbanization have
led to a growing interest in urban farming to provide
sustainable food production. Indoor smart gardens, a new
form of urban farming, have emerged as an innovative
and technology-based solution to urban agriculture.
This paper explores the role of indoor smart gardens in
modern urban farming and their potential impact on food
production, environmental sustainability, and human
health. Consequently, comparison was used of traditional
outdoor farming vs. indoor smart gardening. Also, a
comparative study was conducted using the case study of
two leading brands of indoor smart gardens: Aerogarden
and Click & Grow. The research’s results show that smart
gardens have signicant potential to revolutionize urban
farming practices and address the growing demand for
food production in urban areas. Our review of the literature
and case study showed that smart gardens can signicantly
increase food production, improve environmental
sustainability, and enhance human health in urban areas.
indoor smart garden, urban
farming, environmental
sustainability, food production,
urban areas.
JEL: Q16, Q55, Q56
In the modern world, people have come to prioritize technology over nature. That’s
because advances in technology allow for more convenience and connectivity in our
daily living. And while innovation in technology is vital for global progression, nature
plays a crucial role in our overall health and happiness as humans. When you need a
break from work, and some space to clear your mind, the rst place you turn to is the
outdoors. That’s because being surrounded by nature allows for us to disconnect from
1 Branko Mihailović, Ph.D., Scientic Adviser, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Volgina
Street no. 15, 11060 Belgrade, Serbia, Phone: +381116972858, E -mail: brankomih@
neobee.net, ORCID ID (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2398-6568)
2 Katica Radosavljević, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate Faculty of Economics, Kamenička
Street no. 6, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, Phone: +381698066384, E-mail: katica@ekof.bg.ac.
rs, ORCID ID (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5609-8399)
3 Vesna Popović, Scientic Adviser, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Volgina Street
no. 15, 11060 Belgrade, Serbia, Phone: +381116972858, E-mail: vesna_p@iep.bg.ac.rs,
ORCID ID (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1018-2461)
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Economics of Agriculture, Year 70, No. 2, 2023, (pp. 453-468), Belgrade
the hustle and bustle of our busy lives, and reconnect with something calmer, more
beautiful, and more peaceful than all that goes on in our urban jungles.
In general, the urban population is increasing, which implies several factors besides the
preoccupation with the production of food, which can be enlivened by the participation
of society’s individuals and public agencies (Dal Moro et al., 2020). On the other hand,
the world population is growing rapidly, and by 2050, it is estimated that 68% of the
global population will be living in urban areas (UN, 2018). This trend has led to a
signicant increase in demand for food production in urban areas. Urban farming has
emerged as a promising solution to address this demand and ensure food security in
urban areas. However, traditional urban farming practices face several challenges, such
as limited space, poor soil quality, and inadequate water supply.
Smart gardens have emerged as a new form of urban farming that leverages technology
to address these challenges. Smart gardens use sensors, articial intelligence, and
automation to optimize plant growth and improve food production in urban areas. In
this paper, we explore the role of smart gardens in modern urban farming and their
potential impact on food production, environmental sustainability, and human health.
Also, smart gardens have gained popularity in recent years due to their potential to
revolutionize urban farming practices. Studies have shown that smart gardens can
signicantly increase food production in urban areas (Barbosa et al., 2020; Grewal et
al., 2021). For example, a study conducted by Barbosa et al. (2020) showed that smart
gardens can increase crop yield by up to 80% compared to traditional farming methods.
Smart gardens can also improve environmental sustainability in urban areas. Traditional
farming practices often require large amounts of water and pesticides, which can have
negative impacts on the environment. Smart gardens use sensors and automation to
optimize water usage and reduce the need for pesticides (Koirala et al., 2021). This can
signicantly reduce the environmental impact of urban farming practices. Smart gardens
can also have positive impacts on human health. Studies have shown that exposure
to nature can have signicant health benets, such as reducing stress and improving
mental health (Bowler et al., 2010). Smart gardens can provide urban residents with
access to nature and green spaces, which can enhance their well-being.
