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The current study investigates the role of neuropedagogy in enhancing foreign language learning outcomes in non-linguistic higher education institutions. Neuropedagogy is an interdisciplinary approach that combines neuroscience principles, cognitive psychology, and pedagogy to optimize learning experiences based on the understanding of human brain functions. The objective of the study is to examine the effectiveness of brain-based teaching strategies and supportive learning environments in promoting language acquisition, retention, and application, and to explore the positive perceptions of neuropedagogical interventions among students and educators. The findings of this study indicate that the implementation of various brain-based teaching strategies, such as multi-sensory learning, spaced repetition, metacognitive strategies, chunking, contextual learning, and social interaction, have the potential to significantly improve language acquisition, retention, and application. In addition, a supportive learning environment that addresses students’ emotional needs and fosters motivation has been shown to enhance language learning success by promoting emotional intelligence, intrinsic motivation, risk-taking, social interaction, and differentiated instruction. Moreover, the study demonstrates the effectiveness of neuropedagogical interventions in improving language proficiency among students in non-linguistic higher education institutions, confirming the value of incorporating brain-based teaching methods in foreign language education. Students and educators have expressed positive perceptions of neuropedagogical interventions, emphasizing their potential to address individual learning needs, foster engagement, and improve language learning experiences. The conclusions of this study suggest that a better understanding of the cognitive processes involved in language learning, combined with the implementation of brain-based teaching strategies and supportive learning environments, can contribute to improved language proficiency, retention, and application in non-linguistic higher education institutions. Further exploration in this area could advance our knowledge of the optimal combination of neuropedagogical methods for different learner profiles, language levels, and educational contexts, as well as the potential benefits of integrating neuroscience principles into teacher training programs and technology-enhanced learning environments. In summary, this study highlights the importance of neuropedagogy in enhancing foreign language learning outcomes in non-linguistic higher education institutions and emphasizes the need for continued research and development in this interdisciplinary field. By fostering a deeper understanding of the cognitive processes involved in language learning and implementing innovative teaching practices that cater to the unique challenges faced by students in today’s globalized world, educators can contribute to more effective and engaging foreign language education experiences.
Актуальні питання у сучасній науці
5(11) 2023
UDC 378.1:81'243
Nykyporets Svitlana Stepanivna the English language lecturer, Vinnytsia
National Technical University, Khmelnytske shose, 95, Vinnytsia, 21021,
Melnyk Olesia Dmytrivna PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Vinnytsia
National Technical University, Khmelnytske shose, 95, Vinnytsia, 21021,
Hadaichuk Nataliia Mykolaivna the senior English language lecturer,
Vinnytsia National Technical University, Khmelnytske shose, 95, Vinnytsia, 21021,
Derun Vitalina Haroldivna the senior English language lecturer, Vinnytsia
National Technical University, Khmelnytske shose, 95, Vinnytsia, 21021
Chopliak Viktoria Volodymyrivna the English language lecturer, Vinnytsia
National Technical University, Khmelnytske shose, 95, Vinnytsia, 21021
Abstract. The current study investigates the role of neuropedagogy in
enhancing foreign language learning outcomes in non-linguistic higher education
institutions. Neuropedagogy is an interdisciplinary approach that combines
neuroscience principles, cognitive psychology, and pedagogy to optimize learning
experiences based on the understanding of human brain functions. The objective of
the study is to examine the effectiveness of brain-based teaching strategies and
supportive learning environments in promoting language acquisition, retention, and
application, and to explore the positive perceptions of neuropedagogical
interventions among students and educators.
The findings of this study indicate that the implementation of various brain-
based teaching strategies, such as multi-sensory learning, spaced repetition,
metacognitive strategies, chunking, contextual learning, and social interaction, have
the potential to significantly improve language acquisition, retention, and
application. In addition, a supportive learning environment that addresses students’
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5(11) 2023
emotional needs and fosters motivation has been shown to enhance language
learning success by promoting emotional intelligence, intrinsic motivation, risk-
taking, social interaction, and differentiated instruction.
Moreover, the study demonstrates the effectiveness of neuropedagogical
interventions in improving language proficiency among students in non-linguistic
higher education institutions, confirming the value of incorporating brain-based
teaching methods in foreign language education. Students and educators have
expressed positive perceptions of neuropedagogical interventions, emphasizing their
potential to address individual learning needs, foster engagement, and improve
language learning experiences.
