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Leveraging the Training Data Partitioning to Improve Events Characterization in Intrusion Detection Systems



The ever-increasing use of services based on computer networks, even in crucial areas unthinkable until a few years ago, has made the security of these networks a crucial element for anyone, also in consideration of the increasingly sophisticated techniques and strategies available to attackers. In this context, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) play a very important role since they are responsible for analyzing and classifying each network activity as legitimate or illegitimate, allowing us to take the necessary countermeasures at the appropriate time. However, these systems are not infallible and this is due to several reasons, the most important of which are the constant evolution of the attacks (e.g., zero-day attacks) and the problem that many attacks have behavior similar to those of the legitimate activities, and therefore they are very hard to identify. This work relies on the hypothesis that the subdivision of the training data used for the definition of the IDS classification model into a certain number of partitions, in terms of events and features, can improve the characterization of the network events, improving the system performance. All the non-overlapping data partitions train independent classification models and the event is classified according to a majority-voting rule. A series of experiments conducted on a benchmark real-world dataset support the initial hypothesis, showing a performance improvement, compared to a canonical training approach.
Leveraging the Training Data Partitioning to
Improve Events Characterization in Intrusion
Detection Systems
Roberto Saia *, Salvatore Carta, Gianni Fenu, and Livio Pompianu
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy;
Email: (S.C.), (G.F.), (L.P.)
*Correspondence: (R.S.)
AbstractThe ever-increasing use of services based on
computer networks, even in crucial areas unthinkable until a
few years ago, has made the security of these networks a
crucial element for anyone, also in consideration of the
increasingly sophisticated techniques and strategies available
to attackers. In this context, Intrusion Detection Systems
(IDSs) play a primary role since they are responsible for
analyzing and classifying each network activity as legitimate
or illegitimate, allowing us to take the necessary
countermeasures at the appropriate time. However, these
systems are not infallible due to several reasons, the most
important of which are the constant evolution of the attacks
(e.g., zero-day attacks) and the problem that many of the
attacks have behavior similar to those of legitimate activities,
and therefore they are very hard to identify. This work relies
on the hypothesis that the subdivision of the training data
used for the IDS classification model definition into a certain
number of partitions, in terms of events and features, can
improve the characterization of the network events,
improving the system performance. The non-overlapping
data partitions train independent classification models,
classifying the event according to a majority-voting rule. A
series of experiments conducted on a benchmark real-world
dataset support the initial hypothesis, showing a performance
improvement with respect to a canonical training approach.
Keywordsintrusion detection, network security, training
data, algorithm
The exponential growth of network-based technologies
has given rise to a stimulating environment that today most
people cannot give up, a scenario that involves countless
important applications such as those related to
communication systems, finance, education, the food
industry, and health, as well as those related to recent
technologies, such as the military and civilian drones. It
should be observed how in recent years the number of
devices connected through networks has increased
dramatically due to the massive spread of devices related
to the Internet of Things (IoT), which authoritative sector
studies estimate will be around sixty billion by 2025 [1].
This enormous network of devices and services expands
the audience of potential targets of the attackers, also by
taking into account that the COVID-19 pandemic further
increases these targets due to the need for many companies
to allow their employees to work from home. In such a
context, one of the most known and most dangerous
attacks is Ransomware [2], directed more and more
frequently against public and private objectives, with
enormous financial and social costs. For this reason, in
these years, in addition to a great commitment of financial
and human resources aimed at defining increasingly
efficient network services, we have witnessed an equally
great commitment as regards the development of
techniques and strategies able to grant the security of these
However, the high degree of heterogeneity [3] that
characterizes this environment makes this operation very
difficult, due to both the continuous efforts of the attackers
to violate the systems with more and more sophisticated
techniques (a case in point is the difficulty of detecting the
zero-day attacks [4]), and the problem that many attacks
are often characterized by a behavior very similar to that
of a legitimate network activity [5], making it difficult to
detect them. To face these problems, researchers are
constantly looking for more and more efficient Intrusion
Detection Systems (IDSs) [6], which are designed using
various techniques such as, just to name a few, those based
on Machine Learning and Deep Learning [7, 8], Artificial
Intelligence [9], Artificial Neural Networks [1013],
Fuzzy Logic [14], often combining more than one to define
hybrid solutions [15]. Starting from the consideration that
most of the approaches and strategies in the literature
related to the IDS domain exploit the entire training set to
define the classification model [5, 1618], we have
trivially observed that a training dataset refers to single
events in terms of data rows and to the different features
that characterize each event in terms of data columns.
Consequently, taking advantage of this data
configuration, we have defined a kind of divide-and-
conquer strategy, according to which: (i) the dataset is
divided into a certain number (experimentally defined) of
partitions without overlapping, each of them that refers to
certain events and features; (ii) each partition is used to
Manuscript received April 24, 2023; revised May 30, 2023; accepted
July 13, 2023; published December 7, 2023.
