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Icarus 404 (2023) 115654
Available online 7 June 2023
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Geological and topographical analysis of Anshar Sulcus, Ganymede:
Implications for grooved terrain formation
Mafalda Ianiri
, Giuseppe Mitri
, Davide Sulcanese
, Gianluca Chiarolanza
Camilla Cioria
International Research School of Planetary Sciences, Italy
Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Geologia, Universit`
a dAnnunzio, Italy
Images processing
Geological precesses
The formation of grooved terrains on the icy surface of Ganymede is still debated and it could involve extensive
rifting or spreading, strike-slip tectonics, and minor cryovolcanic resurfacing. Anshar Sulcus is a terminal portion
of a groove network imaged at high resolution by the Galileo Solid State Imaging subsystem (SSI). To investigate
the origin and evolution of the grooved terrains, we performed a geomorphological and structural analysis of
Anshar Sulcus producing a geomorphological map of the study area in 1:500,000 scale, and we conducted a
topographical analysis producing a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of this region. We found several indicators
that the formation of Anshar Sulcus grooved terrain is the result of two tectonic events, the rst being a right
lateral strike-slip type and the second a crustal spreading. We found that the right lateral strike-slip movement
that divided the dark terrain of this area into two distinct regions represents the precursor of the formation of the
sulcus, and that the crustal spreading subsequently occurred through transtensional movement of the regions. We
also found that the grooves were formed within the solid-state raised material by brittle fracturing and tilting of
the newly formed crust.
1. Introduction
The icy surface of Ganymede, the largest satellite of the Jupiter
system, presents two dominant terrains characterized by different al-
bedo: the dark and light terrains. The dark terrains are composed of
dark, albedo-heterogeneous material, modied by surcial processes,
such as sublimation, mass wasting, and sputtering (Prockter et al., 1998,
2000). The dark terrains are highly cratered with an estimated age older
than 4 Ga (Smith et al., 1979a,Smith et al., 1979b), preserving the relicts
of vast global scale sets of concentrically arranged structures, called
furrows (Pappalardo et al., 2004). The younger light terrains are more
extensive than the dark terrains, covering approximatively 64% of
Ganymedes surface (Patterson et al., 2010). Light terrains are perva-
sively crossed by sets of sub-parallel, closely spaced ridges and troughs,
referred to as grooves (Patterson et al., 2010; Pappalardo et al., 2004).
Pappalardo et al. (2004) suggests up to four evolutionary stages leading
to the formation of the grooved terrains: 1) reactivation of dark terrain
tectonic structures; 2) deformation of preexisting terrain by extensional
tectonism; 3) possible cryovolcanic resurfacing; and 4) cross-cutting by
more recent lanes of grooved terrain. Extensive tectonism is believed to
be the main mechanism forming the surface morphology of Ganymede
(Collins et al., 1998, 2010; Pappalardo et al., 1998, 2004; Collins, 2006).
Furthermore, evidence of strike-slip tectonism has been reported in the
sulci areas (Pappalardo et al., 1998; Cameron et al., 2018).
The grooved terrain of Anshar Sulcus (centered at 16859E; 11
54N; Fig. 1) is located in the anti-Jovian hemisphere within the dark
terrain of Marius Regio, and evidence of fracture related both to
extensive and strike-slip tectonism (Prockter et al., 2000; Pappalardo
et al., 2004; Cameron et al., 2018) is present along its northern and
southern boundaries with the dark cratered unit. Several tectonic ob-
servations led to different hypotheses concerning the origin of the
grooved terrain in Anshar Sulcus region (Prockter et al., 2000; Pizzi
et al., 2017; Cameron et al., 2018). Prockter et al. (2000) suggested the
Anshar Sulcusgrooved terrain was the result of a combination of a NNE-
SSW extension and a minor right-lateral shearing, which would have
produced a hanging wall rollover in the NE-SW direction against a
prominent normal fault. Such hypothesis is supported by Cameron et al.
(2018) analyses. Differently, Pizzi et al. (2017) proposed a spreading
* Corresponding author at: International Research School of Planetary Sciences, Viale Pindaro 42, Pescara 65127, Italy.
E-mail address: (M. Ianiri).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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Received 25 August 2022; Received in revised form 26 May 2023; Accepted 1 June 2023
Icarus 404 (2023) 115654
center origin for Anshar Sulcus with possible transtension, with resur-
facing and formation of a novel crustal material.
To investigate the origin and evolution of the grooved terrains, we
performed a geomorphological and structural analysis of Anshar Sulcus.
In addition, we conducted a topographical analysis producing a Digital
Elevation Model (DEM) of this region. We selected Anshar Sulcus
because it is a terminal portion of a grooved system and it was imaged at
high resolution by the Galileo SSI. These two aspects helped us to
perform a palinspastic reconstruction of the area surrounding the sulcus
and, consequently, a reconstruction of the different stages of formation
of this sulcus.
2. Methods
We performed a geological analysis of the Anshar Sulcus area by
using the 2865_r and 2878_r Solid State Imaging (SSI) data onboard the
Galileo spacecraft, both images having a spatial resolution of 152 m/px.
