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Nightshade advance polymorphic defense and warfare doctrine is written by “Adib Enayati, Ph.D.”, this doctrine has
numerous parts considering that it is designed for Modern and advance warfare, EMS superiority in electronic defense
and offense, strategic defense and much more. Cerberus Containment Chain is a small part of it. It is not a product and
the doctrine is not released and it is not available for the general population. Any claim regarding the nightshade made
by a third party is null and void unless they have a written authorization from the author. This paper is a public edition
of and titled “Cerberus Containment Chain — Utilizing the HEPT/PHBA to identify and suppress the insider threat”
which is cleared for public release.
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The purpose of this publication is to arm the industries and their leadership with the knowledge, understanding
and the mechanism to defend themselves against the potential insider threats and ultimately be able to protect
the interests of the United States of America against the foreign and domestic adversaries.
CopyrightⒸ and Author’s Notice
Author: Adib Enayati, Ph.D. —Cyber/Electronic Operations and Warfare
DOPSR CR: 23-S-2232
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Date of Publishing: 05/30/2023 — 13:00 EST
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Over the course of the history, the insiders have always inflicted the maximum damage to the
United States and its interests in the world. Which is why we require a new framework for
containing them. Security is a collective effort. The United States Department of Defense has
thousands of contractors and subcontractors that require access to the Sensitive Compartmented
Information in order to perform their required tasks. That aside, the defense industrial and
technological base is and has been the prime target for malicious actors due to its inseparable role
in national defense and security.
Adversaries understood that the electronic intrusion is not enough. The United States adversaries
are resilient and they are quick learners. They are motivated by hate towards the values that the
United States stands for. Every defeat has been a learning experience for them. They understood
the value of recruiting privileged individuals and the role that they can play in the intelligence
operations. As we have discussed many times before, the modern warfare has multiple fronts.
Technology has advanced quickly and the adversaries have aimed to utilize the technology in their
The Cerberus Containment Chain (CCC) is a part of the Nightshade Advance Polymorphic Defense
and Warfare Doctrine’s Intelligence and Counterintelligence Operations. We all have the
understanding that security is a collective effort. Every organization must be safe and be able to
protect its secrets from the threat actors. We cannot achieve the collective defense if an
organization is suffering from any sort of security breach. I have put together a version of the
Cerberus Containment Chain which is dedicated to identifying and containing the insider threats
for public release. You must understand that suppressing the insiders alone is not enough to
protect your organizations. Insider threats, while they are the most potent ones, cover a small
portion of the threat scale. I have previously published a public release of the Aegis Framework
(U.S. DoD DOPSR Ref: 23-S-1219) which you can utilize in order to prepare a comprehensive
defense plan for your organization and the purpose has always been the same, to secure your
organizations and businesses as a part of the collective defense and to ultimately be able to secure
the interests of the United States of America.
Digitally signed
by Adib Enayati,
12:42:36 -04'00'
Insider threats are the most potent of threats. An
insider is an individual with access. They can
retain and expose the sensitive compartmented
information, mission-critical information,
secrets and research data. They can cause
unprecedented damage to national security and
the position of the United States in the world.
Insiders can act alone while motivated by a
variety of factors (LAE/NSITA), they can be
recruited by a Foreign Intelligence Entity
(FIE/SSITA) or act on behalf of a local threat
actor (LTA/SITA). All malicious efforts pose
equal threats to the security posture, operational
security and continuity.
You must understand that your readiness is the
key to containment and recovery from an
insider-related incident. It is not just about
containing the threats; you must plan for your
resiliency and contingency. Your damage control
and response plan can save lives and aid the
recovery after an incident.
Insiders do not just appear within an
organization. They are developed over a period
of time; an event might trigger the insider
behavior and compels an individual to act
against the interest of the organization and
become an insider. While so, not every
individual becomes an insider and not every
insider is an insider by choice. Adversaries might
blackmail an individual and force them to act in
their interests. Anyone can become an insider if
the right pressure point is chosen. Adversaries
understood that and they have been perfecting
their methods.
is a modern framework designed to identify and
suppress the insider threats. Utilizing this
framework will give you the edge, you need in
fighting the insiders and secure your
organizations. As nightshade describes,
conventional passive approach towards security
is obsolete. Cerberus Containment Chain offers a
more active approach towards detection and
suppression of the insiders.
Insider threats are motivated by a variety of
reasons. Their justification of their actions can
have roots in their personality, lack of
awareness, social and professional status,
existing or developing mental state as well as the
need for attention and fame, personal and
financial issues, character weakness, betrayal
opportunity, lack of loyalty to the establishment,
Foreign Propaganda Campaigns, Revenge,
Workplace discrimination and injustice as well
as an individual driven by extremist beliefs.
