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Child Development. 2023;00:1–19.
The successful adaptation and integration of immigrant
and ethnic minority youth is a key challenge that has
become increasingly relevant not only in societies with
a long history of migration and multiculturalism (e.g.,
US or Canada), but also in the European context due to
globalization and other major sociopolitical events, in-
cluding the so- called “refugee crisis” (Silove et al.,2017 ).
This is particularly true in recent receiving countries like
Italy, where immigration is still perceived as a new and
potentially threatening phenomenon by the local pop-
ulation. Politicians and the media often amplify these
negative sentiments, contributing to the perpetuation
of stereotypes and prejudice through the use of a narra-
tive emphasizing fear and societal insecurity (Rubaltelli
et al., 2020). In addition, the COVID- 19 outbreak has
further intensified socioeconomic disparities and dis-
criminatory acts against members of ethnic minorities
and immigrants (Cheah et al.,2020).
Given the growing social polarization and persistent
interethnic tensions, understanding one's own cultural
identity (a term often used in the European literature,
reflecting different histories and experiences regarding
immigrant and ethnic minority populations; see Juang
et al.,2020) and learning how to approach cultural di-
versity have become even more pressing tasks that both
ethnic majority and minority youth need to face on their
way to adulthood (Schwarzenthal et al.,2017). Achieving
a stable ethnic identity and intercultural competence are
Efficacy of a cultural adaptation of the Identity Project intervention
among adolescents attending multiethnic classrooms in Italy:
A randomized controlled trial
ChiaraCeccon1 | Maja K.Schachner2 | FrancescaLionetti3,4 |
MassimilianoPastore1 | Adriana J.Umaña- Taylor5 | UghettaMoscardino1
DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13944
This is an ope n acc ess a rticle und er the terms of the Creative Com mons Attribution-NonComm ercial-NoDerivs Li cense, which permit s use a nd distribut ion in a ny
medium, prov ided t he orig inal work is prop erly cit ed, t he use i s non-c omm ercial and no mo dif ications or ad aptat ions ar e made.
© 2023 The Aut hors. Child Development publ ished by Wiley Periodica ls LLC on behalf of Soci ety for Res earch in Ch ild De velopm ent.
Abbreviations: AES, Aes theti c Sens itivity; CFA, Conf irmator y Factor A nalys is; CFI, compar ative f it index; EIS, Eth nic Identity S cale; EOE, Eas e of Excit ation;
ERI, eth nic - racial id entity; FAS, Family A ff luence Sca le; HSCS, H igh ly Sensitive Ch ild Scale; IP, Identity Project; LST, Low Se nsor y Thr eshold ; RMSEA, root
mean s quare e rror of ap proxi mation; SES, socioe conom ic status; SRMR, stan dard ize d root mea n squa re res idual; TLI, Tucker Lewis in dex.
1University of Padova, Padova , Italy
2Martin- Luth er- Univer sität Halle -
Wittenberg, H alle , Germany
3Univers ity of Ch ieti- D 'Annunzio, Ch ieti,
Ital y
4Quee n Mary Un ivers ity of London,
London, UK
5Harvard Gra duate S chool of E ducat ion,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Ughett a Mosca rdino, Depa rtm ent
of Development al Psychology a nd
Socialis ation, Un ivers ity of Pad ova,
via Venez ia 8, 35131 Padova, Italy.
Emai l:
Funding information
Fondaz ione Ca ssa di Rispa rm io di Padova
e Rovigo; Unive rsità d egl i Studi d i Padova ,
Grant/Award Number: C95F21007400005
This registered report evaluated the efficacy of an Italian adaptation of the
Identity Project, a school- based intervention promoting adolescents' cultural
identity. Migration background and environmental sensitivity were explored as
moderators. After adapting and piloting the intervention, a randomized controlled
trial was conducted between October 2021 and January 2022 on 747 ethnically
diverse adolescents (Mage = 15 years, 53% girls, 31% with migration background)
attending 45 classrooms randomly assigned to the intervention or control
condition. Bayesian analyses confirmed the efficacy of the Italian IP in enhancing
exploration processes (Cohen's d = .18), whereas no cascading effect on resolution
emerged. Youth with higher (vs. lower) levels of environmental sensitivity benefited
more in terms of exploration. Implications for developmental theory and practice
are discussed.
CECCON et al.
two interrelated processes that are pivotal for adoles-
cents' well- being (see Rivas- Drake et al.,2014) and rep-
resent a step toward building more inclusive multiethnic
societies. Yet, despite international calls to promote tol-
erance and respect for diversity among youth and the
recognized importance of ethnocultural identity forma-
tion in the scientific field, evidence- based interventions
that provide effective tools and protected spaces for ado-
lescents to address such topics are still scarce, especially
in the European context.
The Identity Project (IP) is a school- based interven-
tion in which, through the stimulation of identity explo-
ration processes, all students are involved in a series of
activities that aim to foster sense of belonging, accep-
tance of cultural diversity, and quality of interethnic
relationships (Umaña- Taylor & Douglass, 2 017). The in-
tervention was designed and successfully tested in the US
(Sladek, Umaña- Taylor, Wantchekon, et al.,2021; Umaña-
Taylor, Douglass, et al.,2018; Umaña- Taylor, Kornienko,
et al.,2018), and a first study in the European context has
been recently carried out in Germany (Juang et al.,2020),
yielding promising results. However, as stated by the au-
thors, the small sample size decreased the power to de-
tect effects (see Juang et al.,2020). Thus, more research is
needed to test the efficacy of the IP in other countries out-
side the US with different histories and patterns of immi-
gration. For example, compared to the US and Germany,
Italian society differs greatly in terms of multicultural
policies, ethnic composition, and intergroup dynamics
between ethnic majority and minority members (Musso
et al.,2018). In addition, the identif ication of specific sub-
groups of adolescents for whom the intervention might be
most (or least) effective merits further investigation.
This registered report aimed to test the efficacy of a
culturally adapted version of the IP in Italy, a country that
is one of the main entries into Europe for immigrants and
refugees. Replication of efficacy studies in new sociocul-
tural contexts is essential to ensure external validity and
generalizability of evidence- based interventions, while
adaptation responds to a professed lack of cultural sensi-
tivity when implementing programs with different target
groups (Beelmann et al., 2018). Furthermore, given that
the efficacy of interventions might be underestimated
when it is hidden in individual- by- environment interac-
tions (Bakermans- Kranenburg & Van IJzendoorn,2 015),
we explored whether migration background and sensi-
tivity to environmental influences (defined as the ability
to register, process, and respond to stimuli; Pluess, 2015)
moderated adolescents' response to the intervention.
The IP intervention: in pursuit of
ethnic- racial identity
The pursuit of identity is a core developmental task: even
though identity continues to evolve throughout the lifes-
pan, its formation is emphasized in adolescence by the
advances in cognitive maturity (e.g., abstract thinking,
introspection) and the possibility of exploring new op-
tions and different potential “selves” (Erikson, 1968).
During adolescence, individuals gain more independ-
ence from parents and autonomy in decision making,
are allowed to engage more freely with external environ-
ments, and are increasingly oriented toward interactions
with peers. Erikson referred to this phase as the “iden-
tity versus role confusion” stage, noting that a failure
in resolving one's identity could lead to negative conse-
quences, such as limiting the ability to develop close re-
lationships with others, or difficulties in def ining one's
values, goals, and future plans.
An important component of identity is ethnic- racial
identity (ERI ), which refers to a sense of belonging to, and
identification with, one's ethnic group (Phinney, 1989).
Similar to global identity, the process of ERI forma-
tion is critical in the teen years for ethnic minority and
immigrant youth as well as for majority youth (Musso
et al.,2018; Rivas- Drake et al.,2014). In partic ular, among
ethnic minority adolescents, exploration of one's own
ERI is associated with fewer depressive symptoms and
greater self- esteem, and both exploration and resolution
are related to higher levels of academic engagement and
achievement (Rivas- Drake et al., 2014). Furthermore,
increased exploration was found to be linked to greater
intercultural competence among the German majority
youth (Schwarzenthal et al., 2 017). Finally, in both mi-
nority and majority youth, ERI resolution was linked to
an increase in global identity cohesion, academic grades
and self- esteem, and a decrease in depressive symptoms
(Umaña- Taylor, Kornienko, et al.,2018).
The IP program was specifically designed to help
adolescents achieve the developmental competence
of ERI formation and promote a classroom climate of
tolerance and respect for diversity (Umaña- Taylor &
Douglass,2017 ). The conceptual model of the IP inter-
vention draws on developmental theory postulating that
a clear sense of one's own identity (i.e., resolution) results
from an extensive process of search, observation, and
consideration of that identity (i.e., exploration). This pro-
cess u ltimately al lows ind ividuals to exper ience a “whole”
and “complete” inner identity in which they integrate a
sense of who they were, who they are, and who they can
become (Erikson,1968; Marcia,1980). Furthermore, the
intervention is based on the idea that ERI is an essential
competence for youth from any cultural background and
that the strategies used by adolescents to explore their
heritage identity are common across cultural groups,
even if the content of the exploration itself may differ
(Umaña- Taylor, Kornienko, et al.,2 018). Thus, individ-
ual identity formation can also be promoted in a collec-
tive, multicultural context such as school, which holds a
central role in immigrant youths' acculturation process
(Schachner et al.,2016).
The IP intervention comprises 8 weekly sessions in-
volving developmentally appropriate activities that take
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place in the classroom setting. The sessions are designed
to stimulate ERI exploration and resolution processes
and are conceived to be relevant and accessible to all stu-
dents, regardless of their family constellations and eth-
nic composition of the classroom. For example, when the
family topic is addressed, participants are encouraged to
adopt a broad and comprehensive perspective to make
them ref lect on how many meaningful individuals can
inf luence their own cultural identity and to avoid creat-
ing discomfort among youth whose family constellations
include people who are not their biological relatives.
Moreover, because classrooms often have a multifaceted
ethnic composition, activities refer to as many cultures
of origin as possible and always show examples that stu-
dents without a migration background can also relate to.
Throughout the different sessions, students are pro-
vided opportunities to examine their cultural heritage
and traditions (e.g., by taking and sharing photos of
meaningful cultural symbols and interviewing members
of their ethnic community), learn about others' back-
ground during moments of collective discussions, and
gain awareness about the country's history of migration
by discovering stories of past and present discrimina-
tion based on real- life events. By engaging in active re-
flections and debates with facilitators and classmates,
students are guided to overcome stereotypes and mis-
conceptions about ERI and to understand that each of
them is allowed to find their unique way of experienc-
ing this part of their identity (Umaña- Taylor, Douglass,
et al.,2018).
In terms of efficacy, a small- scale randomized con-
trol trial conducted in the US evidenced that the IP in-
tervention started a ripple effect, leading adolescents to
explore and thus gain a clearer sense of their ethnic iden-
tity which, in turn, was linked to a greater global iden-
tity cohesion as well as to psychological and academic
benefits (see Umaña- Taylor, Kornienko, et al., 2018). A
recent study testing the German adaptation of the IP
showed that students in the intervention group reported
more unequal treatment in school due to ethnic differ-
ences, but they were also more resilient in the face of so-
cietal inequalities than their peers in the control group
(Juang et al.,2020). Albeit promising, these results war-
rant further scrutiny to determine the efficacy of the IP
in other sociocultural contexts (Beelmann et al.,2018).
Here, we propose to replicate a culturally adapted ver-
sion of the IP intervention in a sample of adolescents
attending multiethnic classrooms in Italy. In doing so,
we followed recommended guidelines concerning study
preregistration and open science (see Nosek et al.,2018;
Syed & Donnellan,2020) to increase transparency, avoid
questionable research practices (e.g., insufficient statis-
tical power, p- hacking, hypothesizing after results are
known), and ultimately increase reproducibility.
A relevant issue in intervention research concerns
the extent to which efficacy may vary as a function of
specific individual or contextual characteristics. Based
on separate lines of research highlighting the impact
of migration background and trait- like environmen-
tal sensitivity on intervention eff icacy in the realm of
other school- based prevention/intervention programs
for adolescents (see Nocentini et al., 2018; Pluess &
Boniwell, 2015; Sladek, Umaña- Taylor, Wantchekon,
et al.,2021), in this study we explored the role of these
variables as candidate moderators, as discussed next.
Migration background and environmental
sensitivity as moderators
In the original IP, the authors considered ethnic group
membership as a relevant variable possibly inf luencing
intervention efficacy in light of their multiethnic sample.
Indeed, Sladek, Umaña- Taylor, Wantchekon, et al.(2021)
found that ethnic minority youth reported greater lev-
els of identity resolution from pre- to posttest, whereas
their majority counterparts showed higher increases in
this variable over a 1- year follow- up period. This result is
attributable to the higher salience of ERI- related issues
for ethnic minority adolescents due to their involvement
in acculturation processes and the need to accommodate
between heritage and mainstream culture values (Rivas-
Drake et al., 2014 ; Schachner et al., 2018). However,
several differences exist between the majority/minority
distinction within the US context and what is consid-
ered to be an “immigrant” or a person with a migration
background in Europe. For example, in the former case,
ethnic minorities are grouped into a few major racial cat-
egories (e.g., Hispanic or Latinxs, African Americans,
Asian Americans) that represent a sizable part of the
social fabric, whereas immigration in Europe is a rather
heterogeneous and relatively recent phenomenon in
many countries due to its rapid increase only in the past
50 years. In addition, whilst immigrants in the US tend
to become part of the majority group or extant minor-
ity groups over the course of two or three generations,
in European countries individuals of immigrant descent
keep being referred to as “immigrants” long after hav-
ing settled into host societies, also due to differences in
citizenship attribution (Motti- Stefanidi & Masten,2013).
Thus, in the European context, migration background
might play a different role in relation to identity pro-
cesses compared to ethnic majority or minority status in
the US.
Beyond group- based characteristics, theoretical and
empirical evidence also suggests that temperamentally-
based traits can influence individuals' responses to treat-
ment (Bakermans- Kranenburg & Van IJzendoorn, 2015;
de Villiers et al.,2018). Among these, environmental sen-
sitivity has gained particular attention in recent years
due to its importance for adaptation and mental health
(Lionetti, Pastore, et al., 2019). Environmental sensi-
tivity is defined as the fundamental “ability to register,
process, and respond to external factors” (Pluess, 2015,
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CECCON et al.
p. 138). Although such ability is critical for all human
beings to adapt successfully to their social and physical
environment, people substantially differ in their levels of
sensitivity, with some being more affected by contextual
conditions than others (Aron et al.,2012). Building on pre-
vious theoretical models concerning person- environment
interactions and their role in adjustment quality (Aron
et al.,2 012; Belsky & Pluess, 2009; Boyce & Ellis, 2005),
Pluess(2015) proposed a meta- framework to capture the-
ories of individual- environment interaction under the
same umbrella and defined environmental sensitivity as
an inherited trait responsible for individual differences in
response to stimuli. This trait has been shown to increase
vulnerability when people are faced with negative events
(in line with the diathesis- stress model), but it also renders
individuals highly susceptible to positive environments,
as postulated by the “vantage sensitivity” proposition.
In line with this meta- framework, a number of studies
confirmed the moderating role of environmental sen-
sitivity in a variety of contexts. For instance, Lionetti,
Aron, et al. (2019) found that children with high levels
of behaviorally observed sensitivity were more affected
by the inf luence of a negative parenting style in relation
to emotional- behavioral problems, but they also showed
greater social competence in the presence of good par-
enting quality than low sensitive children. Similarly,
Scrimin et al.(2018) reported that highly sensitive chil-
dren were more vulnerable to the negative effects of a
stressful environment, but they also benefited more from
a supportive family environment than their low- sensitive
counterparts. Of importance, intervention studies where
the environmental variable was manipulated revealed
that highly sensitive adolescents had greater advantage
from being exposed to positive environmental conditions
compared to less sensitive ones (Nocentini et al., 2018;
Pluess & Boniwell,2015). Given that the IP aims to cre-
ate a safe context where students receive positive feed-
back and support in their identity formation process,
and consistent with the vantage sensitivity proposition,
it is possible that the intervention might be more effective
for high (vs. low) sensitive participants.
Italian sociocultural background
In comparison to both Germany and the US, Italy can
be considered a recently receiving society that rapidly
changed from a country of emigration into one of im-
migration starting from the 1990s. Although Italy is
becoming increasingly multicultural, immigration poli-
cies still reflect an “emergency” approach rather than a
structured, long- term, integration- oriented view. This
is also mirrored in the scarce resources allocated by the
national government to enhance teachers' preparedness
in the management of multicultural issues. However,
the Italian school system distinguishes itself from other
countries, including Germany, as it adopts a universalist
and inclusive approach involving the absence of early
school tracking, the integration of migrant children into
mainstream classes from the beginning of their school-
ing, and the possibility to attend Italian language classes
during school hours or after- school programs (European
Another important difference concerns the ethnic com-
position of the population of immigrant descent in the
country, which counts approximately 5 million legally
residing citizens (9% of the total population) and includes
over 200 different nationalities, with the main countries of
origin being Romania (23%), Albania (8%), Morocco (8%),
China (6%), and Ukraine (4%; ISTAT,2020). Overall, the
main reason for immigration is related to better employ-
ment opportunities. People from former Communist (e.g.,
Albania, Romania, Ukraine) and North African countries
(e.g., Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia) tend to choose Italy as their
destination due to geographical and/or cultural proximity,
whereas individuals from farther nations are attracted by
the possibility of being employed in seasonal jobs (e.g.,
Bangladesh, Pakistan) or launching new business activities
(e.g., China). Therefore, immigrant communities in Italy
cannot be compared to long- standing ethnic minorities
such as the Turkish community in Germany or minori-
tized groups in the US (e.g., Latinxs, African Americans).
At the societal level, Italy exhibits moderately sup-
portive policies toward multiculturalism as indexed
by the Migrant Integration Policy Index (Solano &
Huddleston,2020) and the Multiculturalism Policy Index
(Queen's University, 2022). However, according to the
Eurobarometer (European Commission, 2018), almost
half of the Italian respondents (46%) consider immigrants
as having a negative impact on society, and only 21% have
a totally positive perception, whereas in Germany 27% of
respondents report a negative perception and 44% a com-
pletely positive perception. These differences reflect an
overall ambivalent attitude toward immigrants in Italy,
with the media often perpetuating negative stereotypes
and spreading narratives of migration associated with il-
legality and crime (Rubaltelli et al.,2020).
The present study
Considering the scarcity of empirically- based inter-
ventions designed to promote ERI development and
psychosocial adjustment among youths from diverse
ethnocultural backgrounds in the European context, the
purpose of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy
of a culturally adapted version of the IP intervention in a
sample of multiethnic adolescents in Italy. Specifically, we
aimed to replicate Umaña- Taylor, Douglass, et al.'s(2018)
process model postulating that the intervention would re-
sult in an increase in cultural identity exploration which,
in turn, would be linked to higher levels of resolution at
follow- up. In intervention research, replication is par-
ticularly important to evaluate whether the intervention
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meets the challenges associated with cultural adaptation
and implementation in a different context, including the
use of materials in another educational setting, partici-
pant engagement, or the adjustment of organizational
structures (Huitsing et al.,2020). In addition, we explored
the possible role of migration background and environ-
mental sensitivity in moderating intervention efficacy.
Building on previous research related to the IP inter-
vention, the following preregistered hypotheses (htt ps:// kd2gb) were tested:
(H1) Adolescents in the intervention group will show
an increase in cultural identity exploration from pre-
test (T0) to posttest (T1) as compared to their peers in
the control group.
(H2) In the intervention (vs. control) group, increases
in cultural identity exploration from pre- (T0) to
posttest (T1) will be linked to increases in resolution
at follow- up (T2).
These hypotheses were formalized in terms of plausi-
ble effect sizes that are further described in AppendixA1
(see also Figure1).
In addition to these hypotheses, and in light of emerg-
ing evidence suggesting that personal characteristics
might play a role in how adolescents respond to school-
based interventions, our study also explored whether
participants with a migration background and those
with higher levels of trait- like sensitivity benefited more
(or less) from the intervention than their nonmigrant,
low- sensitive counterparts.
Cultural adaptation of the IP intervention to the
Italian context
The IP contents and activities were adapted to the
Italian sociocultural context based on international
guidelines concerning the adaptation of evidence- based
interventions (Barrera et al.,2013). Specifically, we fol-
lowed five steps: (1) information gathering, (2) prelimi-
nary adaptation design, (3) preliminary adaptation test,
(4) adaptation refinement, and (5) cultural adaptation
trial. Due to space limitations, Steps 1– 4 are described
in AppendixA2, whereas Step 5 (main study) is the focus
of the current paper. Here, we will brief ly describe the
main outcomes of the preliminary adaptation design and
subsequent refinement which informed the large- scale
implementation of the Italian IP.
In relation to the intervention protocol, the major
changes concerned a conceptual and terminological
shift from “race”, “ethnicity”, and “ERI” to the terms
“culture” and “cultural identity.” Following the German
adaptation (Juang et al., 2020), this modification was
deemed necessary to address the taboo surrounding the
concept of race that is still present in European coun-
tries due to the racially motivated atrocities committed
during World War II. Moreover, we adapted the IP con-
tents to be more accessible for an Italian audience by
including facts from the country's history and personal
episodes experienced by individuals with an Italian
As regards feasibility and acceptability, qualitative
feedback gathered from teachers and students through
focus groups confirmed the cultural salience of activi-
ties, students' appreciation of the interactive approach
adopted by facilitators, and a good participation rate,
whereas some concerns were raised in relation to the
length of survey assessments and insufficient time for re-
flections (see Ceccon et al., 2023). Our target measures
reported good psychometric properties, with the ex-
ception of one subscale of the questionnaire measuring
cultural identity (see Measures section). Based on these
findings, we further refined our adaptation of the IP (i.e.,
emphasis on participatory and practical tasks; creation
of additional activity about language and multilingual-
ism; shortening of assessment protocol; more time for
group discussions; use of long instead of a short version
of cultural identity measure).
FIGUR E 1 Target model. ET0 = exploration at T0; ET1 = exploration at T1; RT2 = resolut ion at T2; b = standard ized beta. Group coded as
1 = inte rventio n, 0 = waitlist control. Intercepts are om itte d for clar ity. Dotted arrows represent paramet ers considered in power analysis.
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CECCON et al.
Main study
We used Bayesian power analysis to determine our sam-
ple size, selecting relevant parameters and evaluating
a multivariate multilevel linear model to test our main
hypotheses (see Figure1). A detailed explanation of the
sampling plan is provided in AppendixA1.
The study was designed as a randomized controlled
trial at the classroom level. Participants from classrooms
in the intervention group received the 8- week IP inter-
vention, whereas their peers from classrooms in the con-
trol group were put on a waitlist prior to receiving the
intervention. The variables of interest were measured
1 week prior to the intervention (T0, pretest), 9 weeks
after baseline (T1, posttest), and 13 weeks after baseline
(T2, follow- up). Adolescents in the waitlist control group
received the intervention beginning 2 weeks after the T2
follow- up data collection, i.e., 15 weeks after baseline.
This means that classrooms in the control group started
the intervention 7 weeks after the classrooms in the ex-
perimental condition had completed the intervention.
This design was in line with international recommenda-
tions to include at least one follow- up at an appropriate
time interval beyond the end of the intervention, espe-
cially for outcomes that may weaken or decline over time
(Flay et al.,2005). The efficacy of the IP intervention was
compared relative to the waiting list control condition.
Classrooms were randomly distributed between the IP
intervention and the control sample 1 week before pre-
test due to organizational constraints, but neither stu-
dents nor teachers were informed about the group their
classroom had been assigned to at the time of baseline
assessment to prevent contamination effects. The ran-
domization procedure was implemented using computer-
generated randomization sequences.
Participants and procedure
Participants were recruited in public upper secondary
schools in northeastern Italy, specifically in the Veneto
region, a geographical area that hosts a large proportion
of legally residing citizens of immigrant descent in the
country (ISTAT,2020). According to regional statistics,
in most high schools (65%) the percentage of students
from immigrant families ranges from 0% to 15%; in 25%
of the schools between 15% and 30%; in 5% between 30%
and 40%; in the remaining 5%, students with a migration
background account for over 40% of the total student
population (MIUR, 2020). Over 200 different nation-
alities are represented, although more than half of these
students originate from Eastern Europe (e.g., Romania,
Albania), North Africa (e.g., Morocco), and Asia (e.g.,
Ch i na, Indi a).
The Italian school system is structured into primary
education, lower secondary education, and upper sec-
ondary education (14– 18 years of age, corresponding to
9th– 13th grade). Upper secondary schools can be pri-
vate or public and are divided into academic schools,
fine arts schools, technical, and vocational schools, with
no specific requirements in terms of academic achieve-
ment that need to be met to attend a specific type of
school. However, youth from immigrant families tend
to be overrepresented in public technical and vocational
schools due to several contextual factors (e.g., preference
for work- oriented schools to contribute to family in-
come). Therefore, we approached these types of schools
to ensure that at least 20%– 25% of our sample was com-
posed of adolescents of immigrant descent. Following
the original study, we focused on middle adolescence
as this particular age is considered to be most receptive
and sensitive to identity- related issues (Umaña- Taylor,
Douglass, et al.,2018).
All procedures were approved by the Ethic
Committee of the School of Psychology at the
University of Padova (protocol n. 3871). After estab-
lishing informal contacts with schools, we proceeded
to obtain approval from relevant authorities (i.e.,
school principals, teachers) and written informed
consent from parents. To achieve our planned sam-
ple size (i.e., N = 600), and based on national regula-
tions indicating that classroom composition in upper
secondary school entails between 20 and 30 students
per classroom (MIUR,2020), we asked 1037 students
from 45 classrooms in 6 different public upper second-
ary schools located in urban areas to volunteer for the
study. One teacher served as a contact person for each
school, organizing the intervention schedule to fit in
with preexisting activities. Participants were eligible if
they (1) attended 10th grade during the period of data
collection; (2) had sufficient knowledge of the Italian
language; (3) had no certified intellectual disability
or neurodevelopmental disorder. To avoid generating
feelings of social exclusion, students who did not meet
the second (n = 6) or third (n = 6) criterion were excluded
from survey assessments, but they were invited to par-
ticipate in the IP sessions and were further assisted
by a facilitator/support teacher and, for non- Italian
speakers, they were provided materials translated in
their respective mother tongues. Of the eligible partic-
ipants, 68 did not return parental consent, resulting in
a participation rate of 92%.
Thus, the final sample comprised 957 10th graders
(Mage = 15.12, SD = 0.68; 52% self- identifying as girls).
One percent of parents had received no education, 2%
had completed primary school, 22% had completed
lower secondary school, 47% had completed upper sec-
ondary school, 25% attended university, and 3% were
missing or preferred not to answer/did not know. With
regard to socioeconomic status (SES), the average score
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on the Family Aff luence Scale (FAS; see Measures sec-
tion) was 6.35 (SD = 1.76, range = 0– 9). Overall, 32% of the
participants had a migration background (born abroad
or in Italy from at least one parent born abroad); among
these, 72% were born in Italy. Students reported 55 dif-
ferent countries of origin, the main ones being Romania,
Morocco, Moldova, Albania, and Tunisia.
The IP intervention involved 8 weekly sessions of
55 min each that were delivered between October and
December 2021 by the first author together with a team
of extensively trained and thoroughly supervised psy-
chology graduate students. The facilitators worked in
pairs, taking turns in conducting the activities. In par-
ticular, the second facilitator ensured that all planned
key goals, activities, and topics were covered, addressed
any potentially missing contents, and completed an ad-
hoc fidelity checklist to assess adherence, i.e., “the extent
to which the essential components of an intervention
are being delivered/implemented as designed” (Lee &
Chue,2013, p. 2510). In our study, the average fidelity of
implementation was 94% (range = 48%– 100%); moreover,
50% of the sessions reported a 100% fidelity. For those
sessions (n = 4, 2%) whose fidelity was lower than 60%,
facilitators made efforts to cover the missing contents in
the subsequent session. While there were no COVID- 19-
related school closures, a few classrooms were occasion-
ally quarantined and 6 meetings (3% of the total number)
were held from remote, building on previous experience
from the pilot study (see Ceccon et al., 2023). The week
after the follow- up survey (January 2022), we invited stu-
dents from the intervention classrooms and their teach-
ers to take part in focus group discussions. A total of ten
focus groups were carried out with students (5 students
on average per group) and six focus groups were con-
ducted with teachers (4 teachers on average per group).
Students were asked about their age, gender, birthplace,
parents' birthplace, length of residence in Italy (for
foreign- born youth), first and second language spoken,
family composition, parental occupation, and educa-
tional level. Consistent with previous research (e.g.,
Schachner et al.,2016), migration background was coded
as 0 (born in Italy from Italian- born parents) or 1 (born
abroad or in Italy from at least one parent born abroad).
Socioeconomic status
This variable was assessed via the FAS (Currie
et al.,2008), a widely used 4- item scale measuring fam-
ily wealth (e.g., “Do you have a room all by yourself ?”).
Scores assigned to each item are summed to yield a total
score ranging from 0 (lowest aff luence) to 9 (highest af-
fluence). This scale is particularly suitable for adolescent
samples and has shown good criterion and construct
validity in a large cross- cultural validation study involv-
ing 35 countries, including Italy (Boyce et al.,2006).
Cultural identity exploration and resolution
The two dimensions of cultural identity exploration and
resolution were assessed via the 17- item Ethnic Identity
Scale (EIS; Umaña- Taylor et al.,2004), using items from
the exploration (7 items; e.g., “I have attended events that
have helped me learn more about my ethnicity”) and the
resolution subscale (4 items; e.g., “I know what my eth-
nicity means to me”). Prior to answering those items,
students were asked to indicate their heritage culture
(e.g., Italian, Moroccan, Romanian, Chinese) and think
about that particular cultural group when answering sub-
sequent questions. Items were rated on a 4- point Likert
scale from 1 (does not describe me at all) to 4 (describes
me very well), and total scores were calculated by aver-
aging item responses of the respective subscales, with
higher scores indicating higher levels of each variable.
Students could then also list all other cultural groups with
which they self- identified. The EIS has been used to ex-
amine ethnic identity among multiracial adolescents and
adults in the US, showing good validity, internal consist-
ency, and measurement invariance across ethnic minor-
ity and majority group members (Sladek, Umaña- Taylor,
McDermott, et al.,2020; Umaña- Taylor et al.,2004), and
it exhibited high internal consistency in the German IP
study (Juang et al., 2020). We selected the EIS instead
of the EIS- Brief (Douglass & Umaña- Taylor,2015 ) used
in the US study due to the low internal reliability of the
exploration subscale found in our pilot study. Since the
questionnaire had not been previously used in the Italian
context, it was translated using standard translation- back
translation procedures in collaboration with the instru-
ment authors. In the current study, internal reliabilities
measured via Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's Omega
were α = .78, 95% CI [.75– .80] and ω = .79, 95% CI [.77– .81]
for the exploration subscale, and α = .84, 95% CI [.82– .86]
and ω = .85, 95% CI [.83– .86] for the resolution subscale.
A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was con-
ducted on the EIS to test the originally proposed 3- factor
structure (i.e., exploration, resolution, and affirmation;
Umaña- Taylor et al., 2004). We used the Diagonally
Weighted Least Squares (DWLS) estimator to address
the ordinal nature of the data. To assess model f it we
computed various goodness- of- fit indices, including
the comparative fit index (CFI), the Tucker Lewis index
(TLI), the root mean square error of approximation
(RMSEA), and the standardized root mean square re-
sidual (SRMR). Based on suggested cutoff values (e.g.,
Schermelleh- Engel et al.,2003), the 3- factor model had an
overall acceptable fit (CFI = .98, TLI = .98, RMSEA = .09,
SRMR = .06).
Environmental sensitivity
Participants' sensitivity to environmental stimuli was as-
sessed through the short version of the Highly Sensitive
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CECCON et al.
Child Scale (HSCS; Pluess et al., 2 018). The scale com-
prises 12 items (e.g., “I notice when small things have
changed in my environment”) pertaining to three sub-
scales: Ease of Excitation (EOE; 5 items), Low Sensory
Threshold (LST; 3 items), and Aesthetic Sensitivity
(AES; 4 items). Items are rated on a 5- point scale rang-
ing from 1 (not at all) to 5 (extremely). In this study, we
used the mean score, which is obtained by averaging all
item responses, with higher scores indicating higher sen-
sitivity. The scale has shown good psychometric prop-
erties in terms of validity and reliability in adolescent
samples across different countries (Weyn et al., 2021).
In the original development and validation studies,
the HSCS showed adequate internal consistency, test–
retest reliability, and construct validity in relation to
measures of temperament and personality traits (Pluess
et al.,2018). Consistent with previous studies concerning
the psychometric properties of the Italian version of the
HSCS as applied in intervention research with children
(Nocentini et al.,2018), in the current sample the HSCS
had good internal reliability (Cronbach's α = .75, 95%
CI [.73– .77] and McDonald's ω = .74, 95% CI [.71– .77]).
As prior research showed that the HSCS f its a bifactor
structure, i.e. a general sensitivity factor with items load-
ing onto three separate factors represented by the three
subscales (EOE, LST, and AES; Pluess et al.,2018), we
tested this type of model using CFA. Results supported a
bifactor solution showing a good fit (CFI = .99, TLI = .9 9,
RMSEA = .03, SRMR = .04).
Focus groups
Students were asked open- ended questions regarding
which activities they enjoyed the most/least; if they had
noticed any changes in the way they perceived or felt
about their own cultural identity and attitudes toward
others' cultural backgrounds; and whether they would
add, remove, or modify any activities. Teachers were
asked about their general impressions of the curriculum;
whether any IP- related topics had been discussed dur-
ing standard lessons; possible issues encountered during
implementation; suggestions for improving the inter-
vention. Focus group discussions lasted approximately
1 h. All sessions with teachers were conducted online by
the corresponding author together with the f irst author,
whereas sessions with students were conducted in pres-
ence or from remote (4 and 6 out of 10, respectively) by
the facilitators who had carried out the intervention with
those students.