To import these images to the Geographic Information System (GIS), we
calibrated, ltered and geo-referenced them through the Integrated
Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (ISIS4) (Houck and Denicola,
2000). We also conducted a topographical analysis producing a DEM of
Anshar Sulcus, obtained with the shape-from-shadingtool (SfS) pro-
vided by the NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline tool suite (Beyer et al., 2018).
Since the brightness of each pixel is related to the solar incidence angle,
the shape-from-shading (photoclinometry) technique retrieves surface
relief from the light intensity of each pixel of the image analysed
(Alexandrov and Beyer, 2018). This technique generates a DEM with the
same spatial resolution of the source image, corresponding to ~152 m/
px for the selected images. However, since SfS requires a base topog-
raphy to start the process, and such topography is not available in
Anshar Sulcus, we used a at DEM (at DEM indeed as a raster having
0 elevation in each pixel), as suggested in Lesage et al. (2021).
Fig. 1. a) Ganymede Voyager - Galileo SSI Global Mosaic 1 km v1; the yellow polygon indicates the position of Anshar Sulcus on Ganymedes surface; b) Anshar
Sulcus region (centered at 168
59E; 1154N) imaged by the Galileo SSI camera. In background the Ganymede Voyager Galileo SSI Global Mosaic (Images credit:
USGS). (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
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Icarus 404 (2023) 115654
Moreover, long-wavelength topography artifacts might occur
because of the assumptions of this technique concerning the uniformity
of the surfaces photometric properties (Kirk et al., 2003). For this
reason, we have restricted the topographical analysis only to small
features (e.g., individual craters, troughs, and reliefs). Moreover, to
support the DEM height measurements, we also retrieved height values
from single shadow length measurements by using the QVIEW tool of
USGS ISIS4 (Gaddis et al., 1997). We produced a geomorphological map
of Anshar Sulcus in 1:500,000 scale, using the differences in tones,
textures and patterns of the Galileo and Voyager imagery data and the
DEM. The geomorphological map was created in the geographic infor-
mation system ArcMap by overlapping a vector layer composed by lines
and polygons to the Galileo images. Anshar Sulcus area hosts clear ev-
idence of displacement along the boundary between dark and grooved
terrain, which splits the dark terrain in two separate portions of terrain,
referred to as regions in this work. To better constrain the kinematics
affecting such regions, we re-joined the displaced features along the
regionsboundaries by using both the Galileo images and the elevations
inferred by the DEM.
3. Results
3.1. Digital Elevation Model
We conducted a topographical analysis producing a DEM of Anshar
Sulcus area, that will be discussed in the next Sections. Fig. 2 presents
the produced DEM of Anshar Sulcus region.
3.2. Geomorphological map
Fig. 3 presents the produced geomorphological map of the Anshar
Sulcus area in 1:500,000 scale. In the geomorphological map we out-
lined both geomorphological units and linear features that are described
in subsections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2, respectively.
3.2.1. Geomorphological units
The dark cratered unit (dc) covers most of the study area (centered at
16859E; 1154N), and consists of a heavily cratered surface, char-
acterized by a low albedo in Voyager images. Collins et al. (2013)
classied the dark cratered material as a relatively low albedo material
with moderate to high crater densities, with brighter hummocks at local
scale. The dc unit of our map presents a moderately smooth appearance,
with a pervasive fracturing having variable dimensions and orientation.
Within the dc we observed several patches of hummocky material (h),
previously recognized by Prockter et al. (2000), consisting of an alter-
nation of few hundreds of meters-high mounds and valleys and resulting
in a heterogenous albedo. Some mounds are clustered along a linear
trend, forming elongated ridges.
The light grooved unit (lg) consists of a prominent lane cross-cutting
the dc and some craters, and dening a low cratered stripe, which sep-
arates the study area in two regions. Collins et al. (2013) classied the
light grooved material as a relatively high to moderate albedo material
dominated by closely packed groove structures. In our study area, lg
appears brighter than the dc in Voyager imagery and is characterized by
sets of sub-parallel linear grooves.
The last geomorphological unit is dened by impact craters having a
diameter larger than 4 km. The largest crater present in the study area is
in the southern part (Fig. 3) and it is characterized by a heavily fractured
oor and by an elongated shape in NE-SW direction with minor and
major axes of ~20 and ~ 24 km, respectively. We also observed several
smaller craters primarily within the dc and h units in both northern and
southern regions, but also within the lg.
3.2.2. Linear features
The geomorphological map of the study area also includes the linear
features, such as ridges and troughs (Prockter et al., 2000). We observed
sets of linear ridges in the hummocky terrain, having a maximum length
of ~25 km. The mean height of linear ridges and mounds is ~280 m as
derived from the DEM (Fig. 2). The dark cratered unit (dc) hosts several
Fig. 2. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Anshar Sulcus region. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)
M. Ianiri et al.
Icarus 404 (2023) 115654
fractures that we divided into three main sets based on their spatial
distribution and dimensions (lengths, widths, and depths). Two main
sets of fractures are in the southern region and present a prevalent NW-
SE direction (letters aand b in Fig. 3).
