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Exposure to paints and respiratory health
ailments among painting workers
Padmini Pandey
and U.V Kiran
Abstract: Over time, paint chemistry has changed, posing health hazards to house
painters. Surveys and interviews scheduled on work profiles determined the expo-
sure to solvents in commercial painting. This research paper aims to identify the
respiratory and lungs issues among painters due to their occupation. With this aim,
this also explore the worker’s experiences with various types of paints regarding
health implications. The current study is related to research on the health issues of
paint workers. Subjects for the study were chosen by the use of cluster sampling
from several places in three districts of Uttar Pradesh, India. An interview schedule
was developed to collect relevant and maximum information. The study used
a sample size of 150 that was not pre-determined. All the respondents were from
the labour class and worked with paints. A schedule of the interview was developed
to gather information about the painters’ demographic profile and current respira-
tory health status. Statistical approaches such as Standard Deviation, ANOVA and
Pearson’s correlation were used for analysis. The study revealed that painters are
exposed to paints and face various health issues. Majority of the respondents
(50.7%) belongs to lower economic status, followed by upper lower (33.3%), and
only 4% of them belong to the upper class. We found a significant difference
between the respondent’s age and respiratory health. This data indicates that
respondents who faced high respiratory issues belong to the age group of 61–
75 years, and minimum problems were observed in the age group of 19–32 years.
This data shows highly significant differences between age groups, and the problem
occurs with the respiratory system in painters. The result indicates that wearing the
mask was significantly associated with respiratory problems like cough (p = .004),
chest tightness (p = .009), and whistling sound from the chest (p = .000). A perfect
positive significant correlation between working year, days, and duration with
different lung problems were identified. A perfect positive association (0.443**) was
also identified between years of work and cough difficulties, indicating that workers
who have worked for prolonged periods were more susceptible to cough. Cough
problems were highly associated with painters who worked more days per week.
Cough issues were perfectly and significantly associated (0.232**) with painters who
use masks while working. The chest sound or whistling gets more intense as the
The current study can realise it; health is the key point; although it is related to a particular occupational
group, it is equally important and part of our society. The current study will play a vital role in assisting
our government in developing services, policies, and products responsive to an identified need. The
research publication makes the information available to society. The publication related to paint analysis
will help people be aware of its harmful impact and then try to work safely.
Pandey & Kiran, Cogent Engineering (2023), 10: 2185936
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© 2023 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons
Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.
Received: 12 September 2022
Accepted: 25 February 2023
*Corresponding author: U.V Kiran,
Department of Human Development
& Family Studies, School for Home
Sciences, Babasaheb Bhimrao
Ambedkar University, Lucknow,
226025 (UP) India
Reviewing editor:
Sanjay Kumar Shukla, School of
Engineering, Edith Cowan University,
Additional information is available at
the end of the article
cough problem worsens. Moreover, there was a positive and significant association
between discomfort during breathing and working years (.340**), working days in
a week (.195*), and working duration (.594**). This study highlighted the risk and
problems among painters due to pain, including breathing problems, prolonged
cough, chest discomfort, and almost all lung problems.
Subjects: Allied Health; Health & Society; Health Conditions
Keywords: Carcinogen; chest discomfort; respiratory health; lung cancer etc
1. Introduction
Painting in the commercial sector involves working with coating materials either by a brush or
manually. During their work, painters may inhale various chemicals, such as pigments, solvents, fillers,
binders, and other additives (Kim et al., 2013; Lin et al., 2019; Olurin, 2021; Pandey & Kiran, 2020).
Previously, these chemical exposures were expected to have no serious consequences. However,
recent statistical analysis has revealed that occupational exposure to organic solvents (Guha et al.,
2021) is potentially associated with chronic nerve damage (Gerhardsson et al., 2021). As a result,
the paint industry began to produce new paints that included considerably lesser chemical
solvents. These new paints consist of emulsified pigments and polymeric materials suspended in
water containing trace amounts of volatile organic compounds (Del Amo et al., 2002; Yan et al.,
Painters may face increased health risks as a result of this chemical complexity. When using
water-based paints, painters have complained of skin sensitivity, excessive urination, and gastro-
intestinal issues (Guha et al., 2021). The primary subject of interest is vulnerable lung condition
(Guha et al., 2021), kidney function and skin allergy. Liquid paints are still widely used in routine
maintenance, mainly alkyd-based paints (Ifijen et al., 2022). As a result, painters are more likely to
be exposed to solvents (Guha et al., 2021) during maintenance work than during painting of new
buildings. Workers are frequently exposed to a heterogeneous mixture of particles, challenging
hazard identification and exact risk characterisation (Fonseca et al., 2021; Kling et al., 2016;
Viitanen et al., 2017).
Respiratory problems (Ahmad & Balkhyour, 2020), infections, and neurotoxic effects (Ibrahim
et al., 2016; Laikram & Pathak, 2022) are expected among painting workers. It is necessary for the
government that all of these workers work in a safe and healthy (Aki et al., 2020) workplace.
Workers must be aware of their environmental health and safety legislation privileges
(Galiakbarova et al., 2022).
The primary aim of this study was to investigate how painters felt about working with paints. So
the objective was to study the impact of paints on the respiratory health of the painters.
The significant contribution of the work is as follows:
●Investigated the complications faced by the workers working with paints regarding the general work
environment and respiratory health problems.
●To determine the repercussion of the paints on the respiratory health of the painters.
●Collected a dataset by interviewing the painters in the various regions of Uttar Pradesh, India, to
analyse the consequences of the painting on their life.
The entire paper is structured in five sections. The work profile is presented in the first section.
The second section goes through the procedures followed while conducting the research and the
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third portion directs readers to the outcomes of our research. The fourth section discusses the
work, and finally, section five concludes our work.
2. Methods
The study was designed to assess respiratory health problems due to their occupation as painting
workers in Uttar Pradesh, India. The workers studied were painters who were involved in the
process of cleaning the wall, scraping off the old paint, application of primer and application of
2.1. Location of the study
Three districts in Uttar Pradesh, namely Lucknow, Varanasi, and Chandauli, were purposively
selected due to their accessibility and high availability of construction sites. There were nine
locations, three in Lucknow, three in Varanasi, and three in Chandauli. Out of the above sample
population (N), one hundred and fifty painters were selected to form the sample size (n). Almost all
painters selected construction sites in the study areas were included.
2.2. Selection of the participants
150 consenting respondents were included in this study. The study population comprised painters
from the selected construction sites in the study area, and their main work is removing old paint
and painting different types of buildings. All the painters in the study area were men only (the
study did not find any women in the occupation).
The exclusion criteria were the respondents who were involved in tobacco consumption and
smoking habit due to the high impact of it on respiratory health.
Three construction sites to inclusive of 70 painters were selected from Lucknow there; 45
painters from three identified sites were selected from the respondents from each location were
interviewed based on a pre-tested survey schedule.
2.3. Sampling techniques
A cluster sampling technique was adopted to select the sample.
Varanasi location, and from the sites of Chandauli district, 35 painters were selected. Before the
data collection process, respondents were appropriately informed about the purpose of the study
and associated information. The sample size was 150, divided into four groups based on age (19–
32, 33–46, 47–60, and 61–75 years). The
2.4. Data collection
The survey was conducted from January to February 2021. All the respondents were represented
throughout the information assortment based on their working days. For assessing the knowledge
and awareness of painters, the interview schedule consisted of items based on the respondents’
general perception of health and safety issues. The painters were available to be interviewed
during their lunch breaks only because they had been allocated a workload to complete each day.
2.5. Tools and techniques
An interview schedule was designed to gather complete and valuable information based on the
working pattern. A general information sheet was developed, including the respondents’ age,
education, and residence.
The modified Kuppuswami scale, 2019 (Sheikh, 2019) was used to measure the socio-economic
condition of the respondents, which includes the education and occupation of the breadwinner
along with income per month of the family, categorised into five levels Upper (26–29), Upper
middle (16–25), Lower middle (11–15), Upper Lower (5–10) and Lower (<5).
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Essential information collected included number of years painting with solvent-based paints,
water-based paints or any other type; number of days worked per week; number of hours worked
per day; and whether a respirator (mask) was used and how often.
Respiratory and lung problems questions were included to meet the primary objective of this
research study. It consists of 9 items, i.e., shortness of breath/breathlessness, cough, phlegm and
blood, irritation with paints, chest sound wheezy, tightness in the chest from cold air, the experi-
ence of any irritation, chest pain or discomfort when breathing in or out, trouble with smelling
odours, currently receiving any medication, etc. This section has included five parameters. The
total score of this section ranged from 0–10, and classified as “never (0), rarely (1), sometimes (2),
often (3), and always (4).
An interview schedule was used for collecting information from the respondents to ensure that
the correct answers were provided, questions had not been skipped, and the associated facts were
taken by cross-questioning and also to ensure the data’s integrity.
2.6. Validation of the questionnaire
In this article, the construct validity of the checklist used in our survey is analysed by IBM SPSS 20.0
version. The reliability of the questionnaire was Cronbach’s alpha of 0.756.
2.7. Statistical analysis and calculation
The data was coded, tabulated, and analysed using SPSS 20.0 Software. The data were presented
in frequency distribution tables with percentages, and results were expressed as mean and
standard deviation. The problems with different sections were determined with the help of
standard deviation, and the significance was tested using ANOVA. The association of respiratory
health problems and lung problems with different independent variables was tested using
Pearson’s correlation. Results were considered to be significant at p < 0.05.
2.8. Informed consent statement
Workers in selected locations in the study area who were not directly involved in painting and
painters who were not willing to be interviewed were excluded from the study. Consent from the
respondents was procured prior to data collection.
The proposal was approved by the research committee of the department. The ethical formal-
ities and procedures laid by the committees of the University in conducting the study with no direct
human involvement, while carrying out the study.
3. Results
Table 1 represents the demographic data and general information of painters. The table indicates
that the dominant part (42.7%) of the painters belonged to the age group of 19–32 years, followed
by 33–46 years (37.3%), followed by 47–60 years (14.7%), whereas only 5.3 % of the painters
belong to 61–75 years. It is also evident from the data that most of the total respondents (34.7%)
could not have education beyond primary level, while 21.3% were illiterate. Out of total respon-
dents, 26 respondents passed junior level, followed by high school (16%) and intermediate (6.7%)
levels; only 4% were graduates.
Table 2 indicates the socio-economic condition of the respondent. The majority of the respon-
dents (50.7%) belong to Lower Economic status, followed by Upper lower (33.3%), followed by
Lower middle (6.7%), followed by Upper middle, and only 4% of them belong to the Upper class.
Table 3 represents the occupational profile of the painters, which indicates that the majority of
the respondents (30.7%) had spent over 15 years in their current occupation, followed by 28% of
respondents, who had been doing the work for 5–10 years, whereas only 16% have spent less than
five years in this occupation. The data (Table 2) also indicates majority (68%) of them were working
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all seven days a week, followed by six days (22.7%), whereas only 9.3% went to work for five days.
Most of the respondents worked 7–9 hours a day, followed by more than 9 hours (34%), while only
18.7% worked for 5–7 hours.
The association between the respiratory problems and the respondent’s age has been examined
in Table 4. A significant difference between the respondent’s age and respiratory health was found.
The data indicates that respondents who expressed high breathlessness (µ = 3.50) belong to the
age group of 61–75 years, followed by 47–60 years (µ = 2.73), 33–46 years (µ = 2.64), and
minimum problem was observed in the age group of 19–32 years (µ = 1.69). Data shows highly
significant differences between age group and the problem of breathlessness in painters, from
which it is clear that breathlessness increases as age increases and vice versa.
The majority of the respondents reported cough problems with increasing age; the respondents
who faced severe cough problems (µ = 3.00) belongs to the age group of 61–75 years, followed by
47–60 years (µ = 2.27), 33–46 years (µ = 1.82) and minimum in the age group of 19–32 years
(µ = 1.38). Data shows highly significant differences between age group and cough problem.
Table 1. Demographic characteristics of painters
Demographic characteristics Frequency (N = 150) Percentage
Age (in years)
1 19–32 64 42.7
2 33–46 56 37.3
3 47–60 22 14.7
4 61–75 8 5.3
Total 150 100.0
1 Illiterate 32 21.3
2 Primary 52 34.7
3 Junior 26 17.3
4 High school 24 16.0
5 Intermediate 10 6.7
6 Graduation 6 4.0
Total 150 100.0
1 Native 120 80
2 Migrant 30 20
Total 150 100.0
Table 2. Socio-Economic Profile of the Respondent’s Family
Socio-Economic Scale Frequency (N = 150) Percentage (%)
1 Upper (26–29) 6 4.0
2 Upper Middle (16–25) 8 5.3
3 Lower Middle (11–15) 10 6.7
4 Upper Lower (5–10) 50 33.3
5 Lower (<5) 76 50.7
Total 150 100.0
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It is evident from the data that cough with phlegm and blood problems were reported high
(µ = 2.50) in the age group of the 61–75 years, whereas least (µ = 0.73) in the age group of 47–
60 years.
Wheezy chest sounds or whistling was noted to be high among 61–75 years (µ = 2.50) of the
respondents and least (µ = 0.73) in 47–60 years. Most of the respondents who felt tightness in the
chest due to cold air were in the age group of 61–75 years (µ = 2.50) and least in 19–32 years
(µ = 1.38).
The data (Table 4) demonstrates that a more significant part (µ = 3.50) were facing irritation
while working with paints in the age group 61–75 years, followed by the other three age groups. It
is evident from the data that chest pain or discomfort when breathing in or out was expressed
significantly (µ = 3.50) in the 61–75 age groups and less (µ = 1.81) in the age group of 19–32 years.
The data also (Table 4) demonstrates that the more significant part of the respondents faced
trouble while smelling odours in the age group of 61–75 years (µ = 4.00), followed by the other
three age groups.
Figure 1 indicates various health issues among painters working in the commercial sectors. Data
was collected regarding whether they were aware of these diseases, whether they suffered, and
whether they have or not have any symptoms. Only 10% of the respondents said they were
familiar with bronchitis and taking medication to recover. In comparison, 28% stated they were
aware but did not have the disease, and most respondents said they were unaware of it.
Asthma is the other significant problem among painters. Most respondents (42.70%) stated they
were aware of asthma and suffering, whereas 40% were aware but did have the problem. COPD
was well-known and well-understood by 10.70% of the respondents suffering from this disease,
while 35.30% were not. Most of the respondents (54%) were unaware of the disease.
Pulmonary oedema was an uncommon name for the respondents, so after explaining the
symptoms, only 6% of the respondents admitted that they had these symptoms, whereas
Table 3. Occupational profile of painters
Occupational profile Frequency (N = 150) Percentage (%)
Working Years
1 0–5 years 24 16.0
2 5–10 years 42 28.0
3 10–15 years 38 25.3
4 More than 15 years 46 30.7
Total 150 100.0
Working Days of the Respondent
1 5 days 14 9.3
2 6 days 34 22.7
3 7 days 102 68.0
Total 150 100.0
Working Time of the Respondent
1 5–7 hours 28 18.7
2 7–9 hours 70 46.7
3 More than 9 hours 52 34.0
Total 150 100.0
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Table 4. Association of lung problems with the age of the respondents
S.N. Lung problems Age of the respondent F Value P-Value
19–32 years 33–46 years 47–60 years 61–75 years
Mean �S. D Mean �S. D Mean �S. D Mean �S. D
1. Shortness of breath/
1.69 �0.774 2.64 �0.773 2.73 �0:767 3.50 �0:535 26.417 0.000
2. Cough 1.38 �0:745 1.82 �0:897 2.27 �0:767 3.0 �1:069 13.578 0.000
3. Cough produces:
Phlegm and Blood
1.19 �0:990 0.89 �1:021 0.73 �0:767 2.50 �1:604 7.023 0.000
4. Chest sounds wheezy
or whistling
0.97 �0:925 1.18 �0:974 0.73 �0:883 2.50 �1:604 6.988 0.000
5. Tightness in the
chest from cold air
1.38 �0:934 2.21 �0:780 1.91 �0:811 2.50 �1:604 10.218 0.000
6. Irritation when
working with paints
2.75 �0:563 3.21 �0:414 3.09 �0811 3.50 �0:535 9.386 0.000
7. Chest Pain or
discomfort when
breathing in or out
1.81 �0:814 2.29 �0:706 2.27 �1:077 3.50 �0:535 11.833 0.000
8. The trouble with
smelling odours
3.00 �0:713 3.39 �0:623 3.55 �0:510 4.00 �0:00 9.457 0.000
9. Currently taking or
receiving any form of
1.34 �1:439 2.71 �1:398 2.09 �1:477 2.00 �1:528 9.396 0.000
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35.30% of the respondents did not have any symptoms like that, while most of them (58.70%)
were unable to identify, whether they have these or not.
Pneumoconiosis is an occupational and restrictive lung disease caused by the inhalation of dust.
Out of 150 respondents, 12% knew the symptoms and faced this issue, while 34.70% reported no
problem like that, and 53.30% did not know about this disease. The other diseases related to this
occupation are lung cancer, and data demonstrate that 8% of the painters had lung cancer.
Heart diseases were found to be having significant impact on respondents’ health (41.30 %). The
remaining 49.30 % said they were aware of the condition but had no problem, and about 9.30% of
the respondents did not know whether they were affected. Figure 1 indicates that two most
prominent problems effecting painters’ health are asthma and heart disease.
The correlational values of various respiratory conditions and occupational variables such as
working year, working days, and working duration are presented in Table 5. A positive correlation
was identified between working years, days, and duration with different lung problems. In the
above table, a perfect positive correlation (0.447**) was found between breathlessness and
respondents’ working year, indicating that respondents who had worked for many years had
more breathing problems. The number of working days is correspondingly associated with breath-
lessness (0.394**). Moreover, like the other two variables, the duration of time of work in a day
affects the lungs and leads to breathlessness, which has a positive correlation (0.370**).
A perfect positive association (0.443**) was also identified between years of work and cough
difficulties, indicating that workers who have worked for prolonged periods were more susceptible
to cough. Cough problems were highly associated with painters who worked more days per week.
Cough issues were perfectly and significantly associated (0.232**) with painters who use masks
while working. This reveals that wearing a mask can protect painters from coughing.
According to the statistics, there is a positive and substantial correlation (0.577**) between
cough and shortness of breath, implying that painters who had cough also had shortness of
breath. Although no significant association between working years and cough with phlegm and
blood was found, there was significant association across mask-wearing (.326**), working days per
week (.219**), and working duration in days (.193*). There was a strong positive association
between mask use and chest sound or whistling, but no association was found between chest
sound and years of work, days, or duration. At the same time, the problems of whistling and
coughing have a significant correlation (.401**).
Figure 1. Occupational health
problems among respondents
(Data contains multiple
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Table 5. Association between working patterns and Lungs problems
Use of
Years of working working Working duration in
a day
Shortness of breath/
Cough Cough
Phlegm and
wheezy or
Tightness in
the chest
from cold
with paints
Chest Pain
The trouble
taking any
Correlations Use of mask 1
Years of working .189* 1
No.of working days in
a week
.046 284** 1
Working duration .051 .447** .427** 1
Shortness of breath/
−.083 .447** .394** .370** 1
Cough .232** .443** .322** .018 .577** 1
Cough produces:
Phlegm and Blood
.326** .126 .219** .193* .377** .562** 1
Chest sounds wheezy or
.379** .157 .136 −.093 .123 .401** .403** 1
Tightness in the chest .211** .395** .302** .230** .403** .424** .419** .539** 1
Irritation when working
with paints
−.064 .360** .218** .369** .564** .175* .269** .191* .433** 1
Chest Pain or breathing
−.102 .340** .195* .594** .525** .189* .338** .029 .440** .571** 1
The trouble with
smelling odours
−.118 .532** .318** .455** .580** .276** .261** .020 .527** .706** .589** 1
Currently taking any
form of medication
.257** .115 .374** .295** .403** .238** .426** .169* .560** .365** .502** .435** 1
(**Statistically significant at >0.01.), (*statistically significant at >0.05.)
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Painter’s chest sound also is associated with cough with phlegm and blood (.403**). The chest
sound or whistling gets more intense as the cough problem worsens. Another problem was chest
tightness caused by cold, which has a perfect positive correlation with mask use while working
(.211**), working years (.395**), working days in a week (.302**), and working duration (.230**). This
means tightness in the chest increases as years, days, and working hours increase. Tightness in the
chest has a perfect positive correlation with other lung problems like breathlessness (.403**),
cough (.424**), cough with phlegm and blood (.419**), and chest sound (.539**). These issues
have a deep association with one another.
Irritation while working with paints has a significant and perfect positive association with
working years (.360**), working days in a week (.218**), and working duration (.369**). Other
issues, such as painters being irritated while working with paints, were found to be ideally and
significantly associated with breathlessness (.564**), cough (.175**), cough with phlegm and blood
(.269**), chest sound (.191*), and chest tightness (.433**).
A positive and substantial correlation was found between breathing discomfort and working
years (.340**), working days per week (.195*), and working duration (.594**). Hence, from the data,
it is evident that breathing discomfort increased with the increase in work experience. The results
also showed a strong and positive relationship between breathing difficulties and other respiratory
conditions, including breathlessness (.525**), cough (.189*), cough with phlegm and blood (.338**),
chest sound (.029), chest tightness (.440**), and irritation while painting (.571**).
A perfect positive association was also found between trouble with smelling odours with working
years (.532**), working days in a week (.318**) and working duration (.455**) and also with other
lungs problems like breathlessness (.580**), cough (.276*), cough with phlegm and blood (.261**),
chest sound (.020), tightness in the chest (.527**), irritation while working with paints (.706**) and
chest pain or discomfort when breathing in or out (.589**).
There was a positive and significant correlation between painters currently receiving any form of
medication and working years (.115**), working days in a week (.374**) and working duration (.295**)
and also with other lungs problems like breathlessness (.403**), cough (.238*), cough with phlegm and
blood (.426**), chest sound (.169*), tightness in the chest (.560**), irritation while working with paints
(.365**), Chest Pain or discomfort when breathing in or out (.502**) and trouble with smelling
odours (.435**).
4. Discussion
The research revealed various information about painters’ general and occupational health.
Demographic data and general information about painters were included in Table 1. The age of
the respondents is a significant independent variable in determining the severity of the health
problems, and it might have a significant impact on painters’ health. Most of the respondents
(42.7%) belonged to the age group of 19–32 years.
Education is another essential aspect for determining the level of work in the same occupation;
it may affect painters’ creativity and income. Most of the respondents (34.7%) had only primary
level education, while 21.3% were illiterate.
Table 1 also identified that all the respondents (100%) were male. Similarly, a survey on spray
painters exposed to organic solvents in Nigerian painters also identified only male respondents as
commercial painters (Ojo et al., 2020). In India, women are uncomfortable doing this type of job
that demands high physical labour. Painting occupation requires intensive labour and skill oriented.
Females in India are not trained in this skill and hence majority are males in this occupation.
Musculoskeletal disorders among women are reported to be more in comparison to their male
counterparts due to the body structure and composition. Sex-related differences in muscular load
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were also explained by a study in which it was clearly stated that women have more musculoske-
letal complaints than men (Meyland et al., 2014)
Socio-economic conditions of painters were poor, and most of the respondents were from
a lower socio-economic category (Table 2). The poor socio-economic situation is caused by
illiteracy, lack of skill development, or lack of government programs for the labour class.
The occupational profile of the respondents (Table 3) reveal information such as years of
experience, working days, and working duration that considerably impact painters’ health.
According to a comparable study, workers exposed to silica dust and spray painting had
a higher risk of lung cancer as their professional experience years grew (Tse et al., 2011). In the
current study, it was found that most of the respondents (46%) worked 7–9 hours a day. In a twin
study on Egyptian painters, the average period of exposure (8 h workday) was also found to be
maximum by workers (El-Gharabawy et al., 2013).
In table no. 4, Lung difficulties were associated with age. Different lung and respiratory difficul-
ties became more prevalent as respondents aged, which was determined to be statistically
significant (p = 0.000). A Previous comparison study on construction workers and painters has
revealed that construction painters reported more symptoms than construction workers (Ari
Kaukiainen et al., 2004). A comparable analysis revealed that construction painters with respira-
tory symptoms and disorders had a similar outcome (Park et al., 2016). Another analysis of the
relationship between paint exposure and painters’ health revealed that all the patients experi-
enced mild airway dysfunction and restricted breathing. Significant lung problems were present in
three out of seven cases (Ramanakumar et al., 2011; Song et al., 2009).
This study also found that painters were more involved in their work and had a high risk of
respiratory problems (Figure 1). Lung problems, heart problems, and asthma were the most com-
monly mentioned health issues. According to a study, respiratory health and lung issues have been
linked to spray painting (Hammond et al., 2005). This study reported all respiratory symptoms like
allergy, asthma, and cough. A similar study identified samples at high risk associated with construc-
tion jobs, such as painters, recognised to be more likely to get lung cancer (Mattei et al., 2016).
Another study also reported found the same result: outdoor painters were more associated with
asthma-like respiratory symptoms than indoor painters (A Kaukiainen et al., 2008).
In today’s scenario, environmental dust, gases, fumes, or vapours are significant challenges for
workers, for which the lung represent the primary defence organ. A typical multi-chemical paint
contains irritating substances, which painters frequently using the painting and paint removal process
come across. Health effects like headache, dizziness, eye, throat and respiratory organ irritation are
ascertained during or after painting. An identical study showed that house painters are in danger of
immune- and pneumonic toxicities from job-related exposures (El-Gharabawy et al., 2013).
According to the data, COPD was not much prevalent problem among painters. However, about
10.70% of the respondents suffered from this disease (Figure 1). In a similar study, painters
significantly had more COPD than other groups (Hammond et al., 2005).
Table 5. demonstrate that respondents who have worked for more years, days, and longer
durations had more breathlessness, cough, tightness in the chest, irritation with paints, and
trouble with smelling odours (Tse et al., 2011). We can find the result from the data (Table
No. 5) that wearing the mask was significantly associated with respiratory problems like cough
(p = .004), chest tightness (p = .009), and whistling sounds from the chest (p = .000). The
prevalence of cough among painters in our study was identified; a study of 70 spray painters in
India also reported the same finding (Siddanagoudra, 2014).
Pandey & Kiran, Cogent Engineering (2023), 10: 2185936
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As per result, wearing a mask is significantly associated with health problems, which may be due
to direct contact with paint fumes, dust, and other hazards while painting. Studies reported that
the respondents did not use protective equipment, and most reported hazard-related symptoms
(Awodele et al., 2014; Pandey & Kiran, 2022). In a study, researchers found that dust masks are the
most frequently recommended PPE during spray painting. Only a few (15%) indicated that respira-
tors are essential PPE during painting (Ojo et al., 2020). Although several forms of personal
protective equipment (PPE) have already been developed to combat this circumstance, their
effectiveness and practicality must be more credible. It is usually expected that the state of PPE
will improve significantly in the near future (Pandey & Kiran, 2022); Sawada et al.,(2017)).
5. Strengths and limitations of the study
5.1. Strengths
●The objectives and inclusion and exclusion criteria were both clearly articulated.
●An accurate and verified scale was used in this study’s interview process.
●Appropriate methods were used to aggregate the results of the research.
●The author stated that there was no conflict of interest.
5.2. Limitation
●A smaller sample size was used in this study since there were fewer data-collecting sites.
●Although additional health issues in painters may result from paint contact, we have focused mainly
on respiratory problems.
6. Conclusion
This paper highlighted the risks and problems of paints among painters, including breathing
problems, prolonged cough, chest discomfort, and almost all lung problems. Painting workers
are supposed to get exposed to various physical, chemical, and biological carcinogens responsible
for health problems. Respiratory and other health risks are often associated with dust and smoke,
chemical pollutants, solvents, etc. As reported in the observations and studies, most of these toxic
smokes, gases, residue, and other toxic particles can penetrate masks and other safety equipment,
endangering painters even though precautionary measures are taken.
The study came up with conclusions based on the research objectives in the study area. They
were as follows:
(a) The population at risk of ill health effects of paint exposure was significantly associated with age.
(b) The study confirmed the presence and association between painting and asthmatic symp-
toms, bronchitis symptoms, lungs issue, heart issues, and other health problems. Therefore, it
was concluded that the high proportion of painters suffering from various disease symptoms
associated with painting was due to the presence of health hazards associated with the
painting occupation.
(c) It was observed that majority of the painters in the study were not using masks during work
and concluded that this lack of protection increased exposure time, increasing the likelihood
of contracting disease symptoms associated with painting.
6.1. Recommendations
●Paint manufacturing companies should reduce the percentage or quantity of poisonous, toxic or
carcinogenic substances in paints to reduce the rate or level of effect on inhalation, absorption or
ingestion into the body.
●Awareness programmes may be organised for creation among paint workers on the importance of
routine medical examinations for early detection and control of health issues as they work in such
an environment.
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●Painters need to have respirators to maintain good ventilation while working and reduce worker
exposure to highly hazardous places.
6.2. Future direction
Research could be undertaken to explore the laws, policies and programs that can be implemented
for the betterment of painters and their working and living conditions.
ICSSR Short-term Doctoral Fellowship, Delhi, India. Award
file no. RFD/Short-Term/2022-23/HLTH/GEN/21
Author details
Padmini Pandey
U.V Kiran
Department of Human Development & Family Studies
School for Home Sciences, Babasaheb Bhimrao
Ambedkar University, Lucknow, India.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
Implication of the study
The current study will help in the formulation of policies
for the painters. The study can also be used as a guideline
for conducting researches on various occupational health
issues. The study can be an eye opener for the workers
involved in this profession with regard to various health
issues which can be highly detrimental to their health
leading to chronic disease.
Ethics approval and consent to participate convent for
We do not require ethical approval due to no direct
human involvement. We undertake that all the ethical
formalities and procedures were followed while carrying
out the study and research paper writing authentically
and abided by the regulations formulated by various
academic and research bodies
Consent for publication
Prior to the data collection process, respondents were
appropriately informed about the purpose of the study,
and the respondents’ consent was taken. They have no
issue sharing their information.
Availability of data and material
All data generated or analysed during this study and its
supplementary information files are included in this article
Author’s contribution
●Analysis and interpretation of data
●I have been involved in drafting the manuscript.
●Agree to be accountable for all aspects of the
work in ensuring that questions related to the
accuracy or integrity of any part of the work
are appropriately investigated and resolved.
The second author (Corresponding author)
●Have made substantial contributions to con-
ception and design
●Revising it critically for important intellectual
●Have given final approval of the version to be
●Agree to be accountable for all aspects of the
work in ensuring that questions related to the
accuracy or integrity of any part of the work
are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Citation information
Cite this article as: Exposure to paints and respiratory
health ailments among painting workers, Padmini Pandey
& U.V Kiran, Cogent Engineering (2023), 10: 2185936.
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