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A Radically New Theory of how the Brain Represents and Computes with Probabilities (accepted to ACAIN 2023)

  • Neurithmic Systems

Abstract and Figures

Many believe that the brain implements probabilistic reasoning and that it represents information via some form of population (distributed) code. Most prior probabilistic population coding (PPC) theories share basic properties: 1) continuous-valued units; 2) fully/densely distributed codes; 3) graded synap-ses; 4) rate coding; 5) units have innate low-complexity, usually unimodal, tuning functions (TFs); and 6) units are intrinsically noisy and noise is generally considered harmful. I describe a radically different theory that assumes: 1) binary units; 2) sparse distributed codes (SDC); 3) functionally binary synapses; 4) a novel, atemporal, combinatorial spike code; 5) units initially have flat TFs (all weights zero); and 6) noise is a resource generated/used, normatively, to cause similar inputs to map to similar codes. The theory, Sparsey, was introduced 25+ years ago as: a) an explanation of the physical/computational relationship of episodic and semantic memory for the spatiotemporal (sequential) pattern domain; and b) a canonical, mesoscale cortical probabilistic circuit/algorithm possessing fixed-time, unsupervised, single-trial, non-optimization-based, unsupervised learning and fixed-time best-match (approximate) retrieval; but was not described as an alternative to PPC-type theories. Here, I show that: a) the active SDC in a Sparsey coding field (CF) simultaneously represents not only the likelihood of the single most likely input but the likelihoods of all hypotheses stored in the CF; and b) that entire explicit distribution can be transmitted, e.g., to a downstream CF, via a set of simultaneous single spikes from the neurons comprising the active SDC.
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A Radically New Theory of how the Brain Represents
and Computes with Probabilities
Gerard (Rod) Rinkus1[0000-0003-1725-910X]
1 Neurithmic Systems, MA 02465, USA
Abstract. Many believe that the brain implements probabilistic reasoning and
that it represents information via some form of population (distributed) code.
Most prior probabilistic population coding (PPC) theories share basic properties:
1) continuous-valued units; 2) fully/densely distributed codes; 3) graded synap-
ses; 4) rate coding; 5) units have innate low-complexity, usually unimodal, tuning
functions (TFs); and 6) units are intrinsically noisy and noise is generally consid-
ered harmful. I describe a radically different theory that assumes: 1) binary units;
2) sparse distributed codes (SDC); 3) functionally binary synapses; 4) a novel,
atemporal, combinatorial spike code; 5) units initially have flat TFs (all weights
zero); and 6) noise is a resource generated/used, normatively, to cause similar
inputs to map to similar codes. The theory, Sparsey, was introduced 25+ years
ago as: a) an explanation of the physical/computational relationship of episodic
and semantic memory for the spatiotemporal (sequential) pattern domain; and b)
a canonical, mesoscale cortical probabilistic circuit/algorithm possessing fixed-
time, unsupervised, single-trial, non-optimization-based, unsupervised learning
and fixed-time best-match (approximate) retrieval; but was not described as an
alternative to PPC-type theories. Here, I show that: a) the active SDC in a Sparsey
coding field (CF) simultaneously represents not only the likelihood of the single
most likely input but the likelihoods of all hypotheses stored in the CF; and b)
that entire explicit distribution can be transmitted, e.g., to a downstream CF, via
a set of simultaneous single spikes from the neurons comprising the active SDC.
Keywords: Sparse distributed representations, probabilistic population coding,
cell assemblies, canonical cortical circuit/algorithm.
1 Introduction
It is widely believed that the brain implements some form of probabilistic reasoning to
deal with uncertainty in the world [1], but exactly how the brain represents probabili-
ties/likelihoods remains unknown [2, 3]. It is also widely agreed that the brain repre-
sents information with some form of distributeda.k.a. population, cell-assembly, en-
semblecode [see [4] for relevant review]. Several population-based probabilistic
coding theories (PPC) have been put forth in recent decades, including those in which
the state of all neurons comprising the population, i.e., the population code, is viewed
as representing: a) the single most likely/probable input value/feature [5]; or b) the
entire probability/likelihood distribution over features [6-11]. Despite their differences,
these approaches share fundamental properties, a notable exception being the spike-
based model of [11]. (1) Neural activation is continuous (graded). (2) All neurons in
the coding field (CF) formally participate in the active code whether it represents a
single hypothesis or a distribution over all hypotheses. Such a representation is referred
to as a fully distributed representation. (3) Synapse strength is continuous. (4) They are
typically formulated in terms of rate-coding [12]. (5) They assume a priori that tuning
functions (TFs) of the neurons are unimodal, e.g., bell-shaped, over any one dimension,
and consequently do not explain how such TFs might naturally emerge, e.g., through a
learning process. (6) Individual neurons are assumed to be intrinsically noisy, e.g., fir-
ing with Poisson variability, and noise is viewed primarily as a problem that to be dealt
with, e.g., reducing noise correlation by averaging.
