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Undergraduate Students' Perceived Success Factors on Learning: An Online Flipped Classroom for Designing Pervasive Games
Received: 15 June 2022; Accepted: 9 October 2022; Published: 21 November 2022
Undergraduate Students' Perceived Success Factors on
Learning: An Online Flipped Classroom for
Designing Pervasive Games
Liu Kai, Tan Wee Hoe, Erni Marlina Saari*
Faculty of Art, Computing and Creative Industry, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris;, {whtan, marlina}
*correspondance author
To cite this article (APA): Lui, K., Tan, W.H., & Saari, E.M. (2022). Undergraduate students' perceived success factors on
learning: An online flipped classroom for designing pervasive games. Journal of ICT in Education, 9(2), 1-15.
To link to this article:
This study aims to identify undergraduate students' perceived success factors in designing a pervasive
game using an online flipped classroom approach. Since the context coexisting with the Covid-19
epidemic, online teaching has become the new norm. Implementing the flipped classroom approach to
online teaching is quite different from traditional teaching. Furthermore, teaching pervasive game
design online with a flipped classroom procedure is undoubtedly a great challenge. After successfully
applying the online flipped classroom approach to design pervasive games, a series of one-on-one
interviews were conducted with 34 students, in which the data were analyzed using grounded theory.
Through the analysis process of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding, six influential factors
were found to determine the success of online flipped classrooms for pervasive game design, i.e.,
professional guidance, a clear mission, autonomic learning, mutual communication, team cooperation,
and instrument strategy. These factors influence and link to each other, in which each factor plays a
vital role in pre-class, in-class, and after-class learning. These six factors were integrated to form a
preferred learning model advocated in this study, which can be referred to by other teaching and
learning contexts similar to the flipped classroom for pervasive game design.
Keywords: pervasive game design, influence factors, grounded theory, flipped classroom, preferred learning model
To this day, the Coronavirus remains a global pandemic. This situation is a catastrophic blow to the
field of education, and the old days will be gone for students and instructors who had a glimmer of
constantly face-to-face classes (Tang, Abuhmaid, Olaimat, Oudat, Aldhaeebi & Bamanger, 2020). In
in-game design, many instructors have had to face the reality of online instruction. Nevertheless,
Journal of ICT in Education (JICTIE)
ISSN 2289-7844 / 9 / 2 / 2022 / 1-15
teaching such complex game design to students is already a problem, and is it even possible to do it
online? Now, pervasive games design education incorporating high quality anytime-anywhere online
learning. The ubiquitous access to the internet and burgeoning digitization presents us with an
opportunity, which simultaneously adds more difficulty to teaching online.
Among the teaching in universities, the flipped classroom is a teaching method that has been advocated
in recent years. It has been known for its efficiency (Rehman & Fatima, 2021). The flipped classroom
has been enabled by creating digital video recording, digital media, and interactive web pages
(Nighojkar, Plappally & Soboyejo, 2021). Many resources allow students to obtain content online
where outside of class time is easily accessible by themselves (Yen, 2020). Using the internet resources
and online teaching platform-tools under the existing condition to enter the education effect is an
urgent problem (Tian, 2020). Online teaching pervasive game design in flipped classroom is a question
that needs to be studied.
This study used flipped classroom to take students through a successful pervasive game design process
online. After that, 34 interviews were conducted to collect data, and the data were analyzed by
grounded theory. At last, a preferred learning model for the online flipped classroom on the pervasive
game design was developed from the results.
Pervasive Game Design
Pervasive games, also known as location-based games, had existed for a long time, long before
information technology became widely portable (Taborda, Arango-Lopez, Collazos, Vela & Moreira,
2019). People gathered to play various treasure hunt games or participate in a big adventure in live-
action roleplaying. The pervasive game encourages people to get out of the house, motivates people to
take action, engages people in healthier habits, and explores the whole city in a gamified way
(Calafiore & Rapp, 2016).
Pervasive game design is an essential category, and it has been studied more in academia. Among the
large-scale pervasive games, there is Ingress, which connects the virtual world with the actual city
(Söbke, Hauge & Stefan, 2017). Players navigate the city's physical surroundings, and their avatar in
the game moves through the virtual Ingress area that they can see on their smartphone screens
(Sengupta, Tantoush, Bassanino & Cheung, 2020). Pokémon GO also places different virtual monsters
in different physical spaces, allowing players to experience the joy of searching even while fighting
monsters to upgrade (Arjoranta, Kari & Salo, 2020). Among the small-scale pervasive games, there is
explicitly designed based on the campus environment in Granada, Spain (Forte, Gazquez, Arango-
Lopez, Vela & Moreira, 2019). There is also designed specifically for older adults by fitness, including
traditional cultures in Japan (Santos et al., 2021).
Since pervasive games like Ingress and Pokémon have not yet entered mainland China, corresponding
Undergraduate Students' Perceived Success Factors on Learning: An Online Flipped Classroom for Designing Pervasive Games
Received: 15 June 2022; Accepted: 9 October 2022; Published: 21 November 2022
small pervasive games are rare. As a result, there is not enough research on the design of pervasive
games. This study will lead students to develop a small pervasive game through a game design course,
which will open the door to pervasive game design.
Flipped Classroom
Bergmann and Sams (2012) made their students catch up on their school work due to sickness or other
variety of reasons. They create a series of lecture videos for the absentees to watch at home. Soon,
other educators and students found and used the videos, and then the word got out. Bergmann and
Sams (2012) realized that this way could be more effective to achieve teaching and learning outcomes.
In other words, the conventional instructional model could be "flipped."
In a standard instructor-centered classroom, the instructor delivers lectures throughout class time and
gives students homework after class. In a flipped classroom, things are carried out the other way round.
It is student-centered learning (Lundin, Rensfeldt, Hillman, Lantz-Andersson & Peterson, 2018). The
instructor "delivers" lectures earlier than class in the form of pre-recorded videos and
spends classification time engaging students in mastering activities that involve collaboration and
interaction. Passive getting-to-know activities such as unidirectional lectures are pushed to
outside type hours to replace active mastering activities in class (Mok, 2014).
Instructors have forever struggled to get students to study independently (Serin & Khabibullin, 2019).
That is when the real learning happens, not when the teacher is lecturing, droning on and on (Fung,
2020). Subsequently, this study carried out the pervasive game design course online in the flipped
classroom. Applying a flipped classroom, which is not easy, to an online classroom makes teaching
even more challenging (Sarani, Zarei & Navidinia, 2020).
Grounded Theory
This qualitative study employed grounded theory to explore participants' experiences in flipped
classroom to design a pervasive game that finished. The grounded theory involves constant
comparative analysis whereby groups are contrasted based on theoretical similarities and differences
(Hakkola, Ruben, McDonnell, Herakova, Buchanan & Robbie,2021). Grounded theory is appropriate
for understanding how people make sense of their shared experiences and constructing a model from
observations using a process of theoretical sampling data (Corbin & Strauss, 1990; Jobe, Engstrom &
Lindberg, 2021). A grounded theory research method is divided into three steps: data collection, data
coding (open coding - axial coding - selective coding), and theoretical saturation test. The data
compilation allows for bottom-up problem identification and deductive inquiry into the connection and
construction of influence factors of pervasive game design in online flipped classrooms.
Journal of ICT in Education (JICTIE)
ISSN 2289-7844 / 9 / 2 / 2022 / 1-15
Course Structure
An Interactive Game Design and Development course in a public university in Henan province, China,
was used for this study. The course required of all juniors in the interaction design program of digital
media art students was taught over 12 weeks as a four-credits. Entirely offline completed as initially
planned with this course. However, due to the outbreak of several new cases of Coronavirus in the city
where the school is located, the entire 12-week course was completed online for the first eight weeks
and face-to-face for the last four weeks. Once a week in classes, every Monday from 8:00 am until
4:00 pm, a two-hour break at noon.
The course is the students' first exposure to pervasive game concepts in the curriculum. In the
meantime, the students were familiar with their campus scenery and remembered every exact location
where they were located. This situation met the requirement that the design concept of the pervasive
game had to be location-based. Students designed a pervasive game for older adults on campus during
the first eight weeks of the course, then returned to school to resume classes and spent the last four
weeks field testing the game with the design already in that place. The feedback was quite successful
(Tan, 2013), and students accomplished their goal of designing a pervasive game for older adults on
campus online using a flipped classroom format (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Some pervasive game design interfaces of students
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a rising form of online studying based on network and
intelligence technology, and the quantity of China's MOOC has topped the global list ever since
(Zheng, Chu, Wu & Gou, 2018). Not only was the MOOC used throughout the flipped classroom, but
Undergraduate Students' Perceived Success Factors on Learning: An Online Flipped Classroom for Designing Pervasive Games
Received: 15 June 2022; Accepted: 9 October 2022; Published: 21 November 2022
the students also took the initiative to watch videos on other websites such as, and other
necessary tools or platforms were used. For example, the teamwork used WPS Office, lecture
communication used VooV Meeting, and game creation used In order to make the class
engrossing and fascinating, the instructor sometimes uses some additional tools to liven up the
atmosphere by illustrating the Wheel of name (Figure 2). All of these have produced positive effects
in the classroom.
