Content uploaded by Luciano Marchezan
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EasyChair Preprint
Do Developers Benet from Recommendations
When Repairing Inconsistent Design Models? a
Controlled Experiment
Luciano Marchezan, Wesley K. G. Assunção,
Gabriela Karoline Michelon and Alexander Egyed
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June 6, 2023
Do Developers Benefit from Recommendations when Repairing
Inconsistent Design Models? a Controlled Experiment
Luciano Marchezan
Wesley K. G. Assunção
ISSE - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Linz, Austria
Gabriela K. Michelon
Alexander Egyed
ISSE - Johannes Kepler University Linz
Linz, Austria
Repairing design models is a laborious task that requires a con-
siderable amount of time and eort from developers. Repair rec-
ommendation (RR) approaches focus on reducing the eort and
improving the quality of the repairs performed. Such approaches
have been evaluated in terms of scalability, correctness, and min-
imalism. These evaluations, however, have not investigated how
developers can benet from using RRs and how they perceive the
diculty of applying RRs. Investigating and discussing the use of
RRs from the developers’ perspective is important to demonstrate
the benets of applying such approaches in practice. We explore
this opportunity by conducting a controlled experiment carried out
with 24 developers where they repaired UML design models in eight
dierent tasks, with and without RRs. The ndings indicate that
developers can benet from RRs in complex tasks by improving
their eectiveness and eciency. The results also evidence that
the use of RRs does not impact the developers’ perceived diculty
and condence when repairing models. Furthermore, our ndings
show that not all developers choose the same RR, but rather, have
varied preferences. Thus, the provision of RRs leads to developers
considering additional alternatives to repair an inconsistency.
•General and reference
Empirical studies;•Software and
its engineering →Model-driven software engineering.
Controlled Experiment, Consistency Checking, Repair Recommen-
Inconsistent models need to be repaired to maintain their correct-
ness and reduce the chance of requirements not being met [
Repairing models, however, is an error-prone and laborious task
that requires a considerable amount of time and eort from de-
velopers [
]. Hence, repair recommendation (RR) approaches can
be applied to maintain consistency and reduce the time and eort
required for the repair task, mainly on UML models [2].
Approaches proposing the use of RRs have been evaluated in a
variety of scenarios in terms of scalability, correctness, and mini-
malism [
]. However, there are still limitations in this regard.
Firstly, most studies in the RR eld do not focus their evaluations
on the perspective of developers regarding the provision of RRs
(Limitation 1). These evaluations are important to analyze the im-
plications of applying RRs strategies from the perspective of its
end-users, i.e., developers [
]. This is more important considering
that RRs approaches are not yet adopted in industrial settings, but
rather, developers perform manual repairs on demanded [
]. One
reason for that may be the lack of empirical studies with human
participants measuring the benets and drawbacks of applying RRs.
Secondly, as developers have dierent experiences and preferences,
ranking or automatically executing RRs to x inconsistencies may
change the models in a way not desired by the developer (Limita-
tion 2). Hence, it is important to understand the developers’ prefer-
ences when repairing models before applying these approaches in
industrial settings.
We address the aforementioned limitations by conducting an ex-
periment with developers. In this paper, we report this experiment
that is guided by three research questions (RQ): RQ1. Do developers
benet from recommendations when repairing inconsistent design
models? RQ2. How do developers perceive the use of repair rec-
ommendations when repairing inconsistent design models? RQ3.
Do developers have preferred recommendations when repairing
inconsistent design models?
The data used to answer the RQs was collected by analyzing
developers repairing inconsistent models with and without the pro-
vision of RRs. The sample was composed of 24 M.Sc./Ph.D. students
with varied software development experience, ranging from aca-
demic only to more than ve years of experience in the industry.
To answer RQ1, we measure how the use of RRs can bring benets
to developers in terms of eectiveness (i.e., inconsistencies xed)
and eciency (i.e., the time required) when repairing design mod-
els compared to when RRs are not provided. For RQ2, we asked
developers to give us feedback regarding the diculty and their
condence when repairing the models. To obtain the results of RQ3,
we ask the developers to select and rank RRs and create new ones
to understand their preferences for dierent tasks.
Results show that the provision of RRs benets developers by
improving their eectiveness by 37.63% (p-value of 0.04) and e-
ciency by 29.81% (p-value of 0.17) in comparison to not having RRs
(RQ1). In more simple tasks, however, RRs reduce the eciency
of developers by increasing the time required to repair the incon-
sistency. These ndings evidence that RRs approaches can bring
benets to developers in more complex tasks. Furthermore, the
perceived diculty and condence of developers when RRs are
given are similar without RRs (RQ2). This result demonstrates that
providing RRs does not aect the developers’ perspective during
the repairing process. We also observed that developers do not
have an ideal RR for a given inconsistency, but rather have dierent
preferences regarding how to repair a model (RQ3). Moreover, in
some contexts, any RR may be considered not applicable. These
ndings highlight the importance of having developers’ feedback
when repairing models since they have dierent preferences. Such
Marchezan et al.
results also indicate that applying automatic RRs in models by se-
lecting the “most suited” RR may not be ideal, as developers do not
have the same opinion about what is the “most suited” RR.
This work is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the back-
ground of repair generation as well as related work. Section 3
presents the design and the threats to the validity of the controlled
experiment. Results and discussion of the RQs are presented in
Section 4. Lastly, Section 5 presents our conclusions.
In this section, we present the denitions related to the generation
of repair recommendations as well as related work.
2.1 Repair Recommendations
Repair recommendations are applied in models to repair inconsis-
tencies. In this study, we consider a
as consisting of model
elements that contain properties, e.g., a UML model. An example is
illustrated in Figure 1, where the model contains a model element
called CookingMode of the type class, which contains properties
such as setCookingMode of the type operation.
Consistency Rules
(CR) are applied to identify inconsistencies in
the models. A CR is a condition that evaluates to a Boolean value as
true (consistent) or false (inconsistent). A CR is dened for a context,
which is a type of model element, e.g., UML class. Figure 1 presents
the application of a CR into a model, checking if a class contains
operations with the same signature. An inconsistency is found as
the class SlowCookingMode has two operations setCookingMode
with the same signature, one from itself and the other from the
superclass CookingMode.
Once inconsistencies are found,
repair recommendations
are generated to x them. An RR identies the operator, the model
element, the model element property, and, optionally, a value to
change the model element property to, resolving an inconsistency.
The following operators are possible: add a model element to the
model or to a collection of model elements, delete a model element
from the model or from a collection of model elements, and modify
a model element property. Figure 1 presents examples of ve RRs
for the inconsistency found in the class SlowCookingMode. The rst
RR (1. Delete) is a concrete RR that recommends the deletion of
the operation setCookingMode from the CookingMode superclass. In
this case, the model element is the CookingMode class, the property
is the list of operations, the value is the operation setCookingMode,
and the operator is delete. A model-based representation of this RR
would be: (𝑑𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑡 𝑒, 𝐶 𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑖 𝑛𝑔𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑒 .𝑜𝑝 𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 𝑛𝑠, 𝑠𝑒 𝑡𝐶𝑜𝑜 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑀 𝑜𝑑𝑒 ).
The generation of RRs used in this study is an adapted version
of approaches found in the literature [
], One important
adaptation is transforming the way RRs are displayed. Instead of
using a model-based representation, we represent RRs using natural
language (as shown in Figure 1). For instance, we transformed the
aforementioned RR into “Delete operation setCookingMode from
CookingMode” as displayed in the RR 1.Delete in Figure 1. Also, there
are dierent rationales for selecting approaches already present in
the literature [
] as the basis for our RR generation. For
instance, their robustness, since they have been evaluated in large-
scale models in terms of scalability, correctness, and minimalism.
Furthermore, the documentation provided by them was used to
Class’ Operations must not have the same signature.
SlowCookingMode has two operations setCookingMode with the same signature
(one from itself and the other from its superclass CookingMode)
Repair Recommendation
Delete operation setCookingMode() from CookingMode
Modify the signature of operation setCookingMode() from CookingMode
Delete operation setCookingMode() from SlowCookingMode
Modify the signature of operation setCookingMode() from SlowCookingMode
Delete inheritance association between SlowCookingMode and CookingMode
Figure 1: Example of task with Repair Recommendations
implement the approach using their algorithm logic and repair
generator functions.1
One example of an RR generation function can consider Fig-
ure 1, where the dened CR iterates over all operations of a class.
The operations from the class and superclasses are compared con-
sidering their signature, i.e., name and parameters. If at least one
comparison evaluates to false, i.e., two operations have the same
signature, the class is considered inconsistent. The operations that
resulted in false are returned in a set of model elements that are
the cause of the inconsistency. Considering the example in Figure 1,
one inconsistency is identied for class SlowCookingMode. This
inconsistency is related to three model elements (highlighted with
an ellipse), namely operation setCookingMode from CookingMode,
the inheritance association from SlowCookingMode to CookingMode,
and the operation setCookingMode from SlowCookingMode. These
three model elements are the cause of the inconsistency and should
be modied to repair the model.
The RR approach applies generator functions to the cause of the
inconsistency to generate RRs. In this case, the generator function
is applied to a universal quantier (forAll) as described by the OCL
denition of the CR.
This function suggests both modifying or
deleting the inconsistent model elements [
]. Additionally, it
suggests deleting the inheritance association, since this association
is responsible for the set of operations. This leads to ve RRs be-
ing generated, as shown in Figure 1. Thus, for each type of OCL
expression, e.g., exists,and,or, among others, a generator function
is applied to generate the RRs. Only one of the generated RRs is
required to x any given inconsistency. The approach we adopt
treats every option equally, thus, they are not ranked in any partic-
ular order. Hence, the rank column remains empty, and it is one of
the goals of the participants from the experiment.
Details about the repair generation as well as all artifacts of the experiment are
available at our online appendix [15]
2Object Constraint Language:
Do Developers Benefit from Recommendations when Repairing Inconsistent Design Models? a Controlled Experiment
2.2 Related Work
Several approaches proposed the use of RRs [
]. These approaches
use dierent strategies for generating repairs, such as relying on
OCL rules and generator functions [
], analyzing the
history of changes [
], and applying learning algorithms [
These approaches have been evaluated for their correctness, scala-
bility, and minimalism. To the best of our knowledge, however, the
use of repair recommendations has never been evaluated from the
developers’ perspective in a controlled experiment. Moreover, there
is a lack of studies analyzing the implications of providing RRs to
developers, such as benets and preferences. Analyzing these impli-
cations is important to understand why, despite the importance of
RRs, they are still not being supported by tools that are adopted in
industrial scenarios [
]. Furthermore, the results of such a study
can support the claims that using RRs is better than doing manual
repairs, which is always assumed, although empirical evidence is
not provided in the literature. Thus, we designed our experiment
intending to collect and analyze these implications.
When designing our experiment, we applied the guidelines for
experimentation with human participants in software engineer-
ing [
]. Furthermore, we considered how other experiments
with human participants were designed. Petersen et al
. [21]
an experiment to analyze the impact of time-controlled reading in-
spection regarding eectiveness and eciency. When formulating
two metrics for RQ1 (see Section 3.1.1), namely, eectiveness and
eciency, we considered Petersen et al. [21] formulas to calculate
the scores for each task of our experiment. When designing the
methods for analyzing the results of our experiment, we considered
studies that had similar protocols. For instance, Dzidek et al
. [6]
report an empirical evaluation of the costs and benets of using
UML documentation for software maintenance. Their experiment
focused on how the use of UML impacts the time and quality of
source code maintenance in comparison to the lack of documenta-
tion. This is similar to how we compare the benets and perceived
diculty and condence when repairing inconsistent models with
and without RRs. Their experiment was also composed of quan-
titative and qualitative RQs, similar to ours, as RQ1 and RQ3 are
quantitative and RQ2 is qualitative. Analyzing works that deal with
questionnaires is also important when formulating the questions,
and metrics for analyzing the results of questionnaires [18].
Since the experiment’s sample is composed mostly of develop-
ers that are M.Sc./Ph.D. students, we have to consider guidelines
regarding students as participants in experiments [
]. Falessi
et al
. [7]
, for instance, proposes the
scheme (Real, Relevant,
and Recent) for classifying participants’ experiences. Based on this
scheme, every characterization question for the Real and Relevant
experience has four alternatives: i) No experience; ii) Less than 2
years of experience (short); iii) between 2 and 5 years of experience
(medium); iv) more than 5 years of experience (long). Furthermore,
questions related to Recent experience had the following alterna-
tives: i) None; ii) more than 5 years ago (old); iii) between 2 and
5 years ago (medium); and iv) less than 2 years ago (new). Also,
for each question, participants should provide their academic and
industrial experience. This scheme is important as the experience
of participants may impact the results of the experiment. According
to Falessi et al
. [7]
, conducting experiments with students does not
have a lower relevance or lower interest than experiments with pro-
fessionals. In the same context, Feldt et al
. [8]
argue that researchers
should discuss the limitations of having students as participants
while aiming to run more experiments with practitioners. In our
experiment, 19 out of the 24 participants have varied professional
experiences, being both students and practitioners. Details about
the experiment design, including the sample selection, are described
in the next section.
In this section, we present the experiment design
dened based
on the aforementioned related work.
3.1 Experiment Denition and Planning
The goal of our experiment is to analyze if the provision of RRs brings
benets to developers. Moreover, we wantto observe how developers
perceive the dierence between using RRs compared to not using
them. We also aim at investigating if developers have preferred RRs
when xing inconsistent models. Thus, the goal of the experiment
is not to compare two RRs techniques to conclude which one is
better. Rather, we aim at understanding and evidencing the real
benets (if they exist) of providing RRs from the perspective of the
developers. This clarication is important, as the experiment was
planned and executed with this goal in mind.
3.1.1 Research estions, Metrics, and Hypotheses.
The independent variable is the use of RRs for repairing design
models. We decided to use UML diagrams to represent the models
since UML is a well-known modeling language adapted in the in-
dustry for documentation [
], as well as being commonly used in
controlled experiments [
]. The values (treatments) given to this
variable are: repair recommendations (RR), providing a set of repair
alternatives for each inconsistency; and without recommendations
(WR), repairing the diagrams only knowing their inconsistencies.
The dependent variables are: Time spent (in minutes) on the tasks
); the number of inconsistencies per task (
); the number of incon-
sistencies xed per task (
). We attribute dierent
scores as an
inconsistency could be xed (score 1), partially xed (score 0.5), or
not xed (score 0); Additional metrics include the ranking of repair
recommendations given by the participants in RR tasks (
); re-
pairs created by participants in WR tasks (RC). In addition, we use
four qualitative metrics, presented in Table 1: task diculty level
) and overall diculty (
); condence level (
) regarding
the inconsistency being repaired; and the participants’ acceptance
(PA) regarding RRs.
We also formulate indirect metrics based on related work [
namely, eectiveness (EFT) and eciency (EFY). EFT is the degree
to which participants repair a model inconsistency (Equation 1).
The result is a range from 0 to 1, where 0 means that no partici-
pant repaired the inconsistency and 1 means that all participants
repaired the inconsistency for that task. EFY is the degree to which
participants repair a model inconsistency, considering the time
required (Equation 2).
I(1) 𝐸𝐹 𝑌 =60 ∗𝐸𝐹𝑇
We also complement the analysis of the results by extracting themes
from open-ended questions present in the feedback questionnaires.
Marchezan et al.
Table 1: Questions from the experiment questionnaires
ID Question When it was
TD How dicult was this task? After each task 5-Point Scale
CL How condent are you about xing the
inconsistency in this task?
After each task 5-Point Scale
OD How dicult was repairing the models
(RR and WR)?
After all tasks 5-Point Scale
PA Do you think that using RRs is worse or
better than not using them?
After all tasks 5-Point Scale
CF What challenges did you face when
repairing the models (RR and WR)?
After all tasks Open-ended
These questions included asking participants about the challenges
faced (see
in Table 1) when performing the tasks, justifying
the reason why an inconsistency was not xed, and how the given
RRs could be improved in terms of understandability. From all the
answers given, we applied a thematic synthesis process to create
and extract themes [
], describing patterns that are found in the
answers. These metrics are used to answer the following RQs:
RQ1. Do developers benet from recommendations when repairing
inconsistent design models?
Rationale: we investigate if the provision of RRs impacts the ef-
fectiveness and eciency of the participants when repairing incon-
sistent models. Method: we answer this RQ by testing two-sided
hypotheses for the EFT and EFY metrics. The null hypothesis
states that the provision of RRs has no impact, as it does not increase
or decrease the EFT/EFY compared to WR. The alternative hypothe-
states that RRs have an impact on the EFT/EFY scores. To test
the statistical signicance of the results, we performed a two-tailed
distribution, paired t-test, with a probability level of 5% to reject
𝐻0𝐸𝐹 𝑌 :𝐸𝐹 𝑌 (𝑅𝑅)=𝐸𝐹 𝑌 (𝑊𝑅 )
𝐻𝑎𝐸𝐹 𝑌 :𝐸𝐹 𝑌 (𝑅𝑅)≠𝐸 𝐹𝑌 (𝑊 𝑅)
RQ2. How do developers perceive the use of repair recommendations
when repairing inconsistent design models?
Rationale: we investigate participants’ opinions regarding the di-
culty of the tasks performed, their condence when performing the
tasks, and the acceptance of using RRs when repairing inconsistent
models. We analyze these results to understand if when RRs are
provided, participants perceive tasks to be less or more dicult
while having less or more condence in performing them. Method:
we consider four questions from the feedback questionnaires given
to participants, namely,
, and
, shown in Table 1.
We also consider the two metrics used for the hypothesis testing
performed for RQ1 when analyzing the correlation between the
perceived diculty and the eectiveness and eciency results.
RQ3. Do developers have preferred recommendations when repairing
inconsistent design models?
Rationale: we investigate if there is one ideal RR for each incon-
sistency. We also investigate the possibility of RRs that are always
or never selected. Method: we consider the RRs ranking assigned
by participants in each RR task. Then, we analyze the frequency
of an RR being selected as the rst option as well as the most fre-
quent, best, and worst rank of each RR. For WR tasks, we look at
Table 2: Experience of the 24 Participants
Experience Number of Participants (Academic/Industrial Exp.)
Level Soft. Eng. UML Soft. Repair UML Repair
None 1/5 1/15 6/9 11/21
Short 4/8 10/7 7/6 12/3
Medium 14/8 12/2 9/8 1/0
Long 5/3 1/0 2/1 0/0
the repairs created by participants, comparing them with the RRs
provided for the RR tasks.
3.1.2 Sample Selection.
We invited participants for the experiment using convenience
sampling, i.e., participants selected were easily accessible [
]. We
sent e-mail invitations to M.Sc./Ph.D. students enrolled in the Model-
Driven Engineering course. After the students replied, demonstrat-
ing interest in participating in the experiment, we sent a question-
naire to collect demographic data about them. This questionnaire to
characterize participants
was designed using the
scheme (Real,
Relevant, and Recent) considering both academic and industrial
experience [
]. The strategy for inviting participants and collecting
their data was designed based on the mitigation strategy of threats
to validity (TtV) TtV1 and TtV2, described in Section 3.3.
In total, 31 participants answered the experience questionnaire,
however, seven participants were not able to be present in the exper-
iment. Hence, the sample consists of 24 participants (22 M.Sc. and
two Ph.D. students). As shown in Table 2, the experience of the par-
ticipants varied between the categories of short, medium, and long,
with most participants having at least short experience in the in-
dustry (19) with software engineering. We only invited participants
that were familiar with UML, since all the tasks given contained
UML diagrams. Table 2 also shows that only one participant did
not have experience with UML in the academy, however, the same
participant had a short experience with UML in the industry.
3.1.3 Experimental Package.
The experimental package was designed considering the mitiga-
tion of threats to validity (see Section 3.3) and it was composed of
the following artifacts:
Design models: UML diagrams that are part of a dataset of both
industry and academic models of dierent domains.
This dataset
has also been used for evaluating RR generation approaches [
]. We used six dierent UML models, composed of class, sequence,
and state machine diagrams.
Guidelines: this document included an explanation about con-
sistency checking and RRs, how the tasks should be conducted, and
the consent term that participants had to agree on. The guidelines
also contained two illustrative tasks that were completed by partic-
ipants together with an experimenter carrying out the session. The
denition of the guidelines was based on the mitigation from TtV5.
Tasks’ document: the tasks were given to participants as a
printed document. An example of a task is illustrated in Figure 1.
For each task, we presented the CR applied and described the in-
consistency with a sentence in English (at the top of the gure).
We also highlighted in the diagram the inconsistency to be xed
(the three ellipses). To ensure that the inconsistencies given in the
tasks were varied, for some tasks we introduced the inconsistency,
Do Developers Benefit from Recommendations when Repairing Inconsistent Design Models? a Controlled Experiment
Table 3: Experiment Tasks
Group Task Model Diagram CR
G1 TCex M1 class and seq. CR1 Original
TCac M2 class and seq. CR2 Introduced
G2 TMic M3 class CR3 Introduced
TCdr M4 class CR4 Original
G3 TSeq M4 seq. and state CR5 Introduced
TSta M4 class and state. CR6 Introduced
M5 class and seq. CR1 Original
TSup M6 class and seq. CR1 & CR2 Introduced
i.e., by deleting or modifying an element from the diagram. We
dened ve task criteria to be followed when creating a task: the
diagram used in the task must be of a certain size range, between 3
and 15 model elements; tasks should have dierent combinations
of diagrams, e.g., only class, class and sequence, class and state
machine, and sequence and state machine; each task must have
unique inconsistencies; an inconsistency must have multiple RRs;
inconsistencies must aect dierent types of model elements, e.g.,
operations, associations, messages, lifelines, and states.
Table 3 summarizes the description of the eight tasks dened, six
main tasks (G1 - G3), and two extra tasks (G4). These two extra tasks
were dened based on feedback from the pilot studies conducted
before the experiment (details in Section 3.3, TtV7). Tasks were
grouped in pairs based on the diagram types being used, e.g., G3 is
composed of two tasks that contain state-machine diagrams. The
reason for grouping tasks is due to the order of the tasks changing
for each participant (see Section 3.2).
Repair recommendations: The RR used in the experiment
were generated by adopting approaches and applying them into
the inconsistent models [
]. During the experiment, each
participant received RRs for four tasks (one task per task group),
having to perform the other four without RRs. For instance, Partic-
ipant 1 received RRs for TCex but not for TCac, which belong to
G1. Participant 2, however, received RRs for TCac and not for TCex.
We ensured that no matter the order of the tasks given to each
participant, they would alternate between RR and WR. When a task
contained RRs, participants were asked to write down the rank for
selecting each RR. For instance, as illustrated in Figure 1, ve RRs
were given, hence, participants rank them using numbers (from 1
to 5) to determine which RR is more suited in their opinion (1 being
the most suited one). They could also use the same rank more than
once if they thought that two or more RRs were equivalent, e.g.,
2. Modify and 4. Modify could be both considered the rst option.
The participants could also write down that one or more RRs were
non-applicable for that task by writing “N/A” or 0 (zero). Lastly,
participants could include new RRs if they believed that none of
the RRs was valid.
Feedback questionnaires: after the completion of each task,
participants were asked to answer a feedback questionnaire com-
posed of questions
from Table 1. After the completion of
all tasks, participants were given an overall feedback questionnaire
with questions OD,PA, and CF from Table 1 among others.1
3.2 Operation of the Experiment
The experiment was carried out in a classroom at the university on
two dierent dates due to the availability of participants. On the rst
date, fourteen participants were present, and ten participants were
present on the second date. For both dates, the experiment opera-
tion was carried out following the same script, with the same three
experimenters in the room. The experiment started at 10:35 AM on
both dates and lasted (the time when the last participant handed
in the feedback questionnaire) until 11:35 AM on the rst date and
11:18 AM on the second date. At the start of the experiment, partici-
pants were given an explanation about the experiment’s main goal,
without mentioning RQs or hypotheses. The guidelines document
was given to each participant and one experimenter read it aloud
also asking participants if they had any questions related to it. At
this point, we explained that the tasks must be performed individu-
ally and that participants were allowed to ask questions. However,
questions related to how to create or rank repairs would not be
answered to avoid bias. Furthermore, participants were not allowed
to talk with other participants. We also reminded participants to
write down the current time before and after each task.
After all the participants had nished reading the guidelines,
the task document was given to them. While participants were
performing the given tasks, three experimenters were in the room
observing if participants were following the guidelines explained.
In total, we had 24 dierent task documents printed, one for each
participant. All documents had the same eight tasks (see Table 3)
and the same feedback questionnaire for each task. However, the
order and the type of the tasks changed for each document, such as
that participants would alternate between RR and WR tasks. This
structure is important to mitigate a threat to validity related to
the learning eect (TtV6 in Section 3.3). Once a participant have
nished their tasks, the experiment feedback questionnaire was
given. After the experiment, the documents led by the participants
were converted into raw data.
3.3 Threats to Validity
In this section, we discuss threats to validity (TtV) and how we
mitigated them.
Construct Validity: The rst threat is using a convenience sam-
ple, as it can bias the results based on the participants’ experience
(TtV1). To mitigate this, we applied a questionnaire with the
characterization mechanism [
] to collect data about the academic
and industrial experience of participants on dierent topics. This
experience was considered when analyzing the results of each par-
ticipant. Furthermore, the majority of participants (19 out of 24)
have industrial experience. However, collecting the background
data about the participants may have a negative impact, such as
the stereotype threat (TtV2), which may lead to less experienced
participants having less condence as they can be reminded of their
lack of experience [
]. We mitigated this threat by collecting
participants’ demographic data through an online form, one week
before the experiment. The options provided as possible answers
to close-ended questions are also a threat, as they may confuse
or unintentionally bias participants’ answers (TtV3) [
]. Hence,
when using the Likert scale for answers, we always used textual
Marchezan et al.
descriptions for all options given. We also included open-ended
questions, asking participants to include observations.
Internal Validity: The models selected may bias the results
of the RQs (TtV4). The models used in our experiment, however,
were already evaluated and used in other studies [
], being
thoroughly tested. Furthermore, the dataset was composed of both
industry and academic models with three dierent types of UML
diagrams and combinations of them for the tasks, as described
in Table 3. Another threat is related to participants not reading or
understanding the instructions (TtV5). To mitigate this, participants
were asked to silently read the guidelines while an experimenter
read the same guidelines aloud. The guidelines also contained two
illustrative tasks that simulated the two types of tasks (RR and WR).
Conclusion Validity: A threat is related to the tasks’ order and
structure, impacting the results (TtV6) due to the learning eect [
]. To mitigate this threat, we structured the experiment tasks
using a counterbalancing strategy [
]. Hence, the participants
alternated between RR and WR tasks with the order changing, such
as that no two participants did the same combination of tasks (RR or
WR) in the same order.
Another threat is related to task diculty
and completion time (TtV7) that impact the results by creating
fatigue in the participants [
]. We mitigated this by conducting
two pilot studies with four participants (two for each pilot) that
were not present in the nal sample. After each pilot study, we
interviewed these participant. Based on their feedback for each task
regarding diculty and the time spent, we re-balanced the tasks and
time required for the experiment operation. For instance, the rst
pilot study had only six tasks. Participants from the pilot studies
also reported that most tasks were easy, so we re-balanced these
tasks, increasing their diculty. Measuring the success of WR tasks
can also be a threat to validity, since incorrect measures may impact
the WR tasks’ results (TtV8). To mitigate this, we checked if the
RRs created by participants in WR tasks were part of the generated
RRs from the same RR task. Lastly, measuring the time wrongly due
to participants not being sure when the task started and nished
may threaten the results regarding eciency (TtV9). We asked
participants to only start the tasks after signing the consent form
agreement to mitigate this threat. Whenever starting a task, they
would write down the start time at the top of the page. They also
recorded the end time before answering the feedback questionnaire
for each task. To keep the time consistent, we asked participants to
use the time from a digital clock displayed on the beamer.
External Validity: The impossibility to generalize the results
to practical cases due to the participants of the experiment being
students is a threat (TtV10). To mitigate this threat, we only in-
vited participants that already concluded their bachelor’s degree.
As shown in Table 2, the majority of the participants (19 out of 24)
had experience in the industry. Furthermore, we argue that even
inexperienced developers should be able to use RRs. The last threat
is related to the experimental package not representing a practi-
cal case, such as using toy examples that are not representative
of industrial practice (TtV11). To mitigate this, we used models
that were taken from real systems and the diagrams were scaled
down to be of a manageable size. However, as all elements of the
model that were relevant to each inconsistency were kept in the
3The denition of the task order is presented in our online appendix [15].
diagram, we argue that scaling down the models would not aect
the inconsistency repair.
In this section, we present the results of the experiment, and also
discuss the limitations and lessons learned.
4.1 Answering the RQs
RQ1. Do developers benefit from recommendations when repairing
inconsistent design models?
Table 4 describes the results of the eectiveness and eciency
metrics per task, distinguished by task type (RR and WR). Consid-
ering the eectiveness result, column EFT, the use of RR always led
to 1 eectiveness (100%). This means that for RR tasks, participants
always selected a repair to x the given inconsistency. For the WR
tasks, however, the result was 1 (100% EFT) only for task TSta. The
lowest result was for task TCex WR, where participants obtained
0.29 eectiveness on average. This means that inconsistencies were
xed (three in total) or partially xed (one in total) in TCex WR for
only 29% of the participants.
The eectiveness results of task TCex cannot be attributed to
the order in which TCex was performed, since the order of the
tasks changed for each participant. Similarly, tasks TCno and TSup
were always the last two tasks, still, the eectiveness scores for
these tasks were among the worst. We observed that the reason
for these lower scores is the inconsistency type and their required
RRs, which were suggesting modifying the association between
UML classes. Such RRs are more complex than renaming or delet-
ing model elements that were part of WR tasks that obtained the
best eectiveness results, i.e., tasks TCac, TMic, TCdr, TSeq, and
TSta. Thus, the results regarding eectiveness indicate that partici-
pants can benet from RRs in more complex tasks by improving the
eectiveness while keeping similar eectiveness for simpler tasks.
Figure 2 illustrates the results related to the time (
) required
(in minutes) to complete each task. The average time is similar for
RR and WR tasks. We observed that in the RR tasks, participants
spent their time analyzing the RRs given and their respective im-
pacts on the model. Whereas in WRs tasks, participants used the
time to think about which changes would possibly x the given
inconsistency and how to formulate them. In cases where simple
changes, such as renaming, were sucient to x the inconsistency,
participants spent less time on WR tasks. This is evidenced by the
completion time results of tasks TCac, TSeq, and TSta.
In the tasks where more complex changes were required, such
as TCex and TCno, time greatly varied when RRs were not given.
This is shown by analyzing the interquartile range regarding the
completion time for these two WR tasks, ranging from around 4 to
8 minutes for task TCex and from 2 to 7 minutes for task TCno (see
Figure 2). This range is much larger in comparison with the same
range for task TCex RR (from 3 to 5 minutes) and TCno RR (from
2 to 4 minutes). The dierence in these ranges indicates that the
time required to x inconsistencies varies more when repairing more
complex inconsistencies without RRs. Due to the dierent completion
times on average, which is shown in column
in Table 4, ve tasks
(TCex, TMic, TCdr, TCno, and TSup) were performed with more
eciency when RRs were given. In the other three tasks (TCac,
Do Developers Benefit from Recommendations when Repairing Inconsistent Design Models? a Controlled Experiment
Table 4: Results of EFT and EFY per task and overall
Task Type I IF (avg.) EFT Avg. T(min) EFY
TCex RR 1 1.00 1.00 3.92 15.31
WR 1 0.29 0.29 5.58 3.14
TCac RR 1 1.00 1.00 3.33 18.02
WR 1 0.92 0.92 2.92 18.84
TMic RR 1 1.00 1.00 2.83 21.20
WR 1 0.96 0.96 3.00 19.17
TCdr RR 1 1.00 1.00 3.17 18.93
WR 1 0.92 0.92 3.58 15.36
TSeq RR 1 1.00 1.00 4.50 13.33
WR 1 0.92 0.92 4.08 13.48
TSta RR 1 1.00 1.00 3.92 15.31
WR 1 1.00 1.00 2.58 23.26
TCno RR 1 1.00 1.00 3.42 17.54
WR 1 0.38 0.38 3.92 5.74
TSup RR 2 2.00 1.00 3.42 17.54
WR 2 0.88 0.44 3.92 6.70
Metric Type
Median Std. % dif. p-value
EFT RR 1.00 1.00 0.00 37.63 0.04
WR 0.73 0.92 0.30
17.54 2.45 29.81 0.17
14.42 7.29
TSeq, and TSta) participants obtained higher eciency results when
no RRs were given. Thus, RRs benet participants in complex tasks
by improving eciency. For simpler tasks, however, the provision of
RRs reduces the eciency of participants.
Table 4 shows the results of the hypotheses testing, comparing
the mean, median, and standard deviation of the eectiveness (EFT)
and eciency (EFY) metrics. Column % di shows the percent-
age dierence between the two means, i.e, a positive value means
that the use of RRs is better in terms of eectiveness or eciency,
whereas a negative value means that RR is worse (column p-value).
Notice that the result for eectiveness is statically signicant (p-
value < 0.05) while for eciency it is not statically signicant.
Answering RQ1: The use of RR has an impact as it improves EFT
by 37.63% on average, rejecting
(p-value = 0.04). The use
of RRs also improves EFY by 29.81% on average (p-value = 0.17).
Providing RRs, however, decreases the EFY of developers in simpler
tasks compared to manual repairs.
RQ2. How do developers perceive the use of repair recommendations
when repairing inconsistent design models?
Considering the results of tasks diculty (
) for four tasks
(TCac, TSeq, TSta, and TCno), the majority of participants had
similar answers for WR and RR tasks with most being either easy or
neutral diculty. For the other tasks, answers were more distributed.
For instance, for task TCex RR, 58% of the participants perceived
the task as having neutral diculty, while for TCex WR the task
was dicult for 42% and neutral for 42% of the participants. For
TMic RR, 83% of the participants considered the task to be easy.
Considering TMic WR, however, the answers were varied, with
only 25% of the participants considering the task to be dicult.
Considering the question about diculty asked after all tasks (
the majority of participants (50%) considered the RR tasks to be
easy. The answers for WR tasks, however, were the same for neutral
and dicult, with 42% of the participants choosing either option.
Hence, we observe that the participants’ perceived diculty per task
2 4 6 8 10 12
Completion time (minutes)
Figure 2: Result of time (in minutes) spent on tasks
is not impacted by the provision of RRs, instead, the participants’
perceived diculty is related to the complexity of the inconsistency
and the possible RRs required.
The condence level (
) of participants about xing the in-
consistencies cannot be related to the provision or the lack of RRs
since, for most tasks, the results were similar.
An exception is
TSeq, where the majority of participants (42%) were fairly condent
without RRs, representing the number four in the 1-5 scale. More-
over, for RR tasks, 50% of the participants were somewhat condent,
representing the number three on the 1-5 scale.
The results for the condence level can be related to the di-
culty level results, since tasks considered to be easier were those
where participants felt more condent (TCac, TMic, TCdr). Fur-
thermore, tasks considered to be more dicult were those where
was lower (TCex, TCno, and TSup). Hence, the provision of
RRs does not impact the condence level of participants when xing
inconsistent models. These results can be complemented by analyz-
ing two themes extracted from the open-ended questions. In these
questions, twelve participants reported that, for some tasks, it was
hard to repair the inconsistency due to their lack of knowledge about
the model’s domain. This is also related to how inconsistencies are
presented and described to the developers, which was reported by two
participants as impacting their decision. Providing this information
may be useful when deciding on RRs, especially considering RRs
that should not be applied since they may contradict the original
design of the model.
Concerning the participants’ acceptance of RRs (
), the ma-
jority of participants (88%) answered that using RRs when xing
inconsistent models is either much better or somewhat better. The op-
tion about the same was chosen by 4%, and somewhat worse selected
by 8% of the participants. The option much worse was not selected
by any participant. In addition to these results, if we consider the
themes extracted from open-ended questions, ten participants men-
tioned that the lack of RR made some tasks harder. These results
indicated that participants feel that the use of RRs is better than not
using them when repairing models.
4Results of all questions are available at our online appendix [15]
Marchezan et al.
Table 5: Results of RRs ranking
Ranked 1st* Overall Ranking
RR # % Avg. Std.
Med. Worst
RR1 9 75 1.25 0.45 1 1 1 2
RR2 0 0 3.25 0.62 3 2 3 4
RR3 4 33.33 2.08 1.08 2 1 2 4
RR1 3 25 2.25 1.06 2 1 2 4
RR2 9 75 1.58 1.16 1 1 1 4
RR3 1 8.33 2.92 1 3 1 3 4
RR1 1 8.33 4.67 1.56 6 1 5 6
RR2 0 0 3.83 1.59 2 2 3.5 6
RR3 9 75 1.42 0.79 1 1 1 3
RR4 1 8.33 2.58 1.31 2 1 2 6
RR5 0 0 4.92 1.51 6 2 5.5 6
RR1 2 16.67 3.83 1.64 5 1 5 5
RR2 10 83.33 1.25 0.62 1 1 1 3
RR3 0 0 4.25 1.22 5 2 5 5
RR4 8 66.67 1.50 0.90 1 1 1 4
RR1 4 33.33 2.58 1.51 3 1 3 6
RR2 3 25 3 2.09 2 1 2 6
RR3 3 25 2.67 1.23 4 1 3 4
RR4 2 16.67 3.42 1.78 3 1 3 6
RR5 2 16.67 4.42 1.98 6 1 5 6
RR1 2 16.67 3.08 1.88 2 1 2.5 6
RR2 6 50 1.92 1.44 1 1 1.5 6
RR3 3 25 3.58 2.11 6 1 3 6
RR4 3 25 3.67 2.06 6 1 4 6
RR5 0 0 5.42 1 6 3 6 6
RR1 2 16.67 2.67 1.07 3 1 3 4
RR2 3 25 2.25 1.06 2 1 2 4
RR3 7 58.33 2.08 1.44 1 1 1 4
RR1 5 41.67 2.75 1.86 1 1 2 5
RR2 3 25 2.33 1.15 2 1 2 5
RR3 5 41.67 2.42 1.56 1 1 2 5
RR4 3 25 3.50 1.73 5 1 4 5
*-Percentage is based on the number of participants that ranked RRs 1st. Since more than one RR
could be ranked 1st, percentages may sum up to more than 100%
Answering RQ2: The provision or the lack of RRs has no direct
impact on participants’ perceived diculty and condence. Also,
participants feel that using RRs is better than not using them.
RQ3. Do developers have preferred recommendations when repairing
inconsistent design models?
Table 5 shows the results for the RR ranking (
) for each RR
task. Column Ranked 1st # shows the number of times that an RR
was selected as the rst option. For each RR task, 12 participants
had to select RRs, since the other 12 participants performed the
same task without RRs. For task TCex, RR1 was the rst option for
9 participants (75%) while RR2 was never the rst option, and RR3
was the rst option for 4 participants (33.33%). Because participants
could repeat the ranking for two or more RRs, the sum of the
percentages can be greater than 100%. None of the tasks had only
one RR always selected as the rst option. In four tasks (TCex, TCac,
TMic, and TCno), only one RR was the rst option for more than
50% of the participants. In three tasks (TSeq, TSta, and TSup), no RR
was selected by more than 50% of the participants. For task TCdr,
two RRs were selected by more than 50% of the participants. There
were some cases, such as RR1 and RR3 for TSup, where two RRs
were selected as the rst option by the same amount of participants.
The results indicate that there is not one ideal solution for repairing
an inconsistency, but rather participants prefer dierent RRs.
Table 5 also shows results for the overall ranking of RRs per task.
The average ranking (column Avg.) shows that, for most tasks, at
Table 6: Repairs Created (RC) in WR tasks
RC # % Rel. RR
RC # % Rel. RR
RC1 3 25 RR1
RC1 1 8.33 -
TCac RC1 1 8.33 RR3
RC1 6 50 RR2
RC2 10
RR2 RC2 8
RC3 3 25 RR1
RC4 2
RC1 11
RC1 3 25 RR1
RC2 1 8.33 - RC2 6 50 RR2
RC3 1 8.33 RR2 RC3 3 25 RR4
RC1 2
RC1 7
RC2 8
RR2 RC2 8
RC3 5
RR4 RC3 1 8.33 RR2
least one RR stayed close to the bottom rank. This means that such
an RR is always considered not applicable for the given inconsis-
tency. Examples include RR3 for task TCex (avg. ranking of 3.25)
and RR5 for TSta (avg. ranking of 5.42). For both RRs, the ranking
given was greater than the number of options, i.e., for task TCex
only three RRs were given and RR3 ranked 3.25 on average. This
happens because when an RR was not selected, i.e., not ranked,
we considered it to be the worst possible rank. For task TCex, the
worst possible ranking was 4th, since three RRs were given. Thus,
the 4th ranking for task TCex means that this RR was not selected.
Tasks TSta, TCno, and TSup had RRs that were, at least once, not
selected. This is displayed by the column Worst in Table 5, which
describes the worst ranking given for each RR. These results indi-
cate that, depending on the context, any RR may be considered not
applicable. The context in this case is the inconsistency, the bro-
ken model, and the personal preferences of the developer. Further
support for this nding is given by analyzing three themes from
the open-ended questions. Firstly, nine participants mentioned that
some RRs seemed not suited to x the inconsistency. Most of these
RRs mentioned were the ones that suggested deleting elements.
Secondly, eleven participants (45%) commented that the lack of side
eects analysis related to the application of RRs made the decision
more dicult. Hence, if such analysis is provided, the decision of
using or not an RR may be impacted. Lastly, one participant men-
tioned that a better rationale for using the RRs should be provided.
These three themes indicate that only providing a list of RRs may
not be sucient for developers. Approaches should instead provide
enough rationale related to why each RR should be considered and
what are their side eects.
Considering the best ranking in Table 5 (column Best), for most
tasks all RRs were considered as the rst or second option, at least
for one participant. The only exception, task TSta, had one RR
(RR5) which had 3rd as the best ranking. The most frequent ranking
(column Mode) for this same RR was 6, which means that this RR
was most frequently not selected at all. If we consider the results
for the other seven tasks, excluding TSta, we observe that any RR
may be considered as the most suited alternative.
Table 6 describes the repairs created (RC) by the participants
in the WR tasks. We analyzed all WR tasks and counted the num-
ber of times (column #) that the same RC was performed. While
performing this analysis, we only considered RC that xed the
inconsistencies in the task. Tasks TCex and TCno had only one RC
each, these are the same tasks with the lowest eectiveness and
Do Developers Benefit from Recommendations when Repairing Inconsistent Design Models? a Controlled Experiment
eciency results. The repair for task TCex was used only for three
participants, representing 25% of the participants that performed
TCex WR. The RC for task TCno was only performed by one par-
ticipant. We also noticed that most repairs created for task TCno
(seven cases) only partially xed the inconsistency in the task. For
both TCex and TCno, the number of participants able to formulate
a correct repair stayed below four. This indicates that the lack of
RRs can lead to few repairs being considered as alternatives.
The columns #and %from Table 6, show that in four tasks
(TCac, TMic, TCdr, and TSta) only one RC was used for more than
50% of the participants. In one task (TSup) two RCs were used
for more than 50%. One important aspect observed is that for all
tasks, except TCdr, participants did not consider all possible repairs
(the ones given in RR tasks). Additionally, the columns #and %
from Tables 5 and 6 can be compared to observe that when RRs are
provided, participants considered using dierent repair alternatives.
This is further supported by a theme extracted from the comments
of two participants, mentioning that some RRs alternatives were not
considered when RRs were not given.
The column Related RR in Table 6 shows RRs that were part
of the RR tasks, which proposed the same changes represented
by the RCs. Only in three cases, the repairs created by partici-
pants did not have a corresponding RR. For all three cases, this
happened because the RCs suggested deleting the model element
which contained the inconsistency. Two of these three RCs were
applied only once (RC2 for TMic and RC1 for TCno) and the other
was applied by two dierent participants (RC1 for TSta). Although
these RRs were generated by the approach, based on the feed-
back from the pilot experiments (see Section 3.3), we decided to
remove such RRs from the experiment. The reason was that par-
ticipants from the pilot described deleting the model elements
that cause the inconsistency to be “senseless” RRs. Thus, the re-
pairs created by participants were also proposed by the approach.
Answering RQ3: There is not one ideal RR for repairing a given
inconsistency. Depending on the context, the developer’s preferences
change as any given RR may be considered the ideal one. There are,
however, contexts where any RR may be considered not applica-
ble. Furthermore, when RRs are provided, developers consider more
alternatives to x the inconsistency.
4.2 Lessons Learned and Limitations
In this section, we discuss the lessons learned with the results and
the limitations of this study.
RRs in simpler tasks: Considering RQ1, the results of eciency
were not statistically signicant since for three tasks (TCac, TSeq,
TSta) the eciency was worse when RRs were given. These results
led us to understand that providing RRs may not be always the best
solution for all tasks. Tasks TCac, TSeq, and TSta had inconsisten-
cies that could be xed with simple changes such as renaming a
model element. In these cases, participants can create their repairs
fairly fast. When RRs are given, however, participants need to ana-
lyze all alternatives before selecting, increasing the required time.
This analysis is important and not addressed in other studies, as it
is always assumed that using repairs is better than not using them.
The results of our experiment show that this is not always the case,
as in simpler tasks the use of RRs did not aect the eectiveness and
providing RRs reduced the eciency in simpler tasks. This is an im-
portant lesson learned, as we observed that it may not be required
to provide repairs for all inconsistencies when repairing models, as
simpler inconsistencies can be easily repaired manually. Deciding
which inconsistencies are “simpler”, however, is not trivial and is
related to the developers’ knowledge and experience. Since our
experiment is limited to the types of models and inconsistencies
provided, further investigation has to be carried out on this topic.
The results of this investigation may aid practitioners to develop
approaches that are exible to the developers/model context.
Relation of eectiveness/eciency with diculty and con-
dence: The results of the diculty and condence of participants
(RQ2) can be related to the eectiveness and eciency scores from
Table 4 (RQ1). This relation is important since low eectiveness
and eciency may be associated with the diculty of the task. The
three tasks considered more dicult by participants (TCex, TCno,
and TSup) are the same below 0.5 eectiveness and below 10 e-
ciency. Furthermore, tasks TCac, TMic, and TCdr were considered
either easy or very easy and stayed between 0.9 and 1 eectiveness
and between 10 and 20 eciency. Similarly, the condence level
may also be associated with the eectiveness and eciency results.
In two RR tasks (TCex, TCno), although participants were always
able to x the inconsistency (eectiveness = 1), they still did not
feel condent about it. These results indicate that, in some cases,
RRs still seem wrong in the developers’ perception as they are not
condent that the inconsistency is xed by these RRs. According to
the answers to open-ended questions, some participants reported
that they needed additional information from the RR when deciding
the rank. This information could include the impact of the RR in the
model, i.e., what the model would look like after the RR has been
performed. Additional information, according to the participants,
would be to include previous changes from the model history. This
information would help the developers understand how the model
was designed and what was the intent of the designer. Our results
are limited in this regard, as we did not include this information
and focused on the current state of the models only. Analyzing
these implications remains as future work.
RRs preferences: The results related to developers’ condence
are also important to better understand the impact of RRs from
the developers’ perspective, including how much the developer
trusts the given suggestion. This analysis relates to the use of auto-
matic repair approaches which, usually, do not rely on developers’
feedback [
]. These approaches produce correct repairs, however,
those repairs may not be correct or the ideal alternative in the eyes
of the developer. This argument is supported by the results of RQ3,
which show that developers have dierent preferences when se-
lecting repairs. Similarly, designing an approach that ranks the RRs
alternatives brings challenges, as even the rank is dierent depend-
ing on developers’ preferences. Moreover, some RRs are preferable
depending on dierent types of models and inconsistencies. Hence,
the ranking of RRs should consider the context in which it should
be applied. We argue that when ranking RRs, approaches should
take into account the preferences of developers and should be context-
sensitive. Our results, however, cannot support the claim regarding
the context as all models and inconsistencies used derive from the
same domain (UML) and further investigation is needed.
Marchezan et al.
RRs generated: The analysis of the results is limited by the
RRs generated because a dierent RR approach for generating or
presenting the RRs may lead to developers ranking or selecting
dierent RRs. This could also impact other metrics such as eciency,
, and
. Hence, if a dierent approach was used for generating
the RRs, the results may dier. Due to this limitation, we decided
to give the tasks to developers using pen and paper, instead of
relying on a tool. By using this strategy, we allow the protocol of
the experiment to be easily adapted by replacing the approach used
for generating the RRs as the protocol is tool-independent. This
strategy facilitates the replicability of the experiment to conrm
or decline the ndings using dierent approaches. We understand,
however, that the ndings and answers for the RQs can only be
supported considering the approach applied in this experiment.
The benets of using RRs when repairing inconsistent design mod-
els have never been investigated in an experiment with human
participants. In this work, we reported a controlled experiment
carried out with 24 developers. The results evidence that develop-
ers benet from RRs by improving the eectiveness and eciency
when repairing inconsistent design models. This improvement is
more evident when the tasks are complex. We also observed, how-
ever, that RRs can reduce eciency in simpler tasks. Moreover, the
perceived diculty and condence of developers are not impacted
by the provision of RR. Furthermore, we concluded that not all
developers choose the same RR, but rather, have varied preferences.
Hence, the provision of RRs leads to developers considering more
alternatives for xing an inconsistency.
We also reported lessons learned, limitations, and future work
planned to address them. For instance, improving the RRs feedback
given to developers by exploring the side eects of repairs. We
argue that this aids developers during the decision-making process.
However, these potential implications should be further explored in
studies focusing on side eects and RRs rationale. The investigation
of the benets and challenges of side eects and change propagation
of RRs from the developers’ perspective can aid researchers and
practitioners to formalize the repair process for design models.
Artifacts of the experiment are available in an online appendix [
This research has been funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF,
P31989-N31), by the FFG-COMET-K1 Center “Pro
Future”, (881844),
and by the LIT Secure and Correct System Lab funded by the State
of Upper Austria.
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