Content uploaded by Andrew Prendergast
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All content in this area was uploaded by Andrew Prendergast on May 18, 2023
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Threat Lifecycle[46] Vulnerability Lifecycle Bug Lifecycle
(1) Point of first network contact (2) Initial Attack Vector * Possible patch/hotfix release
[Vulnerability Report]
[bug report]
Software Security Defect
Risk Cause Vector
Unknown Vulnerability
Exploit Materialised
Known Vulnerability
Vulnerability Disclosure
Risk Eliminiation
Cost of Rectification
Resource Development
Initial Access
Privilege Escalation
Defense Evasion
Credential Access
Lateral Movement
Command & Control
Reopen Verified
Figure 14: The lifecycle of a vulnerability
Vulnerability management
The lifecycle of a vulnerability
Referring to Figure 14 on Page 72, in building a secure
system, it is important to differentiate the relationship
between a cyber threat, a vulnerability and a software
bug. It is also a mistake to assume that bugs, vulnera-
bilities or threats are well defined. This is because it is
impossible to prove that a system is safe from threats,
vulnerabilities or bugs, however it is possible to clearly
deliniate the difference between each so their risk can
be reduced and risk planning can be put in place to
ensure early detection and appropriate response.
1. Threat: A threat is a potential occurence of a
security event that can have an undesirable effect
on the system assets or resources. It is a danger
that can lead to undersirable consequences.
2. Vulnerability: A vulnerability is a weakness
that makes it possible for a threat to occur.
3. Bug: A bug is a software defect and/or fault that
has been identified and has been entered into the
bug tracking system so that it can be eliminated,
resolved and closed.
When working with Threats, otherwise known as
Threat Intelligence or Threat Hunting, one must recog-
nise that the true source of a threat and the abil-
ity to close down it’s entry point may only be done
by reviewing logs and other forensic data to isolate
the Point of first network contact and the Initial At-
tack Vector. One can only be sure they have iden-
tified these critical landmarks in the threat lifecycle
if they have also identified hacking activity between
these two points (see (1) and (2) respectively in Figure
14). Hacking activity may refer to scanning, password
guessing, and/or some signs that a vulnerability has
been used as part of the intial attack vector. Once the
vulnerability associated with the initial attack vector
has been identified, one must investigate and decide if
this is a new vulnerability that must be reported to a
CERT or to the vendor directly, or if it relates to an
existing vuilnerability that has not yet been patched.
Vulnerabilities progress through a well defined life-
cycle that begins with their realization at the imple-
mentation stage of the functionality lifecycle (see Fig-
ure 7 on Page 19 and Figure 14 on Page 72):
1. Security Defect created: Software security de-
fect realized and instantiated in development en-
2. Risk Cause Vector introduced: security de-
fect gets committed to a release canidate, causing
arisk cause vector to be introduced to SDLC.
3. Unknown Vulnerability materialised: risk
cause vector gets deployed to production and a
known, suspected or unknown minus-days vulner-
ability is now in production. May go undetected
for many years.
4. Exploit Materialised: First successful exploit
script written. This marks Day 0 (A script can
be code, or a written sequence of steps).
5. Known Vulnerability discovery: Discovery of
a vulnerability by a 3rd party.
6. Vulnerability Disclosure: Disclosure of a now
known vulnerability to the software/hardware
7. Mitigation: Emergency mitigation*
8. Remediation: remediation attempts* - this
stage may be repeated numerous times, as the
root cause of a security defect is not always im-
mediately apparent.
9. Rectification: Final root cause identified and
ultimate rectification*
10. Risk Elimination: Security defect and risk
cause vector eliminated -finalization activities
commence (eg, releasing an advisory, making an-
nouncements to markets, produce reports for gov-
ernment bodies, notify Individuals of PII dta
11. Cost of Impact & Rectification: Final risk
event cost reported to board as cost of impact
and cost of rectification.
*Can involve a patch release.
Threats on the other hand progress through a life-
cycle that begins with a class of hacking known as
network Reconnisance. We have used here the Mitre
ATT&CK framework [46] as it is the most complete
and has been peer reviewed over a significant period.
Referring again to Figure 14 on Page 72:
1. Reconnisance (TA0043): The adversary is
trying to gather information they can use to plan
future operations.
2. Resource Development (TA0042): The ad-
versary is trying to establish resources they can
use to support operations.
(C) COPYRIGHT 2023, Andrew (AP) Prendergast. All rights reserved - @CompSciFutures / Page 73
3. Initial Access (TA0001): The adversary is try-
ing to get into your network.
4. Execution (TA0002): The adversary is trying
to run malicious code.
5. Persistence (TA0003): The adversary is trying
to maintain their foothold.
6. Privilege Escalation (TA0004): The adver-
sary is trying to gain higher-level permissions.
7. Defense Evasion (TA0005): The adversary is
trying to avoid being detected.
8. Credential Access (TA0006): The adversary
is trying to steal account names and passwords.
9. Discovery (TA0007): The adversary is trying
to figure out your environment.
10. Lateral Movement (TA0008): The adversary
is trying to move through your environment.
11. Collection (TA0009): The adversary is trying
to gather data of interest to their goal.
12. Command and Control (TA0011): The ad-
versary is trying to communicate with compro-
mised systems to control them.
13. Exfiltration (TA0010): The adversary is try-
ing to steal data.
14. Impact (TA0040): The adversary is trying to
manipulate, interrupt, or destroy your systems
and data.
More information about these stages of the Threat
Lifecycle are available at the MITRE ATT&CK
website (
enterprise/). It is important that the Reconnis-
sance,Resource Development and Initial Access
stages be identified as early as possible so that one
can identify the point of first network contact, the
associated ’hacking’ and the intial attack vector so
that the hole can be identified and closed. If you
cannot find these things, you either haven’t found the
initial attack vector, or a vendor backdoor has been
used by a state actor to access your systems.
Regardless of if you are dealing with a threat or
avulnerability, it is important at the first available
opportunity that one estimates the cost of impact and
the cost of rectification respectively. Once the process
of eliminating a threa or vulnerability has concluded,
an updated cost should be calculated and presented to
the board or whomever else is ultimately responsible
for signing offon these things.
When a vulnerability report occurs, it is important
that the initial discloser, at least at a top level, be
taken along for the ride. That is because they have a
unique view of the vulnerability, and it cannot truly
be marked as rectified until they agree that the vul-
nerability has been eliminated. Very little information
needs to be provided other than one’s acceptance to
address a vulnerability, an update email estimating
when it will be rectified, and update emails each time
a remediation attempt is made. This is because most
vulnerabilties relate to hidden functionality that does
not form the function points of a system, and their
review is required to be absolutely sure that the Risk
Cause Vector has been eliminated.
Vulnerabilities are complex to fix, because they are
hidden behaviour that is not part of the system’s pre-
scribed function points and the behaviour is usually
hidden behind legitimate code that is intended to de-
liver other function points simultaneously. It is ex-
trordinarilty difficult to change existing code so as to
eliminate the abberant vuilnerability behaviour with-
out changing the system’s underlying function points.
Because of this, it is not uncommon for many attempts
to be made to remediate a vulnerability before it can
finally be considered rectified. It is for this reason that
the lifecycle of a vulnerability includes three separate
steps to address a vulnerability: mitigation is an emer-
gency undertaking designed to reduce or temporarily
eliminate the severity of a vulnerability, sometimes at
the cost of prescribed system functionality. A vulnera-
bility then goes through several remediation attempts
before it finally can be declare rectified and risk elim-
ination steps such as estimating the final cost of rec-
tification can be undertaken.
Note that vulnerabilities do not get ’triaged’, test
teams triage the underlying security defect. Triaging
is a test team activity that is initiated at Vulnerability
Disclosure, when a vulnerability is finally discovered
and isolation of the associated security defect com-
mences (see Test team role in handling security defects
on Page 73).
There is also the matter of crisis management and
incident response, which is another parallel process
that is initiated at Vulnerability Disclosure. The three
interrelated processes are illustrated in Figure Figure
14 on Page 72.
(C) COPYRIGHT 2023, Andrew (AP) Prendergast. All rights reserved - @CompSciFutures / Page 74