
Characterisation of Coastal Granitic Sector Using Geomorphological and Hardness Measurements (Galicia, NW Iberian Peninsula)

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This investigation analyses the erosion degree in the coastal edge sector of Punta Couso, a granitic area in the Galician coast (NW Iberian Peninsula). For this purpose, high-resolution images were used; geomorphological parameters, such as joint density or terrain ruggedness (calculated from LiDAR data) and fieldwork information obtained with Proceq's Equotip 3 portable hardness tester. Based on this information, this research could verify that the mean joint direction is oriented to the main wave component (Western). Also, there is a negative correlation between rock hardness values and the joint density (−0.43). This correlation increases significantly when the measurements are grouped in 10 m areas since the low tidal water edge (an estimated shoreline) reaches −0.87. With this aggrupation method, the relation between rock resistance and joint density is clear. On the other hand, it is necessary to do a more detailed analysis of the rock composition, especially in granitic sectors, to improve these relationships’ understanding.KeywordsGranitic rocksCoastal geomorphologyHardness testerEquotipGalicia

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Microplastics (MP) pollution has received increased attention over the last few years. However, while the number of studies documentating the ingestion of microplastics by fish has increased, fewer studies have addressed the toxicological effects derived from the ingestion of these small items in wild conditions. Here, MP contamination and effect biomarkers were investigated in three commercially important fish species from the North East Atlantic Ocean. From the 150 analysed fish (50 per species), 49 % had MP. In fish from the 3 species, MP in the gastrointestinal tract, gills and dorsal muscle were found. Fish with MP had significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher lipid peroxidation levels in the brain, gills and dorsal muscle, and increased brain acetylcholinesterase activity than fish where no MP were found. These results suggest lipid oxidative damage in gills and muscle, and neurotoxicity through lipid oxidative damage and acetylcholinesterase induction in relation to MP and/or MP-associated chemicals exposure. From the 150 fish analysed, 32 % had MP in dorsal muscle, with a total mean (± SD) of 0.054 ± 0.099 MP items/g. Based on this mean and on EFSA recommendation for fish consumption by adults or the general population, human consumers of Dicentrachus labrax, Trachurus trachurus, Scomber colias may intake 842 MP items/year from fish consumption only. Based on the mean of MP in fish muscle and data (EUMOFA, NOAA) of fish consumption per capita in selected European and American countries, the estimated intake of microplastics through fish consumption ranged from 518 to 3078 MP items/year/capita. Considering that fish consumption is only one of the routes of human exposure to microplastics, this study and others in the literature emphasize the need for more research, risk assessment and adoption of measures to minimize human exposure to these particles. Thus, MP pollution and its effects should be further investigated and addressed according to the WHO ‘One Health’ approach.
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This dissertation studied the feasibility of a Geothermal Heat Pump (GHP) system used for the climatization of the dormitory building at the Amadora’s Campus of the Military Academy, as well as for the Domestic Hot Waters (DHW). The building has a capacity of 78 students and a floor area of 839 m2. Initially, the thermal loads of the building to be replaced by geothermal energy were evaluated, following the methodology presented in the Regulation of Energy Performance of Housing Buildings (REH) and using RETScreen software. The amount of energy required estimated for the DHW was 46.36 MWh/year, for space heating 27.83 MWh/year and space cooling 25.76 MWh/year. The installation of a vertical closed circuit Geothermal Heat Pump system (Vertical GSHP) and an open circuit Groundwater Heat Pump system (GWHP) was evaluated through the RETScreen software. A comparison of the technologies used in the Amadora’s Campus, a natural gas boiler with COP=0.68 and an air conditioning system with EER=3.5, was made with the GHP system to be installed with a COP=4. After analyzing the two systems, the financial results obtained for a project life of 15 years were respectively for the Vertical GSHP and GWHP systems a net present value (NPV) of € 24,117 and €32,450, an internal rate of return (IRR) of 18% and 34%, and a return period (RP) of approximately 5 and 3 years.
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The Iberian microcontinent has been moving eastward since the Triassic due to the progressive opening of the Atlantic Ocean. Since the middle Campanian the Mesozoic extensional regime ended and the Iberian lithosphere started to be under a compressive deformation regime with a SHmax direction close to N–S that has led to the deformation of the entire Iberian lithosphere. This work is a synthesis of geological data collected on the intense Alpine intraplate deformation. It is used to describe the structures produced under very intense compressive stresses during Cenozoic, recorded by mountain ranges and strike-slip deformation belts of the Variscan Massif but also by associated coeval piedmont sedimentation. The successive very different deformation styles and associated basin infilling features have been conditioned by a differentiated tectonic response to phases of rather homogeneous tectonic stresses on an intraplate scale, in an area where multi-scale strain partitioning plays an important role.
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This paper reviews the results of a multi- and interdisciplinary approach, including geological, geomorphological, tectonic, geochemical, isotopic, and geophysical studies, on the assessment of a Chaves low-temperature (77°C) CO 2 -rich geothermal system, occurring in the northern part of the Portuguese mainland. This low-temperature geothermal system is ascribed to an important NNE-trending fault, and the geomorphology is dominated by the “Chaves Depression,” a graben whose axis is oriented NNE-SSW. The study region is situated in the tectonic unit of the Middle Galicia/Trás-os-Montes subzone of the Central Iberian Zone of the Hesperic Massif comprising mainly Variscan granites and Paleozoic metasediments. Chaves low-temperature CO 2 -rich geothermal waters belong to the Na-HCO 3 -CO 2 -rich-type waters, with pH≈7 . Total dissolved solids range between 1600 and 1850 mg/L. Free CO 2 is of about 500 mg/L. The results of SiO 2 and K ² /Mg geothermometers give estimations of reservoir temperature around 120°C. δ¹⁸ O and δ² H values of Chaves low-temperature CO 2 -rich geothermal waters indicate a meteoric origin for these waters. No significant ¹⁸ O-shift was observed, consistent with the results from the chemical geothermometry. δ¹³ C CO2 values vary between −7.2 and −5.1‰ vs. V-PDB, and CO 2 / ³ He ratios range from 1×10 ⁸ to 1×10 ⁹ , indicating a deep (upper mantle) source for the CO 2 . ³ He/ ⁴ He ratios are of about 0.9 (R/Ra). The Chaves low-temperature CO 2 -rich geothermal waters present similar ⁸⁷ Sr/ ⁸⁶ Sr ratios (between 0.728035 and 0.716713) to those of the plagioclases from granitic rocks (between 0.72087 and 0.71261) suggesting that water mineralization is strongly ascribed to Na-plagioclase hydrolysis. Geophysical methods (e.g., resistivity and AMT soundings) detected conductive zones concentrated in the central part of the Chaves graben as a result of temperature combined with the salinity of the Chaves low-temperature CO 2 -rich geothermal waters in fractured and permeable rock formations. This paper demonstrates the added value of an integrated and multi- and interdisciplinary approach for a given geothermal site characterization, which could be useful for other case studies linking the assessment of low-temperature CO 2 -rich geothermal waters and cold CO 2 -rich mineral waters emerging in a same region.
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Recent studies have demonstrated the negative impacts of microplastics on wildlife. Therefore, the presence of microplastics in marine species for human consumption and the high intake of seafood (fish and shellfish) in some countries cause concern about the potential effects of microplastics on human health. In this brief review, the evidence of seafood contamination by microplastics is reviewed, and the potential consequences of the presence of microplastics in the marine environment for human food security, food safety and health are discussed. Furthermore, challenges and gaps in knowledge are identified. The knowledge on the adverse effects on human health due to the consumption of marine organisms containing microplastics is very limited, difficult to assess and still controversial. Thus, assessment of the risk posed to humans is challenging. Research is urgently needed, especially regarding the potential exposure and associated health risk to micro- and nano-sized plastics.
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In the North of Portugal, thermal and mineral groundwater resources (e.g., Chaves CO2-rich thermal—76 °C—waters) are being used in the local Spas, and are considered one of the main sources of local/regional development/income. A multidisciplinary approach, including geological, tectonic, geochemical and isotopic (²H, ¹⁸O, ¹³C, ⁸⁷Sr, ³H, ¹⁴C and ³He/⁴He) methodologies, was used to assess local/regional conceptual circulation models. In the case of the Chaves CO2-rich thermal waters, this approach provided important data to answer the most commonly asked questions so as to enable the elaboration of a robust hydrogeological conceptual model, namely (1) Chaves thermal waters belong to the HCO3/Na/CO2-rich type (with pH ≈7), in that the result of meteoric waters–granitic rocks–gas (CO2) interaction; (2) Padrela Mountain (NE-Chaves), ascribed to high-fractured rocks, is the main recharge area; the stable isotopic composition of the groundwater samples indicate a mean recharge altitude higher than 1150 m a.s.l.; (3) the mean Sr isotopic ratio of the thermomineral waters (⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Srmean = 0.722419) is similar to that of the Sr isotopic ratios of the plagioclases of the granitic rocks (e.g. ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr = 0.72087; ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr = 0.71261), indicating that hydrolysis of plagioclase is the main water–rock interaction process, favoured by the presence of deep-seated (mantle-derived) CO2 (δ¹³C values in the range of −6 to −1‰ vs. PDB, and the CO2/³He values from 5.1 × 10⁸ to 7.5 × 10⁹, are typical of MORB fluids); (4) the income of carbon-14 free to Chaves CO2-rich thermal waters system does not permit reliable ¹⁴C groundwater dating; (5) the geothermometric results (e.g. K²/Mg and silica geothermometers) indicate equilibrium temperatures around 120 °C, and a maximum depth of about 3.5 km reached by the Chaves CO2-rich thermal waters system was estimated. The discharge zones are mainly related to the intersection of the main local/regional fault lineaments (and conjugate structures), responsible for promoting the mineral and thermal groundwater ascent.
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Six travertine rock samples have been collected from different parts of Cheshmeh-Hafez quarry in northwest of Damghan, northern Iran. Physical and mechanical properties of the samples mean dry and saturated unit weights, specific gravity, porosity, water absorption, ultrasonic P wave velocity, Schmidt rebound hardness, point load index, Brazilian tensile strength, block punch index and uniaxial compressive strength have been determined according to the ISRM (in: Ulusay, Hudson (eds) Suggested methods prepared by the commission on testing methods, International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM), Kozan Offset, Ankara, 2007) standard in the laboratory. Also, slake-durability test was carried out up to ten cycles in different solutions. The used solutions were natural water with pH 7 of the region and sulfuric acidic solutions with pH of 5.5 and 4. Then empirical relationships by regression analyses were undertaken between the slake-durability indexes of all cycles of the test and measured physical and mechanical properties of the tested travertines. Regression analyses indicated that the relationships with correlation coefficients (R²) from 0.55 to 0.98 exist between slake-durability index and engineering properties of the rocks. The best and poor correlations were obtained between slake-durability index and specific gravity and block punch index, respectively. Results shown that in the first four wetting–drying cycles, the correlation coefficients between slake-durability index and physical properties of the rocks are rapidly increased, whiles the increasing rate of the correlation coefficients between slake-durability index and mechanical properties of the rocks is maximum in the first three cycles. Therefore, the first and second cycles of slake-durability test can’t able to present actual durability of the rocks.
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Foundation treatment is a crucial stage in dam construction. An intense construction stage dedicated to ground improvement and quality control is often implemented. Foundation permeability is the parameter to be monitored and optimized during the construction stage. This work describes the application of geostatistics to permeability data obtained by the Lugeon test during curtain grouting at a dam foundation. The usual construction methodology consists in applying a sequentially phased drilling strategy materialized by drilling and grouting a first line of primary boreholes followed by a secondary collinear line of in-between boreholes. The studied site is located at the Sabor river mouth, northeastern part of Portugal. Groundwater flows in a fractured medium. The main objective of this study is assessing the advantage of a geostatistical modelling approach in identifying the zones in which the project design criteria may demand for a first- and a secondary-stage grouting treatment defined by a threshold permeability of 1 Lugeon unit, Lu. After a preliminary statistical, spatial continuity characterization and error study, estimation and probability maps are compared based on ordinary and indicator kriging and indicator simulation. The obtained models are compared with the information of the acquired construction phase data. Obtained models are finally compared with the initial geological–geotechnical information indicating that the described approach can be used as an optimizing tool for curtain grouting design at a dam foundation.
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Digital photogrammetry and GIS-based mapping are increasingly recognised as powerful tools in littoral issues. This paper considers the interoperability framework for high-resolution imagery acquisition and the development of coastal geoscience maps. The layered system architecture of the cartographic methodology is also explained. Moreover, it highlights a new approach to assessing heterogeneous geologic, geomorphological and maritime environments. The main goal of the present study was to test a new concept for photogrammetric images in order to assist modelling techniques, spatial analysis and coastal conceptual models. This approach proposes a methodological approach to coastal zone monitoring and to maritime forcing conditions evaluating. This approach will allow: (1) the acquisition of a large archive of high-resolution imagery; (2) the development of a coastal database including the entire data field and in situ assessments; (3) the study of coastal dynamics and shoreline evolution; (4) the assessment of the rock platforms and hydraulic structures; (5) the production of coastal geosciences maps. An integrated coastal geoscience and engineering methodology was outlined in NW of Iberian Peninsula (South Galicia and North/Central Portugal regions). This paper reports on the increased knowledge of the studied regions, providing essential data concerning coastal geo-morphodynamics. The overall assessment revealed additional evidence of erosion issues, which contributes to a better understanding of the hydraulic conditions. The main results are presented in regional coastal geoscience maps and local approach-outputs that could help government, local authorities and stakeholders to develop coastal management plans and to recommend strategies.
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Developed in 1973 and 1974, the RMR and Q Rock mass classifications are originally produced for assisting with the rock engineering design of tunnels. Both developments aimed to quantify rock mass characteristics based on qualitative geological descriptions. The RMR and Q systems are well suited in the planning stage of a tunneling project and currently, both form the basis of new TBM performance prognoses, in the shape of QTBM and RME. The record of the RMR and Q systems in geological and engineering practice have proved themselves on numerous projects after the 35 years of use throughout the world in tunneling and mining.
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Groundwater heat pumps have energy saving potential where the groundwater resources are sufficient. System Coefficients of Performance (COPs) are measurements of performance of groundwater heat pump systems. In this study, the head and power of submersible pumps, heat pump units, piping, and heat exchangers are expressed as polynomial equations, and these equations are solved numerically to determine the system performance. Regression analysis is used to find the coefficients of the polynomial equations from a catalog of performance data. The cooling and heating capacities of water-to-water heat pumps are determined using Energy Plus. Results show that system performance drops as the water level drops, and the lowest flow rates generally achieve the highest system performance. The system COPs are used to compare the system performance of various system configurations. The groundwater pumping level and temperature provide the greatest effects on the system performance of groundwater heat pumps along with the submersible pumps and heat exchangers. The effects of groundwater pumping levels, groundwater temperatures, and the heat transfer coefficient in heat exchanger on the system performance are given and compared. This analysis needs to be included in the design process of groundwater heat pump systems, possibly with analysis tools that include a wide range of performance data.
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Minerals and organic matter (OM) may form intricate associations via myriad interactions. In soils, the associations of OM with mineral surfaces are mainly investigated because of their role in determining the long-term retention of OM. OM "must decay in order to release the energy and nutrients that drive live processes all over the planet" (Janzen, 2006). Thus, the processes and mechanisms that retain OM in soil are a central concern to very different branches of environmental research. An agronomist may want to synchronize periods of high nutrient and energy release with the growth stages of a crop. An environmental chemist may wish to either immobilize an organic soil contaminant or enhance its decomposition into less harmful metabolites, while climate scientists need to understand the processes that mediate the production of potent greenhouse gases from decomposing OM. Associations of OM with pedogenic minerals (henceforth termed mineral-organic associations (MOAs)) are known to be key controls in these and many other processes. Here we strive to present an overview of the current knowledge on MOAs and identify key questions and future research needs.
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With industrialization, great amounts of trace elements and heavy metals have been excavated and released onto the surface of the earth and dissipated into the environments. Rapid screening technology for detecting major and trace elements as well as heavy metals in variety of environmental samples has been most desired. The objectives of this study were to determine the detection limits, accuracy, repeatability, and efficiency of an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Niton XRF analyzer) in comparison to the traditional analytical methods, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) in screening of major and trace elements of environmental samples including estuary soils and sediments, contaminated soils, and biological samples. XRF is a fast and non-destructive method for measuring the total concentration of multi-elements simultaneously. Contrary to ICP-OES, XRF analyzer is characterized by the limited preparation required for solid samples, non-destructive analysis, increased total speed and high throughout, decreased production of hazardous waste, and low running costs as well as multi-elemental determination and portability in the fields. The current comparative study demonstrates that XRF is a good rapid, non-destructive screening method for contaminated soils, sediments, and biological samples containing high concentrations of major and trace elements. Unfortunately, XRF does not have sensitive detection limits for most trace elements as ICP-OES, but it may serve as a rapid screening tool for locating hot spots in uncontaminated field soils and sediments, such as in the US Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge site.
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A spatially localized seismic sequence originated few tens of kilometres offshore the Mediterranean coast of Spain, close to the Ebro river delta, starting on 2013 September 5, and lasting at least until 2013 October. The sequence culminated in a maximal moment magnitude Mw 4.3 earthquake, on 2013 October 1. The most relevant seismogenic feature in the area is the Fosa de Amposta fault system, which includes different strands mapped at different distances to the coast, with a general NE–SW orientation, roughly parallel to the coastline. However, no significant known historical seismicity has involved this fault system in the past. The epicentral region is also located near the offshore platform of the Castor project, where gas is conducted through a pipeline from mainland and where it was recently injected in a depleted oil reservoir, at about 2 km depth. We analyse the temporal evolution of the seismic sequence and use full waveform techniques to derive absolute and relative locations, estimate depths and focal mechanisms for the largest events in the sequence (with magnitude mbLg larger than 3), and compare them to a previous event (2012 April 8, mbLg 3.3) taking place in the same region prior to the gas injection. Moment tensor inversion results show that the overall seismicity in this sequence is characterized by oblique mechanisms with a normal fault component, with a 30◦ low-dip angle plane oriented NNE–SSW and a subvertical plane oriented NW–SE. The combined analysis of hypocentral location and focal mechanisms could indicate that the seismic sequence corresponds to rupture processes along shallow low-dip surfaces, which could have been triggered by the gas injection in the reservoir, and excludes the activation of the Amposta fault, as its known orientation is inconsistent with focal mechanism results. An alternative scenario includes the iterated triggering of a system of steep faults oriented NW–SE, which were identified by prior marine seismics investigations.
The application of bio-char (charcoal or biomass-derived black carbon (C)) to soil is proposed as a novel approach to establish a significant, long-term, sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide in terrestrial ecosystems. Apart from positive effects in both reducing emissions and increasing the sequestration of greenhouse gases, the production of bio-char and its application to soil will deliver immediate benefits through improved soil fertility and increased crop production. Conversion of biomass C to bio-char C leads to sequestration of about 50% of the initial C compared to the low amounts retained after burning (3%) and biological decomposition (< 10–20% after 5–10 years), therefore yielding more stable soil C than burning or direct land application of biomass. This efficiency of C conversion of biomass to bio-char is highly dependent on the type of feedstock, but is not significantly affected by the pyrolysis temperature (within 350–500 ∘C common for pyrolysis). Existing slash-and-burn systems cause significant degradation of soil and release of greenhouse gases and opportunies may exist to enhance this system by conversion to slash-and-char systems. Our global analysis revealed that up to 12% of the total anthropogenic C emissions by land use change (0.21 Pg C) can be off-set annually in soil, if slash-and-burn is replaced by slash-and-char. Agricultural and forestry wastes such as forest residues, mill residues, field crop residues, or urban wastes add a conservatively estimated 0.16 Pg C yr−1. Biofuel production using modern biomass can produce a bio-char by-product through pyrolysis which results in 30.6 kg C sequestration for each GJ of energy produced. Using published projections of the use of renewable fuels in the year 2100, bio-char sequestration could amount to 5.5–9.5 Pg C yr−1 if this demand for energy was met through pyrolysis, which would exceed current emissions from fossil fuels (5.4 Pg C yr−1). Bio-char soil management systems can deliver tradable C emissions reduction, and C sequestered is easily accountable, and verifiable.