At a deeper level, it is clear that despite being framed as population models, they are
really based on an underlying localist interpretation, specifically, that an individual neu-
ron’s firing rate can be taken as a perhaps noisy estimate of the probability that a single
preferred feature (or preferred value of a feature) is present in its receptive field [13],
i.e., consistent with the “Neuron Doctrine”. While these models entail some method of
combining the outputs of individual neurons, e.g., averaging, each neuron is viewed as
providing its own individual, i.e., localist, estimate of the input feature. For example,
this can be seen quite clearly in Fig. 1 of [9] wherein the first layer cells (sensory neu-
rons) are unimodal and therefore can be viewed as detectors of the value at their modes
(preferred stimulus) and the pooling cells are also in 1-to-1 correspondence with direc-
tions. This localist view is present in the other PPC models referenced above as well.
However, there are compelling arguments against such localistically rooted concep-
tions. From an experimental standpoint, a growing body of research suggests that in-
dividual cell TFs are far more heterogeneous than classically conceived [14-21], also
described as having “mixed selectivity” [22], and more generally, that sets (populations,
ensembles) of cells, i.e., cells assemblies [23], constitute the fundamental represen-
tational units in the brain [24, 25]. And, the greater the fidelity with which the heter-
ogeneity of TFs is modeled, the less neuronal response variation that needs to be at-
tributed to noise, leading some to question the appropriateness of the traditional concept
of a single neuron I/O function as an invariant TF plus noise [26]. From a computa-
tional standpoint, a clear limitation is that the maximum number of features/concepts,
e.g., oriented edges, directions of movement, that can be stored in a localist coding field
of N units is N. More importantly, as explained here, the efficiency, in terms of time
and energy, with which features/concepts can be stored (learned) and retrieved/trans-
mitted is far greater if items of information (memories, hypotheses) are represented
with sparse distributed codes (SDCs) rather than localistically [27-29].
The theory described herein, Sparsey [27-29], constitutes a radically new way of
representing and computing with probabilities, diverging from most existing PPC the-
ories in many fundamental ways, including: (1) The representational units (principal
cells) comprising a CF need only be binary. (2) Individual items (hypotheses) are rep-
resented by fixed-size, sparsely chosen subsets of the CF’s units, referred to as modular
sparse distributed codes (MSDCs), or simply “codes” if unambiguous. (3) Decoding
(read-out) not only of the most likely hypothesis but of the whole distribution, i.e., the
likelihoods of all hypotheses stored in a CF, by downstream computations, requires
only binary synapses. (4) The whole distribution, is sent via a wave of effectively sim-
ultaneous (i.e., occurring within some small window, e.g., at some phase of a local
gamma cycle [30-33]) single spikes from the units comprising an active code to a down-
stream (possibly recurrently to the source) CF. (5) The initial weights of all afferent
synapses to a CF are zero, i.e., the TFs are completely flat. The classical, roughly uni-
modal TFs [as would be revealed by low-complexity probes, e.g., oriented bars span-
ning a cell’s receptive field (RF), cf. [34]] emerge as a side-effect of the model’s sin-
gle/few-trial learning process of storing MSDCs in superposition [35]. (6) Neurons are
not assumed to be intrinsically noisy. However, the canonical, mesoscale (i.e., the cell
assembly scale) circuit normatively uses noise as a resource during learning. Specifi-
cally, noise, presumably mediated by neuromodulators, e.g., ACh [36], NE [37], is
explicitly injected into the code selection process to achieve the specific goal of (statis-
tically, approximately) mapping more similar inputs to more similar MSDCs, where
the similarity measure for MSDCs is intersection size. In this approach, patterns of cor-
relation amongst principal cells are simply artifacts of this learning process.
2 The Model
Fig. 1a shows a small Sparsey model instance with an 8x8 binary units (pixel) input
field that is fully connected, via binary weights (blue lines), all initially zero, to a mod-
ular sparse distributed coding (MSDC) coding field (CF). The CF consists of Q win-
ner-take-all (WTA) competitive modules (CMs), each consisting of K binary neurons.
Here, Q=7 and K=7. Thus, all codes have exactly Q active neurons and there are KQ
possible codes. We refer to the input field as the CF’s receptive field (RF). Fig. 1b
shows a particular input A, which has been associated with a particular code,
(black units); here, blue lines indicate the bundle [cf. “Synapsemble”, [30]] of weights
that would be increased from 0 to 1 to store this association (memory trace).
Fig. 1. The modular sparse distributed code (MSDC) coding field (CF). See text.
Fig. 2 illustrates MSDC’s key property that: whenever any one code is fully active
in a CF, i.e., all Q of its units are active, all codes stored in the CF will simultaneously
be active (in superposition) in proportion to the sizes of their intersections with the
MSDC Coding Field (CF)
WTA Competitive Module (CM)
single maximally active code. Fig. 2 shows five hypothetical inputs, A-E, which have
been learned, i.e., associated with codes,
(A) -
(E). These codes were manually cho-
sen to illustrate the principle that similar inputs should map to similar codes (SISC).