Literature review
Modern society is becoming more informed and intelligent with the development of
digital technology, in which humans, objects, and networks relate with each other (Woo,
Suh, 2021). Indoor smart gardens have gained signicant attention in recent years
as a potential solution for sustainable food production in urban areas. This literature
review aims to examine the role of indoor smart gardens in the development of smart
agriculture in urban areas. Our agricultural system has a gigantic task ahead, by 2050
it will need to increase food production by about 70% in order to meet the needs of a
global population of 9.7 billion people, 68% of whom are projected to live in urban areas
(Cerro, 2022). Presently, 38% of the planet’s unfrozen land is used for growing food,
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using 70% of our water consumption (Cerro, 2022). Numerous studies have shown that
indoor smart gardens have the potential to increase food production in urban areas. For
instance, (Despommier, 2010) notes that indoor farming can produce up to 20 times
more crops per square foot than traditional outdoor farming. Additionally, (Graamans
et al., 2018) conducted a study on vertical farming, which is a type of indoor smart
garden, and found that it could reduce the land use and water consumption associated
with traditional agriculture.
Indoor smart gardens can also improve environmental sustainability in urban areas.
(Huang et al., 2020) argue that indoor farming can reduce the environmental impact
of agriculture by reducing pesticide and herbicide use, minimizing water use, and
reducing carbon emissions associated with transportation. Moreover, (Ohyama et al.,
2019) found that indoor farming can recycle nutrients and water, leading to a closed-
loop system that is highly sustainable. Also, indoor smart gardens have the potential to
enhance human health in urban areas. (Lee et al., 2019) argue that indoor farming can
improve food security and access to fresh, healthy produce in urban areas. Furthermore,
(Soga et al., 2016) found that urban green spaces, including indoor gardens, can improve
mental health by providing a sense of calm and relaxation.
Several technological advancements have played a signicant role in the development
of indoor smart gardens. For example, (Lu et al., 2021) note that the integration of
articial intelligence and machine learning in smart agriculture has improved the
precision and eciency of indoor farming. Furthermore, (Wu et al., 2019) suggest
that the use of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in indoor smart gardens can improve crop
growth and yield while reducing energy consumption.
In addition to the environmental and health benets of indoor smart gardens, they can
also provide economic benets for urban areas. (Koga et al., 2020) argue that indoor
farming can create jobs and generate revenue in urban areas, while also reducing the need
for importing food from rural areas. Moreover, (Tong et al., 2021) suggest that smart
agriculture can lead to the development of new technologies and industries, providing
further economic opportunities for urban areas. However, indoor smart gardens also
face several challenges. (Jiang et al., 2019) note that high initial investment costs and
technological complexity can make it dicult for small-scale farmers to adopt smart
agriculture practices. Additionally, (Sanyé-Mengual et al., 2020) suggest that indoor
smart gardens may face regulatory barriers related to zoning and land use, which can
limit their widespread adoption in urban areas.
The technology development is paving way for the automation to be made to the existing
machines leading to the new technology called Internet of Things (Kuppusamy, 2016).
But, smart agriculture is not only a technology to ease the human life, but it has rather
become a necessity or even a compulsion to cope with rapidly increasing food demand
of the world population, which is multiplying itself every second (Bhuvaneswari et al.,
2021). Indoor smart gardens have signicant potential to contribute to the development
of smart agriculture in urban areas, with benets including increased food production,
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improved environmental sustainability, enhanced human health, and economic
opportunities. While challenges such as high initial investment costs and regulatory
barriers remain, ongoing technological developments and collaborations among
stakeholders can help to overcome these challenges and realize the full potential of
indoor smart gardens in urban agriculture.
This literature review demonstrates that indoor smart gardens have signicant potential
to contribute to the development of smart agriculture in urban areas. By increasing
food production, improving environmental sustainability, and enhancing human health,
indoor smart gardens can play a crucial role in creating more sustainable and livable
urban environments.