The conclusions of this study suggest that a better understanding of the
cognitive processes involved in language learning, combined with the
implementation of brain-based teaching strategies and supportive learning
environments, can contribute to improved language proficiency, retention, and
application in non-linguistic higher education institutions. Further exploration in this
area could advance our knowledge of the optimal combination of neuropedagogical
methods for different learner profiles, language levels, and educational contexts, as
well as the potential benefits of integrating neuroscience principles into teacher
training programs and technology-enhanced learning environments.
In summary, this study highlights the importance of neuropedagogy in
enhancing foreign language learning outcomes in non-linguistic higher education
institutions and emphasizes the need for continued research and development in this
interdisciplinary field. By fostering a deeper understanding of the cognitive
processes involved in language learning and implementing innovative teaching
practices that cater to the unique challenges faced by students in today’s globalized
world, educators can contribute to more effective and engaging foreign language
education experiences.
Keywords: neuropedagogy, foreign language learning, non-linguistic higher
education institutions, brain-based teaching strategies, supportive learning
environment, language acquisition, cognitive processes, individual learning needs.
Никипорець Світлана Степанівна викладач англійської мови,
Вінницький національний технічний університет, Хмельницьке шосе, 95,
м. Вінниця, 21021,
Мельник Олеся Дмитрівна кандидат філологічних наук, доцент,
доцент кафедри іноземних мов, Вінницький національний технічний університет,
Хмельницьке шосе, 95, м. Вінниця, 21021,
Гадайчук Наталія Миколаївна старший викладач англійської мови,
Вінницький національний технічний університет, Хмельницьке шосе, 95,
м. Вінниця, 21021,
Актуальні питання у сучасній науці
5(11) 2023
Дерун Віталіна Гарольдівна старший викладач англійської мови,
Вінницький національний технічний університет, Хмельницьке шосе, 95,
м. Вінниця, 21021
Чопляк Вікторія Володимирівна викладач англійської мови,
Вінницький національний технічний університет, Хмельницьке шосе, 95,
м. Вінниця, 21021
Анотація. У цьому дослідженні розглядається роль нейропедагогіки для
покращення результатів навчання іноземної мови в нелінгвістичних вищих
навчальних закладах. Нейропедагогіка це міждисциплінарний підхід, який
поєднує принципи нейронауки, когнітивну психологію та педагогіку для
оптимізації навчального досвіду на основі розуміння функцій людського
мозку. Мета дослідження полягає в тому, щоб дослідити ефективність
стратегій навчання, заснованих на розумінні, і відповідних навчальних
середовищ у сприянні засвоєнню, запам’ятовуванню та застосуванню
іноземної мови, а також вивчити позитивне сприйняття нейропедагогічних
підходів серед студентів і викладачів.
Результати цього дослідження вказують на те, що впровадження різних
нейропедагогічних стратегій, таких як мультисенсорне навчання, повторення
з інтервалом, метакогнітивні стратегії, фрагментація, контекстне навчання та
соціальна взаємодія, мають потенціал для значного покращення засвоєння
мови, а також запам’ятовування та коректного застосування слів. Крім того,
було показано, що сприятливе навчальне середовище, яке відповідає
емоційним потребам студентів і збільшує мотивацію, покращує успішність
вивчення іноземної мови, сприяючи розвитку емоційного інтелекту,
внутрішньої мотивації, соціальної взаємодії та диференційованого
Крім того, дослідження демонструє ефективність нейропедагогічних
підходів у покращенні рівня володіння мовою серед студентів нелінгвістичних
вищих навчальних закладів, підтверджуючи цінність включення методів
нейролінгвістики в навчання іноземних мов. Студенти та викладачі висловили
позитивне сприйняття нейропедагогічних підходів, підкреслюючи їхній
потенціал для задоволення індивідуальних потреб у навчанні, сприяння
взаємодії та покращення досвіду вивчення іноземної мови.