Individuals with lack of proper knowledge and
awareness training can involuntarily disclose
information via elicitation which then permits
the foreign intelligence entities to exploit them
and force them into coercion to conduct
espionage, sabotage and to disclose sensitive
compartmented information.
Let us breakdown the insider’s motives and
behaviors: (these are the core categories but the
subject is not limited to these categories).
▪ Social and Professional Status:
Every human being is proud of his/her
achievements. When an individual does not
get the recognition that he/she deserves for
the tasks and the dedication that he/she has
shown that will leave a mark that affects
his/her performance and the motivation of
that individual to perform with efficiency.
This can happen in any environment.
▪ Mental State: Every human being is born
with a unique mind. The mental integrity of
an individual is a key factor that drives
his/her life decisions. An individual with a
weak mental state is unfit to lead and handle
the day-to-day stress and the responsibilities
of a job not to mention an individual with a
weak mental state is easier to manipulate and
exploit. While some degree of this factor is
paired with the individual’s perception of
him/herself, the rest is acquired throughout
the individual’s life and career.
▪ Need for Attention: As we already have
established, every human being is different.
Some individuals thrive on attention. They
feel the need to impress others to compensate
for their lack of self-esteem and other
weaknesses such as gaining fame or
▪ Personal Issues: Personal issues exist in
everyone’s life. Humans are emotionally
driven creatures. Their emotional state can
affect their performance and their judgment
especially when they possess a weak state of
mind. This can lead to substance abuse and
certain dangerous behaviors that can lead to
causing harm to themselves, others and the
national security.
▪ Character Weakness: Human beings are
full of flaws. Some flaws tend to stand out and
become dominant over the individual’s state
of mind and result in clouding their judgment
or become their driving factor towards a
certain behavior.
▪ Betrayal Opportunity: Personal issues
can drive an individual towards this.
Financial issues, lack of social and
professional status and even substance abuse
can drive an individual to look for an
opportunity. Adversaries always watching
and they are actively looking to exploit these
types of individuals.
▪ Lack of Loyalty: Loyalty to the
organization and above all to the country is a
factor that drives almost everyone.
Adversaries attempt to exploit the individuals
with lack of loyalty and weakness. Some of
these individuals are the victim of the FPC
(Foreign propaganda Campaign) which has a
direct correlation with their mental state and
the character weakness.
▪ Foreign Propaganda Campaigns: An all-
out propaganda campaign is targeting the
civilian population, they aim to divide the
nation through social, financial and political
issues and erase the collective identity of the
nation and demoralize the values that it
stands for. As senior officials and managers,
we are responsible to create an environment
and remind our subordinates that what core
values that they are fighting to preserve.
▪ Workplace Discrimination: Everyone
deserves recognition and respect for the work
they are doing. Discrimination can cause an
individual to lose hope and faith in the
organization that he is working in. its
paramount that we take measures to ensure
that we address workplace discrimination
and injustice. We must ensure every
subordinate has a voice and that voice is
heard. A disgruntled privileged subordinate
motivated by revenge or a misplaced sense of
self-righteousness can cause serious damage
to the organization.
▪ Beliefs: An individual with weak state of the
mind that has a strong political, social and
religious beliefs can be exploited easily to
further a Foreign Intelligence Entities
Campaign willingly and sometimes
unwillingly. Sometimes there are no foreign
entities involved in supporting the actions of
an insider. The insider can act based on
his/her beliefs with a misplaced sense of
loyalty towards a malicious local threat actor.
You must understand that you cannot judge
an individual based on their religious beliefs
alone but this does not mean that they cannot
be exploited by them. When it comes to
counterintelligence, all possibilities must be
▪ Lack of Awareness: On the contrary to
some’s belief that the awareness training is
no longer a factor, the awareness training is
least expensive and the most effortless way of
training an individual in order to arm them
with the knowledge that they need to deter
the adversaries. If you fail to arm your
subordinates with the basic knowledge that
they need to deter the adversaries then you
are responsible for the consequences of their
actions. Awareness training must be
modernized and crafted based on the
organization’s needs and standards.
The importance of establishing a behavioral
study and analysis unit (BSAU) in every
organization is paramount to the defense and
national security. The behavioral studies and
analysis unit (BSAU) can define the critical path
and further process the information gathered by
the HEPT/PHBA in order to identify and aid the
high-risk individuals for the purpose of
identifying and eliminating the insiders before
they can cause harm to your organization and the
national security.
Individuals should understand that the highest
risk to them and their organizations is their
presence on social media platforms. Every piece
of post that you share, every photo and video that
you post will passively contribute to the efforts of
a foreign intelligence entity for identification and
analysis via HEPT/PHBA to further build a
profile to exploit you. You must separate your
social and professional profiles, impose heavy
restrictions on the privacy settings and verify the
individuals that you do not know when they are
trying to establish connections with you. Refrain
from posting the details of your security
clearance on any social media platform, people
do not need to know what level of security
clearance you are holding. Understand the
elicitation and the techniques that the
adversaries use to mine for information.
Understand that no information is ever too small
for the adversaries, their mission is to extract,
expose, sabotage and disrupt and they will stop
at nothing to achieve their objectives.
Adversaries become smarter and more efficient
with every defeat. Exercise OPSEC in your day-
to-day activities. OPSEC is the most effective yet
effortless way to deter the adversaries.
By analyzing an individual’s pictures, videos,
audio and social media posts, their writings and
profiles you can define their emotions and
personality and establish a behavioral pattern in
mere minutes with the aid of the artificial
On another note, the role that the artificial
intelligence is going to play in the future of the
intelligence and counterintelligence is precisely
the reason that we cannot afford to be left behind
by our adversaries, we cannot permit them to
write the rules of the future for us.
There are measures that we can make to prevent
and deter an individual from walking the critical
path. Humans tend to pursue malicious
behaviors when there are limited or no serious
consequences for their actions.
Understanding the human nature is the most
fundamental step towards understanding and
suppressing the insiders. Humans are
emotionally driven creatures. The complexity of
their behavior is defined by their emotions and
the expression of one or multiple of these
emotions drives their actions and behaviors.
This does make them predicable, in fact, when
you have enough understanding of a subject’s
personality and behavior, you can establish a
behavioral pattern for further processing. This
method can be used both for modern intelligence
and counterintelligence.
The Pathfinder behavioral monitoring system
which is a part of the nightshade advance
polymorphic defense and warfare doctrines
modern counterintelligence Artificial
Intelligence system is utilizing the Cerberus
containment frameworks active detections
system is designed to perform such tasks.
Note: Pathfinder is a part of the Nightshade’s Nightcore.
Neither is released for public.
The Cerberus Containment Chain (CCC) is a
method for understanding, Detecting and
Deterring the Insiders.
The Cerberus Containment Chains Defines three
types of insiders by category:
ACTOR (LAE/NSITA): Individuals who
are acting in the benefit of themselves,
motivated by personal reasons. These
individuals develop over time due to factors
such as discrimination, hate, revenge
towards the organization that they are
operating in, sometimes an event can be the
trigger. They show signs and they are not
sophisticated, they rely on the access that
they have in order to cause harm to the
organization. They are relatively easier to
spot and deter in relation to the other types
of the insiders. They, however, have the
potential to be recruited by or approach a
sponsor for their malicious intentions.
(FIE/SSITA): Individuals who are acting on
behalf of a foreign government and are
sponsored by a foreign government or private
intelligence entity. When a foreign adversary
recruits an individual, they train them to
become efficient and hidden. A well-trained
insider (also known as; Highly Trained
Advanced Insider Threat Actor/HTAITA) is
trained to blend in and avoid the critical path.
They rely on the adversarial intelligence
support and training but their behavior is still
driven by the fact that they know who and
what they are beneath their cover. They are
the most difficult ones to identify and they
can cause the most amount of damage to an
(LTA/SITA): Individuals who are acting to
support a social, political or religious cause.
These individuals are exploited individuals
that might be sponsored by a foreign
intelligence entity without their knowledge;
manipulated to serve the interests of a third
party. Individuals with extreme beliefs have
the potential to fall to this category but again,
the mental integrity of an individual is the
driving factor towards the expression of the
behavior. An individual with strong mental
state, power of reasoning could have extreme
beliefs but he can also be able to differentiate
between the right and wrong accordingly.
The beliefs, race, religion and political
preferences do not define an individual but
they can be a factor in driving their behaviors
and the way they express their emotions. You
must be careful and understand that you
cannot judge an individual based on any of
those factors alone. That mistake will result
in discrimination, workplace violence and
will drive the individuals away. You must
establish your core values and uphold those
values for good. Your mission is to protect,
deter and contain. It is not to persecute your
Regardless of their nature or cause, insiders are all
posing the same threat to the organization. When it
comes to treason, the reasons are irrelevant. The
justification of a wrong and malicious behavior is yet
another expression of the emotions by an individual
with a weak state of mind. The cause is not a factor in
dealing with the insiders. The mission is to
understand them in order to stop them from causing
serious damage to the security of your organizations
and ultimately the national interests and security.
The Cerberus containment chain defines the
process of identifying the potential insiders and
stopping the insider in his/her predefined stages
within the probable critical path by utilizing the
Human Element Precision strike by personality
harvesting and the behavioral analysis. Cerberus
argues that it is not just enough to detect and
prosecute the insiders. Understanding the
motive of an individual and the conditions of his
conduct is the key to utilize this method. Because
punishment is not a deterrence for the human
nature. The purpose of the Cerberus
containment chain is to stop the insiders from
developing further on the critical path and make
decisions that ultimately may result in the
committing high treason.
The process of spotting the insiders is a difficult
task. Especially if the insider is already a
member of the organization. Not all the
behavioral signs that an individual show can be
taken as a warning sign due to the complexity of
human nature. You must understand that
according to the Aegis Framework, suppressing
the insider threat starts long before the
recruitment and continues for the entire
duration of the individual’s employment.
The Cerberus containment chain is consisting of
several modules. Some of these modules cannot
be shared with the public as they are part of the
Nightshade’s Nightcore. Nightshade advance
polymorphic defense and warfare doctrine
consists of many parts which covers a wide range
of topics. In a brief definition, nightshade
consists of a variety of frameworks honed in the
electronic warfare and implementing it in the
five domains of the modern warfare, perhaps the
most prominent of all is the special focus on the
cyber defense and security while keeping one
primary objective above all which is mastering
and dominating the electromagnetic spectrum
for long-term strategic supremacy. Nightshades
Defense Core supports modern
counterintelligence operations and the Cerberus
Containment Chain is a part of it, it is
purposefully designed to suppress and eliminate
the insiders.
Suppressing the insiders is a complex task,
Cerberus Containment Chain (CCC) should be
utilized in conjunction with the other components of
the Aegis Framework. Utilizing the Cerberus
Containment Chain (CCC) alone cannot give you the
full advantage of it. You cannot focus purely on the
insider threat suppression while your digital and
physical perimeter is vulnerable. Not to mention the
fact that the majority of the prerequisites of the
Cerberus Containment Chain is intertwined with the
infrastructure security and access management and
all the eight pillars of the Aegis Framework.
Adversaries understand that gathering intelligence
and committing espionage and sabotage is all about
gaining access of some form. When your
infrastructure is vulnerable by design, you are openly
inviting the adversaries to take advantage of the
weaknesses in your system, and when you have a
weak security posture, the risk of the insider activity
Note: The Aegis Framework has a comprehensive section for
personnel management. You may refer to the Aegis Framework if
you wish to design a comprehensive defense plan for your
Your behavioral analysis unit (BAU) is the heart
of your operations to understand and detect the
insiders. As we have previously discussed,
insider behavior does not just happen. The
individuals express certain signs prior, during
and after an insider activity. The data and the
intelligence that you gather from the variety of
sources has to be processed by educated
professionals, remember that not all expressions
of risky behavior are a sign of the individual
committing an insider activity. Which is why it is
extremely important that you invest in your
Cerberus Containment Chain (CCC) is not just
about identifying the insiders, it proposes
insider threat hunting by loosening the kill chain
and with the aid of the information you have
gathered, you can hunt for the insiders and the
potential insiders because it never is just enough
to prepare and plan for an incident to happen.
You must hunt for threats and the threat actors.
Below we look into some parts of the Cerberus
Kill Chain (CCC) that is prepared for public view:
▪ Pre-Employment Role Based
Behavioral, Psychological, Integrity
and Performance Profile: Any individual
that is going to join the organization must be
assessed and a risk factor should be given to
the individual based on the Cerberus Risk
Assessment scale according to the role that he
is being considered for. A growth path should
be prepared based on his/her behavioral,
psychological profile and the performance in
the previous roles. A growth path will present
you with the potential growth of the
subordinate based on his established profile
and it should present a projected risk and
growth potential for at least ten years. This is
not an accurate science. But you can perfect
your process to make it as accurate as
possible. This process is not just about
establishing the growth and the risk factor of
an individual, it is also about vetting and
assessing the individual’s personal profile to
ensure you are not hiring an adversarial
asset, tasked to commit espionage by
presenting himself/herself with a presentable
cover. When it comes to counterintelligence
and protection, no possibility is off the table.
Some might find this offensive but take note
that you are in charge of the protection of
your organization/industry. Majority of the
profiling should remain on a need-to-know
▪ Post-Employment Behavioral,
psychological, integrity and
performance profile: Just because an
individual is permitted inside the
organization does not mean that they are
cleared for life. Insiders can develop and
anytime and anywhere, in any position. The
Post-Employment Behavioral profile is a
fluid profile that is constantly updated. Once
the individual is accepted and permitted in
the organization, the risk automatically
▪ Employee Monitoring and
Verification: This is more of a feed for your
intelligence and supports the Employment
monitoring endeavors. For Nightshade the
combination of the Pathfinder and several
other platforms while you are required to
establish your own system of operations for
it. Take note that this is going to be the
foundation which supports your endeavors
alongside your behavioral studies and
analysis unit (BSAU).
▪ Employee Support Program: Not
everyone is going to be an insider, you need
to understand that you are responsible for all
of your subordinates and you must have
advance programs in effect to be able to
support them through their difficult times.
This should include creating a safe
environment, especially for those who have
committed an act of espionage but are willing
to come forward and turn themselves in.
remember, we already have established that
not all insiders commit a malicious act by
choice, you must understand that adversaries
are constantly monitoring your subordinates
and attempting to exploit their weaknesses, it
is not just about detection and punishment.
Punishments alone are not enough to deter
the human nature.
When the humans feel safe and supported,
they have increased sense of loyalty and
dedication. As we have already established,
humans are emotionally driven creatures.
Everything that they express is somewhat the
expression of their emotions. Reason and
rationality are a factor to their behavior but
the most dominant factor is the expressed
driving emotions.
▪ Human Risk Identification and
Classification: This is the job of the
behavioral studies and analysis unit (BSAU)
of your organization to study and classify the
potential threats.
▪ Advance Awareness Training for
Vulnerable Employees: The
HEPT/PHBA method is going to aid you
identify the individuals that are at high risk of
being exploited. This will aid you to focus on
their weaknesses and arm them with the
knowledge that they need. Some individuals
require more attention and you are
responsible for them as much as the others.
▪ Secure Employment Termination
Program: Every subordinate in your
organization has access to something and
upon termination of the employment that is
considered a threat. Prior to the voluntary or
involuntary termination of the contracts, you
should have a plan to revoke all physical and
digital access to the individuals. Which is why
the human resources department should be
in perfect synchronization with the security
leadership. This helps minimizing the post-
employment threats that the subordinates
might pose.
▪ Insider Threat Hunters: Cerberus
Containment Chain (CCC) is a part of the
Nightshade, active defense and
countermeasures are a core part of the
nightshade. Cerberus argues that the
adversaries are constantly assessing your
organizations and subordinates, perfecting
their methods and vectors, combining
modern and conventional methods in order
to achieve their objectives, you cannot afford
to wait for an insider to strike, and make no
mistake, the do strike. Your adversaries show
you no mercy. They follow no moral compass
when it comes to espionage. As you train your
subordinates and arm them with the
knowledge, the unexpected is still bound to
happen. Your insider Threat Hunters are
charged with the duty to perform controlled
simulated attempts on your subordinates to
ensure that they comply with the standards
and to further train them about the methods
that the adversaries might use in order to
exploit them.
▪ Human Sources and Alert
Mechanisms: Your subordinates must
learn the importance of reporting. Reporting
incidents and the potential harmful
behaviors can prevent insiders from causing
damage and it might lead to save lives.
Meanwhile, this should not encourage the
culture of spying on one another for personal
gain among the subordinates. It should
encourage and promote a culture of safety
and security. The line between these two is
very thin so thread lightly.
▪ Insider Threat specific disaster
recovery and damage control: Insider
Threats are bound to happen. It is not a
matter of uncertainty. Your programs as
prescribed in the Aegis Framework will
ensure your infrastructure is secured and you
have proper access control and monitoring in
place while your damage control and incident
response procedures are always formulated
and in effect.
Insiders pose a different type of threat as
well; espionage and unauthorized disclosure
of the sensitive compartmented information
is also a very important section that should be
given special attention when it comes to
disaster recovery and damage control.
▪ Introduction to Hypnosis Aided Security
Awareness Program for further information—
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36099.58402 by Adib Enayati,
▪ Human Element Precision Targeting by
personality harvesting and Behavioral Analysis
10.13140/RG.2.2.31328.56323 by Adib Enayati,
▪ Aegis Framework Advance Comprehensive
Defense Planning for Protecting the Defense
Industrial Base with Nightshade DOI:
10.13140/RG.2.2.35180.44164 by Adib Enayati,
▪ Nightshade Advance Polymorphic Defense and
Warfare Doctrine— (NO PUBLIC RELEASE IS
AVAILABLE). By Adib Enayati, Ph.D.