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Civilian armored vehicle operations in Brazil – challenges and production processes improvements: a qualitative survey


Abstract and Figures

Armoring civilian vehicles requires specialized knowledge and experience that many armoring companies lack as they are not direct or indirect suppliers of vehicle manufacturers. This limits their access to automotive quality and manufacturing certifications or detailed vehicle designs, which can result in loss or malfunctioning of automotive components during the armoring process. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the challenges faced by Brazilian civilian armoring companies and identify opportunities for improvement in their production processes. Qualitative research was conducted using a questionnaire-based survey of eight specialized firms in Brazil, as well as literature related to DFMA, design for manufacturing and assembly, quality, automotive, and ballistic references. The study results include detailed armoring operation steps, qualitative survey reports, and helpful literature references for armoring practitioners to generate a standard armoring procedure for different vehicle models. Following best practices in automotive and armoring procedures collected in the survey responses can standardize and enhance ballistic protection operations while preserving the original vehicle systems' functionalities and warranties. This work provides valuable information for armoring companies to improve their operations and interfaces with automotive systems and follow automotive and ballistic references.
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Civilian armored vehicle operations in Brazil challenges
and production processes improvements:
a qualitative survey
Guido Muzio Candido1* , Paulo Carlos Kaminski1
1 Mechanical Engineering Department, Polytechnic School of the University of Sao Paulo, Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 223, ZIP 05508-030,
Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil; (GMC); (PCK)
Article history
Received 29.12.2022
Accepted 10.03.2023
Available online 08.05.2023
Armoring civilian vehicles requires specialized knowledge and experience that many armoring com-
panies lack as they are not direct or indirect suppliers of vehicle manufacturers. This limits their access
to automotive quality and manufacturing certifications or detailed vehicle designs, which can result in
loss or malfunctioning of automotive components during the armoring process. Therefore, this study
aimed to investigate the challenges faced by Brazilian civilian armoring companies and identify oppor-
tunities for improvement in their production processes. Qualitative research was conducted using
a questionnaire-based survey of eight specialized firms in Brazil, as well as literature related to DFMA,
design for manufacturing and assembly, quality, automotive, and ballistic references. The study results
include detailed armoring operation steps, qualitative survey reports, and helpful literature references
for armoring practitioners to generate a standard armoring procedure for different vehicle models. Fol-
lowing best practices in automotive and armoring procedures collected in the survey responses can
standardize and enhance ballistic protection operations while preserving the original vehicle systems'
functionalities and warranties. This work provides valuable information for armoring companies to
improve their operations and interfaces with automotive systems and follow automotive and ballistic
Automotive industry
Ballistic protection operations
DFMA, Design for Manufac-
turing and Assembly
Production processes improve-
DOI: 10.30657/pea.2023.29.15
1. Introduction
The practice of armoring civilian passenger vehicles has be-
come increasingly significant in the automotive aftermarket
sector, particularly in countries that experience high levels of
urban violence, such as Brazil. In this country, the robbery rate
is almost seven times higher than in the United States of
America (USA) and 33 times that of Poland. According to the
United Nations Global Report (UNODC, 2022), in 2019, Bra-
zil had a rate of 561 robberies per 100,000 people, one of the
highest in the South American area. In contrast, Mexico had a
rate of 261 (in 2018) and 244 in Colombia (in 2017). On the
other hand, in 2019, the USA had an estimated rate of 81, and
Poland had a rate of 17.
In this context, Brazil has the highest per capita number of
civil armored vehicles (CAVs) with handgun protection,
ahead of the USA, Colombia, and Mexico.
According to Associação Brasileira de Blindagem [Brazil-
ian Armoring Association] (ABRABLIN, 2023), since the be-
ginning of the 2000s, the automotive armoring sector in Brazil
showed continuous growth, reaching almost 26,000 new ar-
mored units in 2022, evidenced by the increase in the vehicle
protection service and ballistic materials companies installed
in the country. Regarding the total number of new automobiles
and light-duty commercial vehicles (local and imported) reg-
istered in Brazil between 2011 and 2022, the production of
CAVs has consistently increased its ratio related to the au-
tomakers' production, with expectations of significant growth,
as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. New vehicles registered from 2011 to 2022 and new ar-
mored vehicles produced in Brazil (units per year).
New au-
New light-
Total new
new ar-
(AV) **
* Source: ANFAVEA (2023).
** Source: ABRABLIN (2023).
Ordinarily, civilian vehicles are armored after undergoing
entire assembly at Original Equipment Manufacturers
(OEMs) and are subsequently sold to customers at dealerships.
In this aftermarket segment, AASPs are not OEM stakehold-
ers or suppliers. Thus, usually, they do not consider or apply
the OEM design requirements, such as automotive design en-
gineering or even automotive product development process
(PDP), as detailed in Canuto da Silva & Kaminski (2017). In
addition, the armoring firms do not apply quality standards
(IATF, 2016), perceived quality (Stylidis et al., 2015), or de-
sign for manufacturing and assembly criteria (Boothroyd et
al., 2010) when performing ballistic protection on vehicles.
As a result, some automakers describe in specific chapters
of their in-vehicle owners' manuals that any modification or
replacement of components due to armoring operations will
void the guarantees of their cars. For example, components not
manufactured by Toyota, nor marketed or used in the vehicle's
original manufacture, are not included in the vehicle's war-
ranty period, including the warranty period of the armoring
services and its parts (Toyota Brasil, 2022).
Therefore, the quality and guarantees of automotive parts
that interface with ballistic components installed in passenger
compartments, which are related to Original Equipment Man-
ufacturer (OEM) design, such as safety components, body
panels, and other original parts, are lost due to armoring ser-
vices. This includes the brake systems and rear suspensions
that may be modified during the armoring process. Thus, cus-
tomers often need to know or be aware of losing these OEM
warranties after starting the armoring.
Usually, AASPs protect various types of passenger vehicle
brands and models simultaneously in the same production line
with the same shop floor teams. Additionally, as there is no
armoring design or standard requirements, these firms in Bra-
zil need to adopt quality and process standard procedures for
each step of armoring operations. Therefore, each AASP, with
or without ISO 9001 standard certifications, defines different
disassembly criteria for automotive components and assembly
criteria for ballistic materials according to its shop floor man-
ufacturing procedures, layouts, resources, and controls.