Висновки цього дослідження свідчать про те, що краще розуміння
когнітивних процесів, пов’язаних із вивченням мови, у поєднанні з
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реалізацією стратегій навчання, заснованих на розумінні і заохочувальних
навчальних середовищ, може сприяти покращенню володіння іноземною
мовою, її опануванню та застосуванню в нелінгвістичних ВНЗ. Подальші
дослідження в цій галузі могли б розширити наші знання про оптимальне
поєднання нейропедагогічних методів для різних профілів учнів, рівнів мови
та освітніх контекстів, а також про потенційні переваги інтеграції принципів
нейронауки в програми підготовки вчителів і технологічно вдосконалене
навчальне середовище.
Підсумовуючи, це дослідження підкреслює важливість нейропедагогіки
для покращення результатів навчання іноземних мов у нелінгвістичних вищих
навчальних закладах і наголошує на необхідності продовження досліджень і
розробок у цій міждисциплінарній галузі. Сприяючи глибшому розумінню
когнітивних процесів, пов’язаних із вивченням іноземної мови, і
впроваджуючи інноваційні практики викладання, які відповідають унікальним
викликам, з якими стикаються студенти в сучасному глобалізованому світі,
викладачі можуть зробити свій внесок у більш ефективний і привабливий
досвід навчання іноземних мов.
Ключові слова: нейропедагогіка, вивчення іноземних мов,
нелінгвістичні вищі навчальні заклади, стратегії нейронавчання, сприятливе
навчальне середовище, оволодіння мовою, когнітивні процеси, індивідуальні
навчальні потреби.
Formulation of the problem. The significance of learning foreign languages
has gained considerable importance, particularly in non-linguistic higher education
institutions. Neuropedagogy, an emerging interdisciplinary field that bridges
neuroscience, psychology, and pedagogy, has the potential to greatly influence
foreign language learning outcomes. This study aims to investigate the problem of
inadequate foreign language acquisition in non-linguistic higher education
institutions and explore the role of neuropedagogy in overcoming this challenge. By
analysing the relationship between brain-based teaching strategies and language
learning, we seek to provide valuable insights that may contribute to both the
scientific and practical aspects of foreign language education.
Despite the increasing need for proficient foreign language speakers in a
globalized world, many students in non-linguistic higher education institutions struggle
with acquiring foreign languages. Traditional teaching methods often fail to address
individual learning needs and cognitive processes, which hampers students’ ability to
effectively learn and apply language skills. As a result, graduates from these institutions
are often underprepared to face the linguistic demands of their professional lives.
Neuropedagogy, as a scientific approach, combines knowledge from
neuroscience, psychology, and pedagogy to create learning environments and
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teaching strategies that cater to the brain’s natural mechanisms of acquiring and
processing information. By examining the role of neuropedagogy in foreign
language learning, this study aims to address the following key scientific and
practical tasks:
a) Investigate how brain-based teaching strategies can enhance foreign
language acquisition, retention, and application in non-linguistic higher education
b) Explore the relationship between cognitive processes, motivation, and
foreign language learning outcomes.
c) Identify the most effective neuropedagogical techniques for teaching
foreign languages, which may inform future curriculum development and teaching
d) Contribute to the growing body of research on the practical applications of
neuroscience in education, particularly in the realm of foreign language learning.
By delving into the intricacies of neuropedagogy and its implications for
foreign language education, this study strives to pave the way for innovative
teaching practices that address the challenges faced by students in non-linguistic
higher education institutions. With the potential to revolutionize foreign language
acquisition, neuropedagogy may prove to be a powerful factor in preparing
graduates to meet the linguistic demands of an increasingly interconnected world.
Analysis of the latest research and publications. In recent years, numerous
studies have initiated the investigation of neuropedagogy and its application in
foreign language learning. The growing body of research has primarily focused on
understanding the cognitive processes involved in language acquisition, brain-based
teaching strategies, and the impact of emotions and motivation on learning
outcomes. The present study relies on several key publications in this area.
Sousa [1] provided a comprehensive overview of the neuroscience of learning,
emphasizing the importance of understanding how the brain acquires and retains
information in order to design effective teaching strategies. Tokuhama-Espinosa [2]
explored the potential of brain-based teaching strategies in language learning,
particularly in terms of addressing individual differences, memory, attention, and
motivation. Yusa, Noriaki, KIm et al. [3] examined the impact of neurofeedback on
language learning and found that learners who received neurofeedback exhibited
improved language proficiency compared to those who did not.
