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Appliance Detection Using Very Low-Frequency Smart Meter
Time Series
Adrien Petralia
EDF R&D - Université Paris Cité
Paris, France
Philippe Charpentier
Palaiseau, France
philippe.charpentier@edf.f r
Paul Boniol
Université Paris Cité
Paris, France
Themis Palpanas
Université Paris Cité - IUF
Paris, France
In recent years, smart meters have been widely adopted by electric-
ity suppliers to improve the management of the smart grid system.
These meters usually collect energy consumption data at a very low
frequency (every 30min), enabling utilities to bill customers more
accurately. To provide more personalized recommendations, the
next step is to detect the appliances owned by customers, which is a
challenging problem, due to the very-low meter reading frequency.
Even though the appliance detection problem can be cast as a time
series classication problem, with many such classiers having
been proposed in the literature, no study has applied and compared
them on this specic problem. This paper presents an in-depth
evaluation and comparison of state-of-the-art time series classiers
applied to detecting the presence/absence of diverse appliances in
very low-frequency smart meter data. We report results with ve
real datasets. We rst study the impact of the detection quality of
13 dierent appliances using 30min sampled data, and we subse-
quently propose an analysis of the possible detection performance
gain by using a higher meter reading frequency. The results indi-
cate that the performance of current time series classiers varies
signicantly. Some of them, namely deep learning-based classiers,
provide promising results in terms of accuracy (especially for cer-
tain appliances), even using 30min sampled data, and are scalable
to the large smart meter time series collections of energy consump-
tion data currently available to electricity suppliers. Nevertheless,
our study shows that more work is needed in this area to further
improve the accuracy of the proposed solutions. This paper was
accepted in e-Energy ’23.
•Computing methodologies →Learning paradigms.
Appliance Detection, Smart Meter Data, Time Series Classication
The energy sector is undergoing signicant changes, primarily
driven by the need for a more sustainable and secure energy supply.
One way to better manage our consumption is to understand it bet-
ter. In the last decade, electricity suppliers have installed millions of
smart meters worldwide to improve their ability to manage the elec-
trical grid [
]. These meters record detailed time-stamped data
on electricity consumption, allowing both individual customers
and businesses to better understand and rationalize their consump-
tion [
]. These data are also valuable for suppliers, as they can help
Time (s)
Time (s)
Time (s)
(a) Sampling frequency:
1 second vs
1 minute
(b) Sampling frequency:
1 second vs
15 minutes
(c) Sampling frequency:
1 second vs
30 minutes
Dishwasher Washing Machine
Figure 1: Comparisons of load curves containing a dish-
washer and a washing machine at dierent sampling fre-
quencies (1 second vs 1, 15, and 30min)
them anticipate energy demand more accurately. Overall, the wide-
spread adoption of smart meters plays a crucial role in transitioning
toward a more sustainable and ecient energy system.
For electricity suppliers, knowing the specic electrical appli-
ances owned by their customers is critical for providing person-
alized and relevant recommendations, or oers. As the demand
for personalized advice increases, being able to oer tailored sug-
gestions has become an essential aspect of customer satisfaction
and retention. One way to gather this information is by asking
customers directly through a consumption questionnaire. However,
this method can be a signicant investment in terms of time and
resources, which customers may not accept. Therefore, electricity
suppliers need to nd more ecient and non-intrusive ways of
gathering this information, such as using advanced data analytics
techniques to detect the appliances directly through the collected
smart meters data [18].
Appliance detection has become a signicant area of research,
with various techniques employed to detect the presence of de-
vices [
]. The use of signature-based methods, which utilize
information about the unique patterns of specic appliances, is a
widely adopted approach. However, all these studies relied on data
from smart meters capable of recording 1 (or even more) values per
second. Nonetheless, most smart meters record consumption at a
very low sampling frequency: once every 10 to 60min, and in some
cases with an even lower frequency. Note that, nowadays, individ-
ual smart meters collect data at resolutions of 15min in Italy, 30min
in the UK, and 60min in Spain [
]. In France, individual smart
meters installed by Enedis (an Electricité De France subsidiary)
collect the total household consumption index only every 30min
and will soon be collected every 15min. The very low frequency at
which smart meters record data leads to the aggregation of mul-
tiple appliance activation signatures that occur simultaneously at
dierent frequencies. This results in a smoothed signal, causing the
loss of unique appliance pattern information. Figure 1 illustrates
A. Petralia, et al.
this loss of information. We observe that the dishwasher (shown
on the left) and washing machine (shown on the right) signatures
become increasingly hard to distinguish from one another as the
sampling frequency drops. Therefore, it becomes infeasible to de-
tect appliances accurately using signature-based methods for the
sampling frequencies now used in practice.
In recent years, the eld of time series data mining has seen a sig-
nicant amount of research dedicated to developing algorithms for
classifying time series data of any kind [
]. However,
most of these algorithms have not yet been used and tested for the
appliance detection problem. We argue that it is necessary to eval-
uate these classiers on various datasets and appliance detection
cases to better understand their performance and limitations. In
addition, there is a need to evaluate the impact of the smart meter
reading characteristics (i.e., sampling frequency) on the classier
detection score; this information is valuable for electricity suppliers
in order to determine an adequate meter reading frequency, suitable
for detecting the presence of appliances with sucient accuracy.
In this paper, we propose a benchmark of diverse state-of-the-art
classication methods for the problem of appliance detection in
very low-frequency electrical consumption time series. We conduct
our experimental evaluation on ve real smart meter datasets using
dierent time series classiers. We rst focus on detecting appli-
ances in very low-sampled smart meters data (30min level), as it is
nowadays one of the standard sampling rates adopted by electricity
suppliers. We then provide an in-depth analysis of the increasing
detection quality using higher frequency smart meter readings:
15min, 10min, and 1 min. To our knowledge, this is the rst study
to perform an exhaustive comparison of 11 state-of-the-art methods
on ve diverse real datasets with 13 dierent types of appliances,
for multiple sampling frequencies. The experimental evaluation
demonstrates that current time series classiers can accurately de-
tect several appliances, even at the 30min resolution. Specically,
deep learning techniques are the most accurate and scalable when
applied to large smart meter datasets. Moreover, we demonstrate
that setting the smart meter reading frequency to 1min can greatly
enhance appliance detection using time series classiers.
Our contributions are summarized as follows.
We describe a framework for comparing the performance of dif-
ferent time series classication methods for the appliance detec-
tion problem, and make this framework publicly available: https:
We perform an extensive experimental evaluation using 5 di-
verse real datasets and 11 time series classiers, including both
traditional machine learning, as well as deep learning methods.
We report the results of our comparison, which demonstrate
that (i) current time series classiers can only detect certain
appliances at the 30min resolution; (ii) deep learning classiers
are the most accurate and scalable solution; and (iii) electric-
ity suppliers should target a minimum smart meter reading
frequency of 15min.
The ndings of this study can help electricity suppliers make in-
formed decisions regarding the characteristics of future smart
meter deployments. Moreover, these ndings point to inter-
esting (and still challenging) open research directions in the
context of electricity consumption time series analysis, and
appliance detection in particular.
2.1 Smart Meter Data
An electrical consumption load curve is dened as a univariate
time series
X=(𝒙1, .. ., 𝒙𝑇)
of ordered elements
(𝑖1, . .., 𝑖𝑇)
time consumption indexes (i.e., timestamps). The
sampling frequency is dened as the time dierence between two
records index
. Each element
, usually given in
Watt, indicates either the actual power at time
or the average
electric power called during the interval time
. The value can also
be given in Watt-hour. In the literature, the denition of high and
low-frequency smart meters data can dier [
]. In this study, we
refer to high-frequency data sampled at less than 1 second and low-
frequency data sampled between 1 second and 1min. Data sampled
above 1min refers to very low-frequency smart meter data.
[Individual appliance load curve] By monitoring electric devices
with individual meters, we can obtain the consumption load curve of
each individual appliance in a household. However, instrumenting
every appliance in the house is prohibitively expensive.
[Aggregate load curve] The main consumption power of a house
is usually recorded by a smart meter device located on the electrical
meter of the household. This aggregate signal is the addition of the
power consumption of all individual appliances in the household.
2.2 Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) and
Appliance Detection
Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) [
], also called load disag-
gregation, relies on identifying the individual power consumption,
pattern, or on/o state activation of individual appliances using only
the total aggregated load curve [
]. NILM was initially approached
as a problem involving linear combinations, with algorithms aim-
ing to estimate the proportion of total power consumption used
by distinct active appliances at each time step [
]. Early research
on this topic employed combinatorial optimization techniques [
Later, Hidden Markov Models became the dominant approach, and
in the last few years, deep learning models have been the refer-
ence to perform disaggregation [
]. Furthermore,
NILM approaches can be divided into supervised and unsupervised
learning, depending on whether they usee labeled data for train-
ing the models. Supervised learning involves classifying detected
events (appliances being switched on or o) by matching extracted
features [
]. In contrast, unsupervised NILM methods de-
tect events by analyzing feature similarities, or correlations without
using labeled data [18, 58].
Since device recognition can be seen as a step of NILM-based
methods, dierent approaches exist in the literature to detect ap-
pliances in load curves using high or low-frequency smart meter
data [
]. However, numerous studies using
pattern recognition at low frequency require knowledge about how
each device operates. Few recent research studies [
used time series features, or deep learning representations, to detect
events or appliance activation patterns. Despite the promising re-
sults demonstrated by these studies using modern machine learning
approaches, we note that they are only applied to high-frequency
data (i.e., data sampled at a minimum rate of 1 sample per second).
Appliance Detection Using Very Low-Frequency Smart Meter Time Series
2.2.1 Studies on Very Low-Frequency Data. Most NILM studies
use high-frequency smart-meter data (seconds level at maximum),
and only very few studies have been conducted using very-low
sampling rates [
]. In [
], the authors suggested three methods
to estimate appliance consumption using hourly smart meter data.
The rst two methods are unsupervised and require knowledge
about manufacturer appliance parameters. The third method is
a supervised deep learning approach that requires disaggregate
appliance load curves for training. The few NILM studies conducted
at this sampling rate focus on estimating the consumed power
of each appliance, knowing which appliances are present in the
Few papers in the literature [
] try to tackle the problem of de-
tecting the devices owned by a household using very low-frequency
sampled data. In [
], the authors used a Hidden Semi-Markov Model
(HSMM) to extract appliance features from power consumption data.
These features are then merged with external variables (such as
temperature) and serve to train an AdaBoost classier [
] to detect
the presence of dierent appliances. In [
], the authors proposed
a framework that uses a deep learning approach on subsequences
of a long consumption load curve to detect the appliances present
in the household. A majority vote gives the nal device prediction,
based on the individual predictions made on every examined subse-
quence. The study compares their method to [
], but not to any of
the current state-of-the-art time series classiers. In addition, only
one public dataset at one sampling rate was considered.
2.3 Time Series Classication
Time series classication (TSC) [
] is an important analysis
task across several domains. Many studies have suggested dierent
approaches to solve the TSC problem, ranging from the computation
of similarity measures between time series [
] to the identication
of discriminant patterns [
]. In addition, benchmarks, such as the
the UCR archive [
], have been proposed, on which exaustive
experimental studies have been conducted [
]. We discuss in more
detail the current state-of-the-art time series classiers in Section 3.
3.1 Problem Denition
In this work, we treat the appliance detection problem as a super-
vised binary classication problem. We aim to identify the pres-
ence/absence of a specied appliance’s activation signature in a
smart meter data series, independently of the number of activations
of this appliance. The presence can be simply dened by the fact
that the device is switched "ON" at least once. Formally, we dene
the problem as follows:
Denition 3.1 (Appliance Detection Problem).Given an aggregate
smart meter time series
X ∈ R𝑇
, an appliance type
, we want to
know if appliance
is activated at least once in
(i.e., was in an
"ON" state, regardless of the time and number of activations).
3.2 Overview of Time Series Classiers
We now provide an overview of the dierent approaches proposed
in the literature to solve the TSC problem (refer to Figure 2). The
Time series Classification
Tre e-
Figure 2: Taxonomy of classier considered in our bench-
mark (in blue: classier used in the experimental evaluation).
objective is to compare the performance of these methods when
applied to the appliance detection problem.
3.2.1 Nearest-Neighbor Classifier.
-Nearest-neighbor classiers
are the most simple and intuitive classiers, based on the notion of
time series similarity. Following a chosen distance measure, each
new instance is classied by getting assigned the same label as
the majority label of the
closest samples in the training set. The
most popular distance measure is Euclidean distance, which allows
comparing two instances point to point. However, this distance does
not consider the possible distortions on the temporal axis. Dynamic
Time Warping (DTW) [
] is a distance measure to compute the
similarity between two time series, where relevant patterns may
evolve at dierent speeds. DTW suers from a high computational
cost, which makes it challenging to apply on large datasets.
3.2.2 Tree Based Classifier. Tree-based classiers, like Random
Forest [7], have exhibited promising results in classication tasks.
[Time Series Forest] TSF [
] is a random forest-based classier
that uses as input features extracted from randomly sampled inter-
vals of the raw data series. The algorithm rst selects a number
of intervals with a random start position and length; then, from
each interval, three simple features are extracted: the mean, the
standard deviation, and the slope. Finally, the 3
new features serve
to train a classic random forest classier.
[Random Interval Spectral Ensemble] The RISE algorithm [
is a random forest classier based on spectral extraction features,
rather than simple summary statistics for each interval. It computes
the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and the Auto Correlation Function
(ACF) for several randomly selected intervals. In contrast to TSF,
the algorithm extracts only one interval from the raw series for each
decision tree, and the rst tree is built using the features extracted
from the entire series.
[DrCIF] The Diverse Representation Canonical Interval Forest
Classier (DrCIF) algorithm [
] is an extension of the Canonical
Interval Forest (CIF) classier [
], which itself uses the Canonical
Time Series Characteristics (Catch22) [
]. Unlike the two previous
tree-based methods, this algorithm is an interval-based time series
classier that looks for discriminative subseries before building the
decision trees.
3.2.3 Dictionary Based Classifier. Dictionary-based approaches,
also called bag-of-words approaches, transform a time series into
a sequence of symbols (letters usually) according to a chosen dis-
cretization technique. Using a sliding window of a specic size
A. Petralia, et al.
it is then possible to count the number of repeated patterns (i.e.,
symbolic words) to perform classication regarding the repetition
frequency of similar patterns.
[BOSS] The Bag Of SFA Symbol (BOSS) [
] is a dictionary-based
classier that uses Symbolic-Fourier-Approximation (SFA) [
] as
a discretization technique. It rst extracts sub-sequences from the
raw series using a predened sliding window of length
. Then,
each sub-series is discretized in a word of size
symbols using
SFA and the Multiple Coecient Binning algorithms [
]. This
symbolic sentence (i.e., word arrangement) is then converted into
a histogram by counting the frequency occurrence of each word.
Finally, classication is performed using the histogram information.
[BOSS and cBOSS Ensembles] The BOSS ensemble [
] is a set
of individual BOSS classiers that use dierent discretization pa-
. The parameter
is dened as
𝑙∈ [
, 𝑇 ]
the time series length), and values of
𝑤∈ {
. The
number of symbols,
, is set to the default value of 4. The algo-
rithm keeps only individual BOSS classiers that performed the
best according to a validation test. The BOSS ensemble requires
building and evaluating a large number of models, making it a time
and memory-intensive classier for large datasets. To address this
complexity, a compact version (cBOSS) was introduced, that uses a
restricted set of randomly chosen parameters for ensemble creation.
3.2.4 Deep Learning Based Classifier. The interest in deep learning
methods for time series classication has risen signicantly in
the past few years [
]. These models have shown excellent
performance, reaching the top of state-of-the-art.
[ConvNet] A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) [
] is a type
of deep learning neural network widely used in image recognition
that is specially designed to extract patterns through data with
a grid-like structure, such as images, or time series. A CNN uses
convolution, where a lter is applied on a sliding window over the
time series. The ConvNet architecture proposed in [
] is composed
of three stacked Convolutional blocks followed by global average
pooling [
], and a Softmax activation function. Each Conv block
comprises a convolutional layer followed by a batch normalization
layer [
], and a ReLU activation layer. The three block used the
following 1D kernel sizes {8,5,3}.
[ResNet] The Residual Network (ResNet) architecture [
] was in-
troduced to address the gradient vanishing problem encountered in
large CNNs [
]. A ResNet is formed by stacking several blocks and
connecting them together using residual connections (i.e., identity
mapping). For time series classication, a ResNet architecture has
been proposed in [
], and has demonstrated a strong classication
accuracy [
]. It is the same architecture as the previously described
ConvNet model, with adding residual connection between each
Convolutional block.
[ResNet with Attention Mechanism] In [
], the authors pro-
posed a an extension of the ResNet architecture to perform appli-
ance detection. The model starts by extracting features using six
convolution blocks with dilated convolution and residual connec-
tions, followed by two encoder/decoder modules that use a dot
product attention mechanism. In this model, the dilated convolu-
tion (i.e., adding zeroes between the elements of the lter) aims to
increase the receptive eld of the kernels without increasing the
number of parameters. After the feature extraction step, the classi-
cation step is performed using a multi-layer perceptron followed
by a softmax activation function.
[InceptionTime] Inspired by inception-based networks in com-
puter vision [
], an ensemble of ve neural networks using Incep-
tion modules has been proposed for time series classication [
The model consists of ve identical networks using residual con-
nections and convolutional layers. One network uses 3 Inception
modules that replace the traditional residual blocks that we can
nd in a ResNet architecture. Each Inception modules consist of a
concatenation of convolutional layers using dierent size of lters.
Specically, each module results in the following layers. In the case
of multivariate time series, a 1D convolutional bottleneck layer is
used to reduce the number of dimensions of the time series .Then,
the output is fed to three dierent 1D convolutional layers with
dierent kernel sizes (10, 20, and 40) and one Max-Pooling layer
with kernel size 3. The last step consists of concatenating the previ-
ous four layers along the channel dimension and applying a ReLu
activation function to the output, followed by batch normalization.
All the convolutional layers used in the module come with 32 lters
and a stride parameter of 1.
3.2.5 Random Convolutional Kernel Features Classifiers. The au-
thors of [
] proposed an approach based on convolution lters
without learning any weights. Some variants of this model, based
on the same principle, were later proposed in the literature.
[ROCKET] The RandOm Convolutional KErnel Transform (ROCKET)
algorithm [
] uses 1D convolutional kernels to extract relevant
features. Instead of learning proper lter parameters using a gra-
dient descent algorithm to detect relevant patterns, the method
generates a large set of
kernels with random length, weights,
bias, dilation, and padding. After applying them, the maximum
and the proportion of positive values are extracted as new features
for each time series, resulting in a 2
features for each instance.
Classication is then performed on these features, using a simple
ridge classier. By default, ROCKET uses 10000 random kernels.
[MiniRocket] MINImally RandOm Convolutional KErnel Trans-
form (MiniRocket) [
] is a version of ROCKET that reduces the
random sampling space of the lter parameters, and keeps only
the proportion of positive values as a new feature for each ker-
nel. These modications lead to a lower execution time complexity
while maintaining similar performances.
[Arsenal] Arsenal [
] is an ensemble of multiple ROCKET clas-
siers that uses a restricted number of kernels compared to the
original model. This method was proposed to estimate the variance
predicted by the classier without changing the type of classier.
3.2.6 Ensemble Models. To reduce the variance in predictions, us-
ing a combination of models rather than a single one is a com-
mon technique. Ensemble models combining dierent approaches
have been proposed to address the TSC problem. Several ensemble
methods have been proposed in the literature, such as TS-CHIEF
(Time Series Combination of Heterogeneous and Integrated Embed-
ding Forest) [
] and HIVE-COTE (Hierarchical Vote Collective of
Transformation-Based Ensembles) [
]. The rst, is and ensemble
of tree classiers. The second is combining 4 dierent classiers and
use majority voting to provide the nal prediction. However, these
Appliance Detection Using Very Low-Frequency Smart Meter Time Series
Table 1: Left side : datasets characteristics (number of time series, sampling frequency, time series length). Right side : selected
appliance detection cases through the ve datasets; for each case, the table summarizes the number of time series available (
and the imbalance degree of the test set for the case (IB Ratio). A slash indicate that no data are available for this case/dataset.
Datasets Tot. TS
TS Length Appliance case REFIT UKDALE CER EDF 1 EDF 2
1min 10min 15min 30min ♯TS IB Ratio ♯TS IB Ratio ♯TS IB Ratio ♯TS IB Ratio ♯TS IB Ratio
REFIT 9091 1440 144 96 48
Desktop Computer 5190 0.56 ⧸3286 0.47 1402 0.38 3740 0.62
Television 1134 0.92 ⧸⧸⧸⧸
UKDALE 4767 1440 144 96 48
Cooker ⧸ ⧸ 1682 0.76 ⧸ ⧸
Kettle 4790 0.72 1222 0.84 ⧸⧸⧸
Microwave 7434 0.55 1678 0.77 ⧸324 0.91 ⧸
Electric Oven ⧸⧸⧸510 0.85 1152 0.91
CER 4225 ⧸ ⧸ ⧸ 25728
Dishwasher 7798 0.44 2378 0.32 2350 0.66 224 0.93 2846 0.75
Tumble Dryer 3466 0.22 ⧸2214 0.68 1534 0.41 3470 0.42
Washing Machine 7422 0.54 2830 0.38 ⧸⧸⧸
EDF 1 2611 ⧸ ⧸ ⧸ 17520
Water Heater ⧸ ⧸ 3070 0.56 1336 0.66 548 0.86
Electric Heater ⧸ ⧸ 1348 0.19 1624 0.58 1538 0.56
Convector/Heat Pump ⧸⧸⧸506 0.69 ⧸
EDF 2 1553 ⧸26208 17472 8736
Electric Vehicule ⧸ ⧸ ⧸ 140 0.3 ⧸
models suer from a high execution time and cannot be applied to
very long time series such as load curves.
3.3 Energy Consumption Datasets
Numerous energy consumption datasets exist in the literature [8],
and some of them have become references to conduct NILM stud-
ies [
]. However, these datasets typically provide aggregated
and appliance-level load curves for only a few houses at a high-
sampling frequency. Resampling them at a very low frequency leads
to signicant data reduction. In order to include a broader range
of appliances and to align with existing literature, we include two
NILM datasets in our experiments: UK-DALE [
] and REFIT [
We also include one public dataset providing 30min sampled aggre-
gate load curves for a large number of households [
]. Moreover,
we include two private datasets from EDF (the main french elec-
tricity supplier). In total, we consider ve real diverse datasets in
our experimental evaluation. These datasets are detailed below.
3.3.1 NILM Datasets. UKDALE and REFIT are two well-known
high-frequency Smart Meters datasets used in NILM studies [
[UK-DALE] The UK-DALE dataset [
] contains data from 5 houses
in the United Kingdom, and includes appliance-level load curves
sampled every 6 seconds, as well as the whole-house aggregate
data series sampled at 16kHz. Four houses were recorded for over
a year and a half, while the 5th house was recorded for 655 days.
[REFIT] The REFIT project (Personalised Retrot Decision Sup-
port Tools for UK Homes using Smart Home Technology) [
ran between 2013 and 2015. During this period, 20 houses in the
United Kingdom were recorded after being monitored with smart
meters and multiple sensors. This dataset provides aggregate and
individual appliance load curves at 8-second sampling intervals.
3.3.2 CER Dataset. The Commission for Energy Regulation of Ire-
land conducted a study to assess the performance of smart meters
and their impact on consumer energy consumption [
], recording
the aggregate load curve consumption every 30min for over 5000
Irish homes and businesses. Pparticipants lled out a questionnaire
on the household composition, the behavior of electricity consump-
tion, and the type and number of appliances present in the home,
or business. In this work, we use the residential sub-group of the
study, i.e., 4225 households recorded from July 15, 2009, to January
1, 2011, for a total of 4225 series, of length 25728 data points each.
3.3.3 EDF Datasets. To better understand its customers’ base and
electricity consumption behavior, Electricité De France (EDF) con-
ducts surveys on customer samples. These customers consent to
EDF to use their data and analyze their consumption behaviors, and
only the aggregate power consumption of the house is recorded.
Similar to the CER study, customers ll out a questionnaire with in-
formation on which appliances are present in their households, and
on their consumption habits. Two EDF datasets from two dierent
studies were used in our experiments.
[EDF Dataset 1] The rst one contains 2611 load curves at 30min
sampling frequency of one year of electricity recording consump-
tion. Data were collected between September 2019 and September
2021 from 1553 dierent clients. The dataset consists of 2611 time
series of length 17520 from 1553 dierent sources.
[EDF Dataset 2] The second dataset contains 5354 load curves at
a 10min sampling frequency, recorded over a period of six months.
Data were collected between January 2012 and January 2015 from
1260 clients. The dataset consists of 5354 time series of length 26208
from 1260 dierent sources.
All experiments are performed on a high-performance computing
cluster. The source code is in Python 3.7, and for each classier we
use the default parameters provided by the authors in the original
papers. For non-deep-learning approaches, we use the sktime li-
brary [
]. We perform each experiment on a server with 2 Intel
Xeon Gold 6140 CPUs with 190 Go RAM. For deep-learning based
models, we implement all the models using the 1.8.1 version of the
PyTorch framework [
], and run experiments on a server with 2
NVidia V100 GPUs with 16Go RAM.
We consider all the classiers presented in Section 3.2. We run
each method ve times using dierent random train/validation/test
A. Petralia, et al.
splits and report the average of these runs. Note that the error bars
shown in Figure 3, Figure 7, and Figure 8, correspond to the average
variability of the classiers through the ve runs. Additionally, we
set a 10-hour time limit per job. Only models that nished a run
(training + inference) are considered. We note that the ResNet with
Attention model was not evaluated using UKDALE and REFIT data
due to the residual block’s dilation convolution being incompatible
with the small size of the time series of these datasets.
We make all code available online:
4.1 Data Preprocessing
Since the datasets we employ in this study have been created using
dierent sampling frequencies, we preprocess them for the exper-
iments as explained below. The left part of Table 1 summarizes,
for each dataset, the number of time series and the corresponding
length, according to each sampling frequency.
4.1.1 NILM dataset preprocessing. The REFIT and UKDALE datasets
provide appliance level and total consumption load curves for a
small number of houses: 5 and 20, respectively. Moreover, the elec-
trical appliances in the houses are likely the same. Inspired by the
data processing step in NILM studies [
], we preprocess the
datasets by slicing the entire consumption curve of each household
into smaller sub-sequences.
For each experiment, we rst resample the data to a specied
sampling rate and ll in with linear interpolation the gaps of less
than 1 hour. Then, we process the datasets by splitting each house-
hold’s consumption load curve into smaller sub-sequences of one
day, and by dropping those with missing values. The choice of
the one day for the sub-sequence length provides an overall bal-
ance between positive (i.e., containing the device) and negative (i.e.,
not containing the device) samples. In contrast, slicing the entire
consumption curve in weeks leads to very few negative samples
for most appliance cases. This is because the appliances in these
datasets are devices that are very frequently used (on average, once
every two or three days). To assign the positive or negative label
(i.e., appliance presence or not) to a sub-sequence, we use the corre-
sponding disaggregated appliance load curve, allowing us to know
if the appliance has been switched on at least once for a given day.
By preprocessing the UKDALE dataset, we noticed that the fourth
house of the study could not be used for the experiments, since
a single disaggregated load curve regrouped multiple appliances.
Thus, we use only three houses for the training/validation set,
whereas the one last house’s sub-sequences are used for the test set.
With the REFIT data, we use two randomly selected houses for the
test set, while the other houses available are used for the train set.
4.1.2 CER and EDFs datasets preprocessing. The CER and EDFs
datasets provide only the total aggregated load curve of each house.
As a consequence, it is impossible to know if an appliance is acti-
vated or not for a given day. Therefore, we cannot slice the time
series into smaller subsequences as for the NILM datasets, and we
provide as inputs to the classier the full-length load curves. In
addition, we process the load curves by linearly interpolating gaps
of less than 1 hour and any time series with residual missing values
are not retained. The appliance presence label is assigned using
the provided questionnaire associated with each dataset. Finally,
we do a 70%/10%/20% random split of the houses for the training,
validation, and test sets, respectively.
4.1.3 Appliance Detection Cases. We select dierent cases of de-
vice detection through all the datasets, including small and big
appliances. The right part of Table 1 summarizes the selected ap-
pliance detection cases for all datasets. The REFIT and UKDALE
datasets include mostly small appliances because, in these studies,
only plugged devices were recorded. On the other hand, the CER
and EDFs datasets provide information about larger appliances,
directly connected to the electric meters, such as Water Heaters,
Heaters, and Electric Vehicles.
The selected cases aim to determine if a specic device is present
in a time series using binary detection. However, the "Convec-
tor/Heat Pump" case involves classifying the types of electric heaters,
such as distinguishing between convectors and heat pumps.
In order to ensure that the classiers are not biased during train-
ing, we maintain an equal balance of time series labeled with posi-
tive and negative samples. However, we note that the test set reects
the actual, imbalanced nature of the data, allowing us to evaluate
the classier’s performance in a realistic scenario.
TS is the number of labeled time series used for each case, in
which each class are balanced. IB Ratio indicates the imbalance
level of the corresponding test sets (i.e., the percentage of positive
instances in the number of instances).
4.2 Evaluation Measures
[Accuracy] When detecting appliance presence/absence, several
classication cases may be unbalanced. Indeed, most people own a
television or a washing machine but do not have an electric heating
system or a swimming pool. However, using a model that only
predicts the majority class may appear to perform well in these
cases when using the classication accuracy (i.e., the ratio of well
classied instances versus the total number of instances). Precision,
Recall, and the harmonic average of both, called the F1-Score, are
well-known measures, dened as follows:
F1-score =
2.𝑃 .𝑅
𝑃+𝑅, with: 𝑃=
𝑇 𝑃 +𝐹𝑃 ,𝑅=
𝑇 𝑃 +𝐹 𝑁
𝑇 𝑃 =True Positive
𝑇 𝑁 =True Negative
𝐹 𝑃 =False Positive
𝐹 𝑁 =False Negative
. Nevertheless, precision (P), recall (R), and
F1-score measures independently indicate the model’s performance
can be applied to one class only. In the case of a binary classi-
cation problem with data imbalance, these measures are typically
applied only to the minority class. In our classication problem, the
minority class varies depending on the specic device. Detecting
an appliance (i.e., the positive class) could correspond either to the
minority or the majority class. Thus, the F1-Score measure is not
appropriate in our case. To account for this variability and provide
an overall performance measure, we use the Macro F1-score to
evaluate the performance of the classiers. Formally, for
(in our case, 𝑁=2), the Macro F1-Score is dened as follows:
Macro F1-score =
Appliance Detection Using Very Low-Frequency Smart Meter Time Series
Table 2: Results (average Macro F1-score for 5 runs) for the 11 classiers (as well as the average score of all classiers) evaluated
through the appliance detection cases (best in bold and second best underlined). The "Appliance Average Score" row shows the
average detection score for a specic device detection case if the appliance is available on multiple datasets. A slash indicates
that the corresponding classier failed to run on this case (time series length was not suciently large).
Appliance Dataset Arsenal Minirocket Rocket ConvNet ResNet ResNetAtt InceptionTime BOSS TSF Rise KNNeucli Avg. Score
Desktop Computer
CER 0.618 0.617 0.606 0.602 0.614 0.530 0.608 0.516 0.580 0.586 0.491 0.579
EDF 1 0.571 0.564 0.570 0.489 0.560 0.459 0.555 0.491 0.533 0.543 0.469 0.528
EDF 2 0.603 0.576 0.582 0.579 0.620 0.514 0.601 0.519 0.570 0.592 0.520 0.571
REFIT 0.697 0.683 0.674 0.715 0.740 ⧸0.623 0.542 0.525 0.600 0.548 0.635
Appliance Average Score 0.622 0.610 0.608 0.596 0.634 ⧸0.597 0.517 0.552 0.580 0.507 0.578
Television REFIT 0.656 0.647 0.645 0.695 0.699 ⧸0.718 0.485 0.737 0.664 0.513 0.646
Cooker CER 0.680 0.673 0.676 0.661 0.689 0.541 0.710 0.526 0.566 0.584 0.440 0.613
Kettle REFIT 0.368 0.376 0.381 0.522 0.477 ⧸0.415 0.536 0.359 0.428 0.421 0.428
UKDALE 0.540 0.502 0.522 0.428 0.432 ⧸0.583 0.504 0.353 0.442 0.446 0.475
Appliance Average Score 0.454 0.439 0.452 0.475 0.454 ⧸0.499 0.520 0.356 0.435 0.434 0.452
REFIT 0.656 0.598 0.588 0.745 0.679 ⧸0.673 0.563 0.540 0.717 0.529 0.629
UKDALE 0.446 0.498 0.460 0.532 0.526 ⧸0.541 0.435 0.459 0.430 0.378 0.471
EDF 1 0.480 0.471 0.475 0.534 0.510 0.409 0.474 0.454 0.400 0.429 0.457 0.463
Appliance Average Score 0.527 0.522 0.508 0.604 0.572 ⧸0.563 0.484 0.466 0.525 0.455 0.521
Oven EDF 1 0.513 0.498 0.499 0.512 0.512 0.472 0.523 0.506 0.429 0.497 0.437 0.491
EDF 2 0.557 0.584 0.553 0.571 0.562 0.560 0.576 0.495 0.459 0.491 0.397 0.528
Appliance Average Score 0.535 0.541 0.526 0.542 0.537 0.516 0.550 0.500 0.444 0.494 0.417 0.509
REFIT 0.650 0.599 0.619 0.580 0.605 ⧸0.590 0.557 0.519 0.584 0.515 0.582
UKDALE 0.458 0.465 0.465 0.419 0.380 ⧸0.384 0.399 0.429 0.554 0.525 0.448
CER 0.699 0.720 0.700 0.730 0.728 0.594 0.737 0.586 0.609 0.648 0.488 0.658
EDF 1 0.454 0.441 0.450 0.528 0.522 0.383 0.535 0.430 0.418 0.421 0.211 0.436
EDF 2 0.753 0.760 0.741 0.799 0.801 0.585 0.835 0.596 0.603 0.600 0.512 0.690
Appliance Average Score 0.603 0.597 0.595 0.611 0.607 ⧸0.616 0.514 0.516 0.561 0.450 0.563
Tumble Dryer
REFIT 0.493 0.503 0.502 0.468 0.448 ⧸0.441 0.506 0.416 0.434 0.461 0.467
CER 0.634 0.641 0.628 0.606 0.612 0.550 0.623 0.549 0.578 0.602 0.474 0.591
EDF 1 0.619 0.578 0.607 0.624 0.607 0.475 0.636 0.550 0.537 0.563 0.487 0.571
EDF 2 0.733 0.714 0.714 0.757 0.769 0.475 0.769 0.560 0.593 0.681 0.493 0.660
Appliance Average Score 0.620 0.609 0.613 0.614 0.609 ⧸0.617 0.541 0.531 0.570 0.479 0.572
Washing Machine REFIT 0.605 0.572 0.592 0.581 0.586 ⧸0.614 0.520 0.562 0.557 0.529 0.572
UKDALE 0.475 0.505 0.478 0.535 0.530 ⧸0.454 0.408 0.581 0.549 0.509 0.502
Appliance Average Score 0.540 0.538 0.535 0.558 0.558 ⧸0.534 0.464 0.572 0.553 0.519 0.537
Water Heater
CER 0.625 0.613 0.613 0.610 0.612 0.465 0.637 0.527 0.596 0.584 0.462 0.577
EDF 1 0.835 0.821 0.827 0.814 0.828 0.768 0.841 0.670 0.713 0.805 0.591 0.774
EDF 2 0.733 0.685 0.724 0.731 0.685 0.591 0.759 0.658 0.580 0.666 0.617 0.675
Appliance Average Score 0.731 0.706 0.721 0.718 0.708 0.608 0.746 0.618 0.630 0.685 0.557 0.675
CER 0.522 0.532 0.514 0.533 0.508 0.477 0.565 0.459 0.492 0.527 0.397 0.502
EDF 1 0.784 0.783 0.789 0.777 0.778 0.713 0.800 0.643 0.758 0.777 0.638 0.749
EDF 2 0.591 0.566 0.578 0.626 0.637 0.527 0.648 0.497 0.591 0.605 0.451 0.574
Appliance Average Score 0.603 0.597 0.595 0.659 0.607 0.572 0.616 0.514 0.516 0.561 0.450 0.609
Type of Heater EDF 1 0.632 0.622 0.631 0.597 0.638 0.534 0.651 0.539 0.556 0.625 0.467 0.590
Electric Vehicle EDF 1 0.689 0.730 0.670 0.681 0.699 0.553 0.720 0.541 0.456 0.725 0.556 0.638
Classiers Average Score 0.601 0.593 0.592 0.609 0.610 ⧸0.617 0.521 0.531 0.574 0.474 ⧸
Classiers Average Rank 3.773 4.697 4.758 4.303 3.697 ⧸2.864 7.939 7.924 6.197 8.848 ⧸
[Time Performance] Considering the computation time of clas-
siers is crucial for evaluating their eectiveness in real-world
scenarios. We measure the time performance of the classiers, con-
sidering the total time required for both training and inference.
This section presents the results of our experimental evaluation.
First, we normalize the dierent datasets to the same sampling
frequency, i.e., 30min, to obtain overall results on all the cases.
Then, we perform an experimental evaluation of the inuence of
sampling frequency on the detection quality of the classiers. We
also analyze the data size impact on the detection quality. Finally,
we provide a discussion of the overall results.
5.1 Accuracy for 30min Sampling Frequency
The appliance detection results of the classiers for the sampling
frequency of 30min are summarized in Table 2. We observe that all
classiers return poor results for the UKDALE dataset. (We discuss
and explain these results in detail in Section 5.3.) Furthermore, we
note that independently of the dataset, some appliances are easier
to detect than others. The following sections provide an analysis of
these results according to the type of appliances.
5.1.1 Tech Appliances. Desktop Computer and Television seem
to be well detected in the REFIT dataset, with a Macro F1-Score
above 0.7 for the best classiers. The score obtained on Desktop
Computer on other datasets is not as good, but is consistent with
the number of time series provided. It can be explained by the
fact that the pattern is hidden behind other appliance activation
signatures in longer smart meters load curves, and thus, is hard for
classiers to detect.
A. Petralia, et al.
5.1.2 Kitchen Appliances. First, detecting Kettle usage looks pretty
challenging, with poor results obtained by all classiers and a Macro
45. Given that a kettle operates for relatively short
periods, it is understandable that its activation may not be captured
using 30min sampled data. Microwave oven and classic Oven are
not well detected in the EDF datasets. However, the detection score
obtained on REFIT by the best two classiers is above 0
7, thanks
to the larger amount of data available for this case in REFIT. Finally,
the Cooker is well detected on the CER dataset.
5.1.3 Washer Appliances. Classiers achieve promising results de-
tecting Dishwasher and Tumble Dryer through CER and EDF 2
datasets. The lower performance obtained with the EDF 1 datast is
explained by the lower amount of labeled instances given for these
cases. However, the low score results obtained on the three washer
appliances for REFIT are not due to the amount of time series data.
We believe that this poor detection score can be explained by the
fact that these three devices are used in combination and have
similar activation patterns; therefore, the classiers cannot easily
distinguish among them.
5.1.4 Heating Appliances. The best detection scores are achieved
for Water Heater on the EDF 1 and EDF 2 datasets. In France,
water heaters refer mainly to devices that heat water from a hot
tank, and usually operate during hours with high consumption
power levels [
]. The classiers can eectively discern this type
of pattern, even using 30min sampled data. The lower performance
on the CER dataset can be attributed to the use of two types of
water heaters in Ireland: instantaneous and tank-pumped. Instan-
taneous water heaters only operate on demand, resulting in high
spikes of short duration. Using the same label for these two devices,
which have dierent activation signatures, signicantly impacts
the performance of the classiers. The results on heater detection
are satisfying for the EDF datasets, and we assume that the score
dierence between EDF 1 and EDF 2 is mainly due to the span of
the time period used for training the model. By providing a full
year of electricity consumption, the model can more easily detect
the heater pattern, since it trains with data during the high con-
sumption levels of the winter season. The poor performance on
the CER dataset for heater detection can be attributed to the fact
that the heater label indicates the presence of a convector electric
heater, which is typically used as a supplementary heat source in
winter, rather than being the primary heat source for the home.
5.1.5 Other Appliances. Electric Vehicles are well detected on
the EDF 1 dataset considering the restricted number of labeled
instances that we have available. The lengthy recharging times of
electric vehicles and the high power required, combined with the
fact that recharging often occurs mainly during low-consumption
night-time hours, can explain the good performance we observe.
5.1.6 Overall Classifier Results Using 30min data. The overall re-
sults, shown in Table 2 and Figure 3, demonstrate that Inception-
Time outperforms other classiers when considering the average
score and rank; InceptionTime is followed by ResNet, Arsenal, Con-
vNet, MiniRocket and Rocket. Since the ResNet model enhanced
with the attention mechanism was not evaluated in all the cases,
we do not include it in the total average score shown in Figure 3.
F1-Score Macro
Figure 3: Average classiers detection score through all the
detection cases and all the datasets.
Time (min)
Log Scale
Figure 4: Average running time per run (training + inference
time) for all classiers (log scale y-axis).
However, this classier achieves relatively poor performance com-
pared to the others (refer to Table 2). In light of these results, it is
essential to note the dierence in performance between the best
and worst performing classiers: convolutional-based classiers,
i.e., InceptionTime, ConvNet and ResNet, are the optimal choice
for many detection cases.
Figure 4 summarizes the average total running time (i.e., training
and inference time together) for the 11 classiers we studied. Tak-
ing into consideration the performance of the convolutional-based
approaches (deep- and non deep-learning approaches), as well as
their running time, we observe that this type of classier is the most
suitable for appliance detection using 30min sampled smart meter
data. InceptionTime reaches a sligthly higher detection score, but at
the cost of longer execution times. A balance between performance
and eciency is achieved by the ResNet and ConvNet classiers.
5.2 Inuence of Sampling Rate
In this part of the experimental evaluation, we analyze the im-
provement of the detection score of the dierent classiers, as the
smart meter sampling rate increases. We used the REFIT and EDF 2
datasets to perform these experiments, since these datasets provide
data at a higher frequency than every 30min.
Using the REFIT dataset, we performed experiments at four
dierent sampling rates: 1min, 10min, 15min, and 30min. To obtain
complementary results on bigger appliances that were not available
with REFIT data, we also included appliance detection cases from
the EDF 2 dataset. However, since this dataset oers data sampled
at 10 min, we could only produce results for sampling rates: 10min,
15min, and 30min.
All the results are summarized in Figure 5. For clarity, we only
illustrate the scores of the ve best classiers.
On average across all cases, the appliance detection accuracy
decreases signicantly (by almost 0.1) when the sampling rate drops
Appliance Detection Using Very Low-Frequency Smart Meter Time Series
(a) Dishwasher (REFIT) (b) Microwave (REFIT) (c) Kettle (REFIT) (d) Desktop Computer (REFIT)
(e) Television (REFIT) (f) Washing Machine (REFIT) (g) Tumble Dryer (REFIT)
(j) Oven (EDF 2)
All Classifier (Avg.)
(h) Water Heater (EDF 2)
(i) Heater (EDF 2) (k) Average All Cases
Figure 5: Inuence of sampling frequency on dierent appliance detection cases. The detection score is given for each classier
and detection case following the resampling frequency of the data. The black line shows the average score of all the classiers.
from 1min to 30min. For the best classier (InceptionTime), the
average drop is 0.15.
However, it is interesting to note that not all appliances are sig-
nicantly better detected using a higher sampling frequency. As
expected, appliances that operate only for short periods, i.e., Mi-
crowave or Kettle, benet the most when using higher smart meter
frequencies. For example, the results in Figure 5 show that using
1min sampled data can signicantly improve the Kettle detection.
In this case, the best classier, ResNet, achieves a 0.2 improvement
in the detection score when the sampling rate increases from 30min
to 1min. For the Microwave case, it is a 0.1 average gain score for
all the classiers using 1min sampled data.
Other appliances, such as Dishwasher,Desktop Computer,
Television,Washing Machine and Water Heater, which typ-
ically operate for long periods, are better detected using higher
sampling rates, as well. For example, using 1min level data, the
Washing Machine is much more accurately detected than when
using 30min data (refer to Figure 5(f)).
5.3 Inuence of Data Size
In this last part, we analyze the impact of the number of distinct
households on classier performance. These experiments demon-
strate that classiers cannot eectively learn the patterns of an
appliance using only a small number of households when the smart
meter data sampling frequency is very low (this explains the poor
results presented in Section 5.1 for the UK-DALE dataset). Further-
more, we demonstrate that the number of households is more im-
portant for training the machine learning models than the amount
of data available for each household.
We compared the following two approaches for training: (i) ran-
domly select a subset of the houses and use all the data from these
houses to train the models, and (ii) select all houses and use a
random subset of the time series from each house. We performed
the experiments on the appliance detection cases using the REFIT
dataset. Furthermore, in order to account for the impact of the smart
meter reading on these results, we performed the experiments using
4 dierent sampling frequencies: 1min, 10min, 15min, and 30min.
Figure 6 summarizes the results of these experiments: the graphs
show the average performance of all classiers
for each sampling
rate. The black line represents the score value averaged across all
sampling rates.
We note that for every sampling rate and detection case, it is
almost always preferable to use all the available households and a
subset of their time series, rather than to use all time series from
a subset of the households. Indeed, data from the same house is
frequently characterized by the consumption patterns of the res-
idents. Instead, using data from multiple households, enables the
classier to focus on and learn the actual activation patterns of
the appliances. Interestingly, using a subset of the households, or a
subset of the time series does not seem to signicantly aect the
detection accuracy for the Washing Machine and the Tumble
Dryer. The Tumble Dryer is indeed not well detected in our ex-
periments. However, the detection score of the Washing Machine
seems to be more impacted by the sampling frequency rather than
by the data size.
We average the performance of all classiers listed in Table 2, except for ResNetAtt,
which could not be used with the small length of the REFIT time series.
A. Petralia, et al.
(a) Desktop Computer (b) Television (c) Kettle
(e) Dishwasher
(d) Microwave
All rate (Avg.)
(g) Washing Machine
(f) Tumble Dryer
Figure 6: Results of the data imputation study using the REFIT dataset. For each appliance case, we can see on the left gure
the evolution of the classication score according to the number of houses used, i.e., sources; on the right gure, we can see the
evolution of the classication score according to the percentage of data used by houses.
We now summarize the results of our evaluation. Figure 7 shows
the average score for each classier across all the experiments con-
ducted in our study. The results show that the three deep learning-
based methods are the most accurate overall. Among them, ResNet
and ConvNet perform on average sligthly better than Inception-
Time. However, as shown in Figure 8, the average score depends on
the time series length. ResNet and ConvNet are better on average
when using the short time series (REFIT and UKDALE datasets).
InceptionTime is better on average when using long time series
(CER and EDF datasets), because of InceptionTime’s ability to cap-
ture long-lasting patterns through the use of a combination of
dierently-sized kernels. Nevertheless, as the condence intervals
indicate, there is no clear winner among the three deep-learning
classiers. Based on these ndings, we recommend using either
ResNet or ConvNet, since their time performance is one order of
magnitude faster than InceptionTime (see Figure 4).
Overall, the experiments show that for improving appliance de-
tection, it is benecial for electricity suppliers to collect data over
extended periods of time, and at a ner time step than 30min. In-
deed, a 15min step seems to be the minimum target in order to
correctly detect a certain number of appliances. Furthermore, this
study shows that further work is needed to more accurately detect
appliances, even for data with 1min sampling frequency. Neverthe-
less, the lack of large electricity consumption public datasets that
can be used to develop and train new algorithms is an important
shortcoming. Having more good-quality data over long time inter-
vals are necessary in order to allow for the development of more
robust methods and further advancements in the eld.
F1-Score Macro
Figure 7: Average classier detection score through all the
experiments realized in this study (including sampling fre-
quency inuence and data size inuence experiments).
Short Time Series
(REFIT, UKDALE) Long Time Series
(CER, EDF 1, EDF 2)
F1-Score Macro
Figure 8: Average score of the 3 best classiers (ConvNet,
ResNet and InceptionTime) according to the time series
length (i.e., datasets).
This paper presents a comprehensive evaluation of state-of-the-art
time series classiers applied to the appliance detection in very
low-frequency smart meter data. We develop the rst benchmark
of time series classiers for appliance detection using ve dierent
Appliance Detection Using Very Low-Frequency Smart Meter Time Series
real datasets of very low-frequency electricity consumption with
varying time series lengths. The results indicate that the perfor-
mance of current time series classiers varies signicantly; only
appliances that operate during long periods of time can be accu-
rately detected using 30min sampled data. However, using 1min
sampling data can drastically increase the detection accuracy of
small appliances. Furthermore, deep learning-based classiers have
shown promising results in terms of accuracy, particularly for cer-
tain appliances. Overall, this study provides a valuable contribution
to electricity suppliers, as well as analysts and practitioners, in
order to help them choose the appropriate classier for accurately
detecting appliances in very low-frequency smart meter data.
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