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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2023; 12(6): 1360-1362
ISSN (E): 2277-7695
ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.23
TPI 2023; 12(6): 1360-1362
© 2023 TPI
Received: 03-03-2023
Accepted: 13-05-2023
Abhishek Verma
Department of Veterinary
Surgery and Radiology, College
of Veterinary Science and
Animal Husbandry, NDVSU,
Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India
Dharmendra Kumar
Department of Veterinary
Surgery and Radiology, College
of Veterinary Science and
Animal Husbandry, NDVSU,
Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India
TJ Sheikh
Department of Veterinary
Pathology, College of Veterinary
Science and Animal Husbandry,
NDVSU, Jabalpur, Madhya
Pradesh, India
Rajesh Ranjan
Department of Veterinary
Anatomy, College of Veterinary
Science and Animal Husbandry,
NDVSU, Jabalpur, Madhya
Pradesh, India
Corresponding Author:
Dharmendra Kumar
Department of Veterinary
Surgery and Radiology, College
of Veterinary Science and
Animal Husbandry, NDVSU,
Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India
Histological studies on the efficacy of fresh Aloe vera
leaves on wound healing in calves
Abhishek Verma, Dharmendra Kumar, TJ Sheikh and Rajesh Ranjan
Present study was conducted on 12 calves having fresh wound of size 16-25 cm2 anywhere on the body
except joints to evaluate the wound healing using fresh Aloe vera leaf paste. These were randomly
divided into two groups for further treatment. Wounds of group I were treated with normal saline
solution whereas, that of group II were applied with Aloe vera leaf paste. In the initial day’s observation
revealed necrotic foci, haemorrhagic spots and serofibrinous exudates without any trace of epidermal
growth in both groups whereas few fibroblasts and angioblasts cells were too discernible in the
regenerating dermis and maximum of it was seen Aloe vera. Well defined dermis along with prominent
epidermis and keratin layer was observed in Aloe vera treated group on 25th post treatment. There was a
significant difference between the treatment and control group in wound contraction rate on 5th, 10th, 15th,
20th and 25th post treatment day. An accelerated wound contraction was seen in Aloe vera treated group
during all stage of wound healing.
Keywords: Aloe vera, calves, wound contraction, histopathology and wound healing
Early healing of the wounds depends on the way the wound is managed; however, slight
negligence on the part of the surgeon makes the treatment a complete failure and endangers the
life of the animal (Kumar, 2006) [4]. Since time immemorial man has used various parts of the
plant in the treatment and prevention of different ailments (Chah et al. 2006) [2]. During the last
two decades, traditional medicine has re-emerged as one of the important pillars for the
treatment of various diseases and disorders. It is a well-known fact that the modern drugs have
their origin in plant before they are chemically synthesised (Newman et al. 2016) [7]. Many
medicaments, indigenous preparations and variety of methods have been used to stimulate
wound healing such as topical application of herbal remedies, natural honey, electromagnetic
pulses, fibroblast growth factors and collagen with topical antibiotics. Though various agents
have been identified as a wound healer, still there is a need of cheaper therapy which can
accelerate the rate of healing, without affecting the normal physiological process along with its
socio-economical acceptance and minimal side effects (Sharma, 2018). In Ayurvedic
medicine, Aloe vera is used topically in combination with liquorice of root for treating
psoriasis and eczema and various type of wound (Habeeb et al. 2007) [5]. Aloe vera has been
used for centuries for its wound healing property and therapeutic potential (Gupta and
Malhotra, 2012) [3]. Therefore, the present study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Aloe
vera as a potent wound healing agent.
Materials and Methods
The work was approved by the institutional ethical committee. It was conducted on twelve
calves aged between six months to one year and weighing approximately 60 to 100 kg that
were presented for treatment of the wound. Calves having fresh wound of size 16-25 cm2 with
a depth of 0.4-0.5 cm were selected for the present study. The wounds selected were anywhere
on the body except joints. The age of the wound was decided based on appearance, and
granulation tissue i.e. Lustre, colour and texture. Moreover, all the wounds were debrided and
freshened up when it was included in the study. The leaves of the plant of Aloe vera were
collected locally, authenticated in Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. Fresh leaves
of these plants were washed and cleaned with distilled water. Pulp of the leaf was taken out
and grinded in a fine paste using a mortar and pastel aseptically for its application on the
wound surface. Calves selected for the present study were randomly divided into two groups
for further treatment.
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The Pharma Innovation Journal
Wounds of group I were treated with Normal Saline Solution,
whereas those of group II were treated with Aloe vera leaf
paste. The wounds were cleaned with hydrogen peroxide
solution regularly, followed by topical application of Normal
Saline Solution in group I and leaf paste of Aloe vera in group
II respectively, till the wound healed. Tissue sample were
taken on 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 25th respectively.
Results and Discussion
Wounds treated with Aloe Vera on 5th day showed mild
infiltration of neutrophils and macrophage along with necrotic
foci and haemorrhagic spot. The whole wound area was
covered with serofibrinous exudate; however, it was lesser
than Normal Saline Solution but similar to Povidone Iodine
treated wound. Few fibroblasts and angioblasts scattered at
the deeper zone of contorted dermis was too observed at this
stage. Meagre vascularisation and capillary formation at the
deep dermis layer were too evident. There was no trace of
epidermal regeneration even at the periphery of the wound.
These findings are similar to the findings of Al-Kennany et al.