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 6, 2023
doi: 10.12720/jait.14.6.1345-1353
train an independent classification model; (iii) the final
event classification is reached using all model
classifications according to a majority-voting rule. In other
words, this works proposes a Training Data Partitioning
approach aimed to improve the characterization of the
network events, then the IDS performance, experimentally
verifying what we previously hypothesized and
formalized [19], providing the following main
Definition of the Training Data Partitioning (TDP)
approach aimed to partition a training dataset
according to an optimal number of events (data
rows) and features (data columns);
Formalization of the rules needed to partition a
training dataset regardless of its number of rows
and columns, and to perform the classification
process also when it is not possible to apply the
majority-voting rule, i.e., when an event receives
the same number of votes in the normal and
intrusion classes;
Definition of an intrusion detection algorithm that
exploits the proposed TDP approach, analyzing
and classifying each network event as normal or
Adoption of an experimental criterion aimed to
face overfitting problems, which ensures an
effective separation between the data used to select
the most performing baseline classifier and the
optimal number of dataset partitions, and the data
used during the validation process, combining this
criterion with a canonical k-fold cross-validation
Although other works in the literature have already
considered partitioning the training data, for instance, to
parallelize the training process of a classification or
regression model (e.g., distributing the process across
many computing nodes [20]), or to face the limits of the
hardware resources (e.g., in terms of memory in case of
big datasets [21]), to the best of our knowledge, there are
no significant works where this operation was aimed at a
better characterization of the dataset samples to improve
the classification performance.
The remainder of this paper is structured in the
following way: Section II discusses the background and
the related works concerning the intrusion detection
research domain; Section III introduces the formal
notation we used along with the formalization of the
problem to face; Section IV explains the proposed
approach and its implementation; Section V describes the
development environment, the adopted real-world dataset,
the experimental methodology, and the process of
selection of the state-of-the-art baseline classifier,
reporting and discussing the experimental results;
Section VI concludes this work with some remarks,
making mention of future research directions.
The concept of intrusion understood as an attempt to
gain access to the resource of a network illegally was
coined many years ago in conjunction with the spread of
network services, public and private [22]. Since then,
literature has dealt with the aspects related to this potential
threat, from the theoretical ones [23] to the practical ones
concerning the contexts that have gradually emerged over
the years, such as those related to the Internet of Things
(IoT), Cloud Computing, Smart Cities, or health-care
The IDSs analyze network traffic to identify illegal
access attempts to the network or the improper use of the
involved resources, as some attacks do not have the main
objective of illegitimately exploiting resources but, for
instance, putting them out of service, as it happens with the
Denial of Service (DoS) or Distributed Denial of Service
(DDoS) attacks often reported by the media [24].
It can base its operation on different modalities, the
most common of them are: (i) anomaly-based, according
to which it classifies the network activities based on a
rules/heuristic-based strategy, then by analyzing their
behavior instead querying a database of known
patterns [25]; (ii) signature-based, where the new network
activity pattern is compared to the known patterns stored
in a database, and it is classified based on the basis of this
comparison process [26]; (iii) specification-based,
according to which the system inspects the involved
protocols to detect anomalous sequences that may refer to
an attack in progress [27]; (iv) hybrid-based, which does
not represent a pure modality but a combination of the
previous ones [28].
Discussing the pros and cons of the above methods: an
anomaly-based IDS can face attacks such as the zero-days
ones and, more generally, attacks characterized by an
anomalous behavior but it presents a limitation given by
its long response-time, which represent a crucial problem
in a highly dynamic environment such as the one in which
it operates; a signature-based IDS well operates in the
context of known attacks and variations of them but its
main limitation is given by the inability to inspect the
involved protocols and the high computational load
required by the classification process; a specification-
based IDS can inspect the protocols related to the network
activities to detect anomalous behaviors but it is not able
to differentiate the legitimate and illegitimate activities
that have the same behavior and, in addition, the protocol
inspection/tracing capability generates a high
computational load; a hybrid-based IDS is obviously
characterized by the same pros and cons of the methods
that it adopts.
As regards the method of detecting network activities in
terms of the number and location of the IDSs, the literature
indicates four main categories: (i) Host-based Intrusion
Detection Systems (HIDSs) [29], which exploits several
hosts to detect the network activity; (ii) Network-based
Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDSs) [30], which adopts
only a host to detect the network activity; (iii) Network-
Node-based Intrusion Detection Systems (NNIDSs) [31],
which exploit a single host strategically placed in the
network; (iv) Distributed-based Intrusion Detection
Systems (DIDSs) [32], which combines the
aforementioned categories to detect the network activity.