Figure 2: Used some platforms and tools of the online flipped classroom
Research Design
A total of 36 out of 103 students from three different majors in the Department of Digital Media Arts
enrolled in this course in the October semester of 2021. These participants were third-year
undergraduate students, 19 male, and 17 female students. At the beginning of the course, all students
were assigned to five groups, with about seven students in each group. All five groups designed games
with the same theme, and the theme of this project was to design a pervasive game on campus for older
adults. They all went through professional training in design and had taken two game design courses,
Journal of ICT in Education (JICTIE)
ISSN 2289-7844 / 9 / 2 / 2022 / 1-15
although this was the first time, they encountered a task on pervasive game design. Students were
physically active in the class learning activities while completing assignments outside of the class.
Finally, most of them achieved satisfactory results in the course.
This study conducted a series of interviews with 34 students two weeks after they attended this course
(Tan, Johnston-Wilder, & Neill, 2010). Two of the supposed 36 students were not able to join the
interview due to their unavailability on the data collection day. Interviews were carried out when the
students were not having class, with one student at one time, and the average time for each interview
session was about 20 minutes. Individual students relaxed in a comfortable office by starting with a
casual conversation. The first step is to start with some closed-ended questions with simple answers,
such as whether they are satisfied with the course, so that the student can quickly get into the rhythm
of the interview. Then, some semi-structured questions were asked to guide the student to respond
appropriately, such as whether they think teamwork is essential or not. Eventually, an open-ended
question was asked to know what they think is the most important matter about the online flipped
classroom for pervasive game design. The whole interview was recorded with the consent of the
participants and in a warm and pleasant atmosphere.
This research deploys grounded theory to conduct a qualitative inquiry into the concept of flipped
learning on pervasive game design. The initial processing of the raw data went through the following
three steps: First, the recorded interview data was converted into textual material through the Express
Transcribe tool. Second, the Chinese text data was translated into English by professional translators.
Finally, the English data were imported into MAXQDA software for analysis.
The analysis process of grounded theory can be divided into three steps: open coding, axial coding, and
selective coding. Open coding conceptualizes and scopes the raw data to understand and generalize
each raw sample data and lays the foundation for axial coding (Glaser, 2002). The coding process must
follow an objective factual basis and avoid subjective thinking (Charmaz, 2017). Open coding extracts
54 concepts and categories from the original data.
Based on further development and extension of the categorization extracted from the phenomena, the
axial coding discovers the connection between the interview data categories and refines the distinction
to form the main categories (Berthelsen & Hameleers, 2021). The axial coding is a deeper analysis of
the interview data, abstracting the main category that best reflects the theme from the existing
categories and ensuring its authenticity and reliability by linking it to the primary sources (Glaser,
2002). As a result of axial coding, six main categories were identified based on 31 categories from the
potential logic of different categories, as shown in Table 1.
Undergraduate Students' Perceived Success Factors on Learning: An Online Flipped Classroom for Designing Pervasive Games
Received: 15 June 2022; Accepted: 9 October 2022; Published: 21 November 2022
Table 1: The axial coding and their corresponding categories
Main categories
Instructor Lecture
Acceptance of the instructor's knowledge
Teaching method
The presentation style of the instructor's lessons
Classroom atmosphere
Affirmation of the substantial learning
atmosphere in the online flipped classroom
Pace control
Acceptance of the instructor's overall course pace
Atmosphere setting
The instructor's use of teaching techniques to
regulate the learning atmosphere
Clear Mission
Clarity of Assignment
Instructor approval of assignment clarity
Can solve problems
Students feel they can solve the problem on their
Clear division of labor
Each student knows precisely the goal that they
are working on
There are goals
Each student has a relatively clear direction to
work towards
Have strong beliefs
Students themselves demand high standards from
Interest driven
Students have a very high interest in what they
are learning
Students can self-flagellate in the learning process
Students are motivated
Students have a very positive attitude towards
Self-discipline in
Learning is very efficient
Proactive in asking
Students will actively approach instructors to ask
questions that they cannot solve
Information Exchange
Degree of exchange of opinions on design content
Joint discussion of the team together
Number of chats
Degree of discussion between team members and
team members
Understanding each
The level of mutual understanding among team
Problems of
Ability to remove interfering problems
Good mindset
The ability to maintain some optimism when
encountering difficulties
Leadership Perception
The team leader's perception of the situation
Error tolerance
Acceptance of errors and faults
Leadership openness
Acceptance of new and different opinions
Team dynamics
The state of team members' commitment to work
The tendency of the organization to engage in and
Journal of ICT in Education (JICTIE)
ISSN 2289-7844 / 9 / 2 / 2022 / 1-15
innovation climate
support activities innovative activities
Interpersonal trust
Perceived trust from team members
Ability to integrate
Degree of processing of numerous information
Software level
Proficiency in the operation of relevant software
Technical support
Degree of knowledge of relevant technologies
Tool sensitivity
Degree of adaptation to new technologies and
Selective coding proposes core categories in the main category based on axial coding as the relationship
(Bacete, Freire, Perrin & Gamboa, 2021). The core category is a re-excavation of the category, and the
relationship between the main category and other related subsidiary categories is explored in-depth,
followed by establishing a theoretical framework (Antwi-Boampong & Bokolo, 2021). This study
concludes that the core category is pervasive game design for online flipped classroom based on the
relevant data and information. Six main categories are involved, namely professional guidance, a clear
mission, autonomic learning, mutual communication, team cooperation, and instrument strategy in the
According to the "storyline" sorted out in the process of grounded theory analysis, described the
behavioral phenomena among the categories and the preferred learning model of the online flipped
classroom design pervasive game influence factors were obtained, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: A preferred learning model based on six successes factors
Undergraduate Students' Perceived Success Factors on Learning: An Online Flipped Classroom for Designing Pervasive Games
Received: 15 June 2022; Accepted: 9 October 2022; Published: 21 November 2022
Theoretical saturation is an integral part of determining whether the sample collection can be
terminated in the process of grounded theory research (Mesana, Guzman & Zerrudo, 2021). Theoretical
saturation is defined as the saturation of the theory when no new initial concepts or categories are
analyzed in the collected sample data (James & Tunison, 2020). In order to improve the reliability and
validity of the study, set five interviews aside to retrieve the analysis codes and test the theoretical
saturation. The open coding and axial coding process of the original interview data of the five
interviewees did not reveal any new main category relationship structure. Therefore, the theoretical
model was saturated.
Professional Guidance
There is no doubt that the role of the instructor is critical in the process of online teaching (Serin &
Khabibullin, 2019). The pervasive game design professional guidance in the online flipped classroom
plays a decisive role.
First, the instructor has to spend more effort preparing the course content. Some encountered situations
require the instructor to spend more time preparing the lesson, carefully preparing the learning video
before the lesson, wisely preparing the teaching plan in the lesson, and sensibly preparing the
production content after the lesson. Secondly, instructors need to grasp the progress and pace of the
course. The instructor should not lecture full of knowledge points in the classroom but should inspire
and guide the students to explore themselves in the right direction. Therefore, the instructor should be
in complete control of the pace of learning, both in-class and out-class, and be ready to change at any
time. Finally, instructors need to do excellent teaching skills in the online classroom. The instructor
only faces a large computer screen and sometimes stares at the students' web avatars. The instructor
has to regulate the content and criterion as a facilitator in the class when an online problem occurs.
When the instructor senses that some students are tired out on the other end of the network, the
instructor should also motivate the students to respond positively to various design problems.
In conclusion, flipped classrooms increase instructors' workload. More than the average student
interviewed felt that pervasive game design was relatively new and motivated to learn when they first
started the online flipped classroom. However, by the middle and late stages of the entire course,
students are also experiencing burnout when the instructor's role becomes more critical.
Clear Mission
In the interviews, several students said that a clear mission was the key to their successful pervasive
game design. If the instructor or students cannot clarify the specific tasks of each step, it can be a mess
that loses its direction.
Journal of ICT in Education (JICTIE)
ISSN 2289-7844 / 9 / 2 / 2022 / 1-15
A flipped classroom moves most information transfer instruction out of the classroom and devotes
class time to active learning activities to fully benefit from classroom work (Abeysekera & Dawson,
2015). Nevertheless, assuming they do not know what they are learning, it can be scary to keep up with
or simply not work with the instructor to complete the interactive content in class. If this happens a
few times, the students will gradually become confused and develop a certain amount of boredom.
Students need to work together for team cooperation in after-class learning, which requires a clear
mission. Students' design and aesthetic foundation are relatively weak, and their technical skills are
still base. If they do not obtain a clear mission, they will have no idea what to do during and after the
class. This issue requires instructors to give students a clear mission in all aspects of teaching to be
clear about their goals and position in the team, the direction of the team's work, and the responsibilities
of the team's mission. The clear mission has its essential in online teaching. There is the opportunity
to discuss matters in a face-to-face environment, but it is not easy to get in touch to discuss matters
once online teaching is over. Thereby, it is vital to ensure that each step of the pervasive game design
has a clear mission that can be progressed step-by-step and completed in a step-by-step manner.
Autonomic learning
In this era of such rapid information updating, students' ability and experience are in some aspects
more potent than instructors. Instructors always think that they have to teach students knowledge, but
students' ability to actively acquire knowledge is much more powerful. "Once you engage the students'
minds, there is an eagerness to learn, to be right, to master" (Berrett, 2012, p. 5). The instructor's task
is to understand the students' level of knowledge, help them dissect their experience and abilities, and
guide them on the feasibility of the pervasive game design.
In the interview, more than 12 students said, "Instructors do not have to manage too much. Students
will deal with many problems by themselves". In the past, instructors always considered every detail
of the design and let students execute it unconditionally, which erased students' initiative. Now, let
students lead the project process, from the initial design problem construction to the design problem
analysis to the design problem-solving process. Let students choose whom they team up with, let them
research design node timing, let them coordinate design content meetings, and let them organize their
design debriefing presentations.
The survey revealed that students like to work at their own pace and time (Gilboy, Heinerichs &
Pazzaglia, 2015). Seventeen interviewees said they would master flexible time, enhance operational
skills, strengthen self-discipline, reinforce the sense of innovation, improve self-learning ability, and
thus quickly improve their ability to adapt to new teaching models. Therefore, practice shows that the
significance and the changes brought about by instructors' conscious guidance or decentralization of
students are revolutionary.
Undergraduate Students' Perceived Success Factors on Learning: An Online Flipped Classroom for Designing Pervasive Games
Received: 15 June 2022; Accepted: 9 October 2022; Published: 21 November 2022
Mutual communication
Mutual communication is an essential influencing factor (Lo, 2018). Face-to-face communication is
intuitive in offline classes, so there is a challenge in communicating a pervasive game design in an
online flipped classroom.
First of all, in online teaching, a student who does not communicate with the instructor then really
cannot be reached. For instance, the instructor knows the student is in class but does not know if there
is something to eat, play, or distract next to the screen. Second, 29 students in the interviews mentioned
that the design of an excellent pervasive game depends directly on the number of meetings to
communicate. The students said that only through constant communication can design doubts be
solved, and only through frequent communication can creative ideas be opened. Finally, during the
interview, 23 students have mentioned that team-to-team communication is also essential. Since all
five groups had the same design theme for this pervasive game, everyone can learn from each other.
The students said that when they designed the pervasive game in class, they found out in the team-to-
team communication that where one team missed some points, the other team would learn from the
lessons and find ways to fix the gaps. Sometimes, the ideas that this team discarded would become
ideas that another team would actively develop.
Team cooperation
The current instructional trend fosters collaborative skills or team learning as 21st-century learning
skills (Sojayapan & Khlaisang, 2020). Due to the inherent nature of pervasive game design, it is not a
one-person job but rather a job that requires multiple people to work together. Pervasive games are
inherently complex and innovative, and these characteristics suggest that multiple people need to work
There is no such thing as a perfect individual, but there is a perfect team. Each student has different
abilities, experiences, and skills, and if they can combine effectively with each other, they will also
unleash a great deal of energy. Therefore, it is crucial for each person in the team to work together with
others. When forming a team, students should discuss other students' temperament, knowledge and
ability, production level, design experience, and other factors and examine their strengths and
weaknesses and professional strengths. They can complement each other's strengths and weaknesses
based on mutual understanding to achieve a win-win situation.
Teams and teams are not relatively isolated but need to be integrated. Eighteen students interviewed
indicated that they saw their shortcomings in communicating with other teams and stimulated their
creativity in the process of discussing with other teams. Not only that, a subtle competition will be
formed between teams. If the instructor gives the proper guidance, students will clarify the tasks among
themselves, and with good communication, this kind of healthy competition will bring significant
benefits to pervasive game design.
Journal of ICT in Education (JICTIE)
ISSN 2289-7844 / 9 / 2 / 2022 / 1-15
Instruments Strategy
The instructor and students were in different locations for the class, and no more than two students
were together, all scattered in different physical spaces and unable to meet each other. In this case,
pervasive game design again requires teams to work together to complete it, so choosing the proper
collaboration tools is vital.
Using the right tool can increase productivity while choosing the wrong tool can significantly reduce
it (Algayres & Triantafyllou, 2020). More than half of the students said they were all new to web
collaboration tools in the interviews. Among them, 24 students clearly stated that the success of their
pervasive game design depended on the use of web collaboration tools.
They must quickly learn to use and navigate these latest tools. The previous section shows that MOOC
and provide good content videos for independent learning in pre-class. VooV Meeting
provides an excellent interactive platform for a flipped classroom in in-class learning or after-class
learning. WPS Office provides a good editing strategy for shared documents, and provides a
good production platform for pervasive game design. These web collaboration tools undoubtedly
supply the necessary guarantee for designing pervasive games in online flipped classrooms. The right
choice of tools motivates the students to learn and increases their learning efficiency.
This paper studied the factors influencing the design of pervasive games for online flipped classrooms
through grounded theory, and six successful factors are summarized. These six factors are not isolated
from each other. Relatively, they are interdependent, influencing, and coexisting with each other. For
example, in the design of the pervasive game in the online flipped classroom, students' assignments
will be evident when prepared the instructor's instruction adequately; when students are motivated to
learn on their own, they can actively participate in interactive communication; when students realize
the importance of teamwork, they will actively search for the right instrument. These situations are
only a tiny part of the picture, revealing the intertwined and complex interactions between six factors.
At the same time, six successful factors cannot be categorically separated into pre-class learning, in-
class learning, and after-class learning if instructors or students want to achieve success in pervasive
game design in online flipped classrooms. For example, there should be professional guidance for clear
mission assignments before class to proactively form teams and use the right online collaboration tool
strategies for effective teamwork, with much mutual communication in between. Six factors also need
to complete the pervasive game design process in three learning stages. As we can see, they are
interconnected in the entire online flipped classroom pervasive game design, and one is indispensable
throughout. Thus, the correct application of these six factors is necessary to ensure the success of the
pervasive game design in the online flipped classroom.
Undergraduate Students' Perceived Success Factors on Learning: An Online Flipped Classroom for Designing Pervasive Games
Received: 15 June 2022; Accepted: 9 October 2022; Published: 21 November 2022
The one limitation is that the instructor was the researcher simultaneously. On the one hand, the
advantage was that it allowed the instructor as the researcher to observe and interview students closely
and personally. On the other hand, because the instructor had control over their final grade, students
were fearful of the instructor's status as a supervisor and thus biased in their perception of the interview
Another limitation is that students were not appointed together at random and only belonged to digital
media art and design department students. Because of the lack of random assignment, the researcher
cannot build generalizations about some more significant students' clusters within the traditional sense.
The flipped classroom notion is not new. Flipped teaching has been extolled for its ability
to interact with students and develop critical-thinking skills (Rehman & Fatima, 2021). This article
aims to establish a preferred learning model of rudimentary foundation on pervasive game design in
an online flipped classroom. The instructor operates the concept of grounded theory using interviews
with students who have successfully designed pervasive games. It was found that professional
guidance, a clear mission, autonomic learning, mutual communication, team cooperation, and
instrument strategy are six influence factors for an online flipped classroom on pervasive game design.
These six factors are interrelated and interdependent. As a result, they automatically generate a learning
model for designing pervasive games for online flipped classrooms. This interview has shown that
students had enjoyed the experience, with a significant number believing that it was an effective
pedagogy. This study observed that using the learning model correctly had brought about a positive
change in the students' ownership and responsibility toward learning. This model provides some
reference value and is meaningful for other instructors to teach pervasive game design in online flipped
classrooms. It can also be incrementally introduced to other courses that will benefit from this
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