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Exposure to risk factors experienced during migration is not associated with recent Vermivora warbler population trends

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Context Understanding the factors limiting populations of animals is critical for effective conservation. Determining which factors limit populations of migratory species can be especially challenging because of their reliance on multiple, often geographically distant regions during their annual cycles. Objectives We investigated whether distribution-wide variation in recent breeding population trends was more strongly associated with exposure to risk factors experienced during migration (i.e., natural and anthropogenic threats often associated with increased mortality or carry-over effects) or factors associated with breeding and nonbreeding areas in golden-winged warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) and blue-winged warblers (V. cyanoptera), two Nearctic-Neotropical migrants experiencing regionally variable population trends. Methods We used geolocator data from 85 Vermivora warblers (n = 90 geolocator tracks) tracked from North American breeding locations and Central American nonbreeding locations from 2013 to 2017 to determine variation in space use among populations. We assessed whether differences in space use among populations of Vermivora warblers during migration were associated with exposure to migration risk-factors and whether increased relative exposure to migration risk factors was associated with population declines at regional and subregional scales. Results Regional and subregional populations of Vermivora warblers exhibited variation in space use and exposure to anthropogenic and natural risk-factors. However, we found no evidence that recent variation in population trends of Vermivora warblers was associated with risk-factors experienced by different populations during migration. Instead, factors associated with land cover-types in breeding and nonbreeding areas were more strongly associated with recent population trends. Conclusions Understanding how populations of migratory birds are affected by factors experienced during migration is critical for their conservation. We did not find evidence that variation in exposure to migration risk-factors is associated with recent regional or subregional variation in Vermivora warbler population trends. Consequently, our results suggest that efforts to reverse ongoing population declines of Vermivora warblers may be more effective if directed toward conservation actions targeting limiting factors within the breeding and nonbreeding periods versus those directed at conditions encountered during migration. We caution that geographic variation in projected land-use change may differentially affect areas used by different populations of Vermivora warblers during migration, posing a potential threat to these species in the future.
A Regional population-specific core-use areas (25th percentile) of Vermivora warblers during autumn and spring migration. Blue-winged warblers and golden-winged warblers from breeding sites (triangles) associated with different Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs) are represented by different colors. Geolocator-derived nonbreeding and breeding location estimates are identified by × ’s and + ’s, respectively and colored according to breeding population (i.e., BCR). B The spatial distribution of the mean-adjusted cumulative exposure to migration risk-factors represents the sum of standardized rasters of eight migration risk-factors considered in our analyses. Red cells indicate areas with above-average exposure to migration risk-factors whereas blue cells are associated with below-average exposure. Boxplot shows the scaled exposure of different regional populations (based on the exposure of individuals tracked within each population; colors correspond with the A) of Vermivora warblers to the mean-adjusted cumulative exposure to migration risk factors. Populations that experienced different levels of exposure (based on one-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD; P < 0.05) are denoted with letters. Values inside boxes indicate regional population trend estimates from the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) for 2000–2015 (BBS Regional Trend Analysis Form). Asterisks specify population trends with 95% confidence intervals that do not overlap zero. Regional populations are defined by BCR and species (blue-winged warbler [BW] or golden-winged warbler [GW]) in boxplot legend: Prairie Hardwood Transition BCR (BW PHT, teal), Central Hardwoods BCR (BW CH, pink), Appalachian Mountains BCR (BW AM, light orange; GW AM, dark orange), and Boreal Hardwood Transition (GW BHT; maroon) BCR
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Landsc Ecol (2023) 38:2357–2380
Exposure torisk factors experienced duringmigration
isnotassociated withrecent Vermivora warbler population
GunnarR.Kramer· DavidE.Andersen· DavidA.Buehler· PetraB.Wood· SeanM.Peterson·
JustinA.Lehman· KyleR.Aldinger· LesleyP.Bulluck· SergioHarding· JohnA.Jones·
JohnP.Loegering· CurtisSmalling· RachelVallender· HenryM.Streby
Received: 25 October 2022 / Accepted: 4 June 2023 / Published online: 21 June 2023
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2023
Context Understanding the factors limiting popu-
lations of animals is critical for effective conserva-
tion. Determining which factors limit populations
of migratory species can be especially challenging
because of their reliance on multiple, often geograph-
ically distant regions during their annual cycles.
Objectives We investigated whether distribution-
wide variation in recent breeding population trends
was more strongly associated with exposure to risk
factors experienced during migration (i.e., natu-
ral and anthropogenic threats often associated with
increased mortality or carry-over effects) or fac-
tors associated with breeding and nonbreeding areas
in golden-winged warblers (Vermivora chrysop-
tera) and blue-winged warblers (V. cyanoptera), two
Supplementary Information The online version
contains supplementary material available at https:// doi.
org/ 10. 1007/ s10980- 023- 01701-2.
G.R.Kramer(*)· H.M.Streby
Department ofEnvironmental Sciences, University
ofToledo, Toledo, OH43606, USA
Present Address:
Department ofOrganismic andEvolutionary Biology,
Harvard University, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge,
MA02138, USA
U.S. Geological Survey, Minnesota Cooperative Fish
andWildlife Research Unit, University ofMinnesota,
St.Paul, MN55108, USA
D.A.Buehler· J.A.Lehman
Department ofForestry, Wildlife andFisheries, University
ofTennessee, Knoxville, TN37996, USA
U.S. Geological Survey, West Virginia Cooperative Fish
andWildlife Research Unit, West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV26506, USA
Department ofEnvironmental Science, Policy,
andManagement, University ofCalifornia, Berkeley,
CA94720, USA
West Virginia Cooperative Fish andWildlife Research
Unit, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV26506,
Center forEnvironmental Studies, Virginia
Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA23284, USA
Virginia Department ofWildlife Resources, Henrico,
VA23228, USA
Department ofEcology andEvolutionary Biology, Tulane
University, NewOrleans, LA70118, USA
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... At broader spatial scales, tracking data can be used to quantify the exposure of populations to migration risk factors that are associated with reduced survival rate (e.g., human development [Korpach et al. 2022, Kramer et al. 2023) or protect threatened and endangered species from unintentional harvest during hunting seasons. For example, the opening date and shooting hours of the Sandhill Crane (Antigone canadensis) hunting season were changed to reduce risk to endangered Whooping Cranes (Grus americana) (Sharp et al. 2010). ...
... Furthermore, whether individuals occur in Central versus northern South America during the nonbreeding period is associated with a single gene (VPS13A), which provides evidence of genetic control of migration in this species (Fig. 2) (Toews et al. 2019). Geolocatortracking of Golden-winged Warblers has also identified stopover regions in southeastern Mexico and Guatemala (Bennett et al. 2019, Kramer et al. 2023) that could be targeted for conservation by existing international conservation partnerships (e.g., the Golden-winged Warbler Working Group). ...
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Conservation of North American migratory birds requires information about their movements and regulating factors throughout the annual cycle. Over the past 10 or more years, improvements in tracking technology and quantitative approaches to assessing resulting data have yielded advances in understanding many aspects of North American bird migration with relevance to conservation. To date, much of the synthesis of this information has focused on describing patterns and drivers of migration without directly addressing how these advances can inform migratory bird conservation. We begin by describing broad patterns of migration behavior observed in North American birds and briefly summarize the technological advances that have characterized different eras of bird migration research that have provided data relevant to conservation. We then illustrate how data derived from migration studies can inform conservation strategies, including addressing regulating factors outside the breeding period for North American migratory birds, and highlight how different types of migration data have shaped conservation of three well-studied species. Lastly, we discuss critical knowledge gaps and future directions for research needed to better inform North American migratory bird conservation. In particular, we highlight how further technological developments could contribute to the development of effective conservation action in the context of climate change. We also recommend that future research and conservation efforts incorporate means of evaluating the success of conservation actions that target North American migratory birds outside the breeding period.
... Previous studies have typically sought to determine variation in exposure to anthropogenic change across the annual cycle from coarse knowledge of species' seasonal ranges (Buchan et al., 2022b;Kramer et al., 2018;Murray et al., 2018;Taylor & Stutchbury, 2016), or, more recently, geolocator data (Kramer et al., 2023). Though informative, many of these cannot account for within-season and between-individual spatiotemporal variability in site-use, and they therefore lack sufficient resolution to quantify the relative contributions of different areas and seasons to change exposure. ...
