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«Nun sag’, KI, wie hast du’s mit der Wahrheit?» Über die Lesekompetenz in Zeiten der Künstlichen Intelligenz // «Now Tell Me, AI, How Do You Treat the Truth?» On Reading Proficiency in the Age of Artificial Intelligence


Abstract and Figures

Was passiert mit der Lesekompetenz, wenn die KI Texte produziert? Das Lesen hat mit der Zunahme von Lesesituationen mit Internetdokumenten bereits eine Ausdifferenzierung und Aufwertung evaluativer Fähigkeiten erfahren, die mit Textbots wie ChatGPT nochmals verstärkt wird. Die Herausforderung ist zunächst gleich: Das Internet offeriert Aussagen und Quellen variierenden Geltungsanspruchs in puncto Wahrheit bzw. Glaubwürdigkeit, und kompetente Leser:innen müssen durch die Konjunktur von ChatGPT & Co. – und das ist das Neue – mehr denn je damit rechnen, auf gut geschriebene Texte zu stossen, die sie sorgfältig zu prüfen imstande sein sollten. Evaluative Fähigkeiten wirken damit immer nötiger, der Beitrag systematisiert sie. // What happens to reading skills when AI produces texts? With the increase in reading situations involving internet documents, reading has already undergone a differentiation and reappraisal of evaluative skills - a development being further intensified by textbots such as ChatGPT. The challenge for readers is at first the same: the internet offers statements and sources with varying claims in terms of truth or credibility. However, with the rise of ChatGPT & Co. competent readers must expect more than ever to encounter well-written but epistemically insecure texts that they should be able to check carefully. Evaluative skills thus seem to become more and more crucial, the article systematizes them.
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The goals of this article are three-pronged. The first is to consider the perspectives and insights collectively offered by the four contributions to this special issue dealing with higher-order, critical, and critical-analytic thinking. The second is to build on the content of those contributions and on the literature from philosophy and educational psychology to establish meaningful distinctions among higher-order, critical, and critical-analytic thinking. Those distinctions are then used to map the relative position of these three forms of mental engagement within the realm of “valued” thinking. Valued thinking is an omnibus label for reflective and intentional thinking prized over reactive or intuitive thinking. Third, this treatise sets forth cautions for those seeking to navigate the realm of valued thinking or to guide others toward that destination.
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Die Bedeutung des Lesens multipler Dokumente nimmt zu. Dieses Buch systematisiert deshalb dieses neue Feld der Leseforschung. Ausführlich widmet es sich zentralen theoretischen Modellen und empirischen Befunden zu Prozessen und Produkten. Dabei bilden zwei Prozesse, Integrieren und Sourcing, das Rückgrat. An ihnen entlang werden Anforderungen, Leistungen und Förderbarkeit verortet und entfaltet. // The importance of reading multiple documents is on the rise. Therefore, this book systemizes this new field of reading research. It extensively pays attention to central theoretical models and empirical findings of both processes and products. Two processes guide this approach, namely integrating and sourcing. Alongside these both processes conditions, achievements and issues of promotion are clarified.
Background/Context The Internet has democratized access to information but in so doing has opened the floodgates to misinformation, fake news, and rank propaganda masquerading as dispassionate analysis. Despite mounting attention to the problem of online misinformation and growing agreement that digital literacy efforts are important, prior research offers few concrete ideas about what skilled evaluations look like. Purpose/Objective/Research Question/Focus of Study Our purpose in this study was to seek out those who are skilled in online evaluations in order to understand how their strategies and approaches to evaluating digital content might inform educational efforts. We sampled 45 experienced users of the Internet: 10 Ph.D. historians, 10 professional fact checkers, and 25 Stanford University undergraduates. Analysis focused on the strategies participants used to evaluate online information and arrive at judgments of credibility. Research Design In this expert/novice study, participants thought aloud as they evaluated live websites and searched for information on social and political issues such as bullying, minimum wage, and teacher tenure. We analyze and present findings from three of the tasks participants completed. Findings/Results Historians and students often fell victim to easily manipulated features of websites, such as official-looking logos and domain names. They read vertically, staying within a website to evaluate its reliability. In contrast, fact checkers read laterally, leaving a site after a quick scan and opening up new browser tabs in order to judge the credibility of the original site. Compared to the other groups, fact checkers arrived at more warranted conclusions in a fraction of the time. Conclusions/Recommendations We draw on insights gleaned from the fact checkers’ practices to examine current curricular approaches to teaching web credibility as well as to suggest alternatives.
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