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 6, 2023
A further subdivision of the IDSs based on the type of
response to the attacks groups them into two broad
categories, active and passive [33]: active, when in
response to an attack, in addition to recording the activity
(log) and forwarding the alerts, the IDS reconfigures the
network to counteract the activities of the attackers;
passive, when in response to an attack the IDS only records
the related network activity, forwarding the needed alerts,
without putting in place any active countermeasure.
The discussed classifications of the IDSs based on their
operational mode are summarized in Fig. 1.
Figure 1. Intrusion detection systems modes.
Similar to other research domains (e.g., Fraud
Detection [34]), where the main objective is the
identification of numerically rare events, the performance
evaluation metrics used in this domain must take into
account the high degree of data imbalance that usually
characterizes the data, as to get reliable evaluations not
biased by the majority class of samples.
In the Intrusion Detection domain, the minority class is
the intrusion one and the IDSs usually operate according
to a binary criterion [35], classifying each network event
as normal or intrusion. It means that the metrics to be
considered are those suitable for the evaluation of binary
classifiers such as, for example, those based on the
confusion matrix, i.e., a matrix 22 that reports the number
of True Negatives (TN), False Negatives (FN), True
Positives (TP), and False Positives (FP), as shown in
Fig. 2.
Some examples of confusion-matrix-based metrics
widely used in this research field are the Accuracy, the
True Positive Rate, and the True Negative Rate but to deal
with the imbalance problem such metrics are often flanked
by other ones [36] that are not influenced by this data
characteristic, such as those based on the Receiver
Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve, as the Area Under
the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUC).
Figure 2. Confusion matrix.
Specifying that we used the notation to indicate the
cardinality of the set , we denote as 󰇝󰇞 a
set of network events composed of a subset
󰇞 of normal events ( ), a subset
󰇞 of intrusion events ( ), and a subset
󰇞 unclassified events (
According to the above notation, we have
, where each event is
characterized by a series of features 󰇝󰇞,
and it can only belong to one of the two classes in 
In addition, we denote as 󰇝󰇞 (given by
) the training set, which can be partitioned into
󰇝󰇞 partitions, according to the operation
as 󰇛󰇜, with  the number of Event Rows, and 
the number of Feature Columns, then 󰇛
Given the set , this means that: each partition can be
composed of
 events and
 features, since and
; the bounds of  is  and that of
 is  , then the pair of values  
indicates the canonical data configuration without
It should be noted that each partition defined according
to the  value must contain samples that belong to both
classes in C, to allow us the training of the evaluation
model. Since we consider the intrusion detection problem
in binary terms, according to the provided notation we can
formalize it as shown in Eq. (1), denoting the intrusion
detection approach as , and the evaluation function (it
returns 1 if the classification is correct, 0 otherwise) of an
event  as 󰇛󰇜, so our problem can be expressed in
terms of maximization of the value (
represents the
upper bound).
 (1)
This means that the maximum value returned by Eq. (1)
can only be achieved by an ideal intrusion detection
approach able to correctly classify all the events, i.e., the
goal to aim for.
The problem previously defined in Eq. (1) needs to be
transposed into the proposed TDP approach, then revised
by subdividing the classification process according to the
number of training set partitions.
It means that the evaluation process is now composed of
sub-processes (i.e., ), then the intrusion
detection approach is executed times, and the final
classification of the event depends on the result of each
execution: for example, assuming we have the values
, ,  ,  , which means that we
subdivide the training set T into 󰇛 󰇜
partitions, each of them composed of
features. In this way, the process of
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 6, 2023
training of each evaluation model m uses, respectively, the
events and features in each p1, p2, p3, p4 partitions of
Eq. (2), generating four m1, m2, m3, and m4 evaluation
 (2)
A. Data Partitioning Criteria
Given that the number of partitions determined by the
 and  values may not exactly partition the features
(data columns) and events (data rows), i.e., when
󰇛󰇜 or 󰇛󰇜 , we need to
define a criterion able to overcome this problem.
Starting from the notation provided in Section III, we
denote 󰇛󰇜 and 󰇛󰇜,
formalizing the needed criterion, respectively for the set F
and T, as shown in Eq. (3). Intending to not bias the
original information, such a criterion adopts two different
strategies: concerning the set , it duplicates the last
feature column times, whereas concerning the set , it
duplicates the last event rows, as to avoid adding events
that belong to the same class in C.
   
    
Another criterion is instead aimed to solve the problems
that happen when it is not possible to apply the majority-
voting rule since the two possible destination classes (i.e.,
normal and intrusion) receive the same number of votes.
It introduces a discriminating classification obtained by
defining a further evaluation model trained on the entire E
set (canonical approach), generating in this way
 classifications.
