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The development of modern society requires highly qualified specialists in different fields of industry, who can communicate effectively and interact productively with foreign colleagues. Proficiency in a foreign language has become crucial for a specialist’s personal and professional growth. This paper aimes to study the impact of communicative foreign language teaching methods on developing undergraduate students' communicative competence at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. This research employs general scientific approaches and methods: theoretical for analysis, generalisation of the main provisions of the research and clarifying the essence and features of the process of developing communicative competence; and empirical: a questionnaire, observations, testing and conversations for examining the level of undergraduate students' communicative competence. This paper starts with the analysis of theoretical fundamentals of communicative competence in foreign language learning, its general components. It briefly describes some foreign language teaching methods focused on communication activities in foreign language classes. Due to the data of the survey conducted at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, the impact of implementing communicative foreign language teaching methods on developing undergraduate students' communicative competence was examined. According to the study's findings, communicative foreign language teaching methods promote students' interest and foster their engagement in the learning process, raise their motivation and improve their communication proficiency in English. The combination of innovative and traditional technologies, such as writing essays or reports, constructing scenarios, modelling communicative situations, role-playing, case-studying, etc., plays a critical role in the foreign language classroom learning. Undergraduate students felt more confident in speaking and writing in English due to the learner-centered approach and numerous interactions and communication activities undertaken in a foreign language class. Key words: communicative competence, foreign language learning, undergraduate students, proficiency, communication.

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The article analyzes the problem of development of foreign language discourse competence of undergraduates of non-linguistic specialties. The main concepts related to the topic of research (“competence”, “communicative competence”, “discourse”, “foreign language communicative competence”) have been studied. The structure and the peculiarities of the development of the undergraduates’ discourse competence has been described.
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The article analyzes the main approaches to forming students’ readiness for intercultural communication in the tourism sphere, including: individual approach to students; problematic and creative nature of foreign language tasks; use of modern innovative learning technologies; dialogue of the learning process; modeling of professional communicative situations. The concept of «student’s readiness for intercultural communication» is considered as an integrative professional characteristic of the individual, which determines the level of professionalism of the future specialist in his or her foreign language communicative competence and includes needs, motives, psychological qualities, subject and intellectual knowledge, skills and skills to perform professional tasks. It is concluded that foreign language is an important tool for intercultural communication and at the same time a special mechanism of effective cooperation, since it influences the process of formation of professional qualifications and competencies of future specialists in tourism industry, which ensures their competitiveness in the labor market and guarantees employment in the specialty.
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English communicative competence is one of the prime preferences for learners in this current century, including tourism academy students. The aims of this research were to analyze the hindering factors in communicative competence and disclose the micro and macro component problems of English communicative competence at the fourth semester of hotel department students enrolled in three-year diploma program in Denpasar tourism academy. This was a descriptive-quantitative study and involved 30 students and one English lecturer as the respondents at this college. Data were collected through in-depth interview, questionnaire, field observation, and students' English communicative competence document. Then, data were analysed by using software program, Excel Chart Data Series. The result indicates that student's internal factors were more affecting than other factors and micro components were more complicated than macro components in the students' English communicative competence. Abstrak Kompetensi komunikatif dalam berbahasa Inggris merupakan preferensi utama dari para mahasiswa ada saat ini, tidak terkecuali mahasiswa akademi pariwisata. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi kompetensi komunikatif dan mengungkapkan permasalahan komponen mikro dan makro dari kompetensi komunikatif berbahasa Inggris mahasiswa D-3, semester IV, Jurusan Perhotelan Akademi Pariwisata Denpasar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif-kuantitatif dan melibatkan 30 mahasiswa dan satu orang dosen bahasa Inggris sebagai responden di kampus ini. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam, angket, observasi lapangan, dan dokumen kompetensi komunikatif mahasiswa dalam berbahasa Inggris. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan program software, Excel Chart Data Series. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan 138 Halaman 137-152 bahwa faktor-faktor internal para mahasiswa lebih berpengaruh daripada faktor yang lainnya dan komponen mikro lebih sulit daripada komponen makro pada kompetensi komunikatif mahasiswa dalam berbahasa Inggris. Kata kunci: faktor penghambat, kompetensi komunikatif, komponen mikro-makro How to cite:
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Competence in foreign language teaching is often understood as a “communicative competence”. Level of communicative competence formation has great influence on further professional activity of specialists in any field. Our research paper is devoted to the problem of future tourism specialists’ communicative competence formation while teaching foreign languages. In the conducted experimental work there were two groups: control group and experimental group. Representatives of both groups were students of “Management and Tourism” department, International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Yassawi. In control group, classes were held in a traditional way, while in experimental groups they included critical thinking. The use of information-communicational technologies in teaching system shows a significant improvement and higher achievement by the students. The improvement is also represented by higher average grades of the experimental group and shows the effectiveness of integration of the traditional approach and using the critical thinking technologies in training of the future specialists.
