
Smart Structures in Architectural Projects: Towards an interactive design framework combining multiscalar structural optimisation and custom-optimized structural nodes for generative design

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Interactive mass customisation is changing practice in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. Future workflows in software systems could address human-in-the-loop technology to augment human creative capacities. Early design stages require quick and well-informed decisions in response to data available from building information modelling technology. Architectural de-sign has been transformed by the in-troduction of design software but until recently the actual design has continued to be performed by the architect. That has begun to change with the exploration of interactive design frame works. Optimizing structures on multiple scales effects both, the overall structure in dependence of the architectural geometry and the local expression of 3D printed structural nodes. The reported research explored an algo-rithm to close geometric gaps in generative design of structural components. This foam-like algorithm allowed the artist and architect to design New Structuralism style using a combination of different optimisation routines. As a result, the SPUME algorithm was investigated to inte-grate several geometric parts in an organic shape for design of custom-optimized structural nodes. As part of the case study, a pavilion with a tessellated structure and 3D printed custom-optimized structural nodes was designed by an artist and an architect to showcase the application potential of the conceptualized framework. Finally, a prototype for connecting brackets and BESO optimized shape of the structural nodes was produced to combine all aspects of the local node geometry in the tectonic representation.

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Mimari formun belirlendiği şematik tasarım aşaması küçük değişimlerle en büyük faydaların üretilebildiği evredir. Şematik tasarım evresinde güneş ışığından faydalanma miktarı, hâkim rüzgâr yönleri, topoğrafya, çevre yapılarla kurulan ilişki, iklim özellikleri gibi verilere oldukça dikkat edilse de yapının strüktürel davranışları göz önüne alınamamaktadır. Bunun nedenleri, strüktürel analiz için uzmanlaşmış tasarımcı veya mühendisin ön tasarım evresinde genellikle yer almamasıdır. Strüktür tasarımcısı yapı formunun belli bir gelişmişlik düzeyine ulaştığı evrede tasarıma katkı sunmaya başlamaktadır. Yapının ana formunun belirlenmiş olduğu bu evrede strüktürel veriler tasarımı besleyen bilgi olmaktan ziyade, tasarımı gerçekleştirmek için çözümler üreten görevini üstlenmektedir. Taşıyıcı sistem hesaplamalarında zemin davranışları, sismik özellikler, malzemelerin dayanım verileri ve binanın hangi amaçla kullanılacağı gibi fazla sayıda bileşen bulunmaktadır. Yapısal özelliklerin bu düzeyde detaylı bir analizine, zaten tasarım süreçlerine yoğunlaşmış olan mimarın vakit ayırması genellikle mümkün olmamaktadır. Bu aşamada eldeki sınırlı tasarım girdileriyle yapısal davranışa yönelik veriler elde etmek, ileri tasarım aşamasında yapılacak detaylı analizlere ve yönetmeliklerin zorunlu tuttuğu standartlara uyulmasına katkı verecektir. Yapısal elemanlara taşıyıcı malzeme ve kesit atamasına izin veren öneri tasarım aracı, yapının ağırlığını ve maksimum gerilmelerin oluştuğu bölgeleri ön tasarım aşamasında kullanıcıya sunacaktır. Bu çalışmada şematik tasarım aşamasında, mimari formun ortaya çıkmaya başlamasıyla beraber hem parametrik tasarıma hem de geleneksek tasarıma yönelik strüktürel analizler yapıp sonuçlar üretebilecek hesap aracı önerilmekte ve üretilen modeller üzerinden sonuçlar karşılaştırılmaktadır.
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This research accentuates to explore designing the drone frame using Generative design tools. A quadcopter is designed using Autodesk generative design embedded in Fusion 360. The simulation results such as static stress-strain, modal frequency and displacement results of additive manufactured quadcopter are compared with a DJI flame wheel F450 drone frame. The generative designed frame has minimum displacement compared to traditional designed drone frame. It is observed that generative designing technique along with additive manufactured frames yields better frames with improved resistance to fracture and minimum displacement compared to traditional designed DJI flame wheel F450 drone frame.
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Virtual prototypes enable performance simulation for building components. The presented research extended the application of generative design using virtual prototypes for interactive optimisation of structural nodes. User-interactivity contributed to the geometric definition of design spaces rather than the final geometric outcome, enabling another stage of generative design for the micro-structure of the structural node. In this stage, the micro-structure inside the design space was generated using fixed topology. In contrast to common optimisation strategies, which converge towards a single optimal outcome, the presented design exploration process allowed the regular review of design solutions. User-based selection guided the evolutionary process of design space exploration applying Online Classification. Another guidance mechanism called Shape Comparison introduced an intelligent control system using an inital image input as design reference. In this way, aesthetic guidance enabled the combined evaluation of quantitative and qualitative criteria in the custom-optimisation of structural nodes. Interactive node design extended the potential for shape variation of custom-optimized structural nodes by addressing the geometric definition of design spaces for multi-scalar structural optimisation.
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The majority of glass used in load-bearing structures is as planar elements. Some projects exist that use linear glass elements. This paper discusses in broad terms the design, engineering, and fabrication of a unique vector active glass structure consisting of glass bundles and partly printed steel connections. A structure was conceived that utilizes the glass bundles in a way that can be directly experienced by the users: a swing. To create a non-standard form for the swing, a structural optimization procedure was used. To realize the structure, a novel steel node was developed and produced using an additive manufacturing technique in steel. These novel applications have made the project innovation heavy, particularly considering the limited timeframe for its development and construction. Description is given of the several optimization techniques incorporated in the digital process, the assembly and testing of the glass bundles, and the manufacturing of the steel nodes by Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing.
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Aplicações na arquitetura, engenharia e construção estão ampliando o interesse da impressão 3D. No entanto, limitações da produção, dentre as quais inclui-se a performance estrutural, ainda impedem o uso significativo desta tecnologia. Neste sentido, este artigo apresenta parte da pesquisa de simulação e otimização estrutural e objetiva estudar o comportamento mecânico de polímeros ABS e PLA, sob a forma de filamentos termoplásticos, comumente utilizados em impressoras 3D de baixo custo. Ele apresenta os resultados preliminares de avaliação do comportamento mecânico do ABS e PLA, segundo as normas ASTM E2954 e ASTM D790, que estabelecem métodos para testes de compressão axial e flexão de três pontos para matriz plástica e polimérica. A partir dos ensaios destrutivos dos modelos físicos, vislumbra-se a criação de modelos numéricos estruturais, e a definição de novos algoritmos e componentes no Grasshopper, que facilitem a simulação computacional e otimização estrutural de peças, bem como a maior precisão de seu comportamento mecânico pós-produção.
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Combining graph-based parametric design with metaheuristic solvers has to date focused solely on performance-based criteria and solving clearly defined objectives. In this article, we outline a new method for combining a parametric modelling environment with an interactive Cluster-Orientated Genetic Algorithm. In addition to performance criteria, evolutionary design exploration can be guided through choice alone, with user motivation that cannot be easily defined. As well as numeric parameters forming a genotype, the evolution of whole parametric definitions is discussed through the use of genetic programming. Visualisation techniques that enable mixing small populations for interactive evolution with large populations for performance-based optimisation are discussed, with examples from both academia and industry showing a wide range of applications.
Conference Paper
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Additive manufacturing techniques and materials have evolved rapidly during the last decade. Applications in architecture, engineering and construction are getting more attention as 3D printing is trying to find its place in the industry. Due to high material prices for metal 3d printing and in-homogenous material behaviour in printed plastic , 3D printing has not yet had a very significant impact at the scale of buildings. Limitations on scale, cost, and structural performance have also hindered the advancement of the technology and research up to this point. The research presented here takes a case study for the application of 3D printing at a furniture scale based on a novel custom optimisa-tion approach for structural nodes. Through the concentration of non-standard geometry on the highly complex custom optimised nodes, 3D printers at industrial product scale could be used for the additive manufacture of the structural nodes. This research presents a design strategy with a digital process chain using parametric modeling, virtual prototyp-ing, structural simulation, custom optimisation and additive CAD/CAM for a digital workflow from design to production. Consequently, the digital process chain for the development of structural nodes was closed in a holistic manner at a suitable scale.
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The next release problem (NRP) consists of selecting which requirements will be implemented in the next release of a software system. For many search based software engineering approaches to the NRP, there is still a lack of capability to efficiently incorporate human experience and preferences in the search process. Therefore, this paper proposes an architecture to deal with this issue, where the decision maker (DM) and his/her tacit assessments are taken into account during the solutions evaluations alongside the interactive genetic algorithm. Furthermore, a learning model is employed to avoid an overwhelming number of interactions. An empirical study involving software engineer practitioners, different instances, and different machine learning techniques was performed to assess the feasibility of the architecture to incorporate human knowledge in the overall optimization process. Obtained results indicate the architecture can assist the DM in selecting a set of requirements that properly incorporate his/her expertise, while optimizing other explicit measurable aspects equally important to the next release planning. On a scale of 0 (very ineffective) to 5 (very effective), all participants found the experience of interactively selecting the requirements using the approach as a 4 (effective).
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This research presents a methodology to develop and implement a generative design system as the technological model for mass customisation in the furniture industry. The generative design system comprises two subsystems that permit the generation and the evaluation of customised designs within a predefined design language. The shape generation subsystem is defined by shape grammars and parametric design models. The shape evaluation subsystem encompasses simulation and optimisation to guarantee the structural feasibility of the customised designs under operating conditions. This paper focuses on the modelling activities regarding the constitution of the optimisation part of the shape evaluation subsystem. Structural optimisation using simulated annealing is applied to assist the designer in the automatic search for an optimal grammar-based detailed solution. The theoretical model is illustrated by its application to a symbolic mass production problem: Thonet bentwood chairs, which were changed to comply with the mass customisation paradigm.
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Innovation and creativity are the key successful factors and a global priority in engineering industries. This paper describes the development of an evolutionary grammars based design framework for product innovation. A new genetic representation of shape grammars is developed in an evolutionary computing environment. The results generated by the genetic algorithm define a new combination of shape features for alternative designs. In this way, traditional shape grammar is extended to an interactive context in which generative and evolutionary computing methods are combined. Both product component design as well as product configuration are supported in this framework. Two important design issues are addressed in this research, 1) Product form exploration, and 2) Product design strategies. To tackle the issues, this research demonstrates the efficient use of evolutionary grammars to support the exploration of innovative product form designs.
Recent years are showing a rapid adoption of digital manufacturing techniques to the construction industry, with a focus on additive manufacturing. Although 3D printing for construction (3DPC) has notably advanced in recent years, publications on the subject are recent and date a growth in 2019, indicating that it is a promising technology as it enables greater efficiency with fair consumption of material, minimization of waste generation, encouraging the construction industrialization and enhancing and accelerating the constructive process. This new building system not only gives an optimization of the building process but provides a new approach to the building design materiality. The direct connection between design and manufacturing allows the reduction in the number of the various construction phases needed. It is opening a new and wide range of options both formal and chromatic in customization, avoiding complex formworks, reducing costs and manufacturing time. The creative process has a strict and direct link with the constructive process, straightening design with its materiality. Cement-based materials lead the way, but new alternatives are being explored to further reduce its carbon footprint. In order to leverage its sustainability and enhance the system capacity, initiatives are being pursued to allow the reduction of the use of PC. Geopolimers are taking the first steps in 3DPC. Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) materials are used to substitute natural aggregates. Even soil is being explored has a structural and aesthetic material. These research trends are opening a wider range of possibilities for architecture and design, broadening the spectrum of color, texture, and formal variations. The concern about textures and colours is not yet evident in many the structures already printed, opening the opportunity for future research. More can be done in the mixture and formal design of this building system, “discovering” other raw materials in others waste. This article aims to make a critical review of technologies, materials and methodologies to support the development of new sustainable materials to be used as a plastic element in the printed structure. A roadmap of 3D printing for construction is presented, and an approach on mix design, properties in the fresh and hardened state, highlighting the possibilities for obtaining alternative materials are pointed. With this review possible directions are presented to find solutions to enhance the sustainability of this system discovering “new” materiality for architecture and design.