By way of example, assuming a scenario with 
 , which generates the classification
models that lead toward the  classifications for
an event, where we assume that two of them are normal
and the other two are an intrusion, the final classification
is reached by adding the classification  obtained through
a further evaluation model trained on the entire set T.
The formalization of all possible classification cases is
shown in Eq. (4), where  and  indicate, respectively,
normal and intrusion elements in set C.
We experimented that such two criteria do not
significantly alter the involved processes, also because
they are applied to both the training and test set, and for
simplification reasons, from now on, we will consider their
application as an internal preprocessing step applied
during the data partition process.
 󰇛󰇜
 󰇛󰇜
 󰇛󰇜
 󰇛󰇜
 󰇛󰇜
 󰇛󰇜
  
 󰇛󰇜
 󰇛󰇜
  
󰇛󰇜 
B. Data Classification Algorithm
The criteria previously formalized allow us to apply the
proposed TDP approach to any dataset, according to
Algorithm 1, which performs the classification of the new
network events. It takes as input a baseline classification
algorithm , the set of classified events T (i.e., the training
set), the set
of unclassified events, the  and 
values that determine the data partitioning, returning as
output the classification of all the events in the set
It should be noted that Algorithm 1 is formalized in
terms of pseudocode using functions that explicitly refer to
canonical (e.g., trainModel and
getMajorityVotingClassifications) and related to our
approach (e.g., getPartitions and getEventClass), which
have been previously formalized.
Algorithm 1. TDP classification
Require: β=Baseline classification algorithm,
T=Training set, Ê=Events to evaluate, ER=Event rows,
FC=Feature columns
Ensure: Ē=Classification of all the events in the set Ê
1. procedure getTDP(β, T, Ê, ER, FC)
2. if(ER x FC) is even) then
3. m’’ ← trainModel(β, T)
4. end if
5. p ← getPartitions(T, ER, FC)
6. for all p in P do
7. m ← trainModel(β, p)
8. M.add(m)
9. end for
10. for all ê in Ê do
11. P’’← getPartitions(ê, ER, FC)
12. for all m in M do
13. c ← getEventClass(m’’, ê)
14. C.add(c)
15. end for
16. if(ER x FC) is even then
17. c’’ ← getEventClass(m’’, ê)
18. C.add(c’’)
19. end if
20. Ē.add(getMajorityVotingClassification(ê, C)
21. end for
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 6, 2023
In more detail: at steps from 2 to 4 an evaluation model
is trained by using the entire set E, if the numbers of
partitions (i.e., Z = |ER FC|) is even; at step 5 the training
test T is processed in order to define the partitions,
according to the ER and FC values; for each partition, at
steps from 6 to 9, an evaluation model of the algorithm
is trained; the classification of the events in
is performed
from step 10 to 21, where at step 11 the features of the
unevaluated event  are divided into partitions, according
to the ER and FC values, at steps from 12 to 15 each
evaluation models in M provide an event classification,
and an additional canonical classification based on the
model trained at step 3 is added to the set C when if the
number of involved partitions is even (steps from 16 to 19);
at step 20 the event is classified according the majority-
voting rule, and the classification is added to the set ,
which is returned by the algorithm at step 22, with the
classification of all the events in the input set (i.e.,
Computational Complexity. The TDP approach does
not present an excessive computational complexity [37],
also considered that the involved tasks can be distributed
over several processes and/or machines, for example using
frameworks such as MapReduce [38].
C. Approach Architecture
All the elements previously described that compose the
proposed TDP approach are summarized in the high-level
description of Fig. 3, according to the Algorithm 1
processes. It starts from a preprocessing step, where the
training set T and the unclassified events set
managed through the criteria formalized in Section IV-A.
Subsequently, the data partitioning is carried out based
on the ER and FC values, and the related classification
models are trained and used in the last step, where all the
classifications decide the event classification using the
majority-voting rule.
Figure 3. TDP high-level architecture.
We carried out all the experiments using an 11th
Generation Intel Core i7-1165G7, 2.80GHz 8 CPUs
machine, with 16 GB of RAM, Linux operating system
with kernel 5.10.0-14-amd64, and the Python language
with the Scikit-learn ( library. In
addition, to ensure the reproduction of the experiments, we
fixed the pseudo-random number generator seed of the
Scikit-learn to 1.
A. Dataset
The real-world dataset used for the validation process,
the NSL-KDD (,
can be considered a benchmark dataset in the intrusion
detection field [39]. Considering that many works in the
literature adopted it, the use of this dataset allows anyone
to compare them.
The network events in the dataset are related to the UDP,
TCP, and ICMP protocol activity, including many types of
attacks. The NSL-KDD dataset release contains 148,517
events (77,054 normal events and 71,463 intrusion events).
Each event contains 43 features (4 categorical, 6 binary, 23
discrete, and 10 continuous), involving four different
classes of network attacks (120 Privilege Escalation,
53,387 Denial of Service, 14,077 Remote Scanning, and
3,879 Remote Access). Tables I and II report the main
characteristics of the dataset.
Total Events
|E+| + |E|
Aimed to obtain a privileged
access as unprivileged user (e.g.,
Buffer overflow, Rootkit, Perl,
Loadmodule, Xterm, Sqlattack,
and Ps).
Denial of
Aimed to block a service/system
generating an huge number of
normal network activities (e.g.,
Mail-bomb, Land, Back, Pod,
Smurf, Neptune, Teardrop,
Udpstorm, Processtable, Worm,
and Apache2).
Aimed to get details about a
service/system through a series
of invasive and non-invasive
approaches (e.g., Nmap,
IPsweep, Satan, Portsweep,
Saint, and Mscan).
Aimed to obtain a remote system
access by exploiting different
techniques (e.g., Ftp write,
Guess password, Imap, Phf,
Warez-master, Multihop,
Xsnoop, Xlock, Snmpguess,
Httptunnel, Snmpgetattack,
Named, and Sendmail).
B. Methodology
As preprocessing steps: (i) we transformed the dataset’s
categorical features into a numerical one; (ii) we
introduced a class feature that classifies each event
according to a binary criterion, using the value 0 for the
normal events, and the value 1 for the intrusion ones,
removing the original attack-type label for each event.
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 6, 2023
We carried out all the experiments according to a
preliminary division of the dataset into two parts:
1. An in-sample part (80%), used to detect the most
performing classification baseline algorithm in the
context of the canonical and TDP approaches, and
to detect the optimal number of TDP partitions (i.e.,
ER and FC values);
2. An out-of-sample part (20%), used to perform the
validation process, where we compare the perfor-
mance of the TDP approach to that of the canonical
Such a methodology avoids overfitting since it provides
an effective separation between the data related to the
different data processes, where we also apply a canonical
k-fold cross-validation criterion with k = 5.
For performance assessment, we use three metrics
widely used in this domain: the True Negative Rate (TNR),
the True Positive Rate (TPR), and the Area Under the
Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUC).
C. Baseline Algorithms
We selected the most performing state-of-the-art
classification algorithm by testing the intrusion detection
performance of several algorithms widely used for this
task in the literature, using only the in-sample part of the
algorithm=’SAMME.R’, base_estimator=None,
learning_rate=1.0, n_estimators=50, random_state=1
class_weight=None, criterion=’gini’, max_depth=None,
max_features=None, max_leaf_nodes=None,
min_impurity_decrease=0.0, min_impurity_split=None,
min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2,
min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, presort=False,
random_state=1, splitter=’best’
max_features=None, max_leaf_nodes=None,
min_impurity_decrease=0.0, min_impurity_split=None,
min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2,
min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, n_estimators=100, pre-
sort=’auto’, random_state=1, subsample=1.0,
verbose=0, warm_start=False
activation=’relu’, alpha=0.0001, batch_size=’auto’,
beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, early_stopping=False,
max_iter=200, momentum=0.9,
nesterovs_momentum=True, power_t=0.5,
random_state=1, shuf-
fle=True, solver=’adam’, tol=0.0001,
validation_fraction=0.1, verbose=False,
bootstrap=True, class_weight=None, criterion=’gini’,
max_depth=None, max_features=’auto’,
max_leaf_nodes=None, min_impurity_decrease=0.0,
min_impurity_split=None, min_samples_leaf=1,
min_samples_split=2, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0,
n_estimators=10, n_jobs=1, oob_score=False,
random_state=1, verbose=0, warm_start=False
The algorithms we take into consideration are Adaptive
Boosting [40], Decision Tree [41], Gradient Boosting [42],
Multilayer Perceptron [43], and Random Forests [44]. The
algorithms parameters are reported in Table III, whereas
the measured performance is shown in Table IV, where the
results indicate Random Forests as the most performing
algorithm (the best performance is highlighted in bold).
Adaptive Boosting
Decision Tree
Gradient Boosting
Multilayer Perceptron
Random Forests
D. Optimal Data Partitioning
The experiments performed in this step are aimed to
detect the optimal number of data partitions for the
proposed TDP approach, then the ER and FC values. The
process took place using the Random Forests algorithm
previously selected and the in-sample part of the dataset,
where during the experiments we applied the k-fold cross-
validation criterion based on five folds (i.e., k = 5).
The optimal parameters were selected by considering all
the metrics discussed in Section V-B (i.e., TNR, TPR, and
The results indicate ER = 1 and FC = 2 as optimal values
in the context of the RF algorithm we selected in
Section V-C. This is visible in Table V, where to simplify,
we report only the most significant range of values (the
best performance is highlighted in bold).
