The Dynamics of Performance Management: Constructing Information and Reform
... Según las características descritas para cada país, y conforme la distinción conceptual de Heinrich y Marschke (2010), es plausible caracterizar al sistema de gestión del desempeño británico como científico-racional, mientras que al sistema de los de países nórdicos como un modelo dialécticointeractivo. Moynihan (2008) establece que los sistemas de este último tipo fomentan las instancias de interacción social entre actores dentro y fuera de la organización (tales como foros, mesas de trabajo o conversaciones de rutina), para asegurar el uso efectivo de la información que se deriva de indicadores de gestión y generar un clima de aprendizaje continuo. ...
... Esto, considerando los indicadores en los que el Plan se concentró, que son mayoritariamente de insumo y de eficacia.Sin embargo, los objetivos señalados no son los únicos. ChileGestiona también buscó mejorar los niveles de gestión en agencias públicas a través de un enfoque dialéctico-interactivo (Moynihan, 2008). Un claro ejemplo de esto último son los llamados diálogos de desempeño entre directivos públicos y quienes encabezan las subsecretarías. ...
... Por lo tanto, las ideas de ChileGestiona no debieron operar como un reemplazo (por ejemplo, de los indicadores de gestión interna), sino como un complemento de los PMG. Idealmente, ChileGestiona pudo transformarse en un subcomponente de un sistema mayor, un submódulo que pone foco, no tanto en un sistema "tecnoestructurado", sino en una práctica "dialéctica-estratégica" (Moynihan, 2008). Todo lo que ChileGestiona fomentó en este último sentido es un aporte enorme. ...
La utilización de sistemas de gestión del desempeño en el Estado ha sido intensivamente promovida por la literatura especializada en gestión pública y por múltiples organizaciones multilaterales de desarrollo. No obstante, la adopción efectiva de estos sistemas en el sector público involucra largos y laboriosos procesos de implementación. El propósito de este artículo es analizar los desafíos que emergen en dichos procesos. Para esto, se tomó el caso del Plan ChileGestiona (2011-2014) y se estudiaron los principios conceptuales que determinaron su diseño, las soluciones que este ofreció a los problemas de gestión del sector público en Chile, su integración al entorno institucional y el impacto que generó. Como resultado, el Plan fue, sin duda, una iniciativa valiosa para el desarrollo de los sistemas de gestión del desempeño en Chile, especialmente porque logró un mayor compromiso de autoridades políticas (subsecretarios) en la gestión administrativa de sus servicios públicos. Sin embargo, ChileGestiona no logró establecerse debidamente y fue terminado el año 2014. Además, durante su proceso de implementación emergieron múltiples problemas, entre los que destacan: la existencia de desincentivos que predominan en la clase política para interesarse y adquirir mayor responsabilidad por los sistemas de gestión del desempeño; el riesgo latente de adopción simbólica, pues estos sistemas son percibidos, en general, como una carga administrativa más por parte de funcionarios y directivos públicos; y la escasa relevancia que se confiere a su integración armoniosa con otro tipo de sistemas de gestión del Estado. A partir de estos y otros hallazgos, se ofrece una serie de reflexiones y recomendaciones en la materia.
... Another critical component is performance management. According to Moynihan (2008), performance management systems must be implemented in order to track and analyze the efficacy of artificial intelligence applications. To do this, certain performance criteria must be developed, data on AI system performance must be acquired, and system upgrade decisions must be taken based on the data. ...
... To ensure AI technologies deliver the desired outcomes, AI-Powered Governance: Navigating the Future of Public Policy with Intelligent Systems By Analiza V. Muñoz Page 30 of 60 robust performance management systems are necessary. Moynihan (2008) suggests implementing systems to monitor and evaluate AI applications, setting clear performance metrics, and using data to inform decisions about system improvements. This approach ensures that AI technologies are used effectively and efficiently, providing tangible benefits to the public. ...
As we move further into the technological era, it’s important for public administration to embrace this transition rather than resist it. The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into public services and its policymaking offers a remarkable opportunity to enhance governance in numerous ways. AI has the potential to significantly improve the efficacy, effectiveness, and integrity of public administration policies and service delivery. More informed decision-making and the creation of data-driven policy are made possible by AI's capacity to handle enormous quantities of data promptly and precisely. Applications of AI in public health, for example, can better anticipate and handle medical emergencies, while AI in urban traffic management can improve traffic flow to ease congestion. AI can improve overall governmental efficiency in social services by streamlining procedures to guarantee accurate and timely benefit distribution. Nevertheless, there are several difficulties in using AI in public administration. To ensure appropriate use of AI, ethical and sociological issues including algorithmic prejudice, data privacy, and possible employment displacement must be addressed. A key component of preserving public confidence and accountability in AI decision-making processes is transparency. As a result, creating strong ethical frameworks and regulatory guidelines is essential to directing the moral and efficient application of AI in governance. To successfully implement AI in public administration, several technological and organizational barriers must be addressed or overcome. This includes ensuring adequate infrastructure, training or educating the staff, and fostering effective inter-agency communication and partnerships. Governments need to invest in training and capacity-building initiatives to equip their employees with the necessary skills to utilize AI technologies effectively and open their minds to willingly adopt it in the process. Additionally, cultivating an innovative and adaptable culture within government organizations is vital to fully realizing AI’s potential. The study by Munoz (2022) highlights the ARMS of Technology framework, which underscores the transformative impact of integrating advanced technologies into public sector operations. By embracing these innovations, public administration can streamline processes, making them more efficient, responsive, and transparent. This not only enhances service delivery but also builds greater trust among citizens. Furthermore, the study presents best practices for implementing AI into public administration based on a thorough analysis of case studies and associated literature. Successful examples include AI-driven analytical control and monitoring, as well as resource allocation, which provide essential insights and methods for effective AI deployment. These findings offer direction to public officials and lawmakers evaluating the use of AI technologies.
... The consequences of strategic ignorance are profound, leading to suboptimal policy implementation and reduced public trust in government institutions. When public service organisations fail to address relevant issues or incorporate critical information into their strategic planning, it results in ineffective policies that do not meet the needs of the populace (Moynihan, 2008). ...
... When decision-makers ignore or deliberately avoid critical data, the resulting policies are less likely to address the root causes of societal issues. For example, ignoring data on local economic conditions can lead to ineffective economic policies that fail to stimulate growth or reduce unemployment (Moynihan, 2008). This misalignment can have severe consequences, particularly in areas such as healthcare, education, and public safety, where ineffective policies can lead to significant social and economic costs. ...
This paper explores the phenomenon of strategic ignorance in the context of strategic planning and monitoring within South African public service organisations. Despite the critical importance of these processes for effective governance and service delivery, there is a pervasive tendency to deliberately overlook certain issues, which hampers the achievement of organisational objectives.
The problem statement identifies that strategic ignorance, often manifesting as the wilful neglect of relevant information or failure to address known challenges, undermines the efficiency and effectiveness of public service organisations. This study aims to uncover the underlying reasons for such practices and their implications on strategic outcomes.
Methodologically, the research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative case studies with quantitative surveys. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders, including senior managers and policy-makers, alongside a survey of public servants involved in strategic planning and monitoring. This comprehensive approach enables a thorough examination of the extent and nature of strategic ignorance in the public sector.
The main findings reveal that strategic ignorance in South African public service organisations is driven by multiple factors, including political pressures, resource constraints, and a lack of accountability. These elements collectively contribute to a culture of avoidance, where addressing complex or contentious issues is often sidelined. The study also highlights the negative impact of strategic ignorance on organisational performance, leading to suboptimal policy implementation and reduced public trust.
The principal conclusion is that addressing strategic ignorance requires a multifaceted strategy, involving enhanced transparency, improved accountability mechanisms, and the fostering of a more open organisational culture. By tackling the root causes of strategic ignorance, public service organisations can improve their strategic planning and monitoring processes, ultimately leading to better service delivery and governance outcomes in South Africa.
Keywords: Strategic Ignorance, Strategic Planning, Monitoring, Public Service Organisations, South Africa, Transparency, Accountability, Organisational Culture, Evidence-Based Decision-Making, Capacity Building.
... In the wake of developments such as evidence-based policymaking, performance management, and big data, public sector decision-makers possess historically unrivaled information on societal problems, their origins, and potential solutions (Moynihan 2008; Van Dooren and Van De Walle 2016). Paradoxically, this abundance of information leads to an ever-increasing scarcity of attention, as the available information greatly exceeds decision-makers' information-processing capacities (Simon 1971). ...
... Because "bureaucrats tend to emphasize the technical and de-emphasize the advocacy and partisan considerations within their role understanding, whereas politicians tend to do exactly the reverse" (Aberbach et al. 1990, 3), we argue that, compared to politicians, public managers will be more likely to prioritize issues based on objective performance measures. Moynihan (2008) argues that the use of objective performance information may be less pronounced among politicians than managers, as politicians have fewer incentives to give up established control mechanisms for number-driven performance monitoring practices (cf. Moynihan, Nielsen, and Kroll 2017). ...
Issue prioritization is the first stage of attention-based theories of decision-making, but remains theoretically and empirically uncharted territory in public administration research. We propose and test how issue prioritization is informed by the characteristics of the performance information on which decision-makers rely, in particular its source (internal or external information), nature (objective or subjective information), aspiration level (historical, social, or coercive aspirations), and required cognitive effort (attention costs). Furthermore, we theorize how these characteristics of performance information determine issue prioritization decisions of political and managerial decision-makers in different ways. We empirically examine issue prioritization decisions in road maintenance and primary school education using a discrete choice experiment among 2,313 local government officials. The experiment reveals that decision-makers are more likely to prioritize issues that are signaled through objective performance measures and that are articulated relative to coercive aspirations, but that the effects of the information’s source and attention costs differ between policy domains. Comparison of observational variation regarding decision-makers’ roles indicates that public managers more strongly prioritize road maintenance issues that are articulated in objective performance information, but not in primary school education. The study advances public administration research and theory with a “horizontal” behavioral perspective on decision-makers’ information processing to prioritize between simultaneous performance issues.
... The competence and integrity of state administrators as factors supporting or inhibiting public trust are explained by Moynihan (2008) and several experts (Alford, 2009;Hood & Lodge, 2006;O'Leary, R., Gerard, C. C., & Bingham, 2006) that competence and the integrity of government officials increase public trust because they provide quality, efficient and effective services. Based on this expert opinion, it is clear that competence and integrity are determinants of public trust in the government and public institutions. ...
... Fifth, justice and equality are always upheld so that services are provided equally to all levels and elements of society (Rawls, 1971). Sixth, the competence and integrity of Bhabinkamtibmas are maintained to ensure professional actor performance (Moynihan, 2008). ...
Determinants as supporters or obstacles to optimizing the role of Bhabinkamtibmas in building public trust are analogous to two sides of one coin which revolves around the implementation of the main tasks, authority, and functions of the institution that accommodate it. These organizational factors have a sustainable impact on service effectiveness and strengthening relations between government institutions and the community. The article resulting from this research explains the determinants of optimizing the role of Bhabinkamtibmas in building public trust in certain loci. Data, information, and knowledge regarding the research focus were obtained through observations, interviews, and focus group discussions with informants as members of Bhabinkamtibmas (police, army, sub-district officials), community leaders, religious leaders, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and academics. The data is analyzed using an interactive model which includes data collection, data condensation, and verification using the Important Performance Analysis (IPA) technique which is presented through a spider curve, and drawing conclusions. The research results found that there are several aspects as determinants that support or hinder efforts to build public trust in the demarcation of duties of the Makassar Indonesian Big City Resort Police (Polrestabes). Determinants as supporters or obstacles to optimizing the role of Bhabinkamtibmas in building public trust include the quality of public services, actor leadership style, transparency and accountability, public participation, effective communication, justice and equality in public policies and services, competency and integrity of the apparatus. The glue that unites the sustainability of these determinants is the leadership style and learning of the Bhabinkamtibmas organization as a representation of the Indonesian National Police (Polri).
... Improved accountability represents better responsibility, governance, and society for citizens (Bovens 2010). The performances of public agencies and the services they provide are increasingly being disclosed publicly, which is expected to help ensure accountability for civil society (Koppell 2005;Moynihan 2008). Citizens' perceptions of accountability can be used to estimate its quality and the objective reality. ...
... Performance management practices have evolved to the extent that they now constitute major systems in the public sector (Gerrish 2016) and are expected to help organizations raise their standards to meet citizens' needs and improve accountability (Moynihan 2008). Performance evaluations and associated reporting are key components of performance management (Behn 2001). ...
Governments disclose performance information to citizens on the assumption that doing so helps improve public accountability. The previous literature implies that citizens’ interpretations of such information are shaped by the information’s presentation types, however, it is not known whether one-sided messages (only positive information) and two-sided messages (adding negative attributes to the one-sided messages) have different effects on citizens’ perceptions regarding government information disclosure. Drawing on attribution-correspondence theory and utilizing a large-scale survey experiment conducted in Korea, this study demonstrates that two-sided performance message is more effective in improving the citizens’ perceptions of governmental transparency and accountability than one-sided message.
... La construcción conceptual de los imaginarios sociotécnicos de la modernización y profesionalización del Estado dependientes de la corriente de la nueva gestión pública ha favorecido la tendencia hacia el uso de argumentos normativos por sobre argumentos basados en la evidencia en lo que respecta a la administración del Estado (Moynihan 2008). Tal y como discutiera Herbert Simon (1946) en sus críticas hacia la administración precientífica, el examen de la construcción de los argumentos es fundamental para construir premisas sólidas bajo las cuales puedan construirse prácticas que lleven a alcanzar los estándares de eficiencia y eficacia que las organizaciones requieren. ...
En el marco latinoamericano, la modernización y profesionalización de la gestión pública chilena han sido destacadas por su nivel de profundidad, estabilidad y calidad. Este artículo examina la construcción de la narrativa de la modernización y profesionalización chilena, utilizando la perspectiva disciplinar de la Administración Pública. Con este propósito, se elaboró un diseño de estudio de caso, que diera cuenta de la evolución de la gestión pública entre 1990 y el 2023, considerando no sólo las reformas administrativas, sino que incluyera una de las mayores condicionantes de la efectividad del Estado: la disponibilidad de capital humano especializado. Los resultados apuntan a que los sistemas de registro administrativo del Estado han fallado al representar el volumen del empleo público, como también los cambios cualitativos en la fuerza de trabajo del sector público.
... Currently, the quarterly performance review meetings tap into these enabling domains more so than any other performance management intervention. The value of meetings such as these is confirmed by a growing body of research linking interactive dialogue routines -spaces where exchange of performance information and formulation of performance goals, problems and solutions occur -to improved understanding and use of performance data [47][48][49]. ...
Performance management (PM) systems in healthcare consist of many interacting interventions, such as contracts, scorecards and incentives. The diversity, complexity and poor description of PM interventions hampers replication in research, standardized comparative analysis and accumulation of evidence. Specifying PM systems and interventions in terms of their behaviour change techniques (BCTs) using standardized language can address these challenges and clarify the mechanisms linking system-level PM with individual behaviours.
We conducted an analysis of BCTs in a PM system in Ontario, Canada using a modified behaviour change technique taxonomy (BCTT). We reviewed 64 documents, observed 15 meetings and conducted 4 semi-structured interviews with key informants to map the PM interventions on to the taxonomy.
We identified 54 BCTs spanning 13 taxonomy domains in the PM system. BCTs were concentrated in four domains: (1) goals and planning, (2) reward and threat, (3) feedback and monitoring and (4) identity. The BCTs coded most often included: (1) discrepancy between current behaviour and goal, (2) feedback on outcome(s) of behaviour, (3) social comparison and (4) social incentive/reward. These BCTs suggest that this PM system seeks to change behaviour primarily by directing programme attention to their current performance in relation to the target and in relation to other programs across the province, and by acknowledging good performance with praise or recognition. A total of five PM interventions accounted for 58% of identified BCTs – the scorecard, quarterly performance review reports, quarterly performance review meetings, escalation letter for poor or declining performance and the improvement action plan.
The results provide a unique analytical and evaluative characterization of the PM system, revealing how a behaviour-change lens on health systems PM can support the (re)design, standardized comparison, and evaluation of PM systems in research and in practice.
... The asset of PBP lies in its flexibility. Without stringent regulations, governmental and commercial entities can engage in unrestricted dialogues concerning the optimal means of attaining their project objectives 5 . The adaptability of project plans and requirements allows for necessary modifications, leading to increased efficiency and effectiveness in the development of municipalities. ...
The purpose of the thesis research is to determine how susceptible the ecosystems in the city of İzmir are to the effects of climate change and provide relevant data to policymakers so that they could develop more efficient climate change adaptation measures. İzmir city is facing challenges in addressing the vulnerabilities triggered by climate change. The biophysical components that contributed to ecosystem vulnerability in the city include the urban heat island effect, urban pluvial floods, and coastal floods. These components were evaluated using a stringent approach that utilized the most recent findings from scientific research and various technological instruments. The analysis results were provided to portray the parts of the city that were most susceptible to the effects of climate change, and the results were further evaluated to better comprehend the processes that contributed to intensifying the consequences of climate change for the vulnerable regions. A thorough investigation and in-depth inspections were carried out using representative tiles from the city, and the results showed that existence of tree and green areas, imperviousness density, Footprint Ratio, Floor Surface Index, and road ratio were the most contributing factors of climate change vulnerability. Following the process of analysis, a systematic of planning and planning parameters were developed that embraced nature-based solutions and a performance-based planning approach for enabling the adaptation of settlements to climate change. The findings contributed significantly to the expanding body of knowledge on how to adapt to the effects of climate change and provided suggestions for efficient measures to mitigate the related risks in İzmir.
... Por su parte, el SGD o PMaS (por sus iniciales en inglés) se refiere a un enfoque sistemático para mejorar los resultados, a través de la toma de decisiones basada en evidencia, el aprendizaje organizacional continuo y un enfoque en la rendición de cuentas (Rivenbark et al., 2019). Además, busca que los datos de desempeño sean utilizados dentro de diversos procesos de toma de decisiones de las organizaciones públicas (Moynihan, 2008); la participación ciudadana es un determinante para una buena implementación (Rivenbark et al., 2019). ...
Este artículo examina la transición de los Gobiernos locales en Colombia desde la medición del desempeño hacia la gestión del desempeño, como instrumento de la gestión de relaciones intergubernamentales. La implementación de esquemas de seguimiento y evaluación basados en índices, para categorizar y medir el desempeño de los municipios, fue una expresión de las reformas gerencialistas y la profundización de la descentralización desde la década de 1980. Estos cambios se centraron en la medición, en primer lugar, y en el control de la sostenibilidad fiscal, después. Tras más de dos décadas de implementación, se ha avanzado en la medición de capacidades fiscales y administrativas locales. Sin embargo, aún queda mucho trabajo por hacer, como comprender las capacidades coercitivas y lograr procesos de acompañamiento que viabilicen una mejora sostenible de la gestión y una provisión más homogénea de bienes públicos en el territorio.
... Desde el prisma de la evaluación de las políticas tipo PBF, Moynihan (2008) observa que existe poca evidencia sobre su impacto en Estados Unidos. Esto parece asociarse a que tales políticas tienden a poseer una naturaleza simbólica, ya que los actores políticos involucrados en su adopción parecen poco comprometidos con su ejecución. ...
Se analizan los resultados de distribución e instrumentos de financiamiento público para
las universidades chilenas entre 1999 y 2013, en el marco de la implementación del
Programa de Mejoramiento de la Calidad y Equidad de la Educación Superior Chilena
(MECESUP). Sus resultados dan cuenta de casos de universidades que transitan desde y
hacia posiciones menos aventajadas en la distribución de recursos. Algunas instituciones
tuvieron la capacidad de aprovechar las oportunidades que el MECESUP les ofreció,
pero su base de recursos y prestigio no logró equipararse con la de las universidades
tradicionalmente líderes en el país.
... Moreover, a deep understanding of how PRIME-HRM's performance management has revolutionized the province's workforce and made it possible for the Province of Bukidnon to foster a meritocracy and excellence in public service delivery. The conclusions and insights gleaned from this research can facilitate the implementation of enhanced performance management strategies within the public sector, hence promoting efficient service delivery and sound governance for the public good (Moynihan, 2018 ...
Performance management is a critical component of effective human resource management, particularly in the public sector, where accountability and service excellence are paramount the Philippine government has taken a major step to improve performance management procedures in the public sector with the Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME-HRM). To shed light on the program's effectiveness, adherence to legal requirements, and alignment with strategic human resource management (SHRM) aims, this case study examines the Province of Bukidnon's experiences implementing performance management using PRIME-HRM. Using a qualitative case study methodology, the study focuses on important provincial stakeholders, such as the Heads of Agencies, the Provincial Human Resource Management Office (PHRMO), and Rank and rank-and-file employees. Thematic analysis was used to find patterns and trends in the responses, and structured interviews were used to collect the data. According to the results, the Province of Bukidnon has achieved great progress in adhering to the PRIME-HRM performance management regulations and guidelines established by the Civil Service Commission (CSC). Key elements of the program, including goal-setting, performance evaluation, feedback, and performance improvement planning, have been implemented successfully, improving employee performance and work satisfaction. The report also emphasizes how PRIME-HRM performance management has improved decision-making on career advancement, incentives, and promotions. The province has demonstrated its commitment to SHRM priorities by integrating performance management approaches with organizational goals. The importance of these findings for the Province of Bukidnon and other public sector organizations looking to improve their performance management procedures is emphasized in the study's conclusion. The results offer insightful information about the effective execution of PRIME-HRM and a road map for coordinating performance management with strategic objectives and cultivating an excellence culture in the public sector.
... Kinerja Manajemen merupakan "suatu sistem yang menghasilkan informasi kinerja melalui perencanaan strategis dan pengukuran kinerja periodik dan yang menghubungkan informasi yang dihasilkan pada para pengambilan keputusan. Keptusan ini tentunya akan mempengaruhi serangkaian kemungkinan keputusan pada pemegang atau pengambil keputusan" (Moynihan, 2008). ...
Pada saat ini terjadi situasi yang menimbulkan banyak dampak yang tidak menguntungkan bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat di Indonesia. Fenomena tersebut antara situasi global terkait peperangan dan krisis global akibat pandemi covid 19. Dampak ini berimbas pada keberlangsungan pemerintah sebagai entitas penyelenggaran negara dan masyarkat sebagai warga negara di suatu wilayah. Akibat damapk pada lembaga negara maka warga juga terdapat karena kinerja fungsi layanan yang terganggu. Hal ini banyak faktor yang menjadi sebab terhadap menurunya kinerja layanan pemerintah. Pemerintah harus mampu menyusun tatakelola pemerintah yang efektiv guna menghadapi situasi yang volatile pada saat ini dan pada masa yang akan datang. Pemerintah yang efektiv akan dapat menghadapi situasi volatile saat ini dan pada masa yang akan datang. Pemerintah yang efektiv memiliki berbagai faktor pendukunganya. Faktor-faktor yang mendukung pemerintah yang efektive antara lain adalah kualitas penyelenggaraan tatakelola pemerintah. Tata kelola pemerintah yang diterapkan di Indonesia meliputi tahapan perencanaan program dan kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan, penyusunan anggaran, penatausahaan pelaksanaan anggaran, pelaporan dan pertanggungjawaban. Untuk melohat apakah tatakelola pemerintah Indonesia sudah efektiv atau belum maka kualitas tatakelola tiap tahap harus diuji. Hal ini penting karena belum ada penelitian yang menguji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi efektivitas pemerintahan terkait dengan tahap pengelolaan pemerintah. Pengujian menggunakan populasi pemerintah daerah di Indonesia. Pemerintah daerah terdiri dari pemerintah Provinsi, Pemerintah Kabupaten dan Pemerintah Kota. Pemerintah Provinsi di Indonesia sampai dengan tahun 2023 terdiri dari 38 provinsi. Pemerintah Kabupaten di Indonesia terdiri dari 416 pemerintah Kabupaten dan Pemerintah Kota berjumlah 98 pemerintah kota. Penelitian ini menggunakan sample jenuh. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kuantittiv. Data yang digunakan berjenis data sekunder. Data sekunder yang digunakan berasal dari Berbagai kementerian. Data yang digunakan meliputi data laporan keuangan, data laporan hasil pemeriksaan Badan Pemeriksaan Keuangan, data Indeks daya saing Daerah dan data APBD. dan data lain yang diperlukan. Penelitian yang menguji hubungan antara faktor tatakelola pemerintahan pada tiap tahapan dengan efektivitas pemerintah belum diteliti di Indonesia. Dengan rencana penilitian ini , peneliti berharap dapat melaksanakan pengujian faktor-faktor tersebut. Hal ini penting karena adanya berbagai situasi ynag saat inin terjadi guna pemerintah dapat menghadapinya dengan baik dan mampu menjaga keberlanjutan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat.
... The aim of this evaluation system generally follows those of other systems of performance budgeting. High-quality evaluations generate valuable information about policy effectiveness, which, given a right constellation of principal and agent incentives, can improve policy design by basing it on evidence (Moynihan, 2008). The introduction of evaluation systems that generate such performance information has been one of the most important recommendations of the last decades in the debate on how to improve public management (Hirsch, 2016). ...
Independent and high-quality evaluations of government policies are an important input for designing evidence-based policy. Institutional frictions and lack of incentives to write such evaluations, on the other hand, carry the risk of turning the system into a costly beauty contest. We study one of the most advanced markets of policy evaluations in the world, the evaluations of EU Cohesion Policy interventions by the EU Member States. We use a large language model to quantify the findings of about 2,300 evaluations, and complement this data with our own survey of the evaluation authors. We show that the findings of evaluations are inconsistent with those of the academic literature on the output impacts of Cohesion Policy. Using further variation across Member States, our analysis suggests that the market of evaluations is rather oligopolistic within Member States, that it is very fragmented across the EU, and that there is often a strong involvement of managing authorities in the work of formally independent evaluators. These factors contribute to making the findings of the evaluations overly optimistic (beautiful) risking their relevance for (evidence-based) policy. We conclude by discussing reform options to make the evaluations of EU Cohesion Policy more unbiased and effective.
... NPM introduced market-oriented principles into public administration, emphasizing economic rationality and efficiency. NPM promotes market mechanisms, the adoption of private-sector management techniques in public services, a push towards privatization and outsourcing, and a focus on measurable outcomes and productivity (Moynihan, 2008). This approach redefined the roles of public servants, focusing on results and cost-effectiveness over process and creating a competitive, performance-driven environment (Cohen et al., 2016). ...
This chapter focuses on the provision of informal personal resources by street-level bureaucrats (SLBs) as a key element of social policy implementation, particularly in welfare services. The personal resources provided by SLBs-including emotional support, instrumental assistance with bureaucracy, and tangible help such as food or money-have become increasingly central in assisting clients facing various difficulties. These resources gain importance in light of welfare state retrenchment, where austerity measures force public social service workers to address growing demands with fewer formal resources. The "public service gap" observed in Israel reflects similar trends in other Western welfare states, where SLBs remain the last line of support for marginalized populations amid the withdrawal of state provisions. By analyzing the Israeli case, this chapter highlights the pressures on SLBs within a neoliberal welfare regime and situates these practices within a broader international context. Such findings have relevance for other welfare regimes experiencing similar constraints.
... Le vocabulaire de la performance et les pratiques de gestion de la performance sont encastrés dans des lois, dont la Loi sur l'administration publique. Dans le sillon du nouveau management public, la gestion de la performance est devenue une des préoccupations principales de la gestion publique (Hood, 1991;Moynihan, 2008;Bézès, 2020). Pour les besoins de notre analyse, nous considérons la performance principalement à partir des notions d'efficience et d'efficacité dans le fonctionnement interne et la prestation de services. ...
La transformation vers le numérique est à l’agenda de nombreuses organisations publiques qui visent à tirer profit du potentiel des technologies de l’information et de la communication récentes. Or, la signification et la portée sont sujettes à des interprétations et des perceptions différentes qui vont varier en fonction de multiples facteurs internes et externes à l’organisation. Ceci impacte la rationalité de cette transformation, le sens organisationnel qu’on lui attribue et surtout ce que sera la transformation pour l’organisation. Cet article part de cette ambiguïté pour montrer comment la transformation vers le numérique est impactée par des discours qui lui sont en bonne partie extérieurs. Il examine d’abord trois discours servant à légitimer la transformation vers le numérique : le discours de la performance, celui du changement et de l’innovation et celui de la réforme bureaucratique. Il dégage ensuite, à l’aide de quelques exemples, des pistes d’interprétation permettant de saisir de façon plus fondamentale la signification de la transformation vers le numérique pour les organisations publiques.
... However, as public management scholars Bouckaert and Halligan outline, measurement, including the technical validity of measures, is only one feature of performance management [13]. The usefulness of the information for decision-making (functionality) and the acceptability of indicators to stakeholders (legitimacy) are also essential if indicators are to be appropriate for performance management [13][14][15]. This study draws on these three criteria to assess the appropriateness of health system outcome measures for performance measurement and management for district-level health system units. ...
... Despite the past decade seeing events like terrorist attacks, natural calamities, and ethical breaches, fewer than 60% of employees believe their organizations are adequately prepared for crises (Fegley & Victor, 2005). This sentiment is echoed by many top executives (Moynihan, 2008). Often, businesses overlook the strategic importance of crisis management, leaving them ill-prepared when disasters strike (Sheaffer & Mano-Negrin, 2003). ...
This study investigates the strategic role of human resource management (HRM) in responding to financial crises, focusing on Al-Hikma Pharmaceuticals in Jordan. Using a mixed-methods approach, we surveyed 110 employees and conducted regression and correlation analyses. Our findings reveal that while human resource capacity is positively related to strategic responses to external uncertainties, Al-Hikma Pharmaceuticals' strategic responses did not significantly mitigate the effects of financial crises. The study contributes to the literature by highlighting the complex relationship between HRM practices and organizational resilience in the pharmaceutical industry during financial turmoil. These findings have important implications for HR professionals and organizational leaders in developing strategic HRM practices to enhance crisis preparedness and response.
... Popularized by New Public Management (NPM) reforms as well as Good Governance models, performance management (PM) (Moynihan, 2008;van Dooren et al., 2015) and strategic management (SM) (Bryson and George, 2020;Ongaro and Ferlie, 2020) are seen as essential practices for public organizations today. However, public administration research has elaborated a lot of aspects that might hinder the implementation or adequate functioning of these practices, like for example difficulties measuring performance, the complexity of stakeholder involvement, and strongly asymmetric information in the blame-game triangle between administrations, politicians, and citizens (Arnaboldi et al., 2015;Conteh, 2014;Dimitrijevska-Markoski and French, 2019;Giacomini et al., 2016;Nielsen and Baekgaard, 2015;Weiss, 2017). ...
This study analyzes practices of performance management (PM) and strategic management (SM) and their prevalence in Neo-Weberian rule-of-law administrations. Based on data from Germany's local government sector, it is shown that after 30 years of New Public Management (NPM) reforms, no more than 20% of German municipalities have implemented the basic aspects of PM or SM. Actual practices combine ideas of PM and SM in quite different ways and can best be understood as variances of a performance- and strategy-oriented management. It is argued that even though patterns of normative as well as coercive isomorphism have existed in the organizational field, the influence of NPM ideas has led to a diversification of management practices within Germany's local government sector. But results also show that there is no tendency toward a broadly NPM-oriented administration and that typical models of Neo-Weberian administration do not truly align with actual practices.
Points for practitioners
The use of performance information and strategic goals are important management instruments for public organizations. This study shows that in public administrations adhering to more bureaucratic rule-of-law traditions, actual management practices combine aspects of PM and SM in various ways, often not aligning with the recommendations from the advisory literature. The presented insights may help practitioners to better understand the efforts and benefits of these management practices, as well as the trade-offs between them.
... Testing the expanded version of the EDM with PMSE in relation to disaster management and focusing on employees' perception in the local government also provides important practical implications. The notion of performance management for public managers highlights the need to activate and effectively implement cyclical performance management processes, which may include formulation of objectives, generation of performance information, and use of this information for decision-making (Anderson, 2008;Moynihan, 2008). ...
... Testing the expanded version of the EDM with PMSE in relation to disaster management and focusing on employees' perception in the local government also provides important practical implications. The notion of performance management for public managers highlights the need to activate and effectively implement cyclical performance management processes, which may include formulation of objectives, generation of performance information, and use of this information for decision-making (Anderson, 2008;Moynihan, 2008). ...
... NPM managerial ideas strongly emphasize customer orientation, which, together with a system of performance measurement and benchmarking, has led to competition between administrative units and individual workers . This transformation of public agencies fosters an "entrepreneurial spirit" (Bröckling, 2015), as workers are forced to compete in terms of their effectiveness and efficiency (Hartmann & Khademian, 2010;Moynihan, 2008). ...
The implementation work of street‐level bureaucrats (SLBs) is becoming more complex due to concurrent imperatives. While previous research has focused on SLBs' discretion decisions and coping strategies, this study adds to existing literature by suggesting that their perceptions of “the job” are changing. Drawing on in‐depth interviews with 87 US police officers, we found that SLBs are influenced by the great emphasis on public value, understanding their job in terms of assuming general responsibility for citizens, as public representatives. They adopt various strategies to respond to citizens' needs, providing a vast range of services that deviate from their traditional job. We conclude that SLBs work constantly, formally and informally, to effectively address what is good for the public, in ways that go beyond their professional particularities. We argue that such a broader perspective requires public administration scholars to consider more critically the expanded job perceptions, manifested in expanded professional responsibility.
... The approach aligns with performance budgeting dialogue theory, which views the budget process as an exchange and interpretation of information characterised by ambiguity, subjectivity, uncertainty and deliberate use of information resources. The budget process is viewed as a process involving the exchange and interpretation of information (Moynihan, 2008). ...
... However, there is little systematic evidence that performance budgeting has a significant impact on management decisions (Gilmour, 2006) due to it not being applied as prescribed (Carlin and Guthrie, 2003;Moynihan, 2008;Roy and Seguin, 2000). ...
... This progress signifies a noteworthy advancement from performance measurements to a broader domain of performance management. Extensive research, as noted by Moynihan [8], Poister [9], and Kuhlmann [10], has confirmed the widespread adoption of performance measurement as a common managerial tool, both in the United States and globally. The central question arises: How do performance data drive organizations beyond a fundamental accountability framework? ...
This opinion paper examines the ongoing transformation of performance management in public organizations, focusing on the shift from traditional performance measurement to comprehensive management strategies. It argues that performance data should serve not merely as a metric but as a strategic tool for enhancing decision-making in program management and policy development. The discussion highlights two key dimensions of this transition: the establishment of robust outcome measures for assessing efficiency and effectiveness, and the integration of organizational dimensions, particularly leadership, to foster a culture of performance-driven decision-making. In my opinion, performance data should serve not merely as a metric but as a strategic tool for enhancing decision-making in program management and policy development. I emphasizes the importance of robust outcome measures to gauge efficiency and effectiveness while highlighting the critical role of leadership in building a culture centered on performance-driven decisions. It critiques the limitation of rigid, centralized structures reminiscent of traditional bureaucratic models, which often hinder creativity and innovation. In contrast, the flexibility seen in private-sector practices, such as decentralized service delivery and employee empowerment, offers valuable lessons for public-sector managers. A balanced approach, avoiding excessive control while maintaining oversight, is proposed as essential for fostering innovation and employee engagement. This opinion paper advocates for a nuanced, multidimensional approach to performance management, emphasizing the importance of aligning oversight with flexibility to support sustainable innovation and effectiveness in public organizations.
Using the University of Dodoma and the College of Business Education, this study examined the performance Management System process in higher learning institutions in Tanzania. To achieve this objective, we employed a two-case mixed approach with a sample size of 256 respondents and 12 Key informants. This allowed us to study organizational context, in-depth issues, and the meaning of performance management using the Performance Improvement Model (PIM). The findings report compliance with the PIM, the PMS success factors, the challenges of implementing PMS in HLIs in Tanzania, and the context-specific factors for implementing performance management. Lastly, conclusions, recommendations, and emerging new research themes are identified.
This paper examines the role of public policy-making by public administration in Serbia as one of the fundamental functions of public administration. By analyzing the normative framework and its application, the paper explores its historical development and advancement in recent decades. A set of regulations from 2018, including the Planning System Act and accompanying bylaws on the policy-making methodology, have laid the foundation for modern, evidence-based public policy in Serbia. Using qualitative methods, including normative-dogmatic and document analysis, the authors review the developments thus far and provide recommendations for further strengthening of this function of public administration in Serbia.
Public sector organisations in Western industrialised democracies have in recent years witnessed a growth in organisational professionals. The expansion of organisational professionals can be viewed as a consequence of accountability becoming a dominant value in public sector organisations. We will in this chapter present the argument that although the new layers of organisational professionals have been introduced to improve the accountability of unwieldy public bureaucracies, they paradoxically contribute to increasing bureaucratisation that makes holding public actors accountable more difficult. We trace this problem to managerialism, professionalisation and politicisation as three broader reform trajectories characterising public services. Our conclusion is that accountability is not just creating a more audited public sector but is generating a new type of public sector bureaucracy with the creation of an entourage of professional roles at the top echelon of the organisation.
Pelayanan publik merupakan salah satu pilar penting dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan yang efektif. Masyarakat sebagai penerima layanan memiliki ekspektasi yang tinggi terhadap kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan oleh instansi publik. Oleh karena itu, penilaian kinerja dan penerapan strategi yang tepat menjadi esensial dalam memastikan bahwa pelayanan yang diberikan sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan dan mampu memenuhi harapan masyarakat. Buku ini disusun dengan harapan dapat menjadi panduan bagi para praktisi, akademisi, serta
mahasiswa yang tertarik dalam bidang manajemen pelayanan publik. Isi buku ini mencakup berbagai aspek penting, mulai dari konsep dasar manajemen pelayanan publik, metode penilaian kinerja, hingga strategi implementasi yang relevan dalam konteks pelayanan publik di Indonesia maupun secara global
El Comité Experto para la Profesionalización del Servicio Público integrado por la convocatoria del Comité de Participación Ciudadana del Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción de México, elaboró este documento de trabajo para presentar 25 propuestas concretas para la profesionalización del servicio público.
¿De dónde proviene la iniciativa de retomar la idea de la profesionalización del servicio público? “25 Propuestas para la Profesionalización del Servicio Público” nace como resultado del interés de un grupo de personas dedicadas desde distintos planos a la profesionalización del servicio público. Llámese en calidad de investigadores o estudiosos del fenómeno, provenientes de la práctica profesional o como activistas de la sociedad civil. Todo ello, desde iniciativas grupales o individuales que a lo largo del tiempo han impulsado y procurado que la profesionalización esté presente en los tres poderes del gobierno y los tres órdenes de la administración pública, así como en los diferentes órganos del Estado. Estas iniciativas han ido y van desde la presentación de anteproyectos de leyes, cartas prescriptivas, columnas periodísticas, libros, ensayos, artículos, docencia, así como la realización de foros y congresos.
Buku "Teori Administrasi Publik" ini mengkaji bagaimana pemerintah mengelola sumber daya dan layanan demi kepentingan masyarakat. Pendekatan ini mencakup proses perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi kebijakan serta program. Berbagai teori administrasi publik dibahas, termasuk teori birokrasi Max Weber yang menekankan struktur hierarki, aturan, dan efisiensi, serta teori manajemen ilmiah Frederick Taylor yang berfokus pada peningkatan produktivitas dan efisiensi. Selain itu, buku ini juga membahas perkembangan administrasi publik modern yang mencakup aspek partisipasi masyarakat, transparansi, akuntabilitas, serta kolaborasi antara pemerintah, sektor swasta, dan masyarakat dalam menciptakan tata kelola yang efektif.
Performance funding uses financial incentives to motivate institutions to improve student outcomes and college completion. Perceiving this funding strategy as a helpful mechanism to stimulate better higher education outcomes, many states adopted the policy. Empirical evidence suggests that many of these models have done little to improve student success overall. Further, research indicates that some institutions inflate graduation rates and selectively admit students in order to obtain more state funding. Institutions that have a sizable population of underrepresented students may receive inadequate funding due to their low graduation rates. This chapter reviews the history of performance management reform, explains how it spurs the popularity of performance funding in higher education, analyzes the policy's downfalls, explores the policy's potential contribution to the intensifying higher education inequality, and discusses solutions to overcome the policy's challenges.
Amidst the huge demand for larger enterprise models in multinational organizations, in particular with IT sector, capacity and performance management are one of the crucial areas not only in IT but also in business and telecommunication industries. Capacity and performance management make certain of utilizing resources in an efficient way, manage service levels, and strengthen business targets. The networks within these enterprises make sure to provide scalability, redundancy, security, compliance as key factors in the organization. The techniques in capacity and performance management help in building a plan, executing and modifying the necessary resources. If the planning part in managing the resources fails to meet the business targets, all the resources will go to waste, resulting in cost- ineffectiveness, unsatisfied performance and lack of better services. It is indeed recommended to perform solution tracking related to performance and capacity related incidents or problems. Above all this, producing a capacity plan plays an important role in the play.
Bunga Rampai Penerapan Ilmu Kepolisian merupakan kumpulan Karya Tulis Ilmiah (KTI) terbaik dari Mahasiswa SI Angkatan ke-81/Widya Wira Satya. Dari 180 KTI dilaksanakan seleksi sehingga mendapatkan 17 KTI yang termuat dalam buku ini. Penelitian KTI dalam buku ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pemilihan tema yang diambil sesuai dengan profil lulusan S-1 Ilmu Kepolisian. Sistematisasi hasil KTI dalam bentuk buku merupakan salah satu bentuk pembangunan literasi yang ditujukan dalam rangka mengembangkan ilmu kepolisian. Objek penelitian dalam buku ini merupakan kondisi empiris permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Polri pada tingkat Mabes sampai dengan Polres. Buku ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu alternatif gaya pemolisian dalam penanganan berbagai permasalahan, sekaligus menjadi inisiator bagi pembukuan hasil penelitian-penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Mahasiswa STIK Lemdiklat Polri sehingga terbangun knowledge bank Ilmu Kepolisian.
This paper analyzes the characteristics of rapid evaluations, a particular type of evaluation of public interventions that has become widespread in the last decade in several Latin American countries. In most cases, these evaluations are part of the reforms promoted by the national budget governing bodies and aimed at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the public sector. The article examines the management process of rapid assessments -which includes the selection of interventions to be examined, the execution of the assessments, and the use of the results- in Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay. Finally, it offers recommendations to improve the effectiveness of these tools.
Scholars agree that achieving valuable and lasting outcomes from the reorganisation and reform of public services is extremely difficult. All too often, public management reform fails to deliver the promised performance gains, disrupts on-going public service operations, or runs into seemingly inescapable trade-offs. But despite this strong consensus on the problems of top-down reform, little thought has been given to potential solutions that would improve reform processes and outcomes, and so genuinely help to bolster governments’ management capability.
This new, interdisciplinary study sets aside the conventional ‘paradigms’ approach to analysing public management reform, and turns instead to concepts from psychology, sociology, and economics to grasp the hitherto intractable problem of how to ‘do reform’ better. The book shows that cognitive bias, social institutions, and lack of attention to ‘quiet costs’ all help to explain the reform pathologies documented in prior research, and point to robust and actionable strategies that policymakers can use to strengthen the design and delivery of reforms in future.
Full of contemporary examples drawn from a wide variety of countries and contexts, Understanding and Improving Public Management Reform is a concise and straightforward guide to better decision-making for policymakers, public service managers, advisors, and students. It also serves as a call-to-arms for scholars in public administration and cognate fields to undertake more applied research into this important area of public policymaking.
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