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  • Sri krishnadevaraya College of Agricultural Sciences


Marine bacteria have the potentiality to produce diverse bioactive molecules such as pigment. Therefore, it needs to exploit and identifying a novel type of pigment from marine bacteria for Industrial applications. This study aimed to investigate the marine bacterial pigment against antioxidant and anti-cancer properties; the marine bacteria producing pigment were isolated from water samples collected at the coastal of Marakkanam (TN), India. The isolates were screened out based on the growth characteristics and performance of different media and the strain designated as MB4, which was taken as further studies. The strain MB4 characterized by SEM analysis showed that coccoid cell morphology, nonsporulating, Gram-positive with yellow pigmentation and positive for MR-VP, catalase, lipase, acetoin production, and hemolysis. The cells were able to tolerate 10 percent NaCl concentration and ability to grown pH 9. The MB4 strain was shown a higher wave-number (1395.77) cm-1 against Raman Intensity to identify pigment production. The methanolic extracted pigment was produced at a maximum peak at 260 nm. The yellow-pigmented crude extract checked for anti-cancer properties using the colon cancer cell line (HCT15), the cell viability has been reduced after treatment of the extract (25-500 μg ml-1) and also exhibits IC50 value of 255.58 ± 43.51 mg ml-1 antioxidant DPPH radical scavenging activity. Due to their yellow pigment productions which have antioxidant activity and anti-cancer properties, this could be a novel pigment-producing strain for biomedical and industrial applications.
Aroumougame, IJPSR, 2021; Vol. 12(4): 2370-2379. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2370
IJPSR (2021), Volume 12, Issue 4 (Research Article)
Received on 03 April 2020; received in revised form, 17 August 2020; accepted, 05 November 2020; published 01 April 2021
Sandanakirouchenane Aroumougame
Department of Microbiology, School of Life Sciences, Pondicherry University, Puducherry- 605014, India.
ABSTRACT: Marine bacteria have the potentiality to produce diverse
bioactive molecules such as pigment. Therefore, it needs to exploit and
identifying a novel type of pigment from marine bacteria for Industrial
applications. This study aimed to investigate the marine bacterial pigment
against antioxidant and anti-cancer properties; the marine bacteria producing
pigment were isolated from water samples collected at the coastal of
Marakkanam (TN), India. The isolates were screened out based on the
growth characteristics and performance of different media and the strain
designated as MB4, which was taken as further studies. The strain MB4
characterized by SEM analysis showed that coccoid cell morphology,
nonsporulating, Gram-positive with yellow pigmentation and positive for
MR-VP, catalase, lipase, acetoin production, and hemolysis. The cells were
able to tolerate 10 percent NaCl concentration and ability to grown pH 9.
The MB4 strain was shown a higher wave-number (1395.77) cm-1 against
Raman Intensity to identify pigment production. The methanolic extracted
pigment was produced at a maximum peak at 260 nm. The yellow-pigmented
crude extract checked for anti-cancer properties using the colon cancer cell
line (HCT15), the cell viability has been reduced after treatment of the extract
(25-500 µg ml-1) and also exhibits IC50 value of 255.58 ± 43.51 mg ml-1
antioxidant DPPH radical scavenging activity. Due to their yellow pigment
productions which have antioxidant activity and anti-cancer properties, this
could be a novel pigment-producing strain for biomedical and industrial
INTRODUCTION: Synthetic pigments made up
of heavy metals and petroleum compounds are
reported to be carcinogenic, allergic, induce
hyperactivity, toxic, and organ damage, which are
unsafe for both environment and human health 1.
Due to their low cost, increased stability, and wide
range of spectra, the synthetic pigments are widely
used 2.
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DOI link:
In recent years, natural pigments are highly
demanding for the use of colouring agents in foods,
fabrics, feed, printing ink, and cosmetics, which is
nonpolluted, eco-friendly, and less cost.
Naturally occurring colourants are safe to use
produced by microflora and fauna, which are
nontoxic, noncarcinogenic and easily degradable 3.
Generally, microbial pigments are the micro-
organisms that produce colour, which is more
attractive nowadays due to easy methods available
for cultivation; pigments are highly stable and year-
round availability 4. An alternative source for
natural pigment produces from bacteria, fungi, and
microalgae 5-9.