(2006) [1] who studied the effect of Aloe vera gel on
experimental tendon healing in donkeys and found fibrin clot,
polymorph nuclear cells (PMNs) and fibroblasts in
intertendenous gap on 7th day post- treatment day. They too
reported that regeneration of epithelium was lacking at this
interval. Takzare et al. (2009) [9] who studied the wound
healing influence of Aloe Vera gel in rats on the basis of
Aloe vera treated wound depicted absence of necrotic foci and
haemorrhagic spots on 10th day. Few neutrophils scattered
unevenly in the wound area were too observed. Serofibrinous
exudate was lacking revealing end of inflammatory phase.
Moderate fibroblast and angioblast cells similar to that of
wounds treated with Povidone Iodine were observed in the
histological slide. Regenerating capillaries perpendicular to
that of wound area and developing fibrinogen parallel to the
wound surface was found at this stage. The density of
proliferating capillaries and fibrinogen were same as that of
wound treated with Povidone Iodine. Regeneration of
epidermis at the periphery of the wound was highly
conspicuous. Takzare et al. (2009) [9] who studied the wound
healing influence of Aloe vera gel in rats on the basis of
histologly reported increased density fibroblasts which
became more abundant than the previous day. He also
reported thickened endothelium of blood vessels in Aloe vera
group as compared to control and a significant difference in
the number of neutrophils between control and Aloe vera
On 15th day Aloe vera treated wound showed complete
absence of necrotic foci, haemorrhagic spots and
inflammatory cells and whole dermal area was filled with
moderate connective tissue. However, the density of
connective tissue was slightly higher than other treated groups
but its density was significantly higher than Normal Saline
Solution treated wound. Blood vessels and other connective
almost filled the dermal layer and, on this scaffold, moving
epidermis from the margin of the wound was seen. Slightly
more differentiated rete pegs sparsely penetrating the dermis
was too observed in the histological slide. Meagre amount of
elastic fibre in the regenerating dermis was detectable in the
microscopic study. Finding of present study corroborates the
findings of Al-Kennany et al. (2006) [1] who studied the effect
of Aloe vera gel on experimental tendon healing in donkeys
and found fibroblast proliferation in superficial layer of
tendon stumps and in the intertendenous gap on 14th days post
treatment. Takzare et al. (2009) [9] who studied the wound
healing influence of Aloe vera gel in rats on the basis of
histology and found marked density of fibroblasts in Aloe
vera treated group which significantly outnumbered the
control on 14th.
Minute observation of the histological slide of Aloe vera
treated group revealed dense dermis completely filled with
connective tissue on 20th day. Centripetally moving epidermis
almost covered the whole dermal layer. Rete pegs in this
treatment groups were more differentiated and outnumbered
all the treatment groups. Moreover, it penetrated deeper
dermal layer than other treatment groups. Marked collagen
and elastic fibres spread throughout the dermal layer were too
observed at this stage of healing. Thin keratin layer almost
covering the epidermis layer was too discernable at this stage.
Similar findings were too observed by Al-Kennany et al.
(2006) [1] who studied the effect of Aloe vera gel on
experimental tendon healing in donkeys and found that the
intertendenous gap was filled with mature granulation tissue
oriented in proper fashion in Aloe vera group as compared to
control where it was improperly oriented.
25th day Observation of histological slide of the wounds
treated with Aloe vera at this stage showed complete repair of
dermal and epidermal layer. The dermal layer was completely
packed with well differentiated connective tissue at this stage.
Epidermis having distinct architecture was covering the
epidermal layer. A frequent and well-placed rete pegs were
visible in the histological slide and it masked the repaired
epidermis of the entire groups. Thick layer of keratin almost
covering the entire wound area was also perceptible at this
stage. Thickness of keratin layer was more than entire
treatment group. Accelerated wound healing in Aloe vera
treated group can be attributed to the findings of Subramanian
et al. (2006) []8 who stated that Aloe vera exerts its wound
healing effects by maturation and alignment of the fibroblasts
and collagen fibrils and eventually improves the
biomechanical characteristics of the granulation tissue.
Moriyama et al. (2016) [6] who found that the Aloe vera
increased the cell surface expression of β1-, α6-, β4-integrin,
and E-cadherin which may contribute to the cell migration
and wound healing and also help in significant changes in
cell-cycle progression and gene expression, suggesting roles
of Aloe vera in improvement of keratinocyte function.
Teplicki et al. (2018) [10] studied that Aloe vera accelerates
wound healing by strongly promoting fibroblasts and
keratinocytes proliferation and moderately stimulating cell
Fig 1: Photomicrograph of Aloe vera treated wound showing
proliferation of angioblast and fibroblast cells in developing dermis
on 10th post treatment day (H &E 100x)
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Fig 2: Photomicrograph showing developing epidermis with rete
pegs on 15th post treatment day in the wound treated with Aloe vera
(H &E 10X)
Fig 3: Photomicrograph showing complete healing with
development of keratin layer along with epidermal layer on 20th post
treatment day with Aloe vera treated wound (H &E 10X)
Fig 4: Photomicrograph showing complete developed epidermis
with keratin layer on 25th post treatment day in Aloe Vera treated
wound (H&E 40X)
From the above discussion, it can be assumed that increased
rate of wound healing in Aloe vera treated wounds might be
due to its property of initiating early angiogenesis,
fibroblatosis and stimulating proliferation of keratinocyte.
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