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دور تدقيق الاداء المستدام في اضفاء الثقة وتعزيز المصداقية للإبلاغ المتكامل في الوحدات الاقتصادية دراسة نظرية



تتمثل خدمات تدقيق الاداء المستدام (المنظور الجديد لخدمة التأكيد المهني) بأبداء رأي واضح ومستقل عن جميع المعلومـات الماليـة وغير الماليـة، فالهدف من البحث هو توضيح دور تدقيق الأداء المستدام في اضفاء الثقة وتعزيز المصداقية للإبلاغ المتكامل في الوحدات الاقتصادية، ‏إن وجود تقرير تدقيق الاداء المستقل على إفصاح الإدارة لمحتوى الابلاغ المتكامـل يمكنه ‏من تحسين الثقة والمصداقية والاعتماد عليه، ومن ثم تحسين جودة المعلومات ‏في ضوء توفر خدمة تدقيق الاداء المستدام على الابلاغ المتكامـل.‏ وتوصل البحث أن وجود تقرير تدقيق الاداء المستقل على إفصاح الإدارة لمحتوى الابلاغ المتكامـل يمكنه من تحسين الثقة والمصداقية في المعلومات المالية وغير المالية، ومن ثم تحسين جودة المعلومات في ضوء توفر خدمة تدقيق الاداء المستدام على الابلاغ المتكامـل. واهم توصيات البحث يتطلب لأداء الخدمة تكوين فريق التدقيق يتمتع بالخبرات المهنية والفنية والتأهيل المناسب ويتكون من مراقب حسابات متخصص كقائد للفريق، ومتخصص في المجالات الماليـة ومتخصص في الأمور البيئية ومتخصص في الجوانب الاجتماعية والحوكمة ومتخصص في مجال نشاط الوحدة والاداء الاستراتيجي، فضلا عن متخصصين في مجال تقنية المعلومـات عند الحاجة.
Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, (31/12/2022); Vol. 18, No. 60, Part (1): 110-130
Tikrit Journal of Administrative
And Economics Sciences
ISSN: 1813-1719 (Print)
The Sustainable Performance Audit Services (the new perspective of the
professional assurance service) are represented in expressing a clear and independent
opinion on all financial and non-financial information. The independent performance on
the management’s disclosure of the content of the integrated reporting enables it to
improve trust, credibility and reliability, and then improve the quality of the information
in light of the availability of the sustainable performance auditing service on the
integrated reporting. Integrated reporting enables it to improve confidence and
credibility in financial and non-financial information, and then improve the quality of
information in light of the availability of a sustainable performance audit service on
integrated reporting. The most important recommendations of the research require to
perform the service the formation of an audit team with professional and technical
expertise and appropriate qualification and consists of a specialized auditor as a team
leader, a specialist in financial fields. A specialist in environmental matters, a specialist
in social aspects and governance. A specialist in the field of unit activity and strategic
performance, in addition to IT specialists when needed.
Keywords: Sustainable Performance, Sustainable Performance Auditing, Integrated
Reporting, Sustainable Performance Auditing under Integrated Reporting
 
           
The Role of Sustainable Performance Auditing in Adding Confidence
and Enhancing Credibility for Integrated Reporting in Economic
Units: Theory study
Prof. Dr. Fayhaa Abdul khalek Yahya
Researcher: Shaymaa Mohammed Sameer
College of Administration and Economics
College of Administration and Economics
University of Mosul
University of Mosul
Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, (31/12/2022); Vol. 18, No. 60, Part (1): 110-130
           
           
  
          
          
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Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, (31/12/2022); Vol. 18, No. 60, Part (1): 110-130
          
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  
World Commission on Environment and Development
(Peršić et al., 2017: 2)
Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, (31/12/2022); Vol. 18, No. 60, Part (1): 110-130
 (SASB, 2018: 4) 
          
(Lin, 2010: 6)
          
.(Pintão, 2014: 4)
            
             
           
           
(Simoni &, et al., 2020: 1061)
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  
          
ISSAI 3100
     
   
           
  
           