MB4 strain, Yellow pigment, DPPH
activity, Anti-cancer properties,
Raman spectroscopy, Marine water
Correspondence to Author:
Sandanakirouchenane Aroumougame
Research Scholar,
Department of Microbiology,
School of Life Sciences, Pondicherry
University, Puducherry - 605014,
Aroumougame, IJPSR, 2021; Vol. 12(4): 2370-2379. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2371
Bacteria have great potential to produce various
bioproducts among the microorganisms, and one of
the physiological characters produced by the
bacteria is pigment production 10. Biomedical and
pharmaceutical industries utilize marine natural
products, and the bioactive compounds are
produced by marine bacteria 11. Microorganisms
are a promising source of natural pigments like
carotenoids, flavins, chlorophyll, quinines, and
prodigiosin are the pigments produced by coloured
microorganisms found in the different
environmental niche. In survey 12, yellow (31.3 %),
orange (15.2%), brown (9.9%), and red or pink
(5.4%) were found to be microorganisms recovered
from marine sources. Various concentrations of
minerals, a wide range of temperature, and it
should be the ability to tolerate different pH is the
good qualities of pigment producers 5. Marine
organisms produce a variety of metabolites that are
treated against antitumor, antioxidant, and
antimicrobial activities.
In recent years, Raman spectroscopy is a popular
analytical tool applied for the study of
microorganisms, especially pigments and
biomolecules, through qualitative and quantitative
analysis. Strong Raman signals were exhibits when
applied to the microbial pigments for the
understanding of different pigments, even pure
cultures as well as extracted pigments 13, 14. It has
been used to monitor different types of pigments
present in the microorganisms directly through pure
cultures and environmental samples 15.
Antioxidants may reduce the risk of diseases,
particularly heart and cancer, in the health sector. It
can absorb free radicals that may oxidize lipid or
DNA, proteins, nucleic acids and cause
degenerative disease 16. Many other findings
reported that the β-carotene and other carotenoid
extracted pigments have antioxidant activities 17.
Antioxidant able to donate a hydrogen atom
reduces DPPH as a result of colour loss which
determines the scavenging capacity of a molecule
18. The carotenoid pigment producer Planococcus
sp. TRC1 was showed appreciable antioxidant
activity leading to pharmaceutical and food
applications 19.
The activation, viability, and proliferation of the
cells were measured quantitatively in calorimetric
for MTT Assay 20. The dehydrogenase enzymes
associated with the endoplasmatic reticulum and
mitochondria in the living cell convert MTT into a
purple-blue formation which is water-insoluble.
The viable cell number is directly proportionate to
product formation and inversely proportional to
cytotoxicity 21. In this study, we are investigating
the pigmented bacteria isolated from marine water
samples to evaluate the antioxidant and anti-cancer
properties of the extracted pigment.
Samples collected from the marine water surface at
different sites along with the coastal areas of
Marakanam (TN), India. The marine water samples
from the sea surface were collected by using Teflon
plates dipped into water, lifted horizontally, and
scrapped off the adhering surface film till the
procedure repeated the total volume of 30 to 50 ml
water sample was collected. The samples were
stored at 4°C until the isolation was carried out
within 24 h 22. The salinity of the collected marine
water samples was determined by using the
protocol reported by 23.
Isolation of Yellow-Pigmented Bacterial Isolates
from Marine Water: Isolation of pigment-
producing colonies from collected seawater
samples using selective Zobell marine agar medium
24. The plates were incubated at 37°C for 48 h, the
colonies showing yellow, red, orange, and brown
pigmentation subcultured for purification.
Screening, Morphological and Biochemical
Characterisation of the Isolates: The bacterial
isolate was plated on Zobell marine agar, Luria
Bertani agar and Tryptic soy agar incubated at
37°C for three days. By using standard
Microbiological techniques, the different cultural
characteristics, cell morphological parameters, and
Gram's reaction were studied to the bacterial cells.
Scanning Electron Microscopic (SEM) Analysis
for MB4 Isolate: The yellow-pigmented bacterial
culture isolate was grown on Luria Bertani broth
were centrifuged, phosphate buffer saline (pH 7.0)
used to wash for thrice to remove salts,
glutaraldehyde (2%) solution was fixed with
sample and allowed for alcoholic dehydration at 6-
12 h. The dehydrated sample was prepared and
analysed on SEM 25.
Aroumougame, IJPSR, 2021; Vol. 12(4): 2370-2379. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2372
Biochemical Characterisation of the Pigmented
Isolate: The biochemical characteristics of the
yellow-pigmented bacterial MB4 isolate.
Kovac's Oxidase Test: By using a sterile
toothpick, a well-isolated colony of MB4 was
picked and thoroughly rubs into an area of the
moist test disc impregnated with oxidase reagent.