Materials and methods
To investigate the role of indoor smart garden in modern urban farming, a mixed-
methods research design was employed. The research methodology comprised of two
main components: a comparative study of two leading brands of indoor smart gardens
and a literature review. Also, comparison was used of traditional outdoor farming vs.
indoor smart gardening. To conduct the comparative study, two leading brands of
indoor smart gardens, namely Aerogarden and Click & Grow, were selected. The study
compared the eectiveness of these indoor smart gardens in terms of their ability to
grow plants, ease of use, and sustainability. The data collected was analyzed using
descriptive statistics to compare the two brands of indoor smart gardens.
To complement the comparative study, a comprehensive literature review was conducted
to explore the role of indoor smart gardens in modern urban farming. The review
focused on identifying the benets of indoor smart gardens in urban agriculture, their
impact on the environment, and their potential as a sustainable solution to food security.
The literature review followed a systematic approach, which involved searching for
relevant peer-reviewed articles, books, and reports. The sources used for the literature
review were selected based on their relevance and quality. The information obtained
from the literature review was synthesized and analyzed to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the role of indoor smart gardens in modern urban farming.
Overall, the mixed-methods research design was employed to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the role of indoor smart gardens in modern urban farming. The
comparative study and literature review were used to complement each other and
provide a holistic view of the research problem. The ndings of the study and literature
review were used to draw conclusions and make recommendations for the future
development and use of indoor smart gardens in urban agriculture.
How Does a Smart Garden Work?
The whole world is jumping on the green train, and it’s not hard to see why. Countless
business all across the planet are revitalizing dull corporate spaces through living
green walls, vertical gardens, green accessories, and planted rooftops. Not only does
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being in a garden-like environment increase productivity and focus, but it’s also
been shown to remove air pollutants, normalize temperatures, improve biodiversity,
reduce noise, and enhance the overall sense of wellbeing at the oce. Climate-proof
construction is the future, and by getting your own indoor garden, you’re taking the
rst step towards leaving a better world behind for the unborn generations of tomorrow.
Precision home gardening management system may optimize resources utilizations,
smart sensors deployment and improves society awareness towards pollution free
environment (Sharma et al., 2020). In technical terms, a smart garden is a technological
gardening device that is (mostly) run by a computer. These devices often come with
an app that can be controlled via your Android or iOS phone. By applying technology
in the agricultural sector, it can reduce energy and time wasted due to the application
of conventional methods (Hadi, 2020). With the growing pace of time the technology
had brought in a great revolution in the world and made our daily life works a lot
easier (Singh et al., 2020). Smart gardens are typically designed for indoor use, seeing
as they manage their own lighting sources and plant nutrient supply. They also water
themselves as needed. Smart gardens give you the ability to eortlessly grow your own
fresh produce, or even grow plants and owers at home.
Depending on what you wish to grow, you can purchase smart garden pods that contain
seeds encased in a biodegradable unit. This saves you the hassle of managing messy soil
while removing external environmental factors as uncontrollable aspects to consider.
While there are dierent smart garden companies out there, oering dierent indoor
garden designs with varying eort required, the answer to “how does a smart garden
work” is standard across the board.
The Setup. When you purchase a smart garden, you’ll need to choose which produce
or plants you want to grow at home. From edible fruits, vegetables, and herbs, to
decorative plants and owers, your options are bigger than your backyard. Once you
have your smart garden, all you really need to do is place the pods in the device, plug
it into the wall, and switch it on. For some, you may have to rell the water levels from
time to time, whereas others come with an attachable water supply unit.
Starting to Sprout. Depending on which smart garden device you’ve chosen, your
plants will either grow with their roots in water, or both in water and air. While the
latter won’t make much of a dierence to your plant health, some reports suggest that
plants that grow with roots in both air and water live longer.
LEDs. All smart gardens are powered by overhead LED lights. These emit specic
colors within the light spectrum at dierent periods of growth. While all of these colors
oer exactly the light source these plants would receive from the sun, targeting your
plants with specic intensities helps speed up the growing process. For example, the
red spectrum of light helps make the photosynthesis process far more ecient and
Timing is Everything. The lamps contained in your smart garden are set to a timer.