That is, inputs B to E have progressively smaller overlaps with A and therefore codes
(B) to
(E) have progressively smaller intersections with
(A). Although these codes
were manually chosen, Sparsey’s Code Selection Algorithm (CSA), described shortly,
has been shown to statistically enforce SISC for both the spatial and spatiotemporal
(sequential) input domains [27-29, 38, 39]: a simulation-backed example for the spatial
domain is given in the Results section.
Fig. 2. The probability/likelihood of a feature can be represented by the fraction of its code that
is active. When
(A) is fully active, the hypothesis that feature A is present can be considered
maximally probable. Because the similarities of the other features to the most probable feature,
A, correlate with their codes’ overlaps with
(A), their probabilities/likelihoods are represented
by the fractions of their codes that are active. In ” columns, black units are those intersecting
with the input A and with its code,
(A); gray indicates non-intersecting units.
For input spaces for which it is plausible to assume that input similarity correlates
with probability/likelihood, i.e., for vast regions of natural input spaces, the single ac-
tive code can therefore also be viewed as a probability/likelihood distribution over all
stored codes. This is shown in the lower part of Fig. 2. The leftmost panel at the bottom
of Fig. 2 shows that when (A) is 100% active, the other codes are partially active in
Item Code
Name Code
(B) with
(C) with
(D) with
(B) ( ) 4A
(D) ( ) 2A
( ) ( ) 7AA
(C) ( ) 3A
(E) ( ) 0A
Item A
proportions that reflect the similarities of their corresponding inputs to A, and thus the
probabilities/likelihoods of the inputs they represent. The remaining four panels show
input similarity (probability/likelihood) approximately correlating with code overlap
when each of the four other stored codes is maximally active.
2.1 The Learning Algorithm
A simplified version of the CSA, sufficient for this paper’s examples involving only
purely spatial inputs, is given in Table 1 and we briefly summarize it here. [The full
model handles spatiotemporal inputs, multiplicatively combining bottom-up, top-
down, and horizontal (i.e., signals from codes active on the prior time step via recurrent
synaptic matrices) inputs to a CF.] CSA Step 1 computes the raw input sums (u) for all
Q×K cells comprising the coding field. In Step 2, these sums are normalized to U val-
ues, in [0,1]. All inputs are assumed to have the same number of active pixels, thus the
normalizer, U, can be constant. In Step 3, we find the max U in each CM and in Step
4, a measure of the familiarity of the input, G, is computed as the average max U across
the Q CMs. In Steps 5 and 6, G is used to adjust the parameters of the nonlinear I/O
transform in the same way for all of the CF’s units. In Step 7, each unit applies that U-
transform, yielding an intermediate variable,
, representing an unnormalized
probability of the unit being chosen winner in its respective CM. Step 8 renormalizes
values to total probabilities (ρ) of winning (within each CM) and Step 9 is the final
draw from the ρ distribution in each CM resulting in the final code. G’s influence on
the distributions can be summarized as follows.
a) When high global familiarity is detected (G1), those distributions are exag-
gerated to bias the choice in favor of cells that have high input summations,
and thus, high local familiarities (U), which acts to increase correlation.
b) When low global familiarity is detected (G0), those distributions are flat-
tened so as to reduce bias due to local familiarity, which acts to increase the
expected Hamming distance between the selected code and previously stored
codes, i.e., to decrease correlation.
Since the U values represent signal, exaggerating the U distribution in a CM in-
creases signal whereas flattening it increases noise. The above behavior (and its smooth
interpolation over the range, G=1 to G=0) is the means by which Sparsey achieves
SISC. And, it is the enforcement (statistically) of SISC during learning, which ulti-
mately makes possible the immediate, i.e., fixed time (the number of algorithmic steps
needed to do the retrieval is independent of the number of stored codes), retrieval of the
best-matching (most likely, most relevant) hypothesis.
Table 1 Simplified Code Selection Algorithm (CSA)
Short Description
RF ( ) ( , )
u x j w j i
Compute raw input (u) sums.
maxi i U
U u w
Compute normalized input sums.
ˆmax q
q i CM i
Find the max U,
, in each CM, CMq
Compute the input’s familiarity, G, as average
value over the Q CMs.
= +
Determine expansivity (
) of U-to-
sigmoid func-
tion. In this paper,
=100, G-=0.1.
( )
( 1) 0.001 1
Sets 1 so that the overall sigmoid shape is preserved
over full range. 2= 7, 3= 0.4, 4= 9.5.
( 1) 1
To each cell, apply sigmoid function, which col-
lapses to constant fn,
i=1, when G G-.
i i k
k CM
In each CM, normalize relative (
) to final (
) prob-
abilities of winning.
Select a final winner in each CM according to the
distribution in that CM.
