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Ключевыми проблемами обеспечения условий развития общества в настоящее времястановятся адаптация различных сфер деятельности к изменению климата и снижениерисков, связанных с опасными погодными явлениями. В статье обсуждаются возможныеподходы к снижению рисков в сельском хозяйстве, связанных с градобитиями, затронутыособенности их информационного обеспечения. Предложены один метод решения даннойзадачи и модель для его реализации, разработанная в рамках теории принятия решений. Ме-тод решения задачи отнесен нами к "пассивным" методам, которые не предполагают вме-шательства в процессы формирования градовых осадков в облаках. В качестве механизмаснижения рисков в предложенном методе используется тот факт, что уязвимость сельско-хозяйственных культур градом различна для различных культур. Соответственно, управле-ние рисками осуществляется путем подбора структуры производства сельскохозяйствен-ных культур с учетом особенностей их уязвимости данным погодным явлением, а такжеусловиями, наложенными на объемы производства сельскохозяйственной продукции. В ста-тье обсуждаются основные задачи, возникающие на пути практического использования дан-ного метода. Для анализа эффективности метода для производственно-экономических усло-вий степной климатической зоны Кабардино-Балкарской республики проведены модельныерасчеты. При этом для определения возможных состояний градовых процессов была исполь-зована частота выпадения града (число дней с градом на рассматриваемой территории загод). Пользуясь временным рядом данного показателя за период 1958-2018 гг., частота выпа-дения града в рассматриваемой климатической зоне была представлена в виде дискретнойслучайной величины с известным законом распределения. Это дало возможность рассматри-вать задачу снижения потерь сельского хозяйства как задачу принятия решений в условияхриска. Результаты модельных расчетов показали высокую эффективность метода для сни-жения потерь сельского хозяйства от градобитий. Важным достоинством метода являет-ся то, что практическое его использование будет связано с незначительными затратами.

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The paper discusses possible approaches to reduce the risks associated with dangerous weather conditions. More specifically, the article considers the problem of reducing agricultural losses from such dangerous agrometeorological phenomena as hailstorm and drought. Within the framework of the decision-making theory, the formulation of the problem of reducing the losses of a considering industry from these phenomena is proposed – the objective is making decisions under risk. The features of the information support of this problem and the main tasks arising in the way of its practical use are discussed. The results of calculations that are carried out to analyze the effectiveness of the proposed method are given. The results of the calculations showed that the method is quite effective and can be used to reduce agricultural losses from hail.
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The climate of the Earth is changing. The Earth's temperature is projected to maintain its upward trend in the next few decades. Temperature and precipitation are two very important factors affecting crop yields, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. There is a need for future climate predictions to protect vulnerable sectors like agriculture in drylands. In this study, the downscaling of two important climatic variables-temperature and precipitation-was done by the CanESM2 and HadCM3 models under five different scenarios for the semi-arid province of Qazvin, located in Iran. The most efficient scenario was selected to predict the dryland winter wheat yield of the province for the three periods: 2010-2039, 2040-2069, and 2070-2099. The results showed that the models are able to satisfactorily predict the daily mean temperature and annual precipitation for the three mentioned periods. Generally, the daily mean temperature and annual precipitation tended to decrease in these periods when compared to the current reference values. However, the scenarios rcp2.6 and B2, respectively, predicted that the precipitation will fall less or even increase in the period 2070-2099. The scenario rcp2.6 seemed to be the most efficient to predict the dryland winter wheat yield of the province for the next few decades. The grain yield is projected to drop considerably over the three periods, especially in the last period, mainly due to the reduction in precipitation in March. This leads us to devise some adaptive strategies to prevent the detrimental impacts of climate change on the dryland winter wheat yield of the province.
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The potential impacts of climate change on crop productivity are of widespread interest to those concerned with addressing climate change and improving global food security. Two common approaches to assess these impacts are process-based simulation models, which attempt to represent key dynamic processes affecting crop yields, and statistical models, which estimate functional relationships between historical observations of weather and yields. Examples of both approaches are increasingly found in the scientific literature, although often published in different disciplinary journals. Here we compare published sensitivities to changes in temperature, precipitation, carbon dioxide (CO2), and ozone from each approach for the subset of crops, locations, and climate scenarios for which both have been applied. Despite a common perception that statistical models are more pessimistic, we find no systematic differences between the predicted sensitivities to warming from process-based and statistical models up to +2 °C, with limited evidence at higher levels of warming. For precipitation, there are many reasons why estimates could be expected to differ, but few estimates exist to develop robust comparisons, and precipitation changes are rarely the dominant factor for predicting impacts given the prominent role of temperature, CO2, and ozone changes. A common difference between process-based and statistical studies is that the former tend to include the effects of CO2 increases that accompany warming, whereas statistical models typically do not. Major needs moving forward include incorporating CO2 effects into statistical studies, improving both approaches' treatment of ozone, and increasing the use of both methods within the same study. At the same time, those who fund or use crop model projections should understand that in the short-term, both approaches when done well are likely to provide similar estimates of warming impacts, with statistical models generally requiring fewer resources to produce robust estimates, especially when applied to crops beyond the major grains.
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It is expected that a warmer climate would be beneficial for agriculture in high latitudes. However, this general tendency is not necessarily true for all northern countries, as a short growing period is not the only factor limiting agriculture. For Russia, our model shows that the remarkable increase in potential yield in central and northern-forested regions would not compensate for a sharp drop in yields due to increasing frequency of droughts in the currently most productive southern European regions. If this scenario is indeed realized, the majority of Russian regions will continue to rely on import of agricultural products from a few regions with the best soils, and a system of interregional grain trade will remain critical for food security. However, the basic rules of interregional food market have varied widely over the past century. We have attempted an analysis of the potential impact of these basic rules on regional food security by describing four basic historical market scenarios and applying these scenarios to our results for climate change impact on agriculture in the 2020s and 2070s. We show that the current system, if it continues, would bring the worst results. We also show that the traditionally effective planned adaptation measures would help little in future climate conditions if the current market system were still in place.
Crop models are essential tools for assessing the threat of climate change to local and global food production1. Present models used to predict wheat grain yield are highly uncertain when simulating how crops respond to temperature2. Here we systematically tested 30 different wheat crop models of the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project against field experiments in which growing season mean temperatures ranged from 15 °C to 32 °C, including experiments with artificial heating. Many models simulated yields well, but were less accurate at higher temperatures. The model ensemble median was consistently more accurate in simulating the crop temperature response than any single model, regardless of the input information used. Extrapolating the model ensemble temperature response indicates that warming is already slowing yield gains at a majority of wheat-growing locations. Global wheat production is estimated to fall by 6% for each °C of further temperature increase and become more variable over space and time.
The recent increase in food prices has revealed that climate, combined with an expanding population and a widespread change in diet, may result in an end to an era of predictable abundance of global cereal crops. The objective of this paper is to estimate changes of agriculturally-relevant growing season parameters, in-cluding the start of the season, length of the growing period and the position of the height or peak of the sea-son, in the primary regions with rainfed agriculture during the past 26 years. Our analysis found that globally, 27% of cereal crop areas have experienced changes in the length of the growing season since 1981, the ma-jority of which had seasons that were at least 2.3 days per year longer on average. We also found both neg-ative and positive trends in the start of season globally, with different effects of changing temperature and humidity being isolated depending on the country and region. We investigated the correlation between the peak timing of the growing season and agricultural production statistics for rain fed agriculture. We found that two thirds of the countries investigated had at least 25% of pixels with crop production that be-haved differently than expected from the null hypothesis of no correlation. The results show that variations in the peak of the growing season have a strong effect on global food production in these countries. We show that northern hemisphere countries and states appear to have improved model fit when using phenological models based on humidity while southern hemisphere countries and states have improved model fit by phe-nological models based on accumulated growing degree days, showing the impact of climate variability dur-ing the past two and a half decades. Published by Elsevier Inc.
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