Data analysis
Statistical analyses were performed using R soft-
ware (R Core Team, 2 018) including blavaan (Merkle
& Rosseel, 2018) and brms (Bürkner, 2 017) packages,
and using STAN to implement MCMC sampling (Stan
Development Team, 2 018). In preliminary analyses, we
screened for missing data (see Appendix A3) and ex-
plored data distribution. If a participant had more than
10% of missing values on one of the questionnaires, we
explored the presence of recurrent patterns (if any) of
such values and critically discussed these findings as ap-
propriate (i.e., possibility of excluding these participants
from the analyses if missing data showed recurrent pat-
terns). We also ascertained whether adolescents from
classrooms randomly assigned to the intervention and
control group were comparable, with potential differ-
ences being taken into account in our statistical model.
Next, we computed descriptive statistics and bivari-
ate correlations among our study variables (see Ta ble1).
We subsequently evaluated our hypothesized model
(Figure1) using a full Bayesian approach; possible vari-
ations between students of different schools and class-
rooms were considered as random effects by analyzing
the posterior distributions of their associated variance.
Specifically, we compared a series of multivariate mul-
tilevel linear models (including school and classroom as
random intercepts): model 0, i.e. a model assuming that
there were no associations among the study variables;
model 1, representing the interaction between explora-
tion at T0 and group on exploration at T1, and the in-
teraction of exploration at T1 and group on resolution
at T2; model 2, a model including the main effects of ex-
ploration at T0 and group on exploration at T1, and of
exploration at T1 and group on resolution at T2; model
3, representing the interaction of exploration at T0 and
group on exploration at T1, and the main effects of ex-
ploration at T1 and group on resolution at T2; and model
4, considering the main effects of exploration at T0 and
group on exploration at T1, and the interaction between
exploration at T1 and group on resolution at T2.
We fitted an observed (vs. latent) variable model as
we were interested in replicating the original authors'
approach, and because the target questionnaires had
been previously validated in different countries and eth-
nic groups (see Douglass & Umaña- Taylor,2015; Weyn
et al., 2021). Moreover, the inclusion of additional pa-
rameters related to latent variables would have required
at least twice as many participants (approximately 1200)
as those determined by our power analysis, therefore
compromising study feasibility. We used the follow-
ing informative priors: for main effects (exploration at
T0 on resolution at T1; exploration at T1 on resolution
at T2) Student's t(3, 0.5, 0.5), for group effect Student's
t(3,1,0.5) and interaction effects Student's t(3, 0.2, 1); for
random effects and residual standard deviations we used
truncated Student's t(3, 0, 2.5); for residuals' correla-
tions a Lewandowski- Kurowicka- Joe distribution. For
all models, estimates were based on 4000 samples ex-
tracted from the posteriors with 4 chains, using the pack-
age brms (Bürkner,2017 ) which interfaces with STAN
(Stan Development Team,2018). Models were compared
using the following criteria: Bayesian R2; Leave- one- out
Cross Validation information criterion, with low values
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TABLE 1 Correlations and des criptive statistics for study variables by g roup (intervention n = 382, c ontrol n = 365).
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
1. T0 exploration .57 .54 .53 .38 .41 .12 .20 .04 .01 −.07
2. T1 exploration .62 .69 .31 .51 .44 .11 .18 .10 .02 −. 05
3. T2 exploration .63 .72 .36 .39 .60 .13 .24 .04 .01 −.12
4. T0 resolution .44 .36 .37 .49 .50 .04 .20 −.13 .10 −.03
5. T1 re solution .38 .49 .46 .62 .58 .06 .13 −.05 .04 −.0 5
6. T2 resolution .40 .46 .55 .61 .78 .06 .18 −.0 4 .06 −.03
7. Environmental
.04 −.03 −.03 .02 .00 −.01 .18 .36 .09 −.12
8. Migration
.16 .13 .08 .23 .23 .17 .05 .13 .21 −.3 0
9. G end er .01 .02 .01 −.09 −.13 −.11 .33 −.04 −.02 −. 08
10. Age .06 .04 −.01 .09 .11 .0 4 −.0 6 .19 −.2 3 −.19
11. Socioeconomic
.02 −.01 −. 02 −.09 −.03 −.06 .05 −.31 .06 −.2 0
Inter vention
M (SD) 2.63 (0. 55) 2.7 0 (0.55) 2.64 (0.57) 2.81 (0 .65 ) 2.95 (0.62) 2 .88 (0.64) 4.56 (0.85) 0.30 (0.46) 1.55 (0.55) 15.10 (0.67) 6.3 8 (1.74)
M (SD) 2.63 (0.61) 2 .61 (0.57 ) 2.62 (0.57) 2.86 (0.68) 2.83 (0.64) 2 .83 (0.63) 4.73 (0.87) 0.32 (0.47) 1.64 (0.54) 15.03 (0.62) 6.39 (1.74)
Note: Corr elations are prese nted for the inte rvent ion grou p (above the diagona l) and th e control g roup (below the d iagona l). Migr ation background was code d as 0 = without mig ration backg round (i.e., born i n Italy from
Itali an- born pa rents) an d 1 = with migration ba ckgrou nd (i.e., born in Ita ly or abroa d from at le ast one p arent b orn abroad). Gender was code d as 1 = boys, 2 = girls , and 3 = other (e.g., non- bina ry, gender fluid). T0 = pretest ,
T1 = 9- week postt est, T 2 = 13- week posttest.
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CECCON et al.
reflecting a higher predictive capability of the model;
and model weights, with high values indicating a better
model. We also verified the normalcy of model residuals.
Finally, we addressed our exploratory research ques-
tions by including participants' migration background
and environmental sensitivity in our statistical model
using weak- informative priors. Before proceeding with
this step, as part of our quality check, we analyzed mea-
surement invariance of the two questionnaires (EIS and
HSCS) by exploring the degree of overlap of the posterior
distribution of parameters separately in the two groups
(i.e., students with and without a migration background).
This technique allows to obtain information on the ex-
tent to which the two groups may differ in relation to the
variables under investigation (Pastore & Calcagnì,2019).
Results of this analysis are reported in AppendixA4.
The focus group data were subjected to thematic con-
tent analysis to describe recurrent themes across partic-
ipants' responses following procedures from previous
research (e.g., Ceccon & Moscardino, 2022). The first
author and another member of the research team inde-
pendently reviewed students' and teachers' responses,
generated and compared codes, and discussed emerging
interpretations of salient aspects related to intervention
Preliminary analyses
Among the participants designated for assessment
(N = 957), 908 completed the questionnaire at T0, 854 at
T1, and 845 at T2 (see Consort map in Figure2), with an
attrition rate of 7%.
When conducting CFA for the two main measures
(EIS and HSCS), we screened for missing data at base-
line: only 8% of participants had missing values in the
questionnaires. Specifically, 0.33% (n = 3) had more than
10% of missing values in the EIS measure at T0 and
0.23% (n = 2) at T1, while none of the participants had
more than 10% of missing values in the EIS at T2 or in
the HSCS measure at T0. No recurrent pattern emerged
from missing values. Because both instruments had
good psychometric properties (see Measures section),
we proceeded by calculating mean scores for our vari-
ables of interest at the different time points. To assess
whether participants who missed and did not miss sur-
vey administrations differed on sociodemographic and
intervention- related characteristics, we used a logistic
model which is further described in AppendixA3. Given
that none of these characteristics showed any effect, we
decided to use a listwise deletion approach and excluded
all those students who were not present at all three as-
sessments (n = 210, 22% of the sample designated for
assessment), resulting in a final analytic sample of 747
(intervention n = 382, control n = 365). Based on observed
data distribution (see AppendixA5), no relevant differ-
ences were detected between the intervention and control
groups on sociodemographic variables (gender, migra-
tion background, and SES) as well as on our variables
of interest (cultural identity exploration and resolution,
environmental sensitivity) at T0.
Main hypotheses testing
Tab l e 2 shows the results of the Bayesian model compari-
son. The best- performing model was model 2 (i.e., with-
out interactions and with random intercepts for school
and classroom), which highlighted a main effect of con-
dition (intervention vs. control) on cultural identity ex-
ploration at T1. Residuals of both dependent variables
of the model (exploration and resolution) were normally
In this model, students in the intervention group re-
ported higher scores on cultural identity exploration
compared to the control group (H1). The expected differ-
ence between intervention and control group was about
0.10 points, with a 90% CI [0.04; 0.15], corresponding to
a Cohen's d posterior mean of 0.18, with a 90% CI [0.07;
0.28]. Standard deviation of intercepts (random effects)
ranged from 0.04 to 0.1, indicating irrelevant differences
between schools or classrooms. However, this model did
not include the hypothesized interaction effect of explo-
ration at T1 and group on resolution at T2, suggesting
that increases in resolution at follow- up were not linked
to increases in exploration in the intervention (vs. con-
trol) group; hence, H2 was not supported. Indeed, the
latter interaction was included in model 1 and model 4,
both of which had lower model weights than model 2. A
closer inspection of these models indicated that our pa-
rameter of interest was equal respectively to −0.01, with
a 90% CI [−0.13; 0.12] in M1 and to −0.01, with a 90% CI
[−0.13; 0.11] in M4, and therefore could not be considered
a relevant effect.