After 30 sec, the inoculated area was observed for
colour change. A bluish-purple colour indicated a
positive reaction 26.
Catalase Test: Cultures grown on MB4 slants for
24 to 48 h flooded with 0.5 ml of 3 per cent
hydrogen peroxide. Rapid effervescence shows a
positive result for catalase activity 27.
Methyl Red-Voges Proskauer Test (MR-VP
test): Methyl Red-Voges Proskauer tests were used
to differentiate acid producers from those
producing a neutral product, acetoin. The isolate
was inoculated in 5 ml MRVP tubes and incubated
at 35 °C for 48 h. Methyl red positive tubes were
observed by the change of the colour of the media
from yellow to red. Voges-Proskauer test was
recorded positive by the development of red colour
due to the addition of Barritt's reagent-I and
Barritt's reagent-II 28.
Lipase Activity: The isolate MB4 was inoculated
on egg-yolk agar and incubated at 37°C for 48 h.
The positive reaction of the lipase activity indicated
that the development of opalescent precipitates 29.
Urease Test: It was performed on 5 ml urea broth
in test tubes containing phenol red (pH 6.8) as the
pH indicator. The urea broth tubes inoculated with
isolates were incubated for 24 h. The positive tubes
were developed on red colour 30.
Assay of Phosphatase Activity: The loopful of
bacterial growth of strain was collected and
deposited on the surface of the tangible medium
containing the phosphatase substrate (para-
nitrophenyl phosphate) to a final concentration of 1
mg ml-1. The plates were then incubated at 37°C as
described by 31.
Coagulase and DNAse Production: It was
detected by the method using ethylenediamine-
tetraacetic acid (EDTA) treated coagulase plasma
by the formation of a clot after 1, 2, 4 or 24 h
recorded as positive. During the investigation, 0-1
% DNA (BDH) was added to this medium to
enhance the detection of DNase 32.
Physiological Characterisation of the MB4
Isolate: The physiological characteristics such as
pH and NaCl tolerance were determined. The effect
of pH was determined by the preparation of
nutrient broth with incremental pH values ranging
from 4 to 14. Strain MB4 was inoculated and
incubated for 48 h at 37°C, the growth in the
culture broth read at 620 nm. The pigments were
extracted and observed for maximum pigment
production 33. The inoculation of MB4 also
examined the effect of NaCl tolerance in nutrient
broth in different concentrations ranging from 6 to
12% of NaCl. The flasks were incubated at 37°C
for 48 h, and the results were observed for growth
and pigment production.
Extraction of pigments from bacterial isolates:
The yellow-pigmented MB4 isolate was grown in
LB broth for seven days kept in a rotary shaker at
160 rpm at 37°C. The broth was centrifuged at
8,000 rpm for 15 min, and the cells were harvested
and poured off the supernatant. The cell pellet was
rewashed with sterile distilled water centrifuged.
The pellets were resuspended with 5 ml methanol
and sonicate the mixture until all visible pigments
were extracted. The solvent mixtures were
centrifuged at 4,000 rpm for 15 min; the pigment
supernatant was separated and filtered through a
Whatman no. 1 filter paper and analyzed by
scanning the absorbance in the wavelength region
from 300-700 nm using a UV-VIS
spectrophotometer 34.
Raman Spectroscopy Analysis: The MB4 strain
was grown on LB agar medium after 48 h of
incubation and the pigmented pure culture to
determine the strong Raman signalling for Raman
spectroscopy 15.
Determination of DPPH Scavenging Assay: 35
was reported the method of determination of DPPH
radical scavenging activity. An aliquot of 0.5 ml of
the extracted pigment sample solution in methanol
was mixed with 2.5 ml of 0.5 mM methanolic
solution of DPPH. The sample mixture was shaken
vigorously and incubated for 30 min in the dark at
room temperature. The absorbance was measured
Aroumougame, IJPSR, 2021; Vol. 12(4): 2370-2379. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2373
at 517 nm using a UV spectrophotometer. Ascorbic
acid was used as a positive control. DPPH free
radical scavenging ability (%) was calculated by
using the formula.
% of inhibition = absorbance of control absorbance of
sample/absorbance of control ×100
Cell Culture and MTT Assay: The MB4
pigmented extract was carried out with MTT assay.
The HCT15 colon cancer cell line was plated
separately using 96 well plates with the
concentration of 1×104cells/well in DMEM media
with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1X Antibiotic
Antimycotic Solution in a CO2 incubator at 37°C
with 5% CO2. The 200 μl of 1X PBS cells were
washed, and then the cells were treated with
various concentrations of crude extract of the
pigmented compound in serum-free media and
incubated for 24 h. At the end of the treatment
period, the medium was aspirated from cells.