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Identifying when and where organisms are exposed to anthropogenic change is crucial for diagnosing the drivers of biodiversity declines and implementing effective conservation measures. Accurately measuring individual‐scale exposure to anthropogenic impacts across the annual cycle as they move across continents requires an approach that is both spatially and temporally explicit—now achievable through recent parallel advances in remote‐sensing and individual tracking technologies. We combined 10 years of tracking data for a long‐distance migrant, (common cuckoo, Cuculus canorus ), with multi‐dimensional remote‐sensed spatial datasets encompassing thirteen relevant anthropogenic impacts (including infrastructure, hunting, habitat change, and climate change), to quantify mean hourly and total accumulated exposure of tracked individuals to anthropogenic change across each stage of the annual cycle. Although mean hourly exposure to anthropogenic change was greatest in the breeding stage, accumulated exposure to changes associated with direct mortality risks (e.g., built infrastructure) and with climate were greatest during the wintering stage, which comprised 63% of the annual cycle on average for tracked individuals. Exposure to anthropogenic change varied considerably within and between migratory flyways, but there were no clear between‐flyway differences in overall exposure during migration stages. However, more easterly autumn migratory routes were significantly associated with lower subsequent exposure to anthropogenic impacts in the winter stage. Cumulative change exposure was not significantly associated with recent local‐scale population trends in the breeding range, possibly because cuckoos from shared breeding areas may follow divergent migration routes and therefore encounter very different risk landscapes. Our study highlights the potential for the integration of tracking data and high‐resolution remote sensing to generate valuable and detailed new insights into the impacts of environmental change on wild species.
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A tornado and storm on 8 Apr. 1993 at Grand Isle, Louisiana, killed an estimated 40,000 birds of 45 species. The ten species killed in greatest numbers accounted for about half of the birds killed. Species of concern because of their already declining numbers included the Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) and Cerulean (Dendroica cerulea) and Swain-son's Warblers (Limnothlypis swainsoni•). This kill is the largest one recorded on the Gulf of Mexico coast. It may have been so severe because the storm occurred at the time of day when the greatest number of birds was arriving at the coast after having migrated all night northward across the Gull'. ALTA MORTANDAD DE MIGRATORIOS NEOTROPICALES CAUSADO POR UN TORNADO Y UNA TORMENTA EN LUISIANA Sinopsis.-Un tornado y una tormenta que ocurrieron el 8 de abril de 1993 en Grand Isle, Luisiana, caus6 la muerte aproximadamente de 40,000 aves representundo a 45 especies. Las diez especies m•ts afectadas estuvieron representarias pot el 50% de las aves muertas. Entre las especies que m•ts preocupan porque sus nfmeros se hun ido reduciendo, se encuentran Hylochichla mustelina, Dendroica cerulea y Limnothlypis swainsonii. La mortandad de aves es la mayor inoeormada en la costa del Goloeo de M•xico. Es posible que •sta haya sido tan severa debido a que la tormenta occurri6 ala hora del dla en que la gran mayoflu de las aves estaban llegando despu•s de volar durante todala noche a travis del Goloeo. On 8 Apr. 1993, a large storm roared across Grand Isle, Louisiana, spawning a tornado that killed three people and seriously injured 14 others. The same storm killed an estimated 40,000 birds of at least 45 species, most of which were neotropical migrants that had almost reached the end of their spring trans-Gulf flight. Grand Isle (29ø13'N, 90ø0'W) is a low barrier island off the coast of Louisiana, approximately 80 km south of New Orleans. The island is covered by sand dunes, marsh and the low, scrubby, Live Oak (Quercus vir-giniana) woodland known in Louisiana as "chenier,"and has a human community of about 1500 residents. The island has long been recognized as an important stopover area for neotropical migrants; much of George Lowery's important early work on the trans-Gulf migration was conducted at Grand Isle (e.g., Lowery 1945). THE STORM During the week of 4-10 Apr. 1993, slow-moving weather fronts advanced southward across Mississippi and Louisiana, drenching the Missis-7O
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We present comments on an article published by Confer et al. (Ecology and Evolution, 10, 2020). Confer et al. (2020) aggregate data from multiple studies of social pairing between Vermivora chrysoptera and V. cyanoptera, two wood warblers in the family Parulidae that hybridize extensively where they co‐occur. From analysis of these data, they conclude there is near‐complete reproductive isolation between these two species. In our reply, we show that this finding is not supported by other lines of evidence, and significant drawbacks of their study design preclude such strong conclusions. In our critique, we show that (a) coarse‐scale plumage classifications cannot be used to accurately estimate hybrid ancestry in Vermivora; (b) extra‐pair paternity is very high in Vermivora and is likely facilitating hybridization, yet was not considered by Confer et al. (2020), and we suggest this will have a substantial influence on the interpretation of reproductive isolation in the system; and (c) the central finding of strong total reproductive isolation is not compatible with the results of other long‐term studies, which demonstrate low isolation and high gene flow. We conclude with a more comprehensive interpretation of hybridization and reproductive isolation in Vermivora warblers. Vermivora warblers—golden‐winged and blue‐winged warblers—hybridize extensively where they co‐occur. We discuss concerns regarding recent suggestions that this extensive hybridization takes place in the face of near complete pre‐mating isolation, which we suggest is not consistent with other data.
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Archival geolocators have transformed the study of small, migratory organisms but analysis of data from these devices requires bias correction because tags are only recovered from individuals that survive and are re-captured at their tagging location. We show that integrating geolocator recovery data and mark–resight data enables unbiased estimates of both migratory connectivity between breeding and nonbreeding populations and region-specific survival probabilities for wintering locations. Using simulations, we first demonstrate that an integrated Bayesian model returns unbiased estimates of transition probabilities between seasonal ranges. We also used simulations to determine how different sampling designs influence the estimability of transition probabilities. We then parameterized the model with tracking data and mark–resight data from declining Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris) populations breeding in the eastern United States, hypothesized to be threatened by the illegal pet trade in parts of their Caribbean, nonbreeding range. Consistent with this hypothesis, we found that male buntings wintering in Cuba were 20% less likely to return to the breeding grounds than birds wintering elsewhere in their range. Improving inferences from archival tags through proper data collection and further development of integrated models will advance our understanding of the full annual cycle ecology of migratory species.
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Extensive, severe wildfires, and wildfire-induced smoke occurred across the western and central United States since August 2020. Wildfires resulting in the loss of habitats and emission of particulate matter and volatile organic compounds pose serious threatens to wildlife and human populations, especially for avian species, the respiratory system of which are sensitive to air pollutions. At the same time, the extreme weather (e.g., snowstorms) in late summer may also impact bird migration by cutting off their food supply and promoting their migration before they were physiologically ready. In this study, we investigated the environmental drivers of massive bird die-offs by combining socioecological earth observations data sets with citizen science observations. We employed the geographically weighted regression models to quantitatively evaluate the effects of different environmental and climatic drivers, including wildfire, air quality, extreme weather, drought, and land cover types, on the spatial pattern of migratory bird mortality across the western and central US during August-September 2020. We found that these drivers affected the death of migratory birds in different ways, among which air quality and distance to wildfire were two major drivers. Additionally, there were more bird mortality events found in urban areas and close to wildfire in early August. However, fewer bird deaths were detected closer to wildfires in California in late August and September. Our findings highlight the important impact of extreme weather and natural disasters on bird biology, survival, and migration, which can provide significant insights into bird biodiversity, conservation, and ecosystem sustainability.
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Cerulean Warblers ( Setophaga cerulea ) are among the fastest declining Nearctic-Neotropical migrant wood-warblers (Parulidae) in North America. Despite ongoing conservation efforts, little is known about their non-breeding distribution. In June 2016-2018, we deployed geolocators ( n = 30) on adult male Cerulean Warblers in Indiana, USA, to track annual movements of individuals. Recovered geolocators ( n = 4) showed that Cerulean Warblers occurred broadly throughout northern South America. Autumn migration lasted 44-71 days ( n = 4), whereas spring migration lasted 37-41 days ( n = 3). The average migration distance was 5268 km. During autumn migration, Cerulean Warblers made 1-4 stopovers (i.e., ≥2 days; n = 4) and 1-2 stopovers during spring migration ( n = 3). When crossing the Gulf of Mexico during autumn migration, two birds stopped over after crossing, but not beforehand. Two others navigated through the Caribbean rather than crossing the Gulf of Mexico. During spring migration, one individual stopped after crossing, one individual stopped before crossing, and one individual stopped before and after crossing the Gulf of Mexico. No birds migrated through the Caribbean Islands during spring migration. These results represent novel information describing annual movements of individual Cerulean Warblers and will inform conservation efforts for this declining species.
