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Plants of the genus Crocus L. have a wide spectrum of pharmacological action. To date, many of their species have not been fully studied. Morphological and anatomical features of Crocus alatavicus Regel & Semenow have not been studied and there is no regulatory documentation. The literature review indicates the absence of a specific, complete description of these features that make it possible to identify and standardize Crocus alatavicus raw materials. The aim of this study is to research the features of morphological and anatomical diagnostic features of the plant C. alatavicus. Morphology of raw materials were studied using a binocular magnifier. Anatomical and diagnostic signs were determined by preparing temporary preparations according to the pharmacopoeia technique using an MS-300 microscope with a camera. Morphological and anatomical features of the reduced stem, leaves, and flower were studied. It has been established that the leaves of C. alatavicus have a unique and peculiar shape in cross-section, like most species of Crocus L. It consists of a central quadrangular "keel" and two side "arms". C. alatavicus differs from other species in the triangular shape of the "keel" and the tips of the "arms" are strongly curved to the "keel". There is a pale stripe in the axial direction along the center of the "keel". The leaves of C. alatavicus are amphistomatic in the arrangement of stomata and belong to the anomocytic type. These signs of plant are used to identify medicinal plant raw materials. It is important to emphasize that the standardization of C. alatavicus domestic raw materials creates new opportunities for its further use in medicine. Сrосиѕ L. тұқымдасының өсімдіктері фармакологиялық әсердің кең спектріне ие, олардың көптеген түрлері бүгінгі күнге дейін аз зерттелген. Олардың ішінде шикізатқа нормативтік құжаттама жетіспейтін Crocus alatavicus Regel & Semenow бар, өйткені бұл өсімдіктің морфологиялық-анатомиялық белгілері зерттелмеген. Әдебиеттерге шолу Crocus alatavicus шикізатын анықтауға және стандарттауға мүмкіндік беретін осы белгілердің нақты, толық сипаттамасының жоқтығын көрсетті. Зерттеудің мақсаты C. alatavicus шикізатының морфологиялық және анатомиялық-диагностикалық белгілерін зерттеу. Шикізаттың морфологиялық белгілері бинокулярлық лупаның көмегімен зерттелді, анатомиялық-диагностикалық белгілер фармакопеялық әдіске сәйкес уақытша препараттарды дайындау арқылы фотокамералы МС-300 микроскопын қолдана отырып анықталды. Қысқартылған сабақтың, жапырақтың, гүлдің морфологиялық және анатомиялық-диагностикалық белгілері зерттелді. C. alatavicus жапырағының көлденең қимасы Crocus L. тусының басқа түрлері сияқты ерекше пішінге ие екені анықталды. Ол Орталық төртбұрышты "кильден"және екі бүйірлік "қолдардан" тұрады. Алатау шафранының зерттелген басқа Crocus L. түрлерінен айырмашылығы, "киль" үшбұрыш пішінді және "қолдарының" ұштары "кильге" өте иілген болып келеді. Осьтік бағытта "киль" орталығының бойында бозғылт жолақ бар. Алатау шафранында лептесіктердің орналасуы бойынша жапырақтары амфистоматикалық, лептесіктері – аномоциттік типті болып келеді. Өсімдік шикізатының осы белгілері шикізатты сәйкестендіру үшін қолданылады және дәрілік өсімдік шикізатын стандарттаудың маңызды аспектілерінің бірі болып табылады. Растения рода Сrocus L. обладают широким спектром фармакологического действия, многие их виды на сегодняшний день мало изучены. В их числе Crocus alatavicus Regel & Semenow, на сырье которого отсутствует нормативная документация, так как не изучены морфолого-анатомические признаки этого растения. Обзор литературы свидетельствует об отсутствии конкретного, полного описания этих признаков, которые делают возможным идентификацию и стандартизацию сырья Crocus alatavicus. Целью настоящего исследования является изучение морфологических и анатомо-диагностических признаков растение C. alatavicus. Морфологические признаки сырья изучали с помощью бинокулярной лупы, анатомо-диагностические признаки определяли путем приготовления временных препаратов согласно фармакопейной методике, используя микроскоп МC-300 c фотокамерой. Изучены морфологические и анатомо-диагностические признаки редуцированного стебля, листьев, цветка. Установлено, что листья C. alatavicus, как и большинство видов Crocus L. в поперечном сечении имеет уникальную и своеобразную форму. Состоит из центрального четырехугольного «киля» и двух боковых «рук». В отличие от других изученных видов Crocus L., у C. alatavicus «киль» имеет трехугольную форму и кончики «рук» очень изогнуты к «килю». В осевом направлении вдоль центра «киля» имеется бледная полоса. По расположению устьиц листья C. alatavicusназываются амфистоматическими, по структуре относиться аномоцитному типу. Данные признаки растительного сырья применяется для идентификации сырья, и являются одним из важных аспектов стандартизации лекарственного растительного сырья.

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The composition of the ethanolic extract from the aerial parts of Crocus alatavicus Regel & Semen from southern Kazakhstan spontaneous flora was analyzed together with the determination of its antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anticancer activity. The phytochemical profile analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-quadrupole-time of flight-mass spectrometry (HPLC/ESI-QTOF-MS) revealed the presence of multiple kaempferol derivatives. High-performance reverse-phase liquid chromatography combined with a photodiode-array detection (RP-HPLC/PDA) found that kaempferol 3-O-dihexoside and kaempferol 3-O-acyltetrahexoside accounted for 70.5% of the kaempferol derivatives. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of the extract for all the tested reference microorganisms were high, reaching 10 mg/mL for yeasts and 20 mg/mL for bacteria. In contrast, antiviral activity was observed at 2 mg/mL, resulting in the inhibition of the HSV-1-induced cytopathic effect and the reduction in virus infectious titer by 1.96 log, as well as the viral load by 0.85 log. Among the tested prostate cancer cell lines, significant cytotoxic activity of the extract was noted only on the LNCaP cell line, with an IC50 value of 1.95 mg/mL. The LNCaP cell line treated with 2 mg/mL of the extract showed a noticeably reduced number of spindle-shaped cells with longer cellular projections, a significant increase in the peak corresponding to the population of apoptotic cells in the sub-G1 phase and a decreased intracellular glutathione (GSH) level, suggesting the prooxidative properties of the extract. The obtained data provide novel information about the flavonoids present in the aerial part of C. alatavicus and suggest its potential application as a source of the compounds active against HSV-1 and metastatic, androgen-sensitive prostate cancer.
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For a long time, the Balkan endemic species Crocus pallidus has been unconfirmed and neglected for the flora of Bulgaria. It has remained an uncertain species from the Balkans, often listed as a synonym of C. weldenii. The morphological resemblance to the albinistic forms of C. chry-santhus has led to incorrect identification in the past, resulting in uncertainty regarding the distribution of this species in Bulgaria. In this regard, a detailed morphological and anatomical study of Bulgarian natural populations was carried out. A phylogenetic comparison in the ITS region of two Bulgarian populations of C. pallidus with other related species was conducted, revealing the distinction of C. pallidus populations from the closely related C. weldenii. The recently described new en-demic species from Turkey, C. thracicus, shows very similar morphological and anatomical characteristics to C. pallidus and logically continues the distribution range in Eastern Thrace, along the Black Sea coast. We have a basis for suggesting that it should be treated as a synonym of C. pallidus.
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Crocus adamioides Kernd. et Pasche, as recently known, was originally treated as C. biflorus Mill. subsp. adamii B. Mathew in the flora of Bulgaria by Mathew (1982) and verified by Rukšāns (2017). The taxon was afterwards described as a separate species (Kerndorff et al. 2012), with the holotype collected in Kırklareli Province, European Turkey. The species was for the first time mapped in two floristic regions of Bulgaria. The diagnostic characters based on the general morphology and leaf anatomy were defined from the natural populations of the species and compared to the type specimen and relevant data from the literature. The phylogenetic position of the species was clarified by sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS: ITS1 + 5.SsrDNA + ITS2) and comparison of the obtained sequence with those annotated in NCBI. A phylogenetic tree was built using Bayesian phylogeny. Results have shown highest phylogenetic similarity with C. adamioides from Turkey. The closest relative C. ranjeloviciorum Kernd., Pasche, Harpke et Raca remains in proximity. Our morphological, anatomical and molecular analyses have revealed that the Bulgarian population shows a peculiar combination of characters specific to C. adamioides.