The Hoek–Brown criterion was introduced in 1980 to provide input for the design of underground excavations in rock. The criterion now incorporates both intact rock and discontinuities, such as joints, characterized by the geological strength index (GSI), into a system designed to estimate the mechanical behaviour of typical rock masses encountered in tunnels, slopes and foundations. The strength and deformation properties of intact rock, derived from laboratory tests, are reduced based on the properties of discontinuities in the rock mass. The nonlinear Hoek–Brown criterion for rock masses is widely accepted and has been applied in many projects around the world. While, in general, it has been found to provide satisfactory estimates, there are several questions on the limits of its applicability and on the inaccuracies related to the quality of the input data. This paper introduces relatively few fundamental changes, but it does discuss many of the issues of utilization and presents case histories to demonstrate practical applications of the criterion and the GSI system. © 2018 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Microplastic ingestion has been reported for several marine species, but the level of contamination in transitional systems and associated biota is less known. The aim of this study was to assess the occurrence of microplastic ingestion in three commercial fish species: the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), the seabream (Diplodus vulgaris) and the flounder (Platichthys flesus) from the Mondego estuary (Portugal). Microplastics were extracted from the gastrointestinal tract of 120 individuals by visual inspection and digestion solution. A total of 157 particles were extracted from 38% of total fish (96% fibers), with 1.67 ± 0.27 (SD) microplastics per fish. Significantly higher amount of ingested microplastics was recorded for D. vulgaris (73%). The dominant polymers identified by μ-FTIR were polyester, polypropylene and rayon (semi-synthetic fiber). It is reported for the first time the presence of this pollutant in fish populations from the Mondego estuary raising concerns on their potential negative effects.
The goal of this study was to estimate radon gas production rate in granitic rocks and identify the factors responsible for the observed variability. For this purpose, 180 samples were collected from pre-Hercynian and Hercynian rocks in north and central Portugal and analysed for a) (226)Ra activity, b) radon ((222)Rn) per unit mass activity, and c) radon gas emanation coefficient. On a subset of representative samples from the same rock types were also measured d) apparent porosity and e) apparent density. For each of these variables, the values ranged as follows: a) 15 to 587 Bq kg(-1), b) 2 to 73 Bq kg(-1), c) 0.01 to 0.80, d) 0.3 to 11.4 % and e) 2530 to 2850 kg m(-3). Radon production rate varied between 40 to 1386 Bq m(-3) h(-1). The variability observed was associated with geologically late processes of low and high temperature which led to the alteration of the granitic rock with mobilization of U and increase in radon (222)Rn gas emanation. It is suggested that, when developing geogenic radon potential maps, data on uranium concentration in soils/altered rock should be used, rather than data obtained from unaltered rock.
The absence or rarity of precisely dated surficial deposits makes it very difficult to determine the style and magnitude of recent tectonic deformations in ancient massifs. In addition to the very frequent tilting of planation surfaces and vertical displacements along late-Hercynian strike-slip faults - which over the Neogene and the Quaternary reached an amplitude of nearly 300 m, in horst and graben - mention must be made of an important uplift on the Western edge of the Hesperian Massif. In the Western mountains to the South of the Douro, such uplift may have reached some 900 m through the Pliocene and the Quaternary, apparently a very high rate (c.0.2 mm/y) in a geodynamic context of passive continental margin. -from Author
Rock mass classifications, either rating methods (RMR or Q) or descriptive methods (NATM), are most effective if used within the overall engineering design process. Rock mass classifications on their own should only be used for preliminary, planning purposes and not for final tunnel support. The two main rating methods of rock mass classifications - the RMR and the Q-systems - are absolutely essential for monitoring rock conditions during construction, to enable effective comparison of predicted conditions from site investigation with those encountered during construction. For this purpose, descriptive classifications are deficient.
The need of periodic maintenance in horizontal wells to keep them operating as designed is discussed. The wells are almost always drilled using a drilling fluid that must be removed from the borehole and formation. The method for removal of sediments drawn into the well screen varies with well characteristics, and can include moving a pump throughout the screened interval, pulling a swab, or simply running water through the well. Care must be taken when choosing a pump for a horizontal extraction well.
Nowadays the heat pump is gaining new interest thanks to recent regulations which include this technology among those able to exploit renewable energy sources in addition to the already acknowledged opportunity to achieve significant energy and economic benefits if well applied In particular the use of geothermal energy as heat source/sink looks very promising. Besides the use of ground heat exchangers and water from wells, an adequate availability of surface water can suggest its use for the heat pump especially when it is impossible the application of the other two alternatives. This is the case of the plant here reported. A heat pump installed in the historical centre of Venice and using lagoon water for the HVAC plant of a historical structure refurbished for hotel use. The plant characteristics and the adopted technical solutions are here illustrated as well as the results of an annual monitoring of the building-plant system. The experimental data have also permitted a comparison with the performances of alternative plant solutions simulated in front of the same operative conditions. For this aim the two case studies of a corresponding air source heat pump and a more traditional solution, based on condensing boilers and air cooled chillers, have been considered. The performance analysis shows a net superiority for the surface water heat pump.
This work aims to highlight the coupling of engineering geosciences and geoheritage studies on an integrative multidisciplinary approach to the recovery processes of abandoned mining heritage. In order to fulfil these goals an experimental site was selected in S. Martinho de Tibães Monastery enclosure. Some abandoned water mines were part of an impressive water supply system of the monastery between 17th and 19th centuries. The Aveleiras Mine site was also exploited in the first half of the 20th century as a wolfram mine for over 23 years. Specificactions were developed to rehabilitate some sites, in order to facilitate their inclusion in selected hydrogeo-itineraries to the wide public. This will demonstrate their early purpose, i.e., to provide water to the gardens and orchards of the monastery. In addition, the recovery of abandoned mining sites is a worthy example of an organization transformative process towards a second life-cycle in geotourism, natural heritage and cultural assets. Such interventions represent important measures for sustainability and the surrounding environment.
More than 3500 individual pieces of waterlogged archaeobotanical remains were found in the excavation of the Roman healing spa of Aquae Flaviae (Chaves, Portugal), carried out between 2006 and 2013. Most of these were recovered in stratigraphic units sealed by the brick barrel vault collapse in last decade of the 4th century AD. The waterlogged material studied, included several types of archaeobotanical remains: timber used for construction (beams, poles, boards and wedges), wooden objects (combs, bowls and containers, corks, handles, spindle whorls, etc.) and macro carpological remains (seeds, fruits, pine scales and cones, etc.). The study of the wood assemblage was focused firstly on the identification of the material selected for woodworking and also on providing answers regarding the technical and technological features used in manufacturing these items. Regarding fruits and seeds, the analysis was oriented towards macro remains species identification. A selection of species for specific purposes was clearly identified both in timber pieces and in several types of objects as well as the carving of specific features in these pieces according to its function. Active management of wood resources could also be inferred. Furthermore, relevant information was gathered concerning the presence of Pinus pinea, Castanea sativa, Buxus sempervirens and several species of the Prunus family, which show great importance on a regional or supra regional levels. The first presence of cypress tree (Cupressus sempervirens) during Roman times in western Iberia was also identified.
A set of uniaxial compression tests of granite specimens taken from five localities across Japan was conducted to identify the factors controlling the quantity of radon (Rn) emission (sum of 222Rn and 220Rn) during compression and failure. An α-scintillation detector and a gas flow unit were installed with a testing machine to enable continuous measurement of Rn emissions. Common to all specimens, Rn emissions remained at or slightly declined from the background level after the start of loading; this is similar to the natural phenomenon of decline in groundwater-dissolved Rn before an earthquake. Closure of original microcracks is the most likely cause of the initial Rn decline. Then, Rn emissions begin to increase at 46–57 per cent stress level to the uniaxial compressive strength, and continue to increase even after the failure of specimen. This commencement stress level is close to the general stress level at outbreak of acoustic emissions caused by the development and connection of microcracks. The Rn increase after failure is similar to a phenomenon observed in aftershocks, which may originate from the enhancement of Rn emanations from grains due to the large increase in total surface area and stress release. In addition to the initial radioelement content in rock, the failure pattern (conjugate shear versus longitudinal tensile type), compressive strength, and grain size are possible control factors of the maximum quantity of Rn emissions induced by failure. This maximum may also be affected by the development velocity of the emanation area, which is related to the Rn emanation fraction, associated with the fragmentation. In addition to the magnitude of an earthquake and its hypocentre distance to Rn detectors, the magnitude of increase in Rn concentration in soil gas and groundwater before, during, and after an earthquake in crystalline rocks depends on the intrinsic radioelement content, the mineral texture, and the mechanical properties of rocks. Rock fracturing and failure do not necessarily induce increase in Rn emission due to these rock properties, which can be used to understand the sensitivity of Rn concentration in soil gas or groundwater in connection with an earthquake.
Bioremediation is an attractive and useful method of remediation of soils contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons because it is simple to maintain, applicable in large areas, is economic and enables an effective destruction of the contaminant. Usually, the autochthone microorganisms have no ability to degrade these compounds, and otherwise, the contaminated sites have inappropriate environmental conditions for microorganism's development. These problems can be overcome by assisted bioremediation (bioaugmentation and/or biostimulation). In this study the assisted bioremediation capacity on the rehabilitation of three natural sub-soils (granite, limestone and schist) contaminated with benzene was evaluated. Two different types of assisted bioremediation were used: without and with ventilation (bioventing). The bioaugmentation was held by inoculating the soil with a consortium of microorganisms collected from the protection area of crude oil storage tanks in a refinery. In unventilated trials, biostimulation was accomplished by the addition of a nutrient mineral media, while in bioventing oxygen was also added. The tests were carried out at controlled temperature of 25 ºC in stainless steel columns where the moist soil contaminated with benzene (200 mg per kg of soil) occupied about 40% of the column's volume. The processes were daily monitored in discontinued mode. Benzene concentration in the gas phase was quantified by gas chromatography (GC-FID), oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations were monitored by respirometry. The results revealed that the three contaminated soils were remediated using both technologies, nevertheless, the bioventing showed faster rates. With this work it was proved that respirometric analysis is an appropriate instrument for monitoring the biological activity.
A classification based on properties of rock materials and rock masses, termed the Geomechanics Classification, is proposed. The geological parameters are specified and the functional features of the Geomechanics Classification is demonstrated by applying it to the selection of primary support in tunnel design. The proposed classification system is based on a detailed study of all existing major rock classifications.
Inconsistencies in present solution methods for slope stability problems under undrained conditions are noted and a first-order, second-moment, solution technique with a probabilistic base is suggested. The proposed procedure examines these problems with regard to the separate variables involved and utilizes partial safety factors which are proportional to the coefficient of variation of the pertinent parameters. For simplicity, a circular arc failure mechanism is assumed, and design acceptability is based on the derived value of a reliability measure, the safety index, which reflects the probability of occurrence of the assumed failure mechanism. Statistical data for the required load, resistance, and bias variables are presented. Using these, the safety index associated with current design techniques is determined, and the implications of its magnitude are examined. Sensitivity studies, performed to determine which variables have the greatest effect on design results are also described. Finally, partial safety factors are proposed for design corresponding to a desired failure probability.
This work deals with the problem of assessing armourstone structures focusing on strengthening the combination of geo-marine techniques and geotechnical properties. The research has two main purposes: (i) to establish an integrative coastal geo-engineering approach for better assessment of the hydraulic structures; and (ii) to draw attention to the importance of quarry evaluation in order to improve armourstone quality and durability. Several studies have demonstrated the relevance of a holistic approach to coastal design issues. The suggested approach couples GIS-based mapping with geo-engineering techniques assessment along five pilot sectors of the Espinho coastal system in Northwestern Portugal. This investigation allowed us to propose zoning a coastal structure according to its degree of deterioration, geomechanical properties and geomaterial status. Replacement of the primary armour layer in only selected sections or components of the structure will reduce the cost of maintenance, repair and reinforcement work. All the gathered data about the preservation status of the armour layer and the quarry inventory have been compiled in a powerful GIS geo-database. The paper argues for the wider use of combination of coastal geo-engineering and GIS analysis in planning the monitoring and/or maintenance of marine works using armourstone.