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Industrial pollution and its effect in the context of Bangladesh



In recent times, Bangladesh has experienced increased environmental degradation in general, particularly industrial pollution. The effect of industrial pollution is huge and the country is affected badly in a socio-economic way. This article emphasizes the problem of industrial pollution with regard to the present status of the environment in Bangladesh. It contains a summary of the country’s major environmental problems, a compilation of varied information on industrial pollution, and its effects. In the end, this article gives a silver lining on the magnitude of the problem and strategies for handling industrial waste management in an environment-friendly way.
Corresponding author: Ruhul A. Khan
Copyright © 2023 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Liscense 4.0.
Industrial pollution and its effect in the context of Bangladesh
Anindita Saha 1, George R. Engelhardt 2, Digby D. Macdonald 3 and Ruhul A. Khan 1, *
1 Water Analysis Laboratory, Institute of Radiation and Polymer Technology, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission,
Savar, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.
2 OLI Systems, Morris Plains, New Jersey 07950-2443, USA.
3 Departments of Nuclear Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering, University of California at Berkeley,
Berkeley, California 94720, USA.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(02), 936945
Publication history: Received on 03 April 2023; revised on 14 May 2023; accepted on 17 May 2023
Article DOI:
In recent times, Bangladesh has experienced increased environmental degradation in general, particularly industrial
pollution. The effect of industrial pollution is huge and the country is affected badly in a socio-economic way. This article
emphasizes the problem of industrial pollution with regard to the present status of the environment in Bangladesh. It
contains a summary of the country’s major environmental problems, a compilation of varied information on industrial
pollution, and its effects. In the end, this article gives a silver lining on the magnitude of the problem and strategies for
handling industrial waste management in an environment-friendly way.
Keywords: Industrial Pollution; Environment; Bangladesh; Wastewater; Waste management
1. Introduction
Industrialization started in Bangladesh during the 1950s with the establishment of jute, cotton, and sugar-based
industries. In the late 1970s, industrialization increased rapidly driven primarily by the garments industry. Several
government initiatives were also undertaken to promote industrial growth, including the establishment of industrial
estates and export processing zones. By late 1990, around 60 industrial estates and two export processing zones were
established. Growth was particularly marked in the garments sector. It was reported that huge growth in the garments
industry sector happened after 1990 and reached more than four thousand enterprises in 2005. And now, Bangladesh’s
Economic growth improves as the industry sector employs a larger share of employment, providing for almost 21.32%
of overall employment in 2019 [1-3].
Though the industrial sector has a huge contribution to economic development, unplanned rapid industrialization is
bringing out adverse impacts on natural resources. Bangladesh loses 8000 ha. of farmland annually due to rapid
urbanization, industrialization, unanticipated rural housing, and infrastructure development. Industrialization is one of
the main reasons for environmental pollution and industrial pollution is wreaking havoc on the environment,
destroying natural resources. Natural and anthropogenic practices are increasingly depleting resources, which is
alarming [4-5]. Bangladesh spotted 1st position among the most polluted countries with a PM2.5 reading of 83.30
micrograms per cubic meter and Dhaka ranked 21st position among the most polluted cities in 2019 [6].
From a pollution point of view, dyeing, leather, sugar, pulp, and paper industries are the major contributors. Non-
renewable local resource-based industries include industries based on mineral resources such as limestone, hard rock,
gravel, glass, sand, and various types of clays. In this category, major polluters are the cement and fertilizer factories.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(02), 936945
Imported resource-based industries include textiles, pharmaceuticals, plastics, petroleum, and metal works. Many of
these are found to be highly polluting.
Figure 1 Scenario of industrial pollution in Bangladesh
The EIA report on ship-breaking industries found a negative effect on abiotic and biotic factors which included soil
quality, soil fertility, air quality, water quality, vegetation coverage, animal life, forest, and biodiversity. Limitations of
resources, absence of interagency coordination, and lack of monitored regulation are determined as constraints of
administration, resulting in continued pollution [7-10].
Above, this article focuses on the problem of industrial pollution in relation to the present environmental scenario in
Bangladesh. It reviews the existing information on the issue in order to shed light on the magnitude of the problem and
strategies for handling the crisis including their limitations. The discussion is opened by presenting a summary of the
country’s major environmental problems. It also briefly analyzes industrial approaches to combat industrial pollution
in Bangladesh. Finally, we look at some heartening recent strategies to encounter environmental problems, especially
industrial pollution and furnish some suggestions.
2. Types of Industries in Bangladesh
Industrialization is an essential prerequisite for the rapid economic growth of a developing country like Bangladesh.
There are various industries in Bangladesh including garments, chemical, pharmaceutical, leather, fertilizer, cement,
tannery, and food. The growth rate of industries is on average 6- 10%. Chemical and pharmaceutical, power, food and
allied industries have a major share in numbers as shown in figure.2.
Figure 2 Percentage of Industrial sectors in Bangladesh. (Source: Bangladesh National accounts Blue Book 2016)
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(02), 936945
Industrialization is a better solution to economic development for a highly populated country like Bangladesh. So, the
economic policy has been changing from agriculture to industrial sectors in the last few years [11-13]. The growth rate
of the industry in the different sectors is quite satisfactory. Bangladesh aims to become a middle‐income country by
2021 for its rapid economic growth in recent times. The textile sector has contributed 82% of the country’s total export
revenue [1].
Figure 3 Sectoral contribution to GDP (Source: RUBA et al., Current World Environment, Vol. 16-2:348-361, 2021)
2.1. Pollution Caused by the Industrial Wastes
Though industrialization plays a significant role in the development of Bangladesh, it has also brought with it a range of
problems. The industries tend to be clustered together and are highly polluting. As a consequence of their rapid and
largely unregulated development, many aquatic ecosystems are now under threat, and with them the livelihood systems
of local people [14,15]. Some major pollution caused by industrial sectors in Bangladesh are discussed below:
2.2. Water Pollution
Water is the most vital element among natural resources and is crucial for the survival of all living organisms including
humans, for food production and economic development. Water quality depends on effluent types and discharge
quantity from different types of industries, types of agrochemicals used in agriculture, and seasonal water flow and
dilution capability by the river system [16,17].
The water quality of rivers has been seriously affected by the dumping of municipal solid waste, the direct connection
of sewerage lines, and toxic industrial discharge [18].
Figure 4 Major sources of water pollution
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Major sources of water pollution are shown in figure 4. For example, Water pollution in the Buriganga river is at its
highest level now. The most significant source of pollution appears to be an industrial and urban waste. In the dry
season, the dissolved oxygen level becomes very low and the river water becomes toxic. Most importantly, the quality
of the Buriganga river water has continuously been deteriorating. Due to severe water pollution problems, Buriganga
is under threat of becoming a dead river in the future. Therefore, immediately necessary measures should take to save
the life of the river Buriganga [19-21]. In figure 5, the scenario of water pollution in the Buriganga river is shown.
Figure 5 Water pollution in Buriganga river, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Industrialization coupled with urbanization has caused an excess release of wastewater, putting aquatic lives in
immense harm. Heavy metals, pesticides, hydrocarbons, organic waste, pathogens, fertilizers, and new pollutants are
polluting freshwater resources. More than 80% of wastewater in the world is dumped into the environment untreated.
Figure 6. summarizes the water pollution load of ten major water-polluting industries. It shows that the water pollution
load from the textile industry is approximately one-third of that of the food processing industry [22].
Figure 6 Establishing the accuracy of pollution load of major water-polluting industries
Water is presently contaminated by heavy metals from dyeing industries and oil spills from ship braking industries and
ongoing vessels [10]. Rapid industrialization dramatically impacts emerging nations, resulting in huge economic and
health losses due to toxicological effects on persons and the environment from air, water, and soil pollution. Around
70% of the wastewater that high-income nations produce is treated, compared to 38% in middle-income countries and
28% in lower-middle-income countries. Wastewater is mostly generated in the urban and industrial sectors, with
additional sources including urban runoff, agricultural runoff, mining operations, landfill leachate, municipal, and
energy generation. Hazardous organic components in wastewater include persistent organic contaminants,
hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, PCBs, and volatile organic compounds [23-25].