Based on the scenario, this work proposes an armoring
benchmarking guideline in civil vehicles based on literature
references and production process improvements collected in
a qualitative survey to keep the original functionalities and
warranties of OEM components involved in the armoring op-
2. Literature review
2.1. Civilian vehicle systems
According to Eurostat (2022), the statistical office of the Eu-
ropean Union, a civilian vehicle is a road motor vehicle, other
than a motor cycle, intended for the carriage of passengers and
designed to seat no more than nine persons (including the
driver). The term civilian or passenger vehicle also covers mi-
crocars (small cars), taxis, and other hired passenger cars, pro-
vided that they have fewer than ten seats. This category may
also include vans designed and used primarily for the transport
of passengers, as well as ambulances and motor homes. Ex-
cluded are motor coaches, buses, and mini-buses/mini-
coaches (Eurostat, 2022).
Bhise (2017) defines an automobile product as a system
containing several other systems (e.g., body system, power-
train system, chassis system, and electrical/electronic system).
As a result, the vehicle has many different attributes (i.e., char-
acteristics that its customers expect, such as performance, fuel
economy, safety, comfort, styling, and package). In addition,
Bhise (2017) also described that an automotive product is con-
sidered a system that involves some lower (or second) level
The vehicle designs and their systems include design stand-
ards, design requirements, and design guidelines on vehicle
attributes and associated vehicle systems. The standards in-
clude necessary background information, design and perfor-
mance requirements, test procedures, and guidelines (for de-
sign and/or installation) to achieve the required level of per-
formance (Bhise, 2017). For instance, during the development
process of a series vehicle body, a multitude of requirements
has to be considered concerning stiffness, energy-absorbing
capability and structural integrity in a crash, noise vibration
and harshness (NVH) behaviour, durability, surface quality,
corrosion resistance, production costs and recyclability
amongst others (Urban and Wohlecker, 2012).
2.2. Civilian armored vehicles (CAVs)
According to Candido and Kaminski (2019), a CAVs con-
sists of a ballistic protection system for a driver and occupants
in an automobile system, which is assembled with protective
materials, such as stainless-steel parts, bullet-resistant glasses,
and aramid plates. Depending on a specific level of ballistic
protection, using these materials with the corresponding thick-
ness, they are resistant to firearm shootings, protecting the
passenger compartment. Thus, the goal of a CAV is essential
to protect the occupants in a bullet-resistant compartment that
can resist fire guns until the driver can maneuver out of a sud-
den attack.
Virtually indistinguishable from a regular vehicle from the
outside, the armored automobiles are usually inside reinforced
with stainless steel parts, aramid plates, and armored glasses
to resist handgun calibers up to .44-Magnum, according to the
National Institute of Justice of USA standard, named NIJ
0108.01 (NIJ, 1985). NIJ divides the level of attack potential
into six protection classes. In Brazil, the NIJ IIIA ballistic pro-
tection level is assigned to short weapons, the maximum au-
thorized by the Brazilian Army for armor passenger vehicles.
The armored windows are made of multi-layered bullet-re-
sistant glass for IIIA level and are thick, approximately 18 to
21 mm. In addition, car body structures of passenger compart-
ments, closures, and wheels receive opaque ballistic protec-
tion materials. Therefore, with the addition of these compo-
nents, these CAVs are heavier than their original counterparts.
Depending on what protection level the vehicle has been ret-
rofitted for, the model type, and the size of the passenger com-
partment to be armored, its final weight could be, according to
AASPs, from 200 to 400 kilograms heavier than the standard
unarmored vehicle version.
2.3. Vehicle system with armoring system
Armoring operations in passenger vehicles require changes
and replacements in some automotive systems to fit the ballis-
tic parts together with the passenger compartment compo-
nents. Adjustments on the vehicle’s components include re-
working interior trim pillars and door trim panels, replacing
windows and rear suspensions, and adding screw holes in
body panels. Figure 1 presents a vehicle system and subsystem
overview, some with armoring interfaces. As the vehicle sys-
tem is very complex, the armoring operation requires high au-
tomotive engineering knowledge and analysis to avoid dam-
ages or compromises to the primary safety, structural, elec-
tronic, or any other vehicle functionalities. Nevertheless, it
also requires high ballistic engineering knowledge and analy-
sis to avoid open and weak areas in the passenger compart-
ment of firearm shootings.
To develop a ballistic protection design in an automotive
system or a civilian vehicle, first, it is necessary to understand
the specific design of each automobile, especially the compo-
nents and the systems that interface with protection parts. Usu-
ally, this interface stands in the passenger compartment, such
as car bodies, structures, doors, windows, roofs, seats, interior
trims, electronics, and other components affected, such as rear
suspension and safety systems.
Fig. 1. Automotive systems and subsystems with and without ar-
moring interface. Source: adapted from Net car show (2022).
In general, after disassembly of the interior finish parts of
the passenger compartment, the AASP operators start to as-
semble the protection components. Figure 2 shows the typical
locations of protection components in CAV. First, stainless
steel parts are attached to A, B, C (and D for sport utility ve-
hicles, SUVs) pillars, door lock areas, roof rails, and other
small areas of the car. Next, the operators assembled the ara-
mid plates in uniform and flat regions, such as the roof, tail-
gate inner panel (SUVs), under the hood (near the windshield),
and inside the door panels. Finally, the armored glass set re-
placed the original automaker windows.
Fig. 2. Civilian armored vehicle and ballistic protection parts lay-
out. Source: Karvi (2020), cited in Candido et al. (2022).
In principle, civilian passenger vehicles were not previously
designed to receive additional armor components. Therefore,
the thickness, dimensions, and locations of ballistic elements,
such as armored glasses, stainless steel parts, and aramid
plates, must be designed to allow the feasibility of assembly
and installation of this ballistic system in each vehicle model.
Therefore, it is essential to know not only the characteristics
and ballistic properties of each type of protection part and the
correct place of application but also to have automotive
knowledge of the vehicle project, the characteristics of the
systems through which the parts will be installed and the direct
contact interfaces of ballistic components with automotive
parts when performing armoring operations.
2.4. Operation flow of automotive armoring
Based on the simplified description of the AASPs to the fi-
nal customers of the stages of the armoring operation, the re-
spective flow is briefly presented in Figure 3. After the cus-
tomer order and prepayment, AASP generates a service order
describing the materials and levels of protection that the vehi-
cle owner has requested. Thus, the armoring operation begins.
First, the income vehicle is inspected before disassembly (step
3). Next, all protective materials added to the car are selected
to armor the automobile. AASP then completely dismantles
the interior of the vehicle. To fit the armored glasses, thicker
than the original, door trim panels and frames are modified.
Fig. 3. Simplified civil vehicle armoring flowchart. Source: Can-
dido & Kaminski, 2022.
AASP continues the armoring process by covering the pas-
senger compartment with protective ballistic steel and aramid
plates. Next, AASP installs armored glasses. These are made
to fit OEM window channels, giving them an original au-
tomaker finish. AASP then reassembles the interior finish
parts of the vehicle just as received. At this point, the vehicle
is armored, keeping its OEM appearance. After the static and
dynamic tests (step 11), the vehicle is wholly inspected (step
12) and delivered to the customer's destination (step 13). In
case of test failure, e.g., excessive wind noising, the AASP
disassembles the parts affected, fixes them, and performs the
tests again. Finally, the checkout inspection confirms that ar-
moring service is completed and the vehicle is ready to be de-
livered to the customer.
3. Methodology
Initially, bibliographical research was carried out to review
the knowledge and the interface between automotive and bal-
listic protection systems. Next, due to the relatively new field
of investigation in civil armored vehicle operations, in terms
of few references published, this work also adopted a qualita-
tive survey through an exploratory approach with interviewed
experts in eight AASPs established in Brazil, with different
industrial practices in the second half of 2022. Qualitative sur-
veys consist of a series of open-ended questions crafted by re-
searchers and centered on a particular topic (Braun et al.,
2020). Thus, in this study, the authors followed the framework
from Blessing & Chakrabarti (2009), which consists of re-
search clarification (RC) of the problem. The aims are to iden-
tify and refine a research problem that is both academically
and practically worthwhile and realistic.
Therefore, based on the RC steps, shown in Figure 4, this
methodology involves obtaining an overview of the general
understanding of civil vehicle armoring operations, including
literature and interviews in the AASPs.
Fig. 4. Main steps in the research clarification methodology.
Source: adapted from Blessing & Chakrabarti (2009).
Following the RC sequence, it is possible to plan and for-
mulate the questions of the most relevant armoring operations
research in companies to present, as the purpose of this paper,
the armoring procedure guidelines and best practices pro-
posals. Furthermore, owing to the proactiveness and partner-
ship of the companies interviewed, it has been possible to
carry out a detailed armoring operation flow to understand the
steps of vehicle protection.
3.1. Criteria for choosing armoring companies
The selection criteria for armor companies to carry out the
questionnaire to identify the main difficulties in armor opera-
tions considered focusing on companies located in the region
of the country with the highest number of new armored vehi-
cles sold, the number of armored vehicles produced per
month, the number of operators, the longest time in the mar-
ket, i.e., more time in activity, and whether they have an engi-
neering manager responsible for ballistic parts projects.
Based on these premises, according to ABRABLIN (2023),
65% of the Brazilian production of CAVs is produced in the
State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Thus, the interviews were con-
ducted in eight armoring companies in Sao Paulo and nearby
cities in the second half of 2022. These companies have been
in the protection vehicle business since the early 2,000s; the
production of new CAVs in these companies varies between
30 to 100 units manufactured per month with shop floor oper-
ators between 25 and 70 employees in one shift. In addition,
three of these companies interviewed have received armor cer-
tification from automakers, such as BMW, GM, Jaguar Land
Rover, Toyota, and VW.
3.2. Criteria for preparing the questionnaire
The questions were formulated following the simplified op-
eration flow for armoring vehicles, which is summarized in
Figure 3. The aim of developing the questions was to identify
daily difficulties faced by production line operators in each
sequence of the armoring operations with greater clarity. Be-
fore sending the questionnaire to the interviewers, the ques-
tions related to each operation stage were reviewed for rele-
vance. A pilot test was conducted by applying the question-
naire initially to an expert engineer from one armoring com-
pany. During the pilot test, it was observed that some items
needed revision and adjustments to improve understanding,
which led to the refinement of the questionnaire. Finally, the
questionnaire was sent to the eight AASPs, and one expert en-
gineer from each facility was selected via email or telephone.
4. Results and discussion
A questionnaire related to automotive and ballistic systems
was presented to experts with technical and management po-
sitions working in AASP companies to identify the difficulties
with civil armor vehicles. Subsequently, an interview was
conducted either personally or by telephone as field research
at armored firms, using the reviewed questions that were sent
to the companies. The most relevant answers to the question-
naire about the main difficulties of civil armor vehicles in
eight AASPs are presented in Table 2. Appropriate solutions
were considered when it was verified that the majority of the
interviewees reported similar challenges, as determined by the
Table 2. Questions to AASPs and relevant correspondent answers of CAV operations.
Questions about CAV operations
Relevant answers from eight AASPs expert respondents
1. Please provide a detailed description of
the sequence of armoring operation steps
utilized by your company.
Detailed armoring operation flowchart according to steps presented in Figure 5.
2. What are the main difficulties in
armoring operations related to
disassembling automotive parts?
Wide variety of models and versions to proceed with the armoring;
Operators have not been previously trained or prepared to work on new vehicles;
Lack of technical information from automakers: parts and procedures;
Incorrect procedures of disassembly of the finishing parts and electronic components.
3. What are the primary challenges in
armoring operations related to the
installation of high-hardness materials, such
as stainless steel?
Perform try-outs of stainless steels assembly on the vehicle;
Adjust stainless-steel parts and stamping tools (mold and cutting);
Increase tack time with a new stainless-steel part that needs dimensional changes to
fit the passenger compartment interface parts of the vehicle.
4. What are the main difficulties in
armoring operations related to installing
armored glasses?
The greater thickness of the armored glasses (from 18 to 21 mm) requires high-
quality control during the assembly;
Risk of high interferences with the automotive parts, especially at windshield and
doors to fit armored glasses on it;
Manually installation of heavily armored glasses, especially windshields, and
5. What are the main difficulties in
armoring operations related to installing
aramid plates?
Install aramid plates in curved surfaces of the car (e.g. rear wheel inner panel);
Increase the interferences of aramid plates with automotive parts, mainly in the
narrow areas between finishing parts and vehicle body panels.
Depending on the aramid plate thickness required and aramid location, modifications
not previewed may be required to guarantee the automotive parts interfaced with the
armoring system.
6. What are the main difficulties in
armoring operations related to
reassembling automotive parts?
Reassemble the original components over the armored parts;
Keep the same fixing points and geometries within the original gaps and flushes of
the automotive parts;
No access to automaker specifications and service manuals for reassembly
7. What are the main difficulties in
armoring operations related to modifying
existing automotive parts?
Manual cutting and welding operations in the automotive parts to properly fit the
armoring parts, such as upper reinforcement of the inner door panel (door glasses),
tailgate inner panel reinforcement (aramid plates in SUV), cover trim pillars (stainless
steels) and upper instrument panel cover (windshield).
8. What are the main difficulties in
armoring operations related to determining
the root causes of recurring shop floor
Different brands and vehicle models in the same production line;
High technologies, complexities, and quality of new automotive parts;
No access to automaker specifications and service manuals for disassembling and
reassembling of automotive parts;
9. Have any difficulties in any other step not
been mentioned or considered as relevant?
Lack of specialized shop floor professionals in armored vehicles;
Lack of military or government standards to verify and certify the correct application
of ballistic components inside the vehicles;
No security assurances in terms of ballistic protection design and operations;
No quality assurance in terms of automotive safety features functionalities.
10. Are there any inconsistencies between
your company and its internal partners
(employees), or external partners (suppliers
and logistical partners)?
Conformity of ballistic parts (different dimensions, out-of-material specifications,
different number of aramid layers, armored glasses with distortions and out-of-design
Logistic problems (delays) related to armored glasses (bottleneck).
11. What are the main difficulties in
armoring operations related to the
technology of ballistic materials available in
Brazil? Do they meet the company's needs?
Despite the composites, materials that replace stainless steel parts, being much lighter
than stainless steel (up to 80% less in mass), they are much more expensive;
The armored glasses still require layers of polymers and glasses, which adds more
weight to the vehicle for the NIJ-IIIA level.
12. What are the main difficulties in
armoring operations related to the
technological evolution of automobiles, such
as the electrification, onboard electronics,
cameras, sensors, and airbags, in addition to
the launch of new models in a shorter life
The need for a specific electronic engineer to support the AASPs especially for
electric and hybrid vehicles;
The new vehicles have more technology, modules, and batteries, making the
armoring a complex operation and demanding attention in automobile specifications,
especially during the reassembly phase;
Shop floor operators have not been previously trained or prepared due to the variety
of new components to be done on each automobile;
13. What are the main difficulties in
armoring operations related to technical
requirements requested by OEM to obtain
armoring certification?
Lack of traceability before, during, and after the assembly of stainless steel, armored
glasses, and aramid plates;
No standard work procedures are available on the shop floor for each armoring stage.
14. What does an OEM armoring
certification consist of? Are they valid for a
specific period? Does it refer to a particular
The OEM certifications are valid only for the specific vehicle model throughout the
life cycle of that model;
AASPs are responsible for armoring services and ballistic parts warranties added to
the vehicle.
The compilation of the responses of the eight expert respond-
ents from each firm presented in Table 2 shows that the diffi-
culties in each of the armoring operations are similar among
the AASPs. And at the same time, it offers the necessary di-
rections to focus on solutions proposed by the authors.
4.1. CAV operation detailed flow
According to the interviews carried out in the armoring
companies, it was possible to understand and describe, based
on the AASPs responses, how each stage of the ballistic pro-
tection of passenger vehicle operations is performed in detail.
Therefore, when compiling and analyzing the answers for
each company, the authors prepared and presented the com-
prehensive armoring operation flow illustrated in Figure 5.
After the customer order, AASPs formalize an agreement con-
tract with the new vehicle's owner and generate a service order
on the shop floor to put into effect the armoring operation of
the new vehicle. The firm describes in this contract the de-
tailed description of bullet-resistant components and the level
of protection the vehicle will receive.
It also includes the terms of responsibilities, the armoring
services warranties, and the ballistic protection certifications
of each component (opaque and transparent) assumed from
AASP to the vehicle's owner. After the contract is signed, the
armoring process begins. Next, the AASPs identify the vehicle
model and the respective armor parts. Then, in the sequence,
they inspect it in detail before disassembling the automotive
components (step 11): checking if the engine, warning lamps,
lighting, electronics, and safety equipment are working cor-
rectly and verifying any damage, scratches, or risks all around
the vehicle. If AASP detects any problem related to original
vehicle guarantees, they notify the customer and request the
respective dealer the corrective actions before proceeding with
the operation.
Fig. 5. Detailed flowchart of CAV operation.
The bullet-resistant components added to the vehicle, if
available at the ballistic suppliers, are selected to armor the
automobile. However, suppose protective materials must be
corrected or out of quality standard (visual aspect only). In that
case, the AASP performs the same procedures of the vehicle
income check to the respective ballistic suppliers to replace
the components.
In case when a protective part is not available in a specific
dimension for a brand-new vehicle that came at AASP, the
current process flow changed. The operator measures (or
scans) the passenger compartment area, such as the roof,
doors, pillars, glasses, and trunk, which enables the ballistic
stakeholders (AASP suppliers) to design, produce and deliver
the ballistic components to protect and safeguard each of these
areas previously cited.
Situations may occur at AASPs where the design of a new
ballistic protection component requested by an "A" armor firm
does not fit or does not correspond to the current design al-
ready requested by a "B" armor firm from the same ballistic
supplier. In other words, there may be more than one design
for the exact vehicle in the same armoring parts supplier to
produce different armoring components for AASPs because
these companies have different vehicle armoring processes.
AASP completely dismantles the vehicle's interior after
covering the entire car surface with protective adhesive tapes,
exposing only its frame. All the vehicle's interior parts are re-
moved and assigned a controlled number corresponding to the
vehicle to ensure everything is found. To fit the armored
glasses in the vehicle body, thicker than the original, door trim
panels and door frames are modified.
After the static and dynamic tests (step 21), the vehicle is
wholly inspected (step 23) and finally delivered to the custom-
er's destination (step 24). In case the AASP test fails, e.g., ex-
cessive wind noising, the firm identifies the non-conformity
root causes, disassembles the parts affected, fixes them, and
performs the tests again. The checkout inspection is a final
quality audit that AASP guarantees that armoring service is
completed and the vehicle can be delivered to the customer.
4.2. Production processes improvements guidelines
and literature references for CAV operations
Faced with the difficulties reported in the responses and the
detailed armoring operation flow shown in Figure 5, the au-
thors presented in Table 3 the production processes improve-
ments guidelines of solutions applied on AASPs shop floor
followed by the literature references as benchmarks for civil
vehicle armoring operations. The literature on armoring oper-
ations based on Design for Excellence (DfX) references,
adapted from Candido et al. (2022), was researched in parallel
with a qualitative survey of armoring companies. Additional
references in Table 3 were included because the content had
more adherence to the themes respectively of each stage of the
armoring operation related to armoring standards or designs,
automotive manufacturing processes, quality and design pro-
cesses, and supply chain management.
Table 3, identifies the most appropriate guidelines for each
step of the armoring operation according to the respective au-
tomotive, ballistic, and DFMA tool references applied to pro-
cesses with a wide variety of vehicles and low production vol-
Table 3. Production processes guidelines and corresponding literature reference to support civil vehicle armoring operations.
Armoring operation
Production processes guidelines’ compilation
Literature reference keywords
Reference authors
1. Develop armoring
kit design (steel,
glasses, plates) with
Comply with ballistic standards, define
armoring requirements & tolerances;
Follow ballistic supplier guidelines;
Design armoring parts using the DFMA®
DFM for low-quantity production.
Armor system Ballistic
Armor design ceramics,
composites, analytical modeling,
numerical simulation.
Design, assembly, disassembly.
engineering design, product
development, systematic
ABNT NBR 15.000
Gálvez & Paradela
Boothroyd & Alting
Formentini et. al
2. Disassemble
automotive parts.
Consider the DFMA®, DFD, and DFS
methods for vehicle disassembly;
Establish a standard work for each operation
stage to deal with a variety of vehicle models
and versions;
Program regular operator training courses to be
prepared to work on new vehicles.
DFMA®, disassembly, green
design, sustainability.
Product design, product life
cycle, disassembly planning,
sustainability, emerging
Mamat et al. (2019)
Chang et al. (2017)
3. Install stainless steel
parts, aramid plates,
and armored glasses.
Design and test with suppliers the ballistic
protection parts (new vehicle);
Create quality audits on the shop floor for
ballistic protection parts assembly;
Obtain 3D of the vehicle to design the ballistic
parts correctly;
Create equipment to install armored glasses;
Standardize the operation of polyurethane glue
application in armored glasses and aramid
Increase design partnerships with aramid
suppliers, especially for curved surfaces (rear
wheel inner panel) and narrow areas which are
difficult to access, and install the protective
Design for manufacture and
assembly, architecture,
construction, manufacturing,
assembly, and design
Blast waves, ballistic impact,
shielding armors, material
classification, multi-layered.
Tan et al. (2020)
Pai et al. (2022)
4. Reassemble
automotive parts.
Create standard works for the reassembly of the
automotive components over the armored parts;
Train the operators at OEM factories to keep
the original fixing points and geometries
(dimensional and positioning) within the
original gaps and flushes.
DFR, part concatenation
Book chapter n. 10: Assembly
Kolur et al. (2020)
Swift & Booker
5. Modify automotive
parts to fit armor
Side door and rear door panels: optimize the
cutting process in the inner panel to fit the
aramid and armored glasses and minimize the
reduction of structural stiffness;
Avoid cutting the upper instrument panel to fit
the armored windshield interface by
redesigning the inserted steel in the armored
Avoid cutting a part of the trim pillars to fit the
stainless-steel parts.
Sustainability, aftermarket,
remanufacturing, strategic
planning, automotive, supply
chain, reverse logistics.
Sustainable production, design
for remanufacturing, and
material selection.
Subramoniam et al.
Yang et al. (2017)
6. Determine the root
causes that conducted
to shop floor
Provide regular training to operators to deal
with high automotive technologies,
complexities, and quality of new vehicles;
Assembly processes in the
automotive sector.
Baraldi & Kaminski
Provide technical information with OEM to
proceed with the disassembling and
reassembling of automotive parts.
7. Solve internal
(employees) or
external (suppliers)
Adopt automotive quality requirements to add
value provided by IATF 16949-2016 over ISO
9001 for improving operation and for receiving
ballistic parts;
Adopt automotive supply chains related to
armored parts.
ISO 9001, IATF 16949, meta‐
standards, quality management
systems, automotive sector.
Supply chain, risk management,
automotive industry, Brazil.
Laskurain‐Iturbe et al.
Vanalle et al. (2019)
8. Consider the
evolution of
Include an electronic engineer to support the
AASPs during the development and assembly
phases, especially for electric and hybrid
Update knowledge of vehicle technologies.
Eco-design, manufacturing,
Product design, supply chain,
sustainable design.
Ramani et al. (2010).
9. Receive the OEM
Adopt the automaker's quality production
process for armoring operations;
Provide the traceability control of automotive
and ballistic protection parts;
Create standard work procedures on the shop
floor for each armoring stage;
Create regular training for operators for
ballistic and automotive knowledge;
Create a BOM for armored parts;
Create a maintenance service manual for
dealers related to CAVs.
Manufacturing system,
production quality, maintenance
Quality, method, design and
manufacturing process, vehicle,
Minimum Automotive Quality
Management System
Requirements for sub-tier
Colledani et al. (2014)
Rusiński et al. (2009)
IATF (2017)
4.3. Product and processes considerations in CAV
Based on the answers of the experts from each AASPs, and
the guidelines with corresponding literature references to sup-
port civil vehicle armoring operations, the following key rele-
vant product and process findings and implications for the in-
dustry related to automotive and ballistic criteria are high-
lighted as follows:
Vehicle systems: Check automotive components and sys-
tems functionalities, especially those with the interface to
ballistic components added, such as electric, electronic,
safety, and structural systems; doors and rear doors open-
ing systems; rear window defogging system; the anti-
smash system at door window; sunroof opening system;
safety system alerts, especially curtain, and side airbags;
Manufacturing processes: Follow each OEM's disassem-
bly sequences processes using as much as possible their
tools, technics, and procedures;
Automotive safety features: Apply OEM electronic diag-
nosis control at CAVs for checking safety, engine, elec-
trical and electronic systems;
Vehicle handling: Protect the body panels, equipment,
and passenger compartment surfaces with appropriate ad-
hesive liners to avoid damages such as rips, dents, and
scratches in visible areas, especially in wet areas (doors)
during the ballistic protection operation;
OEM requirements: Comply with OEM electromagnetic
compatibility standards as a ballistic design input to avoid
electric and electronic troubleshooting during and after
the installation of ballistic protection components inside
the vehicle; Comply with OEM corrosion avoidance and
protection requirements due to the possibility of damag-
ing panels and structures such as rips, dents, and scratches
in visible areas that can generate corrosion spots; follow
OEM when proceeding with reassembly operation;
Finishing: Keep the OEM exterior finishing design after
interior trim parts are changed, mainly to curtain airbag
interface parts;
Noising: Consider the addition of proper automotive felts
or dense foams to avoid the squeaks and rattles effect in
the passenger compartment during the usage of the vehi-
cle due to the contact of the body panels with the stainless
steels added;
Increase ballistic and automotive knowledge among the
shop floor employees.
The results show that most companies face challenges in
standardizing the armoring procedure and preserving the orig-
inal vehicle systems' functionalities. However, the best prac-
tices collected from the survey responses can be used to en-
hance ballistic protection operations and improve production
5. Summary and conclusion
Civil vehicles are ballistic protected against firearms up to
level IIIA in NIJ standard in Brazil, the largest country in the
world for armoring passenger automobiles. As most of the lit-
erature on this subject usually focuses on military armored ve-
hicles, this work provided meaningful automotive and ballistic
protection production process improvements to allow their
system's integration into civilian vehicles.
Essentially, the shop floor operators in AASPs assemble
ballistic protection parts previously designed inside the pas-
senger compartment of the vehicles. Next, they modify some
automotive parts to fit the addition of ballistic protection com-
ponents, reassemble the original parts in the vehicle, and test
and deliver to the customer. If not appropriately performed
following automotive quality standards, production proce-
dures, OEMs, and ballistic standards, these operations may
cause loss or malfunction of automotive components and sys-
tems, such as electronic, safety, or structural systems.
Faced with this scenario, the authors carried out a qualitative
research in eight AASPS. Based on the simplified armoring
flow, a preliminary questionnaire was reviewed and per-
formed with a representative sample of the AASP respondents
as far as is practicable. It means that results from the survey
can be conducted onto the population, which in this survey is
considered armoring vehicle companies in the automotive af-
ter-sales market with a calculable degree of reliability (Hutton,
Most armoring companies that provide ballistic protection
services in civil vehicles in Brazil are not direct (tier 1) or in-
direct (tier 2) suppliers of vehicle manufacturers, as confirmed
through research. Therefore, usually, most of these firms do
not have automotive quality and manufacturing certifications
and do not have access to vehicle designs, such as drawings,
statements of works, tolerances, specifications, or engineering
requirements, related to structural, safety, electric, electronic,
among others component references with interfaces in the ar-
moring system. In addition, even though the ballistic material
suppliers recommended to AASPs the procedures to assemble
the protection components, the armor company technician
knowledge in automotive and ballistic still needs to be im-
The obtained answers allowed for the presentation of a de-
tailed flow of civil vehicle armoring operations. This process
consists of disassembling the interior finish components and
the windows of the passenger compartment of the new civilian
vehicle, adding the ballistic protection components inside the
vehicle in the roof, side, and door panels, and reassembling
the interior vehicle parts covering the ballistic components.
Usually, as these operations are performed manually, it re-
quires several adjustments on the body panels. Therefore, the
armoring operation depends on the ballistic skills, automotive
experience, assembly precision, handling, and care of opera-
tors on the AASP's shop floors.
In addition, it is verified that AASP companies adopt dis-
tinct procedures for installing protective parts with different
designs for identical vehicles. Therefore, there are no specific
armoring assembly standards or mandatory requirements re-
garding how the AASPs must proceed to install the compo-
nents to guarantee vehicle protection.
Thus, the study presented production processes improve-
ments guidelines, literature references, and automotive con-
siderations to help AASPs develop and perform the armoring
operation stages with an interface with the automotive systems
by following automotive and ballistic references.
This study did not examine ballistic components with ad-
vanced materials such as ceramics or high-strength steel parts.
These materials have high production costs and are more ap-
plied in military vehicles with higher protection levels against
powerful weapons. The other limitation of this work is the
number of valid interviews at the AASPs. Therefore, the au-
thors cannot generalize the results for the entire sector, such
as to ballistic protection suppliers or logistic companies in-
volved. On the other hand, due to the lack of armoring refer-
ence procedures, the authors considered the research sample
representative. Furthermore, they guaranteed the reliability of
the results obtained by the AASPs interviewed because they
acquire significant experience over the 20 years in armor op-
erations and added automotive knowledge in disassembly op-
erations and reassembly of original vehicle parts. Therefore,
besides the low number of interviews, the information col-
lected was considered relevant and helped the authors to ana-
lyze, discuss and present the best practices for armoring pro-
cedure operations.
It is essential to point out that the research objective was
exploratory in evaluating the significant difficulties in civil
vehicle armoring operations performed at AASPs in Brazil.
Therefore, the work presented the practices, guidelines, and
literature references that generate the most challenges and the
most used tools to mitigate them. Hence, a suggestion for fu-
ture research is to extend the questionnaire to AASPs in other
regions in Latin America or even the Middle East based on the
detailed armoring operation flow. Second, this study could in-
clude interviews with OEM engineering managers focusing on
automotive, quality, and ballistic protection requirements to
increase technological partnerships with AASPs in armoring
vehicle operations. Finally, in future work, it is suggested to
present a detailed development of an armoring project in spe-
cific vehicle subsystems, such as a vehicle door assembly.
This subsystem receives ballistic protection parts, glasses,
stainless steel parts, and aramid plates, considered in the ar-
moring procedure guidelines presented in this paper.
The research was supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvi-
mento Científico e Tecnológico [Brazilian National Council for Sci-
entific and Technological Development] CNPq for research funding.
Ph.D. fellowship process number 141558/2019-9.
The researchers thank CEA, Centro de Engenharia Automotiva [Au-
tomotive Engineering Center], and CAETEC, Centro de Automação
e Tecnologia do Projeto [Center of Automation and Design Technol-
ogy], both from Polytechnic School of the University of Sao Paulo,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, for their support.
The researchers also thank the ABRABLIN, Associação Brasileira
de Blindagem [Brazilian Armoring Association] and its armor-asso-
ciated companies for their helpful support and interviews.
This paper is based on the corresponding author's professional back-
ground in automotive engineering and the results of the doctoral the-
sis in progress during the academic years from 2019 to 2023.
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AASP Automotive Armoring Service Provider
ABNT Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas [Brazilian
Association of Technical Standards]
ABRABLIN Associação Brasileira de Blindagem [Brazilian Armor-
ing Association]
ANFAVEA Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veículos Au-
tomotores [Brazilian National Association of Motor
Vehicle Manufacturers]
CAV Civilian Armored Vehicle
DFA Design for Assembly
DFD Design for Disassembly
DFMA Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
DFR Design for Recyclability
DFS Design for Service
DFX Design for Excellence
IATF International Automotive Task Force
ISO International Organization for Standardization
NIJ National Institute of Justice
NVH Noise, Vibration and Harshness
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
PDP Product Development Process
PU Polyurethane
RC Research Clarification
SUV Sport Utility Vehicle
巴西的民用装甲车辆操作 - 挑战和生产过程的改进:一项定性调查
... Prof. Dr. Ing., Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Engineering Faculty;  email:, ORCID: 0000-0002-5467-9114 2021; Csikosova et al., 2021;Candido andKaminski, 2023, Veselovska et al., 2023;Streimikiene, 2023). The focus of this issue is on the use of resources in engineering processes and their efficiency in the military system. ...
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This research delves into a performance model particularly relevant to eco-leadership. Additionally, it examines noteworthy improvements in performance outcomes within military systems. It provides valuable insights and potential implications of significant interest to many stakeholders. By leveraging this approach, it is possible to achieve improved levels of efficiency, effectiveness, and overall performance, thereby contributing to the overarching objectives. The chosen approach includes a conceptual synthesis of systematic research on the topic of eco-leadership. The factors representative for the relationship between eco-leadership and wise military action were identified. The study results revealed a new management perspective on military technological systems by systematizing innovative green decision-making. Additionally, the study suggests recommendations for developing future ecological initiatives and interventions in the practice of military supply. Finally, the paper proposes a pragmatic model for the eco-leaders. The proposed model aims to understand all the ecological implications in military decision-making practice.
... Usually, most passenger vehicles are not designed by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to withstand rearms attacks. According to Candido & Kaminski (2023), new passenger vehicles are typically armored after they have been completely assembled at OEMs and delivered to dealerships. To comply with OEM design requirements, armoring rms must be updated as OEM stakeholders or suppliers. ...
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The personnel protection market of civilian armored vehicles (CAVs) continually grows in emerging countries. Therefore, this article proposes a Design for Assembly and Armoring, DfA2 methodology for the lightweight ballistic protection operations of CAVs based on real practical situations showing the main difficulties and best practices of current armoring operating conditions. A bibliographic review focused on Design for Excellence (DfX) and automotive and ballistic protection design criteria were performed to introduce the base of the DfA2 proposal and apply it to a front door assembly case study, including CAD/CAE interface analysis. The authors presented the detailed armoring flow of the front door system using the DfA2 method. In addition, strategical cross sections showed critical areas of the referred assembly. The opaque and transparent armor parts installed comply with the NIJ-IIIA ballistic protection level. The DfA2 method provided meaningful automotive and ballistic considerations to integrate protection parts in the front door system. In addition, it proposed to conduct and spread the best practices for operation guidelines and procedure standards related to CAVs on shop floors. Furthermore, the DfA2 methodology intends to preserve the original functionalities and guarantees automobiles for consumers. The article integrates the practical operations of armoring companies with DfX tools and automotive and ballistic guidelines, all of which are incorporated in the DfA2.
... Armoring operations include tuning of interior trim, windows, suspension and body panels in automotive systems as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. These changes may result in increased weight (approximately 200-400 kg) as specified by the AASPs, depending on the vehicle's level of protection, model and passenger compartment size [10]. Explosion-proof panels, on the other hand, provide an effective defense against explosions such as terrorist attacks. ...
Conference Paper
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Abstract Modern civilian armored vehicles are extremely important vehicles designed to meet today's complex and variable security needs. These vehicles are equipped with a perfect synthesis of advanced technologies, aiming to provide not only safety but also comfort at the highest level. These vehicles, which take place in people's daily lives and also provide protection against unexpected dangers, offer a sense of security even in the most difficult moments of modern life. Many critical factors are taken into account at the design stage of modern civilian armored vehicles. Ballistic protection, explosion resistance and resistance to environmental influences are among the main priorities of these vehicles. Highquality armor materials and engineering solutions are delicately designed to keep the vehicle's occupants safe while at the same time not negatively impacting the vehicle's performance. In addition, factors such as optimizing aerodynamics and increasing fuel efficiency are of great importance in the design of modern civilian armored vehicles. These vehicles not only provide safety, but also aim to offer comfort and luxury. The interiors are furnished with high quality materials and ergonomically designed to meet the needs of the users. However, modern civilian armored vehicles also have some difficulties. High-quality security measures and luxury features increase the cost of these vehicles. In addition, added armor and safety equipment can increase the weight of the vehicle, which can have an impact on performance and fuel efficiency. The manufacturing process has to strike a perfect balance when handling these complexities. As a result, modern civilian armored vehicles have acquired a special place in today's complex world, combining safety, comfort and technological superiority. These vehicles are not only vehicles, but also symbols of safety and luxury. In this article, the features of modern civilian armored vehicles that combine performance, safety and comfort will be discussed. With the ever-developing technology, it is certain that the design and production processes of these vehicles will be further optimized. Keywords: Ballistic protection; Explosion resistance; Armored vehicle; Engineering solutions; High-quality material.
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The design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA) is a family of methods belonging to the design for X (DfX) category which goal is to optimize the manufacturing and assembly phase of products. DFMA methods have been developed at the beginning of the 1980s and widely used in both academia and industries since then. However, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, no systematic literature reviews or mapping has been proposed yet in the field of mechanical design. The goal of this paper is to provide a systematic review of DFMA methods applied to mechanical and electro-mechanical products with the aim to collect, analyse, and summarize the knowledge acquired until today and identify future research areas. The paper provides an overview of the DFMA topic in the last four decades (i.e., from 1980 to 2021) emphasizing operational perspectives such as the design phase in which methods are used, the type of products analysed, the adoption of quantitative or qualitative metrics, the tool adopted for the assessment, and the technologies involved. As a result, the paper addresses several aspects associated with the DFMA and different outcomes retrieved by the literature review have been highlighted. The first one concerns the fact that most of the DFMA methods have been used to analyse simple products made of few components (i.e., easy to manage with a short lead-time). Another important result is the lack of valuable DFMA methods applicable at early design phases (i.e., conceptual design) when information is not detailed and presents more qualitative than quantitative data. Both results lead to the evidence that the definition of a general DFMA method and metric adaptable for every type of product and/or design phase is a challenging goal that presents several issues. Finally, a bibliographic map was developed as a suitable tool to visualize results and identify future research trends on this topic. From the bibliometric analysis, it has been shown that the overall interest in DFMA methodologies decreased in the last decade.
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The pursuit of modern product sophistication and production efficiency has bolstered Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) around the world. Being both a design philosophy and a methodology, DfMA has existed in manufacturing for decades. It is coming into vogue in construction as a potential solution to the industry’s lackluster productivity amid enduring exhortation of cross-sectoral learning. However, many studies of DfMA in construction are still simply following the DfMA guidelines developed from manufacturing without adequately considering important differences between the two sectors of construction and manufacturing. This study aims to develop a series of construction-oriented DfMA guidelines by adopting a mixed-method approach. It critiques existing DfMA guidelines in relation to the characteristics of construction, and further argues that construction-oriented DfMA should consider five fundamental aspects: contextual basis, technology rationalization, logistics optimization, component integration, and material-lightening, either individually or collectively. A case study is then conducted to substantiate and verify the feasibility of these guidelines. This research sheds new light on the cross-sectoral learning of DfMA from manufacturing to construction. The guidelines can be used as the benchmark for the evaluation of manufacturability and assemblability in practice. It also opens up a new avenue for further DfMA studies in construction.
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This article analyses the added value of IATF 16949 – a standard for quality management in the automotive sector – with respect to ISO 9001, the most popular standard for quality management worldwide. An exploratory qualitative study was carried out based on a multiple case study. Eight companies operating at different levels of the Spanish automotive sector supply chain were analysed and 27 interviews were conducted – 17 with managers of these companies and 10 with auditors and consultants. Multiple internal and external sources of documentation were also analysed. The findings show that IATF 16949 adds value to a more flexible ISO 9001 in five main areas: market, customer service in the supply chain, operational performance, staff, and technology. Overall, IATF 16949 is seen as a ‘license to operate’ for automotive sector suppliers, for whom ISO 9001 seems to have lost its signalling value. This study sheds light on the raison d'être of sectoral standards for QMSs such as IATF 16949 and contributes to the literature on the neo-institutional approach to QMSs and explains some of the main weaknesses of ISO 9001.
Several references in the literature help manufacturing companies improve quality, production performance, and waste reductions in shop floor processes. Different Systematic Literature Reviews (SLR) help researchers refine their reference results to apply them to manufacturing activities. Thus, to improve and speed up the research of the state-of-the-art references from the engineering and scientific platforms on a given topic, this article presented an improvement of the systematic review named iSLR. It consists of a detailed analysis of bibliographic results first searched in predefined publishers and next in databases using the Automatic Bibliography Researcher (ABRe) program to generate valuable references in an organized list. This procedure ensures the addition of relevant references not in the database results. A case study using iSLR was applied to search and select the DfX (Design for Excellence) references related to Civilian Armored Vehicle (CAV) operations in Brazil to help these automotive aftermarket firms to guidelines and enhance their armoring operations. Additionally, to validate the consistency of iSLR and the case outcomes analysis, the authors performed VOSviewer®, a bibliography network map software. The iSLR can be replicated for research on other topics where the Scopus platform databases and other scientific bases are used, adjusting the ABRe program.
The development of armaments has brought forth the challenges of protection systems from gunfire and the like, while the advances in high energy explosives and availability, run the risk of intentional explosions like bomb blasts. The military forces, and the civilians worldwide, have suffered severe injuries/fatalities, victimized by attacks due to acts of extremism or warfare. The blast events due to aerial and terrestrial bombings at warzones, are frequent and expected, while those due to ambush attacks of terror are haphazard and unpredictable, which offer extremely tough challenges to the task of protection. The shielding materials for ballistic impacts from projectile weapons have found widespread applications for military vehicles and personnel serving in police and defence sectors. The standard bulletproof vests offer protection for low to medium calibre projectiles, while they are less worthy against explosions, rendering little or no protection to the individual. In the current work, research spanning over the last 70 years has been reviewed, comparing the shielding materials for both blast and ballistic protection, their structural designs and developments including thin and lightweight materials. Beginning with a short introduction to blast theory, the detailed review of the materials employed for protection against different types of blast (open-air, underwater, confined space) as well as ballistic impact are covered. Potential novel materials for future applications have been discussed along with subsequent potential and challenges to aid material designers.
The main objective of this study was to identify the main characteristics of risk management in the automotive supply chain in Brazil, considering companies in the first and second tiers. This objective was achieved through the proposition of three hypotheses that were tested based on a survey of 211 auto parts producers scattered throughout the country, from which 77 completed forms were received. This research enabled us to conclude that the risks perceived in tier 2 are higher than those observed in tier 1. Also, it was possible to verify that the performance of companies in tier 2 (higher risk) is lower than those in tier 1. Contrary to what was observed in the literature, this research could not find evidence to confirm that risk management tools are prioritized to reduce the risk of companies in the supply chain. Therefore, this research contributes to both theory and practice: this is the first study that performs an analysis of risk management in supply chains with tier 1 and 2 companies in the Brazilian automotive industry, becoming an important complement to recent studies on this topic. For practitioners and business executives who manage risks in automotive supply chains in Brazil, this paper shows the reality of the issue in first- and second-tier companies, which can provide them with important contexts for their decision making in the day-to-day business of the automotive sector.
Fully qualitative surveys, which prioritise qualitative research values, and harness the rich potential of qualitative data, have much to offer qualitative researchers, especially given online delivery options. Yet the method remains underutilised, and there is little in the way of methodological discussion of qualitative surveys. Underutilisation and limited methodological discussion perhaps reflect the dominance of interviewing in qualitative research, and (misplaced) assumptions about qualitative survey data lacking depth. By discussing our experiences of developing online surveys as a tool for qualitative research, we seek to challenge preconceptions about qualitative surveys, and to demonstrate that qualitative surveys are an exciting, flexible method with numerous applications, and advantages for researchers and participants alike. We offer an overview and practical design information, illustrated with examples from some of our studies.