3 Results
The simulation-backed example of this section demonstrates that the CSA achieves
the property, i.e., statistical (approximate) preservation of similarity from inputs to
codes, qualitatively described in Fig. 2. In the experiment, the six inputs, I1 to I6, at top
of Fig. 3a, were presented once each and assigned to the codes,
(I1) to
(I6) (not
shown), via execution of the CSA (Table 1). The six inputs are disjoint only for sim-
plicity of exposition. The input field (receptive field, RF) is a 12x12 binary pixel array
and all inputs are of the same size, 12 active pixels. Since all inputs have exactly 12
active pixels, input similarity is simply sim(Ix,Iy) = |IxIy|/12, shown as decimals under
inputs. The CF consists of Q=24 WTA CMs, each having K=8 binary cells. The second
row of Fig. 3a shows a novel stimulus, I7, and its varying overlaps (yellow pixels) with
I1 to I6. Fig. 3b shows the code,
(I7), activated (by the CSA) in response to presentation
of I7. Black indicates cells that also won for I1, red indicates active cells that did not
win for I1, and green indicates inactive cells that did win for I1. Fig. 3c shows (using
the same color interpretations) the detailed values of all relevant variables (u, U,
, and
) computed by the CSA when I7 presents, and the winners drawn from the
tion in each of the Q=24 CMs.
If we consider presentation of I7 to be a retrieval test, then the desired result is that
the code of the most similar stored input, I1. should be retrieved (reactivated). In this
case, the red and green cells in a given CM can be viewed as substitution errors, i.e.,
the green cell had the max U value in the CM and should have been reactivated, but
since the final winner is a draw, occasionally a cell with a (possibly much) lower U
value wins (CMs, 0, 12, 17). However, these are sub-symbolic scale errors, not errors
at the scale of whole inputs (hypotheses), as a whole input is collectively represented
by the entire MSDC code (entire cell assembly). In this example, appropriate threshold
settings in downstream computations, would allow the model as a whole to return the
correct answer given that 18 out of 24 cells of I1’s code,
(I1), are activated, similar to
thresholding schemes in other associative memory models [40, 41].
Fig. 3. In response to a novel input, I7, the codes for the six previously learned (stored) inputs,
I1 to I6, i.e., hypotheses, are activated with strength approximately correlated with the similarity
(pixel overlap) of I7 input and those stored inputs. Test input I7 is most similar to learned input,
I1, shown by the intersections (yellow pixels) in panel a. Thus, the code with the largest fraction
of active cells is
(I1) (18/24=75%) (blue bar in panel d). The other codes of the other inputs are
active in rough proportion to their similarities with I7 (cyan bars). (c) Raw (u) and normalized
(U) input summations to all cells in all CMs. Note: all weights are effectively binary, though “1”
is represented with 127 and “0” with 0. Hence, the max u value possible in any cell when I7 is
presented is 12x127=1524. The U values are transformed to un-normalized win probabilities (
in each CM via a sigmoid transform whose properties, e.g., max value of 255.13, depend on G
and other parameters.
values are normalized to true probabilities (ρ) and one winner is chosen
in each CM (indicated in row of triangles: black: winner for I7 that also won for I1; red: winner
for I7 that did not win I1: green: winner for I1 that did not win for I7. (e, f) Details for CMs, 7 and
15. Values in lower row of U axis are indexes of cells (within the CM) having the U values above
them (red). Some CMs have a single cell with much higher U (and thus ρ) value than the rest
(e.g., CM 15), some CMs have two cells tied for the max (CMs 3, 19, 22).
(yellow) of I7with I1to I6(and as decimals)
CM 0 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
CM 7
Likelihood (L)
CM 15
e) f)
0.417 0.25 0.167 0.083 0.083 0.0
More generally, when I7 Is presented, we would like all of the stored inputs to be
reactivated in proportion to their similarities to the test probe, I7. Fig. 3d shows that
this approximately occurs. The active fractions of the codes,
(I1) to
(I6), are highly
rank-correlated with the pixel-wise similarities of the corresponding inputs to I7. Thus,
the blue bar in Fig. 3d represents the fact that the code,
(I1), for the best matching
stored input, I1, has the highest active code fraction, 75% (18 out 24, the black cells in
Fig. 3b) cells of
(I1) are active in
(I7). The cyan bar for the next closest matching
stored input, I2, indicates that 12 out of 24 of the cells of
(I2) (code note shown) are
active in
(I7). In general, many of these 12 may be common to the 18 cells in
(I1)}. And so on for the other stored hypotheses. [Note that even the code for
I6 which has zero intersection with I7 has two cells in common with
(I1). In general,
the expected code intersection for the zero input intersection condition is not zero, but
chance, since in that case, the winners are chosen from the uniform distribution in each
CM, in which case the expected intersection is Q/K.]
If, instead of viewing presentation of I7 as a retreival test, we view it as a learning
trial, we want the sizes of intersection of the code,
(I7), activated in response, with the
six previously stored codes,
(I1) to
(I6), to approximately correlate with the similari-
ties of I7 to inputs, I1 to I6. But again, this is what Fig. 3d shows. As noted earlier, we
assume that the similarity of a stored input Ix to the current input can be taken as a
measure of Ix’s probability/likelihood. And, since all codes are of size Q, we can divide
code intersection size by Q, yielding a measure normalized to [0,1]: L(I1)=|
(I1)|/Q. Thus, this result demonstrates that the CSA, a single-trial, unsupervised, non-
optimization-based, and most importantly, fixed time, algorithm statistically enforces
SISC. In this case, the red cells would not be considered errors: they would just part of
a new code,
(I7), being assigned to represent a novel input, I7, in a way that respects
similarity in the input space. Crucially, because all codes are stored in superposition
and because, when each one is stored, it is stored in a way that respects similarities with
all previously stored codes, the patterns of intersection amongst the set of stored codes
reflects not simply the pairwise similarity structure over the inputs, but, in principle,
the similarity structure of all orders present in the input set. This is similar in spirit to
another neural probabilistic model [2, 42], which proposes that overlaps of distributed
codes (and recursively, overlaps of overlaps), encode the domain’s latent variables
(their identities and valuednessess), cf. “anonymous latent variables”, [43].
The likelihoods in Fig. 3d may seem high. After all, I7 has less than half its pixels
in common with I1, etc. Given these particular input patterns, is it really reasonable to
consider I1 to have such a high likelihood? Bear in mind that our example assumes that
the only experience this model has of the world are single instances of the six inputs
shown. We assume no prior knowledge of any underlying statistical structure generat-
ing the inputs. Thus, it is really only the relative values that matter and we could pick
other parameters, notably in CSA Steps 6-8, that would result in a much less expansive
sigmoid nonlinearity, which would result in lower expected intersections of
(I7) with
the learned codes, and thus lower likelihoods. The main point is simply that the ex-
pected code intersections correlate with input similarity, and thus, likelihood.
A cell’s U value represents the total local evidence that it should be activated. How-
ever, rather than simply picking the max U cell in each CM as winner (i.e., hard max),
which would amount to executing only steps 1-4 of the CSA, the remaining CSA steps,
5-10, are executed, in which the U distributions are transformed as described earlier
and winners are chosen as draws (shown in the row of triangles just below CM indexes)
from the ρ distributions in each CM. Thus, an extremely cheap-to-compute (CSA Step
4) global function of the whole CF, G, is used to influence the local decision process
in each CM. We repeat for emphasis that no part of the CSA explicitly operates on,
i.e., iterates over, stored hypotheses (codes); indeed, there are no explicit (localist) rep-
resentations of stored hypotheses on which to operate.
Fig. 4 shows that presentation of different novel inputs yields different likelihood
distributions that correlate approximately with similarity. Input I8 (Fig. 4a) has highest
intersection with I2 and a different pattern of intersections with the other learned inputs
as well (refer to Fig. 3a). Fig. 4c shows that the codes of the stored inputs become
active in approximate proportion to their similarities with I8, i.e., their likelihoods are
simultaneously physically represented by the fractions of their codes which are active.
The G value in this case, 0.65, yields, via CSA steps 6-8, the U-to-
transform shown
in Fig. 4b, which is applied in all CMs. Its range is [1,300] and given the particular U
distributions shown in Fig. 4d, the cell with the max U in each CM ends up being greatly
favored over other lower-U cells. The red box shows the U distribution for CM 9. The
second row of the abscissa in Fig. 4b gives the within-CM indexes of the cells having
the corresponding (red) values immediately above (shown for only three cells). Thus,
cell 3 has U=0.74 which maps to approximately
250 whereas its closest competi-
tors, cells 4 and 6 (gray bars in red box) have U=0.19 which maps to
= 1. Similar
statistical conditions exist in most of the other CMs. However, in three of them, CMs
0, 10, and 14, there are two cells tied for max U. In two, CMs 10 and 14, the cell that
is not contained in I2‘s code,
(I2), wins (red triangle and bars), and in CM 0, the cell
that is in
(I2) does win (black triangle and bars). Overall, presentation of I8 activates
a code
(I8) that has 21 out of 24 cells in common with
(I2) manifesting the high like-
lihood estimate for I2.
Finally. Fig. 4e shows presentation of a more ambiguous input, I9, having half its
pixels in common with I3 and the other half with I6. Fig. 4g shows that the codes for I3
and I6 have both become approximately equally (with some statistical variance) active
and are both more active than any of the other codes. Thus, the model is representing
that these two hypotheses are the most likely and approximately equally likely. The
exact bar heights fluctuate somewhat across trials, e.g., sometimes I3 has higher likeli-
hood than I6, but the general shape of the distribution is preserved. The remaining
hypotheses’ likelihoods also approximately correlate with their pixelwise intersections
with I9. The qualitative difference between presenting I8 and I9 is readily seen by com-
paring the U rows of Fig. 4d and 4h and seeing that for the latter, a tied max U condition
exists in almost all the CMs, reflecting the equal similarity of I9 with I3 and I6. In
approximately half of these CMs the cell that wins intersects with
(I3) and in the other
half, the winner intersects with
(I6). In Fig. 4h, the three CMs in which there is a
single black bar, CMs 1, 7, and 12, indicates that the codes,
(I3) and
(I6), intersect in
these three CMs.
Fig. 4. Details of presenting other novel inputs, I8 (panels a-d) and I9 (panels e-h). In both cases,
the resulting likelihood distributions (panels c,g) correlate closely with the input overlap patterns.
Panels b and f show details of one example CM (red boxes in panels d and h) for each input.
3.1 A MSDC simultaneously transmits the full likelihood distribution via an
atemporal combinatorial spike code
The use of MSDC allows the likelihoods of all hypotheses stored in the distribution,
to be transmitted via a set of simultaneous single spikes from the neurons comprising
the active MSDC. This is shown in the example given in Fig. 5e, which, at the same
time, compares this fundamentally new atemporal, combinatorial spike code, with
a) b)
CM 0 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Likelihood (L)
CM 9
e) f)
CM 0 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Likelihood (L)
CM 11
temporal spike codes and one prior (in principle) atemporal code. For a single source
neuron, two types of spike code are possible, rate (frequency) (Fig. 5b), and latency
(e.g., of spike(s) relative to an event, e.g., phase of gamma) (Fig. 5c). Both are funda-
mentally temporal and have the crucial limitation that only one value (item) represented
by the source neuron can be sent at a time. Most prior population-based codes also
remain fundamentally temporal: the signal depends on spike rates of the afferent axons,
e.g., [1-4] (not shown in Fig. 5).
Fig. 5d illustrates an (effectively) atemporal population code [5] in which the frac-
tion of active neurons in a source field carries the message, coded as the number of
simultaneously arriving spikes to a target neuron (shown next to the target neuron for
each of the four signals values). This variable-size population (a.k.a. “thermometer”)
code has the benefit that all signals are sent in the same, short time, but it is not combi-
natorial in nature, and has limitations, including: a) the max number of representable
values (items/concepts) is the number (N) of units comprising the source CF; and b) as
for the temporal codes defined with respect to a single source neuron, any single mes-
sage sent can represent only one item, e.g., a single value of a scalar variable, i.e., im-
plying that any one message carries only log2N bits.
In contrast, consider the fixed-size MSDC code of Fig. 5e. The source CF consists
of Q=5 CMs, each with K=4 binary units. Thus, all codes, are of the same fixed size,
Q=5. As done in Fig. 2, the codes for this example were manually chosen to reflect the
similarity structure of scalar values (Col. a) (the prior section has already demonstrated
that the CSA statistically preserves similarity). As suggested by charts at right of Fig. 5,
any single MSDC,
i, represents (encodes) the similarity distribution over all items
(values) stored in the field. Note: blue denotes active units not in the intersection with
1. Were assuming that input (e.g., scalar value) similarity correlates with likelihood,
which again, is reasonable for vast portions of input spaces having natural statistics.
Since any one MSDC,
i, encodes the full likelihood distribution, the set of single
spikes sent from it simultaneously transmits that full distribution, encoded as the in-
stantaneous sums at the target cells. Note: when any MSDC,
i, is active, 20 wts (axons)
will be active (black), thus, all four target cells will have Q=5 active inputs. Thus, due
to the combinatorial nature of the MSDC code, the specific values of the binary weights
are essential to describing the code (unlike the other codes where we can assume all
wts are 1). Thus, for the example of Fig. 5e, we assume: a) all wts are initially 0; b) the
four associations,
1 target cell 1,
2 target cell 2, etc., were previously stored
(learned) with single trials; and c) on those learning trials, coactive pre-post synapses
were increased to w=1. Thus, if
1 is reactivated, target cell 1’s input sum will be 5 and
other cells’ sums will be as shown (to left of target cells). If
2 is reactivated, target
cell 2’s input sum will be 5, etc. [Black line: active w=1; dotted line: active w=0; gray
line: w=0.] As described in Fig. 3 of [7], the four target cells could be embedded in a
recurrent field with inhibitory infrastructure allowing sequential read out in descending
input sum order, implying that the full similarity (likelihood) order information over all
four stored items is sent in each of the four cases. Since there are 4! orderings of the
four items, each such message, each a set of 20 simultaneous spikes sent from five
active CF units, sends log2(4!)=4.58 bits. I suggest this marriage of fixed-size MSDCs
and an atemporal spike code is a crucial advance beyond prior population-based
models, i.e., the “distributional encoding” models (see [8, 9] for reviews), and may be
key to explaining the speed and efficiency of probabilistic computation in the brain.
Fig. 5. Temporal vs. atemporal spike coding concepts. The fixed-size MSDC code has the ad-
vantage of being able to send the entire distribution, i.e., the likelihoods of all codes (hypothe-
ses) stored in the source CF, with a set of simultaneous single spikes from Q=5 units compris-
ing an active MSDC code. See text for details.
4 Discussion
We described a radically different theory, from prevailing probabilistic population
coding (PPC) theories, for how the brain represents and computes with probabilities.