               
 
     
 
   
          
       
             
         
British Standards Institute (BSI)
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           
(Stanescu & et al., 2020: 202)
(Arora, 2017: 26-27)
         
       
          
            
(Grigorescu & Hategan, 2016: 1103)
            
         
          
       
Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, (31/12/2022); Vol. 18, No. 60, Part (1): 110-130
      
       
            
           (Stanescu & et al., 2020: 202)
           
          
            
         
             
      
   
       
          
Owen, 2014: 344
    
            
(Eccles & krzus, 2010: 5)One report is an integrated report
(Shimko, 2016: 43)(Poignant & Stensiö, 2014: 9)
          
    (Flores et al., 2012: 30)
         
   EBR         
          
Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, (31/12/2022); Vol. 18, No. 60, Part (1): 110-130
(IIRC, 2013: 7)
 
           
  
       
(Kılıç & Kuzey, 2021: 116)
             
(Baron, 2014: 22)
  
        
(IIRC, 2013: 2)   
(Mohammed et al., 2020: 128)
     
       
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IIRC, International Integrated Reporting Council, (2013), Consultation draft of the
international <IR> Framework, p.15-18
        (Hoque, 2017: 243)
(ESG) 
         
 
     
 
 
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 
(IIRC)International Integrated Reporting Council
    IASB    FASB 
  IFAC    AICPA 
PWC, KMIG, Ernst & Young
world BankUNEP
Harvard(Soyka, 2013: 3)
  (Oprisor, 2015: 87)   2011
        
(TBL)Triple Botton Line(TBL)
            
(John Elkington)
(Saeed, 2017: 18)
     
 
(GRI)Global Reporting InitiativeGRI
          
 
 
John Elkington
Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, (31/12/2022); Vol. 18, No. 60, Part (1): 110-130
     GRI-G1  
 GRI    GRI-G3   
  GRI-G4(GRI, 2013: 9)     
   
       
    
      
 )SASB(
          
SASB   
 (SASB)(IIRC)
        
SASB, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board      
Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, (31/12/2022); Vol. 18, No. 60, Part (1): 110-130
           
 
          
 
    
 
     
Fattah, 2020: 44)-Abd El(
            
          
            
   
       
 
          
 
(IIRC, 2013: 17)
Ernst and Young, 2014)
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           
(Haji & Anifowose, 2016: 915)
          
          
    
    
(IAASB)ISAE 3000)
 
       
           
           
Lyons, 2015: 1-13
       
 
          
  
      
          
 ISAs 315
Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, (31/12/2022); Vol. 18, No. 60, Part (1): 110-130
ISAE 3000
    3410ISAE     
    AA1000AS    
"AccountAbility Organization
  ISO  ISO 14065   
ISO 3100026000ISO
ISAs 720
  3400      
          
 5130  
            
             
     
         
             
(Abd El-Fattah, 2020: 70)
 
           
Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, (31/12/2022); Vol. 18, No. 60, Part (1): 110-130
          
           
           
 3410      
          
    
         
AA1000AS 
          
             
        GRI,TB 
           
          
       
           Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS)(ISAs)
International Standards on Auditing(Goicoechea, 2019: 1-19)
         
Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, (31/12/2022); Vol. 18, No. 60, Part (1): 110-130
 
         
            
         
           
              
    
           
         
 
(SF 
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          
   
            
        
             
            
  
            
           
            
           
  
1.          
         
2. 
3.          
   
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4. 
           
 
 
  
           
           
         
           
         
          
       
Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences, (31/12/2022); Vol. 18, No. 60, Part (1): 110-130
 
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The importance of environmental information at international level has contributed to the evolution of environmental reporting of economic entities, both in the annual financial statements and in special reports dedicated exclusively to environment and sustainable development. Thus, a new concept - environmental audit - emerges as an instrument for the certification and control of environmental information in accordance with legal regulations. Environmental auditing has been developed to reduce the environmental costs and recognized sanctions for industrial accidents with environmental and human impacts. The main purpose of this research is to present how the environmental audit contributes to the evaluation and the control of the environmental information, which are published by the enterprise whose activity have an significant impact about the environment. Environmental auditing is a voluntary activity, standardized by independent, non-regulatory professional bodies. The research undertaken is part of constructive, positivist research, using descriptive analysis as the main method of research. The source of the information used in this article is the study of scientific papers in the field of environmental auditing, scientific papers in the field of environmental and accounting researches regarding the environment of the normative acts, as well as other reports and communications on environmental information and the international standards applicable on environment field.
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Integrated reporting is a key instrument used to inform stakeholders about the sustainability issues of a company. Only an assured report can effectively instill confidence in its users regarding the sustainability of the company. Based on the International Integrated Reporting Framework issued by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), the authors solicited perceptions from auditors and audit report users about several aspects of integrated reporting assurance. An analysis of the responses suggests that integrated reporting assurance is important, but there are many challenges (both methodological and related to the characteristics of non-financial information) for auditors to overcome. Reporting companies and auditors must work to overcome these problems. The former ones must improve the quality of non-financial information and the later must adapt their audit procedures. This paper provides valuable insights into preferences regarding the form and content of the audit report on integrated reporting. This study is useful to regulators of audit activity, auditors’ corporations, the IIRC, and other international associations, academics, and audit report users, and contributes to the current integrated reporting literature by examining the perceptions of auditors and users regarding the assurance of integrated reporting. Integrated reporting assurance is still an under-explored field of research.
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Sustainability and transparency issues have been evolving the nature of corporate reporting. On these issues stakeholders are very keen to get access financial and nonfinancial information on companies' business activities and sustainable value creation. Despite availability of information, yet many stakeholders cannot use pertinently the disclosed information due to separation of reports. Thus, " Integrated Report " brings together financial and nonfinancial measure in one-piece of the report. It also shows the links among financial and nonfinancial performance metrics. This paper highlights integrated reporting as the holistic reporting approach for company and discusses the potentiality of a single report. Specifically, what integrated report can do for companies and stakeholder, for instance, integrated report for sustainability and corporate social responsibility reporting, improvement in stakeholder engagement process and integrated thinking lead to changes in corporate behaviour as well as for enchancing reputation and performance. Hence, the paper justifies reasons why companies should adopt integrated reporting as reporting tools.
The main objective of this study was to identify country-specific factors associated with the decision to adopt voluntary assurance on integrated reports, the level of assurance quality, and the choice of assurance provider. The sample for this research comprised all companies registered in the example database of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) during the period from 2011 to 2016. First, we found that the institutional environment is significantly associated with the adoption of independent assurance upon integrated reports. Second, we determined that a country’s sustainable development level has a significant positive association with assurance quality, whereas the strength of public institutions has a significant negative association. Third, the preference of an accountant as an assurance provider is likely to be directly associated with the strength of public institutions, whereas it is inversely related to a country’s sustainable development level.
Purpose The purpose of this study is to extend existing knowledge on the determinants of sustainability report (SR) assurance practices. Four different theories – stakeholder theory, institutional theory, signaling theory and legitimacy theory – are used to formulate several hypotheses regarding the main factors that can influence a company’s decision to assure its SRs. Design/methodology/approach Using a sample of 417 listed organizations based in different European countries over five years, the effects of stakeholder commitment, country orientation toward sustainability, firm environmental performance and business ethics controversies on the decision to assure SRs are assessed. Findings The results show that a company’s decision to assure its SRs is motivated by the need to maintain good relations with its stakeholders (which is in line with stakeholder theory and legitimacy theory), as well as by the willingness to signal their sustainability performance (which is in line with signaling theory) and to gain legitimacy. On the contrary, business ethics controversies do not seem to be relevant to a company’s assurance practices. Originality/value This paper provides new insights into the influence that social, environmental and institutional factors have on assurance strategies. New factors that previous research does not investigate – environmental performance, business ethics controversies and corporate governance – are tested. Factors that are already investigated in the literature are considered from an original perspective of introducing alternative measures (e.g. for the scope of national sustainability policies).