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Enhancing Vessel Continuity in Deep Learning based Segmentation using Maximum Intensity Projection as Loss



Vessel Segmentation with deep learning is a challenging task that involves not only learning high-level feature representations but also the spatial continuity of the features across dimensions. Semi-supervised patch-based approaches have been effective in identifying small vessels of 1-2 voxels in diameter but failed to maintain vessel continuity. This study focuses on improving the segmentation quality by considering the spatial correlation of the features using the maximum intensity projection (MIP) as an additional loss criterion. It was observed that the proposed method quantitatively improves the segmentation while also improving vessel continuity, as evident in the visual examinations of ROIs.
Enhancing Vessel Continuity in Deep Learning based Segmentation using Maximum
Intensity Projection as Loss
Soumick Chatterjee , Karthikesh Varma Chintalapati , Chethan Radhakrishna , Sri Chandana Hudukula Ram Kumar , Raviteja Sutrave , Hendrik Mattern , Oliver Speck , and Andreas Nürnberger
Faculty of Computer Science, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany, Data and Knowledge Engineering Group, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany, Department of
Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany, German Center for Neurodegenerative Disease, Magdeburg, Germany, Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences,
Magdeburg, Germany
Vessel Segmentation with deep learning is a challenging task that involves not only learning high-level feature representations but also the spatial
continuity of the features across dimensions. Semi-supervised patch-based approaches have been eective in identifying small vessels of 1-2 voxels
in diameter but failed to maintain vessel continuity. This study focuses on improving the segmentation quality by considering the spatial correlation
of the features using the maximum intensity projection (MIP) as an additional loss criterion. It was observed that the proposed method
quantitatively improves the segmentation while also improving vessel continuity, as evident in the visual examinations of ROIs.
Limited amount of high-quality data and time-consuming annotations make vessel segmentation one of the most challenging tasks in the eld.
Deep learning methods, especially semi-supervised, have been proposed to learn high-level feature representations of vessels from limited
annotations . Though past research successfully segmented vessels as small as 1-2 voxels in diameter, it does not always produce segmentations
that preserve the continuity of the vessels. This study focuses on improving vessel continuity by considering the spatial correlation of pixels across
dimensions. Maximum Intensity projection (MIP) is one of the techniques used to visualise vessel continuity. It is the projection of a 3D voxel onto a
2D image by considering the highest attenuation value on each view and has been shown to be utilised for pathology detection . Studies have also
shown that the MIPs can be instrumental in pulmonary nodule detection and qualitative analysis of intracranial vascularity . It has also been
shown that MIPs can aid in cerebrovascular segmentation . Hence, this research attempts to improve vessel connectivity in deep learning-based
vessel segmentation. The proposed approach uses the MIP of 3D MRA volumes as additional prior knowledge for the network. The authors
hypothesise that this can improve the perception of vessel continuity by the network.
The previous study demonstrated the suitability of UNet-based architectures for vessel segmentations - using UNet and modied UNet-MSS
architecture. The patch-based training pipeline of that previous work was enhanced here in this research by introducing the MIP comparisons, as
shown in Fig.1. In this proposed approach, foremost, the MIPs of the predictions for each patch at each level of UNet-MSS is computed. The
predicted patch MIPs are then compared against their corresponding patches on the respective label MIPs to evaluate the MIP loss as shown in
Eq.4, and an example is given in Fig.2. In addition to the Multi-Scale Supervision (MSS) Loss, the spatial continuity of the vessels is incorporated into
the learning in the form of MIP Loss. Eq.1 represents the total loss which is a weighted sum of the MSS loss and the MIP Loss with weight parameter
and network parameter
. Eq.2 represents the MSS loss where m refers to the total up-sampling scales,
i is the weight assigned to loss at a
specic up-sampling level. Eq.3 represents the MIP loss that is calculated by comparing the axial MIP of the predicted segmentation of the patch
against the subset of the axial MIP of the label segmentation encompassing the patch. Focal Tversky loss is used as the loss function for calculating
all losses.
