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The Mundell-Fleming Trilemma Combination on Middle-Income Countries

  • Faculty of Economic and Business Brawijaya University

Abstract and Figures

The Mundell-Fleming trilemma hypothesis stated that a country could not simultaneously achieve exchange rate stability, financial integration, and monetary independence. The fixed exchange rate policy, free capital mobility, and monetary independence are trade-offs and impossible to run simultaneously. This research aims to identify the combination of the Mundell-Fleming trilemma formed in middle-income countries. Using the panel ARDL model, we found that the Mundell-Fleming trilemma tends to converge in the short run. While on the long run, middle-income countries tend to choose monetary independence and financial integration, resulting in a less stable exchange rate, as mentioned in the hypothesis
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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan, 15 (1), 2023
ISSN 2086-1575 E-ISSN 2502-7115
The Mundell-Fleming Trilemma Combination on Middle-Income
Rinny Apriliany Zakaria1, Ghozali Maski2, Putu Mahardika Adi Saputra3, Ahmed
Mohamed Annegrat4
1,2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
4Faculty of Economics, University of Bani Waleed, Libya
Received: July 11, 2022; Revised: September 30, 2022; Accepted: March 15, 2023
A country with a small open economy is unlikely to simultaneously achieve
monetary independence, exchange rate stability, and financial integration. In
Mundell Fleming's trilemma hypothesis, the three goals are trade-offs.
Therefore, this study aims to identify the combination of the Mundell Fleming
trilemma in middle-income countries from 1995 to 2017 with the panel
Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model. This estimation method will
provide an overview of the combination of Mundell Fleming's trilemma in the
short and long term. The results of this study indicate that the Mundell-Fleming
trilemma tends to converge in the short run. While on the long run, middle-
income countries tend to choose monetary independence and financial
integration, resulting in a less stable exchange rate, as mentioned in the
Keywords: Mundell-Fleming trilemma; Exchange rate stability, Financial
integration; Monetary independence
JEL Classification: E52; F31, F36
The Mundell-Fleming trilemma hypothesis states that a country cannot
simultaneously achieve exchange rate stability, financial integration, and monetary
independence (Aizenman, 2018). In other words, the combination of the fixed
exchange rate, free capital mobility, and monetary independence is impossible to
run simultaneously. Within the framework of the Mundell-Fleming trilemma, three
policies are trade-offs. Ito & Kawai (2014) states that one must be sacrificed to
achieve the other two policies.
The existence of these trade-offs causes every decision in choosing the
combination of the Mundell-Fleming trilemma to be considered carefully.
According to Ito & Kawai (2014), each trilemma variable is a double-edged sword.
That is, some consequences always accompany every choice made. For example,
the choice to achieve high exchange rate stability will lead to reduced monetary
independence. On the other hand, monetary independence that is too high, in turn,
hurts fiscal discipline through debt monetization. Finally, high financial integration
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan, 15 (1), 2023
ISSN 2086-1575 E-ISSN 2502-7115
will make the domestic financial market very open to the outside world, so the
domestic economy's resistance will decrease, especially when faced with external
shocks and volatility of capital flows. This condition then causes a country to be
vulnerable to financial crises.
Based on Pasricha et al. (2018) and Obstfeld et al. (2005), there are three
combinations in understanding the framework of the Mundell-Fleming trilemma.
The first combination is monetary independence and exchange rate stability. These
two can be achieved by limiting the movement of capital flows through capital
control policies, as in the Bretton Woods era. In this position, the state can prevent
the emergence of arbitrage because it can reduce the close relationship between
domestic and foreign interest rates. Aizenman et al. (2013) states that monetary
policy in this position tends to lead to a closed economy, where in the short term
the monetary authority controls the money supply. To achieve its independence, the
monetary authority implements a capital control policy.
The second combination prioritizes exchange rate stability and financial
integration, with a consequent loss of monetary independence, as in the euro block
or currency board group. Referring to the uncovered interest rate parity concept,
assuming that domestic and foreign assets are perfect substitutes, then in a fixed
exchange rate regime, the domestic interest rate will be the same as the foreign
interest rate. If the government implements an expansionary monetary policy
through an increase in the money supply, the domestic interest rate will fall. This
condition is seen as a negative sentiment by investors. As a result, demand and
prices for foreign assets will increase because investors flock to convert rupiah
assets to foreign currencies. Under a fixed exchange rate regime, to meet the
demand for foreign assets, the monetary authority must intervene by selling foreign
currency and purchasing domestic currency. Due to this action, the monetary
authority lost its independence in regulating the money supply. The supply of
money supply will adjust to the demand.
Finally, the third combination is monetary independence and financial