Prepare 0.5 mg ml-1 MTT mixed in 1X PBS and
incubated at 37°C for 4 h using CO2 incubator.
After the incubation period, the medium containing
MTT was discarded from the cells and washed
using 200 μl of PBS. The formed crystals were
dissolved with 100 μl of DMSO and thoroughly
mixed. The formazan dye turns to purple-blue
colour. The colour intensity was measured at 570
nm using a microplate reader 36.
Statistical Analysis: Statistical analysis was
performed with Mean and Standard Deviation (SD)
in excel, and all analyses were carried out in
Isolation of Pigmented Bacteria from Marine
Water: The bacteria producing pigment were
isolated from the marine water sample by using
Zobell Marine Agar media.
Total no. of
Pigment producing
coastal region
(12.1899° N,
79.9249° E)
MB2, MB4, MMB8
& SB2
Ten isolated strains were purified and named viz.,
MB1, MB2, MB3, MB4, MMB5, MMB8, MBS7,
MBS8, SB2 and SB10; the results were shown in
Table 1. Based on the growth performance and
pigment production, the strain MB4 was screened
for further studies.
Morphological Characters of Bacterial Isolates:
Pigment-producing bacteria are isolated from
marine samples, which are ubiquitous 37. A result
of Fig. 1, the isolated colony was round, smooth
with yellow-pigmented, non-motile, non-
sporulating, and gram-positive bacteria. 38 were
reported that the carotenoid-producing microbes
were isolated from the extreme environmental
niche. The sixty marine species of yellow (19),
orange (5), pink or salmon colour (5), brown (5)
and red (1) were described by 39. The marine
organism isolated in the present study was yellow-
colored. All bacterial pigmented isolates need not
be carotenogenic 40. Some pigmented bacteria from
marine are Alteromonas (yellow, violet) 41-43,
Flavobacterium (yellow) 44, Deleya, Marinomonas,
Pseudomonas and Shewanella (yellow) 45,
Erythrobacter (yellow) 46, Pseudoal-teromonas
(purple, red, or yellow pigments), Xanthomonas
(yellow) 47, Exiguobacterium (yellow, orange) 48, 34,
and Bacteroidetes (yellow, orange, pink or red) 49
were reported to possess antagonistic activities.
The SEM image of Fig. 2 was clearly shown that
the isolate belongs to Cocci with irregularly
arranged cells.
Biochemical Reaction of the Strain: The yellow-
pigmented bacterium from deep-sea sediment was
oxidase, DNase, methyl red, urease negative, and
catalase, VogesProskauer positive exhibited by
Croceicoccus marinus gen. nov., sp. nov., 50. The
present investigation of the MB4 strain was shown
in Table 2, which is positive for MR-VP, catalase,
lipase, acetoin production, and hemolysis and
negative for oxidase, coagulase, urease, and
Aroumougame, IJPSR, 2021; Vol. 12(4): 2370-2379. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2374
S. no.
MB4 strain
Positive (+), Negative (-)
Physiological Characterisation of the Isolates:
Studies were reported the yellow-pigmented
Polaribacter butkevichii sp. nov. were grown in pH
between 7.6 and 8.2 isolated from marine water
samples 51. The MB4 strain exhibits maximum
growth at pH nine as compared to pH from 4 to 14
Fig. 3. The extreme halophiles were unable to grow
in the presence of NaCl less than 12%, and it can
also be able to grow in saturated NaCl, including
halobacteria and Halocooci. The isolate MB4 was
the ability to tolerate salt concentration of 10%
NaCl which was shown in Fig. 4. It has been
reported that the growth was exhibited up to 8.5%
NaCl concentration by P. balearica strain 52. The
KMM 1447T yellow-orange pigmented strain
isolated from marine ascidian was the ability to
grow in 8% NaCl 53.
Extraction of Yellow Pigment from the Strain
MB4: The isolated autotrophic cell cultures were
extracted yellow coloured pigments using methanol
solvent results much efficient in the quantification
was better than acetone 54. The yellow pigments
were separated from cell pellets by methanol
extraction from the bacterial broth Fig. 5. Based on
the absorption spectrum, the characterisation of
crude extracted yellow pigment exhibited a
maximum at 260 nm Fig. 6. As compared to water,
PBS or acetone extraction, pigments recovered
even better by using methanol extraction 34, 55, 56.