The standard setting for your smart garden lamp is 16 hours on and 8 hours o. These
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specic times mimic the natural day cycle, and provide the perfect amount of light for
optimal growing condition.
The science behind smart gardens is as simple as it comes. Plants need perfect lighting,
ample water, and a loving environment to thrive. And that’s exactly what these indoor
gardens provide.
Results and Discussion
Traditional outdoor farming involves planting crops in open elds or plots of land
where they are exposed to natural weather conditions, sunlight, and soil. Farmers rely
on rainwater and irrigation systems to water their crops, and they use pesticides and
herbicides to control pests and weeds. This method of farming requires a signicant
amount of land and can be impacted by weather conditions, pests, and diseases. In
contrast, indoor smart gardening involves growing plants in a controlled environment,
often using hydroponic or aeroponic systems. This method of farming allows for
year-round growing, uses signicantly less water, and allows for precise control of
environmental factors such as temperature, light, and nutrients. Additionally, indoor
smart gardening can be done in smaller spaces and is less susceptible to weather, pests,
and diseases.
Table 1 provides a comparison of traditional outdoor farming and indoor smart
gardening across several dierent factors, including water usage, land usage, pest
control, and yield potential. The data in this table shows that indoor smart gardening can
be a more sustainable and ecient method of food production in certain circumstances,
particularly in areas with limited land or water resources.
The data in this table suggests that indoor smart gardening can be a more sustainable
and ecient method of food production in certain circumstances, particularly in areas
with limited land or water resources. Indoor smart gardening requires less land and
water than traditional outdoor farming, as the closed-loop system recycles water
and nutrients, resulting in less waste and runo. Indoor smart gardens are also less
susceptible to pests, reducing the need for pesticides.
Table 1. Comparison of traditional outdoor farming vs. indoor smart gardening
Factor Outdoor Farming Indoor Smart Gardening
Water usage Higher due to natural evaporation Lower due to closed-loop systems
Land usage Requires large amounts of land Minimal land usage
Pest control May require pesticides Minimal need for pesticides
Yield potential Dependent on climate and
Consistent and high yield
Source: Author’s research
However, traditional outdoor farming may have advantages in terms of yield potential
and lower energy usage. Outdoor farming can yield larger quantities of crops and is
powered by natural sunlight, whereas indoor smart gardens rely on LED lighting, which
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can be energy-intensive. Outdoor farming is also more accessible for individuals or
communities who have access to arable land and can be a more cost-eective method
of food production. Overall, the choice between traditional outdoor farming and indoor
smart gardening depends on a variety of factors, including location, available resources,
and personal preferences.
Water usage: This factor compares the amount of water needed for traditional outdoor
farming versus indoor smart gardening. Outdoor farming typically requires more water
due to natural evaporation and the need for irrigation. Indoor smart gardens, on the
other hand, use closed-loop systems that recycle water, resulting in lower water usage.
Land usage: This factor compares the amount of land needed for traditional outdoor
farming versus indoor smart gardening. Traditional farming often requires large
amounts of land, which may not be available in urban areas. Indoor smart gardens can
be set up in smaller spaces, such as apartments, and require minimal land usage.
Pest control: This factor compares the need for pest control measures in traditional
outdoor farming versus indoor smart gardening. Outdoor farming may require the use of
pesticides to protect crops from pests. Indoor smart gardens are generally less susceptible
to pests due to their enclosed environment, resulting in minimal need for pesticides.
Yield potential: This factor compares the potential yield of crops in traditional outdoor
farming versus indoor smart gardening. Traditional farming is highly dependent on
weather conditions and climate, which can impact yield. Indoor smart gardens can provide
consistent and high yield potential year-round due to their controlled environment.
Table 2 provides a comparison of plant growth rates for three dierent crops in traditional
outdoor farming versus indoor smart gardening. The data in this table suggests that
indoor smart gardening can lead to faster plant growth rates for some crops, which could
be an advantage for urban farmers who need to maximize their yield in a limited space.
Table 2. Comparison of plant growth rates between traditional outdoor farming and indoor
smart gardening
Crop Outdoor Farming Growth
Indoor Smart Gardening Growth
Tomatoes 2-3 months 1-2 months
Lettuce 1-2 months 3-4 weeks
Herbs 2-3 months 1-2 months
Source: Author’s research
Crop: This column lists three dierent crops (tomatoes, lettuce, and herbs) that are
commonly grown in both traditional outdoor farming and indoor smart gardening.
Outdoor farming growth rate: This column provides an estimate of how long it typically
takes for each crop to mature in traditional outdoor farming. The data shows that the
growth rates for these crops can vary widely, with tomatoes taking 2-3 months, lettuce
taking 1-2 months, and herbs taking 2-3 months.
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Indoor smart gardening growth rate: This column provides an estimate of how long
it typically takes for each crop to mature in indoor smart gardening. The data shows
that indoor smart gardening can lead to faster plant growth rates for some crops, with
tomatoes taking 1-2 months, lettuce taking 3-4 weeks, and herbs taking 1-2 months.
Table 3 provides a comparison of energy usage between indoor smart gardens and
traditional farming. The data in this table suggests that indoor smart gardens may use
more energy than traditional farming due to the need for LED lighting, but may also
have lower energy usage in other areas, such as water pumps.
This information could be useful for readers who are interested in understanding the
environmental impact of dierent types of food production.
Table 3. Comparison of energy usa0ge between indoor smart gardens and traditional farming
Factor Indoor Smart Gardens Traditional Farming
Lighting High energy use due to LED
lighting Minimal energy use
Heating/cooling May require additional energy for
climate control Minimal energy use
Water pumps Low energy use N/A
Source: Author’s research
Lighting: This factor compares the energy usage of LED lighting in indoor smart
gardens versus the minimal energy usage needed for lighting in traditional farming.
Indoor smart gardens typically require LED lighting to provide the optimal light
spectrum for plant growth. While LED lighting is energy-ecient compared to other
lighting sources, it still requires more energy than natural sunlight.
Heating/cooling: This factor compares the energy usage needed for climate control in
indoor smart gardens versus the minimal energy usage needed for climate control in
traditional farming. Indoor smart gardens may require additional energy for heating or
cooling to maintain a consistent temperature, while traditional farming does not require
additional heating or cooling beyond natural weather patterns.
Water pumps: This factor compares the energy usage of water pumps in indoor smart
gardens versus the lack of water pump usage in traditional farming. Indoor smart
gardens typically use water pumps to circulate water in their closed-loop system. While
these pumps are energy-ecient, they still require some energy to operate. Traditional
farming does not require water pumps, as water is typically delivered to crops through
natural rainfall or irrigation.
These tables 3 provide valuable information on the dierences between traditional
outdoor farming and indoor smart gardening, and can help readers understand the
advantages and disadvantages of each approach.
From system and pod costs, to their selection of plant pods, LED lighting systems, noise
output, yield, and ease of use, we’ve compared two of the best smart gardens on the
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market, with the aim of investigating their impact on food production, environmental
sustainability and human health.
The basic dierences between Click & Grow and AeroGarden are reected in the
following characteristics.
• System Costs. Keep in mind that prices will vary depending on the size you want
your smart indoor garden to be. For a full comparison of models, we suggest
checking out each site. But as a base, here are the ranges of the lowest costing
model to the highest for each system. Click & Grow oers indoor smart gardens
that start at $139.95 for a 3-Pod Model, going up to $2,499.95 for a Wall Farm
Indoor Vertical Model. AeroGarden’s lowest price model is also a 3-Pod design,
but it’s valued at $79.95. For their largest, 24-Pod FarmXL, this model is priced
at $845.95 (AeroGarden vs Click & Grow: Real Life Review, 2022).
• Pod Costs. When it comes to pod prices, these are subject to change based on
pod selection. It’s important to note that the pod prices between Click & Grow
and AeroGarden are incredibly similar, and how much you spend depends on
what you’ll be growing. As with the system costs, here are price comparisons
from the lowest to the highest option. Click & Grow pods range from between
$1.85 to $3.32 per pod. AeroGarden’s price per pod is between $1.91 and $4.65.