This paper presents a proposed node system for an actual building project, named the Galleria Department Store (GDS). The exterior of the building was designed as an irregular shape of curtain wall, and it had a challenge that the existing methods could not address the requirement. The GDS curtain wall comprises different flat glass shapes connected by varying deflection angles. This structural requirement caused unprecedented challenges, such as the vertex deflection phenomenon. The proposed method, named the Smart Node system, was developed and applied to the GDS project to address this challenge. Additive manufacturing (AM) technology was used in production, showing a novel method for irregular façade construction. The originality of this study is to accomplish a new construction method using the AM technology, and also it covers the quantified effect of this application. One of the key achievements is that the developed Smart Note system performed with 99.4% construction accuracy, where only 10 out of 1652 glass sheets required reworks or corrections. In addition, the analysis found that the length of the vertical span was identified as one of the most critical factors to prevent construction error(s). When the length of the section is less than 9.8 m, no construction issues were observed. The main contribution of this study lies in the accuracy level of construction delivery, which is 647 node and 1632 glass panel productions and installations. The novelty of this study also includes the qualitative description of practical trials and errors from carrying out an AM-applied construction of GDS's exterior façade.
Der Umgang mit vielfältigen Simulations- und Bewertungsaspekten erlaubt früh im Entwurfsprozess Aussagen über die Leistungsfähigkeit von Tragwerksknoten zu treffen. Des Weiteren kann während deren interaktiver Formfindung die Simulationstätigkeit durch das Fachwissen der Ingenieurin und des Ingenieurs gewinnbringend ergänzt werden. Dadurch können ungeplante Änderungen und unerwartete Verzögerungen in der Entwicklung komplexer Geometrien minimiert werden. Der technologische Wandel in der bauindustriellen Fertigung durch die Einführung des 3D-Drucks erfordert kürzere Entwicklungszyklen, flexiblere Fertigungsmethoden und ermöglicht innovative Designprodukte. Den von den Marktteilnehmern und Marktteilnehmerinnen erwarteten ästhetischen Neuheitswert von 3D-gedruckten Produkten gilt es effizient herzustellen. Dabei soll die Komplexität der Nutzeroberflächen für die Anwenderin und den Anwender geringgehalten werden. Der vorliegende Artikel definiert Schnittstellen für die Einbindung interaktiver Bauteiloptimierung in die intelligente Produktion. Dabei werden deren Zusammenhänge und relevante Eigenschaften beschrieben.
Structural Topology Optimisation (STO) is a prevalent optimisation technique used nowadays to reach desired weight-to-stiffness ratios via highly complex and efficient designs unable to achieve otherwise. Additive manufacturing (AM) is widely known in the manufacturing industry and provides designers with a higher degree of freedom in realising highly optimised designs through a layer-based fabrication process. This paper focuses on reticulated structures and proposes using STO and AM to design and fabricate alternative connection designs with outstanding bespoke performance and drastically reduced weight. It studies the optimisation of a conventional node-connection found in reticulated timber structures under four loading cases, to producing state-of-the-art optimised connection designs, each capable of withstanding one of the four selected loading cases. The results are compared with the conventional node-connection, and the optimised configurations achieved up to 46.9% weight reduction. A selection of the highly bespoke scaled-down designs was additively manufactured in two different materials (metallic and polymer) as a proof of concept for the capacity of the technologies available for future testing.
This book identifies, analyzes and discusses the current trends of digitalized, decentralized, and networked physical value creation by focusing on the particular example of 3D printing. In addition to evaluating 3D printing’s disruptive potentials against a broader economic background, it also addresses the technology’s potential impacts on sustainability and emerging modes of bottom-up and community-based innovation. Emphasizing these topics from economic, technical, social and environmental perspectives, the book offers a multifaceted overview that scrutinizes the scenario of a fundamental transition: from a centralized to a far more decentralized system of value creation.
The need to simplify the construction issues of complex structures leads to definition of SmartNodes project as a research which aims to confine the complexity of structure to a limited area (nodes) in order to decrease processing steps and labor intensity by application of additive manufacturing (AM) techniques. Bi-Directional Evolutionary Structural Optimization (BESO) is used to design efficient and elegant nodal connections of large scale spatial structures and minimise the volume of nodes to be printed and to ultimately replace welded, forged and cast connections by 3D printed connections. The prototypes discussed in this paper demonstrate BESO design process through two generic cases.
The topic of 3D printing has attracted intense discussions, much of it highly enthusiastic and optimistic in nature. The technology surely offers numerous possibilities and opportunities for changing and influencing the future of manufacturing on many, very different, levels—from the shop floor to impacts on the environment, future business models and even social aspects. In order to better prepare ourselves and possibly pave the way for these various impacts, it is important to recognize that 3D printing offers both advantages and disadvantages. The goal is to review some of these critically in order to not only moderate and inform expectations, but also maintain the momentum.
One of the critical issues in orthopaedic regenerative medicine is the design of bone scaffolds and implants that replicate the biomechanical properties of the host bones. Porous metals have found themselves to be suitable candidates for repairing or replacing the damaged bones since their stiffness and porosity can be adjusted on demands. Another advantage of porous metals lies in their open space for the in-growth of bone tissue, hence accelerating the osseointegration process. The fabrication of porous metals has been extensively explored over decades, however only limited controls over the internal architecture can be achieved by the conventional processes. Recent advances in additive manufacturing have provided unprecedented opportunities for producing complex structures to meet the increasing demands for implants with customized mechanical performance. At the same time, topology optimization techniques have been developed to enable the internal architecture of porous metals to be designed to achieve specified mechanical properties at will. Thus implants designed via the topology optimization approach and produced by additive manufacturing are of great interest. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art of topological design and manufacturing processes of various types of porous metals, in particular for titanium alloys, biodegradable metals and shape memory alloys. This review also identifies the limitations of current techniques and addresses the directions for future investigations.
This book presents the state of the art in advanced customization within the sector of architectural design and construction, explaining important new technologies that are boosting design, product and process innovation and identifying the challenges to be confronted as we move toward a mass customization construction industry. Advanced machinery and software integration are discussed, as well as an overview of the manufacturing techniques offered through digital methods that are acquiring particular significance within the field of digital architecture. CNC machining, Robotic Fabrication, and Additive Manufacturing processes are all clearly explained, highlighting their ability to produce personalized architectural forms and unique construction components. Cutting-edge case studies in digitally fabricated architectural realizations are described and, looking towards the future, a new model of 100% customized architecture for design and construction is presented. The book is an excellent guide to the profound revolution taking place within the fields of architectural design and construction, characterized by computational tools, advanced fabrication means and custom-made high-performance architecture.
This book covers in detail the various aspects of joining materials to form parts. A conceptual overview of rapid prototyping and layered manufacturing is given, beginning with the fundamentals so that readers can get up to speed quickly. Unusual and emerging applications such as micro-scale manufacturing, medical applications, aerospace, and rapid manufacturing are also discussed. This book provides a comprehensive overview of rapid prototyping technologies as well as support technologies such as software systems, vacuum casting, investment casting, plating, infiltration and other systems. This book also: Reflects recent developments and trends and adheres to the ASTM, SI, and other standards Includes chapters on automotive technology, aerospace technology and low-cost AM technologies Provides a broad range of technical questions to ensure comprehensive understanding of the concepts covered.
This paper presents a formal notation for describing geometrical configurations. The notation is based on generative and relational structures, and is developed in conjunction with a 3D modelling system. This paper focuses on the syntax and features of the notation. The notation in its capacity to specify the generation and transformation of shapes and complex configurations is illustrated through two architectural examples.
The Karamba plug-in developed by Clemens Preisinger in collaboration with Bollinger + Grohmann Engineers has been developed to predict the behaviour of structures under external loads. Intended to be used by architects rather than being solely confined to an engineering setting, it enables a seamless flow of data between structural and geometric models. Preisinger here describes the program's evolution and application.
An increasing number of architectural design practices harness the power of parametric design tools. The aim of these tools is to facilitate and control complex building geometries. Parametric design programs such as Grasshopper (GH) for Rhino or Generative Components popularized this approach by providing easy-to-use visual programming environments that integrate with computer-aided design (CAD) packages. A logical next step consists in connecting parametric designs to applications that evaluate non-geometric aspects such as building physics or structural performance. This brings about new opportunities of collaboration between architects and engineers in the early stages of building design. The ease of testing alternatives by tweaking a set of parameters also opens the door for the application of generic optimization algorithms. Karamba is a finite element program geared towards interactive use in the parametric design environment GH. Being a GH plug-in, it seamlessly integrates with the diverse habitat of other third party programs available for GH. These range from building physics applications to genetic optimization engines. In the author's company, Karamba is used in early-stage design, form-finding, and structural optimization. “White Noise”, a mobile exhibition pavilion for the Salzburg Biennale, serves as a case study that shows how Karamba can be used to optimize the structural performance of intricate building geometries.
A simple evolutionary procedure is proposed for shape and layout optimization of structures. During the evolution process low stressed material is progressively eliminated from the structure. Various examples are presented to illustrate the optimum structural shapes and layouts achieved by such a procedure.
Published on demand. Thesis (Ph. D.)--Carnegie-Mellon University, 1979. Bibliography: leaves 147-154.
We survey the research on interactive evolutionary computation (IEC). The IEC is an EC that optimizes systems based on subjective human evaluation. The definition and features of the IEC are first described and then followed by an overview of the IEC research. The overview primarily consists of application research and interface research. In this survey the IEC application fields include graphic arts and animation, 3D computer graphics lighting, music, editorial design, industrial design, facial image generation, speed processing and synthesis, hearing aid fitting, virtual reality, media database retrieval, data mining, image processing, control and robotics, food industry, geophysics, education, entertainment, social system, and so on. The interface research to reduce human fatigue is also included. Finally, we discuss the IEC from the point of the future research direction of computational intelligence. This paper features a survey of about 250 IEC research papers
Prototyping for architects
  • M Burry
  • J Burry
Burry, M., & Burry, J. (2016). Prototyping for architects. London: Thames & Hudson.
Optimization in the architectural practice
  • J M Cichocka
  • W N Browne
  • E Rodriguez
  • P Janssen
  • P Loh
  • A Raonic
Cichocka, J.M., Browne, W.N., & Rodriguez, E. (2017), Optimization in the architectural practice. Janssen, P., Loh, P., Raonic, A., Schnabel, M.A. (Eds.) Protocols, Flows and Glitches: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), 2017. The Association for Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA).
SmartNodes: Light weight parametric structural design process with BESO
  • D Prohasky
  • N Williams
  • K Crolla
  • J Burry
Prohasky, D., Williams, N., Crolla, K. & Burry, J. (2015). SmartNodes: Light weight parametric structural design process with BESO. In Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia. 2015, 29, 1-12. International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS).