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Comparison of Habitat Use Patterns between Wild Giant Pandas and Grazing Livestock

  • China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda


This study explored the internal driving factors for the effects of livestock grazing on wild giant pandas, their habitats, and staple bamboo resources, in order to provide a basis for the construction and management of the Giant Panda National Park. Based on the survey data of random sample fields of wild giant pandas and grazing livestock in the Wolong area of the Giant Panda National Park, this paper analyzed the similarities and differences of habitat use patterns between giant pandas and grazing livestock with respect to forest structure and plant community composition. The results showed that there were significant differences in forest structure, between wild giant pandas and grazing livestock with respect to species abundance of arbor layer, coverage of shrub layer, and bamboo characteristics (coverage, density, ground diameter and plant height), while the other indicators had no statistically significant difference. As far as the composition characteristics of woody plants were concerned, the number of families, genera and species in the tree layer and shrub layer of the habitat used by giant pandas was higher than that in the grazing livestock habitat. The similarity coefficient between giant pandas and livestock was low, but when comparing the importance index of the common plant species, the only significant difference was in the three species in the shrub layer, and there was no difference in the community composition of other woody plants. This suggests that grazing livestock mainly affects the structure of the shrub layer of giant panda habitat and characteristics of bamboo. This research, coupled with other studies, shows that wild giant pandas have actively avoided areas disturbed by grazing livestock and adjusted their ranges of habitat. Therefore, an effective measure for managing the Giant Panda National Park and other protected areas is to control grazing disturbance by spatial planning of livestock-free areas and strictly controlling the species and quantity of livestock.
生态环境学报 2023, 32(2): 309-319
Ecology and Environmental Sciences E-mail:
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目42071279;国家林业和草原局大熊猫国际合作基金项目SD0631;林护发[2017]115 号);香港海洋公园保
育基金项目(GP09_12/13;中国大熊猫保护研究中心 2018“科研年”项目(CCRCG181928
作者简介周世强1966 年生),男,教授级高级工程师,主要从事野生大熊猫种群动态、栖息地和主食竹,圈养大熊猫野化放归、野外引种和
周世强 1,Vanessa HULL2,张晋东 3,刘巅 1,谢浩 1,黄金燕 1,张和民 1
1. 中国大熊猫保护研究中心/大熊猫国家公园珍稀动物保护生物学国家林业和草原局重点实验室,四川 都江堰 611830
2. Department of Wildlife Ecology and ConservationUniversity of FloridaGainesvilleFL 32611USA
3. 西华师范大学/西南野生动植物资源保护教育部重点实验室,四川 南充 637002
地径和株高)等指标,野生大熊猫与放牧家畜之间具有显著性或极显著性差异,野生大熊猫利用生境的乔木层物种丰度 17.38
株,灌木层盖度 75.31%主食竹的盖度为 56.32%、种群密 48.87 culms·m2、地径 6.03 mm 和株高 143.48 cm,放牧家畜利
用生境的乔木层物种丰度 29 株,灌木层盖度 93.20%主食竹的盖度为 89.20%、种群密 66.54 culms·m2、地 3.82 mm
株高 59.68 cm而其余指标没有明显的统计学意义。就木本植物的物种组成特征而言,大熊猫利用生境的乔木层和灌木层的
科属种数量都多于放牧家畜生境,前者为乔木层 17 25 41 种、灌木层 29 49 91 种,后者乔木层 910 14 种、
灌木层 17 26 38 种;两者利用生境的植物群落相似性系数较低,乔木层仅为 0.196、灌木层为 0.245;但比较两者植物
群落共有种的重要值指数,仅灌木层的 3种树种两者之间的差异较为显著,其他木本植物都无明显的差异。从而说明放牧家
DOI: 10.16258/j.cnki.1674-5906.2023.02.011
中图分类号:Q958; X174 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-5906202302-0309-11
引用格式:周世强, Vanessa HULL, 张晋东, 刘巅, 谢浩, 黄金燕, 张和民, 2023. 野生大熊猫与放牧家畜利用生境的特征比较
[J]. 生态环境学报, 32(2): 309-319.
ZHOU Shiqiang, Vanessa HULL, ZHANG Jindong, LIU Dian, XIE Hao, HUANG Jinyan, ZHANG Hemin, 2023. Comparison of
habitat use patterns between wild giant pandas and grazing livestock [J]. Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 32(2): 309-319.
Mayor et al.2009Maxwell et al.2016Hecker et
Margules et al.2007Boitani et al.2012侯宁等,
自然和人为威胁Erb et al.2018Jones et al.2018
因素之一Mishra et al.2004Arlettaz et al.2015
Maxwell et al.2016即使是世人公认的具有严格
310 生态环境学报 32 卷第 22023 2月)
严重的放牧干扰(Hüseyin et al.2007Li et al.
2021。据统计全球 65.71%的生物多样性热点地区
23/35)受到放牧影响(Steinfeld et al.2006。散
以及疫病扩散等(Carmel et al.1999Adler et al.
2001Wang et al.2019Filazzola et al.2020Lama
et al.2020Kuiken et al.2022
melanoleuca)调查结果(20112014,在所有 17
2003a冉江洪等,2003b康东伟等,2011Hull et
al.2014黄金燕等,2017Li et al.2017Zhang
et al.2017Wang et al.2019
理信息系统扩展模块和 GPS 无线电颈圈跟踪等方
冉江洪等,2003b康东伟等,2011Hull et al.2014
周世强等,2016黄金燕等,2017Li et al.2017
Zhang et al.2017Wan g et al.2019;周世强等,
1 研究地区
大熊猫国家公园(Giant Panda National Park
1963 年,面积 2 000 km2,是以保护大熊猫及其森
林生态系统为主的自然保护地(图 1由于地处四
谷深、地势陡峭,最低海拔(木江坪)1 150 m、最
高海拔(四姑娘山)6250 m、相对高差达到 5 100
库。已发现植物 4000多种,其中高等植物 2022种;
昆虫 1700 多种;脊椎动物 517 种,其中兽类 136
种,鸟类 332 种,两栖类 18 种,爬行类 19 种,
12 (卧龙自然保护区管理局等,1987杨志松
等,201920142015 年采用大熊猫新鲜粪便的
DNA 个体识别技术(微卫星标记),发现卧龙片区
现有野生大熊猫数量约 142 只(Qiao et al.2019
横贯东西的国道 350 公路、仍在建设之中的都江堰
乡镇居民(卧龙镇、耿达镇)两镇共辖有 6个村 26
个村民小组,2019 年有农户 1 455 户,农业人口 5160
人,耕地面积 212.2 hm2因而区域经济的可持续发
等,2019。特别是 2008 年“5·12 汶川大地震”的
至此家畜养殖数量得到了快速增长,据统计 2008
牲畜数量达到 1996 年前的 10 倍之多,尤其是散放
周世强等:野生大熊猫与放牧家畜利用生境的特征比较 311
国民经济收入总额的 27.60%(刘巅等,2014。由
响,为此当地政府和管理机构已在 2012 年底要求
黄牛和羊等家畜生活林中(Hull et al.2014;王晓
40 km2,海拔跨度从 1800 m上升至 3 200 m,其西
北部以皮条河和国道 350 线为界,东北部和西南部
接壤,其余部位都属于野生大熊猫的栖息地(图 1
的格局;且森林群落中生存有 3种大熊猫主食竹,
海拔 2600 m以上为上世纪 80 年代初开花枯死、
新恢复的冷箭竹(Bashania faberi)林,2600 m
下是大熊猫喜食竹笋的拐棍竹(Fargesia robusta
林,以及 23002700 m之间混生有不少的短锥玉
山竹(Yushania brevipaniculata林(卧龙自然保护
息分布有 20 多只大熊猫(Huang et al.2015;张晋
东等,2017在项目实施期间,23 只马匹放养于“核
桃坪”区域“鱼丝洞”的竹林中,12 只马匹游荡在
畜的生境利用提供了条件(Hull et al.2014
2 研究方法
2.1 样地设置与调查
差异性,根据 2010 3月—2012 6月卫星跟踪
颈圈所定位的活动位置数据,随机选择 35 个位点
(大熊猫 25 个、放牧家畜 10 个)采用手持 GPS
导航工具,分别于 2010 4月—2012 8月搜寻
位点所在地域设置 20 m×20 m 的样地,开展群落学
调查(图 1 1除记录样地的地理位置信息(经
2.2 植物群落结构特征的评估指标
1 大熊猫国家公园卧龙片区的研究区域位置和调查样地示意图
Figure 1 Location of the research area and distribution of sampling plots in the Wolong Area
of the Giant Panda National Park
312 生态环境学报 32 卷第 22023 2月)
食竹种的盖度、种群密度、地径和高度等(表 2
地面积 20 m×20 m
采用 Jaccard 指数公式进行计算(周世强等,2009
j=j/(a+bj) 1
Cj ——Jaccard 相似性指数;
者之和除以 3而得,在此分别计算了整个生境和每
2.4 数据处理与统计分析
资料均在 Microsoft Excel 2016 数据库中进行汇总,
重要值计算等基础性工作,同时利用 Origin 2021
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test 法)的检验之后,针对属
1 野生大熊猫与放牧家畜利用生境所调查样地的基本情况
Table 1 Basic information of sampling plots used by giant pandas and livestock
样地编号 研究对象 纬度 经度 海拔高度/m 坡向/(°) 坡度/(°) 坡位 竹子种类 植被类型
PP01 大熊猫 31.073 47°N 103.240 40°E 2 812 345 30 上部 冷箭竹 针阔混交林
PP02 大熊猫 31.071 41°N 103.236 48°E 2 620 153 45 中部 短锥玉山竹 针阔混交林
PP03 大熊猫 31.072 84°N 103.241 91°E 2 813 15 41 上部 冷箭竹 针阔混交林
PP04 大熊猫 31.036 40°N 103.265 40°E 2 985 180 40 上部 冷箭竹 针阔混交林
PP05 大熊猫 31.091 66°N 103.262 31°E 2 540 278 20 上部 拐棍竹 落叶阔叶林
PP06 大熊猫 31.091 21°N 103.260 80°E 2 430 218 30 下部 拐棍竹 落叶阔叶林
PP07 大熊猫 31.082 13°N 103.258 97°E 2 590 110 48 上部 短锥玉山竹 针阔混交林
PP08 大熊猫 31.036 75°N 103.266 14°E 3 010 150 30 山脊 冷箭竹 针阔混交林
PP09 大熊猫 31.037 23°N 103.264 98°E 2 990 200 30 山脊 冷箭竹 针阔混交林
PP10 大熊猫 31.066 95°N 103.232 27°E 2 620 250 38 中部 拐棍竹 落叶阔叶林
PP11 大熊猫 31.063 66°N 103.232 59°E 2 578 180 70 中部 拐棍竹 针阔混交林
PP12 大熊猫 31.063 83°N 103.232 79°E 2 595 140 55 中部 拐棍竹 针阔混交林
PP13 大熊猫 31.058 43°N 103.260 18°E 2 680 92 41 下部 冷箭竹 针阔混交林
PP14 大熊猫 31.059 17°N 103.245 60°E 3 025 60 30 上部 冷箭竹 亚高山暗针叶林
PP15 大熊猫 31.058 82°N 103.244 86°E 3 040 60 20 上部 冷箭竹 亚高山暗针叶林
PP16 大熊猫 31.058 91°N 103.244 31°E 3 055 68 5 上部 冷箭竹 亚高山暗针叶林
PP17 大熊猫 31.069 45°N 103.240 50°E 2 830 240 20 上部 短锥玉山竹 亚高山暗针叶林
PP18 大熊猫 31.064 91°N 103.255 50°E 2 660 55 38 下部 短锥玉山竹 亚高山暗针叶林
PP19 大熊猫 31.064 13°N 103.255 63°E 2 680 85 45 中部 短锥玉山竹 亚高山暗针叶林
PP20 大熊猫 31.058 94°N 103.258 83°E 2 770 120 40 下部 冷箭竹 针阔混交林
PP21 大熊猫 31.057 90°N 103.254 85°E 2 995 133 10 上部 冷箭竹 针阔混交林
PP22 大熊猫 31.061 81°N 103.229 45°E 2 380 267 40 下部 拐棍竹 落叶阔叶林
PP23 大熊猫 31.069 95°N 103.234 36°E 2 487 255 50 中部 短锥玉山竹 针阔混交林
PP24 大熊猫 31.129 71°N 103.270 69°E 2 165 230 25 山脊 拐棍竹 落叶阔叶林
PP25 大熊猫 31.074 23°N 103.232 49°E 2 515 294 5 中部 拐棍竹 针阔混交林
HP01 放牧家畜 31.044 78°N 103.251 88°E 2 860 310 15 中部 冷箭竹 落叶阔叶林
HP02 放牧家畜 31.044 32°N 103.247 98°E 2 770 264 20 中部 冷箭竹 针阔混交林
HP03 放牧家畜 31.061 27°N 103.248 27°E 2 816 320 20 下部 冷箭竹 落叶阔叶林
HP04 放牧家畜 31.057 93°N 103.250 64°E 2 897 220 25 上部 冷箭竹 针阔混交林
HP05 放牧家畜 31.059 11°N 103.248 89°E 2 860 280 18 下部 冷箭竹 落叶阔叶林
HP06 放牧家畜 31.057 02°N 103.246 60°E 2 973 90 30 上部 冷箭竹 针阔混交林
HP07 放牧家畜 31.049 67°N 103.254 30°E 3 022 340 5 山脊 冷箭竹 亚高山暗针叶林
HP08 放牧家畜 31.048 18°N 103.255 67°E 3 074 210 15 上部 冷箭竹 竹丛、草地
HP09 放牧家畜 31.046 29°N 103.255 02°E 2 956 300 60 中部 冷箭竹 竹丛
HP10 放牧家畜 31.046 43°N 103.256 40°E 2 934 190 15 中部 冷箭竹 亚高山暗针叶林
周世强等:野生大熊猫与放牧家畜利用生境的特征比较 313
ANOVAS和多重比较(Fisher LSD;非正态分布
的数据,采用非参数检验方法(Mann-Whitney Test
Kruskai-Wallis ANOVA Dun’s Test)进行试验
P<0.05 表示研究对象之间的显著性差异。
3 结果与分析
3.1 野生大熊猫与放牧家畜利用生境的植物群落
的主要采食对象,在此专门进行了统计(图 24
2 野生大熊猫与放牧家畜利用生境的乔木层特征
Figure 2 Characteristics of arbor layer in habitats used by wild giant pandas and grazing livestock
2 本研究中野生大熊猫与放牧家畜利用生境的植物群落结构评估指标描述
Table 2 Description of evaluation indicators for Plant community structure of the habitats used by wild giant pandas
and grazing livestock in this study
指标 描述 范围
郁闭度 样地中所有乔木层树种覆盖的程度,通过目测获得 0.001.00
乔木胸径 样地中各乔木树种的胸高直径 (cm),采用围径尺测量,阈值:1.3 m 1.40130.00 cm
乔木树高 样地中各乔木树种的高度 (m),通过经验丰富人员的目估获得 5.0134.00 m
灌木层盖度 根据样地内的视觉估计,灌木层树木覆盖面积 (%) 0.00100%
灌木地径 样地中灌木层各树木的基部直径 (cm),通过围径尺测量 0.1018.50 cm
灌木高度 样地中灌木层各树木的高度 (m),通过钢卷尺测量 0.105.00 m
竹子盖度 根据样地内的视觉估计,竹子覆盖面积 (%) 2.00%100.00%
竹子密度 通过设置 15小样方,进行计数,通过获得样地平均密度 (culms·m2) 5.40149.5 culms·m2
竹子地径 样地中 15个样方随机选择 130 株竹子的地径 (mm),通过数显游标卡尺测量 1.020.0 mm
竹子高度 样地中 5个样方随机选择 130 株竹子的高度 (mm),通过钢卷尺测量 1.05600 cm
物种丰富度 样地中的树木种数 (S) 乔木层:114,灌木层:338
物种丰度 样地中所有树木的个体数量总和 乔木层:172,灌木层:4331
植物区系成分 植物种类所属的科属种数量 乔木层:111种—725 41 种,
灌木层:111种—29 49 94
大熊猫与放牧家畜利用生境 (所有样地汇总) 的树木种类的相似性,
采用 Jaccard 指数公式进行计算 0.0001.000
优势树种 根据计算各层树木的重要值排序获得 乔木层:9.0483.95
314 生态环境学报 32 卷第 22023 2月)
前者平均是 0.40±0.19、后者为 0.35±0.30;物种丰
生境的物种数平均是 (5.38±3.17) 种,放牧家畜为
(4.88±1.36) 种;乔木层植物的个体数量(物种丰度)
1.67 倍,分别是放牧家畜 (29.00±17.30) 株、大熊猫
(17.38±12.39) 株;乔木层植物的生长发育指数,野
前者生境的胸径和树高是 (21.64±9.98) cm
(11.41±3.03) m ,后者生境的胸径和树高为
(22.98±6.79) cm (11.26±2.79) m(图 2
者的 80.82%平均值是 75.31%±24.11%放牧家畜
F=0.780P=0.384前者是 (13.96±5.95) 种、后者
(12.20±3.12) 种;而灌木植物的个体数量则是放
牧家畜大于野生大熊猫,前者是后者的 1.35 倍,
别是大熊猫 (90.96±55.09) 株、放牧家畜 (122.10±
84.26) 株,但两者之间仍无明显差异(F=1.737
地径为 (3.31±1.15) cm高度 (2.50±0.65) m放牧家
畜的灌木平均地径 (3.50±0.87) cm高度 (2.12±
0.38) m经统计假设检验,无论是地径,还是高度,
P=0.655,高度:F=2.997P=0.093(图 3
竹,加之 3种竹种的生长习性具有明显的差异,因
差异明显(F=9.66913.624 P=8.013×104
别是盖度 56.32%±31.94%、种群密度(48.87±39.79)
culms·m2、地径 (6.03±2.73) mm 和株高 (143.48±
70.45) cm,放牧家畜递次为盖度 89.20%±14.44%
种群密度 (66.54±52.66) culms·m2、地径 (3.82±
0.34) mm 和株高 (59.68±16.13) cm(图 4
3.2 野生大熊猫与放牧家畜利用生境的群落组成
3 野生大熊猫与放牧家畜利用生境的灌木层特征
Figure 3 Characteristics of shrub layer in habitats used by wild giant pandas and grazing livestock
周世强等:野生大熊猫与放牧家畜利用生境的特征比较 315
1.892.502.93 倍,前者灌木层中科属种依次为后
者的 1.711.882.47 倍(表 3。从组成植物共有
层为 0.196、灌木层为 0.245组成植物中大熊猫利
Aceraceae、桦木科(Betulaceae 、杜鹃花科
多达 9种;放牧家畜则为蔷薇科、杜鹃花科、槭树
科和桦木科,种数最多仅有 3种;灌木层前者主要
槭树科等植物,种数最多有 19 种,后者以蔷薇科、
物为主要成分,种数最多为 12 种。
34.47糙皮桦34.22太白深灰槭Acer caesium
subsp. Giraldii34.21、疏花槭(24.10)和红桦
明,乔木层中 6个共有种的重要值指数、大熊猫与
20 种共有植物的重要值指数、大熊猫与放牧家畜之
(表 4
4 讨论
4 野生大熊猫与放牧家畜利用生境的竹子种群特征
Figure 4 Characteristics of bamboo population in habitats used by wild giant pandas
and grazing livestock
3 野生大熊猫与放牧家畜利用生境的物种组成
Table 3 Species composition of habitats used by wild giant
pandas and grazing livestock
林层 大熊猫 放牧家畜
乔木层 17 25 41 9 10 14
灌木层 29 49 94 17 26 38
316 生态环境学报 32 卷第 22023 2月)
et al.2014Hull et al.2015Hull et al.2016
白文科等,2017bBai et al.2020但两者又都有
和海拔区间26003 200 m的活动习性,因而利
et al.2014Zhang et al.2017Wa ng et al.2018
5 结论及保护管理建议
4 野生大熊猫与放牧家畜利用生境的共有树种重要值指数*
Table 4 Importance values index of common trees in habitat used by wild giant pandas and livestock
林层 植物种名 大熊猫 放牧家畜 n F P
峨眉冷杉 Abies fabri 44.04±23.45 32.00±17.16 18 1.077 0.315
糙皮桦 Betula utilis 33.05±22.04 36.64±22.78 21 0.1.000 0.756
红桦 Betula albo-sinensis 25.45±12.48 34.41±13.25 13 1.380 0.265
疏花槭 Acer laxiflorum 16.86±11.38 16.81±3.57 16 1.062×104 0.992
西南樱桃 Prunus pilosiuscula 15.02±3.78 17.59±9.25 10 0.384 0.553
稠李 Prunus padus 22.22±11.34 25.79±15.54 5 0.075 0.802
宝兴栒子 Cotoneaster moupinensis 14.78±4.86 15.77±9.93 10 0.046 0.835
冰川茶藨子 Ribes glaciale 25.62±12.44 37.36±12.42 26 4.555 0.043
糙皮桦 Betula utilis 28.47±11.90 9.03±0.04 10 4.874 0.058
大叶醉鱼草 Buddleja davidii 24.56±17.46 24.32±17.35 5 2.387×104 0.989
峨眉蔷薇 Rosa omeiensis 13.73±8.85 22.82±10.55 13 2.860 0.119
刚毛忍冬 Lonicera hispida 20.78±9.67 35.06±12.38 16 6.184 0.026
狗枣猕猴桃 Actinidia kolomikta var. gagnepainii 25.44±12.12 11.67±5.19 16 3.561 0.080
红花蔷薇 Rosa moyesii 16.07±11.54 27.93±20.28 10 1.423 0.267
红毛花楸 Rorbus rufopilosa 35.42±15.29 32.26±17.69 21 0.180 0.676
桦叶荚蒾 Viburnum betulifolium 24.89±10.66 17.04±0.47 15 1.312 0.273
假稠李 Maddensia hypoleuca 11.96±4.42 28.02±17.73 10 3.858 0.085
角翅卫矛 Euonymus acanthocarpus 11.15±6.36 8.91±0.45 11 0.345 0.572
柳叶忍冬 Lonicera lanceolata 22.54±10.54 21.83±7.29 22 0.020 0.890
山光杜鹃 Rhododendron oreodoxa 32.39±24.51 14.55±8.16 11 2.388 0.157
川滇柳 Salix dolia 19.00±0.92 24.69±13.12 6 0.333 0.595
西南樱桃 Prunus pilosiuscula 19.53±12.59 26.38±15.01 15 0.845 0.375
喜阴悬钩子 Rubus mesogaeus 23.63±4.91 15.64±1.57 5 4.547 0.123
心叶荚蒾 Viburnum cordifolium 26.98±12.00 16.34±7.00 10 1.978 0.197
绣线菊 Spiraea sp. 14.12±7.63 32.44±8.46 8 7.265 0.036
疣枝小蘖 Berberis verruculosa 15.16±5.71 11.42±5.20 6 0.653 0.462
*表中黑体数字表明 P<0.05
周世强等:野生大熊猫与放牧家畜利用生境的特征比较 317
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Comparison of Habitat Use Patterns between Wild Giant Pandas
and Grazing Livestock
ZHOU Shiqiang1*, Vanessa HULL2, ZHANG Jindong3, LIU Dian1, XIE Hao1, HUANG Jinyan1, ZHANG Hemin1
1. Key Laboratory of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration on Conservation Biology of Rare Animals in the Giant Panda National Park,
China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda, Dujiangyan 611830, P. R. China;
2. Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA;
3. Key Laboratory of Southwest China Wildlife Resources Conservation, Ministry of Education, China West Normal University, Nanchong 637002, P. R. China
Abstract: This study explored the internal driving factors for the effects of livestock grazing on wild giant pandas, their habitats, and
staple bamboo resources, in order to provide a basis for the construction and management of the Giant Panda National Park. Based on
the survey data of random sample fields of wild giant pandas and grazing livestock in the Wolong area of the Giant Panda National
Park, this paper analyzed the similarities and differences of habitat use patterns between giant pandas and grazing livestock with respect
to forest structure and plant community composition. The results showed that there were significant differences in forest structure,
between wild giant pandas and grazing livestock with respect to species abundance of arbor layer, coverage of shrub layer, and bamboo
characteristics (coverage, density, ground diameter and plant height), while the other indicators had no statistically significant
difference. As far as the composition characteristics of woody plants were concerned, the number of families, genera and species in the
tree layer and shrub layer of the habitat used by giant pandas was higher than that in the grazing livestock habitat. The similarity
coefficient between giant pandas and livestock was low, but when comparing the importance index of the common plant species, the
only significant difference was in the three species in the shrub layer, and there was no difference in the community composition of
other woody plants. This suggests that grazing livestock mainly affects the structure of the shrub layer of giant panda habitat and
characteristics of bamboo. This research, coupled with other studies, shows that wild giant pandas have actively avoided areas disturbed
by grazing livestock and adjusted their ranges of habitat. Therefore, an effective measure for managing the Giant Panda National Park
and other protected areas is to control grazing disturbance by spatial planning of livestock-free areas and strictly controlling the species
and quantity of livestock.
Keywords: giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca); grazing livestock; used habitat; plant community; community components
... Grazing impacts giant pandas mainly by way of livestock invading their habitats, compressing their ecological niches, competing for food resources, trampling vegetation, and ultimately leading to a decline in habitat quality [17][18][19]. Previous studies have shown that giant pandas significantly avoid areas with high grazing intensity, preferring areas with low grazing intensity or no grazing disturbance, which has led to the shifting of giant panda populations towards higher-elevation areas [20]. ...
Full-text available
Grazing is the primary human-induced disturbance affecting giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) habitats and has a severe impact on the long-term sustainability of the giant panda population. To address the lack of quantitative studies on grazing’s impact on habitat quality, we selected China’s most heavily grazed giant panda nature reserve. Utilizing the Maxent model and stoichiometric analysis, we investigated habitat quality degradation caused by grazing and quantified changes in bamboo nutritional quality and soil physicochemical properties. The results indicate that grazing has significantly reduced the suitable habitat area for giant pandas from 101.87 km2 to 80.64 km2. Specifically, high-suitability habitats declined by 14.14%, moderate-suitability habitats declined by 22.70%, and low-suitability habitats declined by 22.88%. Grazing has forced pandas to move to higher altitudes (2650–3057 m) with taller (12–20 m) trees, denser (28–55 plants) shrubs, and sparser (30–69%) bamboo. Additionally, the soil water content has decreased, while soil bulk density, total N, available N, and pH have significantly increased. Reductions in crude protein and ether extract, along with increased crude fiber and ash, have lowered bamboo’s nutritional value and palatability. This study elucidates how grazing degrades giant panda habitat quality and provides a scientific basis for its conservation management.
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Population characteristics are the most intuitive and measurable biological indicators of plants and the functional responses of plants to external interferences and environmental fluctuations. By analyzing the population characteristics of Bashania faberi clones after feeding by the wild giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) and grazing livestock,we can understand the impact intensity of the giant pandas and grazing livestock on the clonal population dynamics of Bashania faberi,and the response strategy of clonal populations of Bashania faberi to herbivory of different animals. Therefore,the clonal population characteristics of Bashania faberi in Wolong Area of the Giant Panda National Park after feeding by giant pandas and grazing livestock were determined by quadrat method,and compared with those in the control plots. The results showed that wild giant pandas and grazing livestock reduced the coverage of bamboo forest to 87.85% and 52.95% of the control,respectively. The impact intensity of grazing livestock was 1.66 times that of wild giant pandas. Feeding by grazing livestock hindered the germination,regeneration,growth and development of one-year-old bamboo. Compared with the control,the density of one-year-old bamboo decreased by 97.07%,the basal diameter decreased by 27.78%,and the plant height decreased by 87.93%. Grazing livestock had no significant impact on the basal diameters of bamboo culms of other ages or populations (P>0.05),but significantly reduced the heights of other bamboo culms (P<0.05). Feeding by wild giant pandas mainly affected the number of one-year-old bamboo,causing a decrease of density by 28.13%,and was conducive to maintaining the numbers of two-year-old and even older bamboo and the populations,as well as the basal diameters and the plant heights of bamboo ramets of all ages. Therefore,the diameter distribution of the bamboo populations in the plots for livestock grazing was similar to that in the control plots,which followed a normal distribution pattern with the majority being 3.1 ~ 6.0 mm and accounting for 82.21% of the total number. However,the height distribution was quite different,and the peak shifted to the lower end. The number of bamboo culms less than 60 cm in height accounted for 41.21%. The population structure (basal diameter and plant height) of bamboo in the plots for wild giant panda herbivory had a similar normal distribution like that in control plots. Most bamboo culms were 2.1 ~ 6.0 mm in basal diameter,accounting for 79.44% of the total number,and were 61 ~ 140 cm in plant height,accounting for 70.01%. Thus,livestock grazing has a much greater impact on the clonal populations of Bashania faberi than wild giant panda herbivory,and excessive feeding will lead to the degradation of Bashania faberi resource. Therefore,restricting the quantity of grazing livestock and their grazing area is an effective measure to protect the wild giant pandas and their habitats.
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Aspects of an animal′s activity patterns such as circadian rhythm and activity level are caused by intrinsic mechanisms and environmental effects, and in turn affect an animal′ s energy metabolism abilities, foraging behavior strategies, and evolutionary adaptation. Using GPS collars with dual⁃axis accelerometers fitted on wild giant pandas and livestock (horses), we collected activity data from 2010 to 2012 in the Hetaoping Research and Conservation Center for the Giant Panda and the adjacent area of the Wolong National Nature Reserve. Representative individuals, namely three adult giant pandas and three horses, were selected as samples. Indices of activity levels, active time percentage, activity fragmentation rate, and active segment duration were compared between the groups in order to reveal intrinsic features of the giant pandas and livestock in terms of time utilization. The results showed that the wild pandas and livestock had differences in activity intensity, percentage of active time, and activity fragmentation rate (all P < 0.0001). There was no significant statistical difference between them in the duration of activity segments (P = 0.4107). Wild pandas showed activity patterns with a low activity level, less active time, high activity fragmentation rate, and low duration of activity segments, which varied greatly between different months (seasons) (P < 0.0001). Livestock exhibited distinctive time⁃use patterns, i.e. elevated activity levels, multiple active times, slightly lower activity segment ratios, and somewhat longer duration of action segments. The discrete time⁃use patterns and spatial utilization models stemmed from the differences in utilization patterns, impact strength, and specific distribution in habitats and food resources of the animals. Therefore, rational planning and control of the extent of free⁃range areas for livestock is an effective way to harmonize nature conservation management with community economic development.
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Habitat use describes how wildlife utilize natural resources and their activity patterns,and has great influence on the genetic exchange between local populations and their viability. Between 2010 and 2012,we collected habitat data and GPS data from giant pandas and livestock—domestic horses at the Hetaoping section of Wolong National Nature Reserve and surrounding areas by using GPS collar tracking technology. Afterwards, we selected GPS data from a representative 3 pandas and 3 horses and calculated the terrain,home range, daily movement distance and number of core areas by applying analyses such as digital elevation model ( DEM) and animal movement module. Finally, we analyzed and tested whether there were significant difference between the habitat use of giant pandas and of livestock. The results showed that there were significant differences in habitat use between giant pandas and livestock in terms of altitude, slope and aspect of the terrain,home range, daily movement distance and number of core areas both seasonally and yearly. For giant pandas, habitat use changed between Fargesia robusta,Yushania brevipaniculata and Bashania faberi bamboo forests according to season and food abundance ( bamboo shoots, bamboo stems, bamboo branches and leaves),and exhibited a random dispersal pattern across a large activity range ( altitude range, home range) ,short daily movement distance, large number of core areas and high variation between individuals and months. For livestock depending on the original release site and disturbance level, habitat use exhibited a different pattern, however, compared with that of giant pandas,horses featured small home ranges, long daily movement distance, small number of core areas, and low variation between individual groups and months. These two divergent habitat use patterns put distinctive levels of pressure on local natural resources: the one adopted by giant pandas is beneficial for the recovery of bamboo resources and the sustainable development of the ecosystem; on the contrary, the one adopted by livestock will cause deterioration of the bamboo resources and destruction to the integrity of the ecosystem. Consequently, it is urgent for Wolong National Nature Reserve to reinforce the management of domestic grazing animals, and coordinate economic development of local communities with biodiversity conservation.
The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is a flagship species of wildlife protection. Much attention has been paid to its survival status and conservation. Population size serves as the basis for giant-panda conservation. So far, the accuracy, operability, and cost of two main survey methods of panda population estimation (distance-bamboo stem fragments method and molecular biological method) have been controversial. We estimated the panda population using both the distance-bamboo stem fragments method and molecular biological method in the main panda distribution areas of the Wolong Nature Reserve in China, and compared the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods. The results showed a more than 50% lower population estimate for the distance-bamboo stem fragments method compared to the molecular biological method. To improve the sensitivity of the methods for identifying panda individuals and considering the characteristics of giant panda behavior, we propose to reduce the distance threshold value for identifying different individuals in the high-density area of a giant-panda distribution.
Impact of grazing on giant pandas' habitat was studied at Yele Nature Reserve, Sichuan in 2001. Forage ratio selection index is used to assess the bamboo utilization of both giant pandas and grazing. Among 482 sampling spots of our survey, panda traces at 54 sampling spots, grazing at 159 sampling spots were recorded. We use bamboo coverage, height, growth status, density and elevation to characterize habitats of both the giant panda and livestock and sort grazing intensity into intensive, medium, and weak. The results of analyses of Forage ratios, contingency tables and Pearson correlation suggest that a) the giant panda preferred to habitats of 2 - 3 m height bamboo, bamboo coverage of 50% - 100%, better bamboo growth status at elevation of 2 870 - 3 900 m; b) livestock, occurring at elevation of 2 700 - 4 000 m, showed no preference the above factors; c) at intensive grazing sampling spots no panda traces was found and bamboo coverage was less than 50% at 80% of sampling spots; d) bamboo density and adult bamboo density were less at the sampling spots where grazing occurred than the sampling spots where giant pandas occurred, but proportion of dead bamboo individuals was higher than the sampling spots of giant panda, e) and with the presence of bamboo or not and bamboo coverage is dependent on grazing intensity; f) giant panda avoid the grazing habitat. It is concluded that grazing has definite impact on pandas' habitats and therefore it should take measures to control grazing activities in the nature reserve.
Habitat corridor is an effective way to enhance gene communication, and avoid extinction of small populations. The Niba Mountain, as a part of the Daxiangling Mountains, is the key area to connect the central populations of the giant panda in the Daxiangling Mountains with the populations in the Qionglai Mountains. In order to research the design method of the corridor for the giant panda and promote the construction of the Niba Mountain corridor, we designed a giant panda habitat corridor in the Niba Mountain based on the third national survey on the giant panda (2000-2001) and field survey data from 2011 to 2012. Maxent model, Linkage mapper corridor design software, and a least-cost path model (LCP) were used to design the corridor. The habitat corridor to build is 2 250 m in width and 15.76 km in length, covering an area of 38.5 km2 and distributing between the altitudes of 1 400 m and 3 000 m. Vegetation types of the corridor are mainly broad-leaved forests, shrubs, and coniferous forests. Most of the areas are moderately suitable and unsuitable habitat, accounting for 74.19% and 25.29%, respectively, of the total area. Only 0.52% is suitable habitat. Therefore, to ensure smooth passing-through of the giant panda, the designed corridor needs further transformation and protection to increase the area of suitable habitat.
Wolong's Giant panda
  • Hu J C
  • Schaller G B
  • Pan W S
HU J C, SCHALLER G B, PAN W S, et al., 1985. Wolong's Giant panda