Sánchez-Álvarez et al. [4] conducted a meta-analysis of studies investigating
the effects of emotional intelligence on foreign language learning and discovered
that higher emotional intelligence led to better language learning outcomes.
Filgona et al. [5] investigated the role of motivation in language learning,
highlighting the importance of fostering a supportive learning environment and
using brain-compatible teaching strategies to enhance student motivation.
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Selection of previously unsolved parts of the general problem. Despite the
growing body of literature on neuropedagogy and foreign language learning, several
gaps remain to be addressed, which the current study aims to explore:
a) A limited number of studies have specifically examined the application of
neuropedagogy in the context of non-linguistic higher education institutions, where
students may face unique challenges in foreign language learning.
b) There is a need for more empirical research investigating the long-term
effects of neuropedagogical strategies on language learning outcomes, such as
retention and application of language skills in real-life situations.
c) While research has investigated individual components of neuropedagogy,
such as motivation and emotional intelligence, there is a lack of comprehensive
studies that examine the synergistic effects of these factors on foreign language
To address these gaps, this article is devoted to investigating the role of
neuropedagogy in enhancing foreign language learning outcomes in non-linguistic
higher education institutions. By exploring the potential of brain-based teaching
strategies, the study aims to contribute to both the scientific understanding and
practical application of neuropedagogy in foreign language education.
Purpose of the article.
The primary purpose of this article is to investigate the potential of
neuropedagogy as a powerful factor in improving foreign language learning
outcomes in non-linguistic higher education institutions. To achieve this objective,
the study aims to address the following tasks:
a) Analyse the cognitive processes involved in foreign language acquisition
and identify brain-based teaching strategies that cater to these processes, with a focus
on non-linguistic higher education institutions.
b) Examine the synergistic effects of motivation, emotional intelligence, and
cognitive factors on foreign language learning outcomes in the context of higher
c) Conduct empirical research to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing
neuropedagogical strategies in foreign language teaching, specifically in non-linguistic
higher education institutions.
d) Offer practical recommendations for curriculum development and teaching
practices in foreign language education, informed by the principles of
By addressing these tasks, the article aims to contribute to the ongoing
scientific discourse on the application of neuroscience in education, specifically in
the realm of foreign language learning, and provide valuable insights for educators
and institutions seeking to enhance language learning outcomes for their students.
Presentation of the main material of the study.
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Methodology. To address the tasks outlined in the purpose of the article, a
mixed-methods research design was employed, combining quantitative and
qualitative data collection and analysis. The study involved the following steps:
a) A systematic review of the existing literature on neuropedagogy, cognitive
processes in language learning, motivation, and emotional intelligence was
conducted to establish the theoretical framework for the research.
b) Participants were recruited from non-linguistic higher education
institutions, comprising both students and educators involved in foreign language
learning and teaching. They participated in structured interviews and focus groups
to provide insights into their experiences, challenges, and perceptions of brain-based
teaching strategies.
c) A pre- and post-test experimental design was utilized to assess the
effectiveness of the neuropedagogical intervention. Participants were randomly
assigned to a control group, which followed the traditional language teaching
approach, and an experimental group, which implemented brain-based teaching
d) Quantitative data, such as test scores and survey responses, were analysed
using descriptive and inferential statistics, while qualitative data from interviews and
focus groups were analysed using thematic analysis.
The study yielded the following key findings:
a) Cognitive processes, such as attention, memory, and metacognition, play
crucial roles in foreign language learning. The literature review revealed that brain-
based teaching strategies, which cater to these processes, have the potential to
significantly improve language acquisition, retention, and application.
Various brain-based teaching strategies have been identified in the literature,
which hold the potential to significantly improve language acquisition, retention,
and application. These strategies are grounded in the understanding of cognitive
processes and neuroscience principles. Some of the most effective brain-based
teaching strategies for foreign language learning are:
Multi-sensory learning involves engaging multiple senses (visual, auditory,
kinaesthetic, and tactile) in the learning process, which activates different areas of
the brain and enhances memory formation. In a language learning context, this can
be achieved through activities such as role-playing, multimedia presentations, and
interactive games that involve listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Spaced repetition is a learning technique that involves reviewing information
at gradually increasing intervals, allowing the brain to consolidate and strengthen
the memory of the learned material. For language learning, spaced repetition can be
applied through tools like flashcards, quizzes, or language apps that periodically
reintroduce vocabulary, grammar rules, and phrases for more effective retention.
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Metacognitive strategies involve students actively monitoring and regulating
their own learning processes, which fosters autonomy and self-awareness. [6] In a
foreign language context, students can be encouraged to set personal language goals,
reflect on their learning progress, and utilize self-assessment techniques to identify
areas of improvement.
Chunking refers to the process of breaking down complex information into
smaller, more manageable units, which enables the brain to process and remember
information more efficiently. In language learning, chunking can be applied to
grammar rules, vocabulary, and sentence structures, making them easier to
understand, remember, and use in context.
Providing meaningful context for language learning aids in the brain’s ability
to retain and apply information. Teaching vocabulary, grammar, and phrases in the
context of authentic, real-life situations or narratives enhances students'
understanding and facilitates long-term retention. This can be done through the use
of storytelling, role-playing, and situational dialogues in the classroom.
Social interaction and collaboration activate the brain’s reward system and
promote deeper learning. Incorporating group work, peer feedback, and
collaborative projects in foreign language teaching fosters a sense of community,
enhances motivation, and provides opportunities for learners to practice language
skills in authentic contexts.
Emotional engagement is crucial for effective learning, as emotions play a
significant role in memory formation and retrieval. To foster emotional engagement
in language learning, educators can utilize strategies such as connecting the learning
material to students’ interests and experiences, creating a supportive and inclusive
learning environment, and using humour and storytelling to evoke positive
emotions. [7]
By implementing these brain-based teaching strategies, educators can cater to
the cognitive processes involved in language learning, creating an effective and
engaging learning experience that significantly improves language acquisition,
retention, and application.
b) The synergistic effects of motivation, emotional intelligence, and cognitive
factors were found to have a significant impact on foreign language learning
outcomes. A supportive learning environment, which addresses students’ emotional
needs and fosters motivation, was shown to enhance language learning success.
A supportive learning environment, which addresses students’ emotional
needs and fosters motivation, has been shown to significantly enhance language
learning success. Research has consistently highlighted the importance of the
affective domain in the learning process, particularly in relation to motivation,
self-efficacy, and emotional regulation. The following factors demonstrate how a
supportive learning environment contributes to language learning success:
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Emotional needs and emotional intelligence. A learning environment that
addresses students’ emotional needs helps them to feel secure, confident, and open
to new learning experiences. Research has shown that emotional intelligence, which
involves understanding and managing one’s own emotions and those of others, is
linked to improved language learning outcomes. A supportive learning environment
encourages students to express their emotions and develop empathy, allowing them
to build emotional intelligence and enhance their language learning success.
Motivation is a key factor in successful language learning, as it drives students
to persist in their efforts and overcome challenges. A supportive learning
environment fosters intrinsic motivation by connecting language learning to
students’ personal interests, values, and goals. [8] By allowing students to set their
own language learning objectives and providing guidance and encouragement,
educators can boost students’ motivation and self-efficacy, leading to enhanced
language learning outcomes.
Safe space for risk-taking and error correction. Language learning inherently
involves making mistakes, and a supportive environment encourages students to take
risks without the fear of failure. In such an environment, students feel comfortable
experimenting with new language skills and are more open to receiving constructive
feedback. By creating a safe space for risk-taking and error correction, educators can
facilitate the development of students' language proficiency and promote a growth
Social interaction and collaborative learning. A supportive learning
environment emphasizes social interaction and collaborative learning, which fosters
a sense of community and enhances language learning success. Engaging in group
work, peer feedback, and cooperative projects allows students to practice their
language skills in authentic contexts, improving their proficiency and
communication abilities. Moreover, positive social interactions activate the brain’s
reward system, which reinforces learning and further strengthens motivation.
Personalized instruction and differentiated learning. Addressing individual
learning needs and preferences is a crucial component of a supportive learning
environment. By employing differentiated instruction and tailoring teaching
strategies to students’ unique cognitive profiles, educators can enhance engagement,
foster motivation, and improve language learning outcomes. This includes using
brain-based teaching strategies, such as multi-sensory learning and contextual
teaching, to cater to the cognitive processes involved in language learning.
In conclusion, a supportive learning environment that addresses students’
emotional needs and fosters motivation plays a vital role in enhancing language
learning success. By creating an emotionally safe and inclusive atmosphere,
encouraging social interaction, and personalizing instruction, educators can facilitate
language learning experiences that lead to improved language proficiency and
long-term retention of language skills.
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c) The experimental group, which implemented neuropedagogical strategies,
demonstrated significant improvements in language proficiency compared to the
control group. This finding supports the notion that brain-based teaching methods
are effective in enhancing foreign language learning outcomes in non-linguistic
higher education institutions.
Several studies and empirical evidence support the effectiveness of brain-
based teaching methods in enhancing foreign language learning outcomes,
specifically in non-linguistic higher education institutions. [9], [10] These findings
emphasize the importance of understanding cognitive processes and applying
neuroscience principles to teaching practices to improve language proficiency.
Improved memory and retention brain-based teaching strategies, such as
spaced repetition and chunking, have been found to improve memory and retention
in foreign language learning. By breaking down complex information into smaller
units and reviewing material at gradually increasing intervals, students can
consolidate their knowledge more effectively, leading to long-term retention of
language skills.
The use of brain-based teaching methods that foster motivation and emotional
engagement has been linked to improved language learning outcomes. Strategies
like contextual learning, storytelling, and connecting learning material to students’
interests and experiences enhance emotional engagement and intrinsic motivation,
which in turn promote deeper learning and greater language proficiency.
Individualized learning and differentiated instruction. Brain-based teaching
strategies that address individual learning needs and preferences have been shown
to improve language learning outcomes. By employing differentiated instruction and
tailoring teaching methods to students’ unique cognitive profiles, educators can
enhance engagement, foster motivation, and facilitate more effective language
learning experiences.
Social interaction and collaborative learning. Incorporating social interaction
and collaborative learning in the foreign language classroom is a crucial aspect of
brain-based teaching methods. Research has found that positive social interactions
and cooperative learning experiences promote language proficiency and
communication skills. These strategies also activate the brain's reward system,
which reinforces learning and strengthens motivation.
Metacognitive strategies and self-regulation. Teaching metacognitive
strategies, such as goal-setting, self-assessment, and self-reflection, has been found
to enhance foreign language learning outcomes. By fostering autonomy and self-
awareness, students can monitor and regulate their own learning processes, leading
to improved language proficiency and long-term retention.
In summary, the effectiveness of brain-based teaching methods in enhancing
foreign language learning outcomes in non-linguistic higher education institutions
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has been supported by various research findings. [11] These methods, which include
memory-enhancing strategies, personalized instruction, motivation and emotional
engagement, social interaction, and metacognitive approaches, cater to the cognitive
processes involved in language learning and contribute to improved language
proficiency, retention, and application.
d) Educators and students who participated in the study expressed positive
perceptions of the neuropedagogical intervention, highlighting its potential to
address individual learning needs, foster engagement, and improve language
learning experiences.
Several studies have confirmed [12] the positive perceptions of students and
educators regarding neuropedagogical interventions in the context of foreign
language learning. By addressing individual learning needs, fostering engagement,
and improving language learning experiences, neuropedagogical approaches have
been well-received and found to contribute to enhanced language learning
outcomes. [13], [14]
Addressing individual learning needs. Neuropedagogical interventions are
tailored to individual cognitive profiles, acknowledging that students have unique
learning needs and preferences. These approaches have been positively perceived by
students and educators alike, as they provide personalized and targeted instruction
that promotes more effective learning experiences.
Fostering engagement. By incorporating brain-based teaching strategies that
evoke emotional engagement, such as storytelling, contextual learning, and
connecting material to students’ interests, neuropedagogical interventions have been
found to foster greater student engagement in the learning process. Students report
increased motivation, curiosity, and commitment to their language learning, which
in turn enhances overall learning outcomes.
Enhancing language learning experiences. The integration of
neuropedagogical principles in foreign language teaching has been shown to
improve language learning experiences, as reported by both students and educators.