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The Aromatic and Medicinal Plants sector has undergone a remarkable evolution, especially during the last decade. The global market is moving more and more towards products of natural origin. Indeed, of the 4200-existing plant in Morocco, 800 are listed as aromatic and medicinal plants. Among these plants, saffron is a source of income for many areas of Morocco. Saffron, the dried stigma of the Crocus sativus flower, is considered among the main terroir products of Morocco. Saffron has accompanied all civilizations, whether for its culinary role, for its quality of dye or its ancestral virtues rooted in folk medicine. This review highlights the main components of saffron, and the pharmacological activities that result from it and make this product a serious therapeutic hope. Then, a classification of uses of saffron was carried out according to its uses, traditional, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and perfumery without forgetting its use a spice incorporated in many dishes around the world.
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Crocus cf. heuffelianus Herb. belongs to the series Verni Mathew and presents one of the most complex and critical taxa within the whole genus Crocus L. Depending on different authors, C. cf. heuffelianus is sometimes split into different taxa (e.g., C. scepusiensis (Rehmer & Wol.) Borbás ex Kulcz., C. vittatus Schloss. & Vuk., nom. illeg.). In order to disentangle the complicated taxonomical status of this species and to determine the degree of its morphoanatomical variability in the different environmental conditions, a comparative investigation of plant morphology and leaf anatomy of seven populations from the Balkan Peninsula was carried out. Morphometric analysis included meristic, quantitative, and qualitative parameters. To examine the leaf anatomy, fresh cross sections were made by manual microtome and stained with safranin and alcian blue. Statistical analyses, such as principal component analysis and canonical discriminant analysis revealed significant differences between populations, indicating the presence of distinct groups correlating with their geographical distribution. The largest contribution to the differentiation of analyzed populations is made by the characters that are related to corms, perigone segments, leaves, and anthers, followed by the general outlook of cross sections, palisade and spongy parenchyma, abaxial epidermal cells, and vascular bundle features. These findings confirm that from the morphoanatomical point of view Balkanian C. cf. heuffelianus presents an aggregate of species.
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The morphological and anatomical characteristics of Crocus flavus Weston subsp. flavus, (Iridaceae) were investigated. Cross-sections of the root, stem, corm and leaf parts of C. flavus subsp. flavus were examined and cross-sections of the root, stem and leaf demonstrated by illustrations. The corm-tunic is membranous, splitting into vertical fibres and lacking distinct horizontal rings at the base. The style is obscurely trilobed or slightly divided. These features are characteristic of C. flavus subsp. flavus. Differences such as shape of leaf keel and branching of style were determined by comparing the results obtained from this subspecies with the results obtained from the other subspecies Crocus flavus Weston subsp. dissectus and species of Iridaceae in previous studies.
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Relationships among 14 Crocus L. taxa such as, C. ancyrensis (Herbert) Maw, C. baytopiorum Mathew, C. biflorus Miller ssp. crewei (Hook.) Mathew, C. biflorus ssp. isauricus (Siehe ex Bowles) Mathew, C. biflorus ssp. nubigena (Herbert) Mathew, C. biflorus ssp. pseudonubigena Mathew, C. cancellatus Herbert ssp. cancellatus, C. cancellatus ssp. damascenus (Herb ert) Mathew, C. cancellatus ssp. lycius Mathew, C. cancellatus ssp. mazziaricus (Herbert) Mathew, C. cancellatus ssp. pamphylicus Mathew, C. pestalozzae Boiss., C. reticulatus Steven ex Adams ssp. hittiticus (T. Baytop & Mathew) Mathew and C. sieheanus Barr ex Burtt collected from different two locations of Turkey have been investigated using 11 anatomic leaves characters. These taxa are endemic (except ssp. damascenus) and rare in Turkey. The anatomical variations in the cross sections of the leaf parts of the taxa were ascertained by statistical methods. It appears that the length and breadth measurements of palisade and spongy parenchyma cells, trachea diameter and cuticle thickness are important leaf anatomical characters that show variation in relation to altitudes. Introduction Genus Crocus (Iridaceae) comprises approximately 88 species distributed in the Mediterranean region. The taxa are distributed both in Turkey and in South Western Europe, South-Western parts of Asia and Western part of China (Alavi-Kia et al. 2008, Petersen et al. 2008, Kandemir 2009). Turkey has many endemic and rare Crocus taxa. Seventy two taxa are distributed in Turkey and 35 of them are endemic (Mathew 1984, 1988; 2000, Kerndorff and Pasche 2004, Özhatay et al. 2009). When the diversity of the taxa is taken into consideration, Turkey may be considered as the homeland of Crocus taxa. The investigated taxa are placed to Reticulati series (C. ancyrensis, C. cancellatus, C. reticulatus and C. sieheanus) and Biflori series (C. biflorus and C. pestalozzae) of Nudiscapus sectio and Verni series (C. baytopiorum) of Crocus sectio.
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Morphological and anatomical characteristics of Crocus danfordiae Maw and C. fleischeri Gay which are endemic to small areas of Turkey were investigated. C. fleischeri has flowers with stained purple at base and on tube, C. danfordiae has anthers with black basal lobes at it's base. These properties are characteristics for the investigated species. In anatomical studies, cross section of C. danfordiae and C. fleischeri root, stem and leaf parts were examined and demonstrated.
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The paper reports morphological and anatomical features of Crocus asumaniae Mathew and Crocus mathewii Kerndorff et Pasche, endangered plants. Transvers sections of plant parts stem, scape and leaf were investigated. Characteristically, style is dividing into 3 slender yellow to orange branches, flowering takes place in autumn and is hysteranthous. In anatomical studies, the walls of root endodermal cells of both species show thickenings completely and hairs are found on the abaxial epidermis of leaf. Presence of sclerenchymatic tissues around the vascular bundles of the leaf is a characteristic feature.
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Commonly known as saffron, Crocus sativus L and its active components have shown several useful pharmacological effects such as anticonvulsant, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, radical scavenger effects, learning and memory improving effects, etc. There has been an increasing body of data on saffron use in medical databases within the last 20 years. In the current review, the strengths and weaknesses of some of the clinical trials about different pharmacological effects of saffron will be discussed C. sativus extract has been studied in 8 anti-depressant clinical trials in comparison to placebo or some antidepressant drugs, in which saffron showed effectiveness as an antidepressant drug. Clinical trials on anti-Alzheimer effect of saffron demonstrated that it was more effective than the placebo, and as effective as donepezil. 2 clinical trials on antipruritic and complexion promoter in skin care effects of saffron both confirmed that saffron was more efficient than the placebo. In another clinical trial, it was proved that in addition to the weight loss treatment, saffron could reduce snacking frequency. Clinical trials conducted on women with premenstrual syndrome showed that saffron could reduce suffering symptoms more than the placebo and similar to standard treatments. Furthermore, additional clinical trials on effects of saffron on erection dysfunction, allergies, cardiovascular and immune system as well as its safety, toxicity and human pharmacokinetics are reviewed herein.
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In this study, yellow flowered taxa of C. ancyrensis (Herbert) Maw, C. sieheanus Barr ex Burtt, C. flavus Weston subsp. flavus and C. flavus subsp. dissectus T. Baytop & Mathew were examined in the point of pollen micromorphology. Accordingly, it was aimed that pollen micromorphological characteristics of the plant samples could be used as a taxonomic criterion considerably or not. In respect to that purpose, exine structure of pollens as regards samples was examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM). On the other hand, differences between taxa were evaluated. As a result of that investigation, pollen exine ornamentation related to studied four taxa of Crocus L. genus were observed different to some extent and could be used as vice for taxonomic characteristics.
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Crocus speciosus is a widely distributed autumn-flowering species showing considerable variation in its morphological characters. Three subspecies are recognised, two of which are endemic to small areas of Turkey. The third, subsp.speciosus, occurs in a much wider area and contains a number of different cytotypes.C. pulchellus is a distinct but closely related species. The morphological relationships between the species and subspecies are discussed and a key to the taxa is provided. Cytological data are given and a distribution map of the cytotypes is provided. A detailed study of the leaf anatomy is presented.
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In this investigation, some morphological and anatomical characteristics of Crocus leichtlinii (D.Dewar) Bowles, an endemic species which has flowering time in early spring, were observed. The specimen was collected from Şanlıurfa, South East Anatolia, within C7 of the grid system; its habitat and population status was also determined. Morphological features of species such as leaf, bracteol, flower, and fruit have been described in detail. The determination of the anatomical characteristics present the first data available in the literature. In anatomical studies, transverse sections of leaf and root have been examined and supported by illustration. Anatomical characters of species were observed to have been similar to usual features of Iridaceae anatomy
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In this study, relationships among the 15 taxa of the genus Crocus L. distributed in Turkey were analysed using 29 morphological and 4 anatomical characters. Analysis of the data set utilising maximum parsimony criterion with Branchand- Bound search algorithm yielded 32 most parsimonious trees. Bootstrap analysis with the majority rule consensus algorithm generated a consensus tree supporting some branches. Our data mostly did not agree with the previous sectional and serial treatments. The most interesting result was the condition of Crocus pallasii, which was previously included in the section Crocus. C. pallasii showed a sister group relationship with C. cancellatus from the section Nudiscapus series Reticulati in this work. Previously described sections Flavi and Reticulati did not show monophyly for their taxa based on our analysis (e.g., C. gargaricus and C. cancellatus of the section Reticulati were not monophyletic based on our data set). Interestingly, C. gargaricus of the section Reticulati was sister to the section Nudiscapus series Biflori members, specifically with C. leichtlinii. Sectional and serial treatment of C. fleischeri was consistent with our results. Our data suggest that more morphological data along with molecular data are needed for reliable conclusions on the studied taxa.
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Certain anatomical and micromorphological features of six endemic Crocus taxa ( C. fleischeri J. Gay , C. gargaricus Herb. subsp . herbertii B. Mathew, C. wattiorum (B. Mathew) B.F. Mathew, C. antalyensis B. F. Mathew, C. olivieri J. Gay subsp . istanbulensis Mathew ve C. candidus Clarke) from the Flora of Turkey were observed in this study in which most of the observed features were reported for the first time. In the anatomy section, general outlook of the crossections of the leaves is defined with photographs. In addition, arms, keel, papillae, mesophyll features and vascular bundles of the leaves were examined. In the micromorphology section, the leaf surface features of the studied taxa were inspected and epicuticular waxes and shapes of the epidermis cells were determined.
Morphological and anatomical characteristics of Crocus ancyrensis Herb. (Maw) (endemic), C. antalyensis Mathew (endemic), C. chyrsanthus (Herb.) Herb. and C. sativus L. which are distributed in Central Anatolia, Turkey have been studied. The morphological characteristics of species have been compared with the Flora of Turkey. In anatomical studies, transverse sections of root, stem and leaf have been examined and supported by illustration. In addition, the determination of the anatomical characteristics of the species are given in this study for the first time. The leaf anatomy of Crocus ancyrensis has been illustrated elsewhere.
Based on previous molecular analysis, it has been established that Crocus reticulatus is not a separate species with wide heterogeneity and distribution, but a species aggregate. The aim of this research is to present, for the first time, a comparative overview of the morphological and leaf anatomical characters of two species from the Crocus reticulatus aggregate, Crocus danubensis and Crocus variegatus, and to indicate the taxonomic significance of the leaf anatomical characters within this taxa. We included 17 quantitative and 13 qualitative characters in the morphological analysis and 20 quantitative parameters in the anatomical analysis, measured on cross sections of the leaves. The degree of variability between the species is displayed using statistical PCA and CDA analyses. The key morphological differences between the species are the color of the perigone and the perigone throat, while the values of all the characters measured are higher for C. variegatus. The key anatomical differences between the species are the size of the largest vascular bundles of leaves (area of the xylem, phloem and sclerenchyma) and the size and shape of the leaf cross sections. Cross sections of the leaves of C. variegatus are smaller, with mostly two ribs and a smaller parenchyma area. The leaf cross sections of C. danubensis are bigger, with four ribs and a larger parenchyma area. The results confirm our hypothesis that the leaf anatomical features are very significant for differentiating these taxa.
The present article is the first comprehensive review on the chemical composition and pharmacological activities of the raw materials of Crocus species. In the present review, data on chemical constituents and pharmacological profile of Crocus sativus stigmas, as well as of other plant parts (perianth, stamens, leaves, corms) of different Crocus spp. are given. This review discusses all the classes of compounds (carotenoids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, terpenoids, phenol carboxylic acids, etc.) detected in raw materials of Crocus plants providing information on the current state of knowledge on phytochemicals of Crocus species. Almost all structural formulas of the compounds identified and isolated from Crocus species are given; all compounds are presented in accordance with the types of the studied raw materials. The latest hypotheses relating to the biosynthesis pathways of the main biologically active compounds of saffron (crocin, picrocrocin, safranal), as well as chemotaxonomy of Crocus genus are briefly summarized. The present review discusses the most thoroughly studied pharmacological activities (namely, antioxidant, antiparasitic, hypolipidemic, antihypertensive, immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, antitumor, cytotoxic, antidepressant) of saffron stigmas extracts, of its individual phytochemicals (safranal, crocin, crocetin), as well as pharmacological activities of raw materials of other Crocus species. This comprehensive review will be informative for scientists searching for new properties of saffron stigmas, as well as for saffron producers, since the present review highlights the prospects for the use of waste products in the production of the expensive spice. In addition, the present review provides information on pharmacological properties and composition of other Crocus species as promising medicinal and food plants. In the present review the emphasis will be put on the chemical constituents of Crocus species and the intraspecies variation in phytochemicals and pharmacological activities.
Crocus flavus Weston subsp. flavus and Crocus flavus subsp. dissectus T. Baytop&Mathew (endemic) are two close taxa of Crocus flavus Weston. Their morphologies are smilar but have some differences when examined carefully. However, Crocus genus have useful leaf anatomical characteristics that are significantly different from each other. Leaves show useful taxonomical features according to carina, vascular bundles and arms of the leaf. In this study, it is aimed to compare morphology and leaf cross sections of these two taxa in a detailed way with photographs. Especiallay, the difference between their stylus braches number, seed macromorphology and general view of leaf cross sections in the point of vascular bundles combination have significant taxonomical importance.
Morphology, anatomy and ecology of endemic species Crocus pestalozzae Boiss. (Iridaceae), have been investigated during flowering period in early spring. The bulbous plant grows in moist heath, meadowland and rocky areas in the North-West of Turkey. Morphological properties of plant parts have been described in detail. Transverse sections of roots, stems and leaves have been illustrated and the anatomical characters of arms, keel, papillae, mesophyll and vascular bundles of leaf have been described. Population status of the plant has also been determined.
Bioecological features and anatomical structure Crocus alatavicus Regel et Semen to the introduction in Uzbekistan // European Applied Sciences. - 2015. - Section 1
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Observations on Crocus (Iridaceae) in Jordan, with special reference to Crocus moabiticus // Herbertia - 1988
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Biomorphological features of species of the genus Crocus L // Bulletin of the Udmurt University
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Kushnir N.V. Biomorphological features of species of the genus Crocus L // Bulletin of the Udmurt University. -2014. -Issue. 2.-P. 22-29.
A Hendbook of Crocus and Colchicum for Gardeners
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Bowles E.A. A Hendbook of Crocus and Colchicum for Gardeners. -London: Bodley Head, 1952. -185 р.
Plants and lichens of Russia and neighboring countries: open online galleries and plant identification guide
  • Plantarium
Plantarium. Plants and lichens of Russia and neighboring countries: open online galleries and plant identification guide. 2007-2022. URL: (accessed on 20 Nov 2022).
Leaf anatomy of some endemic crocus L
  • O Erol
  • O Küçüker
Erol O., Küçüker O. Leaf anatomy of some endemic crocus L. (Iridaceae) taxa from the West // Anatolia International Journal of Botany. -2007. -Volume 3(3). -P. 290 -295. named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, st. Tole bi 94, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan; Author for correspondence. Z. B. Sakipova -, Professor, Doctor of Pharmacy, Dean of the School of Pharmacy, Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, st. Tole bi 94, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan;
Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • K K Kozhanova
K. K. Kozhanova -, Professor, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Head of the Department, Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, st. Tole bi 94, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan;
associate professor, candidate of biological sciences, acting professor of the department
  • A T Mamurova
A. T. Mamurova -, associate professor, candidate of biological sciences, acting professor of the department, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, al-Farabi Ave., 71, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan;