The leaves, flowers and fruit peels of Banzhair lime trees are rich in essential oils (EOs), which are characterized by odor, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. Arid regions (ARR) are characterized by stress properties that have a negative impact on the production of Banzhair lime EOs. Trans-cinnamic acid (t-CA) is an antioxidant substance that has an anti-bad effect when plants are exposed to stress. The aim of this investigation was to reduce the harmful effect of stress factors on Banzhair lime trees by adapting them to ARR through t-CA. Various EOs were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. The major compound of leaf and peel EOs was limonene, while geranial was in flower EO. The major chemical group in leaf and flower EOs was oxygenated monoterpenes, while it was monoterpene hydrocarbons in peel EO. Trees exposed to 40 mg/L t-CA acid resulted in the maximum contents of leaf (0.5%, w/w), flower (0.2%, w/w) and (0.3%, w/w) peel essential oils. Leaf EO obtained from trees subjected to 20 mg/L t-CA resulted in the greatest value of limonene, while flower EO produced from trees treated with t-CA at 40 mg/L resulted in the highest value of geranial. This trial recommends the cultivation of Banzhair lime trees in ARR under the application of t-CA to improve the productivity of their EOs.