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Malaysian employers have considerable reservations when it comes to graduates’ employability skills, particularly their flawed English language competence. Given the challenges faced by higher education institutions in Malaysia to match employers’ requirements, there is a need to initiate holistic and comprehensive research on the curriculum practices of current English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) courses. This study sought to better comprehend employers’ perspectives, expectations and practices in dealing with the English language demands of the workplace environment. The requirements demanded by Malaysian employers will determine the key definition of professional communication skills for successful workplace functions. The aim of this study was twofold. Firstly, it intended to define Professional Communication Skills (PCS) by looking at the needs and requirements of Malaysian stakeholders, namely employers, the government and academia. This component explores the requirements, suggestions as well as common practices in relation to English language communication carried out at the workplace in the public and private sectors in Malaysia as voiced by the stakeholders. These valuable facts will help to fulfil the fundamental objective of this study, which is to determine the key definition of professional communication skills identified by Malaysian stakeholders for successful workplace functions. A clearly defined Professional Communication Skills Framework in English is aimed for at the end of this study. Secondly, it also aims to produce an informed, impartial and highly valid PCS framework for English by having the stakeholders thoroughly involved in creating meaning and amending the components within the framework during the validation stage of the study. Additionally, in order to make sure that the framework is not only valid but also achievable, a few experts in the field of teaching English in higher education have looked through the framework thoroughly. This qualitative study sits within the interpretivist paradigm, where data were primarily drawn from in-depth interviews with 24 respondents in the following subgroups: 1) human resource managers from key multi-national industries (10 respondents); 2) government executives who recruit entry-level employees for public sector (4 respondents) and; 3) EOP instructors and HE liaison officers for industrial training (10 respondents). The data were subjected to rigorous deductive and iterative analysis in which soft systems methodology (SSM) was applied. To assure the rigour, integrity and legitimacy of the research process and its worth, trustworthiness criteria were applied all the way through the study. Key findings of the study centre on the complexities of graduates’ English language workplace literacies, where it was discovered that the balance of breadth and depth of communicative competence should be embedded throughout the system of education, as early as in pre-primary education. Contrary to expectations, the findings illustrate that graduates’ personal attributes were rated more important than communicating fluently in the English language. Stakeholders compellingly proposed that these attributes should be stressed during the teaching and learning process in HE institutions and observable measures should be designed to assess the graduates’ personal attributes that are desired by stakeholders. The findings also stress the dire need to put emphasis on fluency over accuracy in the HE curriculum. This study has yielded findings that make an original contribution to both the theory and practice of English language literacies since it adds to the broader view of workplace literacies by unveiling the requirements for English language used in a professional setting situated in a Malaysian context. This study has provided conclusive evidence by documenting Malaysian stakeholders’ requirements regarding the workplace literacies of graduates, scrutinising the findings and developing a practical PCS framework for English, using a Communication Competence Model (Morealle, Spitzberg and Barge, 2007) as its point of departure. These outcomes are especially beneficial for informing policy makers’ agendas in producing competent graduates for the future local and global workforce.
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of active learning on foreign language self-concept and reading comprehension achievement. This research was carried out through an experimental design with experimental and control groups. In the Spring Term of 2005-2006 Academic Year, 182 male college students formed the experiment and the control groups which were all randomly chosen. Active learning techniques were applied to experiment groups for 13 weeks while the control groups were educated through traditional methods in teaching English. The data of the research were gathered by the Foreign Language Self-Concept Scale which is developed by the researcher and a reading comprehension placement test. The results demonstrated that the researcher-mediated learning environment, i.e. the group engaged in active learning techniques, was successful in enhancing reading comprehension achievement. On the other hand, the effect of active learning on foreign language self-concept was found to be insignificant. Furthermore, there is no significant correlation between foreign language self-concept and reading comprehension scores according to the types of high schools the students have graduated from.
Osoblyvosti ta praktyka formuvannia inshomovnoi komunikatyvnoi kompetentnosti studentiv tekhnichnykh spetsialnostei [Peculiarities and practice of the development of foreign language communicative competence for students of technical department
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What is communicative competence and how can it be acquired?
  • C Kiessling
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Kiessling C., Fabry G. (2021). What is communicative competence and how can it be acquired? GMS Journal of Medical Education, 38(3). Doc.49. URL: 10.3205/zma001445. PMID: 33824885; PMCID: PMC7994879 [in English].
Yevropeiska dovidkova ramka kliuchovykh kompetentnostei dlia navchannia vprodovzh zhyttia: onovlene bachennia 2018 roku [The European Framework of Reference for Key Competences for Lifelong Learning: Updated Vision
  • O I Lokshyna
Lokshyna O. I. (2019). Yevropeiska dovidkova ramka kliuchovykh kompetentnostei dlia navchannia vprodovzh zhyttia: onovlene bachennia 2018 roku [The European Framework of Reference for Key Competences for Lifelong Learning: Updated Vision 2018]. Ukrainskyi pedahohichnyi zhurnal -Ukrainian Educational Journal, 3, 21-30. [in Ukrainian].
Tsili navchannia inozemnykh mov v aspekti kompetentnisnoho pidkhodu
  • S Nikolaieva
Nikolaieva S. (2010) Tsili navchannia inozemnykh mov v aspekti kompetentnisnoho pidkhodu. [The aims of teaching foreign languages in terms of competence approach]. Inozemni movy -Foreign languages, 2, 11-17. [in Ukrainian].