The lemon yellow colour pigment is extracted by
methanol from Halomonas aquamarina MB598,
also reported by 2.
Aroumougame, IJPSR, 2021; Vol. 12(4): 2370-2379. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2375
Raman Spectroscopy Analysis for Pigmented
Strain: Raman spectroscopy, one of the highly
sophisticated instruments applied in Microbiology
research in recent years for the characterisation of
microbial pigments. The pure cultured MB4 strain
was analyzed by using Raman spectroscopy for
pigment production, and the strain was showed that
maximum wavenumber (1395.77) cm-1 against
Raman intensity Fig. 7. The excitation of electronic
absorption of the spectrum which produces a
specific enhancement of certain Raman intensity
(bands) correspondingly the portion of the
molecule electronic transition occurs indicates
moving of atoms in the chromophore when
vibration takes place 57, 58.
Antioxidant Activity of Pigment Extract: Natural
products like pigments, frequently used to evaluate
antioxidant activity, the ascorbic acid, glutathione,
cysteine, and tocopherols, were used as reducing
agents which are decolorizing involving in DPPH
radicals 59.
The reducing activity of free radical owing to
antioxidant depending on the reduction of one
electron which exhibits scavenging of DPPH; as a
result development of antioxidant properties due to
reducing power 60. The anticarcinogenic and
antioxidants properties are present in carotenoid
pigments 61.
In-vitro, the potential of antioxidant activity of
yellow-pigmented crude extract (YPCE) was scavenged due to free radicals in 500 µg ml-1
concentrations, and the percentage of inhibition for
Aroumougame, IJPSR, 2021; Vol. 12(4): 2370-2379. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2376
DPPH showed 68.30 percent Fig. 8A with IC50
255.58 ± 43.51 among different concentrations
from 25 to 500 µg ml-1 Fig. 8B.
The carotenoid pigment is the biological compound
available for human beings that have properties of
ulcer prevention 62. The DPPH free radical
scavenging activity was shown in different
concentrations by using the methanol extract 59.
The pigment production by halophilic bacteria and
their relation to radical scavenging property was
reported by 63. The yellow pigment was extracted
from Kocuria flava SIF3 discovered to have DPPH
radical scavenging activity with an IC50 value of
1.25 mg ml-1 in-vitro antioxidant assay 64.
Pigment Extract Evaluated for Anti-cancer
Activity: Although advanced techniques developed
in the treatment, prevention, and diagnosis of the
disease. Still, one of the most serious human health
problems in the world is cancer despite their
understanding of its biology, which causes severe
to mankind 65. Microbial pigments possess anti-
cancer activity, and prodigiosin pigment produces
cytotoxicity on U937 leukemia cells extracted from
Pseudoalteromonas sp. 1020R 66. The present
investigation was performed on a potential crude
extract of yellow pigment against colon cancer cell
line (HCT15), which showed that the different dose
concentrations of the methanolic fraction of MB4
isolated from seawater could largely inhibit cell
proliferation at a concentration of 500 μg ml-1 Fig.
9A and Fig. 9B and no cytotoxicity was detected
against the standard untreated cell. It was found to
be reported similar studies by 67.
25µg/ml Control 50µg/ml
100µg/ml 250µg/ml 500 µg/ml
Microbial pigments possess antimicrobial, anti-
inflammatory, anti-cancer, and antioxidant activities, which also act as colouring for various
industries like food processing and cosmetics 4. The
Aroumougame, IJPSR, 2021; Vol. 12(4): 2370-2379. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2377
extracted crude pigment MB4 was checked against
the colon cancer cell line (HCT15) for cytotoxic
activity Fig. 10.
Many studies had reported that the inhibition of cell
cycle and apoptosis induced by microbial pigments
68, 69. It inferred that the crude pigment extract of
marine MB4 shown significant antioxidant and
potential anti-cancer activity against (HCT15) cell
lines of colon cancer. The cytotoxic activity against
cervical cancer cells (HeLa) and HepG2 were
demonstrated in yellow pigment from Streptomyces
griseoaurantiacus 70. The potential breast cancer
cell lines and lung cancer cells have experimented
with pigment carotenoid extracted from Kocuria
sp. QWT-12 71. The pigment was found to
exhibited inhibitory action against the growth of
human cancer cell lines, which develops anti-
cancer drugs from Salinicoccus sp. 72. The novel
compound from yellowish pigment produced by
Rhodococcus maris reduced the risk of breast
cancer 73. The Natrialba sp. M6 produce carotenoid
pigments that were effective against anti-cancer
and antiviral activities 74.
CONCLUSION: Bacterial pigments for different
therapeutics are an area of recent research interest.
The present study attempts to validate the anti-
cancer potential of bacterial pigment using colon
cancer cell line (HCT15) cells and antioxidant
properties. We used in-vitro cultured cells (HCT15)
to determine the anti-cancer activity of extracted
pigments from MB4 strain by using MTT assay for
measuring the cell viability, and our results depict a
dose-dependent by increasing concentration of the
extract which decreases in cell viability. The DPPH
radical scavenging activity revealed an increased
concentration of the extract with an IC50 value of
255.58 ± 43.51 mg ml-1. The anti-cancer and
antioxidant activity were induced by the extracted
marine bacterial pigments. The presence study
envisages the antioxidant and anti-cancer potential
of bacterial pigments isolated from marine water,
which can find applications in therapeutic
treatments. The organisms were isolated from
marine water, and yellow color pigment-producing
bacteria were used for pigment extraction.
Biochemical identification studies have confirmed
the MB4 organism to be gram-positive, Cocci with
a distinct yellow color, positive for MR-VP,
catalase, lipase, acetoin production, and hemolysis
which can tolerate 10 percent NaCl and it can also
grow pH at 9.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: We are thankful to the
Department of Microbiology, Pondicherry University,
Puducherry, for providing the facilities to carry out
this research work successfully.
declare no conflict of interest exists.
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How to cite this article:
Aroumougame S: Studies on in-vitro anticancer and antioxidant properties from marine bacterial pigment isolated from the coastal area of
Marakanam (TN). Int J Pharm Sci & Res 2021; 12(4): 2370-79. doi: 10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.12(4).2370-79.
... Pigment extract derived from marine bacteria also exhibited cytotoxicity against colon cancer cell line (HCT15) with an IC50 value of 255.58±43.51 mg ml -1 (Aroumougame, 2021). Therefore, marine bacterial pigment may play an important role in inhibiting cancer cell proliferation. ...
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Recently, Natural pigments produced great interest within the market and made need to find eco-friendlier and less hazardous pigments than synthetic colorants, particularly microbial pigments. This work was undertaken with an aim of isolating pigment producing bacteria from air, then production and extraction pigment from isolated bacteria with antioxidant and antimicrobial properties against pathogenic microorganisms. Bacterium was identified by morphological characteristics and 16S rRNA sequencing as Kocuria flava SIF3, submitted to Gen Bank (accession number MN162713). Pigment production was carried out using nutrient broth medium (NB). Yellow pigment extracted by using methanol as solvent, showed maximum absorption spectrum (λmax) at 437 nm by UV-VIS spectroscopy and the degree of cell pigmentation was 0.472. Partial characterization of the extracted yellow pigment using UV- VIS spectroscopy and Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy analysis (FTIR) revealed it to be a carotenoid which has numerous applications. This novel extracted yellow pigment was screened for antimicrobial activity against pathogenic and antioxidant activity. This particular pigment showed inhibitory effect against all tested microbes so it could be chosen as a broad spectrum antimicrobial agent. The maximum zone of inhibition was (20 mm) against Penicillium sp. then Pseudomonas aeruginosa (12mm). The yellow pigment was discovered to have DPPH radical-scavenging activity with an IC50 value of 1.25mg / ml in vitro antioxidant assay. Present findings highlight the significance of yellow pigment extracted from Kocuria flava SIF3. Further purification of pigment will be useful in discovering a promising drug.
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Halophilic archaea are a promising natural source of carotenoids. However, little information is available about the biological impacts of these archaeal metabolites. Here, carotenoids of Natrialba sp. M6, which was isolated from Wadi El-Natrun, were produced, purified and identified by Raman spectroscopy, GC-mass spectrometry, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, LC–mass spectrometry and Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The C50 carotenoid bacterioruberin was found to be the predominant compound. Because cancer and viral hepatitis are serious diseases, the anticancer, anti-HCV and anti-HBV potentials of these extracted carotenoids (pigments) were examined for the first time. In vitro results indicated that the caspase-mediated apoptotic anticancer effect of this pigment and its inhibitory efficacy against matrix metalloprotease 9 were significantly higher than those of 5-fluorouracil. Furthermore, the extracted pigment exhibited significantly stronger activity for eliminating HCV and HBV in infected human blood mononuclear cells than currently used drugs. This antiviral activity may be attributed to its inhibitory potential against HCV RNA and HBV DNA polymerases, which thereby suppresses HCV and HBV replication, as indicated by a high viral clearance % in the treated cells. These novel findings suggest that the C50 carotenoid of Natrialba sp. M6 can be used as an alternative source of natural metabolites that confer potent anticancer and antiviral activities.
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Background: In the present work, a newly isolated marine bacterium, Micrococcus sp. MP76, from coastal area of Persian Gulf around Bushehr province, Iran, was identified with the ability to produce bioactive compounds. Methods: The pigment production was optimized by changing carbon and nitrogen sources in bacterial growth media at 28°C and 220 rpm for 5 days. Partial purification of the pigment was carried out using suitable solvents. Results: Maximum pigment extract was achieved (1.4 g/l) when cultured in the medium containing 0.5% (v/v) molasses, 0.5% (w/v) peptone, 1% (w/v) sea salt, 0.01% (w/v) potassium phosphate, and 0.05% (w/v) yeast extract, pH=7.0. Antibacterial effect assessment of the extract against pathogenic bacteria revealed the MIC values in the range of 4.2-7.5 mg/ml depending on different pathogens. The pigment extracted from medium supplemented by molasses and ammonium sulfate had 81% radical scavenging activity, and its IC50 value was 0.28 mg/ml. Conclusion: The newly isolated strain of Micrococcus genus from the Persian Gulf revealed a valuable source to access worth medicinal ingredients when cultured under optimized conditions.
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Microorganisms that survive in the high salt environment have been shown to be a potential source for metabolites with pharmaceutical importance. In the present study, we have investigated the effect of 5 and 10% (w/v) NaCl on growth, biochemical changes, and metabolite production in seven moderately halophilic bacteria isolated from the salterns/mangrove area of South India. Metabolite production by Bacillus VITPS3 increased by 3.18-fold in the presence of 10% (w/v) NaCl concentration. Total phenolic and flavonoid content increased in Bacillus VITPS5 (11.3-fold) and Planococcus maritimus VITP21 (5.99-fold) whereas β-carotene content was less at higher NaCl concentrations. VITP21 and VITPS5, in response to NaCl, produced metabolites with higher (6.72- and 4.91-fold) DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activity. UV/visible spectrophotometry of the extracts confirmed the presence of flavonoids, phenolics, and related compounds. ¹H-NMR spectra indicated substantial changes in the metabolite production in response to salt concentration. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that VITP21 extracts exhibited the highest antioxidant activity compared with other extracts. The present study presents the first report on the comparative analysis of pigment production by moderate halophilic bacteria, in response to the effect of salt and their relation to radical scavenging property.
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Microbial oddities such as versatile pigments are gaining more attention in current research due to their widely perceived applications as natural food colorants, textiles, antimicrobial activities, and cytotoxic activities. This indicates that the future generation will depend on microbial pigments over synthetic colorants for sustainable livelihood. Although several reviews have detailed the comprehensive applications of microbial pigments extensively, knowledge on several aspects of pigmented microbes is apparently missing and not properly reviewed anywhere. Thus, this review has been made to provide overall knowledge on biodiversity, distribution, pathogenicity, and ecological and industrial applications of microbial pigments as well as their challenges and future directions for food, industrial, and biomedical applications. Meticulously, this compendious review treatise on the pigments from bacteria, fungi, yeasts, and microalgae includes reports from the 1970s to 2018. A total of 261 pigment compounds produced by about 500 different microbial species are included, and their bioactive nature is described.
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Hypersaline ecosystems offer unique habitats to microbial populations capable of withstanding extreme stress conditions and producing novel metabolites of commercial importance. Herein, we have characterized for the first time the production of bioactive pigments from newly isolated halophilic bacterial species. Halophilic bacteria were isolated from Khewra Salt Range of Pakistan. Three distinctly colored isolates were selected for pigment production. Selected colonies were identified as Aquisalibacillus elongatus MB592, Salinicoccus sesuvii MB597, and Halomonas aquamarina MB598 based on morphological, biochemical, and physiological evidences as well as 16S rRNA analysis. The optimum pigment production observed at mesophilic condition, nearly neutral pH, and moderate salinity was validated using response surface methodology. Different analytical techniques (UV spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, and HPLC) characterized these purified pigments as derivatives of bacterioruberin carotenoids. Antioxidant activity of pigments revealed up to 85% free-radical scavenging activity at the concentration of 30 µg ml⁻¹. Pigments also showed significant antimicrobial activity against Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus pumilus, Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus cereus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Alcaligenes faecalis, Pseudomonas geniculata, Enterococcus faecium, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium solani, and Mucor spp., suggesting potential biomedical applications.
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Objective: To investigate the in vitro cytotoxic activity of pigment extracted from Salinicoccus sp. isolated from Nellore sea coast. Materials and Methods: In the present study, pigment-forming bacteria were isolated from samples collected from Nellore coast, Andhra Pradesh. Among different pigmented isolates obtained on Zobell agar medium, the pinkish orange bacterium was selected for the study. The bacterium was cultured in Zobell broth medium and incubated in an orbital shaker at 120 rpm for 6 days at 25°C. After incubation, the culture broth was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 10 min to obtain a pellet, and the pellet was extracted using the solvent methanol and acetone (5:1). The crude pigment extract was evaluated for cytotoxic potential and was found to exhibit cytotoxic effect on A549 (human lung cancer) and MCF-7 (breast cancer) cell lines. The cell lines A549 cells, MCF-7, were cultured in Dulbecco's Modified of Eagle medium with L-glutamine and 1000 mg/L glucose supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, penicillin G (100 units/ml), and streptomycin sulphate (0.1 mg/ml) in a humidified atmosphere consisting of 5% CO2at 37°C. Results: The results of the present study revealed that the crude pigment extract has a strong anticancer potential, especially toward the A549 (Lung cancer cell lines) and MCF-7 (Breast cancer cell lines), respectively. Conclusion: This study clearly indicated that the pigment extract of marine Salinicoccus sp. has a strong cytotoxic activity against A549 (lung) and MCF-7 (breast) cancer cell lines which may be utilized for the drug development.
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With globalisation and growing health risks of synthetic colourants, search for pigments from natural sources has increased owing to their non-toxic nature. The present study highlights the bioprospection of natural pigment froma cold adapted fungal strain of Penicillium sp. (GBPI_P155), isolated from soil of Indian Himalayan region. The fungus produced insoluble and orange-coloured pigment in liquid medium with maximum production recorded in potato dextrose (PD) broth at 15°C and 3 pH, while maximum biomass was produced at 25°C and pH 3. While examining the effect of different mineral salts, and carbon and nitrogen sources on pigment production, maximum accumulation of pigment was recorded in PD broth supplemented with 2% maltose. Following production, extraction of pigment was performed using chloroform and characterised partially by UV/vis (λmax at 495 nm and a shoulder peak at 530 nm) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. Thin layer chromatography of chloroform extract resulted in separation of pigment in three fractions with Rf values 0.911, 0.852 and 0.808, which were further analysed using Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS). The overall approach resulted in identification of pigment as a mixture of different derivatives of carotenoids. The extracted pigment also possessed antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and actinobacteria.
Pulp and paper industry is one of the high priority sectors that generates large amount of solid (sludge) and liquid (paper mill effluent) wastes. Making use of this huge quantity of paper mill sludge (PMS) in an environment friendly manner is challenging and cost involving. Similarly the present wastewater treatment strategies based on physical and chemical methods encounter certain serious setbacks including secondary pollution generation with expensive mode of abatement processes. The present study aims at a “waste treats waste” strategy for the bioremediation of paper mill effluent in fluidized bed reactor (FBR) using another waste of the same industry, PMS as immobilizing matrix for Planococcus sp. TRC1, a wastewater bacterial isolate. This study simultaneously explores this isolate for the yellowish orange pigment it produces (2.3 ± 0.2 mg/gm of dry bacterial biomass) and characterizes it as a member of the pharmacologically important carotenoid pigment family via UV-Vis spectrophotometry, TLC, FT-IR and ¹³C NMR. The antioxidant potential of this pigment was studied by DPPH assay (IC50 = 33 ± 0.4 μg/ml) and H2O2 assay (IC50 = 147.4 ± 2.2 μg/ml). In FBR, the PMS immobilized bacteria showed removal of phenol, lignin, colour and COD from the effluent by 96%, 74%, 81% and 85% respectively after 60hr of treatment. The experimental data on immobilization fitted well with pseudo second-order (R² = 0.955) and Freundlich adsorption isotherm (R² = 0.996) models. The alterations in PMS before and after bacterial immobilization, as revealed by SEM and FT-IR, depicted the success of PMS as immobilization matrix. Phytotoxicity (90% seed germination) and mutagenicity studies confirmed that the treated effluent was substantially less toxic than its raw state. This study highlights a novel utilization possibility of PMS in an eco-friendly and economic way as immobilization matrix for Planococcus sp.TRC1 for paper pulp mill effluent treatment along with production of carotenoid pigment from this potential bacterial isolate as value added product.