Conference Paper

Automated attendance management system using face recognition

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Face Detection and Recognition is an important area in the field of substantiation. Maintenance of records of students along with monitoring of class attendance is an area of administration that requires significant amount of time and efforts for management. Automated Attendance Management System performs the daily activities of attendance analysis, for which face recognition is an important aspect. The prevalent techniques and methodologies for detecting and recognizing face like PCA-LDA, etc fail to overcome issues such as scaling, pose, illumination, variations, rotation, and occlusions. The proposed system provides features such as detection of faces, extraction of the features, detection of extracted features, analysis of students' attendance and monthly attendance report generation. The proposed system integrates techniques such as image contrasts, integral images, Ada-Boost, Haar-like features and cascading classifier for feature detection. Faces are recognized using advanced LBP using the database that contains images of students and is used to recognize student using the captured image. Better accuracy is attained in results and the system takes into account the changes that occurs in the face over the period of time.

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... The attendance report also can be sent through email to the required individual, if required [1]. Attendance marking in a classroom during a lecture is not only a onerous task but also a time consuming one at that. ...
The main purpose of this project is to build a face recognition based attendance management system for any institution or organization to enhance and upgrade the current attendance monitoring system in to a more efficient and effective one. The current system has lot of ambiguity that causes inaccurate and inefficient attendance record. Problems of attendance monitoring and management that exists in the current system can be resolved using current emerging technologies. The technology working behind this proposed project will be the face recognition system. The human face is one of the natural traits that can uniquely identify an individual. Possibilities for a human face to change or being duplicated is low. In this project, databases of human face images will be created to use them in the recognizer algorithm. During the attendance human faces will be compared against the stored data to seek for identity. When an individual is identified, attendance will be recorded automatically by saving the necessary information in to an excel sheet database. Further the saved attendance information can be used for monitoring and management purposes.
... Some might argue that independent learning is the best way for students to learn and that students have the right to manage their own time, even if this means missing class. However, considering the amount of money students are paying for their education, and the fact that lax attendance systems are known toaffect particular students' studies and the university's reputation [1],attendance recordsare important to understand student progress and development. In some institutions, without a certain percentage of attendance, studentsare not allowed to sit for an examination, while in some other institutions,attendance is part of the continuous assessment. ...
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— In every higher education setting in Malaysia, there are concerns about student attendance, as the current process of manual attendance taking is not only time consuming but is also inaccurate. Inconsistent attendance in class may significantly affect students’ overall academic performance. Thus, having a consistent attendance system is important. This paper proposes a mobile attendance system equipped with face recognition and a GPS locator. The face recognition adopts the Local Binary Pattern Histogram (LBPH) algorithm and retrieves the student’s location using GPS services. This project has a high potential to replace the current attendance system, as it is designed for speed and accuracy and is more convenient than the current approach.
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The attendance management of the organization is an essential activity of their mundane life, has necessitated the need for revolutionary automatic attendance record-keeping and tracking systems. Paper surveys the emerging automated tools and applications which are popularly dominating this activity and fulfilling the requirement of accurate attendance marking systems. The technological era has gravitated more towards biometric attendance systems, but there are myriad other technologies that have been neglected thoroughly. The author identifies, extract, classify, and highlight all the evolving AMS (Attendance Management System) and have analyzed and compared their performances precisely and conscientiously. This survey identifies assorted AMS as biometric, NFC (Near Field Communication), RIFD (Radio Frequency Identification), Bluetooth, and cloud computing-based attendance systems. This article not only provides the literature review on the earlier work, but also provides an analytical report related to cloud-based AMS, discussions, and future recommendations.
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