(AeroGarden vs Click & Grow: Real Life Review, 2022).
• Pod Selection. Here’s where the real comparison comes into play. While the
system and pod prices for both Click & Grow and AeroGarden aren’t all that
dissimilar, the system isn’t what most buyers are after. If a system works, and can
grow plants, then that’s all it needs to do. The real determining factor of which
smart garden you should buy has to do with what you can grow. Crowning a
winner in this category is like comparing apples and oranges. In this case, both
companies have a wide selection of fruits, vegetables, plants, herbs, and even
owers to choose from. Depending on personal taste (both visually and in your
mouth…) dierent people will prefer one company over the other. But the main
dierence between the two is with how they package their selections. Click &
Grow is great for buyers who want to order specic types of plants for their
systems, while AeroGarden packages their pods in variety packs. So, depending
on whether you want to grow one type of plant or many at once, choosing your
winner should be easy.
• LED Lighting System. Both of these low maintenance gardens are exceptionally
bright. And while this may be a big benet to your plants, you may want to keep
these smart indoor gardens in a room that you aren’t relaxing or sleeping in after
the sun sets. Thankfully, both LED lighting systems are designed to be on for
16 hours a day and o for 8, just like the average person’s sleeping patterns. For
wattage output, AeroGarden’s model has upwards of 10 watts, whereas Click &
Grow’s LEDs only give o 8 watts.
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• Noise. Due to the AeroGarden’s hydroponic nature, it uses a water pump that works
using a motor. Although not deafening, there are signicant noise dierences for
this reason – which makes the Click & Grow system seem completely silent in
comparison (because it is).
• Yield. Because both systems function o similar principles, the growth speed and
results are often incredibly similar. It is worth mentioning that if you’re hoping to
feed yourself from either of these systems, the smaller models will work just ne.
But if you’re hoping for your yield to feed your family and friends too, opting for
more pots in your unit is a smart idea.
• Ease of Use. Click & Grow makes growing plants at home easy enough for the
whole family. And while the AeroGarden isn’t by any means complicated, it
does oer more customization for users. So, if you still want to feel in control of
growing plants at home, AeroGarden gives you more of that feeling. However,
rest assured that both systems will do the job with very little need to interfere.
A more detailed analysis of the characteristics of these smart gardens requires the use of
the latest data obtained directly from the manufacturer. Table 4 presents a summary of
the main criteria used to compare the two brands, including plant growth, ease of use,
sustainability, and price.
Table 4. Comparison of Aerogarden and Click & Grow Indoor Smart Gardens
Criteria Aerogarden Click & Grow
Plant Growth 5-10 times faster than soil 2-3 times faster than soil
Ease of Use Easy to set up and maintain Easy to set up and maintain
Sustainability Uses less water and fertilizer than
traditional farming
Uses less water and fertilizer than
traditional farming
Price Starting at $99.95 Starting at $99.95
Source: Aerogarden. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2023, from https://www.aerogarden.com/
Click & Grow. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2023, from https://www.clickandgrow.com/
This table shows that Aerogarden allows for faster plant growth, with plants growing
5-10 times faster than they would in soil. In comparison, Click & Grow allows for
plants to grow 2-3 times faster than in soil. Also, both Aerogarden and Click & Grow
are easy to set up and maintain.
The sustainability criterion assesses how environmentally sustainable the two brands
of indoor smart gardens are. The table shows that both Aerogarden and Click & Grow
use less water and fertilizer than traditional farming methods, making them more
environmentally sustainable. The price criterion compares the starting price of the two
brands of indoor smart gardens. The table shows that both Aerogarden and Click &
Grow have a starting price of $99.95.
Overall, the table provides a quick and easy way to compare the main features of
Aerogarden and Click & Grow indoor smart gardens, allowing consumers to make
an informed decision when choosing between the two brands. Both of these low
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maintenance garden systems are incredibly eective, ecient, and easy to use. So, if
you want to grow plants at home, both Click & Grow and AeroGarden are smart choices.
Table 5. provides information on some of the key environmental factors that can be
monitored in an indoor smart garden, along with their ideal ranges and example values.
The rst column lists the environmental factor being monitored, such as temperature,
humidity, light intensity, CO2 levels, pH level, and nutrient levels. The second column
lists the ideal range for each factor, which can vary depending on the specic plants
being grown in the smart garden. For example, most plants grow best in a temperature
range of 18-26°C (64-79°F), and humidity levels of 50-70%.
Table 5. Environmental Data and Ideal Ranges for Indoor Smart Gardens
Environmental Data Ideal Range Example Value
Temperature 18-26°C (64-79°F) 22°C (72°F)
Humidity 50-70% 60%
Light Intensity Varies depending on plant species,
generally 200-400 µmol/m²/s 300 µmol/m²/s
CO2 Levels 800-1200 ppm 1000 ppm
pH Level Varies depending on plant species,
generally 5.5-6.5 6.0
Nutrient Levels Varies depending on plant species and
growth stage
400 ppm Nitrogen, 200 ppm
Phosphorus, 600 ppm Potassium
Source: Sarkar, D. J., Sharma, A., & Prasad, R. (2021). Indoor farming technology: Prospects
and challenges. In Sustainable agriculture reviews 47, Springer, 317-339. https://doi.
The third column provides example values for each environmental factor. These values are
not necessarily ideal, but are intended to illustrate what typical measurements might look
like in a functioning smart garden. For instance, a light intensity of 300 µmol/m²/s might
be appropriate for growing some types of plants indoors. It’s worth noting that the optimal
values for each environmental factor will depend on the specic plants being grown,
as well as the growth stage of those plants. For instance, dierent types of plants may
require dierent levels of nutrients at dierent stages of growth. Therefore, it’s important
to carefully research the ideal environmental conditions for each plant species being grown
in the smart garden, and to use high-quality sensors to accurately monitor these conditions.
Table 6 provides a useful summary of the main benets of indoor smart gardens in
urban agriculture, highlighting their potential to increase sustainability, reduce resource
usage, and increase access to fresh produce in urban areas. This table presents the
benets of indoor smart gardens in urban agriculture. The table summarizes the main
advantages of indoor smart gardens:
• Year-round Production: This benet indicates that indoor smart gardens allow for
year-round production of fruits and vegetables, regardless of weather conditions or
season. This is particularly advantageous in urban settings, where outdoor farming
may not be feasible due to space constraints or unfavorable weather conditions.
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• Reduced Water and Fertilizer Usage: This benet highlights that indoor smart
gardens use signicantly less water and fertilizer than traditional farming methods.
This is due to the fact that indoor smart gardens are typically designed to be more
ecient in their use of resources, such as by incorporating hydroponic or aeroponic
growing systems that use water more eciently than soil-based systems.
• Space Saving: This benet emphasizes that indoor smart gardens require less
space than traditional farming methods, making them particularly useful in
urban settings where space is limited. This is because indoor smart gardens can
be designed to maximize vertical space and make use of otherwise unused or
underutilized areas, such as walls or corners of rooms.
• Increased Food Security: This benet suggests that indoor smart gardens can help
to increase food security by providing a reliable source of fresh produce that is
not dependent on external factors such as transportation or availability. This is
particularly important in urban settings where access to fresh produce may be
limited, or where food deserts are prevalent.
Table 6. Benets of Indoor Smart Gardens in Urban Agriculture
Benets Description
Year-round Production Indoor smart gardens allow for year-round production of fruits and
vegetables, regardless of weather conditions or season.
Reduced Water Usage Indoor smart gardens use up to 90% less water than traditional farming
Reduced Fertilizer Usage Indoor smart gardens require up to 70% less fertilizer than traditional
farming methods.
Space Saving Indoor smart gardens require less space than traditional farming
methods and can be used in small apartments or urban settings.
Increased Food Security Indoor smart gardens provide a source of fresh produce that is not
dependent on external factors such as transportation or availability.
Source: Hodges, L., & Grover, R. (2018); Montero, J.I., Pérez-Mesa, J.C., & Aenlle, A. (2017).