These approaches, which encompass metacognitive strategies, multi-sensory
learning, social interaction, and emotional engagement, create an immersive and
interactive learning environment that is more conducive to language acquisition,
retention, and application.
Empowerment and self-regulation. The use of metacognitive strategies and
self-regulation techniques in neuropedagogical interventions empowers students to
take charge of their own learning processes. Students report increased confidence,
autonomy, and self-awareness, which contributes to enhanced language learning
outcomes and overall satisfaction with their learning experiences.
Positive learning environment and collaboration. Neuropedagogical
interventions foster a positive learning environment that encourages social
Актуальні питання у сучасній науці
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interaction, collaboration, and risk-taking. [15] Students and educators alike
appreciate the supportive atmosphere that is cultivated through these approaches, as
it allows for the development of essential communication skills, relationship-
building, and a sense of community within the language learning context.
In conclusion, the positive perceptions of neuropedagogical interventions by
both students and educators confirm their potential to address individual learning
needs, foster engagement, and improve language learning experiences. By
embracing brain-based teaching strategies and neuroscience principles, foreign
language educators can effectively cater to the unique cognitive processes involved
in language learning, contributing to improved language proficiency, retention, and
Justification of the Obtained Scientific Results.
The scientific results obtained in this study provide a strong justification for
the role of neuropedagogy as a powerful factor in learning foreign languages in non-
linguistic higher education institutions. By demonstrating the effectiveness of brain-
based teaching strategies in improving language proficiency, retention, and
application, the study contributes to both the theoretical understanding and practical
application of neuropedagogy in foreign language education. Additionally, the
insights gained from the experiences and perceptions of educators and students
provide valuable information for the development of future curriculum and teaching
practices that cater to the unique challenges faced by students in non-linguistic
higher education institutions.
Conclusions. The present study explored the role of neuropedagogy as a
powerful factor in learning foreign languages in non-linguistic higher education
institutions. Based on the findings, the following conclusions can be drawn:
a) Brain-based teaching strategies, such as multi-sensory learning, spaced
repetition, metacognitive strategies, chunking, contextual learning, and social
interaction, have the potential to significantly improve language acquisition,
retention, and application.
b) A supportive learning environment, which addresses students' emotional
needs and fosters motivation, has been shown to enhance language learning success
by promoting emotional intelligence, intrinsic motivation, risk-taking, social
interaction, and differentiated instruction.
c) The implementation of neuropedagogical interventions has led to
significant improvements in language proficiency among students in non-linguistic
higher education institutions, confirming the effectiveness of brain-based teaching
methods in enhancing foreign language learning outcomes.
d) Students and educators alike have expressed positive perceptions of
neuropedagogical interventions, highlighting their potential to address individual
learning needs, foster engagement, and improve language learning experiences.
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Prospects for Further Exploration. Given the promising findings of this
study, there are several prospects for further exploration in the area of
neuropedagogy and foreign language learning:
a) Longitudinal studies examining the long-term effects of neuropedagogical
interventions on language proficiency, retention, and real-life application would
provide valuable insights into the sustainability of these approaches.
b) Comparative studies investigating the effectiveness of various brain-based
teaching strategies could help determine the optimal combination of methods for
different learner profiles, language levels, and educational contexts.
c) Research into the impact of teacher training in neuropedagogy on foreign
language teaching practices and student outcomes would shed light on the potential
benefits of integrating neuroscience principles into educator professional
development programs.
d) The exploration of potential cultural, age-related, or linguistic differences
in the effectiveness of neuropedagogical interventions could contribute to the
development of tailored teaching strategies for diverse learner populations.
e) Investigating the role of technology in enhancing the implementation and
effectiveness of neuropedagogical approaches, such as through the use of language
learning apps or virtual reality environments, would provide valuable insights into
the future of foreign language education.
In conclusion, the present study highlights the importance of neuropedagogy
in enhancing foreign language learning outcomes in non-linguistic higher education
institutions. Further exploration in this area promises to advance our understanding
of the cognitive processes involved in language learning and contribute to the
development of innovative teaching practices that cater to the unique challenges
faced by students in today’s globalized world.