Fractures forming the westernmost set (letter a and color blue in
Fig. 3) extend from ~3 km up to ~50 km in length, have a mean width of
~1.5 km, and a depth ranging from ~95 m up to ~650 m (depth
intended as vertical distance between local topographical maximum and
minimum of the elevation prole). In its central part, this set runs
through the largest crater, cutting its rims and deforming it. Moving
toward NW this fracture set laterally expands until it abruptly ends at
the grooved terrain and it continues his path in the northern region with
a right lateral displacement of ~15 km. To better constrain that the
fractures in the western part of the northern region belong to set a, we
traced topographic proles (Fig. 4) which coincide with each other,
conrming the previously observed morphological analogy. The east-
ernmost fracture set (letter band color green in Fig. 3) appears to be
less pervasive than the previous one, with extensive fractures extending
from ~3 km up to ~30 km in length, with a mean width of ~0.7 km, and
a depth ranging from ~85 m up to ~450 m. Even in this case the
grooved terrain crosscuts these fractures; however, we do not observe
any continuation in the northern region. A right step-like series of ~1.7
km spaced fractures with en-echelon disposition (letter c and color
orange in Fig. 3), a NE-SW orientation and a mean length of ~9 km,
stretches in the NE part of the study area, ending its path in corre-
spondence with the southern grooved terrain. This path continues in the
southern region with a more linear disposition, having the same orien-
tation of the putative main strike-slip fault related the fracture set ‘c
(Fig. 3).
The grooved terrain also shows a series of sub-parallel, closely
spaced structures. They consist of an alternance between grooves and
ridges having a mean depth of ~150 m (Fig. 5). This groove system can
be divided in two main sections, distinguished by a different orientation
and width. In particular, the rst section (16644E 1316N; 17014E
1134N) stretches from NW to SE, with a mean width of ~9 km. The
second section (17014E 1134N; 17124E 1126N) has a prevalent
W-E direction with a mean width of ~3 km. Topographical analyses of
the DEM revealed that, in the rst section, the elevation of the grooved
terrain increases toward its central part by a mean vertical relief of ~74
m (vertical relief calculated along the proles A-A, B-Band C-Cin
Fig. 5).
Fig. 3. Geomorphological map of Anshar Sulcus region. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)
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3.3. Terrain reconstruction
Fig. 6 shows the reconstructed apparent geometrical correspondence
between the southern and northern regions of some features (yellow-
dotted rectangle) by applying the same displacement of the northern
crater (green rectangle). The fracture set aand the associated northern
crater (Fig. 7) show a displacement of ~15 km. Even if the southern half
of the crater is not well-preserved because of an over-imposing cluster of
younger craters, we observed morphological and topographic similar-
ities of the fracture set aacross the northern and southern parts of the
regions (Fig. 4). The half-crater, located in the terminal part of the
southern region associated with the set of fractures b, has been dis-
placed by ~13 km (Fig. 8). In this case, we found a discrepancy of 1 km
between the diameter of the northern half crater (8 km) and the
southern one (7 km). This is probably due to the extensive fracture set
b that could have affected and deformed the southern half of the
crater, resulting in an increase in the lateral distance between the two
crests of the southern rim. To quantify the possible inuence of the set of
fractures bin the southern half crater, which could have increased the
lateral distance between the diametrical crests of the rim, we measured
the mean diameter of both half craters and the mean width of the
fractures. To determine the size of the diameters of the two half craters,
we tracked radial topographic proles within the two half craters,
marking the crests corresponding to the crater rim. Then, we tracked
circular polygons passing through each marked crest point, nally
calculating the average measure of the resulting diameters. Table 1
presents DEM-derived measurements of length of fracture widths, and
the diameters of upper unfractured half crater and lower fractured half
crater in Figs. 8 and 9. We found that the diameter of the upper
unfractured half crater is (7070 ±200)m, whereas the diameter of the
lower fractured half crater is (8240 ±360)m. The sum of all fractures
widths dissecting the lower half crater is (1150 ±260)m. We found that
the diameter of the upper half crater is consistent with the diameter of
the lower half crater deprived of the fractureswidths. Additionally, we
compared topographic proles traced across the rims of the two half
craters and we found marked similarities in the general shape of the
resulting proles (Fig. 9).
Fig. 4. a) Digital Elevation Model of the area dissected by the fracture set a(upper panel). Topographic proles A-A (panel b) and B-B
(panel c) from the set of
fractures a. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
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Fig. 5. Topographic proles of the grooves in Anshar Sulcus. The right panels show the elevation vs distance. The corresponding tracks are shown in the left panel.
(For interpretation of the references to color in this gure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 6. Apparent correspondence between the southern and northern regions of tted-back features (yellow-dashed rectangle in the upper panel, zoomed details in
panels a and b; the yellow signs in panel b highlight the apparent correspondence and continuity of linear features between the two boundaries of dark terrain
regions) by applying the same displacement of the set of fracture a(green rectangle in the upper panel). (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
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Fig. 7. The largest crater in the western portion of the northern region of dark terrain along the limit with the light terrain. Current position of the crater as seen from
image (a) and topographic (b) data (b); Reconstruction of the possible original position as seen from image (c) and topographic (d) data. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this gure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 8. Two half craters to the west, along the boundaries between the dark terrain and light terrain. Current positions of the half-craters as seen from image (a) and
topographic (b) data; Reconstruction of the possible original positions of the half-craters as seen from image (c) and topographic (d) data. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this gure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
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3.4. Putative tectonic evolution
From the inferred reconstruction of the pre-deformed terrain pre-
sented in §3.2, we have modelled the putative tectonic evolution of
Anshar Sulcus area. Fig. 10 presents the inferred terrain reconstruction
using as piercing points two impact craters and the associated fracture
sets, whose original locations are highlighted in orange and green cir-
cles, and the displacements are shown in orange and green arrows. Panel
a presents the larger and older crater (orange circle) prior to the terrain
deformation in the Anshar Sulcus area. Remarkably, the margins of the
two regions forming the pre-deformed dark terrain are well-preserved
overall, suggesting the absence of degradation or damage processes of
the region margins.
Panel b presents the reconstruction of the terrains considering as
piercing point the location of the younger impact crater (green circle)
that was formed successively to the larger, older crater. The orange ar-
rows indicate the displacement of the rst larger crater at the time of the
younger craters formation. This evidence suggests that the fault has had
an initial component of a pure right-lateral strike-slip movement of the
northern region in a NW-SE direction. Panel c presents the reconstruc-
tion of the terrains up to the present time, involving an opening of the
two regions that formed the light grooved terrain, properly called
Anshar Sulcus. The presence of well-preserved structures along the
boundaries of the two dark terrain regions suggests that the formation of
Anshar Sulcus occurred as a spreading event and opening of the two
regions (Pizzi et al., 2017), leading to the formation of novel crustal
Table 1
Measurements of length of fracture widths, and the diameters of upper half crater and lower half crater shown in Figs. 8 and 9.‘N countsindicates the times we
measured the total width of the fractures within the lower half crater and the diameters of the upper and lower half craters. For the lower half crater, diameters of the
current, fractured crater and the unfractured crater - obtained by subtracting fracture widths, see text - are reported.
Fractures Upper half crater Lower half crater
Ncounts 8 6 6
With fractures Without fractures
Lenght (m) 1149 ±255 7070 ±200 8235 ±359 7086
Fig. 9. a) Tracks of the topographic proles of the two half craters to the west, located along the boundaries between the dark terrain and light terrain; Topographic
proles corresponding to the tracks C-C
and D-D. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
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Fig. 10. Reconstruction of the strike-slip displacement across Anshar Sulcus a) Older crater before displacement (orange circle). b) Formation of the second crater
(green circle), the orange arrows indicate the subsequent displacement of the rst crater at the moment of the impact that formed the second crater; c) Current
situation that shows different amount of displacement of the craters. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)
Fig. 11. Detail of two crater rims along the boundaries of the light terrain. Current position of the crater rims (red arrows) in image (a) and topographic (b) data.
Reconstruction of the possible original position of crater rims (red arrows) in image (c) and topographic (d) data. (For interpretation of the references to color in this
gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
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material likely due to an upwelling of fresh material. The formation of
the grooves that characterize the light terrain unit likely occurred in a
relatively short time scale, due to the instant brittle fracturing of the new
crust occurring simultaneously with the spreading event. The latter
could also have produced, tilting of newly formed crustal blocks.
The third phase of tectonic evolution of the Anshar Sulcus area also
involved a further displacement of the two impact craters highlighted in
orange and green arrows, evidenced by a further right lateral offset with
respect to the present location of the craters. Our reconstruction of the
terrains up to the present time has evidenced that during this third
phase, the lateral and perpendicular displacements of the craters did not
occur as a result of two different stages of tectonic evolution, repre-
sented by an initial pure strike-slip movement and a later spreading.
Instead, our terrain reconstruction has evidenced that the lateral offset
of the craters starts during the strike-slip stage (Fig. 10 a, b) and the
further lateral displacement occurred during the spreading stage (Fig. 10
In addition, we present two uncertain observations that, if
conrmed, could better elucidate the tectonic evolution of Anshar Sul-
cus. We observed two crater rims along the boundary between the dark
cratered unit and grooved terrain, that could belong to the same crater.
Fig. 11 shows the current and reconstructed original position of two
crater rims located along the boundaries of the light terrain, as seen from
image and topographic data. However, the terrain reconstruction is
putative due to the uncertainty derived from the imperfectly recon-
structed shape and elevations of the crater (Fig. 11). The measured
displacement of this crater (~27 km) is the largest observed in the study
area, implying that the strike-slip movement could have occurred prior
to the displacement and prior the formation of the fracture set a.
The second uncertain observation is related to the presence of a
putative basin associated with a strike slip fault. Fig. 12 focuses on the
easternmost part of the study area, in correspondence with the en-
echelon strike-slip related set of fractures (c in Fig. 3) that charac-
terizes left lateral displacement. The realignment between the northern
and the southern region has evidenced a morphology that can be
geometrically interpreted as a pull-apart basin associated to the strike
slip fault with a fracture set that involves both the regions. This obser-
vation would imply that the set of fractures cformation occurred prior
to the strike-slip fault associated with the grooved terrain (cin Fig. 3).
4. Discussion and conclusions
The formation of Anshar Sulcusgrooved terrain can be explained as
the result of rifting (Prockter et al., 2000; Cameron et al., 2018) or
spreading mechanisms (Pizzi et al., 2017), involving both the processes
of extensional tectonics. Using a structural analysis, Prockter et al.
(2000) proposed that the genesis of Anshar Sulcus grooved terrain
occurred by asymmetrical hanging wall rollover against a normal fault
with a prominent southern boundary, caused by extension in the
NNESSW direction with evidence of a small amount of right lateral
movement, resulting in a NESW transtension. The evidence of right-
lateral movement is given by the right-lateral offset (~10 km) of the
main set of fractures (letter aand color blue in Fig. 3) that crosscut the
main crater. The missing southern rim of such crater may have been
rifted and destroyed during Sulcus formation. Cameron et al. (2018)
recognized that prior to the rifting formation of Anshar Sulcus as
described by Prockter et al. (2000), the preexistent dark terrain was
subjected to a tectonic deformation by normal faulting, evidenced by the
presence of two sets of fractures in the direction NWSE that formed in
response to extension in the NESW direction (letters a and b in
Fig. 3). Instead, using a structural analysis, Pizzi et al. (2017) proposed
that the formation of Anshar Sulcus grooved terrain occurred by
spreading, as they identied two preexistent impact craters within dark
terrain, crosscut and separated by the sulcus with same right lateral
displacement. Pizzi et al. (2017) found that Anshar Sulcus grooved
terrain formed through a separation of about 2.3 km of crust toward the
NESW direction, along with resurfacing of new material. The separa-
tion of the two regions by spreading was accompanied by about 500 m of
right lateral movement and a counter-clockwise rotation of the SE region
of about 2. The grooves within the sulcus may indicate a post break-up
brittle faulting of newly formed crust.
Using a structural analysis in combination with topographic ana-
lyses, we found that the formation of Anshar Sulcus grooved terrain
occurred by spreading and upwelling of novel material, conrming
overall the previous analysis of Pizzi et al. (2017). The DEM has shown
that the topographic elevations of the central regions inside the sulcus
are higher with respect to the sulcus boundaries and such scenario is not
typical of rifting processes. On Earth, in fact, rifting zones generally have
either a lower central topography or, in most cases, an asymmetry with a
prominent master fault bounding one side of the rift zone (Gibbs, 1984).
Interestingly we found that, differently from Pizzi et al. (2017), the
spreading event occurred only successively to an older right-lateral
strike-slip movement toward the NW-SE direction that separated the
two dark terrain regions, as evidenced by the different displacements of
two impact craters (Fig. 10). Therefore, we argue that the formation of
Anshar Sulcus by spreading had occurred in a crustal weakening due to
an older strike-slip fault. Furthermore, the absence of the fractures
(letter b and color green in Fig. 3) within the northern rim of the
smaller crater suggests that the formation of such fractures occurred
successively to the beginning of strike-slip event that separated the two
dark terrain regions, involving and deforming only the southern rim.
Fig. 13 presents the proposed tectonic reconstruction and Fig. 14 the
chrono-stratigraphy of Anshar Sulcus region. The older terrains that are
present in the Anshar Sulcus region are the dark cratered unit (dc) and
Fig. 12. Putative pull-apart basin associated to the strike slip fault.
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the hummocky material (h) (Figs. 14, 1phase). Fig. 13a presents the
reconstructed ancient dark terrain which formed prior to the strike-slip
event. Impact craters (cr) have characterized the surface of Ganymede
during its entire evolution (Fig. 14). The rst tectonic event involved in
the formation of the sulcus presents strike-slip kinematics indicators that
show a right lateral displacement of the northern region in the NW-SE
direction, prior to the formation of the Sulcus. In particular, geomet-
rical indicators and best ts of the two blocks lead us to assume a parallel
movement of both the regions toward NE direction, but at different rate
), similarly to the case of the San Andreas fault (Atwater,
1970), resulting in a right lateral strike-slip fault as a precursor of the
formation of Anshar Sulcus (Fig. 13b). Previous morphological analysis
has already supposed a strike-slip movement as a precursor to the for-
mation of Anshar Sulcus (Prockter et al., 2000). The second phase of our
chronostratigraphic reconstruction (Fig. 14) is characterized by the
formation of the three sets of fractures and by the right strike-slip event
that produced the division of the ancient dark terrain of Marius Regio
into the two distinct regions. In particular, the sets a and c formed
rst, before the strike-slip event (Fig. 13a), while the set bhas formed
after the start of strike-slip event (Fig. 13b). Indeed, the absence of the
set b in the northern region lead us to suppose a dispersion of the frac-
tures of set b within the crustal fracture previously formed by the strike-
slip fault, thus involving only the southern region of dark unit (dc). The
margins of the two regions are the conservative region boundary,
Fig. 13. Reconstruction of the tectonic evolution of Anshar Sulcus area. a) Reconstruction of the ancient dark terrain pre-deformation; b) Strike-slip right movement
of the northern dark region in the NW-SE direction (red arrows); c) Opening of the sulcus through transtension in the WSW-ENE direction (bold white arrows) with
upwelling of novel material. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 14. Stratigraphic chart showing the evolutionary
temporal sequence of the Anshar Sulcus area; (dc)
dark cratered unit, (h) hummocky material, (cr)
crater, set of fracture a (set a), set of fracture b (set b),
set of fracture c (set c), beginning of strike-slip event
(black dashed line), (lg) light grooved unit. The 1
phase presents formation by impact events of dc and h
surrounding Anshar Sulcus; the 2phase presents
fracturing by extensive and strikeslip tectonics,
including the right-lateral strike-slip movement pre-
cursor of Anshar sulcus; the 3phase presents for-
mation of lg through spreading center mode by
combination of extensive and strike-slip tectonics.
M. Ianiri et al.
Icarus 404 (2023) 115654
presenting the absence of resurfacing or degradation or damage pro-
cesses of the region margins. Due to the limits of long-wavelength
topography and uncertainties of the adopted technique used to pro-
duce the DEM of Anshar Sulcus region, the topographic analysis is not
able to show any evidence of possible vertical movements of the regions.
The second stage of tectonic evolution of Anshar Sulcus (Fig. 13c)
presents the start of the spreading event that caused the extension and
separation of the two regions previously formed as consequence of the
strike-slip event (Fig. 13b), corresponds to the formation of light
grooved unit (lg) (Figs. 14, 3phase), which is the youngest unit present
within the Anshar Sulcus area. The right lateral strike-slip tectonics
continued during the spreading stage, so the separation of the two re-
gions occurred with a transtensional movement toward a WSW- ENE
direction (Fig. 13c), as result of combination of the right-lateral
contribution of the strike-slip tectonics toward NW-SE direction and
the extensional contribution toward SSW-NNE direction of the
spreading. Remarkably, the conservative region boundary indicates that
the formation of a novel crustal material occurred by spreading together
with the upwelling of deeper crustal ice, differently from previous hy-
potheses that proposed crustal rifting (Prockter et al., 2000). In addition,
we observed a higher topography in the central part of the sulcus with
respect to the surrounding grooved terrains, which is consistent with
spreading centers at fast-intermediate rate (Macdonald, 1982).
Assuming isostatic compensation of a column of the upwelling of deeper
crustal ice, 13% enhancement in dark terrain crustal density, removal
of 13% of the dark terrains from the crater within the ejecta (Showman
et al., 2004; De Marchi et al., 2021), and considering a mean topography
height h= (118 ±56)m as derived from the DEM, we estimate that the
thickness of the dark terrain during the formation of the sulcus is H=
= (3.9±1.9)km. The formation of the grooves that characterize the
light unit occurred relatively quickly, due to the brittle faulting and
tilting of the new crust during the extension event that have formed the
light unit, explaining the absence of deformed or displaced craters inside
the light unit.
In conclusion, the formation of grooved terrains on the icy surface of
Ganymede is still debated and it could involve extensive rifting and
spreading, strike-slip tectonics and cryovolcanic resurfacing. Pappa-
lardo et al. (2004) have shown that the formation of the grooved terrains
could be correlated with the reactivation of tectonic structures present
in the dark terrain; in addition, Pappalardo et al. (2004) have shown that
the formation of the grooved terrains could foreshadow both tectonic
rifting and subsequent cryovolcanic resurfacing. The geological analysis
of Anshar Sulcus region has demonstrated that Anshar Sulcus is formed
from ancient dark terrain which surface is well preserved (Fig. 15, Stage
0); successively, a strike-slip movement divided the dark terrain into two
distinct regions (Fig. 15, Stage 1). The sulcus then formed in a trans-
tensional manner, maintaining well-preserved margins and the light
terrain is likely crustal material upwelling due to the crustal spreading.
The formation of the grooves likely occurred by brittle fracturing and
tilting caused by the spreading itself in the newly formed crust (Fig. 15,
Stage 2).
The identication of a strike-slip event preceding the formation of
the sulcus by spreading indicates that the sulcus was formed in a zone of
crustal weakening prior to the formation of the sulcus itself. Only after a
possible change of stresses, both in direction and in magnitude, did it
produce the sulcus by crustal opening. Such identication was possible
thanks to the peculiarity of Anshar Sulcus for which both high-resolution
images are available and the possibility of recognizing piercing points as
impact craters, which allowed the reconstruction of the crustal tectonics
and its evolution. Moreover, the production of a DEM of the area
allowed to conduct a topographic analysis which conrmed the
morphological and structural observations. Future studies will be able to
investigate whether the grooved terrain formation in two tectonic
stages, the rst of strike-slip type and the second of spreading type,
could be characteristic of the general formation of grooved terrains,
Fig. 15. 3D view of the formation stages of Anshar Sulcus. Stage 0: Pre-
deformation; Stage 1: Strike-slip tectonic deformation in NW-SE direction;
Stage 2: Transtension toward WSW-ENE direction with upwelling of
novel material.
M. Ianiri et al.
Icarus 404 (2023) 115654
thanks to the combination of images having spatial resolution up to 2.4
m / pixel, spectral, altimetry and radar sounder data of the JUICE
mission. In particular, the capability of the radar sounder RIME to detect
and differentiate the subsurface interfaces associated with different
geological components, structure and composition up to a depth of 9 km
(Sbalchiero et al., 2023), will provide a better support for the hypotheses
of formation of grooved terrain on Ganymede.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
Data availability
Data will be made available on request.
G.M. acknowledges support from the Italian Space Agency (2023-6-
We would like to thank an anonymous reviewer for providing helpful
and constructive comments.
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M. Ianiri et al.
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Images of Europa’s surface taken by the Galileo Solid State Imager (SSI) show smooth features measuring a few kilometers, potentially resulting from eruptions of low-viscosity material such as liquid cryomagma. We estimated the volume of four of these smooth features by producing Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of four Galileo/SSI images. We used the shape-from-shading technique with special care to estimate the uncertainties on the produced DEMs and estimated feature volumes to be between (5.7±0.9)×107 m3 and (2.7±0.4)×108 m3. We discussed the implications for putative sub-surface liquid reservoir dimensions in the case of eruptions induced from freezing reservoirs. Our previous cryovolcanic eruption model was improved by considering a cycle of cryomagma freezing and effusion and by estimating the vaporized cryolava fraction once cryolava spreads onto Europa’s surface. Our results show that the cryomagma reservoirs would have to be relatively large to generate these smooth features (1 to 100 km3 if the flow features result from a single eruption, and 0.4 to 60 km3 for the full lifetime of a reservoir generating cyclic eruptions). The two future missions JUICE (ESA) and Europa Clipper (NASA) should reach Europa during the late 2020s. They shall give more information on those putative cryovolcanic regions which appear as interesting targets that could provide a better understanding of the material exchanges between the surface, sub-surface and ocean of Europa.
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Dr William Bosworth writes: Two recent papers by Alan Gibbs (1983, 1984a) have helped introduce rigorous geometric techniques to the analysis of extensional tectonic terranes. Several of the more salient points of Gibbs’ discussion include (1) straight-forward areal balancing techniques can be applied to cross-sections through extensional basins to obtain such information as depth-to-detachment in listric fault systems and to assess the geometric plausibility of the proposed sections; (2) geoseismic cross-sections are thereby produced that can be integrated with well data and thermal-subsidence models of basin evolution to produce detailed, predictive views of basin geology; and (3) extensional tectonic settings develop structures with numerous analogies to contractional settings, including such details as depth-to-detachment (c. 10–18 km), lateral discontinuities in structural geometry (transfer zones of Gibbs 1984a), and, potentially, the formation of ramp–flat and duplex geometries. These concepts have far-reaching implications for future studies of all areas of crustal extension. I would like to state several small points of disagreement concerning the technique of balancing sections in extensional settings, which could become important in actually applying Gibbs’ approach to some specific basins or portions thereof. Gibbs’ fundamental assertion is that any cross-sectional area created during the formation of a rift basin (and preserved as a syn- to post-rift sedimentary package) must be accounted for elsewhere in the geologic interpretation. This is illustrated in fig. 1 of Gibbs (1983), where the cross-sectional area of the newly formed basin becomes equal to the product of the net crustal extension (l1–l0)
The Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) on-board the JUICE mission will look for dielectric and mechanical interfaces below the icy crust of the Galilean moon Ganymede. Previous missions suggest that the surface of Ganymede is covered by two types of terrains, namely the dark terrain and bright terrain. The bright terrain covers two-thirds of the surface, and presents two main morphologies, i.e. the grooved and smooth bright terrains. For understanding the geological history of Ganymede, a still-open question regards the sequence and styles of processes that formed these morphologies. While in the literature different formation hypotheses are highly debated, direct evidence of these can be proven by subsurface probing, for which RIME will offer a unique opportunity. In this work, we aim to understand whether RIME can actually detect and differentiate between the different hypotheses. To this purpose, we perform 3D simulations of RIME radargrams, following a progressive insertion approach which allows to simplify the data interpretability. We focus on the bright terrain morphologies and analyze in detail the RIME detectability of geological components that can support the formation hypotheses of the grooved and smooth bright terrains. The results suggest that RIME can possibly detect the subsurface interfaces associated with the geological components, and differentiate between their radar responses. We also provide a key to interpretation of the RIME data over these targets, and link the radar responses to the formation hypotheses debated in the literature.
The Geodesy and Geophysics of Jupiter and the Galilean Moons (3GM) experiment aboard the JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) will measure the gravity fields of Europa, Callisto and Ganymede. For the first two moons the data will be acquired during flybys, while for Ganymede a 9-months orbital phase is planned. This latter phase is divided in a 5-month elliptical orbit phase (GEO) and a 4-month circular phase (GCO-500). The GCO-500 will provide the first gravity data from an orbiter for Ganymede, enabling the measurement of the Ganymede's gravity field up to the degree 35–45 of spherical harmonics expansion. The large amount of data collected by 3GM will provide enough details to potentially identify regional (hundreds of km) surface structures. Remarkably, Ganymede's outer ice shell is characterized by the presence of dark and bright terrains: evidence of older, dirty ice and younger, cleaner ice, respectively. In this work we investigate the possibility to detect gravity anomalies related to the surface distribution of bright and dark terrains using the 3GM data. By assuming a range of i) surface density contrasts for the dark and bright terrains based on an estimation of the impactors flux, ii) average surface topographies, iii) internal structure configurations, and comparing several models for the external gravity field of Ganymede, we simulate the expected gravity field as it would be reconstructed by JUICE. Our results show that 3GM data might allow to discriminate and separate the gravitational contributions from the deep interior and the surface distribution of dark and bright terrains.
We propose and validate an algorithm for shape-from-shading that works for planetary data, with multiple input images, realistic camera models, non-Lambertian reflectance, variable albedo, uncertain camera positions and orientations, low angles of illumination, and shadows. The algorithm begins with images and existing terrain data (provided by stereogrammetry, lidar data, or even just a flat surface) which is then optimized. We show that shape-from-shading is able to recover more detail than obtained from stereo alone while eliminating stereo numerical artifacts and improving the terrain accuracy. Our software implementation is released under an open-source license as part of the NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline.
The NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline is a suite of free and open source automated geodesy and stereogrammetry tools designed for processing stereo images captured from satellites (around Earth and other planets), robotic rovers, aerial cameras, and historical images, with and without accurate camera pose information. It produces cartographic products, including digital terrain models, ortho-projected images, 3-D models, and bundle-adjusted networks of cameras. Ames Stereo Pipeline's data products are suitable for science analysis, mission planning, and public outreach.
The heavily fractured surface of Ganymede displays many morphologically distinctive regions of inferred distributed shear and strike-slip faulting that may be important to the structural development of its surface. To better understand the role of strike-slip tectonism in shaping this complex icy surface, we perform detailed mapping at nine sites using Galileo and Voyager imagery, noting key examples of strike-slip morphologies where present. These four morphological indicators are: en echelon structures, strike-slip duplexes, laterally offset pre-existing features, and possible strained craters. We map sites of both light, grooved terrain (Nun Sulci, Dardanus Sulcus, Tiamat Sulcus, Uruk Sulcus, and Arbela Sulcus), and terrains that are transitional from dark to light terrains (Nippur and Philus Sulci, Byblus Sulcus, Anshar Sulcus, and the Transitional Terrain of Northern Marius Regio). At least one, if not more, of the four strike-slip morphological indicators are observed at every site, suggesting strike-slip tectonism is indeed important to Ganymede's evolutionary history. Byblus Sulcus is the only mapped site where the presence of strike-slip indicators is limited to only a few en echelon structures; every other mapped site displays examples of at least two types, with Arbela Sulcus containing candidate examples of all four. In addition, quantification of morphological characteristics suggests related rotation between sites, as evidenced by the predominant NW/SE trend of mapped features within the light terrain present in five different sites (Nun, Tiamat, Uruk, Nippur/Philus, Byblus, and Anshar Sulcus). Moreover, incorporation of strike-slip tectonism with pre-existing observations of extensional behavior provides an improved, synoptic representation of Ganymede's tectonic history.
The formation of Ganymede's sulci is likely related to extensional tectonics that affected this largest icy satellite of Jupiter. Through geometric and structural analyses we reconstructed the pre-deformed terrains and we recognized two different modes of extension associated with sulci. In the first mode, smooth sulci constitute spreading centers between two dark terrain plates, similar to the fast oceanic spreading centers on Earth. Here extension is primarily accommodated by crustal accretion of newly formed icy crust. In the second mode, dark terrain extension is mainly accommodated by swaths of normal fault systems analogous to Earth's continental crustal rifts. A comparison with terrestrial extensional analogues, based on the fault displacement/length (Dmax/L) ratio, spacing and morphology, showed that magmato-tectonic spreading centers and continental crustal rifts on Earth follow the same relative patterns observed on Ganymede. Our results suggest that the amount of extensional strain may have previously been underestimated since the occurrence of spreading centers may have played a major role in the tectonic evolution of the globally expanded Ganymede. We also discuss a possible model for the origin of the different modes of extension in the context of the global expansion of the satellite.