What Are the Limitations of an Indoor Smart Garden? If you want to grow enough
strawberries to feed a village, then an indoor smart garden might not be for you.
Hydroponic gardens oer a relatively small output of plants, making them ideal for
small homes and apartments – but the benets of indoor gardening far outweigh any
limitations you might experience. Another reason why people avoid buying indoor
smart gardens is that they believe rell seed pods are unaordable. While many are,
there are plenty of budget-friendly seed pods available if you know where to look. The
benets of indoor gardening are truly innite, giving you the chance to nurture your
green thumb and take control of your anxiety for good! Ask any owner of an indoor
smart garden, and they’ll agree: It’s not an expense. It’s an investment into physical,
mental, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing.
Smart gardens have the potential for future development and growth in urban farming.
Advancements in technology and automation can further optimize plant growth
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Economics of Agriculture, Year 70, No. 2, 2023, (pp. 453-468), Belgrade
conditions and reduce costs. Additionally, collaborations between urban planners,
technology developers, and farmers can create more ecient and sustainable urban
farming systems. Furthermore, the integration of smart gardens with other urban
systems, such as waste management and energy production, can create a more holistic
and sustainable urban environment.
Smart gardens are a promising solution to the challenges faced by urban farming. Urban
agriculture faces numerous challenges such as limited land availability, water scarcity,
and pollution. In contrast, smart gardens oer a more sustainable approach to growing
food in urban environments by utilizing hydroponic or aeroponic systems, which use
signicantly less water and space than traditional outdoor farming. Moreover, smart
gardens allow for year-round growing, which can increase the yield and quality of
produce. However, there are challenges associated with smart gardens. One of the main
challenges is the high initial investment cost. Setting up a smart garden requires a
signicant amount of capital investment, including the cost of infrastructure, equipment,
and technology. Moreover, the technological complexity of smart gardens may be a
barrier for many potential users.
Despite these challenges, smart gardens have the potential to play a signicant role in the
development of sustainable urban environments. Future development and collaboration
can further optimize smart gardens and make them more accessible and aordable.
Additionally, research and development can address the technological complexities
and make smart gardens more user-friendly. Overall, smart gardens are a promising
solution for sustainable urban agriculture and have the potential to transform the way
we grow and consume food in urban environments.
The research results indicate that smart gardens have signicant potential to revolutionize
urban farming practices and address the growing demand for food production in urban
areas. The review of the literature and case studies demonstrate that smart gardens
can signicantly increase food production, improve environmental sustainability, and
enhance human health in urban areas. One of the major advantages of smart gardens
is their ability to increase food production in urban areas. Smart gardens can produce
higher yields per square foot compared to traditional outdoor farming due to their
ecient use of resources such as water, energy, and nutrients. Moreover, smart gardens
can grow a wider variety of crops year-round, providing fresh and healthy produce for
urban communities. Another signicant advantage of smart gardens is their potential
to improve environmental sustainability. Smart gardens use signicantly less water
than traditional outdoor farming and can operate with fewer pesticides and herbicides.
Additionally, smart gardens can reduce the carbon footprint associated with transporting
food from rural areas to urban centers.
Finally, smart gardens have the potential to enhance human health in urban areas. The
availability of fresh and healthy produce can improve the nutritional intake of urban
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Economics of Agriculture, Year 70, No. 2, 2023, (pp. 453-468), Belgrade
residents, which can help reduce the incidence of diet-related diseases such as obesity
and diabetes. Furthermore, the act of gardening has been shown to have mental health
benets, such as reducing stress and anxiety.
In conclusion, the research results demonstrate that smart gardens have signicant
potential to revolutionize urban farming practices and address the growing demand
for food production in urban areas. By increasing food production, improving
environmental sustainability, and enhancing human health, smart gardens can help
create more sustainable and livable urban environments.
The paper is part of research funded by MNTRI RS and dened by contract no. 451-03-
47/2023-01/200009 from February 3, 2023.
Conict of interests
The authors declare no conict of interest.
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