This theory, Sparsey, avails itself only in the context of modular sparse distributed
coding (MSDC), as opposed to the fully distributed coding context in which the PPC
models have been developed (or a localist context). The theory, Sparsey, was intro-
duced 25+ years ago, as a model of the canonical cortical circuit and a computationally
efficient explanation of episodic and semantic memory for sequences, but its interpre-
tation as a way of representing and computing with probabilities was not emphasized.
The PPC models [5, 7-10, 12, 42] share several fundamental properties: 1) continuous
neurons; 2) full/dense coding; 3) due to 1 and 2, synapses must either be continuous or
rate coding must be used to allow decoding; 4) they generally assume rate coding; 5)
individual neurons are generally assumed to have unimodal, e.g., bell-shaped, tuning
functions (TFs); 6) individual neurons are assumed to be noisy, and noise is generally
viewed as degrading computation, thus, needing to be mitigated, e.g., averaged out.
In contrast to these PPC properties/assumptions, Sparsey assumes: 1) binary neu-
rons; 2) items of information are represented by small (relative to whole CF) sets of
neurons (MSDCs) and any such code simultaneously represents not only the likelihood
of the single best matching stored hypothesis, but, simultaneously, the likelihoods of
all stored hypotheses; 3) only effectively binary synapses; 4) signaling via waves of
simultaneous single (e.g., first) spikes from a source MSDC; 5) all weights are initially
zero, i.e., the TFs are initially completely flat, and emerge via single/few-trial, unsu-
pervised learning to reflect a neuron’s specific history of inclusion in MSDCs; 6) rather
than being viewed as a problem imposed by externalities (e.g., common input, intrinsi-
cally noisy cell firing), noise functions in a resource, controlled usage of which yields
the valuable property that similar inputs are mapped to similar codes (SISC).
The CSAs algorithmic efficiency, i.e., both learning (storage) and best-match re-
trieval are fixed time operations, has not been shown for any other computational
method, including hashing methods, either neurally-relevant [44-46], or more generally
[reviewed in [47]]. Although time complexity considerations like these have generally
not been discussed in the PPC literature, they are essential for evaluating the overall
plausibility of models of biological cognition, for while it is uncontentious that the brain
computes probabilistically, we also need to explain the extreme speed with which these
computations, over potentially quite large hypothesis spaces, occur.
One key to Sparsey’s computational speed is its extremely efficient method of com-
puting the global familiarity, G, simply as the average of the max U values of the Q
CMS. In particular, computing G does not require explicitly comparing the new input
to every stored input (nor to a log number of the stored inputs as is the case for tree-
based methods). G is then used to adjust, in the same way, the transfer functions of all
neurons in a CF. This dynamic, and fast timescale (e.g., 10 ms), modulation of the
transfer function, based on the local (to the CF, thus mesoscale circuit) measure, G, is
a strongly distinguishing property of Sparsey: in most models, the transfer function is
static. While here has been much discussion about the nature, causes, and uses, of cor-
relations and noise in cortical activity; see [48-50] for reviews, the G-based titration of
the amount of noise present in the code selection process, to achieve the specific goal
of approximately preserving similarity (SISC) is a novel contribution to the discussion.
However, enforcing SISC in the context of an MSDC CF realizes a balance between:
a) maximizing the storage capacity of the CF, and
b) embedding the similarity structure of the input space in the set of stored
codes, which in turn enables fixed-time best-match retrieval.
In exploring the implications of shifting focus from information theory to coding
theory viz. theoretical neuroscience, [51] pointed to this same tradeoff, though their
treatment uses error rate (coding accuracy) instead of storage capacity. Understanding
how neural correlation ultimately affects things like storage capacity is considered
largely unknown and an active area of research [52]. Our approach implies a straight-
forward answer. Minimizing correlation, i.e., maximizing average Hamming distance
over the set of codes stored in an MSDC CF, maximizes storage capacity. Increases of
any correlations of pairs, triples, or subsets of any order, of the CF’s units increases the
strength of embedding of statistical (similarity) relations in the input space.
Sparsey has many more features and capabilities than can be described here, e.g., it
has been generalized to the temporal domain and to hierarchies of CFs. Nevertheless,
the results shown here will hopefully pique further interest.
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The remarkable structural homogeneity of isocortex strongly suggests a canonical cortical algorithm that performs the same essential function in all regions. That function is widely construed/modeled as probabilistic inference, i.e., the ability, given an input, to retrieve the best-matching memory (or, most likely hypothesis) stored in memory. Here we describe a model for which storage (learning) of new items into memory and probabilistic inference are constant time operations, which is a level of performance not present in any other published information processing system. This efficiency depends critically on: a) representing inputs with sparse distributed representations (SDRs), i.e., relatively small sets of binary units chosen from a large pool; and on b) choosing (learning) new SDRs so that more similar inputs are mapped to more highly intersecting SDRs. The macrocolumn (specifically, its pool of L2/3 pyramidals) was proposed as the large pool, with its minicolumns acting in winner-take-all fashion, ensuring that macrocolumnar codes consist of one winner per minicolumn. Here, I present results of models performing: a) single-trial learning of sets of sequences derived from natural video; and b) immediate (i.e., no search) retrieval of best-matching stored sequences. The change from localist representation of stored items, i.e., hypotheses, to SDRs has a potentially large impact on explaining the storage capacity of cortex, but more importantly on explaining the speed and other characteristics of probabilistic/approximate reasoning possessed by biological brains.
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Neurons often respond to diverse combinations of task-relevant variables. This form of mixed selectivity plays an important computational role which is related to the dimensionality of the neural representations: high-dimensional representations with mixed selectivity allow a simple linear readout to generate a huge number of different potential responses. In contrast, neural representations based on highly specialized neurons are low dimensional and they preclude a linear readout from generating several responses that depend on multiple task-relevant variables. Here we review the conceptual and theoretical framework that explains the importance of mixed selectivity and the experimental evidence that recorded neural representations are high-dimensional. We end by discussing the implications for the design of future experiments.
We propose that the brain performs approximate probabilistic inference using nonlinear recurrent processing in redundant population codes. Different overlapping patterns of neural population activity encode the brain's estimates and uncertainties about latent variables that could explain its sense data. Nonlinear processing implicitly passes messages about these variables along a graph that determines which latent variables interact according to an internal model of the world. Since there are many equivalent neural implementations of this computation, we describe a general approach to identify the essential features of the neural algorithm. This approach uses dimensionality reduction in redundant codes to extract from the fine-grained neural signals how task-relevant variables are represented and transformed. To reveal these fundamental computations, it is insufficient to record neural activity during simple tasks because such tasks do not probe the brain's structured internal model. Instead, core inferential brain functions can only be revealed by studying large-scale activity patterns during moderately complex, naturalistic behaviors.
An elegant study answers a long-standing question: how do correlations arise in large, highly interconnected networks of neurons? The answer represents a major step forward in our understanding of spiking networks in the brain.
To deepen our understanding of object recognition, it is critical to understand the nature of transformations that occur in intermediate stages of processing in the ventral visual pathway, such as area V4. Neurons in V4 are selective to local features of global shape, such as extended contours. Previously, we found that V4 neurons selective for curved elements exhibit a high degree of spatial variation in their preference. If spatial variation in curvature selectivity was also marked by distinct temporal response patterns at different spatial locations, then it might be possible to untangle this information in subsequent processing based on temporal responses. Indeed, we find that V4 neurons whose receptive fields exhibit intricate selectivity also show variation in their temporal responses across locations. A computational model that decodes stimulus identity based on population responses benefits from using this temporal information, suggesting that it could provide a multiplexed code for spatio-temporal features.
Sensory neurons are usually described with an encoding model, for example, a function that predicts their response from the sensory stimulus using a receptive field (RF) or a tuning curve. However, central to theories of sensory processing is the notion of 'efficient coding'. We argue here that efficient coding implies a completely different neural coding strategy. Instead of a fixed encoding model, neural populations would be described by a fixed decoding model (i.e. a model reconstructing the stimulus from the neural responses). Because the population solves a global optimization problem, individual neurons are variable, but not noisy, and have no truly invariant tuning curve or receptive field. We review recent experimental evidence and implications for neural noise correlations, robustness and adaptation.
The explosive growth in big data has attracted much attention in designing efficient indexing and search methods recently. In many critical applications such as large-scale search and pattern matching, finding the nearest neighbors to a query is a fundamental research problem. However, the straightforward solution using exhaustive comparison is infeasible due to the prohibitive computational complexity and memory requirement. In response, Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) search based on hashing techniques has become popular due to its promising performance in both efficiency and accuracy. Prior randomized hashing methods, e.g., Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH), explore data-independent hash functions with random projections or permutations. Although having elegant theoretic guarantees on the search quality in certain metric spaces, performance of randomized hashing has been shown insufficient in many real-world applications. As a remedy, new approaches incorporating data-driven learning methods in development of advanced hash functions have emerged. Such learning to hash methods exploit information such as data distributions or class labels when optimizing the hash codes or functions. Importantly, the learned hash codes are able to preserve the proximity of neighboring data in the original feature spaces in the hash code spaces. The goal of this paper is to provide readers with systematic understanding of insights, pros and cons of the emerging techniques. We provide a comprehensive survey of the learning to hash framework and representative techniques of various types, including unsupervised, semi-supervised, and supervised. In addition, we also summarize recent hashing approaches utilizing the deep learning models. Finally, we discuss the future direction and trends of research in this area.
For over a century, the neuron doctrine - which states that the neuron is the structural and functional unit of the nervous system - has provided a conceptual foundation for neuroscience. This viewpoint reflects its origins in a time when the use of single-neuron anatomical and physiological techniques was prominent. However, newer multineuronal recording methods have revealed that ensembles of neurons, rather than individual cells, can form physiological units and generate emergent functional properties and states. As a new paradigm for neuroscience, neural network models have the potential to incorporate knowledge acquired with single-neuron approaches to help us understand how emergent functional states generate behaviour, cognition and mental disease.