We reran this analysis with an imputed dataset ap-
plying a Bayesian estimation method to ensure that the
findings were not inf luenced by missing data. Results
obtained with the imputation were substantially the
same as those obtained with non- imputed data (see
Exploratory analyses
To address our exploratory research questions, we in-
cluded migration background and environmental sensi-
tivity as possible moderators in our analyses. Given that
the intervention and control groups were comparable in
terms of cultural identity exploration at baseline, in all
models we did not control for this variable. All tested
models are presented in Ta ble3. Results of model com-
parison suggested that the fi rst two models outperformed
14678624, 0, Downloaded from by CochraneItalia, Wiley Online Library on [17/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
the others to a comparable extent (in terms of weight and
explained variance): model 14 (with the interaction be-
tween group and environmental sensitivity and the main
effect of migration background on cultural identity ex-
ploration at T1, and the main effects of these variables
on resolution at T2) and model 10 (with the triple interac-
tion of group, migration background, and environmen-
tal sensitivity on cultural identity exploration at T1, and
the main effects of these variables on resolution at T2).
In model 14, there was a relevant effect of the interac-
tion between group and environmental sensitivity (0.05,
[−0.02; 0.12] 90% CI) on exploration at T1, suggesting
that for students in the intervention (vs. control) group,
those with higher levels of sensitivity reported greater
exploration at T1 compared to their less sensitive peers
(se e Figure3).
In model 10, there was a relevant effect of the three-
way interaction among group, migration background,
and sensitivity (0.19, [0.04; 0.35] 90% CI) on cultural iden-
tity exploration at T1. In other words, for students in the
intervention (vs. control) group, those with a migration
background reporting higher levels of sensitivity showed
greater exploration at T1 compared to their nonmigrant,
less sensitive peers (see Figure4).
FIGUR E 2 Consort map for trial enroll ment and analysis.
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CECCON et al.
Effect sizes for moderation effects related to stu-
dent subgroups for models 14 and 10 are reported in
Appendix A7. We subsequently replicated the best-
performing model in terms of weight (i.e., model 14)
controlling for exploration at baseline, but the two-
way interaction effect was not evident anymore (see
Appendix A8), most likely due to the high correlation
between levels of exploration at T0 and T1.
Focus group analyses
A recurrent theme for students was their emphasis on
the usefulness of the IP in addressing issues related to
their heritage culture(s) and those of their classmates, as
these topics are seldom discussed in the school curricu-
lum. The opportunity for exploration was particularly
appreciated by students with a migration background,
who described how they developed further curiosity and
acceptance toward their heritage cultures (“I realized
that I was losing touch with my culture … Now I feel more
interested, I even started searching for in- depth material”,
“The fact that my classmates started asking me about our
traditions and symbols made me feel more accepted by
them and closer to my origins”) or became increasingly
aware of how this dimension could be integrated into a
multifaceted, multicultural identity (“Before the project I
felt only Chinese, now I think that the way I would define
TABLE 2 Compar ison of mu ltivariate multilevel li near models for main hypotheses testing.
Model R2ET1 R2RT2 LOO SE We ig ht
Model 2 0.38 0.36 2176 .62 8 65.308 0.60
Model 4 0.38 0.36 217 9.29 8 65.407 0.16
Model 3 0.38 0.36 217 9.30 2 65.349 0.16
Model 1 0.38 0.36 2180.6 72 65.348 0.08
Model 0 0.02 0.03 2534 .392 60.363 0.0 0
Note: N = 747. R2ET1 = B ayesi an R2 for explor ation at T1; R2RT2 = Bayesia n R2 for resolution at T2; weight = model weights. Mo del 0 = explorati on at T1 ~ (1|school/
classroom); RT2 ~ (1|scho ol/classroom). Model 1 = exploration at T1 ~ exploration at T 0 × grou p + (1|school/classroom); RT2 ~ exploration at T1 × group + (1|school/
classroom). Model 2 = exploration at T1 ~ exploration at T0 + group + (1|school/classroom); RT2 ~ explor ation at T1 + group + (1|school/classroom). Model
3 = exploration at T1 ~ explorat ion at T0 × group + (1|school/classroom); RT2 ~ explo ration at T1 + group + (1|school/classro om). Model 4 = exploration at
T1 ~ exploration at T 0 + group + (1|school/classroom); RT2 ~ explorat ion at T1 × group (1|school/classroom).
Abbrev iation s: LOO, leave - one- out cross - v alid ation i nformation c rite rion; SE, standard e rror.
TABLE 3 Compar ison of mu ltivariate multilevel li near models for explorator y analyses.
Model R2ET1 R2RT2 LOO SE We ig ht
Mo de l 14 0.06 0.06 2516.6 0 61.0 7 0.22
Mod el 10 0.07 0.29 2516.8 4 60 .72 0.19
Model 5 0.06 0.26 2 517.09 60.88 0.17
Mod el 13 0.06 0.06 2518.32 61.01 0.09
Mode l 12 0.06 0.26 2518. 50 60.80 0.08
Model 6 0.06 0.29 2518.76 60.91 0.07
Mo d el 11 0.06 0.26 2519. 52 60.92 0.05
Model 8 0.07 0.25 2519.62 60.93 0.05
Model 7 0.06 0.27 2520.05 60.88 0.04
Model 9 0.06 0.25 2520.05 61.08 0.04
Model 0 0.02 0.03 2534 .39 60.36 0.00
Note: N = 747. R2ET1 = B ayesi an R2 for explor ation at T1; R2RT2 = Bayesia n R2 for resolution at T2; L OO, leave- one- out cross- valid ation i nfor mation
crit erion; SE, sta ndard error; weight = model weights. Model 0 = exploration at T1 ~ (1|school/classroom); RT2 ~ (1|school/classroom). Model 5 = exploration
at T1 ~ group + m igr. bac kgrou nd + sensit ivity + (1|scho ol/classroom); resolut ion at T2 ~ explorat ion at T1 + group + migr. ba ckgrou nd + sensit ivity (1|school/
classroom). Model 6 = exploration at T1 ~ migr. backg round + g roup × sen sitivity + (1|school/classroom); resolution at T2 ~ explorat ion at T1 + mig r.
backg round + group × sensitiv ity (1|school/cla ssroo m). Model 7 = exploratio n at T1 ~ sens itivity + g roup × mig r. b ackgr ound + (1|school/classro om); resolution at
T2 ~ exploration at T1 + sensit ivity + gro up × migr. ba ckgrou nd + (1|school/cla ssroom). Model 8 = exploration at T1 ~ group × m igr. bac kgrou nd × sensit ivity + (1|school/
classroom); res olution at T2 ~ exploration at T1 + group × mig r. backg round × sensiti vity (1|school/cl assroom). Model 9 = explorat ion at T1 ~ group + mig r.
backg round + sensitiv ity + (1|school /classroom); resolution at T2 ~ exploration at T1 + group × m igr. bac kgroun d × sensitiv ity (1|school/classroom). Mod el
10 = exploration at T1 ~ group × m igr. bac kgroun d × sensiti vity + (1|school/classroom); RT2 ~ exploration at T1 + group + m igr. bac kgroun d + sensiti vity
(1|school/class room). Model 11 = exploratio n at T1 ~ group + m igr. bac kgrou nd + sensit ivity + (1|school/classroom); resolution at T2 ~ explorat ion at T1 + mig r.
backg round + group × sen sitivity + (1|school/classro om). Model 12 = exploratio n at T1 ~ group + m igr. ba ckgrou nd + sensit ivity + (1|school/classroom);
resolution at T2 ~ exploration at T1 + sensitivit y + group × mig r. backg round + (1|sc hool/c lassroom). Model 13 = explorati on at T1 ~ sensitivity + gr oup × mi gr.
backg round + (1|school/c lass room); resolution at T 2 ~ sens itivity + g roup + mig r. b ackgr ound + (1|school/classro om). Model 14 = exploration at T1 ~ mig r.
backg round + group × sen sitivity + (1|school/classro om); resolution at T2 ~ sensitiv ity + group + m igr. back ground + (1|school/classroom).
14678624, 0, Downloaded from by CochraneItalia, Wiley Online Library on [17/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
myself would include my Italian identity as well”). The IP
was described as an eye- opening opportunity also by
majority students, who often found themselves ref lect-
ing for the first time on their own cultural identity and
on how culture may shape behaviors and ways of think-
ing (“This project made me think more about my culture
and the aspects that characterize it: I thought about things
that I normally do, and that in another culture would not
be normal or obvious”). Participants particularly enjoyed
the hands- on activities of sharing cultural symbols and
creating their own family tree, as well as the possibility
to strengthen relationships with their classmates. They
also valued the opportunity to engage with external
professional f igures (i.e., linguistic- cultural mediators,
psychologists) to discuss issues concerning social inclu-
sion and intercultural communication from a different
perspective. In addition, they pointed out that the IP
rendered them more sensitive to issues such as discrimi-
nation and prejudice and stimulated them to adopt a
more critical look at others' experiences. For instance,
some students reported how having participated in the
IP had prompted them to defend fellow classmates who
had been discriminated against (“After our sessions, I
started noticing that one of our classmates was treated in
a discriminatory way … I 'm trying to include him more in
our group, I don't want him to feel different”).
Among teachers, a recurrent theme concerning the
effects of the IP was the increase in cohesion among
classmates, mostly resulting from the sharing activities
(“It was most useful for students to know each other better,
and also to know themselves better”, “The sessions helped
students to build a team, to create a group”). Teachers also
FIGUR E 3 Expected value s of model 14 with the interaction between group and environment al sensitiv ity. Et1 = exploration at T1;
Rt2 = resolution at T2; group = experimental condition (0 = waitl ist control, 1 = intervention); HSCS, environmental sensitivity. Expected values
of the model on exploration at T1 as a function of envi ronmental sensitivity (x- axis) and group (colors). The bands indicate 90% credibility
inter vals.
FIGUR E 4 Expected value s of model 10 with the interaction among group, m igration background, and environ mental sensitivity.
Et1 = exploration at T1; Rt2 = resolution at T2; group = experimental condition (0 = waitlist control, 1 = i nter vention); HSCS, environmental
sensitivity; MIGR, migration background (0 = no, 1 = yes). Expecte d values of the model on exploration at T1 as a function of environmental
sensitivity (x- a xis), mig rant background (colors), and g roup (panels). The bands indicate 90% credibility intervals.
14678624, 0, Downloaded from by CochraneItalia, Wiley Online Library on [17/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
CECCON et al.
noticed a heightened sensitivity and awareness among
adolescents on issues of cultural belonging (“This year
I noticed how much it mattered to them, this sense of be-
longing to their own culture: it's a topic that really touched
them”). This observation led some of them to incorpo-
rate specific contents of the IP curriculum into their
lessons and carry out independent, content- related proj-
ects (“During my history class, we examined the concept
of identity in depth; it was no longer an abstract topic, a
‘required reading’, the students had made the topic their
The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of a
culturally adapted version of the IP intervention among
adolescents attending multiethnic classrooms in Italy. In
doing so, we aimed to replicate the original study carried
out by Umaña- Taylor, Douglass, et al.(2018) in the US,
hypothesizing that the intervention would lead to an in-
crease in cultural identity exploration at posttest which,
in turn, would result in higher levels of cultural identity
resolution at follow- up. Moreover, we were interested
in exploring the potential moderating role of migration
background and environmental sensitivity on interven-
tion effects. Overall, the Italian version of the IP proved
to be eff icacious in stimulating exploration processes
among adolescents who participated in the intervention
compared to those who were in the waitlist control group,
but no differences were found in resolution at follow- up
(T2) as a function of levels of exploration at posttest (T1).
With regard to potential moderators, the results of our
model comparison revealed that in the intervention (vs.
control) group, students with greater environmental sen-
sitivity reported higher levels of exploration at posttest
than their less sensitive counterparts. In addition, youth
of immigrant descent who reported higher (vs. lower)
levels of sensitivity to environmental inf luences showed
more exploration at posttest. No effects of these vari-
ables on resolution emerged at follow- up.
Consistent with our theoretical model and pre-
vious implementations of the IP (Juang et al., 2020;
Umaña- Taylor, Douglass, et al., 2018; Umaña- Taylor,
Kornienko, et al., 2018), we observed higher levels of
exploration from pre- to posttest among adolescents in
the intervention (vs. control) group, confirming our first
hypothesis. In other words, despite originating from a
different sociocultural milieu, the IP in its culturally
adapted version to the Italian school context was effec-
tive in stimulating youths' reflections concerning their
heritage culture(s) through a meaningful search, obser-
vation, and consideration of this salient identity dimen-
sion across the sessions (Umaña- Taylor et al.,2004). This
heightened interest was also mirrored in students' re-
sponses during focus groups and supports the idea that,
in middle adolescence, providing a protected space for
collective ref lection on cultural diversity, inequalities,
and their implications for one's identity is beneficial for
an increased awareness and understanding of ethnically
diverse others among both ethnically minoritized and
majoritized groups (Juang et al.,2020).
In our study, no evidence was found to support the
cascading effect of cultural identity exploration at
posttest on resolution at follow- up in the intervention
group. Hence, the participants did not report a greater
sense of clarity concerning their own cultural identity
one month after experiencing an increase in exploration
processes linked to their attendance in the IP. This can
be interpreted in light of the peculiar characteristics of
identity development and socialization in Italy compared
to the US and other European countries. Indeed, identity
formation among Italian youth has been shown to be af-
fected by the “delay syndrome” (Livi Bacci,2008), which
involves the extension of education, deferral of entry into
the job market and in a committed relationship, living in
the parental home until the late 20s or 30s, and a delayed
transition to parenthood. This postponement of adult
commitments, which is overall socially accepted, can en-
hance identity instability during adolescence (Crocetti,
Rabaglietti, & Sica, 2012). Individuals may experience
adolescence as a prolonged period of moratorium,
during which they consider and reconsider multiple iden-
tity alternatives instead of solidifying a sense of identity,
or even as a return to a diffused state. In support of this
view, cross- country studies found that Italian youth had
lower levels of commitment and were more represented
in the moratorium status compared to their Dutch coun-
terparts (Crocetti, Schwartz, et al.,2012). Furthermore,
Crocetti et al.(2 011) reported that adolescents from im-
migrant families in Italy had higher levels of reconsider-
ation of commitment than their peers from mixed and
non- immigrant families. Indeed, these youths may expe-
rience additional difficulties in finding a personal iden-
tity coherence, possibly because this process is closely
intertwined with the negotiation between parents' ex-
pectations of carrying on their “cultural legacy” and the
pressure from peers and other societal agents to conform
to social norms of the majority group.
There is a dearth of studies concerning cultural so-
cialization processes in relation to identity formation
among both immigrant and non- immigrant youth in
Italy. This may be due to the relatively late unification
of the country, the coexistence of both regional and na-
tional identities, and the recency of the immigration
phenomenon, which started to become numerically
relevant from the 1990s (Juang et al.,2022). These fac-
tors, together with immigration policies emphasizing
assimilation rather than integration, may render cul-
tural socialization practices less salient than in con-
texts with a longer history of immigration such as the
US. In the latter society, complex interethnic dynamics,
as well as systemic and structural inequalities, likely
have contributed to an increased relevance of ERI
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for individual development (Umaña- Taylor, 2 016 ). In
Italy, structured learning opportunities occur less fre-
quently within students' microsystems (family, school)
due to the inherent difficulty of such topics and the
lack of shared meanings concerning terminology and
conceptualization to address them (Juang et al.,2020).
Therefore, it is possible that messages about knowl-
edge, beliefs, and practices concerning one's cultural
heritage are much more pervasive in the US than in
Italian society. The qualitative data collected during
our post- intervention focus groups seem to support
this interpretation, given that especially for students
without a migration background, cultural identity was
less central to their global identity than other social
identities, such as gender identity and sexual orienta-
tion. Thus, the absence of a rippling effect on reso-
lution may reflect an overall delayed salience of this
identity in youth, connected with a lower emphasis on
cultural socialization. It also must be considered that
gaining awareness and clarity about one's own cultural
identity is a process that requires time and prolonged
reflection, as well as the opportunity to engage in mul-
tiple real- life experiences concerning one's own heri-
tage culture(s). Future research needs to shed light on
this issue, for example, by including more time points
and/or long- term assessments to ascertain the presence
of possible chain effects that could become evident
after the conclusion of the intervention.
Regarding our exploratory research questions,
Bayesian analyses revealed that the two models out-
performed the others to a comparable extent. The first
model indicated that, among adolescents in the inter-
vention (vs. control) group, those with greater environ-
mental sensitivity showed higher levels of exploration
at posttest in comparison to their peers with lower lev-
els of sensitivity. In the second model, participants in
the intervention group with a migration background
and who scored high on environmental sensitivity re-
ported greater exploration at posttest than their less
sensitive counterparts of immigrant descent. Thus,
students characterized by a deeper processing and a
greater reactivity to both favorable and adverse con-
ditions particularly benefited from having the oppor-
tunity to engage in activities and discussions within
the school setting focusing on one's heritage culture(s),
symbols and traditions, and people who are relevant
in shaping cultural identity, encouraging them to fur-
ther ref lect upon and explore their backgrounds and
possible selves. Interestingly, the second model also
indicated that this effect was more relevant for ado-
lescents of immigrant descent. Although caution is
needed when interpreting this result and more repli-
cation research is necessary, it suggests that potential
vulnerability factors like environmental sensitivity and
immigration- related challenges (e.g., discrimination,
acculturative stress), in the context of positive envi-
ronments and when considered in a combined fashion,
lend support to vantage sensitivity theory (de Villiers
et al.,2018; Pluess,2015). The latter posits that highly
sensitive individuals benefit especially strongly from
favorable features of environmental experience.
Our candidate moderators did not have any impact on
the expected cascading effect of exploration at posttest
on resolution at follow- up in the intervention group. As
mentioned in relation to our second hypothesis, resolu-
tion is a process that requires time, repeated and pro-
longed experiences allowing for exploration, as well as
cognitive- affective maturity (Sladek, Umaña- Taylor,
Wantchekon, et al.,2021). The time interval in which we
assessed adolescents' possible changes in their sense of
clarity regarding their own cultural identity is probably
insufficient to tackle these changes, at least in the Italian
social context, for both ethnic minoritized and majori-
tized groups. Of note, a previous study conducted with
US adolescents showed that ERI resolution increased
across a 1- year follow- up period for ethnic- majoritized
youth who participated in the IP (Sladek, Umaña- Taylor,
Wantchekon, et al.,2021). Hence, future research involv-
ing long- term follow- up assessments is warranted to shed
light on possible differential paths over time in terms of
intervention efficacy based on adolescents' ethnocul-
tural background. With regard to sensitivity, given that
this construct refers to the processing of environmental
(including interpersonal/social) stimuli, it might play a
greater role in exploration rather than in resolution pro-
cesses. Indeed, while exploration was prompted within
the classroom by facilitators and classmates during col-
lective discussions and reflections across the sessions,
resolution is a more introspective, private process in-
volving multiple individual characteristics which might
be less inf luenced by external factors.
Limitations and directions for future research
This replication study has a number of strengths, in-
cluding the cultural adaptation of an evidence- based
intervention that targets a pivotal developmental
task in adolescence (i.e., cultural identity formation),
the waitlisted pre- and posttest design with an addi-
tional follow- up assessment, the large sample size, the
a priori power analysis and preregistration of planned
hypotheses, research design, and analyses, the consid-
eration of potential moderators of intervention effi-
cacy, and quantitative and qualitative data collection.
However, there are several limitations that need to be
First, the proportion of students with a migration
background in our sample was relatively small (around
30%) in comparison to other countries with longer his-
tories of migration such as the US, and there was high
diversity in terms of cultures of origin (i.e., more than
50 nationalities), reflecting the dynamics of immigra-
tion in Italy. Overall, this pattern may have inf luenced
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CECCON et al.
intervention efficacy, since the IP has been shown to
be particularly effective in schools with a higher per-
centage of ethnic minority students (approx. 50%; see
Umaña- Taylor, Douglass, et al.,2018). Moreover, it was
not possible to ascertain differential effects based on
national origin or generational status due to the het-
erogeneous sample composition of youth of immigrant
descent. Future studies are warranted to determine
whether the IP is more eff icacious for particular eth-
nocultural groups, or first versus second- generation
adolescents (Sladek, Umaña- Taylor, McDermott,
et al.,2020). Second, as previously mentioned, several
changes were made to the original intervention proto-
col to accommodate both logistic/organizational needs
and cultural- contextual characteristics. Although facil-
itators used fidelity checklists to ensure implementation
quality, and feedback during focus groups highlighted
that specific adapted activities were deemed effec-
tive by participants, such modifications might have
impacted on intervention effects. More replication
studies are needed— especially within the European
context— to evaluate the IP intervention and identify
culturally specific components that may inf luence its
efficacy (Beelmann et al.,2 018). Third, the effect sizes
within our statistical models were relatively small, re-
sembling those found in previous implementations of
the IP (Juang et al., 2020; Umaña- Taylor, Douglass,
et al.,2018). Yet, it should be noted that large effect sizes
are rarely found in the context of psychological research
with large samples or in replication studies. Moreover,
a recent meta- analysis reported that the median aver-
age effect of universal intervention programs targeting
youth tends to fall within the range of 0.07– 0.16 stan-
dard deviations (Tanner- Smith et al., 2 018), indicating
that the value found in our study as regards exploration
(Cohen's d = .18) is in the upper boundary of this range.
As highlighted by Funder and Ozer (2019), when esti-
mates are reliable, small effects can still translate to a
considerable increase in individual outcomes if they are
aggregated across all the students in a class, a school,
or a school district. They may also trigger long- term
psychological change within an individual not only in
relation to cultural identity resolution, but also to ex-
ploration (see Rivas- Drake et al.,2014). Beyond quanti-
tative estimates, qualitative insights gained from focus
group data are equally important to consider given the
value of hearing adolescents' perspectives. Fourth, even
though a waitlist control design was chosen to ensure
that all students eventually received the intervention,
we cannot exclude that adolescents and/or teachers in
the intervention group possibly revealed information
about the project that might have reduced potential dif-
ferences between the two groups. Last, our study was
conducted in a northern Italian region (i.e., Veneto)
characterized by economic wealth, high population
density, and one of the highest shares of immigrants
coming to Italy (ISTAT, 2020). Thus, examination of
program efficacy in other geographical areas with dif-
fering sociodemographic characteristics and immigra-
tion patterns is necessary to ascertain generalizability.
Despite these limitations, our study provides novel
evidence concerning the efficacy of a universal, school-
based intervention stimulating adolescents' cultural iden-
tity exploration within multiethnic classrooms. While
the intervention was developed in the US, the current
study shows that it can also be effective in a European
country that considers itself an immigrant- receiving
society only since the past few decades. Furthermore,
it highlights the importance of youths' migration back-
ground and sensitivity to environmental influences as
conditions to better understand for whom the IP is more
beneficial, although more research is needed to uncover
the mechanisms underpinning individuals' heightened
responsivity to interventions. From an applied perspec-
tive, the current study emphasizes the importance of tai-
loring psychological interventions to the social context
in which they are implemented, especially when working
with minoritized groups. The Italian version of the IP
has proven to be feasible, acceptable, and efficacious in
engaging students with their heritage culture(s), resulting
in more exploration of their sense of self. Further work
is necessary to boost resolution processes, involve teach-
ers, and identify factors that can enhance long- term ef-
ficacy using rigorous statistical procedures and an open
science approach to generate reliable estimates, facilitate
replication, and share good practices.
The authors would like to thank all the students, teach-
ers, and linguistic- cultural mediators who partici-
pated in the study. We are also grateful to Gianmarco
Altoè for his statistical insights, and to Noemi Baino,
Virginia Barchetti, Francesca Bennato, Daniela Bossi,
Valentina Catalano, Claudia D'Agostini, Francesca De
Sensi, Adriana Jabbour, Fulvia Iadanza, Finicia Milan
Mutombo, Silvia Pescatore, Sarah Rodini, Sandra
Sosnierz, and Silvia Zampieri for their help during data
collection and implementation of the intervention.
This work was supported by a PhD scholarship from the
CARIPARO Foundation to CC, and a grant from the
University of Padova (SID Project— C95F21007400005)
to UM.
The analyses presented here were preregistered, and
the data and code necessary to reproduce the analyses
are publicly accessible. Data, code, and preregistration
of the analyses are available at the following project
in the Open Science Framework (OSF): http s://
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How to cite this article: Ceccon, C., Schachner, M.
K., Lionetti, F., Pastore, M., Umaña- Taylor, A. J.,
& Moscardino, U. (2023). Efficacy of a cultural
adaptation of the Identity Project intervention
among adolescents attending multiethnic
classrooms in Italy: A randomized controlled trial.
Child Development, 00, 1–19. https://doi.
or g /10.1111/ c d ev.1394 4
14678624, 0, Downloaded from by CochraneItalia, Wiley Online Library on [17/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License