Eq.1. $\operatorname{Loss}(\theta)=\mu L_{M S S}(\theta)+(1-\mu) L_{M I P}(\theta)$
Eq.2. $L_{M S S}(\theta)=\frac{1}{\sum_{i=1}^m \alpha_i} \sum_{i=1}^m \alpha_i l_{\text {scale }}^i(\theta)$
Eq.3. $L_{M I P}(\theta)=\frac{1}{\sum_{i=1}^m \alpha_i} \sum_{i=1}^m \alpha_i \operatorname{lmip}_{\text {scale }}^i(\theta)$
Eq.4. $\operatorname{lmip}(\theta)=\operatorname{loss}(M I P(\hat{y}), y \subseteq M I P(Y))$
Evaluations were performed on 18 volumes from the 7T TOF-MRA volumes from the StudyForrest dataset ( . The volumes were
then divided into a training and validation sets of 10 and 4. The remaining 4 volumes were used to evaluate the generalisation performance of the
learned network. Training and Validation sets were annotated semi-automatically using Ilastik, and they were noisy. In contrast, the test set was
manually annotated with expert supervision.
It was observed that the network trained with the proposed MIP Loss produces segmentations with a Dice score of 80.54 ± 6.56 (Table 1 and Fig.3)
and improved vessel continuity, as can be seen in Fig. 4. It is evident from the experimental results in Table 1 that the proposed approach improves
the performance of both UNet and UNet MSS. Furthermore, the test set was ltered to remove one volume containing wrap-around artefact. Table
2 shows the scores on this ltered test set, also revealing a clear improvement with the proposed MIP loss.
The UNet and UNet-MSS were considered as baselines for evaluating the performance of the proposed approach. It was observed both
quantitatively and qualitatively that both models benet from the proposed MIP loss. Between UNet and UNet-MSS, the latter performed better -
both with and without the MIP loss. Overall, UNet-MSS with MIP loss came out as the overall winner in these experiments. Fig.4 clearly shows that
this model improved the vessel connectivity in comparison to the UNet-MSS without the MIP loss - in support of the hypothesis of the authors.
Additionally, one additional nding was the additional parameter in Eq.1
that was learnt during training. It was initialised with 0.7, and the nal
learnt value was 0.68. This shows that the MSS-loss needs more weightage than the MIP-loss. Finally, it was also revealed from several additional
experiments that LeakyReLU activation produces better segmentations.
This research proposed the method of MIP-based loss that is to be used with ordinary loss function for the task of vessel segmentation from 7T
TOF-MRAs. Two models, UNet and UNet-MSS, were experimented with, and in both cases, the models with the MIP loss outperformed the
baselines. The generated segmentations not only show improvement quantitatively but also in the continuity of the vessels. In future work, the
authors propose the exploration of volumetric MIP comparisons replacing the patch-based comparisons and also MIP loss computed in all three
1,2,3 1 1 1 1 3 3,4,5 1,2,5
1 2 3
4 5
1,2 1
1 8
This work was in part conducted within the context of the International Graduate School MEMoRIAL at Otto von Guericke University (OVGU)
Magdeburg, Germany, kindly supported by the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESF) under the programme Sachsen-Anhalt
WISSENSCHAFT Internationalisierung (project no. ZS/2016/08/80646).
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Fig.1: Modied UNet MSS network is trained on 3D patches created from the input volume. MIPs of multi-level predictions are then compared
against their corresponding patches on the MIP of the ground truth, respectively to compute MIP loss. MSS loss is computed by comparing multi-
level patch predictions with the corresponding label patches. A weighted sum of the two losses is then backpropagated.
Fig.2: MIP loss is calculated by comparing the MIP of the network predictions at each level for a patch with the corresponding patch on the MIP of
the ground truth segmentation. This gure shows the image at the dierent levels of the UNet MSS, compared against the MIP of the ground-truth.
Quantitative comparisons using Dice and Jaccard coecients
Fig.3: Dice Scores for UNet and UNet-MSS, with and without MIP loss. The rst plot (top) visualises the performance of the models with and without
MIP Loss on all available test volumes. The second plot (bottom) charts out the comparisons observed while considering the test volumes having no
wrap-around artefacts. The box plot clearly shows that the proposed additional loss criterion improves the segmentation results of both UNet and
UNet-MSS. It is also evident that the MIP loss improvement is greater with UNet-MSS compared to UNet. (it is to be noted the plots are with
dierent scales)
Fig.4: Visual comparison of ROIs of MIPs of segmentations resulting from training UNet-MSS with and without MIP loss. The ROIs are marked on the
input volume. The corresponding MIPs of the segmentations with an overlay of false positives (Blue) and false negatives (Red) are also shown here.
Further annotations (yellow ellipses) on the MIPs show the missing continuity of the vessels and the improvement after using the MIP Loss. A closer
look at the MIPs reveals that the vessels UNet-MSS fails to segment are also perceived by the network after training it with the proposed approach.
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