
Fungsi Hadis terhadap Al-Qur’an

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Writing this article aims to describe the function of the hadith on the Koran and what the scholars think about the function of the hadith in Islam. The existence of Hadith in people's lives becomes important if the Al-Quran does not provide a detailed explanation of a problem. The Al-Quran as the first source contains teachings that are mujmal or general and global in nature while the Hadith as the second source functions as an explanation for the generality of the contents of the Al-Quran. adis is the second source for Islamic laws, explaining everything that the Koran wants, as an explanatory, advisory, interpreter, tahsis, pentaqyid and who is responsible for the non-existent. The Qur'an and Hadith are life guidelines for their adherents, as sources of law and legal references in Islam, the two cannot be separated. In other words, hadith is the second source of Islamic law after the Koran. Hadith as an explanation (bayan) of the Koran has four kinds of functions, namely: First, Bayan al-taqrir is also called bayan al-ta'qid and bayan al-isbat, namely establishing and strengthening what has been explained in the Koran. Second, Bayan al-tafsir is a hadith function that provides details and interpretations of the verses of the Koran that are still global (mujmal), provides conditions or limitations (taqyid) of the verses of the Koran that are absolute, and specializes (takhshish) verses of the Koran that are still general. Third, Bayan at-tasyri' is realizing a law or teachings that are not found in the Koran or in the Koran there are only the main points. Fourth, Bayan at-nasakh, namely the abolition of the Syar'i law with a syar'i argument that came later. Keywords: Bayan Taqrir, bayan Bayan Tafsir, bayan Tasyri’, Bayan Nasakh

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Islamic teachings are a life guide for muslims that originate from various important references. These sources of Islamic teachings are the basis for living a life in accordance with Allah's commands and the guidance of His Messenger. There are four main sources recognized in Islamic teachings, namely the Al-Qur'an, Hadith, Ijma', and Qiyas. The Al-Qur'an is the holy book of Muslims which is believed to be a revelation from Allah SWT which was conveyed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, while the Hadith is a collection of sayings, actions and approvals of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which serve as a guide in understanding and practicing Islamic teachings. This article aims to examine the role and importance of these four sources in shaping the law, ethics and social life of Muslims. Through qualitative research methods with a descriptive-analytical approach, the research results show that the Al-Qur'an and Hadith are closely related in shaping Muslims' understanding of religion. In addition, this article also examines how ulama use these two sources in establishing Islamic law (shariah) and how these teachings are applied in different socio-cultural contexts. Thus, this research strengthens the importance of understanding in depth the two sources of Islamic teachings in order to apply them in everyday life.
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According to experts, a hadith is a saying or action of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. In fact, the meaning of Hadith is conveying something, namely news from one person to another. Writing this journal uses a qualitative method with a library research method by looking for sources from journals, papers and books. Hadith is the second source of law after the Qur'an and Hadith is a complement to the Qur'an, the function of hadith is as a correct interpretation in the application of Islamic law. Hadith is the first reference or main source of law in Islam. Hadith also provides a view of human life.
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The hadith thought of Mawardi Muhammad in his book Hidayah al-Bahits fi Mushthalah al-Hadits is interesting to study. This is because the book written in arabic received a positive response from students of hadith studies and ulumul hadith in the Nusantara. Even though Mawardi Muhammad is a non-Arab scholar and has never studied in the Middle East which is actually the center of hadith and ulumul hadith studies. This study aims to find out the hadith thought of Mawardi Muhammad in his masterpiece, the book Hidayah al-Bahits fi Mushthalah al-Hadits. The research method used in this paper is a qualitative research method with the type of library research research. The results of this study show that among the thoughts of Mawardi Muhammad's hadith in the book Hidayah al-Bahits fi Mushthalah al-Hadits are his thoughts regarding the classification of hadith, the minimum limit on the number of narrators of hadith mutawatir, and the definition of hadith dha'if and the law of practicing it. Regarding the classification of hadith, Mawardi Muhammad put the types of hadith masyhur, 'aziz, shahih, hasan, and dha'if in one classification. Regarding the minimum limit on the number of hadith mutawatir narrators, Mawardi Muhammad argued that there was no clear limit in this regard while criticizing the opinion that mentioned certain numbers for the minimum limit on the number of mutawatir hadith narrators. Then in the case of hadith dha'if, Mawardi Muhammad is a scholar who has manhaj mutawasith, which is open to the practice of hadith dha'if with certain conditions.
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p>This paper briefly discusses one of the foundations of Islamic education, the epistemological view of Islamic education philosophy. Islamic education as an effort in shaping humanity and civilization must have a firm foundation upon which all activities are connected or propped up. In terms of epistemological, the foundation of Islamic education is the epistemological philosophy of Islamic education sourced from the Qur'an and As-Sunnah as the primary source, as well as the Ijtihad and the intellect that became the branch ( furu' ) of the development of these two primary sources. So that Islamic education really serves as a medium of influencing others toward a better direction in order to live better in accordance with the teachings of Islam and obey all that is ordered and away from all the banned with the awareness of human beings are firmly planted with the scientific aspect so that the result is not just obedient blindness but scholarly servitude, all done within the scope of God's rule. In the end the foundation of education itself is none other than the source of the teachings of Islam that is Al Quran and As-Sunnah.</p
Yakni mewujudkan suatu hukum yang tidak tersebut dalam Al-Quran, seperti menghukum dengan bersandar kepada seorang saksi dan sumpah apabila mudda'i tidak mempunyai dua orang saksi, dan seperti ridha' (persusuan) mengharamkan pernikahan antara keduanya
  • Bayan Tasyri
Bayan Tasyri' Yakni mewujudkan suatu hukum yang tidak tersebut dalam Al-Quran, seperti menghukum dengan bersandar kepada seorang saksi dan sumpah apabila mudda'i tidak mempunyai dua orang saksi, dan seperti ridha' (persusuan) mengharamkan pernikahan antara keduanya.
Umat Islam harus mengikuti petunjuk hadis sebagaimana dituntut untuk mengikuti petunjuk Al-Quran. Allah SWT memerintahkan kita mengikuti Rasul sebagaimana mentaati Allah. Firman Allah SWT: Artinya
  • Berdasarkan
  • Dasar Hukum Islam Setelah Al-Quran
Berdasarkan uraian di atas, maka hadis merupakan dasar hukum Islam setelah Al-Quran. Umat Islam harus mengikuti petunjuk hadis sebagaimana dituntut untuk mengikuti petunjuk Al-Quran. Allah SWT memerintahkan kita mengikuti Rasul sebagaimana mentaati Allah. Firman Allah SWT: Artinya: "Apa yang diberikan Rasul kepadamu, maka terimalah. Dan apa yang dilarangnya bagimu, maka tinggalkanlah". (Q.S. al Hasyr: 7).
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Ulumul Hadis Pengantar Studi Hadis Praktis
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