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LabInform ELN: A lightweight and flexible electronic laboratory notebook for academic research based on the open-source software DokuWiki

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Abstract and Figures

Scientific recordkeeping is a key prerequisite of reproducibility and hence an essential aspect of conducting science. Researchers need to be able to retrospectively figure out what they or others did, how they collected data and how they drew conclusions. This is typically the realm of laboratory notebooks, and with the advent of the digital era, there is an increasing move towards digitising those notebooks as well. Here, we present LabInform ELN, a lightweight and flexible electronic laboratory notebook for academic research based on the open-source software DokuWiki. Key features are its minimal system requirements, flexibility, modularity, and compliance with auditing requirements. The LabInform ELN is compared with other leading open-source solutions, its key concepts are discussed and full working examples for a spectroscopic laboratory as well as for quantum-chemical calculations presented. The minimalistic system requirements allow for using it in small groups and even by individual scientists and help with improving both, reproducibility and access to the notes taken. At the same time, thanks to its fine-grained access management, it scales well to larger groups. Furthermore, it can be easily adjusted to specific needs from within its web interface. Therefore, we anticipate LabInform ELN and the ideas behind its implementation to have a high impact in the field, particularly for groups with limited IT resources.
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LabInform ELN: A lightweight and flexible electronic laboratory notebook
for academic research based on the open-source software DokuWiki
Mirjam Schr¨oder1and Till Biskup2,
1Leibniz-Institut ur Katalyse e.V., Albert-Einstein-Straße 29a, 18059 Rostock, Germany
2Physikalische Chemie, Albert-Ludwigs-Universit¨at Freiburg, Albertstr. 21, 79104 Freiburg, Germany
Scientific recordkeeping is a key prerequisite of reproducibility and hence an essential aspect of
conducting science. Researchers need to be able to retrospectively figure out what they or others did,
how they collected data and how they drew conclusions. This is typically the realm of laboratory
notebooks, and with the advent of the digital era, there is an increasing move towards digitising those
notebooks as well. Here, we present LabInform ELN, a lightweight and flexible electronic laboratory
notebook for academic research based on the open-source software DokuWiki. Key features are its
minimal system requirements, flexibility, modularity, and compliance with auditing requirements.
The LabInform ELN is compared with other leading open-source solutions, its key concepts are
discussed and full working examples for a spectroscopic laboratory as well as for quantum-chemical
calculations presented. The minimalistic system requirements allow for using it in small groups
and even by individual scientists and help with improving both, reproducibility and access to the
notes taken. At the same time, thanks to its fine-grained access management, it scales well to
larger groups. Furthermore, it can be easily adjusted to specific needs from within its web interface.
Therefore, we anticipate LabInform ELN and the ideas behind its implementation to have a high
impact in the field, particularly for groups with limited IT resources.
Keywords: electronic laboratory notebook, ELN, reproducible research, research data management, meta-
data, wiki, inventory, FAIR data, knowledge management
Scientific recordkeeping is an essential aspect of con-
ducting science and is crucial for knowledge creation and
dissemination.[1] For research to be reproducible [2, 3],
researchers need to be able to retrospectively figure out
what they or others did, how they collected data and how
they drew conclusions. Furthermore, recordkeeping is a
necessary prerequisite for FAIR(er) data [4].
Often, the primary recording takes place in laboratory
notebooks [5, 6] that can contain anything from details of
an experiment to developing hypotheses and document-
ing the analysis of recorded data. Nowadays, though,
it is increasingly rare for hand-written lab notebooks to
contain the actual raw data of measurements or observa-
tions. This has mainly two reasons: the amount of data
recorded has grown tremendously [79], and data are in-
creasingly recorded in a digital fashion. Therefore, often
only graphical representations of data or results of anal-
yses may find their way into lab notebooks, but not the
actual data. This makes it necessary to provide stable
references to the actual data that are still operational
years later. This does not necessarily mean that ‘true’
persistent identifiers (PID) need to be used or actual links
provided within an (electronic) lab notebook, although
this can be quite convenient. Establishing and consis-
tently adhering to a system, e.g. numbering samples and
measurements consecutively, combined with a hierarchy
of directories on the file system reflecting this system,
would suffice and even allow for a semi-automatic ac-
cess to the data.[10]
The concept of lab notebooks is probably as old as
science, and in some sense, the recordings of astronomical
observations on clay tablets in the ancient Babylonian
imperium [11] can be regarded as a lab notebook as well.
Clearly, the original reason for lab notebooks is scientific
recordkeeping and reproducibility, not the need to prove
the origin and precedence of ideas in a patent application,
as sometimes stated. The latter has only led to imposing
constraints on how to use lab notebooks (mainly) in the
industry and to emphasising their usefulness.
While paper-based lab notebooks have clearly a num-
ber of advantages, such as no external dependencies, im-
mediate and intuitive usability, and flexibility, they come
with a number of disadvantages in the digital age as well.
To mention just two aspects: (i) metadata [1214] (i.e.,
information about the data recorded) are written on pa-
per and per se not accessible for processing and analysis
programs i.e. they are not machine-actionable and
(ii) access to the lab notebook is only possible physically
in one place. These and other aspects have led to an
increasing interest in digital, i.e. electronic laboratory
notebooks (ELNs) in the last years in the academic com-
munity [15, 16]. The idea, however, is much older: The
first ELNs can be traced back to the 1950s [17], and RS/1
as a ‘true’ ELN is from the 1980s [18, 19]. Furthermore,
in the experimental area of the chemical and pharmaceu-
tical industry, ELNs have successfully been introduced
already quite some time ago. Here, the standard has
been set with the ‘good laboratory practice’ (GLP) [20]
as a system to ensure inter alia reliability, reproducibil-
ity, and quality of chemicals, and many other directives
refer to it. In these highly regulated contexts, often labo-
ratory information and management systems (LIMS) get
used that cover much more than the traditional labora-
tory notebook, such as availability and maintenance of
devices used and often an end-to-end digital workflow
from the raw data to the final report. Typical LIMS,
however, are rather rigid, require fixed routines to be fol-
lowed strictly and are therefore often not applicable to
an academic research context.
While scientific record-keeping is a necessary prereq-
uisite for reproducibility and as such at the heart of the
scientific method, it has gained tremendous interest in
the realm of data-driven science referred to as ‘fourth
paradigm’[21] by Jim Gray [9, 22, 23]. The availabil-
ity of a vast amount of data is about to fundamentally
change the way we perform science, with reuse of results,
i.e. actual recorded data, on an entirely different scale.
This is why the FAIR principles [4] have been spelled out,
although it should be mentioned that they rest on ear-
lier work [24, 25]. Basically they are an adoption of Tim
Berners-Lee’s concept of linked data [26] and the seman-
tic web [2730] to research data. It is the mere necessity
to allow and ease data sharing and reuse and enhance
awareness of the necessary prerequisites for reuse. Be-
sides astronomy, the particle physics community was and
still is at the forefront of this data-intensive ‘big science’
[31]. There is good reasons for the world-wide web to
have been developed at CERN in the context of particle
physics, with a huge scientific community spread all over
the globe [28]. Hence it is only logical that the semantic
web has mentioned the scientific workflows early on as
key area.[27, 29] One prerequisite for the semantic web
[2730] are structured (and linked) metadata. An ELN
can help here, particulary with structured metadata re-
garding provenance of the data and stable (hyper-)links
to all relevant pieces of information.
The ‘data deluge’ [7], as it has been eloquently de-
scribed, somewhat echoes Edsger Dijkstras statement re-
garding the development of software engineering: as soon
as there were general-purpose computers, programming
became a gigantic problem [32]. With (digital) data be-
coming ubiquitous, handling of data became a ubiquitous
problem for the scientists, as nobody was trained for it
and the necessary tools did not exist. One of the first
disciplines to realise this problem was bioinformatics, be-
sides particle physics and astronomy, and they all devel-
oped tools to work both with huge individual datasets
as well as huge amounts of individual datasets. However,
apart from these disciplines, there seems still an apparent
lack of awareness of the problems with as well as the solu-
tions to handling increasingly larger amounts of (digital)
data. [3336]
Despite the ELNs and the larger e-science infrastruc-
ture [37, 38] being driven by data-intensive ‘big science’
applications, ELNs are advantageous even for ‘little sci-
ence’ and ‘little data’ [31, 39] as discussed here. Similarly,
many of the concepts (though not necessarily always the
tools) developed for handling large data volumes can be
advantageously applied to the smaller scale. Automation
[40, p. 34][41] and machine-actionable information are at
the core of more reliable and reproducible data handling
and thus more reproducible science.
Before actually describing the LabInform ELN and the
design principles behind it, three questions need to be ad-
dressed first: (i) Who is the target audience of both, this
article and the software presented? (ii) What is (and is
not) an ELN anyway? (iii) Why yet another ELN? What
makes this one different to the others on the market? The
latter two questions will be addressed in more detail in
the two following sections. Nevertheless, short answers
are provided here already to each of the three questions.
Who is the target audience of both, this article and
the software presented? The article as well as the soft-
ware presented aim at academic researchers, either in-
dividuals or small groups, with limited time and (IT)
resources. While generally applicable, the use cases pre-
sented stem from the personal experience of close to two
decades working in spectroscopy applied to fundamen-
tal research. [4244] This field is characterised by data
acquisition to be intrinsically digital, though rarely di-
rectly automatable and automated. Furthermore, it is
rather on the small-scale end of science, often referred to
as ‘little science’ as compared to the data-intensive ‘big
science’ [31, 39].
What is (and is not) an ELN anyway? There is proba-
bly as many answers as there are products on the market.
In context of this article, an ELN is primarily the digi-
tal analogon of the paper-based laboratory notebook, i.e.
a place for the individual researcher to document their
work in the lab, ideally in a structured and organised
way, helping to (retrospectively) reproduce or at least
figure out what has been done and why. Key differences
to the paper-based notebook are the much easier acces-
sibility, the ease with which media such as images can be
included, and the possibility of clickable cross-references
(actual hypertext). This means that things such as an
inventory or data storage are per se not part of an ELN,
although many implementations add those features to
their portfolio. For details, see the next section.
Why yet another ELN? What makes the LabInform
ELN different to the others available on the market? Ba-
sically, it tries to follow the UNIX philosophy [45, 46] in
many aspects, namely the mantra: do one thing and do it
well. It is lightweight, e.g. not using a database as central
element. It is flexible and thus adaptable by other disci-
plines. Furthermore, it is based on (battle-proven) open-
source wiki software, i.e. not a dedicated ELN software.
This translates into a much larger and broader user basis
of the underlying technique with prospective long-term
support, Last but not least, it has a small footprint and
minimal requirements in terms of hardware and personal
infrastructure, i.e. skilled administrators. For details,
see the second-next section.
There are many different competing and at least partly
incompatible definitions of the term ‘electronic lab note-
book’. Hence it seems reasonable to first provide our
definition of an ELN. Compared to many products avail-
able on the market, we adopt a rather narrow definition
of the term and mention both, key features as well as
non-features of ELNs. Many of these non-features are
valid requirements for a digital research infrastructure,
but they should be implemented using dedicated though
interoperable tools, following the separation of concerns
approach [32, 47] known from software development.
Very simply put, an ELN is ‘just’ a digital replace-
ment for the paper-based lab notebook, and one of the
simple reasons why to use an ELN would be its accessi-
bility via a webbrowser from basically everywhere. We
will not provide a detailed account for when and when
not to use ELNs and their advantages and disadvantages.
The interested reader is referred to the body of literature
available [15, 16, 48–51]. We rather summarise key and
additional useful features of ELNs before continuing in
the next section with the specifics of the LabInform ELN
and what makes this one different from existing solutions.
Key features First of all, an ELN should be able to re-
place the conventional, paper-based lab notebook. While
switching from one system to another is always a natural
place to rethink previous decisions, basically everything a
scientist has done so far with their paper-based notebook
should be possible with the ELN of choice as well. Next
is access to the ELN from wherever necessary, definitely
from within the lab and when analysing the data, be it
in the office or perhaps at home. Therefore, a web-based
ELN is clearly a natural choice nowadays. Note that
‘web-based’ does not imply a cloud solution, though. For
a more detailed discussion why an ELN should always be
hosted locally rather than cloud-based, see below. Of
course, including images and other media files is a neces-
sary requirement, but the ELN should allow for including
and storing structured information (e.g., key–value pairs)
as well that can ideally be accessed digitally via an appli-
cation programming interface (API). From own and oth-
ers’ experience, creating new pages should be template-
based [52], and the templates used be easily adjustable
from within the ELN not needing to resort to (external)
programmers or technical administrators. Depending on
the context, it is a (legal) requirement of an ELN to com-
ply with auditing requirements. An additional necessary
prerequisite of an ELN is an easy (tabular) overview of
experiments or measurements that is at least sortable,
better with the possibility to apply filters. Furthermore,
being able to export all contents to a generic format is
a strict requirement. No ELN will exist forever, and the
information contained therein is too valuable to be lost.
Hence an ELN needs to be able to automatically export
(convert) its contents to a generic format.[53]
Useful additional features Besides the key require-
ments for an ELN listed above, there are additional fea-
tures making an ELN more powerful and sometimes eas-
ier to use. Two should be mentioned here: an inven-
tory, at least for samples, and interfaces to processing
and analysis software allowing to automatically generate
contents for the ELN. Particularly with the inventory,
cross-links from an individual labbook page to the sam-
ple measured and back come in quite handy, a key com-
ponent of the semantic web [27–30] mentioned earlier.
With regard to the processing and analysis software, it is
important to note that an ELN should provide an inter-
face to those routines, but not the actual routines, again
a matter of separation of concerns [32, 47].
Non-features Besides the features listed above, there
are a few things that are often named in conjunction with
ELNs but are not key components of any ELN. An ELN
in itself is already complex, and there is no such thing
as a turnkey one-size-fits-it-all solution, particularly in
academic research. Therefore, it is much better to sep-
arate concerns [32, 47] and deploy a series of individ-
ual, though interacting components. This is at the heart
of the UNIX philosophy: do one thing and do it well.
[45, 46] An ELN is not a repository for your data. Al-
though it is tempting to store your data within an ELN,
this is usually not a good idea, as the data should sur-
vive for much longer than the (ELN) software used as a
repository. Data should be stored using a dedicated so-
lution that takes care of preserving a structure as well as
integrity and proper backup of the precious data. [54] Of
course, it is a good idea to provide stable references from
within the ELN to the actual data, another application
of key concepts of the semantic web [2730]. Depending
on the context, this could be a PID or simply a naming
scheme that is reflected in the directory hierarchy of the
data in the file system. For a more detailed discussion
see the LabInform datasafe [54] and LOI (Lab Object
Identifier) components [55]. Furthermore, an ELN is not
a catalogue of your data. One of the key features listed
above for an ELN is an overview of experiments or mea-
surements, but that is much more low-level than a proper
catalogue. Last but not least, an ELN is not an inventory
for samples and alike. Admittedly, having a small-scale
inventory of the samples available within an ELN solu-
tion can come in quite handy, and the LabInform ELN
does come with such inventory. But that is a matter of
convenience and no requirement.
Increasingly, ELNs include functionality for data pro-
cessing and analysis, a prominent example being Chemo-
tion [56] including Chemspectra [57] for NMR, IR, and
MS data. However, this is as well not part of an ELN,
and there are good reasons to separate it from an ELN
solution and provide a separate, though seamlessly inter-
acting solution. Particularly useful would be to automat-
ically include results from data analyses to the individual
labbook pages documenting the recording of the under-
lying primary data. This is possible using APIs allowing
to access the ELN from the analysis framework. For an
approach to a fully reproducible data analysis see the
ASpecD framework [58] and packages based on it [59–
63]. Other aspects sometimes covered by ELNs or LIMS
are the management of measurement setups in the lab or
even a more general project management, including pro-
posals and publications. While again not part of an ELN,
this has been implemented, e.g. in the larger LabInform
infrastructure [55] but somewhat separate from and in-
dependent of the actual ELN presented here.
There are already quite a number of ELNs and even
open-source solutions available, for an overview see
[15, 16]. Hence why yet another ELN solution, and what
makes this one different? Besides the fact that the LabIn-
form ELN described here has been used successfully over
the past ten years by a number of people, we are con-
vinced that it has a few features and design decisions that
make it stand out from the existing solutions and hence
worth to share with a larger community. Most notably,
it tries to adhere to the UNIX philosophy [45, 46]. This
is a clear difference to most other ELNs that increasingly
try to incorporate many more things, as particularly seen
with elabFTW [64] and Chemotion [56], but openBIS [65]
as well, the latter introducing itself as ELN-LIMS.
The LabInform ELN is based on battle-proven wiki
software, DokuWiki [66], with minimal system require-
ments (e.g., no database server) and a small footprint.
Furthermore, it comes with a hierarchical structure, sup-
port for templates, and fine-grained access control, be-
sides administration and maintenance near-exclusively
from within its web interface, minimising the effort for
dedicated IT personnel. Eventually, it is highly flexible
and adaptable due to a robust plugin architecture and a
series of high-quality plugins maintained by the author(s)
of DokuWiki itself.
In the next section, we describe the individual design
decisions of the LabInform ELN in quite some detail,
as we value these decisions higher than the actual im-
plementation. Therefore, we anticipate our ELN to be
useful even for those using other solutions, as they may
well adapt these to their needs.
In this section we will discuss why the LabInform ELN
is wiki-based, why we use DokuWiki (and not, e.g. Me-
diaWiki), compare the LabInform ELN to other leading
open-source ELNs, and briefly mention why ELNs should
always be hosted locally with full (and exclusive) control
of the respective institution, group or scientist over the
A. Why wiki-based? Flexibility
Scientific recordkeeping [1], and particularly a labora-
tory notebook [5, 6], requires a lot of flexibility in how
information can be recorded, both in terms of content and
its structuring. Therefore, a wiki that provides a simple
syntax, freedom of formatting, but as well pre-defined
(and user-adjustable) templates is an excellent choice.
Actually, the first wiki was created by Ward Cunning-
ham in 1994 [67], only shortly after the invention of the
World Wide Web by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990 [28], and
the ‘wiki way’ implemented ideas that Berners-Lee had
in mind originally: web pages were always meant to be
writable as well, for the community to contribute. Fur-
thermore, we are not the first successfully using a wiki as
an ELN [68].
A wiki usually provides some special (reduced) markup
language focussing on logical text markup rather than
formatting and that makes it much easier for the
users two write structured text than to hard-code all
this in HTML. Compared to word processors, this en-
forces structured information to a certain extend, help-
ing tremendously with storing and afterwards accessing
structured information in the ELN. This is part of the
way towards machine-actionable information.
Another reason for using a wiki, and hence a pre-
existing software solution, is the technical debt coming
with every piece of software [69–71]. Hence, it is always
good to not reinvent the wheel, but to use existing, suc-
cessful software components. A last reason in favour of
using a wiki as technical foundation for an ELN: No ELN
will ever be a turnkey solution you will always need to
adapt it to your needs, be it for a single person, a group,
or a larger organisation. Therefore, an ELN should be
modular, easily expandable and simple to adjust by your-
self to your specific needs. Key to this are a template sys-
tem and an administration from within the web interface,
with no need for direct access to the file system. The lat-
ter comes with both, security and competence concerns
as well as the usual lack of trained IT personnel.
B. Why DokuWiki? Robust, modular, small
One of the key reasons for using DokuWiki as the tech-
nical base of the LabInform ELN is a key design phi-
losophy of DokuWiki, namely that it doesn’t rely on a
database as central storage, but on plain text files on the
file system. What may appear as a minor detail makes it
stand out from most other wiki systems and gives rise to
its robustness, resilience, and long-term availability.[72]
The latter is particulary important in context of science:
The DokuWiki engine may long be gone and defunct,
but you will still be able to easily retrieve all information
contained within your wiki using whatever tools you have
available in your operating system for searching through
(text) files on the file system. For a more detailed discus-
sion on file formats and why to (always) prefer text files
for information storage, cf. [46, ch. 5] and the discussion
in [73]. Besides the resilience and long-term availabilty
and readability of the contents, relying on plain text files
in a folder hierarchy on the file system comes with obvi-
ous additional benefits: Backups are tremendously sim-
plified, as only one directory needs to be backed up. Fur-
thermore, this architecture allows for easily adding whole
content areas (namespaces) by simply copying the rele-
vant files on the file system level.
As mentioned, DokuWiki is a proven, lightweight wiki
software with minimal requirements. Thanks to omit-
ting the database as central storage, it comes with much
lower system requirements than e.g. MediaWiki, simpli-
fying setup and administration particularly in context of
small groups in science often lacking IT personnel. Fur-
thermore, DokuWiki is open source, has a good and up to
date code base, many extensions, and a large active user
base. The current development of the wiki core focusses
on maintainability and robustness, i.e. code quality [74].
Thanks to its robust plugin architecture, DokuWiki
comes with many helpful extensions for knowledge man-
agement and process control that can be used as well
to provide core ELN functionality. Central plugins used
for the LabInform ELN are maintained by the DokuWiki
author himself, therefore there are no additional exter-
nal dependencies. Nevertheless, thanks to the well main-
tained interface and documention, it is easy to write own
extensions. Last but not least, there is a company sup-
porting the development of DokuWiki that would other-
wise take over development jobs, even if anyone who can
work with PHP is qualified to do so. This adds to the
resilience, long-term availability, and independence from
a vendor or service provider.
On a more general note, DokuWiki has been devel-
oped for knowledge management from the start, hence
it is well suited for (structured) documentation as is the
nature of scientific recordkeeping and writing lab note-
books. In contrast to other wikis, DokuWiki is a hierar-
chical wiki. This allows for a better separation of areas,
such as (sub-)groups or different topics. Furthermore, it
provides ‘hackable URIs’ that allow for easy access when
knowing the structure of the wiki. Another important
aspect for the use as an ELN is the fine-grained access
control: Not everyone should be allowed to read every-
thing, let alone edit it not even in a working group or
department, hence access control can quickly become im-
portant. Furthermore, DokuWiki comes with a complete
version control builtin, allowing for a complete audit trail
[75]. Last but not least, a wiki has a much broader user
base than a dedicated ELN and hence possibly a much
longer survival time for the software as such. DokuWiki
as such exists since 07/2004, and therefore already much
longer than the average ELN [48].
Given that MediaWiki, the engine behind the well-
known Wikipedia, is probably the most widespread wiki
software, a few words seem justified why MediaWiki does
not make for a decent technical base for an ELN in our
opinion. MediaWiki has been developed for an entirely
different usecase, namely high load with many users and
traffic. Furthermore, it does not provide an appropriate
access control system, as MediaWiki was developed for
Wikipedia, and was always meant to be as open as possi-
ble. Actually, MediaWiki was never intended to provide
access control, and all plugins for this purpose are inse-
cure according to official MediaWiki developers [76]. Fur-
thermore, MediaWiki does not provide any hierarchy and
hence has a rather flat structure, making organising your
information in different areas a lot harder. Besides that,
MediaWiki uses a database engine at its core as central
storage. This makes the setup and maintenance much
more complicated compared to DokuWiki and comes
with more dependencies. Furthermore, there is no sim-
ple adding/moving of content, let alone its backup, and
export of the contents to other formats is more difficult.
Finally, administration of a MediaWiki instance is mainly
done via direct access to the underlying server, thus re-
quiring trained IT personnel. Taken together, while def-
initely an excellent piece of software with a vibrant user
and developer community, MediaWiki just seems not the
right tool to base an ELN on.
C. Comparison to other open-source ELNs
In light of a number of open-source ELNs available,
not to mention the countless commercial products on the
market, we compare here the LabInform ELN to four
open-source ELNs, namely openBIS [65], elabFTW [64],
Chemotion [56], and Kadi4Mat [77]. This comparison is
clearly not exhaustive, and there are good reasons for
using each one of these or any other ELN.
Generally, most other ELNs try to provide much more
than an ELN. The LabInform ELN is much closer to the
UNIX philosophy [45, 46]: do one thing well, use univer-
sal simple interfaces to other components, be modular,
interoperable, and flexible. All other open-source ELNs
mentioned are based on a database, making installation
and maintenance more difficult. Furthermore, none of
the ELNs discussed have a broad developer community
in the background, at least none larger than that of Doku-
Wiki. While at least Chemotion is partly supported by
and funded within the German national research data in-
frastructure (NFDI) programme [78], that’s not necessar-
ily sustainable, as comparable programs from other coun-
tries have shown [39, 79, 80]. Tools developed within such
a funding programme will unfortunately often not last
much longer than the funding period. Key to sustainable
operation of a software is hence a large user base as well
as a group of developers, not to mention a high-quality
code base making it easy for others to take over develop-
ment. Quite naturally, due to the much broader audience
and usecases of DokuWiki, the user community of Doku-
Wiki exceeds that of any of the ELNs [81]. Furthermore,
DokuWiki has a community of programmers interested
in knowledge management solutions, hence programmers
that themselves use the product they develop, but whose
day job is software engineering. ELNs are either devel-
oped by programmers (increasingly) disconnected from
science (at least its day-to-day operation), or by scien-
tists that rarely have been trained how to professionally
develop software that is deployed large-scale. [82–86]
As for the individual ELNs, openBIS [65] has a clear
focus on (micro-)biology, as the full name open Biol-
ogy Information System reveals. Furthermore, it intro-
duces itself as ELN-LIMS, hence with a much broader
approach than ‘just’ an ELN. elabFTW [64] is the pro-
totype of a software increasingly incorporating many ad-
ditional features beyond its original purpose as an ELN.
This results in a much more complex setup, correspond-
ingly more complicated and difficult to maintain. Fur-
thermore, there is basically one main developer, and
only installation as (docker) container is officially sup-
ported due to the many dependencies. While perfectly
valid from a developer’s point of view, this does not
necessarily point towards a robust and simple installa-
tion and maintenance. Chemotion [56] has a clear fo-
cus on synthetic chemistry, including nice features such
as a molecule viewer and the display and even manip-
ulation of spectra [57]. Kadi4Mat [77], the Karlsruhe
Data Infrastructure for Materials Science, is again much
more than an ELN, and it combines a repository (for
‘warm’, i.e. unpublished research data) with an ELN.
Furthermore, the focus of its ELN component is on the
automated and documented execution of heterogeneous
workflows. While open for other research disciplines as
well, Kadi4Mat is rooted in and developed for materials
science and its special needs and workflows.
Just to be clear: None of the arguments above provide
a case against each of the named ELNs. Each of them is a
nice piece of software a perfectly valid choice as an ELN.
Our aim is just to highlight where LabInform ELN is
different from the other available (open-source) solutions,
and why it may be suited for scientists not happy with
any of the other, regardless the reason.
D. Data storage: local vs. cloud
There is a number of popular (commercial) ELNs such
as LabFolder and SciNote that are usually not hosted
on-premise, but provided as software as a service (SaaS)
by the respective vendor. The same applies for using
OneNote and similar tools. This warrants some discus-
sion as to where to store the contents of an ELN. Three
rather generic aspects are (i) intellectual property rights
(IPR), (ii) the true costs of SaaS, and (iii) limited access
from the laboratory network.
Generally, the question where the information con-
tained in an ELN is stored is directly connected to IPR.
Therefore, given no further explicit technical measures
ensuring the access to the information being restricted
and controlled, you may simply not be allowed by appli-
cable law to use a cloud-based solution for your ELN,
even more so in the European Union with its rather
strict privacy legislation, e.g. the General Data Protec-
tion Regulation (GDPR). Of course there exist general
technical solutions to this problem, e.g. encrypting and
decrypting all data locally and storing only the encrypted
data in the cloud. However, this is not always easy or at
all possible to implement.
While often quite attractive particularly for small sci-
entific groups with limited IT capabilities, using ELNs
provided as SaaS has its clear disadvantages. As a mat-
ter of fact, SaaS becomes usually eventually more ex-
pensive, with less control over both, costs and available
services. Hence it appears only initially more attractive
than hosting a technical solution locally. This is by no
means restricted to ELNs but holds true for most digital
businesses, although out-sourcing is still pretty en vogue.
As a last general remark, depending on the IT secu-
rity context, access to an ELN hosted externally may not
be possible from within the laboratory network. There
are excellent reasons to shield the laboratory network
from the internet, perhaps the most intuitive being that
hardware controlling measurement setups is much more
long-lived than operating system versions, but often does
not allow for updates due to incompatibilities. In case
the ELN resides in the institutional demilitarised zone
(DMZ), none of these problems exists, and access from
outside can rather easily be provided employing well-
established techniques such as virtual private networks
(VPN) used routinely in this context.
Eventually, the question of whether to install an ELN
locally or in the cloud does not really arise, as there is
little more sensitive/private data than a lab book. Local
here means at least internal to the institution, but it can
also be installed and used decentrally by (sub)groups and
individual researchers. Such a local or institutional in-
stallation is dramatically simplified by low resource con-
sumption and low administrative effort in installation
and maintenance, as is true for DokuWiki and hence the
LabInform ELN. DokuWiki can even be installed com-
pletely locally on a memory stick, but typically one will
install it on a local server that can be accessed from the
lab etc. as well as from the workplace. As mentioned,
external access can be realised via VPN if this additional
security is desired or required. Last but not least, a reg-
ular (automatic) backup of the LabInform ELN is very
simple, as only two directories (conf, data) need to be
backed up and no databases are involved.[87][88]
As mentioned already, the LabInform ELN has been
developed by spectroscopists for their specific use cases.
This does not imply that the LabInform ELN is limited
to spectroscopy. It is rather that spectroscopy is the field
the authors feel competent in and can share real-world
A. Workflows implemented in the LabInform ELN
A characteristic of spectroscopy and its associated
workflows that informed the design of the LabInform
Batch Sample Measurement
Figure 1. Workflow of documenting a measurement as im-
plemented in the LabInform ELN: Each measurement is car-
ried out on a sample that in turn is derived from a batch.
Therefore, you usually start with creating a page for a batch,
derive a sample from it and create the respective page for
the sample, and only then you create the labbook page for
the measurement. Due to the PIDs for batches and samples,
cross-references are automatically created. For details, see
the text.
ELN is its focus on measurements with a given method
performed on a particular sample. Hence a key require-
ment of an ELN in this context is to document in suf-
ficient detail the measurements performed on individ-
ual samples, while thanks to its digital nature providing
cross-links from a labbook entry of an individual mea-
surement to the relevant sample as well as automatically
aggregated overview tables of measurements, both for a
given method and for measurements on a particular sam-
ple. As we will demonstrate, a very similar workflow can
be developed for quantum-chemical calculations. The au-
thors have successfully used the LabInform ELN for doc-
umenting their quantum-chemical calculations as well.
The workflow of documenting a measurement as imple-
mented in the LabInform ELN is graphically represented
in Fig. 1. As mentioned, in spectroscopy each measure-
ment is carried out on a sample. Usually, such a sample
is not consumed by the measurement, and even if, there
is usually a stock from which it originated, so the same
batch of material is still there for creating new samples
and performing comparison measurements. This leads
first to the discrimination between sample and batch. A
sample is the entity that gets investigated (measured)
i.e. the entity that is actually put into the spectrometer
in spectroscopy and it is the result of some preparation
starting with (parts of) a batch. A batch is the individual
supply from collaborations, syntheses, or manufacturers
and the starting point of a sample. To allow for auto-
matic cross-referencing between measurements, samples,
and batches, and to provide a place for storing additional
information about samples and batches, the LabInform
ELN comes with an inventory of samples and batches.
For the workflow of documenting a measurement, this
means that you usually start with creating a page for a
batch that originated either from a collaboration, a syn-
thesis or a manufacturer. Afterwards, you (physically)
derive a sample from it that you can actually measure,
e.g. by dissolving or diluting it or simply putting it into
a compartment for measuring, be it a tube, an optical
cell, or a rotor for MAS NMR. Within the LabInform
ELN you create the respective page for the physically
existing sample, and only then you create the labbook
page for the measurement. Upon creating the entries
Molecule Geometry Calculation
Figure 2. Workflow of documenting (quantum-chemical) cal-
culations as implemented in the LabInform ELN: Each calcu-
lation is carried out on a geometry that in turn is connected
to a molecule. Therefore, you usually start with creating a
page for a molecule, create a geometry of this molecule and
create the respective page for the moleculular geometry, and
only then you create the labbook page for the calculation. For
details, see the text.
for batches and samples, both are automatically given
unique (and persistent) identifiers that allow for auto-
matic cross-referencing within the LabInform ELN.
Especially from a spectroscopy point of view, the
overview of the measurements performed on an individ-
ual sample and an overview of the existing samples are
crucial aspects. Often, several different measurements
with different purposes will be performed on a single sam-
ple. Similarly, an overview of all measurements of a par-
ticular type in form of a table that can be sorted and
filtered is a very useful tool. Hence, the LabInform ELN
provides two distinct ways to find and access a laboratory
book entry: by type of measurement and by sample. De-
tails of how to create the respective entries for batches,
samples, and measurements will be given below, as well
as how to access the individual pages.
As mentioned, a very similar workflow to the one de-
scribed above for documenting (spectroscopic) measure-
ments on samples can be implemented for documenting
(quantum-chemical) calculations. A first graphical rep-
resentation is given in Fig. 2, and the similarities to the
workflow for documenting measurements (Fig. 1) is im-
mediately obvious. The focus is here on documenting
quantum-chemical calculations. Each individual calcu-
lation is carried out on a given geometry, and a geom-
etry is always connected to a molecule as chemical en-
tity. Therefore, the LabInform ELN provides an inven-
tory for molecules and geometries, and as with batches
and samples, upon creating the respective entries they
are automatically given unique (and persistent) identi-
fiers that are used for automatic cross-referencing. To
perform a calculation, you first need to create an entry
for a molecule, then create an entry for a particular ge-
ometry of this molecule, and only then can you create the
entry for documenting the calculation, i.e. the actual lab-
book page. As with batches and samples, there can (and
usually will be) several geometries for one and the same
molecule, and the molecule’s page contains an automat-
ically generated overview table of the connected geome-
tries with links to their respective entries. The same is
true for calculations on a given geometry. Furthermore, a
geometry can be the result of a calculation, as is the case
in the usual first step of quantum-chemical calculations,
namely the geometry optimisation. Last but not least,
as usually the calculations have some relevance for the
experimental spectroscopic work, a molecule can have a
reference to a physical batch.
B. Core aspects of the LabInform ELN concept
The authors firmly believe that only systems that are
sufficiently easy to use and whose use promises obvious
advantages will be used. For an ELN this means that
it needs to contain structured information that is ideally
at least partially machine-actionable. Furthermore, an
ELN needs to provide a convenient, intuitive and user-
friendly interface fitting seamlessly into the workflow of
the individual scientist. How does this translate to the
concepts and features of the LabInform ELN?
Labbook pages, regardless whether they document
measurements or calculations, are generated via a (web)
form, which in turn uses (user-defined) templates for the
pages. The same is true for the pages documenting the
inventory, namely batches and samples for measurements
and molecules and geometries for (quantum-chemical)
calculations, each using their own respective template.
Templates can even be chosen automatically depending
on the value of certain fields in the web form. For conve-
nience, the following discussion will focus on experiments
but can be applied analogously to calculations. Gener-
ally, there is one page per documented experiment, at
least for one sample and one type of measurement. The
basic metadata for each labbook entry are summarised
at the top of the page as key–value pairs and partly re-
quested via the web form used to create the labbook en-
try. Furthermore, these metadata include automatically
generated cross-links, e.g. to the sample measured. As a
rule of thumb, changes to these metadata listed at the top
of the page be it for another measurement, or another
type of experiment logically require creating a new lab-
book page. This rule is not technically enforced by the
LabInform ELN, but necessary for its consistent use. For
each type of experiment there is a separate type of lab-
book entry, each with its own (user-defined) template.
Labbook pages are created chronologically, per month
in a separate namespace (directory) to keep the number
of media files per directory manageable. Last but not
least, the basic information contained in the metadata at
the top of the individual labbook entries is aggregated in
overview tables.
A prototypical example of a labbook page of an indi-
vidual measurement of a sample is shown in Fig. 3. The
contents of such a labbook page are: (i) the basic meta-
data as key-value pairs that can be used to aggregate
information contained therein in overview tables; (ii) a
detailed log (with time) of the history of the measure-
ment; (iii) some general comments; (iv) a first evalua-
tion or analysis of the recorded data, typically in form of
a graphical representation that could be automatically
generated, e.g. using analysis tools [5962] based on the
ASpecD framework [58], these analyses serve as a quick
Figure 3. Prototypical labbook entry for a measurement on a
sample. Elements are the basic metadata of the measurement,
most of them entered in the form for creating the labbook
entry, a detailed log, comments, a first analysis (typically a
graphical representation of the data), further ideas, and the
Infofile [73] of the measurement. For details see the text.
overview, especially if one does not have a catalogue, and
they could eventually be automatically included by the
analysis tools via the XML-RPC interface provided by
DokuWiki; (v) further plans; (vi) metadata for the mea-
surement as a downloadable code block, e.g. an Infofile
[58, 59, 73].
As mentioned, by providing the unique (persistent)
identifier of the sample in the form used for creating the
labbook entry a cross-reference to the page of this sam-
ple in the inventory is created, and at the same time,
the measurement appears in the overview table of mea-
surements on the sample page. This shows the power of
having an inventory as part of the LabInform ELN, al-
though strictly speaking a sample inventory is not a key
component of an ELN.
Recurring structures of a labbook page can be conve-
niently included using building blocks as templates for
parts of a page. These templates can be fully controlled
by the individual users and previewed before including
them into the actual page. A typical example would be
the Infofile of a measurement in case more than one mea-
surement is documented on a single labbook page.
C. Inventory
As described above for the workflows, the LabInform
ELN comes with inventories for both, samples that are
experimentally characterised and molecules whose prop-
erties are theoretically calculated. As with the labbook
pages, entries are created using web forms, and unique
and persistent identifiers automatically assigned to each
individual entry. For samples, the inventory is separated
into batches and samples, as described above, with the
sample being the actual entity experiments are carried
out with. Similarly, for molecules there is the distinction
between molecule and geometry, with the geometry being
the actual entity the calculation is performed on.
Samples get automatically linked from the labbook
pages documenting individual measurements, and sum-
mary tables with measurements for a sample automati-
cally created on the individual sample pages. Similarly,
the page of an individual batch contains an automatically
generated overview table listing the samples derived from
this batch. Sample pages provide a link back to the batch
from which the sample was derived. As a batch can be
derived from another batch e.g. dissolving a solid mate-
rial –, a page of an individual batch provides a link back
to another originating batch in this case. Similarly, the
page of the batch other batches are derived from contains
an overview table listing those batches that were created
from this batch.
It should be noted that the idea of the inventory of the
LabInform ELN is to provide convenient ways to access
the information on individual measurements or calcula-
tions and allow for (automatic) cross-linking. Therefore,
an inventory for chemicals or details regarding the loca-
tions of storage of samples etc. are clearly beyond the
scope of the LabInform ELN, although at least the latter
could be added in a rather straight-forward manner to
the templates for the sample pages.
D. Cross-linking
Providing (automatic) references to other pages within
the labbook is one of the crucial characteristics of an ELN
and a clear advantage of the digital implementation as
compared to the physical paper-based labbook. Further-
more, cross-linking is a crucial aspect of the Semantic
Web [27] envisioned by the originator of the World Wide
Web (WWW), Tim Berners-Lee, as well as the WWW
itself. Hence, it does not come to any surprise that the
WWW was created in context of documenting experi-
ments and organising knowledge of a large-scale scientific
facility (the CERN in Geneva).
Within the LabInform ELN, cross-linking is mainly
done automatically using the unique and persistent iden-
tifiers of the individual pages of the inventory. Addition-
ally, there is a special syntax for referring to these PIDs
of samples, batches, molecules, and geometries, provid-
ing the user with a convenient way to add manual cross-
references in a robust way that is independent of the
actual place these pages are located within the wiki.
Furthermore, when performing a series of experiments
documented on individual labbook pages, it is good prac-
tice to manually add links to the previous and next lab-
book page in such a series within the detailed log. This
makes it much easier to navigate when coming from the
overview table of measurements and having just clicked
the first entry that seemed somewhat reasonable.
E. Overview tables sortable and with filters
Providing access to the wealth of information con-
tained in an ELN is a crucial aspect. To this end, the
LabInform ELN makes heavy use of automatically cre-
ated overview tables, be it of all measurements using one
method, the measurements carried out on an individual
sample, the samples derived from a batch, and more.
Those overview tables will be automatically created for
batches, samples, molecules, and geometries, as they are
part of the templates used for creating the individual
Crucial for their functionality is that each of these ta-
bles can be both, sorted and filtered for each individual
column. As each row in such a table provides at least one
cross-link to another page, the information is easily ac-
cessible. In some sense, one can think of the LabInform
ELN as a ‘poor man’s catalogue’ thanks to this feature,
although a proper catalogue of your research data has
many more features and is clearly beyond the scope of
the LabInform ELN.
F. Help directly within ELN
While the characteristics discussed so far are mostly
related to the contents of the ELN and the workflow,
the following aspects are more technical, though not less
important. A simple yet often overlooked fact: an indivi-
ual’s lifetime does not scale, written documentation does.
Therefore, the LabInform ELN comes with help directly
builtin. Systems that are used regularly should have a
user interface that is as intuitive as possible. Neverthe-
less, while we can try to minimise accidental complexity
as much as possible, every non-trivial process comes with
inherent complexity we have to cope with [89]. In terms
of an ELN, those who originally designed and regularly
use it don’t need any manual. However, usually you will
have some people new to the lab or only temporarily
present that are going to use the ELN, and others may
only use it infrequently.
While in-person training is highly valuable to get peo-
ple started, being the single point of contact for all ques-
tions regarding a particular tool doesn’t scale well. This
is why in the LabInform ELN, help texts are included
right into the ELN, in a way they don’t disturb the fre-
quent user but help those unfamiliar with or only occa-
sionally using the system. Here, brief and to the point
explanations of how to perform the task at hand as well
as (lab-specific) conventions shall be provided. The texts
explain the general features and can be adapted to the
individual requirements.
G. Structures providing overview and simple access
Thanks to the hierarchical nature of DokuWiki and
quite in contrast to alternative wiki engines such as Me-
diaWiki, the LabInform ELN is organised not only in
inventory and labbook pages, but in namespaces (i.e. di-
rectories) for each individual method. Furthermore, the
consistent use of icons throughout the entire ELN helps
with easy recognition of the currently active area. High-
level pages using these very same icons and linking to the
respective areas provide simple access and the necessary
overview. An example is shown in Fig. 4.
H. Administration from within the Web UI
Another strength of the DokuWiki wiki engine, besides
its simple usage, robustness, and small footprint: most
adjustments can be made from within the Web UI. The
same is true therefore for the LabInform ELN. Web forms
and templates are entirely created using the Web UI, and
even moving individual pages as well as larger chunks
of content is possible, besides configuring nearly every
aspect of the wiki engine. Some of these features are
provided by plugins, mostly maintained by the DokuWiki
core developer team.
Figure 4. Start page of the LabInform ELN providing the first
overview and guiding the user. The icons are clickable and
used consistently throughout the ELN, helping to recognise
the respective area.
As a consequence, operating and adjusting the LabIn-
form ELN does not require any detailed IT know-how
(server, terminal) nor access to the file system. This is
particularly helpful for small groups or situations with
limited IT capacities. Additionally, due to the minimal
system requirements, maintenance of the underlying op-
erating system can be limited to a minimum as well.
I. Fine-grained access control and roles
Basically, three roles can be distinguished for the
LabInform ELN, each with a different focus and level
of access: user, wiki administrator, and system admin-
istrator. The regular user of the LabInform ELN uses
the system on a daily basis and depending on the rights
(role) set they can also create and adjust templates. As
mentioned already, everything can be done via the user
interface of the wiki, hence no to little IT knowledge is
necessary for the user.
The wiki administrator is responsible for the admin-
istration, setup and maintenance of the wiki, including
updates if necessary, as well as creating users and set-
ting appropriate access rights. Again, everything can be
done via the wiki’s admin interface, hence little time is re-
quired for the day-to-day operations, and little IT knowl-
edge is necessary, but a certain willingness to familiarise
oneself with the syntax of DokuWiki and the possibilities
of the plugins.
Eventually, the system administrator is responsible for
installing the wiki. Hence this person needs access to the
underlying operating system. Furthermore, this person
is responsible for setting up backups, monitoring, etc.,
as well as for performing updates for the system. Never-
theless, due to the minimal system requirements of the
DokuWiki engine the LabInform ELN is based on, only
a low time commitment is necessary during routine op-
Just to mention, DokuWiki additionally knows the role
of a manager with extended rights compared to normal
users, but with fewer rights than the wiki administrator.
In a larger installation, such a role can be assigned to in-
dividual persons in a group in order to relieve the central
wiki administrator.
Besides the roles mentioned, access control can be set
fine-grained both, for individual pages as well as for
namespaces (aka directories). Furthermore, user groups
can be created to account for specific requirements of a
research group, and access control set not only on per-
user, but as well on per-group base.
J. Documentation
While DokuWiki is well documented, the LabInform
ELN comes with additional extensive documentation for
users, administrators, and developers that is available
online [90]. All components of the LabInform ELN are
open-source and readily available. The documentation
should enable everybody to setup a DokuWiki instance
and convert it into a fully functional ELN without relying
on the authors of the LabInform ELN. This is an impor-
tant prerequisite for a sustainable and robust ELN, and
as a matter of fact, the usability of software generally
scales with the quality of the documentation available.
An ELN is neither an end in itself nor is it a silver bul-
let. Nevertheless, it can clearly be a crucial component
of your research data management [91–93], particularly
given data to be both increasingly digital and volumi-
nous. The workflows described here and implemented
in the LabInform ELN work well for the authors in a
spectroscopic setting deeply rooted in physical chemistry.
Hence they most probably need to be adapted to your
own needs. Bear in mind that no ELN will ever be a
turn-key solution and that we need to first gain a thor-
ough understanding of our own processes before we can
start mapping them to a digital workflow. Furthermore,
the LabInform ELN is but one component of a larger in-
frastructure for research data management employed by
the authors, others being tools for metadata acquisition
during data recording [73], a framework for reproducible
data analysis [58], a local repository [54], and a LIMS
[55]. The interplay of these different components will
briefly be described and afterwards other, partly similar
solutions mentioned.
While certainly the purpose of an ELN is to document
measurements, machine-actionable metadata recorded
during data acquisition should be stored next to the ac-
tual data files. This is the realm of the Infofile [73]: While
the Infofile aims at collecting all necessary metadata dur-
ing data acquisition, it does not provide an overview of
the measurements (and other actions) that have been
done, and does not provide the necessary context in itself.
However, as shown in Fig. 3, including an Infofile into a
labbook entry is both, trivial and highly valuable. Data
processing and analysis should be automated as much as
possible, and a gap-less automatically written protocol of
each individual step including all implicit and explicit pa-
rameters is of particular importance. This has been im-
plemented in the ASpecD framework [58] and packages
based on it [5963]. Already now the reporting capa-
bilities of the ASpecD framework can be used to provide
code snippets with graphical (or tabular) representations
of the data analysis that are manually included into a
labbook page (as seen in Fig. 3). The XML-RPC inter-
face of DokuWiki makes it possible to further automate
this process and update labbook pages from within the
ASpecD framework. Extending the functionality of the
ASpecD framework in this direction is currently actively
being considered. In terms of research data management
[9193] and the research data life cycle [94], further as-
pects that need to accompany an ELN are a (local) data
repository as well as PIDs. Those concepts have been
implemented in the wider LabInform infrastructure [55],
particularly with the Datasafe [54] as repository and the
Lab Object Identifier (LOI) concept for PIDs. Other as-
pects implemented in wiki components of the LabInform
LIMS are more related to knowledge and project as well
as lab management and hence similar to Premier [95] and
LabCIRS [96], respectively.
Although ELNs are sometimes heralded as the solution
to research data management, there is no such thing as
a silver bullet [89, 97] and it only leads to frustration to
mistake a tool for the solution. Scientific recordkeeping
is clearly a key aspect of science and a prerequisite of
(more) reproducible research. In the progressively dig-
ital environment and with the tremendously increasing
amount of data, ELNs can clearly contribute to reducing
the accidental complexity [89] and help us to focus on the
essential, i.e. intrinsic complexity of science. The best
tools are those that feel natural in their handling rather
than forcing us to do things in ways we didn’t intent.
With its minimal system requirements, robustness, mod-
ularity and resilience, we are sure the LabInform ELN is
such a tool, particularly when adapted to own needs and
workflows. Thus we anticipate the LabInform ELN and
the ideas behind its implementation to have a high im-
pact in the field, particularly for groups with limited IT
resources, and to help with research data management
resulting in more reproducible research.
The authors thank all people using earlier instances of
the LabInform ELN and contributing ideas how to im-
prove it, in chronological order: D. Meyer, K. Serrer,
D. Nohr, J. Popp, C. Matt. Earlier, J. owenstein pi-
oneered using DokuWiki as a (less structured) ELN. D.
Meyer in particular for contributing the simple yet pow-
erful idea to label samples with numbers, allowing for
simple cross-referencing between inventory and ELN and
providing the most primitive implementation of a PID.
Th. Berthold for showing TB the structure and extend
of necessary information to a given measurement and for
his idea to ensure independence and transferability of this
information by storing it in text files located next to the
actual data an early implementation of a distributed
ELN that gave birth to the Infofile [73]. K. Heidtke for
reassurance that no ELN will ever be a turn-key solution
and you need first to understand your processes before
you can map them to a digital workflow. K. Boldt and B.
Corzilius for their explicit interest in using and further
developing the LabInform ELN in their groups, thus pro-
viding crucial motivation to speed things up. Last but
not least, the main author and maintainer of DokuWiki:
A. Gohr; as well as all other contributors and authors of
valuable plugins used for creating an ELN using Doku-
The LabInform ELN is free software available un-
der a BSD license from GitHub:
tillbiskup/labinform-eln. Extensive documentation
can be found online at
de, a demo instance at
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Information, i.e. data, is regarded as the new oil in the 21st century. The impact of this statement from economics for science and the research community is reflected in the hugely increasing number of machine-learning and artificial intelligence applications that were one driving force behind writing out the FAIR principles. However, any form of data (re)use requires the provenance of the data to be recorded. Hence, recording metadata during data acquisition is both an essential aspect of and as old as science itself. Here, we discuss the why, when, what, and how of research data documentation and present a simple textual file format termed Infofile developed for this purpose. This format allows researchers in the lab to record all relevant metadata during data acquisition in a user-friendly and obvious way while minimising any external dependencies. The resulting machine-actionable metadata in turn allow processing and analysis software to access relevant information, besides making the research data more reproducible and FAIRer. By demonstrating a simple, yet powerful and proven solution to the problem of metadata recording during data acquisition, we anticipate the Infofile format and its underlying principles to have great impact on the reproducibility and hence quality of science, particularly in the field of “little science” lacking established and well-developed software toolchains and standards.
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Reproducibility is at the heart of science. However, most published results usually lack the information necessary to be independently reproduced. Even more, most authors will not be able to reproduce the results from a few years ago due to lacking a gap‐less record of every processing and analysis step including all parameters involved. There is only one way to overcome this problem: developing robust tools for data analysis that, while maintaining a maximum of flexibility in their application, allow the user to perform advanced processing steps in a scientifically sound way. At the same time, the only viable approach for reproducible and traceable analysis is to relieve the user of the responsibility for logging all processing steps and their parameters. This can only be achieved by using a system that takes care of these crucial though often neglected tasks. Here, we present a solution to this problem: a framework for the analysis of spectroscopic data (ASpecD) written in the Python programming language that can be used without any actual programming needed. This framework is made available open‐source and free of charge and focusses on usability, small footprint and modularity while ensuring reproducibility and good scientific practice. Furthermore, we present a set of best practices and design rules for scientific software development and data analysis. Together, this empowers scientists to focus on their research minimising the need to implement complex software tools while ensuring full reproducibility. We anticipate this to have a major impact on reproducibility and good scientific practice, as we raise the awareness of their importance, summarise proven best practices and present a working user‐friendly software solution.
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A framework for reproducible data analysis is only half the battle if it comes to reproducible research. Additional essential requirements are a way to safely store both, raw data and metadata and a method to uniquely refer to a dataset or any piece of information. Such unique identifier is fully independent of the actual place the information referred to is stored and does not change over time. Additionally, numeric IDs for samples and alike come in quite handy. A knowledge base and an electronic lab notebook, both based on wiki software and thus easily accessible requiring only a web browser and connection to the intranet, complete the system. Overarching design rules are simplicity, robustness and sustainability, focussing on small-scale deployment of the system retaining compatibility with future developments and community efforts. Key aspects in setting up the system are its use of well-proven open-source tools combined with maximal modularity, resulting in a low entry threshold and allowing to implement and develop it along the way of focussing on actual research.
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ChemSpectra, a web-based software to visualize and analyze spectroscopic data, integrating solutions for infrared spectroscopy (IR), mass spectrometry (MS), and one-dimensional ¹H and ¹³C NMR (proton and carbon nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy, is described. ChemSpectra serves as web-based tool for the analysis of the most often used types of one-dimensional spectroscopic data in synthetic (organic) chemistry research. It was developed to support in particular processes for the use of open file formats which enable the work according to the FAIR data principles. The software can deal with the open file formats JCAMP-DX (IR, MS, NMR) and mzML (MS) proposing these data file types to gain interoperable data. ChemSpectra can be extended to read also other formats as exemplified by selected proprietary mass spectrometry data files of type RAW and NMR spectra files of type FID. The JavaScript-based editor can be integrated with other software, as demonstrated by integration into the Chemotion electronic lab notebook (ELN) and Chemotion repository, demonstrating the implementation into a digital work environment that offers additional functionality and sustainable research data management options. ChemSpectra supports different functions for working with spectroscopic data such as zoom functions, peak picking and automatic peak detection according to a default or manually defined threshold. NMR specific functions include the definition of a reference signal, the integration of signals, coupling constant calculation and multiplicity assignment. Embedded into a web application such as an ELN or a repository, the editor can also be used to generate an association of spectra to a sample and a file management. The file management supports the storage of the original spectra along with the last edited version and an automatically generated image of the spectra in png format. To maximize the benefit of the spectra editor for e.g. ELN users, an automated procedure for the transfer of the detected or manually chosen signals to the ELN was implemented. ChemSpectra is released under the AGPL license to encourage its re-use and further developments by the community.
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The concepts and current developments of a research data infrastructure for materials science are presented, extending and combining the features of an electronic lab notebook and a repository. The objective of this infrastructure is to incorporate the possibility of structured data storage and data exchange with documented and reproducible data analysis and visualization, which finally leads to the publication of the data. This way, researchers can be supported throughout the entire research process. The software is being developed as a web-based and desktop-based system, offering both a graphical user interface and a programmatic interface. The focus of the development is on the integration of technologies and systems based on both established as well as new concepts. Due to the heterogeneous nature of materials science data, the current features are kept mostly generic, and the structuring of the data is largely left to the users. As a result, an extension of the research data infrastructure to other disciplines is possible in the future. The source code of the project is publicly available under a permissive Apache 2.0 license.
Large amounts of data are generated in chemistry labs—nearly all instruments record data in a digital form, yet a considerable proportion is also captured non-digitally and reported in ways non-accessible to both humans and their computational agents. Chemical research is still largely centred around paper-based lab notebooks, and the publication of data is often more an afterthought than an integral part of the process. Here we argue that a modular open-science platform for chemistry would be beneficial not only for data-mining studies but also, well beyond that, for the entire chemistry community. Much progress has been made over the past few years in developing technologies such as electronic lab notebooks that aim to address data-management concerns. This will help make chemical data reusable, however it is only one step. We highlight the importance of centring open-science initiatives around open, machine-actionable data and emphasize that most of the required technologies already exist—we only need to connect, polish and embrace them. A substantial proportion of the data generated in chemistry research is captured non-digitally and reported in ways that non-accessible to both humans and computers. A variety of tools do exist to capture, analyse and publish data in an open, reusable, machine-actionable manner — they should be connected to create an open-science platform for chemistry.
As research becomes predominantly digitalized, scientists have the option of using electronic laboratory notebooks to record and access entries. These systems can more readily meet volume, complexity, accessibility and preservation requirements than paper notebooks. Although the technology can yield many benefits, these can be realized only by choosing a system that properly fulfills the requirements of a given context. This review explores the factors that should be considered when introducing electronic laboratory notebooks to an academically focused research group. We cite pertinent studies and discuss our own experience implementing a system within a multidisciplinary research environment. We also consider how the required financial and time investment is shared between individuals and institutions. Finally, we discuss how electronic laboratory notebooks fit into the broader context of research data management. This article is not a product review; it provides a framework for both the initial consideration of an electronic laboratory notebook and the evaluation of specific software packages.
Reproducibility is at the heart of science. Nevertheless, with the advent of computer-based data processing and analysis, most spectroscopists have a hard time fully reproducing a figure from last year’s publication starting from the raw data. Unfortunately, this renders their work eventually unscientific. To change this, we need to develop analysis tools that relieve their users from having to trace each processing and analysis step. Furthermore, these tools need to be modular, extendible, and easy to use in order to get used. To this end, we present here the open-source Python package cwepr based on the ASpecD framework for reproducible analysis of spectroscopic data. This package follows best practices of both, science and software development. Key features include an automatically generated gap-less record of each individual processing and analysis step from the raw data to the final published figure. Additionally, it provides a powerful user interface requiring no programming skills of the user. Due to its code quality, modularity, and extensive documentation, it can be easily extended and is actively developed by spectroscopists working in the field. We expect this approach to have a high impact in the field and to help fighting the looming reproducibility crisis in spectroscopy.
As the volume of data associated with scientific research has exploded over recent years, the use of digital infrastructures to support this research and the data underpinning it has increased significantly. Physical chemists have been making use of eScience infrastructures since their conception, but in the last five years their usage has increased even more. While these infrastructures have not greatly affected the chemistry itself, they have in some cases had a significant impact on how the research is undertaken. The combination of the human effort of collaboration to create open source software tools and semantic resources, the increased availability of hardware for the laboratories, and the range of data management tools available has made the life of a physical chemist significantly easier. This review considers the different aspects of eScience infrastructures and explores how they have improved the way in which we can conduct physical chemistry research. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, Volume 73 is April 2022. Please see for revised estimates.
Doping, here understood as purposefully introducing charge carriers, is a standard procedure, which is regularly employed with semiconductors to enhance conductivity and, hence, improve efficiency. Organic semiconductors are no different here, only the ratio of a dopant to a host is dramatically different compared to their inorganic counterparts. Therefore, doping of organic semiconductors will often affect the morphology and the conductivity of the host material. As the charge carriers created upon doping are usually paramagnetic, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is perfectly suited to investigate the doping process, providing unique insights due to its exclusive sensitivity to paramagnetic states and high resolution on a molecular scale. To make an impact, EPR spectroscopy needs to be applied routinely to a large series of different systems, and the data obtained need to be analyzed in a reliable and robust way. This strongly advocates for using conventional X-band cw-EPR spectroscopy at room temperature wherever possible. Questions that can be addressed by EPR spectroscopy are discussed, and this Perspective presents how the method can gain greater importance for addressing the urgent research questions in the field, mainly by automating both data acquisition and analysis and developing robust and reliable analysis tools.