It should be noted that the pair of values ER = 1 and FC
= 1 represents the canonical data configuration without
data partitioning.
E. Results
After identifying the most performing baseline
algorithm (Section V-C) and the optimal parameters for
partitioning data under the proposed approach (Section V-
D), performing both the processes in the in-sample part of
the dataset, the next step is to compare our TDP approach
with the canonical one. We perform this operation in the
out-of-sample part of the dataset, as to obtain reliable
results not influenced by overfitting.
In addition, we made all the experiments according to
the k-fold cross-validation criterion with k = 5. The results
are reported in Table VI, where the best performance is
highlighted in bold.
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 6, 2023
Random Forests
Random Forests
F. Discussion
Based on the performed experiments and the related
results we can make the following considerations:
The process aimed at defining the data partitioning
values (i.e., ER and FC), carried out using the in-
sample part of the dataset, has identified ER = 1
and FC = 2 as optimal data partitioning values,
indicating that no partitioning will be made in
terms of events;
The performance comparison between the
canonical approach (i.e., based on a classification
model trained on the entire training set) and the
proposed TDP one, which we made using the out-
of-sample part of the dataset, shows that TDP
outperforms the canonical approach;
In more detail, the results of the performance
comparison reported in Table VI indicate that TDP
outperforms the canonical approach in terms of all
the considered evaluation metrics (i.e., TNR, TPR,
and AUC), supporting the hypothesis behind this
Despite the improvements in performance may
appear modest, the results are promising since in
the intrusion detection domain there are many
scenarios [45, 46] where the IDSs operate
continuously (24 hours a day and 365 days a year),
then also minor improvements lead to the detection
of a significant number of intrusion events, with all
the consequent advantages;
Just by way of example, even considering a limited
number of events such as those present in the used
NSL-KDD dataset, the performance gain we have
achieved in terms of TPR and TNR (respectively,
+0.0063 and +0.0045) made it possible to correctly
identify a further 485 legitimate activities (normal
events) and 321 attacks (intrusion events);
An additional performance analysis, aimed at
verifying that the increase in performance in terms
of TPR and TNR did not depend on the increasing
of false positives and/or false negatives cases
(although the measured improvement in terms of
AUC can rule this out), showed that the proposed
approach also gets an improvement in this sense,
with a False Positive Rate value that going down
from 0.0132 to 0.0087, and a False Negative Rate
value that going down from 0.0130 to 0.0067;
The experimental results demonstrate that the
training data partitioning on which the proposed
approach relies can improve the performance of an
IDS, and this is also further supported by the
adoption of a double validation criterion (in-
sample}/out-of-sample and k-fold cross-validation)
during the experiments, which provides us reliable
results not influenced by overfitting;
In other words, the performed experiments have
shown the effectiveness of such an approach,
where non-overlapping data partitions train
independent classification models combined
according to a majority-voting rule, and in this
regard, it is necessary to consider that we operate
in a challenging domain characterized by a high
level of data heterogeneity, a similarity between
some legitimate and illegitimate classes of events,
as well as a limited room for improvement given
by the good performance achieved by the state-of-
the-art approaches;
In conclusion, since the proposed approach can
improve the performance of a baseline algorithm,
it can be adopted in many state-of-the-art
approaches that exploit this algorithm to improve
their performance.
Given the increasing dependence of people on public
and private network services, the security of such networks
has long become a crucial requirement, albeit very difficult
to ensure due to the high dynamism of the involved factors.
In this scenario, the IDSs play a primary role since they
analyze and classify network events to identify any
unauthorized use. These systems must face the continuous
evolution of the techniques used by the attackers, with the
complication that many attacks have a behavior very
similar to that of normal network activities.
To improve the characterization of the network events
to mitigate this kind of problem, this work proposed a TDP
approach that relies on the partitioning of training data in
terms of time (event rows) and characteristics (feature
columns). The event classification is made using multiple
classification models trained individually on each of these
partitions, whose results define the event classification
according to a majority-voting rule.
The validation process, the results of which are to be
considered reliable thanks to the adoption of a double
criterion (in-sample/out-of-sample and k-fold cross-
validation) aimed at avoiding overfitting problems, proved
the validity of the proposed TDP approach, showing
improvements in terms of TNR, TPR, and AUC, compared
to the canonical approach.
In future work, we plan to experiment with the proposed
approach in the context of different domains/datasets, as to
explore the relations between the optimal number of
partitions and the involved data type and domain. This is
because, although the double validation criterion we have
adopted (in-sample/out-of-sample e k-fold cross-validation)
guarantees us that the results obtained do not depend on
randomness (k-fold cross-validation) or overfitting
problems (in-sample/out-of-sample), investigating the
relationships between the optimal number of partitions and
the context of the data provides elements for further
improvements of the approach.
The authors state that there are no conflicts of interest in
the publication of this research.
Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 6, 2023
Conceptualization, R.S., L.P., S.C., and G.F.; data
curation, R.S. and L.P.; formal analysis, R.S.;
methodology, R.S., L.P., S.C., and G.F.; resources, R.S.,
L.P., S.C., and G.F.; supervision, S.C. and G.F.; validation,
R.S., L.P., and S.C.; writing, original draft, R.S.; writing,
review and editing, R.S., L.P., and S.C.; all authors had
approved the final version.
This research was partially funded and supported by
Visioscientiae Srl.
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Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 14, No. 6, 2023
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The expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) in various industrial sectors (also referred to as the Industrial Internet of Things or IIoT) promises increased economic productivity and quality of life. However, the expansion of IIoT also presents unprecedented security concerns due to increased connectivity between appliances and the cloud. Among the security concerns on IIoT is the threat of intrusions on IIoT networks, resulting in unauthorised access to sensitive data generated by IIoT devices or the compromise of the entire IIoT network. Current work proposes a novel generative adversarial artificial immune network (GAAINet) model for intrusion detection in IIoT systems. GAAINet aims to improve the quality of an artificial immune network (AIN)-based classifier by introducing a generator AIN responsible for generating fake intrusion samples from a latent space to fool the classifier (or discriminator) AIN. The adversarial training of the generator and discriminator AINs is expected to improve the intrusion detection capability of the discriminator such that it potentially surpasses traditional training methods that only use preexisting datasets. Current work proposes GAAINet, an immunologically inspired generative adversarial conceptual model, for intrusion detection in IIoT systems.
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With the proliferation of internet users around the world, it is becoming imperative to make communications safer than before. A network intrusion detection system is pivotal for network security because it enables us to detect and respond to malicious traffics. There are several ways and available tools to detect attacks in a computer network but machine learning techniques are one of the most efficient methods to detect abnormal traffics precisely and accurately. In this work, a method has been demonstrated to classify if incoming network traffic is normal or anomalous using machine learning techniques. Several classifiers have been evaluated based on the NSL-KDD dataset. Experiments were conducted with k-nearest neighbor, decision tree, naȉve Bayes, logistic regression, random forest, and their ensemble approach. A basic feature selection strategy has been applied to reduce the calculation time complexity and dataset’s dimension. The highest accuracy obtained 99.5% with a 0.6% false alarm rate.
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Denial of Service and Distributed Denial of Service (DoS/DDoS) attacks have been one of the biggest threats against communication networks and applications throughout the years. Modelling DoS/DDoS attacks is necessary to get a better understanding of their behaviour at each step of the attack process, from the Botnet recruitment up to the dynamics of the attack. A deeper understanding of DoS/DDoS attacks would lead to the development of more efficient solutions and countermeasures to mitigate their impact. In this survey, we present a classification approach for existing DoS/DDoS models in different kinds of networks; traditional networks, Software Defined Networks (SDN) and virtual networks. In addition, this article provides a thorough review and comparison of the existing attack models, in particular we explain, analyze and simulate different aspects of three prominent models; congestion window, queuing, and epidemic models (same model used for corona virus spread analysis). Furthermore, we quantify the damage of DoS/DDoS attacks at three different levels; protocol (Transmission Control Protocol-TCP), device’s resources (bandwidth, CPU, memory), and network (infection and recovery speed).
Conference Paper
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Anyone working in the field of network intrusion detection has been able to observe how it involves an ever-increasing number of techniques and strategies aimed to overcome the issues that affect the state-of-the-art solutions. Data unbalance and heterogeneity are only some representative examples of them, and each misclassification operates in this context could have enormous repercussions in different crucial areas such as, for instance, financial, privacy, and public reputation. This happens because the current scenario is characterized by a huge number of public and private network-based services. The idea behind the proposed work is decomposing the canonical classification process into several sub-processes, where the final classification depends on all the sub-processes results, plus the canonical one. The proposed Training Data Decomposition (TDD) strategy is applied on the training datasets, where it applies a decomposition into regions, according to a defined number of events and features. The ratio that leads this process is related to the observation that the same network event could be evaluated in a different manner, when it is evaluated in different time periods and/or when it involves different features. According to this observation, the proposed approach adopts different classification models, each of them trained in a different data region characterized by different time periods and features, classifying the event both on the basis of all model results, and on the basis of the canonical strategy that involves all data.
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Cyber-physical systems (CPS) integrate computation and communication capabilities to monitor and control physical systems. Even though this integration improves the performance of the overall system and facilitates the application of CPS in several domains, it also introduces security challenges. Over the years, intrusion detection systems (IDS) have been deployed as one of the security controls for addressing these security challenges. Traditionally, there are three main approaches to IDS, namely: anomaly detection, misuse detection and specification-based detection. However, due to the unique attributes of CPS, the traditional IDS need to be modified or completely replaced before it can be deployed for CPS. In this paper, we present a survey of specification-based intrusion detection techniques for CPS. We classify the existing specification-based intrusion detection techniques in the literature according to the following attributes: specification source, specification extraction, specification modelling, detection mechanism, detector placement and validation strategy. We also discuss the details of each attribute and describe our observations, concerns and future research directions. We argue that reducing the efforts and time needed to extract the system specification of specification-based intrusion detection techniques for CPS and verifying the correctness of the extracted system specification are open issues that must be addressed in the future.
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An intrusion detection system (IDS) is an important protection instrument for detecting complex network attacks. Various machine learning (ML) or deep learning (DL) algorithms have been proposed for implementing anomaly-based IDS (AIDS). Our review of the AIDS literature identifies some issues in related work, including the randomness of the selected algorithms, parameters, and testing criteria, the application of old datasets, or shallow analyses and validation of the results. This paper comprehensively reviews previous studies on AIDS by using a set of criteria with different datasets and types of attacks to set benchmarking outcomes that can reveal the suitable AIDS algorithms, parameters, and testing criteria. Specifically, this paper applies 10 popular supervised and unsupervised ML algorithms for identifying effective and efficient ML–AIDS of networks and computers. These supervised ML algorithms include the artificial neural network (ANN), decision tree (DT), k-nearest neighbor (k-NN), naive Bayes (NB), random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM), and convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithms, whereas the unsupervised ML algorithms include the expectation-maximization (EM), k-means, and self-organizing maps (SOM) algorithms. Several models of these algorithms are introduced, and the turning and training parameters of each algorithm are examined to achieve an optimal classifier evaluation. Unlike previous studies, this study evaluates the performance of AIDS by measuring the true positive and negative rates, accuracy, precision, recall, and F-Score of 31 ML-AIDS models. The training and testing time for ML-AIDS models are also considered in measuring their performance efficiency given that time complexity is an important factor in AIDSs. The ML-AIDS models are tested by using a recent and highly unbalanced multiclass CICIDS2017 dataset that involves real-world network attacks. In general, the k-NN-AIDS, DT-AIDS, and NB-AIDS models obtain the best results and show a greater capability in detecting web attacks compared with other models that demonstrate irregular and inferior results.
The number of Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices is expected to reach 64 billion by 2025. These IoT devices will mostly use cellular networks for transferring a huge amount of IoT data to the cloud for machine learning (ML) based forecasting. Keeping in view a large number of application scenarios for highly resource constraint IoT devices connected with the cellular networks, we propose a value-added IoT service (VAIS) for the cellular network operators based on the federated learning (FL) paradigm. Through simulation experiments, we show, for real air quality data and specific ML models, the proposed VAIS reduces the backhaul data by 70× and requires less energy than its equivalent cloud-based conventional approach, however, with a slight increase in communication time. From the insights we gained, we believe that a properly designed VAIS would efficiently utilize network resources, not only reduce management for IoT users but also the operating costs for cellular operators, and encourage IoT applications on limited backhaul cellular networks.
The recent advancements in information and communication technologies have led to an increasing number of online systems and services. These online systems can utilize Intrusion detection systems (IDS) to ensure their trustworthiness by preventing cyber security threats. Hence it has become necessary for any system to design advanced and intelligent IDS models. However, most existing IDS models are based on traditional machine learning algorithms with weak, shallow learning behaviours providing less efficient feature selection and classification performance of new attacks. Another problem is that these approaches are either network-based or host-based intrusion detection and it often leads to many known attacks being unrecognized by the detection module. Additionally, they lack flexible and scalable handling of the massive amounts of network traffic data due to high model complexity. To overcome these issues, an efficient hybrid IDS model is presented which is built using MapReduce based Black Widow Optimized Convolutional-Long Short-Term Memory (BWO-CONV-LSTM) network. The first stage of this IDS model is the feature selection by the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm. The second stage is the hybrid deep learning classifier model of BWO-CONV-LSTM on a MapReduce framework for intrusion detection from the system traffic data. The proposed BWO-CONV-LSTM network is the combination of Convolutional and LSTM neural networks whose hyper-parameters are optimized by BWO to obtain the ideal architecture. Performance evaluations of the BWO-CONV-LSTM based IDS model are performed over the NSL-KDD, ISCX-IDS, UNSW-NB15, and CSE-CIC-IDS2018 datasets. The results indicate that the proposed BWO-CONV-LSTM model has high intrusion detection performance with 98.67%, 97.003%, 98.667% and 98.25% accuracy for NSL-KDD, ISCX-IDS, UNSW-NB15, and CSE-CIC-IDS2018 datasets, respectively, with fewer false values, less computation time and better classification coefficients.