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P-ISSN: 2808-0467
E-ISSN: 2808-5051
Homepage: https://iss.internationaljournallabs.com/index.php/iss
Sri Nani1, Bambang Shergi Laksmono2
1 Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java, Indonesia
1 Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java, Indonesia
1 sri.nani@ui.ac.id 2 bash50@ui.ac.id
Received: May
Revised: May
Approved: May
Background: East Jakarta City experienced the largest increase in the
number of students in DKI Jakarta Province. The large number of students
participating was followed by the many problems experienced by students
such as the cost of transportation expenses for students. The DKI Jakarta
Provincial Government issued a Jak Lingko transportation service policy as
one of the steps to solving the problem.
Aim: The focus of the research is to describe and analyze the implementation
of the Jak Lingko transportation policy for the welfare of students in the City
of East Jakarta as a form of supporting mobility.
Method: This research approach is qualitative with descriptive research type.
Interviews were conducted with 15 informants using a purposive sampling
Findings: The results of the study show that there are aspects of social
welfare policy in the implementation of the Jak Lingko transportation policy
that have fulfilled the basic Jak Lingko subsidy policy for students, the type
of subsidy of the Jak Lingko subsidy policy, the process of distributing the
Jak Lingko subsidy policy for students, and the funding system in accordance
with Jak Lingko subsidy policy for students. There are obstacles in the
implementation of the Jak Lingko transportation policy for students, namely
the timeliness of the arrival of the Jak Lingko fleet has not been achieved.
students, social welfare policy, transportation, subsidies, mobility
© The author(s). This work is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0)
The number of students in DKI Jakarta in the 2022/2023 academic year according to
(Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi, 2023) 1,533,078 students spread
throughout the DKI Jakarta administrative area. The highest number of students in DKI Jakarta
Province is in the administrative area of East Jakarta City with a total of 468,103 students
consisting of students from the Elementary School (SD), Junior High School (SMP), High
School (SMA) and Vocational High School (SMK) levels.
The large growth in the number of students is one indicator of the demographic bonus in
Indonesia, so it becomes a strategic opportunity for Indonesia to accelerate various
developments. One of the accelerations of development is carried out through efforts to
accelerate community mobilization through public transportation policies to improve the
welfare of the people (Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan
Kebudayaan, 2020).
Transportation has become one of the basic needs for the community, including the people
of Jakarta. DKI Jakarta as the main buffer of the National Capital, until now has experienced
population growth that continues to increase, and these conditions have had an impact on the
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transportation system. Public transport policy as part of the hallmark for a more advanced,
modern and developed civilization of society (Kadarisman et al., 2017)
The benefits of public transportation have an influence on welfare in terms of social
development for the community, especially in DKI Jakarta Province. Where the process of
social development is interrelated with economic development and harmonization between the
two is needed to avoid distortions (Midgley, 1995).
The results of the survey of transportation use in Jakarta show that the most users are
dominated by private employee groups with a percentage of 46%, in the next position occupied
by students or students with a percentage of 25%, and the rest are other groups. Based on these
data, information was obtained that people from any group can access public transportation
services provided by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, but there are only two categories
that dominate, namely the worker group and students.
Policies designed by the government as a form of intervening in problems that arise in
society. Social welfare policy is described as a guideline for the government in an effort to
meet basic needs in order to achieve social welfare. So basically social welfare policy is an
effort to regulate the relationship between components in a society, where it can be realized
through a regulation or policy making in order to improve the quality of life of the wider
community (Adi, 2018).
Along with the provision of transportation policy subsidies for students, there are still
problems in the world of education, including the high dropout rate, where DKI Jakarta
Province in the 2020/2021 school year became the province with the second highest dropout
rate in Indonesia after West Java Province (Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan
Teknologi, 2022).
The administrative city of East Jakarta has a number of schools spread across ten districts
such as Duren Sawit District, Cakung District, Jatinegara District, Pulo Gadung District,
Kramat Jati District, Cipayung District, Ciracas District, Pasar Rebo District, Makassar District
and Matraman District.
Although the number of schools passed by the Jak Lingko transportation service is quite
large, there are still problems experienced by students. One of them is in addition to problems
in the world of education with the large number of school dropouts, there is also the problem
of the large number of victims of traffic accidents experienced by students (Badan Pusat
Statistik Provinsi DKI Jakarta, 2022).
Another problem experienced by students is the high costs incurred by student families to
meet transportation needs. The information reported from states that transportation costs
incurred by the community in DKI Jakarta amounted to Rp 500,000.00 per month, where the
data has included the amount of transportation costs incurred by students in DKI Jakarta. With
the large number of transportation costs incurred, the DKI Jakarta Provincial government is
trying to reduce the number of expenditures by implementing the Jak Lingko transportation
service (Republika News, 2022).
Based on the problem of the number of traffic accidents for students that are quite high in
DKI Jakarta and the large number of expenses for transportation, the DKI Jakarta Provincial
government takes an important role in the procurement of public transportation, especially for
students. Transportation management policy planning needs to be managed in a unified
transportation management policy. Transportation service policy planning can affect the
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effectiveness of public transportation management, both from the demand or need side and the
supply side.
In an effort to improve social welfare, the government has issued a transportation-based
public policy. Public transportation is a benchmark in the process of spatial interaction carried
out between regions, so that its role is very important for the development of the region,
especially in human social development. With the existence of public transportation, in
addition to overcoming congestion problems, it also facilitates accessibility for all people, this
is one of DKI Jakarta's goals to achieve the title of a sustainable social city. The steps taken to
achieve the title of a sustainable social city must be able to provide aspects of social
development for its citizens.
The DKI Jakarta government has implemented the JakLingko program as a public
transportation that integrates between modes of public transportation. JakLingko integration
includes the integration of services, tariffs, physical to integration related to data and
information between public transportation in DKI Jakarta. The Jaklingko Integration Service
was developed through the merger of microbus-based city transportation (Angkot) to the
implementation of the Mass Rapid Transit system as one of the train services in urban areas.
The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government provides public transportation subsidies,
according to the 2022 Jakarta Transportation Annual Report (Transjakarta) showing the
amount of subsidies provided by the DKI Jakarta Government from 2017 to 2021. The
following is data on the development of the Jakarta Transportation service subsidy budget,
which includes JakLingko services.
Table 1. Public Transportation Subsidy in DKI Jakarta
Subsidy Amount (Trillion Rupiah)
Source: PT Transportasi Jakarta Annual Report 2021
The table above is the amount of subsidies provided by the DKI Jakarta Provincial
Government allocated for public transportation services. There was an increase in the amount
of subsidy budget given, this happened because of the increase in Regional Original Revenue
(PAD) of Rp 8.14 trillion in the APBD, so that this affected the increase in the allocation of
subsidy funds or Public Service Obligation (PSO) received by PT. Jakarta transportation when
compared to the amount of subsidies in 2020.
This public transportation subsidy is also followed by regulations regarding the procedures
for calculating and paying transportation service tariff subsidies listed in Regulation of
Governor of DKI Jakarta Province Number 62 of 2016 concerning Public Service Obligations
and Subsidy Provision (Peraturan Gubernur Provinsi DKI Jakarta Nomor 62 Tahun 2016
tentang Kewajiban Pelayanan Publik dan Pemberian Subsidi). The subsidy policy provided by
the Government is a form of public policy for the community.
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In carrying out the framework of social welfare policy analysis, according to it can be done
using four approaches, including using a policy basis in which contains who deserves to benefit
from a social welfare policy; types of policies that discuss the types of benefits to be provided;
design of a distribution system on the way or strategy of distributing benefits; and a funding
approach that explains the source of funds used and how to divert the funds to target groups
(Gilbert & Terrell, 2013).
Research conducted by found the facts behind social inclusion policies in transportation
which states that social inclusion of disadvantaged groups in meeting transportation needs to
be considered, including the provision of public transportation services to transit services
(Lucas & Musso, 2014). Inclusive transportation needs to be provided socially in cities with
developed infrastructure and supported by the majority of their population who have access to
high motor vehicle mobility (Lucas & Musso, 2014).
Stanley and Stanley (2017) in a study entitled “The Importance of Transport for Social
Inclusion” explained that the high mobility and social inclusion will be able to have an impact
on urban design spaces, especially on streets, community connections and how the built
environment impacts movement patterns and affects the level of social welfare of its citizens.
Inclusive transportation with interventions in the use of mass transportation for students
such as school buses, but one of the studies related to student interventions with the use of
school buses points to the fact that there are still common problems faced by schools related to
behavior that occur on school bus services, this is an issue that still receives special attention
through personal intervention of schools with fleet managers (Park et al., 2012). To drive fleet-
specific interventions for students, it is necessary to develop with technical assistance
consultations that emphasize collaboration between students, schools, and transportation fleet
drivers (Park et al., 2012).
The microtrans research report shows data that people still complain that the display of
Mikrotrans bus stops is less informative, the location of the stops is still too confusing for the
community besides that there are several Mikrotrans stops that are separate from non-BRT
stops. In addition, Mikrotrans services have not been integrated in one application with other
modes of public transportation. The existence of these phenomena illustrates the lack of
accessibility of Jaklingko services, especially for students. The results of the evaluation of the
impact of using Mikrotrans as part of Jaklingko produce data that information on the arrival of
Mikrotrans is uncertain, so it is important to make decisions on choosing transportation modes
and reduce concerns.
This study tries to analyze Jaklingko services as the implementation of public
transportation policies in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, further studies need to be
carried out related to social welfare policy planning has been carried out accordingly. the
purpose of this study is to describe social welfare policies in Jak Lingko transportation for
students in East Jakarta.
The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. This approach was chosen to
obtain deep, accurate and comprehensive data adapted to existing conditions in the field. This
qualitative research emphasizes its understanding, because the nature of qualitative methods
that question the meaning of an object more deeply According to mentioning that qualitative
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research seeks to produce deep meaning to the experience of facts from human behavior, and
is intended to produce qualitative data, theoretically detailed observations and data obtained
cannot be reduced easily (Neuman, 2014). While this type of research is descriptive research
(Rubin & Babbie, 2011). Descriptive research has the main purpose to describe research with
words or numbers, profiles, classification types or certain steps to answer research questions
such as who, when, where and how (Neuman, 2014). Through this type of descriptive research,
this research is to describe systematically, in detail, in depth and factually the implementation
of JakLingko transportation policy for the welfare of students in East Jakarta. The location of
research related to the implementation of JakLingko transportation policy in encouraging
student welfare was carried out in the East Jakarta Administration City more specifically to
students who attend schools throughout the East Jakarta Administration City using JakLingko
transportation services. This location was chosen as a research location because it is an area
that has the largest potential number of students in DKI Jakarta Province, as well as one of the
administrative cities most passed by JakLingko transportation services.
Implementation of JakLingko Transportation for Student Mobility Supporters as a
Social Welfare Policy Framework
The implementation of JakLingko transportation policy for students in East Jakarta
Administration City has a certain way to distribute services to all JakLingko users, including
students. The implementation of JakLingko's transportation policy can be seen through social
welfare policy parameters consisting of basic aspects of policy, type of policy, policy
distribution system, and policy funding system. To find out more deeply whether the
implementation of the JakLingko transportation service policy has been implemented properly
in serving students in the East Jakarta Administration City, here is a description of each aspect.
Policy Basis of JakLingko Transportation Policy Implementation for Students
The basic policy aspects of the implementation of the JakLingko transportation policy for
students discuss the feasibility rules of the draft policy, including the eligibility of recipients of
targeted transportation subsidy assistance. The eligibility of recipients of JakLingko
transportation services does not have specific rules for who are the recipients of services and
who are the recipients of transportation subsidy assistance, so that JakLingko transportation
policy services are universal for all students both in the East Jakarta Administration City and
throughout DKI Jakarta Province. This is as stated by the IZ informant that: "If the conditions
for JakLingko transportation are no certain rules or conditions, so all students in the Jakarta
area are entitled to use JakLingko, whether students whose schools are in the East Jakarta area
or whose schools are outside East Jakarta so everyone can use this service, moreover this
service is free not only for students" (Director of PT. Transportasu Jakarta, Mr. IZ, March
This information is in line with the basic policy background of JakLingko transportation
when it was initially implemented where JakLingko transportation carried the idea of a tariff
of Rp 0 (Zero Rupiah tariff). This was conveyed by IB who stated that: "JakLingko students
used to have special student tariffs, so they still paid. Now from the student tariff, they can't
pay a lot because they don't have a fee. So when the angkotn transportation system is free, it is
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enough to make students easy, ma'am, judging again from one of the reasons the JakLingko
program is free because we target students, where these students do micro mobility patterns,
typical student trips are still small, short-distance trips then use this small bus" (Representative
of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Transportation Office, Mrs. IB, March 2023).
The basis of JakLingko's transportation policy as a supporter of student mobility is
supported by the role of actors who take their role as JakLingko policy makers. Actors who
play a role in implementing the policy include the Department of Transportation, PT. Jakarta
transportation, and cooperative fleet operator providers. As information submitted by the
management of PT. Jakarta Transportation that: "So Tj is an implementer of the JakLingko
program itself, actually the owner itself is the DKI Jakarta Pemrpov through Dishub so the key
factor is the sustainability of the policy itself which is manifested in subsidies by the DKI
Provincial Government, what we know is the PSO, the operational costs that we use for
Jaklingko itself, so the JakLingko tariff fee is 0 rupiah. Other resources such as human
resources at PT. We continue to develop Transjakarta to be more efficient, to be more effective,
to be precise. In addition, we also involve operators, where the JakLingko fleets are owned by
the operators themselves, so we contract with them, we contract multiyear can be 5 to 7 years,
so it is hoped that the continuity of this program is expected to synergize from all stakeholders
or actors involved earlier" (Director of PT. Jakarta Transportation, Mr. IZ, March 2023).
Based on the information submitted by the informant above, information was obtained that
in the implementation of an inclusive transportation policy, in this case the JakLingko program
shows synergy between parties, where there is an implementer, namely PT. Jakarta
transportation, while still supported by the Department of Transportation as its main
Based on the basis of the policy of implementing the JakLingko transportation policy for
students, it shows that the feasibility rules in determining the beneficiaries of the JakLingko
transportation policy for students have run in accordance with universalism. Where
universalism believes that every citizen has the right to receive social benefits from these public
policies. The latest policy considers the possibility of risk to the entire population so that the
provision of commodity-based subsidies acts as a prevention of the emergence of potential
social problems in the future using the application of social effectiveness values.
There are advantages to the implementation of the JakLingko transportation service policy
with the application of commodity-based subsidies with this universalism, there is a guarantee
that all groups of people get social benefits and are able to eliminate the stigma of
underprivileged or poor families.
Types of Policies from the Implementation of JakLingko Transportation Policy for Students
This type of policy generally discusses the superiority of cash or goods in a social welfare
policy. The findings in the field show that there is a type of policy in the implementation of
JakLingko's transportation policy is included in the service category. The subsidy-based service
category is provided with a distribution mechanism directly to the JakLingko service manager.
In his opinion, there is a dimension of transparency that has been classified into six
categories of social provisions, one of which is services. Interventions carried out directly
through services cause beneficiaries, in this case, students can directly use JakLingko services
for free at zero rupiah rates (Gilbert & Terrell, 2013).
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JakLingko Transportation Policy Distribution System for Students
The design of the distribution system refers to the organization-related arrangements that
exist between service providers and consumers, in this case students. The distribution system
of JakLingko subsidy services needs to be done using JakLingko cards or other electronic
money cards. Where the JakLingko card can be purchased widely and publicly in several places
that have provided these cards. As information conveyed by IB informant that: "That can be
bought, yes, it can be bought anywhere, it can be between buses, transjakarta buses, can be at
the terminals it can be bought. If for example there is none, in the early days the driver brought
a card, when the customer did not have a card yaudah nih buy, so the driver was provided with
the JakLingko card, ma'am. But now, there are also rare drivers who are provided, because
many people already have JakLingko cards, right, ma'am" (Representative of the DKI Jakarta
Provincial Transportation Office, Mrs. IB, March 2023).
Similar information was also conveyed by the JakLingko driver that: "Yes, if the card was
still rare at the beginning, ma'am, I said yo go up first tomorrow buy a yo card, now if the
distribution of the 0 rupiah free subsidy is evenly distributed, ma'am to all, so this student on
average now has a JakLingko card, ma'am. I also said that if the card distribution can be
purchased or if there is socialization, it can be distributed for free at school, because my
customers also get this card free of charge from socialization activities at school," (JakLingko
driver, Mr. NG, March 2023).
So far, the assignment and distribution of JakLingko cards has been carried out by PT.
Jakarta transportation with the DKI Jakarta Transportation Office. From the authority and
supervision of the distribution of JakLingko transportation policies, it can be seen that the
distribution of subsidies is centralized administratively because although it involves many
related institutions, there will only be one agency as the main coordinator. The distribution
system can be said to be ideal if it is able to provide integrated, accessible, accountable and
sustainable services.
JakLingko Transportation Policy Funding System for Students
The findings in the sub-funding try to see the source of funding for the implementation of
the JakLingko transportation policy for students. The funding system of JakLingko's
transportation policy has been regulated in the regulations of the DKI Jakarta Provincial
Government. As stated by the IZ informant that: "The source of 100% funding comes from
subsidies from the DKI Jakarta provincial government, which is budgeted through the
transportation agency. The payment is made from the Regional Financial Management Agency
in transfer to Transjakarta's account, then TJ distributes it to operators according to the
achievements and contracts they agreed" (Director of PT. Jakarta Transportation, Mr. IZ,
March 2023).
In line with this information, such as information submitted by the DKI Jakarta Provincial
Transportation Office, it is stated that the funding system comes from the DKI Jakarta
Provincial Budget (APBD).
Referring to the field findings that the subsidies given to the implementation of
JakLingko's transportation policy are legal social protection instruments used by developing
countries as long as the budget exists.
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Based on facts, field findings and analysis show that the theory of social welfare policy
according to Gilbert & Terrel has not been fully seen in the implementation of JakLingko's
transportation policy for students. The following is a table of social welfare policy parameters
with field findings:
Table 2. Social Welfare Policy Parameters for the Implementation of JakLingko
Transportation Policy
Social Welfare Policy
Field findings
Policy Basis
There are efforts to improve target accuracy by local
governments through the application of universalism
and targeting systems
There is a contribution between actors in the
implementation of inclusive transportation policies for
student mobility
Policy Type
JakLingko's transportation policy is carried out through
providing services for all levels of society including
Dispensing System
The distribution system uses an open subsidy
distribution mechanism.
The distribution of JakLingko cards or electronic money
cards can be obtained widely and publicly
Funding System
Funding through DKI Jakarta Provincial APBD funds in
collaboration with PT. Jakarta Transportation as a
distributor of funds for JakLingko fleet operators
Source: Processed Research (2023)
Based on the results of these field findings, it is also in accordance with the theory
presented by Blau and Abramovitz (2004) which states that social welfare policy as one of the
public responses to problems experienced in the community and is ready to be overcome by
the community along with social institutions consisting of programs and services with
government funds targeted at various basic needs fulfillment and an action strategy as a way
of intervening in the government provision of social welfare for the community.
The implementation of inclusive transportation policies as a supporter of student mobility
is one part in addition to the intervention taken by the government that has an impact on the
quality of life, especially for students in East Jakarta. This is relevant to the theory of social
welfare policy presented by Dinitto and Johnson (2016) that government intervention to carry
out a certain action.
The results in the field that have been collected show the implementation of inclusive
transportation policies as a supporter of student mobility through a social welfare policy
framework that is intertwined with each other. The linkage can be illustrated through the
following scheme:
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Figure 2. Research Results Scheme
Source: Processed by Researchers (2023)
The results of the analysis of the theory of the facts found in the field show that there are
several welfare impacts of student mobility opportunities on the use of public transportation
such as JakLingko, where increasing mobility by students can reduce the risk of social
exclusion. JakLingko's transportation service policy as a form of supporting student mobility
to educational institutions is in accordance with the analysis by Stanley and Stanley (2017),
and Lucas and Musso (2014) which states that social inclusion policies in transportation must
cover all levels of disadvantaged groups including student groups while still paying attention
to the provision of public transportation services to transit services.
Analysis of the implementation of JakLingko's transportation policy for students in East
Jakarta City shows the fact that it has grown wider and more evenly to target student groups.
The ease of transportation services for students has been supported by the development of
commitments from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through the public transportation
subsidy budget, so that it has a positive impact on JakLingko services to a tariff of Rp. 0; (zero
rupiah tariff). Based on the analysis of field findings through the social welfare policy
framework, it shows that the basis of the policies implemented adheres to universalism so as
to ensure that all levels of society are entitled as beneficiaries, including student groups in DKI
Jakarta. JakLingko's transportation policy and subsidies are provided directly in the form of
services to JakLingko users with the application of a fee of IDR 0; (Zero Rupiah Tariff). The
implementation of JakLingko's transportation policy uses a funding system from the Regional
Budget (APBD) as regulated through a governor's regulation. The ease of JakLingko
transportation services has been able to support the level of student mobility in East Jakarta
City, but in the implementation process there are still several things that need to get special
intervention, including several obstacles in fulfilling student welfare such as the pattern of
punctuality of the arrival of the JakLingko fleet which until now is still complained by students.
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