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Ayurvedic Aspect of Dhatusarata &Its Clinical Significance: Life Sciences



The conventional medical system known as Ayurveda was developed in India thousands of years ago. Ayurvedic specializations such as Agni, Prakruti, and Dhatusarata are the foundation for research, diagnosis, and treatment. Ayurveda states that the human body comprises Doshaa, dhatu, and mala. As Dosha is the structural and operational component of the human body, mala is to maintain the body's health and cleanliness, and dhatu gives strength to our body. They serve as the body's foundation. Seven dhatus are necessary for the human body's development and survival. The term ''SARA'' refers to the most crucial and refined portion of dhatu. The most purified or vital part of dhatus is known as Sara. Dhatu Sara pariksha serves as a useful mirror for evaluating the characteristics and purposes of dhatus. Dhatu sarata also determines the strength of a person. The description of dhatusarata [tissue excellence] has been given under Dashavidha pariksha [tenfold examination] in Charak Samhita, Viman sthana,8th chapter. Charak says one should commit to something other than a strong or weak foundation. Instead, it depends on Sara or the superior quality of dhatus. It is proven that certain people with small frames and slim builds can be powerful. Individuals with various dhatu sarata have varying aptitudes for particular tasks. Therefore, people should select a career by determining their dhatu sarata. Some quantitative criteria must be developed to evaluate these attributes by tissue excellence or dhatu sarata. One can determine a dhatu's true strength by evaluating Dhatu sarata. Dhatu sarata helps to determine the bala praman of an individual. For the enhancement of immunity, selection of career, antenatal care, and dietary regimen, dhatu sarata plays an important role. This study aims to elaborate on the concept of dhatu sarata and its application.
10.22376/ijlpr.2023.13.3.SP1.L35-42ijlpr 2023; doi
Revised On
20 February 2023
Accepted On
01 March 2023
Published On 01 May 2023
Copyright @ International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research, available at
Int J Life Sci Pharma Res., Volume13., No 3 (May) 2023, pp L35-42
This article is under the CC BY- NC-ND Licence (
Citation Akanksha Kisanrao Jadhao1 Dr. Jagruti Chaple , Ayurvedic Aspect of Dhatusarata &its Clinical Significance.(2023).Int. J. Life Sci.
Pharma Res.13(3), L35-42
Received On
10 December 2022
Dr. Jagruti Chaple , Dept of Kriya Sharir, Mahatma
Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital And Research
Center Salod (H), Datta Meghe Institute of Medical
Sciences (Deemed to be University), Wardha,
Maharashtra, India.
*Corresponding Author
Review Article
International Journal of Life science and Pharma Research
Ayurvedic Aspect of Dhatusarata &Its Clinical Significance
Akanksha Kisanrao Jadhao
Dr. Jagruti Chaple
Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College Hospital And Research Center, Salod (H), Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences
(Deemed to be University), Wardha, Maharashtra, India.
Dept of Kriya Sharir, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital And Research Center Salod (H), Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences
(Deemed to be University), Wardha, Maharashtra, India.
specializations such as Agni, Prakruti, and Dhatusarata are the foundation for research, diagnosis, and treatment. Ayurveda s
tates that
human body comprises Doshaa, dhatu, and mala. As Dosha is the structural and operational component of the human body, mala
is to maintain the body's health and cleanliness, and dhatu gives strength to our body. They serve as the body's foundation.
dhatus are necessary for the human body's development and survival. The term ''SARA'' refers to the most crucial and refined p
of dhatu. The most purified or vital part of dhatus is known as Sara. Dhatu Sara pariksha serves as a useful mirror for eval
uating the
characteristics and purposes of dhatus. Dhatu sarata also determines the strength of a person. The description of dhatusarata
excellence] has been given under Dashavidha pariksha [tenfold examination] in Charak Samhita, Viman sthana,8
chapter. Charak says
one should commit to something other than a strong or weak foundation. Instead, it depends on Sara or the superior quality of
It is proven that certain people with small frames and slim builds can be powerful. Individuals with
various dhatu sarata have varying
aptitudes for particular tasks. Therefore, people should select a career by determining their dhatu sarata. Some quantitative
must be developed to evaluate these attributes by tissue excellence or dhatu sarata. On
e can determine a dhatu's true strength by
evaluating Dhatu sarata. Dhatu sarata helps to determine the bala praman of an individual. For the enhancement of immunity,
of career, antenatal care, and dietary regimen, dhatu sarata plays an importan
t role. This study aims to elaborate on the concept of
dhatu sarata and its application.
Key words: Dhatusarata, Bala, Praman, Immunity, Health, Career Assistance.
ISSN 2250-0480
With Ayurveda's recent introduction to the west, is gaining
respect. Ayurvedic siddhantas are extremely priceless and
immortal. The ancient acharyas put a lot of work into
comprehending and enforcing lakshanas for every concept
described in Ayurveda, acknowledging the relationship
between people and nature and viewing them as one. The
panchamahabhutas are Ayurveda's nomenclatures for the
elements that make up nature. A specific configuration of these
five mahabhutas, expressed in the body as tri doshas,
saptadhatus, and trimalas also make up our bodies. Dosha,
Dathu, and Mala are the basic components of our body.
Human physiology depends upon the balanced state of Dosha,
dhatu, and mala. Dhatus, among them, is the fundamental
component of the body. Diseased conditions result from
either an increase or reduction in the amount of dhatus. While
dhatu, in its purest form known as dhatu sarata, reveals the
strength and vigor of the human body. Additionally, it provides
recommendations for how an individual's immunological
health may be maintained or improved through chikitsa or
swasthyraksha practices. Wide-ranging changes in people's
lives in recent decades have resulted in unhealthy habits like
smoking, drinking too much alcohol eating too much, sleeping
irregularly, engaging in fewer physical activities, exercising less,
and having high blood pressure. Under the tenfold examination
in charaksamhita, the concept of Sara is explained 1. ‘Sara’
means the purest form of dhatu. Acharya chakrapani explained
Sara as vishudhataro dhatu 2. Both physical and psychological
parameters characterize every particular Sara. These criteria
and traits can be used to assess a person's strengths. A doctor
should not use the size or appearance of a person's body to
determine if they are strong or weak. Small, slender people
appear to be strong enough. It is comparable to the proverb
"Pippillika Bhara Haranvat Siddhi," which states that even little
ants can carry far heavier loads than they do. Ayurveda places
a strong emphasis on keeping healthy people well and healing
sick and healthy people well and healing sick people. Both sick
and healthy people can perform the Sara Pariksha to learn the
bala praman.The Bala is also significant in the context of
samshodhana; according to the kalpasthan of charak samhita,
madhyam[average] and heena bala persons should be given
madhyam and mridu [mild] samshodhan. The essence of
dhatus that provide strength and stability to the body from
birth to death is known as sara. The proper production of
dhatu in the saptadhatu chain requires the normal functioning
of jatharagni and dhatvagni3. Its assessment helps us to
determine the bala of an individual. There are eight types of
sara4.m1] Rasasara2] Raktasara3] Mamsasara4] Medasara5]
Asthisara6] Majjasara7] Shukrasara 8] Sattva Sara. The study
aims to discuss the Ayurvedic aspect of Dhatusarata & its
clinical significance. This study aims to understand how the
Ayurvedic idea of dhatu sarata works and to investigate the
therapeutic importance of dhatu sarata.
1.1 Classification of Dhatusarata
Acharya Charak, in vimanasthana eighth chapter, has explained
eight sorts of sara. The physical & physio- psychological
characteristics of those eight sorts of Sara, i.e., Rasa Sara,
Rakta Sara, Mamsa Sara, Meda Sara, Asthi Sara, Majja Sara,
Shukra Sara & Satva Sara. Acharya Charak has additionally
explained the characteristics of savasana purusha that square
measure thought-about because the best. 5 The contrary
options of savasana lakshanas square measure are termed as
Asara and square measure inferior. 6 The intermediate option
between these 2 is termed Madhya Sara.7 Acharya Sushruta
has an explained eight varieties of Sara for assessment of ayu
of the patient; the sequences of that are reverse to Charak
Veda, i.e., Satva Sara, Shukra Sara, Majja Sara, Asthi Sara, Meda
Sara, Mamsa Sara, Rakta Sara, Rasa/ Tvak Sara. 8 Acharya
Kashyapa, in the twenty-eighth chapter has mentioned every
type of Sara with oja Sara as a further one.9 Ashtang
Samgraha and Ashtang Hridaya, in the eighth & third chapters
of sharirsthana severally, have explained the eight sorts of Sara.
With the example of lion & elephant Acharya Vagbhata has
superbly explained the importance of sara in assessment of
bala. 10,11
1.2 Special Features of Eight sorts of Sara
1.2.1 Rasa/Tvak Sara
Fulsome, smooth, soft, clear, fine, less, varied, deeply frozen,
tender hair, and lustrous skin are characteristics of persons
with the perfection of twak or skin. Also, the person possesses
Uttam Bala 12. Such people are fortunate to be happy according
to perceptive riches, strength, pleasure, intelligence,
knowledge, longevity, good health, and fun13 .one whose skin
and hairs are soft to be understood as twak saar14. According
to Acharya Kashypa, a person who is Uttam twak saar is free
of skin conditions, as evidenced by their look fresh. Moreover,
they possess quick-healing wound characteristics 15.
1.2.2 Rakta Sara
People of the quality of rakta or square blood measure
characterized by smarminess; the soles of the hands and feet,
the nails, the forehead, and the venereal organs all have a
gorgeous, sparking red color. The Pinna of ears, conjunctiva of
eyes, face and oral cavity, tongue, palms and soles, nails,
forehead, and genitals of uttamrakta sara person are pink
colored [rakta varna] and lustrous [snigdha]. The person
having uttam rakta dhatu is highly intelligent and, genius,
arrogant. Such people cannot sustain extremely hot
environmental conditions and have moderate physical
strength. Such people are blessed with great joy, genius, zeal,
tenderness, average strength, and incapacity to overcome
obstacles. Their heat never goes away.16 Ithas full, copper-
colored nails, eyes, lips, tongue, palate, palms, and soles.17
1.2.3 Mamsa Sara
People with the mamsa dhatu are distinguished by stability,
weight, attractive appearance, and embellishment of temples,
forehead, nape, eyes, cheeks, jaws, nose, joints of the higher
and middle limbs, shoulder, abdomen, axillae, and the chest is
covered in the flesh on the lower limbs. Plumpy body frame
since birth: Such people are blessed in the degree of forgiving,
persevering, and not being conceited, riches, wisdom, joy,
simplicity, good health, and longevity. 18 The bone joints are
concealed and lack any depressions. Well-developed muscles
are present.19
1.2.4 Meda Sara
People with the Excellence of meda dhatu are distinguished by
an abundance of smarminess in their voice, eyes, hairs, and
other physical features like body, nails, teeth, lips, urine, and
feces. The features of Uttam meda Sara person are soft stool
and unobstructed urine flow. People having meda sarata never
suffer from constipation. They do not like to do physical work.
Hate physical exercise. They easily gain weight. Despite a bulky
body, such a person cannot withstand hard work. These
individuals have success, influence, joy, charitable giving,
simplicity, and sensitive customs. 20Meda Sara is perceived as
combining a melodic voice, meaty and profuse amounts of
urine and sweat physique, and is intolerant o labor. 21
1.2.5 Asthi Sara
Strong heels, ankles, knees, forearms, collarbones, chin, heads,
joints, bones, nails, and teeth are characteristics of people with
asthi dhatu excellence. Such people square measure passionate
and active, and square measure blessed with robust and firm
bodies still as longevity. 22 Ashti sara person is understood
to possess an enormous head and shoulders and strong teeth,
jaws, bones, and nails. Uttam asthi sara individual is very
enthusiastic. Since the bones give strength and power, these
people can do heavy physical work or exercise. According to
the Sushruta head, shoulder, teeth, nails, bones, and jaws, an
asthi sara person is prominent and large. 23
1.2.6 Majja Sara
People with the majja dhatu are distinguished by their vigor,
fulsomeness, softness of organs, fulsome complexion and
voice, and sturdy, long, and rounded joints. Uttam majja Sara
has soft skin, a strong body, and the size of wrist joints is 12
angulis. Such individuals have longevity, strength, learning,
wealth, knowledge, issue, and honor. 24 Majja sara person is
understood to be not lean and skinny; however, has superior
strength, possesses a melodious and resonant voice and is
blessed with promising options, and has massive eyes. 25
1.2.7 Shukra Sara
While describing symptoms of shukra sarata, acharya Sushruta
has emphasized only on characteristics of teeth, bones, and
nails. People with shukra dhatu are gentle, light-looking,
cheerful, and have eyes that look as though they are filled with
milk. They also have full, round teeth. Voice and skin that are
rounded, robust, even, and lvey, massive buttocks and stunning
appearance. The preference for such individuals is for girls;
they've been robbed of their sexual freedom, power, health,
riches, honor, and youngsters. 26 A Shukra Sara person is
believed to possess fulsome bright teeth, short, compact nails,
and a compact body. However, he has numerous problems as
well as excessive physical attractiveness.
1.2.8 Satva Sara
People with satva saar square measure characterized by
sensible memory, devotion, appreciativeness, wisdom,
keenness on cleanliness, excessive enthusiasm, skill, having
patience, brave, fighting spirit and absence of surplus tensions
and worries, correct means of thinking, depth of knowledge
and sincerity in activities and square measure protagonist and
serving to nature, uttam sattva sara person is very cautious
and courageous, they believe in god, he is well-wisher of
others. A person having uttam sattva sarata looks very calm
and quiet. Uttam sattva sara persons complete their work
quietly. 28
1.3 Clinical study of Dhatusarata
1.3.1 Dhatusrata & Immunity
The basic principle which helps to verify the balance of the
individual is dhatu sarata. The natural strength or power of
resistance against the disease is known as bala which may
correlate with the individual's immunity. Sara means the
purest form of dhatu. Kashayp samhita supports the
immunological aspect of dhatu sarata 29. If you have an
excellent quality of dhatu,then the power of resistance against
any disease is also more.
Table No. 1: dhatu sarata & unwellness protection
Qualities of Dhatu
Against diseases
Diseases which will
Occur In particular,
dhatu Sara person
Rasa sara
1]Rapid wound healing capability,2]unctuous and
smooth skin, hairs are deep-rooted and
delicate,3]mental features:- happiness, power,
1]Skin disorders
Rakta Sara
1]mental features:-Sharp intellect, however, short-
tempered; 2]eyes, face, tongue, nose, lips, palm, sole
of feet, nails, and forehead are unctuous, red, and
brilliant.3]mental features:-wealth, lack of greed,
simplicity, health
2]Blood disorders
2]Intolerance of warmth
3]heat stroke
Mamsa sara
1] Excellence of mamsa dhatu,2]temples, forehead,
napes, eyes, cheek, jaws, neck, and shoulder, equipped
with firm, heavy, good-looking muscles.
2]benign growth
3] muscles disorder
2]mental features:- forbearance, lack of greed, wealth,
Meda sara
1]Excellence of meda dhatu,
2]complexion, voice, eye, hair, skin hairs, nails, teeth,
head, urine, and feces are unctuous
3]mental features:-wealth, power, happiness,
enjoyment, charity
disorders related to
nutritional deficiency
1]Diabetes, 2]Obesity,
3]Ischemic heart disease
4]metabolic syndrome
5] hyperlipidemia
Asthi sara
1]Excellence of Asthi dhatu
2]Heels, ankles, knees, elbow, collar bone, chin head,
and joints are prominent
3] mental features:-Enthusiastic, active, enduring,
having a firm body.
Majja sara
1]Excellence of majja dhatu
2] Soft organs, a strong, buttery complexion, sweet
voice, long and rounded joints.
3]mental features:- long-lived, respectful,
understanding, progeny
1]The brain and
joint disorders
2]memory loss
Shukra sara
1] Excellence of Shukra dhatu
2]unctuous, rounded, firm, compact teeth, charming
person, looking with charm, eyes as if filled with milk.
3]mental features:- liked by women, strong, and
endowed with happiness.supremacy, health, wealth,
and honor.
1.3.2 Dhatusarata & Shodhan Chikitsa
Acharya Charaka has emphasized that, before prescribing
medical care to the patient, it's abundantly essential to look
at the patient relating to the span of life, strength & intensity
of morbidity. On the basis of morbidity the dose of
medical care is determined, and the dose is dependent upon
the strength & power of resistance of the individual., Weak
patients cannot resist strong therapies for, e.g., Cauterization
30. To improve the quality of dhatu and obtain excellent tissue
quality shodhan chikitsa is done before rasayan chikitsa so that
the individual obtains the maximum benefits.
Table no.2 dhatu sarata and shodhan chikitsa
Dhatu sarata
Shodhan chikitsa
Rasa sara
Vaman, Virechana
Rakta sara
Mamsa sara
Snehan,Abhynga,Bruhan Basti
Meda sara
Basti [lekhan]
Asthi sara
Majja sara
Shukra sara
Virechan [mrudu],Basti
1.3.3 Dhatusarata & choice of career
In today's competitive world, most people in our society have
been affected by classical sources of earnings from agriculture
to salaried jobs in various sectors. These sectors demand skill,
physical, and psychological talent. The right selection of
careers gives you a great future. Here comes the role of dhatu
sarata. Proper assessment of individual dhatu gives detailed
knowledge about dhatu sarata, skill, physical and mental health,
and career choices. Hence by distinguishing one's dhatu sarata,
it is attainable to guide job-seeking people in choosing their
career for a better future. 31
Table No. 3. Dhatusarata & career choices
Career choices
Rasa/ Tvak Sarata
Doctors, Dermatologist, Modeling, Actors, Teachers
Rakta Sarata
Neurologists, Cardiologist, Academicians, researchers, Pharmacist
Mamsa Sarata
Oncologists, Chest physicians, Military officers, Weight lifters, Gym trainer
Meda Sarata
Good hotelier, Income tax officer, singers, broadcasters, announcers, commentators, anchor
Asthi Sarata
Good athletes, Hockey, Football players, Veterinary surgeons, Space scientises
Majja Sarata
sensible dancers, sensible singers, Hematologists, Bonemarrow specialists, engineers, advocates
Shukra Sara
Sexologists, gynecologists, andrologists, fashion designers, good actors, models, makeup artist
1.3.4 Dhatusarata & Rasayan Chikitsa
Rasayana chikitsa is an unique branch of ayurveda . The word
rasayan means the way to attain excellent rasadi dhatus.
Rasayan chikitsa helps to improve the balance of the individual.
32 Several medicinal plants have been described as rasayan in
Ayurveda. To attain good results, shodhan and shaman must
be given before rasayan chikitsa.
Table No. 4.D hatusarata and rasayan chikitsa
Rasayan Chikitsa
Ras sara
Shatavari, shunti praval bhasma,yastimadhu,mouktik bhasma
Rakta sara
Loh bhasma,amalaki,bhrungraj,punarnava,tamra bhasma
Mamsa sara
Rajat bhasma,ashwagandha,suvarnabhasma,shatavari,kapilu
Meda sara
Asthi sara
Laksha,shallaki,praval bhasma,shankha bhasma,medicated grita
Majja sara
Vacha ,jatamanasi, shankhapushpi, abhrak bhasma, brahmi
Shukra sara
Rajat bhasma, ashwagandha, shatavari, vang bhasma
1.3.5 Dhatu sarata and Diet regimen
Dhatu sarata depends on the normal functioning of dhatwagni,
jatharagni, healthy strotas, and a diet full of nutrition. Sarata
get affected by ahara. With a good diet regimen, enhancement
of dhatu takes place. 33
Table no.5 Dhatu sarata and Dietary regimen
Dhatu sarata
Dietary regimen
Rasa sara
Coconut milk, citrus fruit, milk, buttermilk,manda,peya, juice
Rakta sara
Papaya, fig, cod liver oil, groundnut green leafy vegetable. jaggery,
Mamsa sara
Dry fruits, soybean, chicken, mango, coconut, meat, mutton, cereals
Meda sara
Fish, vasa, grita, yush, butter
Asthi sara
Cumin, fenugreek, milk and milk products, dates, plum, egg, fish
Majja sara
Walnuts, almonds, plums, grita, milk, dry fruits
Shukra sara
Egg, black gram, dairy products like cheese, pannier, mutton, milk, wheat
1.4 Classification Of Dhatu Sarata According To
According to strength, dhatu sarata can be classified into three
types. Pravara Sara, Madhyam Sara, Avar Sara
1.4.1 Characteristics of Pravara Sara
The pravara Dhatu sarat is a dhatus that contains all of its
essences or a Dhatu of its highest quality. Another
interpretation of Pravar Sara is as follows; if a person
possesses the majority of the characteristics of dhatu Sara,
then that person's dhatu is known as Pravara or uttam sara
1.4.2 Characteristics of madhyam sara
If a person possesses a few of the dhatu sara’s characteristics,
then that Dhatu or that person is known as madhyam Sara .34
1.4.3 Characteristics of Avara sara
If a person has characteristics opposite to pravar dhatu sara,
that dhatu is known as an asara dhatu ,and the person is
referred to as an asara individual. 35
1.4.4 Raktasarata And Haematological Parameters
A different study evaluated the relationship between blood
parameters and Dhatu Sarata. The association between rakta
sarata and the MCHC, MCH, CI, and MCV was favorable and
significant. The highest correlation value was positive for
MCHC 36. Laboratory results from 372 healthy people who
participated in a survey for rakta Sara had normal laboratory
parameters. According to the study,62 of the 63 pravara rakta
sara instances were discovered to be sarva rasa instances were
discovered to be sarva rasa saatmya 37. According to a study,
'while considering dhatu sarata by gender, males have greater
values for the hematological indicators in each dhatusara than
females. In contrast to women, men's higher sara scores
indicate greater strength.38
1.5 Clinical Significance Of Dhatu Sarata
Sara Pariksha is important for analyzing the patient's bala
praman. Sara pariksha plays an important role in improving the
immunity of asara and Madhya sara dhatu with proper food
and medication. Pregnant women need proper nourishment
for growing a fetus. . Based on Bala, the doctor chooses the
sort of medication and its dosage to be administered in
samshodhan or samshamana chikitsa. Even the aushadha kala
is reliant on the patient's bala. Dhatu saar evaluation is also
useful in samprapti vighatana chikitsa. It provides information
about the state of individual dhatu.
1.6 Dhatu Sarata And Bala
According to the dhatu sarata and bala research study, people
with uttam sarata have exceptional physical efficiency indices.
Still, those with madhyam sara have low average physical
efficiency indices 39. The aforementioned study is a clear
indication of what the dhatusarata say about a person’s bala.
1.7 Dhatu Sarata Computation
In addition to expressing the numerous clinical parameters
according to Ayurveda, problems with computation uniformity
arise in a study. The weighted mean has a lot of potential for
illustrating Dhatu Sarata 40. This approach allows the
researcher to focus on the individual Dhatu's status while not
overlooking their portion or share of the overall Sarata in that
person. Various research studies have been done on specific
Dhatusara in-depth. But some places continue to be inactive.
To further investigate the scope of Mamsasara Pariksha,
measuring the stiffness of the muscles in the neck, shoulders,
and temporal region may be suggested. After All, Mamsasara
people are distinguished by their stability, weight, and rigidity
of muscles. According to the studies above, many other
variables are linked to and dependent on a person's sarata.
Sara and Agni are somehow connected because Dharus are
created after food is consumed, and the Jatharagni reacts to it.
Bhootagnipaka is applied after Jatharagnipaka. Then
Dharwagnipaka takes place, which helps Dhatus by
replenishing and nourishing them. In the body, Dhatus exist in
two states. Poshyadhatu and Poshakadhatu Sara directly
measure the nourished Sthayi/poshya Dhatu 41. For a person
to be healthy, the balance of Dosha, Dhatu, and Mala is crucial,
as these are the three basic constituents. The strength of
Dhatu depends on the person's Ahara-Vihara and Agni.
Datusarata represents the structural, functional, and
immunological health status of dhatu. Individuals' physical and
psychological strengths and abilities can be assessed through
understanding dhatu sarata. Individual's bala praman can be
estimated with the help of examination of dhatusarata. Rasayan
chikitsa, proper food, and regimen help to improve the
immunity of asara and madhy sara dhatu right from
intrauterine life. Hence to cure any disease and to maintain a
healthy life, the knowledge of Dhatu Sarata is very important.
Miss . Akanksha Kisanrao Jadhao conceptualized and gathered
the data concerning this work and designed the manuscript.
Dr.Jagruti Chaple analyzed these data, and necessary inputs
were given to design the manuscript. Both authors discussed
the methodology and results and contributed to the final
Conflict of interest declared none
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41. Pradeep K. The importance of SARA pareeksha in
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... Good bone quality or Asthi Sara means that one is less vulnerable to fractures or other bone problems. However, poor bone quality may indicate higher chances of having say osteoporosis among others [30] . ...
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ABSTRACT Ayurveda is an ancient Indian holistic medicine system focusing on promoting health by maintaining body balance. It is gaining relevance in today's integrative medicine landscape for treating chronic diseases. Key Ayurvedic concepts like Shira Pradesha, Maha Shira, and Asthi-Sara-Purusha contribute to individual health assessment. Methods: This review examines the applicability of Ayurvedic anthropometric methods, particularly Swa-Anguli Pramana, in current clinical practice. It includes discussions on validation studies and comparative analyses with modern techniques. Results: Swa-Anguli Pramana shows consistent personalized diagnostic potential across different demographic groups. Challenges exist regarding discrepancies with modern measurements and the need for standardization. Discussion: Integrating Ayurvedic measurements with modern metrics is likely to be valid and acceptable in contemporary healthcare. There is growing interest in traditional measurement methods for providing personal health information aligned with the holistic approach of Ayurveda. Conclusion: Ayurvedic anthropometric methods, especially Swa-Anguli Pramana, have potential for individualized health assessment. Standardization and validation are vital, and future research should focus on establishing a standardized integrative framework.
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Several questions are being raised regarding the accuracy of the methods of diagnosis and reporting of various clinical parameters according to Ayurveda in recent times. Uniformity in reporting, issues related to inter-rater variability, uniformity in applying statistical tests, reliability, consistency, and validation of various tools, - are some of the major concerns that are being voiced. Dhatu Sarata is one such domain where no substantial work has been carried out to address these issues. The Sanskrit term "Dhatu" roughly translates as a "tissue." Sarata stands for the status of Dhatu in a given individual, i.e., it describes whether the status is excellent, moderate, or poor. In the available research literature, there are several gaps while dealing with and reporting the clinical assessment of Dhatu. Most of the workers group an individual into any one of the categories of Dhatu Sarata, and this approach neglects the contribution of other Dhatus to the overall Sarata in that individual. In this communication, we propose the usefulness of "weighted mean" in expressing the overall Sarata in an individual. This gives the researcher a freedom of not classifying an individual into any one group of Sarata, while also simultaneously allowing him/her to retain the focus on the status of an individual Dhatu.
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Sara is explained in context of 'Dashvidha Pariksha' in Charak Samhita to measure the strength (Bala) of an individual. Haematological parameters are most frequently used in routine investigations. It is obvious that both Sara and haematological parameters are used in ancient and modern science therefore, this study was planned to assess the variation in haematological parameters of different Sara individuals as per sex. Total 254 (156 males and 98 females) healthy individuals between the age of 18 to 35 were included in this study. Assessment of Sara was done in terms of total Sara score by questionnaire type proforma specially designed for this study. Haematological values provide important information about health status of a person like anaemia, polycythemia, any type of infection and others. Haematological parameters were analysed by automatic haematology analyzer. On correlation of the total Sara score and haematological values in male and female, significant variation in total Sara score as well as in haematological values was observed.
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Dhatusarata is described with respect to Sapta Dhatu viz. Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Medas, Asthi, Majja, Shukra and Sattva i. e. Ashtavidhsarata. Dhatu Sarata or Tissue excellence is a quality assessment of seven dhatu. Examination of Dhatu Sarata is done at physical and psychological level. For determining the Dhatu sarata, when the positive features are present above 75 %, it will be considered as best tissue quality (Uttam Sarata). When the positive features are present between 75 % and 25 %, it will be considered as moderate tissue quality (Madhyam sarata). When positive features are present below 25 %, it will be labeled as poor tissue quality (Heen sarata). The bodily movements which are meant for producing firmness and strength in the body are known as Vyayama or physical exercises. 'Bala' (Physical fitness) of each student will be determined by Harvard step test. "Harvard Step Test" is a practical application of Ayurvedic Principal that "Bala should be measured by vyamshakti" (Balam Vyayamshakty Parikshet). The person should be examined with reference to his capacity for exercise which is determined by one's ability to perform work. Therefore this study will estimate Bala in the students and study the Dhatusarata and their association between them.
Ashta Sarata parikshana is explained especially to determine the strength of person. It is important to add modern parameter to give authenticity to the ancient subjective parameter. 50 healthy male students between the ages of 18-25 years were selected for study. Sarata parikshan was done with the help of standard sarata parikshan proforma specially prepared by AYUSOFT C-DAC Centre for Development of Advance Computing Pune, India to find out percentage of each dhatu separately. Blood indices have been formulated by modern science to detect type of anaemia by extracting information about structure, morphology of Red Blood Cells and about haemoglobin. Blood indices give complete information of Red Blood Cells. Blood sample were collected for analysis of blood indices and this was done by auto analyser. This was survey type co relational research. The statistical analysis shows that "there is a relation between Rakta sarata and Blood indices", it's a positive relation. The person having higher percentage of Rakta sarata possesses good value of Blood indices.
Agnivesha's Charaka Samhita text with English Translation & Critical Exposition, Volume II. Vimana Sthana 8/107
  • Dr
  • Bhagwan Dash Sharma
  • Vd
Dr. Sharma RK, Bhagwan Dash Vd. Agnivesha's Charaka Samhita text with English Translation & Critical Exposition, Volume II. Vimana Sthana 8/107, Choukhamba Sanskrit Series Office. Varanasi: Edition [reprint] 2018. Page. No.269.
Acharya, Charaka Samhita by Agnivesh with the Ayurved-Dipika commentary of Chakrapanidatta, vimana Sthana. Page.No. Vols. 8/112
Yadavaji Trikamji Vd, editor. Acharya, Charaka Samhita by Agnivesh with the Ayurved-Dipika commentary of Chakrapanidatta, vimana Sthana. Page.No. Vols. 8/112. New Delhi: Chaukhambha Publications, Edition: Reprint; 2018. p. 278.
Manoj Sankaranarayana, textbook of Roga vijnana & Vikriti vijnana, Chapter 6
  • . K Padmashri Dr
  • D R Rajagopalan
Padmashri Dr. K. Rajagopalan,DR. Manoj Sankaranarayana, textbook of Roga vijnana & Vikriti vijnana, Chapter 6. In: Choukhamba Sanskrit series Office, Varanasi, edition -third. Vol. I; 2017, page No. 327.
Kashypa Samhita by Vruddha Jivaka with the Vidyotini Hindi commentary
  • P H Sarma
Sarma PH. Kashypa Samhita by Vruddha Jivaka with the Vidyotini Hindi commentary, Sutra Sthana, Lakshanadhyaya 28, Choukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan. Page.No. Varanasi: Edition [reprint]; 2008. p. 54.
Sharir Sthana 3/117. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surabharati Prakashan
Sarvangsundara & Ayurvedrasayan commentaries, Sharir Sthana 3/117. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surabharati Prakashan [reprint]; 2007,Page No.407.
Study of DHATU Sarata and its significance in career assistance
  • P U Likhar
  • U M Likhar
Likhar PU, Likhar UM. Study of DHATU Sarata and its significance in career assistance.