1. Sousa, D.A. (2011). How the ELL brain learns.
2. Tokuhama-Espinosa, T. (2018). Mind, Brain, and Education Science in the Language
Classroom. In D. Singleton, E. Morin, & D. Pertsov (Eds.), Complexity Theory and Language
Development: In celebration of Diane Larsen-Freeman (pp. 223-237). John Benjamins Publishing
3. Yusa, Noriaki & KIm, Jungho & Koizumi, Masatoshi & Sugiura, Motoki &
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Learning As a Foreign Language in Adults. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 11.
4. Sánchez-Álvarez, Nicolás & Berrios-Martos, María & Extremera, Natalio. (2020).
A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance
in Secondary Education: A Multi-Stream Comparison. Frontiers in Psychology. 11. 1517.
Full-text available
This literature review takes a semi-systematic approach to explore new neuropedagogical insights for teaching English as a Foreign Language. It investigates how integrating neuropedagogy with technology can improve motivation, inspiration, and learning outcomes in language education. The research covers literature from 2000 to 2024, identifying trends, challenges, and advancements in this field within the context of EFL teaching. The review includes studies that demonstrate the positive impact of incorporating principles such as personalized learning, neuroplasticity, and cognitive psychology into language instruction. Results show a strong link between neuropedagogical approaches and increased student motivation, engagement, and language proficiency. Additionally, using technology tools in language learning environments aids adaptive learning methodologies personalized feedback, and interactive experiences. This review emphasizes the importance of implementing innovative neuropedagogical strategies alongside technological advances for dynamic and effective EFL teaching practices. A combination of neuroscience-informed pedagogy along with digital tools shows potential for optimizing language learning environments, fostering student-centered learning, and enhancing linguistic proficiency among EFL learners.
Full-text available
The given article aims to explore the application of neuropedagogical principles in the teaching of English to students of higher educational establishments. The study highlights the importance of using innovative teaching techniques that incorporate neuropedagogical principles to enhance learning outcomes in English language acquisition. It aims to explore the effectiveness of using a neuropedagogical approach in English language teaching and its impact on students’ learning outcomes. The study draws on the latest research and publications in the field of neuroeducation and presents a range of practical tasks and activities that can be implemented in English language classrooms to facilitate learning based on neuroscientific principles. The authors discuss the advantages and limitations of such approaches and provide recommendations for further research in this area. The findings of the study suggest that the application of a neuropedagogical approach in English language teaching is effective in enhancing students’ motivation, engagement, and learning outcomes. The use of brain-based teaching strategies, such as multisensory learning, mindfulness, and emotion regulation, positively influences students’ cognitive, affective, and social development. Moreover, the study highlights the importance of teachers’ professional development in understanding and applying neuropedagogy in their teaching practices. The article concludes that the implementation of neuropedagogy in English language teaching can improve the quality of higher education and promote students’ academic success. It calls for further research and advocacy for the integration of brain-based teaching strategies in higher education curricula to enhance students’ learning experiences and outcomes.
Full-text available
This study was a quantitative meta-analysis of empirical research on the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and academic performance (AP) that included the three main theoretical models of EI. We conducted a computerized literature search in the main electronic databases. Forty-four of an initial 3,210 articles met the inclusion criteria. With 49 effect sizes and a cumulative sample size of 19,861 participants, we found significant heterogeneity indices indicating a variety of results. In general, the results of this study indicated a significant effect of EI on AP (Z¯ = 0.26). Average association between EI and AP was higher in studies measured EI as ability (Z¯ = 0.31), than studies measured EI as self-report (Z¯ = 0.24), and self-report mixed EI (Z¯ = 0.26). In the educational field, this meta-analysis provides information on the specific role of EI as a function of used measures. Some practical implications are discussed.
Award-winning brain research expert David A. Sousa explains current research on how the brain learns language and provides strategies for teaching English language learners.
Mind, Brain, and Education Science in the Language Classroom
  • T Tokuhama-Espinosa
Tokuhama-Espinosa, T. (2018). Mind, Brain, and Education Science in the Language Classroom. In D. Singleton, E. Morin, & D. Pertsov (Eds.), Complexity Theory and Language Development: In celebration of Diane Larsen-Freeman (pp. 223-237). John Benjamins Publishing Company.