Hybrids with different combinations of traits can be used to identify genomic regions that underlie phenotypic characters important to species identity and recognition. Here, we explore links between genomic and plumage variation in Blue-winged Warbler x Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora cyanoptera x V. chrysoptera) hybrids, which have traditionally been categorized into 2 discrete types. “Lawrence’s” hybrids are yellow overall, similar to Blue-winged Warblers, but exhibit the black throat patch and face mask of Golden-winged Warblers. “Brewster’s” hybrids are similar to Golden-winged Warblers, but lack the black throat patch and face mask, and sometimes have yellow on their underparts. Previous studies hypothesized that (1) first generation hybrids are of the Brewster’s type and can be distinguished by the amount of yellow on their underparts, and that (2) the throat patch/mask phenotype is consistent with Mendelian inheritance and controlled by variation in a locus near the Agouti-signaling protein (ASIP) gene. We addressed these hypotheses using whole genome re-sequencing of parental and hybrid individuals. We found that Brewster’s hybrids had genomic hybrid index scores indicating this phenotype can arise by majority ancestry from either parental species, that their plumage varied in levels of carotenoid pigmentation, and individuals captured in multiple years grew consistently less yellow over time. Variation in carotenoid pigmentation showed little relationship with genomic hybrid index score and is thus inconsistent with previous hypotheses that first generation hybrids can be distinguished by the amount of yellow in their plumage. Our results also confirm that variation near ASIP underlies the throat patch phenotype, which we refined to an ~10–15 Kb region upstream of the coding sequence. Overall, our results support the notion that traditional categorization of hybrids as either Lawrence’s or Brewster’s oversimplifies continuous variation in carotenoid pigmentation, and its inferred underlying genetic basis, and is based primarily on one discrete trait, which is the throat patch/mask phenotype.
Migration strategies in the avian world are often compared at the species level and evaluated relative to general ecology and constraints such as molting and breeding timetables. The advancement of tracking technology provides an opportunity to explore variation in more specific migration tactics within species and their populations as it relates to demographic and environmental factors throughout the annual cycle. We compare migration timing among 4 populations of Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) from across the breeding range using data from light-level geolocators. The date of departure from the breeding grounds and the duration of southbound migration differed among breeding populations, and were more variable for eastern breeding populations compared to western populations farther from the main migration corridor. Despite variation in both timing and distance from the corridor among breeding populations, date of arrival at the major southbound stop in the Llanos of South America remained synchronous, but less so than previously described. Weekly flight distances were highly variable and did not differ among populations. Duration of northbound migration did not differ among populations and was half as long as the southbound migration. Our findings show Bobolink populations breeding near the species' relatively narrow migration corridor in the southeastern United States were more variable in terms of how they reached the first lengthy stop in the Llanos, suggesting more flexibility in migration tactics. Breeding locations were not associated, however, with the timing or duration of the remainder of their migratory schedule. Our findings support the hypothesis that food resources, both historical and present, drive and also modify the endogenous migration schedule of this flocking species with a split migration.
Male and female animals often segregate spatially among habitats and landscapes outside of breeding seasons, but it is unclear to what extent conservation efforts account for sexual segregation. Overlooking this phenomenon may result in conservation plans that don't meet the needs of both sexes, especially when resources or threats vary spatially. We assessed the prevalence of sexual segregation and degree to which current conservation efforts account for it with a review of nonbreeding ecology and conservation planning literature for 66 North American migratory landbirds of conservation concern. Sexual segregation was common in the group-reported for one-third of all species and two-thirds of those with published nonbreeding sex ratios-and did not differ with dimorphism or conservation status. Despite this, only 3% of species distribution models and 8% of conservation recommendations considered sexual segregation, indicating the pattern is widely overlooked. Next, we used the declining Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) as a case study to test for sex-bias in habitats prioritized by current conservation efforts. By modeling nonbreeding occupancy and forest cover loss for males and females, we show that females lost twice as much nonbreeding habitat as males from 2000 to 2016, yet existing conservation focal areas remain heavily biased towards male-dominated landscapes. Furthermore, female-dominated habitats face higher rates of conversion than male habitats for multiple species of Neotropical migrants, suggesting the failure to address sexual segregation may compromise the effectiveness of migratory landbird conservation. We recommend greater effort to report sex ratios and create sex-specific habitat assessments and distribution models.