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2.3. Air Pollution
Ambient air pollution puts everyone at risk, from a child to the elderly. From 2018 to 2021, Dhaka was ranked as the
second most polluted city in the world. In 2019, air pollution was the second largest cause of deaths and disability in
Bangladesh and cost about 3.9 to 4.4% of the country's GDP," said the acting World Bank Country Director for
Bangladesh and Bhutan, Dandan Chen [26].
Industrial exposures were identified as the major cause of air pollution in Bangladesh. The brick kiln industry, cement,
steel, rice mill, and glass factory are regarded as major influential contributors to air pollution [27-29]. The relative
contribution in the percentage of air pollution into the environment is presented in Figure 7. It can be seen that the top
three air-polluting industries (brick industry, cement, lime, and plaster industry, and iron and steel industry) are
responsible for almost 8289% of the total air pollution in Bangladesh [22].
Figure 7 Relative contribution of different industries to air pollution
Industrial development is another major source of air pollution. Most of the industries in Bangladesh are situated in
major urban areas. The food industry emits the maximum number of pollutants followed by cement, pulp and paper
industry, and textile. In the food industry, most of the pollutants come from sugar mills. Pollution of air, water, and land
is caused mainly by pulp and paper, food, tannery, and leather industry where the food industry caused greater air
pollution, and sugar, mill, and oil factories contributed to pollutant emissions in the air. Hence, 81% of hazardous
chemical emissions would end up in the air [30,31].
2.4. Soil pollution
Industrial development has outpaced agricultural growth, and it generates heavy metalloids and solid waste, and
environmental deterioration. Heavy metals released into the soil by factories pose a significant danger to the
atmosphere, as soil toxicity and pollution result from rapid industrial activity. Heavy metal deposition in farm soils is
closely related to industrial wastewater used for irrigation. Although the readymade garments industry contributed
significantly to the growth of nearby areas, the inadequate amenities and facilities exacerbated the problem [32-34].
The ascendant order of metallic concentration (Fe > Zn > Ni > Cr >Pb> Cu >Cd) was found in arable soil where Cd content
in soil surpassed the allowable limit around industrial localities [35]. In agricultural soil near DEPZ, a great proportion
of As, Fe, Hg, Mn, and Zn was observed in the dry season, and As, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Hg were determined in the wet season.
N, P, and K were observed to be lower on rice plants that were planted on contaminated soil, indicating a significant
negative effect on soil and plant growth. Heavy metalloids are responsible for entering into the ecosystem and
deteriorating human health, the wild, and the bio environment [36].
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3. Effects on the Environment & Human Health
The availability of heavy metals in river water directly affects fish physiology and consumption ultimately affects human
health. The presence of heavy metals in the aquatic environment is of major concern because of their heavy toxicity, and
bio-accumulating tendency in the biota. Pollution by heavy metals is a threat to human life and the entire environment
as well as the wetland ecosystem [37-39].
Contaminated water is not suitable for household uses and possibly hazardous to many aquatic animals and human
health. Salmonella spp. concentrations found in water and soil samples exceed the standard level both in water and soil
which indicates contaminated water is unsuitable for drinking or for even washing without appropriate water
treatment for humans [40]. In figure 8, the percentage of environmental health risks caused by different types of
industrial pollution is shown.
Figure 8 Percentage of environmental health risks
Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus causes abdominal cramping, and water-borne diseases like diarrhea, fever, nausea,
and vomiting [41]. Long-term consumption of fish may have a negative impact on human health [42]. The toxic chemical
pollutants like Hg, Pb, Cd, COC, and DO were found higher than the EQS value which is dangerous for the entire aquatic
ecosystem and public health. Excessive discharge of nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus compounds in the water system
can cause eutrophication. The presence of NO3 - in natural water is associated with ecological and health hazards, excess
NO3 - in human food and animal feed has adverse impacts, and in human health, it causes methemoglobinemia cancer
(child cancer), and respiratory illness. Excess NO3 - pollute water causing eutrophication [43,44].
Syed Nazmul Ahsan, 2019 stated that a qualitative assessment found three major types of diseases appeared to be highly
correlated with industrial water pollution. These are skin diseases, diarrhea, and dysentery. Also, 20 types of illness
were identified due to industrial pollution. It affirmed that these types of illnesses have been increasing in the last 10
years [45]. Abu Naser Zafar Ullah et al. (Human Health and Industrial Pollution in Bangladesh, Kaliakoir, Gazipur)
reported that skin problems, allergic conditions, itching, and other skin lesions are contact-type diseases. Research has
shown that the Khal and beel are generally alkalies, which is likely to be attributable to the extensive use of the alkalis
soda ash and caustic soda in the textile dyeing industry. This alkalinity is likely to be a key factor in the skin irritations
reported by local communities as they reported that the symptoms manifest themselves when their skin has come into
physical contact with beel water or sediment. The pollutants from industries are responsible for it. Pollutants from
industries enter in the River through the Khal and beel and end up here [46].
Both short and long-term exposure to high levels of air pollution increases the risk of respiratory infection, heart
disease, and lung cancer. Children, the elderly, the already ill, and poor people are more susceptible. Long-time exposure
to ambient particulate matter accounts for 62% of all pollution-attributable deaths and 55% of Disability Adjusted Life
Years. Air pollution causes the third-highest risk of premature death in the South East Asian region, including
Bangladesh. Another report stated that in Bangladesh, 123,000 deaths were related to household and ambient air
pollution in 2017 and 173,500 in 2019. Five diseases, namely lung cancer 13%, lower respiratory tract infection 7%,
chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases 7%, ischemic heart disease 6%, and stroke 5% are attributable to air pollution
among the top 10 diseases of death in Bangladesh. Eco-Social Development Organization, an action-research
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(02), 936945
conservation NGO in Bangladesh, reported in 2019, at least 200,000 people in Bangladesh might have died because of
long-term exposure to polluted air [47-51].
4. Future Development
Bangladesh has achieved several milestones in the environmental sector despite the hardship of poverty, resource
scarcity, overpopulation, corruption, and natural calamities. Achievements ranged from the incorporation of
environmental concerns in sectoral policy formulation to benchmarking success at the field level. Like any other
country, achieving environmentally sound development has emerged as the greatest challenge for Bangladesh.
Integration of environmental issues and concerns into development processes should be a prime concern for
Bangladesh. The growth of the country must be based on the principle of sustainable development. Economic growth
and environmental sustainability should be treated as mutually interdependent aspects to improve the well-being of
the nation.
In order to improve the situation, interventions both at the national and local levels are required. The implementation
of legislation on safety precautions, and banning toxic chemicals and pollutant concentrations in industrial discharges
into water sources are all required. Currently, most dyeing units across Bangladesh are in breach of the Environmental
Conservation Act. However, the Department of Environmental due to financial, human, and political reasons does not
act. An Information, Education, and Communication campaign would be beneficial in providing an understanding in the
community about risks and possible ways to minimize them and to inform the people of Bangladesh public of the
problems. It should be mandatory for all textile and dyeing industries to adopt more efficient production options. It also
should be mandatory that industries construct and then regularly and efficiently operate their Effluent Treatment Plants
(ETPs) and monitor their effluents to keep them within the standards set by law [52-54]
A policy brief of the MACH (Management of Aquatic Ecosystems through Community Husbandry) project titled
Industrial Pollution and its Threat to Wetlands in Bangladesh reported that Textile industries increased 8-fold in 3 years
in the Turag-Bangshi catchment. Few are functioning ETPs that they are required to have by law. It also suggested that
flow segregation and optimization of chemical dosing can reduce the operating cost of ETP.
Then continuous monitoring is necessary to evaluate air quality and for the development plan to mitigate the health
risk from air pollution. DoE has set up 4 monitoring stations at four divisional towns namely, Dhaka, Khulna, Chittagong,
and Bogra. More stringent enforcement to reduce air pollution is required. Industrial waste management should include
monitoring carbon exposure, market-based reward governance, recycling, and green technology adaptation [55,56].
In protecting the environment and controlling industrial pollution, the following measures may be suggested:
introduction of greener technologies and waste energy recovery systems, provision of incentives for retrofitting,
reduction of industrial processes responsible for ‘greenhouse’ gas emission, relocation of obnoxious industries like
tanneries which are located in densely populated areas, identification and design of environmental norms, setting up
quality standards and enforcement of those to regulate industrial emissions [31].
Increased awareness among industrialists about the pollution problem and their legal and social responsibility is
necessary to prevent industrial pollution. Moreover, International buyers have a key role in influencing the industry,
they need to be influenced to adopt environmental codes of conduct and then enforce them on their supplying
industries. Most importantly, Bangladesh trade bodies should change their role and set environmental conditions for
membership, for example, they could cancel the membership of companies that fail to install and operate properly ETPs.
Finally, Government departments especially the Department of Environment (DOE), industrial associations and
chambers, research institutions, international buyers, non-governmental organizations, and legal experts need to work
together to develop a framework and modalities of implementation for improved environmental governance [57-59].
5. Conclusion
Among a series of alarming environmental problems, industrial pollution has been identified to be one of the most
notorious and fatal environmental hazards for Bangladesh. Though the industrial sector now makes a significant
contribution toward the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country, we cannot ignore the pollution that occurred in
our industry sector. Bangladesh will face the imminent risk of an environmental catastrophe if the rate and magnitude
of industrial pollution cannot be controlled properly. In conclusion, this article has attempted to offer an overview of
the problem of industrial pollution and how it affects the environment and socio-economic life of Bangladesh. This
review also addresses the strategies and recommendations to minimize the problem.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(02), 936945
Compliance with ethical standards
The research work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of the People's Republic of
Bangladesh under the Special Allocation for Science and Technology Programme, Financial Year 2022-2023. The Project
Title is Analysis and Treatment of Industrial Waste Effluents by Chemical and Radiation Techniques, Project ID: SRG-
222373, Project Group: EAS. Name of the Principal Investigator: Dr. Ruhul Amin Khan.
Disclosure of conflict of interest
All authors state that there is no conflict of interest.
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industrial pollution in Bangladesh. Stockholm Environment Institute, York, UK.
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Bangladesh has experienced numerous tragedies and casualties in the chemical industry, resulting in unparalleled losses in terms of human, social, and economic adversity, primarily attributed to the absence of effective occupational health and safety management. Despite having various sectoral legislative frameworks, there is a notable absence of a comprehensive legal framework specifically addressing chemical safety management issues. Moreover, the existing regulations have not successfully established a nexus between chemical safety, employee well-being, potential opportunities, and task performance. This highlights the insufficient attention given to occupational health and chemical safety issues at the policy level, with limited research dedicated to these critical concerns. Consequently, for the first time in the context of Bangladesh, this critical review aims to identify optimal strategies for the long-term sustainable development of Bangladesh in the realm of occupational chemical safety and management. The review critically evaluates the current state of Bangladesh's national chemical management, offering a policy trajectory for consideration. It meticulously analyzes the disjunctions and incongruities between prescribed guidelines and actual practices in chemical management within the Bangladeshi context. Furthermore, it establishes a comprehensive framework for a nationwide chemical management system, aligning with global best practices and guidelines. The study also delineates existing gaps and challenges while outlining future priorities that warrant immediate government attention and sustained commitment to enhance chemical safety management. Therefore, this research serves as a foundational reference for policymakers not only in Bangladesh but also for those in other developing economies grappling with escalating chemical demands, providing guidance for constructing an appropriate infrastructure and legal framework for enduring chemical management.
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Although the industrial sector contributes significantly to Bangladesh's economic growth and development, unplanned rapid industrialization is having a detrimental impact on natural resources. Since industrial waste has become a major concern, this study reviewed previously published research papers to highlight the detrimental effects of industrial waste on natural resources. This review observed industrial waste have a substantial impact on natural resources, causing contamination of the air, water, and soil, alongside disruption of aquatic and forest ecology. Therefore, effective policy enforcement is expected to ensure that industrialization is sustainable, both in terms of mitigating environmental pollution and promoting more environmentally friendly industries. Bangladesh's long-term sustainability and prosperity necessitate industrialization, but it should be done in an environmentally sustainable manner.
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In the last two decades, water use has increased at twice the rate of population growth. The freshwater resources are getting polluted by contaminants like heavy metals, pesticides, hydrocarbons, organic waste, pathogens, fertilizers, and emerging pollutants. Globally more than 80% of the wastewater is released into the environment without proper treatment. Rapid industrialization has a dramatic effect on developing countries leading to significant losses to economic and health well-being in terms of toxicological impacts on humans and the environment through air, water, and soil pollution. This article provides an overview of physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove wastewater contaminants. A physical and/or chemical technique alone appears ineffective for recovering useful resources from wastewater containing complex components. There is a requirement for more processes or processes combined with membrane and biological processes to enhance operational efficiency and quality. More processes or those that are combined with biological and membrane-based processes are required to enhance operational efficiencies and quality. This paper intends to provide an exhaustive review of electrochemical technologies including microbial electrochemical technologies. It provides comprehensive information for the recovery of metals, nutrients, sulfur, hydrogen, and heat from industrial effluents. This article aims to give detailed information into the advancements in electrochemical processes to energy use, improve restoration performance, and achieve commercialization. It also covers bottlenecks and perspectives of this research area.
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This study deals with evaluating the surrounding environment at some selected locations (Hazaribagh, Mitford Ghat, Sadarghat, and Postogola) around Buriganga River, to evaluate the river's water quality in terms of some very fundamental water quality parameters (such as pH, temperature, alkalinity, turbidity, iron, chloride and BOD). To do this assessment for the Buriganga River, the study area was chosen to find out the water quality parameters such as the pH of water of river Buriganga was shown a variation from 7.4 to 6.8. The right bank of the river holds a higher pH value from the left bank and middle. The color of the river water was shown a variation from 322 to 756 mg/l. The turbidity of the river water was shown in a variation of 7.2 NTU to 55 NTU. The chloride of water of the river Buriganga was found in a range of 55 mg/l to 178 mg/l. The alkalinity of water of the river Buriganga was found to vary from 370 mg/l to 471 mg/l. Among them 370 mg/l was shown in Hazaribagh and 471 mg/l was showed in Postogola. The iron of water of the river Buriganga was found in a range of 0.38 mg/l to 0.91 mg/l. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is not actually a water quality parameter but it is the most commonly used indicator of the general health of a surface water body which varies from 71.67 to 87.5 mg/l (BOD 5) during the test. The mean values for the parameters were compared with the surface water quality standards as set by the Department of Environment (DOE) in Bangladesh. The water quality test results have also been summarised and presented through boxes and graphs.
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The study was conducted to determine heavy metal contents in industrial wastewater and contaminated soils of Bhaluka, Mymensingh and to assess their pollution level. A total of 9 industrial wastewater and 12 contaminated farm soil samples were collected directly from the farmers' fields of Bhaluka area and analysed for this study. Considering EC, salinity and TDS, 56 to 89% wastewater samples were found problematic for long term irrigation. The concentration of CO 3 , HCO 3 and Cl in wastewater ranged from 0.20-1.60, 2.0-11.2 and 1.30-4.79 me L-1 , respectively and the content of Ca, Mg, Na and K in wastewater ranged from 16.03-52.10, 4.86-21.87, 101.98-678.90 and 5.59-48.63 mg L-1 , respectively. The study results revealed that all wastewater samples were found unsuitable for irrigation in respect of CO 3 , HCO 3 and K. Among the heavy metals studied, Pb, Cd and Fe concentrations in all wastewater samples and Mn content in 5 samples were found above than the acceptable limit for irrigation. The concentration of Zn, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cd, Mn and Fe in wastewater irrigated soils of Bhaluka industrial area ranged from 50.48 to 448.56, 47.22 to 83.65, 19.13 to 328.23, 42.37 to 77.96, 22.93 to 43.86, 0.70 to 1.40, 161.5 to 341.7 and 38105 to 65399 μg g-1 , respectively. Considering geoaccumulation index, the I geo values for Pb and Cd for all locations of the study area exhibited positive values (0.495< I geo <1.624), that means I geo class: 1-2, indicate moderately polluted soil quality. On the other hand, as regards to enrichment factor (EFc), 9 locations for Pb, 5 for Cd, 1 for Zn and 1 for Cu had EFc values > 5.0, indicate contaminated soil quality. The study concluded that industrial wastewater used for irrigation was directly linked with the heavy metals deposition in the farm soils.
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Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is among the most polluted cities in the world. This research evaluates seasonal patterns, day-of-week patterns, spatial gradients, and trends in PM2.5 (< 2.5µm in aerodynamic diameter), PM10 (< 10µm in aerodynamic diameter), and gaseous pollutants concentrations (SO2, NO2, CO, and O3) monitored in Dhaka from 2013 to 2017. It expands on past work by considering multiple monitoring sites and air pollutants. Except for ozone, the average concentrations of these pollutants showed strong seasonal variation, with maximum during winter and minimum during monsoon, with the pollution concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 being roughly 5-6 fold higher during winter vs. monsoon. Our comparisons of the pollutant concentrations with Bangladesh-NAAQS and US-NAAQS limits analysis indicate particulate matter (PM2.5 & PM10) as the air pollutants of greatest concern, as they frequently exceeded the Bangladesh-NAAQS and US-NAAQS, especially during non-monsoon time. In contrast, gaseous pollutants reported far fewer exceedances throughout the study period. During the study period, the highest number of exceedances of NAAQS limits in Dhaka city (Darus-Salam site) found for PM2.5 (72% of total study days), followed by PM10 (40% of total study days), O3 (1.7% of total study days), SO2 (0.38% of total study days), and CO (0.25% of total study days). The trend analyses results showed statistically significant positive slopes over time for SO2 [5.6 ppb yr⁻¹, 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 0.7, 10.5] and CO [0.32 ppm yr⁻¹, 95% CI: 0.01, 0.56] which suggest increase in brick kilns operation and high sulfur diesel use. Though the statistically non-significant annual decreasing slopes for PM2.5 [-4.6 µg/m³ yr⁻¹, 95% CI: -12.7, 3.6] & PM10 [-2.7 µg/m³ yr⁻¹, 95% CI: -7.9, 2.5] were observed during this study period, the PM2.5 concentration is still too high (~82.0 µg/m³) and can cause severe impact on human health. Implications This study revealed key insights into air quality challenges across Dhaka, Bangladesh, indicating particulate matter (PM) as Dhaka’s most serious air pollutant threat to human health. The results of these analyses indicate that there is a need for immediate further investigations, and action based on those investigations, including the conduct local epidemiological PM exposure-human health effects studies for this city, in order to determine the most public health effective interventions.
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p>The present investigation was conducted to assess the water quality status of the river Buriganga. Water samples were collected from three selected stations in wet (June-August) and dry (November-January) seasons during the years 2017 and 2018. Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen (DO) of water varied from 22.80 to 31.40 °C and 0.22 to 2.74 mg/L, respectively. Electrical conductivity of water varied from 180 to 598 μS/cm while pH ranged from 7.61 to 8.97. This study showed that temperature, DO and Fe were higher in wet season than in the dry season, whereas pH, conductivity and phosphate were higher in dry season than in the wet season. But manganese did not vary in different seasons. It is found that the differences of water quality parameters were significant in seasons (p<0.05) except for Fe and insignificant for stations (p>0.05) except for DO. The results reveal that there were significant differences between sampling seasons (wet and dry) (p<0.05) except for temperature and manganese. A significant correlation (p<0.01) was also found among temperature and other parameters viz. DO, conductivity, pH, phosphate. According to the result obtained in the present study, it may be said that the water quality of the river Buriganga is not acceptable to declare the river-ecosystem as a sound one ecologically. J. Biodivers. Conserv. Bioresour. Manag. 2018, 4(1): 47-54 </p
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Heavy metal is a member of loosely defined subset of elements that exhibit metallic properties. It mainly includes the transition metals, some metalloids, lanthanides, and actinides. Heavy metals are ubiquitous in the environment, as a result of both natural and anthropogen-ic activities. They are stable and cannot be destroyed, and therefore tend to accumulate in the environment. In recent years, there has been a substantial concern over the extent of contamination of the environment with toxic elements. Soil pollution caused by rapid industrial activities has become a worrisome phenomenon due to its impact on soil and environment. Heavy metal pollution in soil arising from industrial discharges significantly poses a great threat to the environment. Heavy metals come to the soil by several ways and the soil becomes toxic which cause serious problem to the environment. In toxic soil, microorganisms cannot persist and there create an imbalance situation in the soil. The main objective of this study was to assess the problem of heavy metal contamination in industrial area soil in Bangladesh with environmental risk assessment.
This study explores how rapid industrialization alongside a lack of regulatory controls through policy and planning encourages unplanned rapid urbanization in suburban areas. Taking Konabari–Kashimpur, a rapidly growing suburban area of the Greater Dhaka Region (GDR) as a case study, data has been collected through 16 key informant interviews and a questionnaire survey of 359 households in the area. The study finds that the readymade garment industry plays a significant role in the growth of this area. Negative externalities in the core area, the availability of large land parcels at a cheaper price, abundant labour supply and good transport connectivity to the core city make it favourable for industrialization. It is further found that industrialization and the forms of development taking place have largely occurred in an unplanned manner. Low-skilled and labour-intensive industry-driven growth has produced mixed-use intense development dominated by industrial and low-class residential uses. The impact of such growth on the suburban natural environment, infrastructure and society is found to be significant. The natural environment has been destroyed to provide land for industry and housing for workers. Basic service infrastructure and urban amenities have not increased proportionately to the growth of activities and the population. Moreover, the absence of a planning authority and land use regulations has worsened the situation further. It is concluded that the provision of basic infrastructure through planned intervention is required for sustainable urbanization.
Every year, a large amount of wastewater is discharged from various industries into the environment, and various methods are used to treat wastewater in order to reduce the amount of pollutants. Electrocoagulation (EC) is an electrochemically-based technique that generates coagulant species in situ from the electro dissolution of sacrificial anodes, usually made of iron or aluminum destabilizes suspended, dissolved, or emulsified pollutants by employing an electric current. It has a potential in removing various kinds of pollutants including organic and in-organic contaminants for various types of wastewater. The effectiveness of EC process depends on various parameters including pH, electrode, operation time, and current density. The goal of this study is to review the most relevant literatures that published recently. The main challenges associated with the EC process are electrode passivation and energy consumption. EC compared with other common methods has advantages such as reducing energy consumption and reducing operating costs.
Industrialization is an essential prerequisite for rapid economic growth of a developing country like Bangladesh. This study shows the major industrial growth of the country and their impact on the national economic development, public safety, health and environment. The capacity, productivity and export/import values of industrial products are used to establish the baseline scenario. There are significant numbers of chemical intensive industries such as textile, leather, food, fertilizer and pharmaceutical industry that have direct impact on socio economic development of the country. It is worth noting that Bangladesh is not only importing industrial products from other countries but also exporting a substantial amount of product to over 100 countries of the world and shows an impressive growth in industrial sectors Rapid industrial growth often offers a huge burden of environmental pollution and associated risks. Thus, there are still lots of space for Bangladesh to flourish in this sector. This study presents the prospects, and recommendations for major industrial sectors to achieve safe and sustainable industrial growth in Bangladesh.