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Using Crm Systems for the Development and Implementation of Communication Strategies for Digital Brand Management and Internet Marketing: eu Experience

  • State University of Trade and Economics

Abstract and Figures

Purpose: The research aims to analyze the use of CRM systems for the development and implementation of communication strategies for digital brand management and Internet marketing based on the experience of EU countries. Theoretical framework: Implementing the practice of using CRM systems to develop and fulfill communication strategies for digital brand management and Internet marketing plays a key role in the corporate sector. It is known that the quality of implementation of such a policy will directly affect the commercial result of an enterprise or organization. The problem of using CRM systems and the possibility of improving business processes, which involves the integration of most of the organization's internal processes into the CRM system's operating program, is to find effective means and mechanisms for setting up the marketing and operational work of the enterprise. Design/methodology/approach: The study used scientific research methods, as well as data from official sources of CRM systems that are most popular in the EU. Findings: The research aims to analyze the use of CRM systems to improve the quality of internal communication strategy. An equally important task is to evaluate the management of advertising campaigns and brand positioning policy in the selected business segment. The article analyzes the peculiarities of approaches to the use of CRM systems, as well as their application following the internal corporate policy. Research, Practical & Social implications: The article analyzes the peculiarities of approaches to the use of CRM systems, as well as their application following the internal corporate policy. The key trends of modern CRM systems and the practices of their use are analyzed. This makes it possible to determine the competitive advantages in the market that a company gains after implementing CRM systems. The practice of developing the marketing activities of an enterprise or organization is outlined from the perspective of using CRM systems. Originality/value: By using the available research results, the further practice of using CRM systems can be analyzed from the point of view of the development of the technological aspect of the integration of internal program components of the system into the operating activities of the enterprise.
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Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. |Miami, v. 8 | n. 4| p. 01-16 | e01613 | 2023.
Olena Berestetska
, Tetiana Iankovets
, Azyk Orozonova
, Serhii Voitovych
Aisulu Parmanasova
, Kateryna Medvedieva
Purpose: The research aims to analyze the use of CRM systems for the development and
implementation of communication strategies for digital brand management and Internet
marketing based on the experience of EU countries.
Theoretical framework: Implementing the practice of using CRM systems to develop
and fulfill communication strategies for digital brand management and Internet marketing
plays a key role in the corporate sector. It is known that the quality of implementation of
such a policy will directly affect the commercial result of an enterprise or organization.
The problem of using CRM systems and the possibility of improving business processes,
which involves the integration of most of the organization's internal processes into the
CRM system's operating program, is to find effective means and mechanisms for setting
up the marketing and operational work of the enterprise.
Design/methodology/approach: The study used scientific research methods, as well as
data from official sources of CRM systems that are most popular in the EU.
Findings: The research aims to analyze the use of CRM systems to improve the quality
of internal communication strategy. An equally important task is to evaluate the
management of advertising campaigns and brand positioning policy in the selected
business segment. The article analyzes the peculiarities of approaches to the use of CRM
systems, as well as their application following the internal corporate policy.
Research, Practical & Social implications: The article analyzes the peculiarities of
approaches to the use of CRM systems, as well as their application following the internal
corporate policy. The key trends of modern CRM systems and the practices of their use
are analyzed. This makes it possible to determine the competitive advantages in the market
that a company gains after implementing CRM systems. The practice of developing the
marketing activities of an enterprise or organization is outlined from the perspective of
using CRM systems.
Originality/value: By using the available research results, the further practice of using
CRM systems can be analyzed from the point of view of the development of the
Article history:
Received 31 January 2023
Accepted 28 March 2023
Digital Technologies;
Marketing Activities;
Brand Management;
CRM System;
Target Audience;
Information Base;
Marketing Tools.
Ph.D. in Economics. Economic Cybernetics Department, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University,
Ternopil, Ukraine. E-mail: Orcid:
Ph.D. in Economics. Department of Marketing, State University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine.
E-mail: Orcid:
Ph.D. in Economics. Dean of the Kyrgyz-European Faculty, Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup
Balasagyn, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. E-mail:
Ph.D. in Economics. Department of Marketing, Lutsk National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine.
E-mail: Orcid:
Ph.D. in Economics. Department of Economics, Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn,
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. E-mail: Orcid:
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Marketing, State University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine.
E-mail: Orcid:
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 4 | p. 01-16 | e01613 | 2023.
Berestetska, O., Iankovets, T., Orozonova, A., Voitovych, S., Parmanasova, A., Medvedieva, K. (2023)
Using Crm Systems for the Development and Implementation of Communication Strategies for Digital Brand
Management and Internet Marketing: eu Experience
technological aspect of the integration of internal program components of the system into
the operating activities of the enterprise.
Objetivo: A pesquisa visa analisar o uso de sistemas de CRM para o desenvolvimento e implementação de
estratégias de comunicação para gestão de marca digital e marketing na Internet com base na experiência dos
países da UE.
Referencial teórico: A implementação da prática de utilização de sistemas de CRM para desenvolver e concretizar
estratégias de comunicação para gestão de marcas digitais e marketing na Internet assume um papel fundamental
no setor empresarial. Sabe-se que a qualidade da implementação de tal política afetará diretamente o resultado
comercial de um empreendimento ou organização. O problema da utilização de sistemas de CRM e a possibilidade
de melhoria dos processos de negócio, que envolve a integração da maioria dos processos internos da organização
no programa operacional do sistema de CRM, é encontrar meios e mecanismos eficazes para configurar o trabalho
de marketing e operacional da empresa.
Desenho/metodologia/abordagem: O estudo utilizou métodos de pesquisa científica, bem como dados de fontes
oficiais de sistemas de CRM mais populares na UE.
Resultados: A pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar o uso de sistemas de CRM para melhorar a qualidade da
estratégia de comunicação interna. Uma tarefa igualmente importante é avaliar a gestão de campanhas publicitárias
e a política de posicionamento de marca no segmento de negócios selecionado. O artigo analisa as peculiaridades
das abordagens para o uso de sistemas de CRM, bem como sua aplicação seguindo a política corporativa interna.
Pesquisa, implicações práticas e sociais: O artigo analisa as peculiaridades das abordagens para o uso de sistemas
de CRM, bem como sua aplicação seguindo a política corporativa interna. As principais tendências dos sistemas
de CRM modernos e as práticas de seu uso são analisadas. Isso permite determinar as vantagens competitivas no
mercado que uma empresa obtém após a implementação de sistemas de CRM. A prática de desenvolver as
atividades de marketing de uma empresa ou organização é delineada sob a perspectiva do uso de sistemas de CRM.
Originalidade/valor: Usando os resultados da pesquisa disponíveis, a prática adicional de usar sistemas de CRM
pode ser analisada do ponto de vista do desenvolvimento do aspecto tecnológico da integração dos componentes
internos do programa do sistema nas atividades operacionais da empresa.
Palavras-chave: Tecnologias Digitais, Atividades de Marketing, Gestão de Marca, Sistema CRM, Público-Alvo,
Base de Informações, Ferramentas de Marketing.
Propósito: La investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el uso de sistemas CRM para el desarrollo e
implementación de estrategias de comunicación para la gestión de marcas digitales y marketing en Internet basadas
en la experiencia de los países de la UE.
Metodología: El estudio utilizó métodos de investigación científica, así como datos de fuentes oficiales de los
sistemas CRM más populares de la UE.
Conclusiones: La investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el uso de sistemas CRM para mejorar la calidad de
la estrategia de comunicación interna. Una tarea igualmente importante es evaluar la gestión de las campañas
publicitarias y la política de posicionamiento de la marca en el segmento de negocio seleccionado. El artículo
analiza las peculiaridades de los enfoques para el uso de los sistemas CRM, así como su aplicación siguiendo la
política corporativa interna.
Implicaciones de la Investigación: Al utilizar los resultados de investigación disponibles, se puede analizar la
práctica posterior del uso de sistemas CRM desde el punto de vista del desarrollo del aspecto tecnológico de la
integración de los componentes internos del programa del sistema en las actividades operativas de la empresa.
Palabras clave: Tecnologías Digitales, Actividades de Mercadeo, Gestión de la Marca, Sistema CRM, Público-
Objetivo, Base de Información, Herramientas de Marketing.
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 4 | p. 01-16 | e01613 | 2023.
Berestetska, O., Iankovets, T., Orozonova, A., Voitovych, S., Parmanasova, A., Medvedieva, K. (2023)
Using Crm Systems for the Development and Implementation of Communication Strategies for Digital Brand
Management and Internet Marketing: eu Experience
The use of CRM systems plays a key role in the current digitalization of commodity
markets. Moreover, the introduction of automation technologies in the process of enterprise
operations and marketing activities is a top priority. Improving such foundations will contribute
to the commercial success of the enterprise and serve as a key factor for the efficiency of its
operation. The use of this approach will be most appropriate and important for the dissemination
of the enterprise's strategic management policy and can contribute to its improvement following
the main development strategies. The policy of using brand management and Internet marketing
in the modern sense involves the formation of automation projects. This applies, primarily, to
setting up an advertising campaign with the ability to select the target audience and send a
targeted advertising message. The advantage of using CRM systems is that they contain
customer databases. Moreover, the use of the company's operational experience makes it
possible to combine key aspects and promote effective interaction. This will have a positive
impact on the perception of the company's brand. Moreover, in today's environment of global
corporate development and the proliferation of various marketing tools, their use requires a
detailed study. Implementation of CRM systems will have many key advantages, as it allows
us to analyze the available information and apply the most appropriate and relevant methods
based on automation methods. Furthermore, the practice of using a CRM system is often used
by an enterprise to control its staff and operational work. Using it as a means of control will
have a positive impact on the overall state of the enterprise and can improve the quality of its
functioning in the long run. Moreover, the modern practice of implementing a CRM system
contains significant advantages in contrast to the automation of a specific process. A CRM
system combines a whole range of operational processes of an enterprise. It is worth noting that
when one process interacts with another, its use can provide better results and prevent mistakes
in the automation of each process.
The research aims to analyze the use of CRM systems for the development and
implementation of communication strategies for digital brand management and Internet
marketing based on the experience of EU countries. The key task of the study is to conduct an
analytical assessment of the peculiarities of using CRM systems for advertising campaigns. It
is equally important to identify the relationship between the modules of the CRM system and
the key strategic goals of the advertising campaign. The possibility of improving the quality of
formation and development of CRM systems under the brand management policy has led to an
analysis of the functionality and possibilities of using such systems to improve the image of an
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 4 | p. 01-16 | e01613 | 2023.
Berestetska, O., Iankovets, T., Orozonova, A., Voitovych, S., Parmanasova, A., Medvedieva, K. (2023)
Using Crm Systems for the Development and Implementation of Communication Strategies for Digital Brand
Management and Internet Marketing: eu Experience
enterprise in the commodity markets. An important factor in the development and possible
spread of the use of CRM systems will be the most appropriate conduct of advertising
campaigns in a rapidly changing market and a dynamic marketing environment. The study of
the circulation and use of CRM systems is a priority direction for analysis, which requires
determining the key factors of using such a system following the development of Internet
marketing tools.
The issue of using CRM systems has been studied by scholars from the perspective of
implementing the technological aspect, as well as the possibility of using them to control the
work of internal departments and broader aspects of functioning such as marketing, financial
accounting, human resources, etc. Hinton (2020) believes that a CRM system is essentially a
software solution for an enterprise's business processes. Owing to the development of digital
technologies, can automate most of the operations at the enterprise and positively affect the
commercial result. According to Gartner (2019), the use of CRM systems in modern marketing
is a major challenge. The development of digital technologies has led to the emergence of
dynamism in the market and the proliferation of online platforms, which are difficult to analyze
and control. Therefore, the use of a CRM system can solve the complex tasks confronting the
marketing department. According to Edwards (2013), CRM systems in the modern sense are
often underestimated by the corporate sector. It is worth recognizing that the automation of any
process can become a risk automatically. However, according to the practical experience of
their use, the implementation of such a policy is still advisable. Marketing, according to
Castagna (2020), has changed significantly since the advent of the Internet, as new platforms
for communication have been created, as well as online platforms as a tool for promoting
services and products. Therefore, Rodriguez (2020) believes that the Internet is a
communication medium that provides opportunities to use automation to communicate with
customers. The vast majority of retail customers, according to Rouse (2019), use social
networks and web resources to meet their needs. Given this, the scientist believes that the use
of CRM systems to record requests and the possibility of operational work with them in further
integration into the business processes of the enterprise is the highest priority task for any
enterprise. This can affect the quality of such a policy and serve as a factor in improving
commercial development. According to Harrigan (2020), modern enterprise brand management
is based on planned communication with customers and effective dialogue, which can be
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 4 | p. 01-16 | e01613 | 2023.
Berestetska, O., Iankovets, T., Orozonova, A., Voitovych, S., Parmanasova, A., Medvedieva, K. (2023)
Using Crm Systems for the Development and Implementation of Communication Strategies for Digital Brand
Management and Internet Marketing: eu Experience
achieved both through automated technologies and using a contact center. In any case, the
implementation of a CRM system for processing customer requests, as noted by Mokhtar
(2019), has a positive impact on the communication strategy of the enterprise and provides
benefits in the long run. In addition, according to Pohludka (2019), the use of such tools is a
priority in any industry, as a communication strategy is a skill for conducting professional
negotiations and achieving the ultimate commercial goal. According to Bachmann (2018), the
use of marketing technologies in the modern practice of the corporate sector is gaining
popularity. The target audience in the global commodity markets is much more attractive than
the domestic ones. According to Wang (2016), the emergence of a global communication
network and the possibility of long-distance transportation is a revolutionary factor for
commercial activities. Moreover, the use of digital technologies makes it possible to increase
the speed of operations. In turn, the introduction of CRM systems improves communication
strategies and increases the use of brand management strategies and the use of Internet
marketing tools.
The study used scientific research methods, as well as data from official sources of CRM
systems that are most popular in the EU. The essence of the concept of CRM systems and the
peculiarities of its application in the context of implementing communication strategies of
digital brand management and Internet marketing were analyzed based on the search method
and synthesis. The analysis of this concept made it possible to outline the key trends in the
introduction of effective digital marketing tools and the peculiarities of their implementation in
a dynamic marketing environment. Moreover, the practice of using CRM systems is considered
from the point of view of their application in the formation of the enterprise's communication
strategy, the possibility of working with clients, as well as the use of tools aimed at improving
the enterprise's brand. The main characteristics of CRM systems following the marketing
activities and corporate goals of the enterprise are determined by the method of abstraction. It
is also determined that the introduction of business process automation at an enterprise is a key
factor for its further development and the possibility of integration into new product markets.
Moreover, the modern use of CRM systems to improve management activities over functional
units will serve to develop the efficiency of commercial feasibility, allocation of financial
resources, and the possibility of using them with the subsequent launch of an advertising
campaign. The research methodology is based on the introduction of up-to-date CRM systems
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 4 | p. 01-16 | e01613 | 2023.
Berestetska, O., Iankovets, T., Orozonova, A., Voitovych, S., Parmanasova, A., Medvedieva, K. (2023)
Using Crm Systems for the Development and Implementation of Communication Strategies for Digital Brand
Management and Internet Marketing: eu Experience
as software modules that contain many complex solutions for the functional units of the
enterprise and provide for their use to improve performance. Moreover, the current practice of
implementing such CRM systems will serve as a factor in increasing the commercial result and
calls for an analysis of further policy and strategy for the development of brand management.
Based on the method of deduction and induction, the author identifies priority areas for further
development and application of CRM systems in the context of global digitalization. These
research methods were also used to conduct an analytical assessment of the EU experience,
based on open data from multinational corporations and large retailers. Moreover, the
peculiarities of the implementation and quality of implementation of Internet marketing and
brand management tools were studied. The outlined research methodology makes it possible to
outline the following research results.
The modern practice of using CRM systems to improve the quality of digital brand
management and internet marketing is playing an increasingly important role. Improving the
quality of technologies and innovative approaches in project management requires more
interactive solutions that can help improve the performance of modern enterprises. The essence
of the concept of CRM systems is the use of automated technology that carries out
programmatic activities through some built-in modules aimed at ensuring the continuity of
business processes. Moreover, the use of CRM systems currently falls under the creation of
models that are aimed not only at the quality of their functioning but also at creating key
principles for the possible control of business processes. The modern capabilities of any CRM
system offer control over functional departments, regardless of their focus. Implementation of
such an automated system provides many benefits to any enterprise, as it minimizes the risks
of human error and increases the efficiency of any department. The availability of financial
accounting functions can help improve the quality of the distribution of financial assets,
regardless of the direction, because this approach is qualitative. Moreover, the policy of using
CRM systems is the highest priority product market among the B2B segment. Companies that
provide customization and installation services for such systems offer to build a high-quality
business based on process automation.
The use of CRM system processes can be applied not only to processing customer
requests but also to marketing activities. For example, the concept of brand management
provides for the possibility of promoting and positioning the company's brand in the selected
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 4 | p. 01-16 | e01613 | 2023.
Berestetska, O., Iankovets, T., Orozonova, A., Voitovych, S., Parmanasova, A., Medvedieva, K. (2023)
Using Crm Systems for the Development and Implementation of Communication Strategies for Digital Brand
Management and Internet Marketing: eu Experience
business segment. The formation of a brand management strategy involves the use of
technologies that can improve performance and create competitive advantages in the market.
In addition, modern technologies used to improve CRM systems can be a key means of
improving the quality of any enterprise. Digital marketing tools include the ability to optimize
advertising activities on the Internet. The emergence of the Internet has contributed to the
emergence of new types of advertising, as well as the search for a new audience in relevant
social networks and other communication platforms that improve the integration of the
enterprise into the digital environment. Any marketing process involves the use of analytical
tools, the allocation of financial resources, communication processes with customers, as well
as the search and planning of new advertising campaigns. To improve such activities, it is
necessary to use effective tools aimed at automating such processes. The corporate strategy of
the enterprise should be used to ensure efficient operation and stimulate the quality of the
enterprise. Such an approach will stimulate the development of marketing policy and form the
perfect activity of functional units.
Any CRM system is aimed at improving the work of functional departments. Their use
in online marketing can improve planning, work with the target audience, and expand the
segment of influence according to the market position. The development of such a program
should include the basic principles of organizing and ensuring the operation of CRM systems,
which are shown in more detail in Figure 1.
The principles shown in Figure 1 provide for the use of features aimed at improving the
functioning of the enterprise. Moreover, ensuring the efficient operation of functional units will
contribute to the formation of a positive brand of the enterprise in the market. The modern
policy of any enterprise is aimed at improving its presence in the commodity markets, as well
as at innovative search for sales platforms. The communication policy of any enterprise is based
on the use of special communication units that analyze proposals, and requests to provide
feedback to the client. This approach is the most popular in the practice of any enterprise and
will serve as a factor of effective activity in the Internet marketing system.
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 4 | p. 01-16 | e01613 | 2023.
Berestetska, O., Iankovets, T., Orozonova, A., Voitovych, S., Parmanasova, A., Medvedieva, K. (2023)
Using Crm Systems for the Development and Implementation of Communication Strategies for Digital Brand
Management and Internet Marketing: eu Experience
Figure 1. The basic principles of using a CRM system in brand management and online marketing
Source: compiled by the author
The principles shown in Figure 1 provide for the use of features aimed at improving the
functioning of the enterprise. Moreover, ensuring the efficient operation of functional units will
contribute to the formation of a positive brand of the enterprise in the market. The modern
policy of any enterprise is aimed at improving its presence in the commodity markets, as well
as at innovative search for sales platforms. The communication policy of any enterprise is based
on the use of special communication units that analyze proposals, and requests to provide
feedback to the client. This approach is the most popular in the practice of any enterprise and
will serve as a factor of effective activity in the Internet marketing system.
The development of CRM systems at enterprises is a top priority for the modern
corporate sector. This is important because the process of functioning of such a system provides
for the possibility of controlling financial resources, searching for tools to manage the customer
base, as well as possible means of marketing analytical operations that provide many
competitive advantages. The implementation of such a system, regardless of its type and form,
will be aimed at controlling the company's communication policy with customers. This is
because many of the software components of such a system are aimed at tracking the order
acceptance policy and processing business processes. The "sale and purchase" cycle is based
on the formation of marketing policy and communication with customers. As a rule, large
enterprises use CRM systems to implement and record customer requests in one database that
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 4 | p. 01-16 | e01613 | 2023.
Berestetska, O., Iankovets, T., Orozonova, A., Voitovych, S., Parmanasova, A., Medvedieva, K. (2023)
Using Crm Systems for the Development and Implementation of Communication Strategies for Digital Brand
Management and Internet Marketing: eu Experience
operates on a local and global server. It provides information for the functional departments of
the enterprise, which later process these requests and proceed directly to sales. The formation
of CRM systems at an enterprise can help improve the quality of brand management, as they
contain a database of all customers, as well as the ability to implement operational strategic
measures. Such measures will contribute to the positive formation of the company's perception
among the target audience. In addition, the positioning of an enterprise is formed based on the
use of marketing tools. In today's world, more and more digital marketing tools are used, and
traditional ones are fading into the background. The introduction of such tools will contribute
to the efficiency of the enterprise, regardless of the choice of its business segment. Moreover,
the modern practice of an enterprise in Internet marketing involves the use of tools aimed at
improving the policy and expanding the consumer base. The end consumer is usually included
in the information base. CRM systems in the modern sense are most effective for
communication policy, as they can combine the largest number of functional units that directly
interact with customers. For instance:
The process of purchasing services - the use of CRM systems will serve for
possible identification, transaction, and automation of response to any customer
purchase. The use of such a tool will have a positive impact on the quality of the
company's activities and form its positive brand in the chosen business segment.
Request for the purchase of services - as a rule, the availability of CRM systems
makes it possible to enter such a request into the internal database, which will be
processed as quickly as possible by a special unit, customer managers, etc. The
efficiency of processing a request plays a big role in any retail business, and it can also
be relevant for large enterprises that record the time, date, and specifics of such a
Quality control of functional departments - regardless of the company's
marketing policy, CRM systems are also used for possible further control of a particular
department, which is aimed at the quality of the formation and improvement of
corporate strategy. The ability to control personnel is a key advantage of using such
systems, since the speed of operations in large enterprises is high, the presence of a
tracker will encourage them to perform their duties efficiently and promptly.
These examples used in CRM systems are the highest priority task of any enterprise
planning to introduce them. The outlined principles of its activities are aimed at forming a high-
quality communication policy, which will be reflected in the level of commercial results of the
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 4 | p. 01-16 | e01613 | 2023.
Berestetska, O., Iankovets, T., Orozonova, A., Voitovych, S., Parmanasova, A., Medvedieva, K. (2023)
Using Crm Systems for the Development and Implementation of Communication Strategies for Digital Brand
Management and Internet Marketing: eu Experience
enterprise. Rational and optimal communication from the enterprise will contribute to the
effective development, as well as spread the quality of the enterprise's activities following its
Modern brand management and Internet marketing policies involve the use of a wide
range of tools. This will be effective in improving the quality of the company's activities in the
course of spreading its activities and implementing advertising campaigns. Depending on the
form of activity and the priority of its choice, you can draw a correspondence between CRM
systems and tasks, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Characterization of CRM systems according to the tasks of brand management and Internet marketing
Operational CRM system
Analytical CRM system
Collaboration CRM
Supply chain control
Information database of
advertising campaigns
Formation of personal
Sales automation in marketing
Availability of a target audience,
core customers
Improving online marketing
Partial automation of targeted
Database of product catalog and
Control of email marketing
Automation of operational marketing
Automation of marketing
Distribution of tasks by Call
Source: compiled by the author
The data presented in Table 1 show that the availability of various CRM systems is
aimed at performing key functions that are necessary for the enterprise under its corporate
needs. The use of CRM systems, regardless of the direction of a specific advertising policy,
will be effective and provide strategic advantages in the market. Automation processes can
improve the quality of PPC advertising control and management, as well as the effectiveness
of SEO optimization.
The current EU experience shows that most corporate enterprises plan to use high-
quality digital marketing tools through CRM software management. This experience has been
widely implemented in Germany and France, where they use the SAP system, which is designed
to provide effective tools for managing communication policy and optimizing internal business
processes. In addition, this system includes tools for processing customer requests, as well as
settings for automating e-mail marketing and specifics of advertising campaigns. In modern
conditions, the corporate sector's policy is aimed at ensuring the scaling of commercial
activities, which involves the search for new product markets. For successful operations, it is
essential to use tools to control advertising campaigns. In EU countries, the practice of
automating and managing advertising campaigns is popular. To do this, it is planned to use the
project structure of any advertising campaign and allocate a certain budget for it, which will
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 4 | p. 01-16 | e01613 | 2023.
Berestetska, O., Iankovets, T., Orozonova, A., Voitovych, S., Parmanasova, A., Medvedieva, K. (2023)
Using Crm Systems for the Development and Implementation of Communication Strategies for Digital Brand
Management and Internet Marketing: eu Experience
then change depending on the effectiveness of such a campaign. In the Baltic States, the
approach of using SEO optimization of any resources is popular, as the issue of search engine
optimization is complex and ambiguous. Internet marketing planning is carried out based on a
short-term period of 3 to 6 months, and the settings of CRM systems are changed to continue
the policy. Such approaches are used not only when planning online marketing. As a rule, the
effectiveness of a company's communication policy has a positive impact on commercial
results. That is why companies revise their existing corporate policies on brand management
and quality of remote communications quarterly. The most popular CRM systems, which are
commonly used both in the European Union and in the world in general, are shown in Table 2.
The CRM systems proposed in Table 2 indicate the availability of a wide range of tools
for managing marketing activities and the possibility of transforming the internal strategy
focused on the development of commodity markets. Improvement of the quality of CRM
systems use is based on flexible customization of program modules, which are the basis for the
formation of an effective communication policy, as well as improvement of the quality of sales
policy. The availability of a customer base that requires automated processing of such requests
will serve as a priority area for improving the quality of work of the corporate sector and
enterprises that implement this approach in their commercial activities.
Table 2. Characteristics of the functionality of the most popular CRM systems
Features of operation
The presence of PPC advertising automation, management of marketing
campaign results, target customer base, and financial accounting.
Automation of marketing business processes, customer database
management, newsletters, push notifications, and other digital tools.
Using the SEO optimization and PPC advertising management system, target
audience, and advertising campaign forecasting.
A wide range of tools for customer communications, document management,
financial control, and monitoring.
E-mail marketing management, internal customer base, and financial
accounting of marketing companies.
Control of the customer base, the availability of document flow automation,
and artificial intelligence.
Source: compiled based on [12]
The most effective way to improve your communication strategy is to use email
marketing automation. It involves the use of emails to notify customers, provide responses, and
enable prompt communication, regardless of the location or time of the request. Such a policy
is effective in mastering new product markets on the international level. Modern brand
management tools also involve the use of sales to improve the quality of perception of the image
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 4 | p. 01-16 | e01613 | 2023.
Berestetska, O., Iankovets, T., Orozonova, A., Voitovych, S., Parmanasova, A., Medvedieva, K. (2023)
Using Crm Systems for the Development and Implementation of Communication Strategies for Digital Brand
Management and Internet Marketing: eu Experience
of an enterprise operating in a selected segment. To do this, companies use tools aimed at
improving the quality of their communication strategy and improving online marketing by
automating and improving analytical tools.
Thus, the current policy of using CRM systems is aimed at improving the quality of
customer information databases and the ability to process them analytically and use them in the
company's operations. The practical implementation of such tools will stimulate the
improvement of the brand management strategy. Moreover, it can create prospects for
improving marketing activities. It is known that the rational allocation of financial resources
and the ability to plan advertising campaigns will be key advantages for any enterprise. The
policy aimed at improving customer service involves the creation of automated solutions for
the contact center operating according to the existing scheme offered by the CRM system.
Moreover, any CRM system is aimed at simplifying the business processes of an enterprise by
using operational solutions that improve the quality of processing customer requests, provide
opportunities to manage financial resources, and install solutions under the marketing strategy.
For example, if the potential profit exceeds the expected figure, the CRM system can offer to
add an advertising campaign or, on the contrary, stimulate the improvement of the current one.
Conversion is also widely used in analytics in CRM systems, as automation must have certain
threshold values at which the system will change its policy or use it to continue its activities.
The formation of effective communication policy tools will be a priority for any enterprise
engaged in digital brand management and using a wide range of digital marketing tools that
need to be controlled and monitored.
Further research should be performed based on the study of current digital marketing
tools and their possible improvement following the state policy. It is known that the
dissemination of quality communication strategy plays a key role in shaping the corporate
strategy of an enterprise and its possible further development. The policy of developing and
implementing a quality strategy for the enterprise will serve to ensure a positive attitude toward
the brand and a quality advertising campaign. An analytical study on the possible expansion of
the functionality of CRM systems is important in terms of the use of financial resources since
the correct allocation of financial resources can serve as a means of improving the corporate
strategy and directly affect the commercial result. The use of effective CRM software modules
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 4 | p. 01-16 | e01613 | 2023.
Berestetska, O., Iankovets, T., Orozonova, A., Voitovych, S., Parmanasova, A., Medvedieva, K. (2023)
Using Crm Systems for the Development and Implementation of Communication Strategies for Digital Brand
Management and Internet Marketing: eu Experience
is a top priority for any modern enterprise. Its application in practice will ensure the effective
work of functional departments.
The current development of digital technologies is reflected in the transformation of
most business processes into digital ones. The practice of using this approach to qualitatively
reflect the key principles and possible forms of interaction between internal departments of the
enterprise and aspects of the implementation of the communication strategy following the brand
management policy is spreading. The EU's experience in the implementation and use of CRM
systems provides for the possibility of interaction with information databases, as well as the use
of digital marketing tools to improve the company's communication activities. The use of
automated communication channels can improve the quality of operational activities of support
departments and ensure a positive attitude towards modern means of information dissemination.
The study of the modernization of CRM systems based on the software level is an important
task for the scientific community. The formation of powerful servers and the possibility of using
cloud technologies can improve not only the number of requests for CRM systems but also
improve the mechanism for using it in broader aspects of corporate activities, which may
include financial accounting, analytics, and forecasting. The possibility of using CRM systems
for further forecasting of commercial results will be the highest priority area for further
The current policy of the corporate sector using digital marketing tools is aimed mainly
at international commodity markets. This factor should be integrated into the CRM system,
which, in turn, should support English and other languages at the program level. Moreover, the
use of a multicultural CRM system will serve as a factor in ensuring smooth operation and
customer support regardless of cultural identification. The communication strategy involves the
use of negotiation technologies that will have a positive impact on the company's image. Thus,
improving the quality of the communication strategy will be the most important area for
research in the linguistic and semantic context.
The results of the study indicate that modern Internet marketing policy involves the use
of a wide range of digital marketing tools that require project management and financial
resources. For possible control and monitoring, automation systems should be used, which can
create not only means of controlling and using such resources, but also improve their direction.
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 4 | p. 01-16 | e01613 | 2023.
Berestetska, O., Iankovets, T., Orozonova, A., Voitovych, S., Parmanasova, A., Medvedieva, K. (2023)
Using Crm Systems for the Development and Implementation of Communication Strategies for Digital Brand
Management and Internet Marketing: eu Experience
Thus, based on the study, it can be determined that a CRM system is a complex product
of digital technology development used in the corporate sector and has some advantages over
the automation of each business process separately. The key advantage of using CRM systems
is the ability to integrate and link most of the company's operational processes into a single
chain that interacts with each other and has a positive impact on functional activities. In
marketing activities, the use of CRM systems is a top priority. The use of these tools will have
a positive impact on the quality of analytical market research and serve as a factor in the further
development of the enterprise, which is constantly changing in the context of socioeconomic
instability and requires additional resources to ensure the effectiveness of its corporate
As a rule, CRM systems are divided into analytical, operational, and collaborative. Each
of them is used to achieve corporate goals and can improve the functioning of enterprise
departments at the strategic level. Implementation of any of these systems will involve the use
of automation technologies and the extension of the quality of such processes to any business
processes aimed at communicating with customers. For example, processing inquiries and the
ability to maintain automatic responses is an important task. The ability to manage advertising
campaigns and changes to them following the results of their implementation is also an
important structural element of the use of CRM systems. Improving the quality of CRM systems
implementation is based on the corporate strategy of the enterprise and its long-term goals.
Brand management implies the ability to control your staff to improve the quality of market
positioning. In addition, the implementation of marketing strategies without proper control will
be ineffective, since this process is a top priority due to the monitoring from CRM systems
created at the program level.
The experience of the European Union shows that the current practice is to customize
CRM systems under the results of the advertising campaign. The key principle of developed
countries is to plan a marketing strategy and customize the CRM system for further adjustments
and control of its implementation. This approach is effective when innovative marketing tools
emerge, as well as when mastering new product markets, which is a top priority for any
enterprise in the context of globalization.
Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 4 | p. 01-16 | e01613 | 2023.
Berestetska, O., Iankovets, T., Orozonova, A., Voitovych, S., Parmanasova, A., Medvedieva, K. (2023)
Using Crm Systems for the Development and Implementation of Communication Strategies for Digital Brand
Management and Internet Marketing: eu Experience
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Intern. Journal of Profess. Bus. Review. | Miami, v. 8 | n. 4 | p. 01-16 | e01613 | 2023.
Berestetska, O., Iankovets, T., Orozonova, A., Voitovych, S., Parmanasova, A., Medvedieva, K. (2023)
Using Crm Systems for the Development and Implementation of Communication Strategies for Digital Brand
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... In studies [7][8][9], the authors focus attention on a separate component of the marketing strategy -communications. ...
... Accordingly, the goals and objectives of digital advertising campaigns must be linked with digital marketing strategies and the use of specific advertising and digital tools is suggested. Study [8] is aimed at analyzing the use of CRM systems for the development and implementation of digital brand management and Internet marketing communication strategies based on the experience of EU countries. Analysis of the use of CRM systems proves their key role in improving the quality of the company's communication strategy. ...
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The object of this study was the trends in the development of marketing research technologies as a basis for the strategy of socially responsible marketing. The study is aimed at solving the problem of increasing the effectiveness of the marketing strategy under the influence of digital marketing research technologies. It has been proven that under the conditions of increased competition and transformation of consumer needs, the strategy of socially responsible marketing acquires great relevance. It has been established that the use of digital marketing research technologies significantly increases the effectiveness of the strategy of socially responsible marketing, ensuring a high degree of transparency and openness of its directions. The main stages of the development of marketing research technologies have been detailed – market research, consumer behavior research, the beginning of digitization, and the digital revolution. Digital technologies, on the basis of which marketing research will be conducted in the future, have been identified – Big Data, blockchain, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, augmented and virtual reality. The relationship between digital technologies of marketing research and directions of socially responsible marketing strategy was substantiated. It has been established that the effectiveness of the socially responsible marketing strategy should be determined on the basis of key performance indicators (KPI) based on the elements of the 4P complex. Schemes for researching the effectiveness of areas of social responsibility for individual elements of the marketing complex based on digital technologies are proposed. On this basis, a model of the influence of digital technologies on the KPI strategy of socially responsible marketing was developed and its advantages were substantiated. The practical use of the proposed approach could provide an opportunity to choose a specific marketing research technology depending on the target orientations of social responsibility of marketing. This would provide maximum information content and support for the strategy development and implementation process.
... Successful practices in stabilizing the socio-environmental situation in the Republic of Karakalpakstan have attracted the interest of international organizations, scientific institutions and states. It contributes to strengthening international cooperation and exchange of experience and resources and supports sustainable development in the region and on a wider scale [45,46]. Thus, the successful implementation of the scientific frameworks for stabilizing the socio-ecological situation in the Republic of Karakalpakstan has significantly improved the quality of life of residents, 293 VOLUME 4, No 2, 2024 contributed to the ecological recovery of the region, the development of the economy and tourism, and strengthened international cooperation. ...
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The relevance of developing a scientific framework for stabilizing the socio-ecological situation of the Republic of Karakalpakstan is determined by the need to address the environmental, social and economic challenges faced by the region. It is designed to improve the population’s quality of life, sustainable development and balanced interaction with the environment. The purpose of the research was to establish the relationship between social and environmental factors, to establish a mathematical model based on them, which will enable predicting future development and establishing a set of recommendations to improve the situation in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The methods of theoretical analysis and mathematical modelling were used. The research outlines modern ideas about modelling the dynamics of socio-ecological processes in the example of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. It is established that the Republic has several problems, the solution of which should be started shortly. Considerable attention is paid to the setting of tasks and using for this purpose methods of system analysis of socio-ecological factors. In this work, the analysis of factors affecting the social and environmental environment of the Republic of Karakalpakstan using regression analysis is considered. The parameters of the developed mathematical model and their adequacy are determined. The developed mathematical model will allow identification of the social and ecological situation of the republic. At the end of the work, ten priority points for the next 5-10 years to improve the socio-ecological situation were presented. The practical value of the results is implemented in promoting the identification of new powerful reserves for further improvement of the management of social processes. This approach allows for increasing the national economic efficiency of the region and ensuring a balance between economic, social and environmental aspects of development, which is an essential step towards a sustainable future.
... According to the study (Bilgihan, Kandampully, & Zhang, 2016;Chandra & Kumar, 2018;Wongsansukcharoen, 2022), AI has created creative solutions that help banks adapt to regulatory changes. These systems use advanced data analysis and monitoring to ensure regulatory compliance and reduce operational risks (Berestetska et al., 2023). Technology helps achieve and maintain client delight, which is the main goal of customer relationship management (CRM). ...
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Strategic CRM and IT boost CRM efficacy in Chinese banks, according to this study. It studies how IT adoption, CRM strategy execution, IT integration, and CRM digitalization effect customer satisfaction, loyalty, retention, and organizational performance. Modern banking requires IT integration and digitization in an AI-driven environment. A quantitative study comprised 300 Chinese banking industry workers from various demographics. Five models (M1–M5) examined key variable correlations. Regression analysis found high positive connections between CRM strategy implementation, IT adoption, and other CRM attributes, showing how technology and strategy improve customer experiences. Thematic analysis of 20 industry expert interviews indicated Chinese banks' CRM implementation obstacles, corroborating quantitative findings. The study concluded that CRM strategy implementation and IT adoption improve CRM and organizational effectiveness. These findings have theoretical and practical significance for Chinese banks and businesses aiming to improve CRM and customer experiences in a shifting financial industry. Information technology integration and digitization are essential in an AI-driven world to align enterprises with financial sector dynamics for long-term success.
... The role of soft skills in ensuring the more efficient functioning of enterprises and organizations in the country remains extremely important [35,36]. And although in the current environment there are various components that negatively affect its state among employees, this does not mean that the state or entrepreneurs should ignore this fact [37,38]. ...
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: In today’s world, soft skills play a very important role for individuals. They help to be successful in the workplace or simply to be able to find a common language with anyone. They also have a crucial impact on the economy, as the acquisition of soft skills contributes to the more efficient functioning of enterprises and the economy as a whole. However, in the current context, due to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, certain difficulties have arisen in their development in countries around the world. That is why it remains relevant to conduct research in terms of their improvement (in particular, for the human resources potential of employees of enterprises and civil servants). Thus, the aim of the study was to develop a unified framework to help overcome the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the soft skills of employees in Ukraine, both in the public and private sectors. The main research methods used were analysis, forecasting, abstraction and the historical method. Thus, the paper investigated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the professional skills of the Ukrainian workforce. The article shows a decrease in the number of working-age population in the Lviv region and highlights various factors contributing to this decrease. It also analyses the correlation between different factors that influence the development of soft skills. Based on this, the paper then offers advice on how to overcome the consequences of the pandemic, and builds a model that summarizes the advice and provides an understanding of how it should be applied. The work will be useful for studying soft skills as such and understanding the possibilities of their recovery after the COVID-19 consequences; it also provides a better understanding of the impact of the pandemic on the development of Ukraine as a whole.
... K. Popova studies the problems of implementing CRM systems and analyzes their differences depending on where the information is stored and how the system is protected [3]. A. Hafiyak investigates CRM systems as a component of modern intelligent management technologies [4]. L. Dolgova and H. Yamnenko analyze the importance of using information technologies in the automation of business processes of the enterprise and prove the importance of using software in the field of relations with partners [5][6][7]. ...
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The article examines the main aspects of using CRM systems in the management of relationships in companies under the condition of ensuring intellectual property rights. It was determined that the protection of intellectual property rights is considered through the prism of the development and implementation of a system of legal norms that require regulation of relations aimed at the need to create and implement intellectual property objects. The need to protect intellectual property rights, which is mediated by the design, development and use of special software, has been proven. Based on the analysis of the essence of the concept of intellectual property and the definition of its main components, the introduction of specially developed software is proposed. The choice of the software environment and tools for the implementation of the visual design of the proposed database is substantiated, which unites all stages of its development and implementation in a single seamless environment for the purpose of ergonomics and optimization of writing code in the appropriate scripting environment, which aims to ensure the generation and reproduction of tables, comparison of databases, synchronization of schemes and data, preparation of reports and optimization of the methodology and technology of their distribution, as well as fast and effective security management in databases. The main areas of implementation of the CRM management strategy and the implementation of software developments in the organization of the company's work, as well as the components of the information support of CRM systems, are presented. The method of implementing the CRM strategy in the company's activities is proposed. An information system for accounting of the company's activities was designed and developed on the basis of the CRM system. The main features, advantages and disadvantages of using CRM systems in the company's activities are determined. The scientific and practical utility of the proposed information management system allows for a step-by-step and component analysis of all business processes, to make management decisions for the purpose of better cooperation and legal protection of intellectual property in the modern information space.
Customer satisfaction plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality of healthcare services, particularly for BPJS patients. This study aims to analyze the impact of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system on BPJS patient satisfaction at Penjaringan Health Center. The research focuses on the influence of organizational communication, customer trust, and customer commitment on the CRM system, as well as the CRM system’s effect on patient satisfaction. This quantitative study utilized a sample of 200 BPJS patients who have used CRM features, including online queues and feedback services. Data were collected through structured questionnaires and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SPSS and AMOS software. The results indicate that organizational communication has a significant positive impact on the CRM system, enhancing its effectiveness in addressing patient needs. Customer trust and commitment also positively influence the CRM system, with committed patients showing higher engagement levels. Furthermore, both customer trust and commitment directly enhance patient satisfaction, which is further strengthened by effective CRM system implementation. The CRM system itself shows a substantial positive effect on patient satisfaction, demonstrating its role in improving service efficiency, responsiveness, and personalization. In conclusion, the study highlights the importance of CRM systems, supported by effective communication and strong patient trust and commitment, in improving healthcare service satisfaction among BPJS patients. These findings suggest that health centers should prioritize CRM system enhancements and foster robust communication and trust-building strategies to improve patient experiences.
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This study aims to examine the evolution of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) implementation and its challenges in the digital economy over the past 15 years, focusing particularly on Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) approach was employed, utilizing the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, resulting in the analysis of 36 selected articles from an initial pool of 291. The results indicate a significant increase in CRM adoption, especially among SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting that CRM enhances customer loyalty, satisfaction, and operational efficiency while also fostering innovation. However, challenges such as high implementation costs, data security concerns, and a lack of technological knowledge persist. This research contributes to existing literature by providing insights into CRM adoption trends and challenges, emphasizing the need for integrated security measures and support for SMEs to maximize CRM benefits.
The business environment is constantly changing and evolving, and companies must adapt to remain competitive. Today, companies have no choice but to compete on a global scale by developing products and services that meet the aspirations and needs of consumers. To meet these challenges, companies need to acquire and develop resources that improve their ability to effectively exploit opportunities and avoid threats. Business intelligence and CRM systems help companies do this. Business intelligence and customer relationship management are closely related. Recent studies have explored the benefits of integrating business intelligence and CRM. Today, the integration of business intelligence and CRM has become a key strategy for companies seeking to improve their operational efficiency and customer-centric practices. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a perspective on how the integration of business intelligence and CRM can lead companies to sustainable growth and improved competitiveness. It explores the principles, challenges, and potential benefits of this integration.
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This study aims to examine the influence of social customer relationship management (CRM) on relationship quality (RQ); the role of strategic information exchange capabilities (SIECs) as a mediator on the relationship between dimensions of social CRM and RQ was also investigated. A self-structured questionnaire survey was conducted on the subordinates working at various family-style restaurants in Egypt. Following a simple random sampling procedure, 466 valid responses were used for data analysis. The findings reveal that three dimensions of social CRM, namely customer service quality (CSQ), integrated marketing channels (IMCs), and online communities (OCs), have statistically significant effects on RQ. Moreover, SIECs mediate the relationship between CS/IMCs/OCs and RQ. The other two dimensions, rewards (RDs) and value-added services (VSs), do not directly or indirectly affect RQ. This study opens new avenues in the existing literature by identifying the most relevant factors affecting RQ in the context of Egyptian restaurants. This study can enable policymakers and restaurant owners to formulate social CRM strategies and achieve customer satisfaction properly. This study explores the mediation mechanism of SIECs on the relationship between dimensions of social CRM and RQ.
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Increased competition in an uncertain digital environment requires new approaches to improving marketing and business efficiency. Automation of business processes and marketing ensures management decisions aimed at improving customer experience by collecting, processing, and analyzing a huge amount of objective customer data from various sources and software services. For the company, it saves time and resources by automating routine processes, and, given the improved customer experience and corresponding loyalty of the target audience, it helps to increase the efficiency of marketing investments and improve the effectiveness of digital marketing (DM) and business. The article is aimed at substantiating the structure of a single user profile based on the integration of ESP and other DM software services with a CRM system. The hypothesis is formulated: creating a single user profile based on the integration of ESP and other DM software services with a CRM system by speeding up communication and improving customer experi­ence will increase the efficiency of DM and business in general. The research was conducted using general scientific and special methods: analysis and synthesis, system-structural analy­sis, comparison, systematic, logical generali­zation of results. Considerable attention is paid to email marketing, which remains one of the most popular DM automation tools, as it allows you to smoothly guide the consumer through the sales funnel with a high return on marketing investment. The effectiveness of integrating a CRM system and an ESP is proved, due to the specialization and functional features of the latter in interacting with consumers via email. The technologies, stages and tools of DM automation are systematized. It is proposed to collect all information about a particular consumer in a single user profile. This requires finding a technical solution for each business process and connecting software services into a single digital ecosystem. Collecting information about the company’s customers and their journey at all points of interaction in one place by integrating the services used into a single user profile allows you to make more effective decisions in marketing and business and achieve business goals
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The biggest key aspect to the success of a business is a satisfied customer. For this reason, it is possible to state that the growing trend of focusing on the customer and his/her needs has prevailed in recent years. The aim of this article is to analyze the use of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems in small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Czech Republic and to find the determinants for CRM system implementation. The best practice for CRM implementation suitable for SMEs is clarified using a specific case of a global enterprise. A fully functional CRM system can be considered a competitive advantage, and this is not only the case for global companies, but also for small and medium enterprises. Using a functional CRM interconnected with an ERP system, enterprises are able to manage business and direct marketing activities, as well as the company's overall profits. These functional systems lead to an integrated system called funnel management, which improves customer relationship management and leads to a sustainable business.
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In our study, a measure of Mobile CRM (mCRM) is adapted and applied to salespeople in a business-to-business sales context. We propose a research model that integrates Technology Acceptance Model and DeLone and McLean’s IS success model to investigate the impact mCRM has on sales performance. Relationships with sales business process, traditional CRM use, collaboration and sales performance are conceptualized and tested. Results suggest that sales performance is highest when digital tools such as mCRM are supported by sales process. Results also suggest that mCRM impacts the relationship performance with customers when collaboration mediates the relationship. Overall, the research empirically demonstrates that mCRM plays an important role in traditional CRM adoption and in sales performance when sales process capabilities and collaboration are involved.
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This paper provided a novel definition of customer knowledge management (CKM) as the logical intersection of customer relationship management (CRM) and knowledge management (KM). The main aim was to investigate the digital technologies supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) operating in creative industries in their customer knowledge management strategies. To achieve this aim, a survey involving 73 handicraft and/or retail SMEs operating in luxury jewelry industry was conducted. The survey results pointed out that in a few years the scenario has changed and that surveyed SMEs make more intensive use of traditional technologies supporting customer knowledge management processes rather than more innovative digital technologies, which are also cheap and easy to use. This finding showed the difficulties of SMEs operating in creative industries to be responsive to the rapid technological changes that are affecting CKM, as well as the lack of support from information technology vendors in the decision-making process for choosing adequate digital systems.
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Social customer relationship management (SCRM) is a new philosophy influencing the relationship between customer and organization where the customer gets the opportunity to control the relationship through social media. This paper aims to identify (a) the current level of SCRM and (b) the influence of basic organizational characteristics on the SCRM level. The data were gathered through a questionnaire distributed to 362 organizations headquartered in the Czech Republic. The questionnaire comprised 54 questions focusing on the significance of marketing and CRM practices, establishing a relationship with the customer, online communities, the use of social media in marketing, and acquiring and managing information. Scalable questions with a typical five-level Likert scale were applied in the questionnaire. The results show that larger firms more often set up their own online communities and manage them strategically; moreover, they are able to manage information better. Contrariwise, small-sized organizations use social networks as a way to establish communication with the customer more than large-sized entities. The use of social media for marketing purposes is significantly higher in organizations oriented to consumer markets than in those oriented to business markets.
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The main objective of the contribution is to create the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) level and performance measurement model. It is almost impossible to create an absolutely universal model. On the other hand, we can develop a model in a particular sector based on the most advanced CRACK method with nine key areas such as Brand management, Offer management, Classic marketing, Sales activities, Service and support activities, Logistics operations, Compliance with promised terms, Internet activities, Customer Support, and Complex indicators. The monitored criteria in the key areas were determined on the basis of an objective questionnaire survey conducted by the pharmaceutical industry on the B2B market in the Slovak Republic. One of the primary requirements for the construction of the model was to obtain information to help predict the future development of performance because only in this way can the company correct CRM activities. Based on the data acquisition methodology, we can evaluate the CRM level and performance measurement model not only as a current state indicator but also as a foresight with insight based on hindsight because companies that choose to get info from customers will want to get closer to the desired optimal values of the customers.
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This study investigates the different factors affecting Customer Relationship Management (CRM) adoption by Egyptian Small Business Enterprises (SBEs). A systematic review of extant literature on CRM adoption by SBEs was conducted both holistically, and specifically in developing countries (e.g. Egypt). The study then progresses to validate a conceptual framework of CRM practices utilising a positivist research philosophy augmented with a quantitative approach, using questionnaire survey data. Findings indicated the response rate of Egyptian SBEs was low and that SBEs' owners, marketing managers and sales managers lack knowledge about CRM practice and the different tools or forms related to it. The findings also illustrated that SBE internal and external factors have a different impact upon CRM adoption. The study provides stakeholders (including entrepreneurs, policy makers, practitioners, researchers and educators) with an invaluable insight and a deeper understanding of issues related to CRM adoption by Egyptian SBEs. This research makes an important contribution to the current dearth of empirical studies in this field. Research outcomes consolidate and clarify several pertinent issues and provide peers with direction for future research.
This study furthers investigation into exactly how Social CRM (S-CRM) is different from traditional CRM, and models the interrelationships between its capabilities. It is underpinned in dynamic capabilities theory, to explain how social media, as a resource all organizations use, can lead to differing performance outcomes. It is underpinned in seminal research into traditional CRM, but which does not cater for the disruptive nature of social media. We outline how S-CRM is a second-order dynamic capability consistng of a set of first-order integrative dynamic capabiliies that, when properly interrelated, lead to performance outcomes. We particularly model the role of S-CRM front- and back-office technology capabilities, customer engagement initiatives, and social information processes in driving customer relationship performance. Findings show that S-CRM is different from traditional CRM in a range of ways in the front- and back-offices, and provide a framework for researcher and managers in information systems and marketing to operate at strategic and tactical levels within S-CRM, while being congisant of both.
Successful organisations are characterised by how they adjust their organisational practices in response to the external environment. The concept of organisational responsiveness has been used to describe this ability to respond to market changes. The role played by customer relationship management (CRM) in supporting this process is considered, with a focus on the contribution made by how CRM is approached and embedded in the organisation, effective information systems, and staff empowerment. Drawing on data from an empirical study of financial services firms in Brazil, the findings show that improved organisational responsiveness is more effectively enabled by a ‘CRM approach – systems effectiveness – staff empowerment’ pathway, rather than the simple ‘CRM approach – systems implementation’ pathway adopted by many firms. The theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are explored.
This study examines the mediating role of customer relationship management (CRM) quality to better explain the effects of service evaluation variables (service quality, customer satisfaction and customer value) on customer loyalty. The study also investigates the moderating effect of brand image on these mediated relationships. The mediating role of CRM quality on the relationship between the service evaluation variables and customer loyalty is supported. Further, it is found that the indirect effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty via CRM quality is stronger when perceived brand image is high than when it is low. The results have implications for relationship managers, brand managers and scholars who use service evaluation and relational metrics to predict customer loyalty.
Gartner Says Worldwide Customer Experience and Relationship Management Software Market Grew 15
  • Gartner
Gartner. (2019). Gartner Says Worldwide Customer Experience and Relationship Management Software Market Grew 15.6% in 2018