integration, which is compensated by a loss of control over exchange rate stability.
Under a floating exchange rate regime, an increase in the money supply causes the
domestic interest rate to fall. By looking at the relationship between interest rates
and returns on securities (bonds), the decrease in domestic interest rates is
compensated by an increase in capital outflow because investors will look for
investment opportunities with higher returns. Capital outflow causes the demand
for foreign currencies to increase, eventually dragging down the domestic currency.
In this position, the monetary authority has the authority to exercise its
independence as compensation for relinquishing exchange rate stability.
The existence of these three combinations illustrates that the Mundell-Fleming
trilemma is still an interesting issue to be explored. Previous studies confirm that
the trilemma hypothesis is still valid, and trade-offs between exchange rates, capital
movements, and monetary independence are getting stronger (see for examples
Hsing, 2012; Aizenman & Ito, 2014; Hutchison et al., 2012; Obstfeld et al., 2005;
Yunita et al., 2018). On the other hand, some studies have violated the trilemma
hypothesis, where exchange rate stability, financial integration, and monetary
independence can be achieved simultaneously, which is known as a convergent
pattern (see Aizenman et al., 2008; Pantelopoulos, 2021). The same pattern, namely
the middle ground, was found by Herwartz & Roestel (2017). This pattern is
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan, 15 (1), 2023
ISSN 2086-1575 E-ISSN 2502-7115
illustrated by placing it in the middle position in the trilemma triangle. This policy
aims to maintain exchange rate stability in a very open economic condition. In order
to reduce the trade-off pressure between the trilemma options, Herwartz & Roestel
(2017) suggest a decrease in the degree of financial openness through a capital
barrier. This action was taken to reduce the volatility of the exchange rate, so as to
ultimately maintain domestic financial stability. Ho & Ho (2018) in their research
in Vietnam found an intermediate trilemma policy. This policy is intended to
achieve the three objectives of the trilemma simultaneously. To achieve this goal,
Ho & Ho (2018) requires two things to be met, namely a strict capital regulation
policy and the adequacy of foreign exchange reserves as a controller of exchange
rate fluctuations.
It is also interesting to see how the Mundell-Fleming trilemma combination
changes over time. A new idea with a different point of view was expressed by Rey
(2015). In his research, Rey (2015) found a change in the trilemma policy into a
dilemma. This finding seems to be the antithesis of the Mundell-Fleming trilemma
framework that has been in effect so far. Rey (2015) stated that the "Global
Financial Cycle", characterized by the flow of foreign funds, becomes very fast with
increasing integration. A country with an open capital account cannot isolate its
domestic economy regardless of the exchange rate system used. In this case, the
intended country becomes very vulnerable to the transmission of shocks from
outside. Therefore, implementing a capital control policy is the only way to be
taken. This policy aims to achieve monetary independence as a protection from
external shocks.
In contrast, the study by Berthold & Stadtmann (2019) gives different results
in the context of the Mundell-Fleming trilemma. The monetary authority, namely
The Swiss National Bank (SNB), does not have total independence in the fixed
exchange rate and the floating exchange rate regime. This happens because the
assumption of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) is not fulfilled in the short term, so
real exchange rate movements are not constant.
In line with Rey (2015), Aizenman (2018) also provides interesting findings.
Aizenman (2018) stated that the 1997/1998 crisis was a lesson to prioritize the
importance of financial stability, especially for emerging markets. This concern
ultimately presents a new idea within the framework of the Mundell-Fleming
trilemma, namely the quadrilemma. The idea of the quadrilemma rests on the
urgency of "financial stability" after the increase in integration in 1990. This study
was conducted to test the Mundell-Fleming trilemma hypothesis, which focuses on
middle-income countries. The results of this study are expected to contribute to
verifying the existence of the trilemma hypothesis in middle-income countries,
which at the same time provides an overview of the trilemma pattern in the short
and long term with the panel Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model which
so far has not been widely used in previous studies (Ardiansyah et al., 2021).
The model of this study refers to the Mundell-Fleming trilemma hypothesis
with some modifications from Pasricha et al. (2018) and Beckmann et al. (2016).
This study estimates the panel ARDL (Autoregressive Distributed Lag) model to
verify the validity of the trilemma hypothesis in middle-income countries. Two-
stage least squares (2sls) method is also used to overcome the endogeneity problem
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan, 15 (1), 2023
ISSN 2086-1575 E-ISSN 2502-7115
in the trilemma variables. This study uses the data of 8 (eight) middle-income
countries (World Bank classification by income per capita), including Indonesia,
Philippines, Thailand, South Africa, Mexico, Peru, Mauritius, and Kenya, with
annual data from 1995 to 2017 (this period indicate the beginning of financial
integration). The construction of the panel ARDL model in this study is as follows:
 
    
 
  
  
   (1)
    
 
  
  
 
   (2)
  
   
 
 
 
  
   (3)
Equations 1, 2, and 3 refer to the first, second, and third combinations in the
Mundell-Fleming trilemma hypothesis. , λ dan Ø sequentially shows the long-
term, short-term, and speed of adjustment coefficients. On the left side of the three
equations above are endogenous variables, namely capital flow (cf), monetary
independence (mi), and exchange rate (er). In this study, the trilemma variable is
worth 0 to 1, which is obtained from the calculation of Chinn & Ito (2008) and
Aizenman et al. (2013). The higher the index value (nearing 1), the more the
government's attention is on the free capital mobility policy, monetary
independence, and exchange rate stability (by adopting a floating exchange rate
system). On the other hand, 0 indicates policies that tend to limit capital flows,
reduce monetary independence and release exchange rate stability. Furthermore,
the ARDL model construction above also uses five control variables (variable X):
(i) economic size (ez), namely the share of a country's GDP to world GDP; (ii)
economic development (ed), namely income per capita; (iii) trade openness (to),
namely the ratio of total imports and exports to GDP; (iv) financial development
(fd), namely the percentage of private credit to GDP; and (v) domestic saving (ds),
namely the percentage of gross domestic saving against GDP.
Before executing the panel ARDL model, some pre-estimation tests must
be conducted. First, a simultaneity test was carried out to ascertain the problem of
endogeneity. This test aims to prove whether an independent variable is correlated
with the error terms (Gujarati & Porter, 2004). Second, order identification ensures
that the ARDL model is identified or not so that it can be executed with 2SLS.
Third, perform a unit root test to ensure the degree of stationarity of the data.
Finally, the fourth stage is the Hausman test to identify the best panel ARDL model,
namely Pooled Mean Group (PMG), Mean Group (MG), or Dynamic Fixed Effect
(DFE). The three classifications explain the characteristics of each section or
country in the short and long term. Pooled Mean Group (PMG) assumes
heterogeneity in the short term and homogeneous responses in the long term.
Furthermore, the Mean Group (MG) assumes heterogeneity or different responses
in the short and long term. In contrast, the Dynamic Fixed Effect (DFE) assumes a
homogeneous response in the short and long term (Chu & Sek, 2014).
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan, 15 (1), 2023
ISSN 2086-1575 E-ISSN 2502-7115
Statistical Results
Table 1 presents the first pre-estimation results of the simultaneity test with the
Hausman specification error test. The table below shows that the expected residual
from the reduced form equations 1, 2 and 3 are significant. Therefore, it can be
concluded that the ARDL model in this study has endogeneity problems.
Table 1. Simultaneous Test Result
P > [t]
Note: *Sign at 5%
Source: Data Processed by Stata 16 (2022)
Furthermore, the second pre-estimation stage is the identification of orders that
compares the number of exogenous and endogenous variables. Based on the
identification of the order, it was found that the number of exogenous variables (K-
K*) was more than the number of endogenous variables (M-1) in each equation.
This indicates that the three equations are identified as overidentified. Therefore,
the model in this study can be estimated simultaneously with the 2SLS method.
The third pre-estimation stage is the unit root test shown in Table 2 below. The
table shows that the model built in this study consists of variables with varying
degrees of stationery. On this matter, Pesaran et al. (1999) and Asteriou et al. (2021)
state that the ARDL model can be executed with different degrees of stationarity,
namely level I(0), I(1), or a combination of both.
Table 2. Panel Unit Root Test
First difference
er (exchange rate)
All variable is stationary
mi (monetary independence)
cf (capital flow)
ds (domestic saving)
fd (financial development)
ez (economic size)
ed (economic development)
to (trade openness)
Note: *sign at 5%
Source: Data Processed by Stata 16 (2022)
Finally, the pre-estimate in Table 3 shows the best ARDL model specifications
for the three equations. Based on the table, it is known that the probability value
(P>|T|) for the three equations is greater than 5% (not significant). These results
indicate acceptance of the null hypothesis, which states that sections are
homogeneous in the long term and that Pooled Mean Group (PMG) is more efficient
than Mean Group (MG). In other words, the results in the table state that the best
ARDL model in this study is PMG.
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan, 15 (1), 2023
ISSN 2086-1575 E-ISSN 2502-7115
Table 3. Hausman Test Results
Source: Data Processed by Stata 16 (2022)
After conducting the pre-estimation test, the estimation results of the ARDL
panel model are shown in Table 4. The ARDL panel estimation results verify the
Mundell-Fleming trilemma hypothesis in the third equation/combination. These
results found that the monetary independence and capital flows significantly
affected the exchange rate. In the short term, the relationship between the three
variables is positive, while in the long term, it is negative. This means that monetary
independence, free capital mobility and exchange rate stability can be implemented
simultaneously in the short run. On the other hand, in the long run, the government
must sacrifice exchange rate stability.
Result and Discussion
Since 1990, the global economy has been increasingly integrated in trade and
traffic in financial services. This phenomenon causes the flow of goods and capital
to increase rapidly. For middle-income countries, this phenomenon is addressed by
implementing a free capital mobility policy in the short and long term. That is, there
is considerable attention from middle-income countries to abolish capital control
policies so that capital flows increase sharply.
Table 4. Results of Panel ARDL Estimation Trilemma Mundell Fleming
dep var:
dep var:
dep var:
ardl (1,2,2,0,0)
ardl (1,1,1,1,1)
ardl (1,1,1,1,1)
Long-Term Coeff
Long-Term Coeff
Long-Term Coeff
Short-Term Coeff
Short-Term Coeff
Short-Term Coeff
cf t-1
cf t-1
mi t-1
mi t-2
er t-1
er t-1
ds t-1
er t-2
Note: Sign: *5%; **10%
Source: Data Processed by Stata 16 (2022)
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan, X (X), 20XX
ISSN 2086-1575 E-ISSN 2502-7115
The decision to relax capital flows provides benefits and threatens middle-
income countries. The policy is believed to stimulate economic growth through
capital accumulation and technology transfer (Selvarajan & Ab-Rahim, 2020). On
the other hand, from a different point of view, the flow of foreign capital will lead
to the financial system's vulnerability and overall macroeconomic stability (Tanago
et al., 2019; Saputra, 2020; Riyanto et al., 2021) .
Not only freeing up capital movements, middle-income countries also appear
to maintain and achieve higher monetary independence in the short and long term.
This decision was taken as an effort to protect domestic economic stability.
Aizenman et al. (2013) state that high monetary independence will provide better
economic stability. For middle-income countries, monetary independence can
control inflation, which is still an issue in developing countries (Cevik & Zhu,
Furthermore, middle-income countries respond differently regarding exchange
rate stability in the short and long term. In the short term, exchange rate stability,
financial integration, and monetary independence remain a priority. The three
policies, free capital mobility, monetary independence, and a fixed exchange rate,
can be implemented simultaneously. However, this pattern cannot be maintained in
the long term. In order to achieve financial integration and monetary independence
in the long term, the government must reduce control over exchange rate stability.
In other words, the fixed exchange rate system must be abandoned and switched to
a floating one.
Figure 1. The Mundell Fleming Trilemma Combination
Source: Chinn & Ito (2008); Aizenman et al (2013)
Figure 1 explains the combined Mundell-Fleming trilemma in middle-income
countries in the short run. During this period, a convergent trilemma pattern was
found, in which the state could maintain monetary independence, manage exchange
rate stability, and be actively involved in financial integration. Aizenman et al.
(2008) emphasized that the convergent pattern can be used to increase economic
growth and reduce output volatility.
Apart from the positive impact, maintaining a convergent pattern requires the
availability of foreign exchange reserves. Pantelopoulos (2021) states that foreign
exchange reserves are a shield when facing speculators' attacks due to increased
financial integration. Aizenman & Ito (2012) also emphasized that the ownership
0.80 Mundell-Fleming Trilemma Convergent Pattern in Middle Income Countries
IR/GDP Capital Flows Index Exchange Rate Index Monetary Authority Index
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan, X (X), 20XX
ISSN 2086-1575 E-ISSN 2502-7115
of foreign exchange reserves can change the configuration of the trilemma,
especially in developing countries, into a middle ground pattern.
Finally, the results of this study prove that the convergent pattern in middle-
income countries is not sustainable in the long term. This research is in line with
Steiner (2015), who states that the convergent pattern only occurs in the short run.
After reaching equilibrium, the trilemma pattern in middle-income countries will
return to its original rule. In the long run, exchange rate stability must be sacrificed
to achieve monetary independence and financial integration, the third combination
in the Mundell-Fleming trilemma hypothesis (Granata, 2020; Obstfeld et al., 2005;
Kharroubi & Zampolli, 2016).
The results of this study confirm that the Mundell-Fleming trilemma
hypothesis in middle-income countries is only valid in the long run. Meanwhile, a
convergent pattern was found in the short term, a deviation from the Mundell-
Fleming trilemma hypothesis. Nevertheless, the convergent pattern provides a
positive stimulus to economic growth. This pattern requires the availability of
foreign exchange reserves. Therefore, the government needs to take policies that
save on foreign exchange reserves, such as import substitution policies, and
macroprudential policies, such as capital flow management (cfm), to reduce the
sensitivity of capital inflows and outflows.
Based on the limitations of this study, several suggestions are recommended
for further research. Firstly, adding the number of countries so that the trilemma
conditions in middle-income countries can be explored broader. Secondly, further
research may use other methods, such as Vector Auto Regression (VAR) or Vector
Error Correction Model (VECM) to see more complex combinations of Mundell
Fleming triangles so that more information is obtained. Third, related to research
results, in the future, it can be developed by identifying the impact of each pattern
of the Mundell-Fleming trilemma on macroeconomic indicators.
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This study examines the relationship between public debt on both short and long-run economic growth, in a panel of selected Asian countries for the period of 1980–2012. We employ several econometrics methods: pooled mean group, mean group, dynamic fixed effects and also allow for common correlated effects. The impact of a change in public debt is also analysed using asymmetric panel ARDL method. Our results indicate that an increase in government debt is negatively associated with economic growth in both the short and long-run.
Conference Paper
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This study analyzes the impact of the choice of monetary regimes, namely the inflation targeting (IT) and exchange rate targeting (ERT) on the behavior of bilateral trade in ASEAN-5 Countries and their main trading partners in Asia Pacific. By utilizing the augmented gravity panel model, the study also considers the effects of distance, national income, exchange rates, common language and dummy intra-ASEAN trade on trade activities. The results showed that countries which implement an inflation targeting regime tend to have greater trade values compared to countries that implement an exchange rate targeting regime. The negative effects on bilateral trade are seen to be contributed by the variable of distance, exchange rate, common language and intra-ASEAN trade. While the income variable has a positive and significant effect on the trade.
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Monetary independence is at the core of the macroeconomic policy trilemma. This study examines the relationship between monetary autonomy and inflation in Caribbean countries over the period 1980–2017. The empirical results show that greater monetary policy independence, measured as a country's ability to conduct its own monetary policy for domestic purposes independent of external monetary influences, leads to lower consumer price inflation. This relationship—robust to alternative specifications and estimation methodologies—has clear policy implications, especially for countries that maintain pegged exchange rates relative to the US dollar with a critical bearing on monetary autonomy.
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We theoretically examine under which assumptions the impossible trinity holds. We also focus on the most recent Swiss experience and ask whether the SNB gained monetary independence by switching from a fixed to a floating exchange rate system in January 2015. The theoretical examination shows that the impossible trinity holds under the following assumptions: Equality of domestic and foreign real interest rates, the quantity theory of money holds, and that the relative PPP is fulfilled. The empirical analysis reveals that relative PPP does not hold for the Swiss case and it was necessary for the SNB to adopt its monetary policy in accordance with the ECB’s expansionary monetary policy. We show that for a small open economy, such as Switzerland, whether the central bank implements a fixed or a floating exchange rate system does not play a role in its monetary policy independence.
Many times ASEAN countries experienced economic crisis in 1997/1998 and financial crisis in 2008. The similar patterns of cisis among those countries make some researchers conduct research of single currency unification. This research has a purpose to analyze the impact of ASEAN 5’s currencies (Rupiah, Ringgit, Singapore Dollar, Baht, and Peso) to a currency shock in the other ASEAN countries. The concept of this study uses the exchange rate approach pegged of ASEAN countries with American Dollars and Singapore Dollars. Furthermore, this research analyzes a symmetrical currency response to the currency shock in the other countries. The method of the study comes closer short-term and long-term models of Vector Auto regression (VAR) by using monthly data in real exchange rate variables from 1990 to 2019. The result of impulse response function (IRF) shows that responses to ASEAN currency pegged the currency to Singapore Dollars rather than US Dollars
Under the impossible trinity, it is alleged that attempts to maintain both monetary independence and an undervalued domestic exchange rate whilst being exposed to global capital flows will culminate in macroeconomic instability. To analyse the validity of the impossible trinity in the instance of a balance of payments surplus, we first employ a number of ARDL models to investigate the potential presence of co-integration between foreign reserves and several variables on the balance sheet of the Central Bank. A VECM is then used to exemplify the fact that policymakers must respond to an increase in foreign reserves so as to steer the interbank rate to the policy rate. In total, we argue that in the case of a balance of payment surplus (i) it is problematic to validate the existence of a transmission mechanism between foreign reserve accumulation and inflation; (ii) economies with heavily managed exchange rates appear to have achieved monetary independence whilst remaining open to global capital flows; and finally, (iii) since the four Central Banks examined target an overnight rate, rather than any form of monetary aggregate, ‘exogenous’ sterilisation initiatives are involuntary.
Using a novel, high frequency dataset on capital control actions in 16 emerging market economies (EMEs) from 2001 to 2012, we provide new evidence on the domestic and multilateral effects of capital controls. Increases in capital account openness reduce monetary policy autonomy and increase exchange rate stability, confirming the constraints of the monetary policy trilemma. Both gross in- and outflows rise, while the effect on net capital flows is ambiguous. Tighter capital inflow restrictions generated significant spillovers, especially in the post-2008 environment of abundant global liquidity. We also find evidence of a domestic policy response to foreign capital control changes in countries that are affected by these spillovers.