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Use of Websites with Educational Content: A Study on Students of Sports Sciences


Abstract and Figures

This study aims to investigate the factors that affect the use of educational websites by the students of the faculty of sports sciences in Turkey. Ethics committee approval was obtained from Fırat University (20.11.2020-24/12). To determine the factors affecting the use of educational websites of students, the “Factors Affecting the Use of Educational Websites Scale” was used. The data obtained in the study were analysed by the SPSS package software. The “One-Way Variance” analysis, which is one of the parametric tests, was conducted. Additionally, a “Pearson Correlation Analysis” was conducted to determine the level and nature of the relationships between the dependent variables. As a result of the ANOVA analysis, significant differences were observed in the variables of frequency of using educational websites and grade level. As a result of the correlation analysis, it was observed that the strongest relationship was positive and high between the scale and the "Satisfaction" subscale. As a result, it was revealed that educational websites were beneficial in terms of sports education. Within this framework, educational websites enabled students to share professional information among themselves, in addition to providing convenience to both students and instructors while accessing various visual materials. Furthermore, students could easily do their research via educational websites. Finally, it was determined that with the development of technology, more applications could be included in social networking environments, and they could be used more efficiently in the sports education process. In institutions that provide sports education, various trainings can be organized to raise the awareness of students about internet use in each education period.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Araştırma Makalesi Research Article
* Asst. Prof. Dr., Fırat University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Physical Education and Sports
ORCID: 0000-0002-9858-2103, [corresponding author]
** Res. Asst., Fırat University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Sports Management
ORCID: 0000-0001-8191-7264,
*** Res. Asst., Munzur University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Physical Education and Sports
ORCID: 0000-0003-3654-6550,
Cite as/ Atıf: Karakaya, E.Y. Yılmaz, M. & Şahin, A.(2023). Use of Websites with Educational Content: A Study on
Students of Sports Sciences. Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(1), 233-242. 1124345
Received/Geliş: 01 Jun/Haziran 2022
Accepted/Kabul: 12 April/Nisan 2023
Published/Yayın: 30 April/Nisan 2023
e-ISSN: 2149-4622. © 2013-2023 Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi. TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM DergiPark ev sahipliğinde. Her hakkı
Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 2023 11(1) 233-242
Journal of Social Sciences of Mus Alparslan University
Derginin ana sayfası:
Use of Websites with Educational Content: A Study on Students of Sports Sciences
Eğitsel İçerikli Web Sitelerinin Kullanımı: Spor Eğitimi Alan Öğrenciler Üzerine Bir
Yunus Emre Karakaya*, Metin Yılmaz**, Aykut Şahin***
Öz: Bu araştırmanın amacı Türkiye’de spor bilimleri fakültelerinde okuyan öğrencilerin eğitsel içerikli web
sitelerini kullanımını etkileyen faktörleri araştırmaktır. Etik kurul onayı Fırat Üniversitesinden alınmıştır
(20.11.2020-24/12). Öğrencilerin eğitsel içerikli web sitelerini kullanımını etkileyen faktörleri belirlemek için
“Eğitsel İçerikli Web Sitelerinin Kullanımını Etkileyen Faktörler Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler lisanslı
SPSS paket programı kullanılarak parametrik testlerden “Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi” analizi, bağımlı değişkenler
arasında ne düzeyde ve ne yönde bir ilişki olduğunu ortaya koymak amacıyla “Pearson Korelasyon Analizi”
kullanılmıştır. ANOVA analizi sonucunda eğitsel web sitelerini kullanma sıklıkları ve sınıf düzeyi değişkenlerinde
ölçek ve alt boyutlarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılıklar belirlenmiştir. Korelasyon analizi sonucunda en
güçlü ilişkinin ölçek ile “Memnuniyet” alt boyutu arasında pozitif yönde ve yüksek düzeyde olduğu görülmüştür.
Sonuç olarak eğitsel içerikli web sitelerinin spor eğitiminde kullanılmasının faydalı olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu
çerçevede eğitsel web siteleri çeşitli görsel materyallere erişimde hem öğrencilere hem de öğretim elemanlarına
kolaylık sağlamanın yanı sıra öğrencilerin mesleki bilgilerini kendi aralarında paylaşmalarına olanak sağlamıştır.
Ayrıca öğrenciler araştırmalarını eğitsel web siteleri aracılığıyla kolayca yapabilmektedirler. Teknolojinin
gelişmesiyle birlikte sosyal ağ ortamlarında daha fazla uygulamanın yer alabileceği ve spor eğitimi sürecinde daha
verimli kullanılabileceği belirlenmiştir. Spor eğitimi veren kurumlarda her öğrenim döneminde öğrencilerin
internet kullanımı konusunda bilinçlendirilmesi için çeşitli eğitimler düzenlenebilir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Web siteleri, Eğitsel içerik, Spor eğitimi, Üniversite, Öğrenci
Abstract: This study aims to investigate the factors that affect the use of educational websites by the students of
the faculty of sports sciences in Turkey. Ethics committee approval was obtained from Fırat University
(20.11.2020-24/12). To determine the factors affecting the use of educational websites of students, the “Factors
Affecting the Use of Educational Websites Scale” was used. The data obtained in the study were analysed by the
SPSS package software. The “One-Way Variance” analysis, which is one of the parametric tests, was conducted.
234 Karakaya,'E.Y…'/'Anemon'Muş'Alparslan'Üniversitesi'Sosyal'Bilimler'Dergisi,'2023'11(1)'233-242
Additionally, a “Pearson Correlation Analysis” was conducted to determine the level and nature of the
relationships between the dependent variables. As a result of the ANOVA analysis, significant differences were
observed in the variables of frequency of using educational websites and grade level. As a result of the correlation
analysis, it was observed that the strongest relationship was positive and high between the scale and the
"Satisfaction" subscale. As a result, it was revealed that educational websites were beneficial in terms of sports
education. Within this framework, educational websites enabled students to share professional information among
themselves, in addition to providing convenience to both students and instructors while accessing various visual
materials. Furthermore, students could easily do their research via educational websites. Finally, it was determined
that with the development of technology, more applications could be included in social networking environments,
and they could be used more efficiently in the sports education process. In institutions that provide sports
education, various trainings can be organized to raise the awareness of students about internet use in each education
Keywords: Websites, Educational content, Sports education, University, Student
Rapid changes in the world of science affect individuals’ ways of thinking and perspectives,
changing mental processes as well as social structure and behaviour. While the interaction between
science and technology enables the development of both, it also affects the educational processes and
mental structure of individuals (Budak, 2015; Senemoğlu, 2009). Developments and changes in science
are directly proportional to the education processes of humans. As individuals are educated, science
develops, technological changes are experienced with scientific developments, and individuals can be
educated again thanks to technological changes. Therefore, education and science form a cycle that
affects each other.
The rapid integration of technology into information has accelerated the entry into the modern
information society and paved the way for information to be accessible in every environment. The
development of computer and internet technologies provides advanced technical support for individuals’
lifelong learning systems in the age of the information economy (Tang, 2018). The endless proliferation
of information in the information age of the modern world has also increased the need for information
(Kurbanoğlu and Akkoyunlu, 2001). The increase in the use of technology brings digitalization while
education and teaching platforms also get their share from these changes. These developments, called
information and communication technologies, create educational environments by including computers,
tablets, smartboards, smartphones, the internet, and similar environments in education processes.
Accordingly, it was stated that this new structure would make a positive contribution to the learning-
teaching processes, while it was predicted that the effectiveness of teaching would increase as the
frequency of the utilization of educational environments increased (Karataş and Sözcü, 2013).
Considering the importance of education in human life, the number of websites that can share
educational content through the internet is increasing day by day. Thanks to online learning
opportunities, the internet, which provides ease of access to information quickly and in a short time, has
become a popular tool in learning processes. Platforms (websites) with educational purposes,
constituting the concept of online learning, are designed to meet the needs of the students (Akdemir and
Koszalka, 2008). Individuals shape their expectations for educational websites in this direction, and in
the most accurate, up-to-date and accessible ways according to their preference (Henkoğlu and Mıhçı,
2012). Şahin et al. (2016) categorized the use of the internet for educational purposes as accessing
information, sharing information, conducting research and studies, following scientific studies, using
web pages and applications designed for educational purposes, following books, articles and journals
shared online, translating texts in foreign languages, providing educational content, watching programs
and games and using libraries on the internet. Thanks to the internet, it has become easier to share
different types of data such as videos, music, and photos instantly in addition to accessing information
(Yılmazsoy and Kahraman, 2017). According to Gökdaş and Kayri (2006), it is frequently emphasized
that the use of educational content should become widespread. The increases in the use of educational
Karakaya,'E.Y…'/'Anemon'Muş'Alparslan'Üniversitesi'Sosyal'Bilimler'Dergisi,'2023'11(1)'233-242 235
content to increase the quality and efficiency of education also result in an important problem. This
problem is whether the educational software is usable (Bertiz, 2017: 21).
When the studies on educational websites were examined, it was observed that these studies
mainly dealt with the design elements, usability, and formal features of the websites. In studies that
highlighted the way the websites presented educational information content, and the way that they
appeared, data collection tools measuring these purposes were used (Hsu, 2006; Lam and McNaught,
2004). However, there have been no studies on the factors that affect the expectations of individuals
from these websites, their satisfaction in terms of use, overall satisfaction, and intentions to use these
websites, or studies that reveal the relationship between individuals’ expectations from these sites, and
their satisfaction in terms of using these sites again.
Based on the developments and innovations, internet technologies offer different options to
individuals. This is because educational websites were born as a result of the use of the internet for
teaching purposes, and were created to meet the needs of individuals to obtain information in different
fields. Especially, considering the advantages they enable in terms of time, ease of access, and cheap
costs, educational websites are the first resources that individuals refer to when they need information
on any subject. This situation has changed the perspective of individuals in the teaching and learning
process, and has led individuals to perceive the internet environment as the main source for obtaining
information. Currently, individuals prefer to use educational websites that provide access to up-to-date,
accurate and satisfying information, and thus, offer rich learning opportunities. Accordingly, they shape
their expectations in this direction. Within this framework, this study was conducted to determine the
factors affecting the use of educational websites in line with the perceptions of students receiving sports
education in Turkey. In the study, the expectations of the students who received sports education from
educational websites, and the satisfaction they got as a result of using these websites were revealed.
Furthermore, the study also aimed to determine the students' intentions for reusing these websites, and
whether the expectations of the students from such sites were met. In line with these purposes, it was
attempted to answer questions such as Are there any differences in the variables of the students who
receive sports training, such as the factors affecting the use of educational websites, the frequency of
using websites with educational content, and the grade in which they receive an education?” or Are
there any relationship between the scale and subscales for the use of educational websites by students
receiving sports training? If so, at what level and in what direction?”. This study is of importance in
terms of guiding students about why and how students studying in the field of sports sciences benefit
from the internet, and the consequences that internet use may cause. Furthermore, the study provides
important contributions to the literature, and researchers by determining the expectations, and
satisfaction levels of students, which are experienced in learning environments independent of time and
place, apart from the design elements of educational websites.
Research Model
In this study, the "quantitative method" was used, and the relational survey design was chosen as
the design of the study. In survey model studies, an existing situation is tried to be described as it is
(Karasar, 2009). In addition, Büyüköztürk et al. (2010) used the expression that in correlational studies,
the relationship between two or more variables put forward in the hypothesis is revealed.
Research Group
The study group consisted of 901 randomly chosen individuals who studied at the Sports Sciences
Faculties at Fırat University (344 individuals), Dicle University (93 individuals), Harran University (87
individuals), Bitlis Eren University (54 individuals), İnönü University (158 individuals), Ağrı İbrahim
Çeçen University (74 individuals), Bayburt University (37 individuals) and Atatürk University (47
individuals). The demographic information of the 901 participants was presented below (Table 1).
236 Karakaya,'E.Y…'/'Anemon'Muş'Alparslan'Üniversitesi'Sosyal'Bilimler'Dergisi,'2023'11(1)'233-242
Table 1. Demographic Information of Research Group
Data Collection Tools
The scale developed by Henkoğlu and Mıhcı (2012) was used to obtain the data from the study
group. This scale is used to determine the expectations of university students from educational websites,
and the factors that affect their intention to reuse these websites. As a result of the factor analysis
performed by Henkoğlu and Mıhcı (2012), it was observed that the scale consisted of 16 items and 4
factors. These factors were named as perceived usefulness, meeting expectations, satisfaction, and
continuance intention, representing the subscales of the Expectation-Fitness Model. For the reliability
of the data obtained from the scale, the Cronbach Alpha (α) internal consistency coefficients of the
measurements obtained from the whole scale, and each factor were calculated. The reliability
coefficients were 0.91 for the measurements obtained from the whole scale, 0.83 for the perceived
usefulness (items 9, 10, 11, and 12), 0.85 for meeting expectations (items 1, 2, 3, and 4), satisfaction
(items 5, 6, 7 and 8) and 0.76 for continuance intention (items 13, 14, 15 and 16).
Data Analysis
For the analysis of the data obtained in the study, a licensed SPSS 22 package software was used.
The data obtained from the 901 students who received sports training were first examined to investigate
whether the scale, and its subscales fulfilled the assumption of normality. The kurtosis and skewness
values of the scale, and its subscales were determined to be between +1.5 and -1.5, which indicated a
normal distribution. Accordingly, it was determined that these results also provided the assumptions for
the correlation and regression analyses. Furthermore, it was observed that the linearity condition, which
is the second presupposition of the regression analysis, was also met. The Cronbach Alpha (α) internal
consistency coefficient of the scale was determined to be 0.81.
Then, frequency and percentage calculations were conducted to reveal the distribution of the study
group in terms of individual variables. One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), one of the parametric
tests, was used to determine the differentiation according to the individual variables, frequency of using
educational websites, and grade. The LSD test was conducted to determine among which variables the
differences were. The level of statistical significance (α error level) was regarded as p<0.05. "Pearson
Correlation Analysis" was conducted to determine the level and direction of the relationship between
the dependent variables.
Ethical Procedures
Before conducting the study, the Ethics Committee Report of this study was obtained from the
Social and Humanitarian Sciences Research Ethics Committee of Fırat University with document
number 24 and decision no number 12, dated 20.11.2020.
In line with the aims of the study, the results obtained from the perceptions of the students
receiving sports education were presented below.
26 and above
1st grade
2nd grade
3rd grade
4th grade
Karakaya,'E.Y…'/'Anemon'Muş'Alparslan'Üniversitesi'Sosyal'Bilimler'Dergisi,'2023'11(1)'233-242 237
Table 2. Results of the One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Conducted to Determine Whether
There Was A Difference According to the Variable of Frequency of Using Educational Websites By
The Study Group
Scale Frequency
LSD Test
Factors Affecting
the Use of
Websites Scale
(a) Continuous Use
a< b, c, d
b< c, d
c, d
(b) Occasional Use
(c) Rare Use
(d) No Use
Meeting Expectations
(a) Continuous Use
a<b, c, d
b<c, d
(b) Occasional Use
(c) Rare Use
(d) No Use
Perceived Usefulness
(a) Continuous Use
a<b, c, d
d<b, c
(b) Occasional Use
(c) Rare Use
(d) No Use
(a) Continuous Use
a< b, c, d
b< c, d
c, d
(b) Occasional Use
(c) Rare Use
(d) No Use
Continuance Intention
(a) Continuous Use
a<b, c, d
b<c, d
(b) Occasional Use
(c) Rare Use
(d) No Use
SD= Standard Deviation *p<0.05
According to the results, statistically significant differences were observed in the “Factors
Affecting the Use of Educational Websites Scale (F=20.450; p=0.000)” and the subscales of “Meeting
Expectations (F=13.498; p=0.000)”, “Perceived Usefulness (F=12.675; p=0.000)”, “Satisfaction
(F=21.213; p=0.000)”, and “Continuance Intention (F=12.234; p=0.048)” according to the variable of
the frequency of using education websites (p<0.05) (Table 2). As a result of the LSD test, it was
determined that the mean scores of those who constantly used websites with educational content in the
scale and subscales were high.
Table 3. Results of The One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Conducted to Determine Whether
There Was A Difference According to the Grade Levels of the Study Group
Scale Grade Level
LSD Test
Factors Affecting the Use of
Educational Websites Scale
(a) 1st Grade
b< c, d
(b) 2nd Grade
(c) 3rd Grade
(d) 4th Grade
Meeting Expectations
(a) 1st Grade
b< c, d
(b) 2nd Grade
(c) 3rd Grade
(d) 4th Grade
Perceived Usefulness
(a) 1st Grade
(b) 2nd Grade
(c) 3rd Grade
238 Karakaya,'E.Y…'/'Anemon'Muş'Alparslan'Üniversitesi'Sosyal'Bilimler'Dergisi,'2023'11(1)'233-242
(d) 4th Grade
(a) 1st Grade
b< c, d
(b) 2nd Grade
(c) 3rd Grade
(d) 4th Grade
Continuance Intention
(a) 1st Grade
b, d
(b) 2nd Grade
(c) 3rd Grade
(d) 4th Grade
SD= Standard Deviation *p<0.05
According to the perceptions of the study group, statistically significant differences were
observed in the “Factors Affecting the Use of Educational Websites Scale (F=3.499; p=0.015)”, and the
subscales of “Meeting Expectations (F=2.988; p=0.030)”, “Satisfaction (F=3.298; p=0.020)” and
“Continuance Intention (F=2.649; 0.048)” according to the variable of the grade level (Table 3). As a
result of the LSD test, differences were determined in the perceptions of the 2nd-grade students and the
3rd- and 4th-grade students. It was also determined that the perceptions of the students who received
sports education in the 2nd grade were at lower levels.
Table 4. Results of the Correlation Analysis for the Relationships Between the Factors Affecting the
Use of Educational Websites Scale and Its Subscales
According to the results, strong and positive, significant correlations were observed between the
“Factors Affecting the Use of Educational Websites Scale” and the subscales of “Meeting Expectations
(r=0.826; p=0.000; p<0.05)”, “Perceived Usefulness (r=0.862; p=0.000; p<0.005)”, “Satisfaction
(r=0.863; p=0.000; p<0.05)”, and “Continuance Intention (r=0.826; p=0.000; p<0.05)” (Table 4). It was
determined that the strongest relationship was between the scale and the "Satisfaction" subscale, which
was at a strong level and positive while the weakest relationship was moderate and positive between the
"Meeting Expectations" and "Continuance Intention" subscale.
In line with the perceptions of the study group, significant differences were observed in the
subscales of the "Factors Affecting the Use of Educational Websites Scale", which included "Meeting
Expectations", “Perceived Usefulness”, "Satisfaction", and "Continuance Intention", according to the
Factors Affecting
the Use of
Websites Scale (1)
Meeting Expectations
Perceived Usefulness (3)
Satisfaction (4)
Continuance Intention
Karakaya,'E.Y…'/'Anemon'Muş'Alparslan'Üniversitesi'Sosyal'Bilimler'Dergisi,'2023'11(1)'233-242 239
variable of frequency of using educational websites (Table 2). It was determined that the mean scores
of those who constantly used websites with educational content in the scale, and its subscales were at
high levels. A review of literature on the subject demonstrated the following conclusions. In a study,
Yılmazsoy and Kahraman (2019) examined undergraduate and graduate students in terms of their aims
to use social networks, and reported that mean scores of educational use were higher than the scores of
communication, and recognition/introduction aspects. The researchers also stated that students mostly
used social networks in the field of education. Budzinski et al. (2012) emphasized that the time students
spend on social media was quite long, and the use of classroom-based social media sites could be
interesting. However, due to the use of social media by most of the students, it was stated that the
Facebook pages were used for educational purposes. Kamiloğlu and Yurttaş (2014) stated that the
internet and all social media applications were not only entertainment environments but these
applications were turned into educational and training platforms for young people. Toğay et al. (2013)
reported that students mostly used social networking websites to connect with their friends, and they
also used social networking sites to communicate with lecturers and classmates about course topics. İli
(2013) stated that students' purposes of using social media were chatting online, following the news,
playing games, following their friends, and conducting research. Accordingly, it can be stated that the
use of social networks in education is increasing gradually due to features such as being flexible and
useful, easier to use compared to other teaching management systems, enriching teaching experiences,
and supporting the evaluation processes (Özmen et al., 2012; Jones et al., 2010). The results of this study
also demonstrated that it was an expected result for the study group to have high scores for the frequency
of using educational websites, and to reveal a significant relationship between them. Because the parallel
development of applications for educational purposes in an environment where the internet, computers,
tablets, and smartphones are widespread is an important issue in terms of its contribution to
education. These results also demonstrate that the understanding of education has shifted from
traditional teaching methods to contemporary teaching methods. Therefore, it is an important issue that
further studies support the same results as this study.
Significant differences were determined in the subscales of "Factors Affecting the Use of
Educational Websites Scale", "Meeting Expectations", "Satisfaction" and "Continuance Intention"
according to grade levels (Table 3). There were differences in the perceptions of the 2nd-grade students
and the 3rd- and 4th-grade students. It was observed that the perceptions of the students who received
sports education in the 2nd grade were at a lower level. An analysis of other studies indicated the
following conclusions. In the conducted by Yılmazsoy and Kahraman (2019), among the study group,
undergraduate students used the internet for educational purposes more compared to graduate students
while graduate students used the internet for social interaction and commutation purposes more
frequently compared to undergraduate students. Yenen (2020) did not detect a significant difference in
the mean scores of prospective teachers regarding the grade variable. Soysal and Aldal (2020: 132)
concluded that the grade level of the students did not have any effect on the use of social networks. As
the grade levels of the study group increase, it is an expected result that their expectations, satisfaction,
and intention scores from educational websites increase. This is because it is natural for students not to
use the internet in an educational sense in the first years of university, and to use the internet to chat
online, play games, follow the news, follow their friends, etc. However, it can be interpreted that with
the advancement of the grade variable, the educational content becomes a necessity for them in the
professional sense, which increases the thought that it will contribute to their career plans. The fact that
the study group did not demonstrate a significant difference in their perceptions on the usefulness of
educational websites, and that every student had the same perception can be associated with the
acceptance of a significant fact by everyone. Therefore, the absence of a significant difference in other
studies should be considered as an expected result.
As a result of the correlation analysis, it was determined that there was a strong and positive
correlation between the "Factors Affecting the Use of Educational Websites Scale" and the
"Satisfaction" subscale. The weakest relationship was observed to be moderate and positive between the
subscales of "Meeting Expectations" and "Intention to Continuity" (Table 4). Yenen (2020) reported
240 Karakaya,'E.Y…'/'Anemon'Muş'Alparslan'Üniversitesi'Sosyal'Bilimler'Dergisi,'2023'11(1)'233-242
that teacher candidates' perceptions of learning based on social networks were at high levels in terms of
both general terms and all the variables. Şahin et al. (2016) stated that students' mean scores for internet
addiction were low, and their educational internet usage skill levels were moderate. Additionally, the
researchers could not find a significant relationship between students' educational internet usage skills
and internet addiction levels. Accordingly, this result was interpreted as students' educational internet
use situations did not cause internet addiction. As long as the internet can be used in education with
information and educational content, the contributions of computer and internet technologies to our lives
in terms of accessing information are undoubtedly very significant. Therefore, the presence of strong
correlations between the students' perceptions of using educational websites and their expectations,
satisfaction, perceived usefulness, and continuance intentions were considered as expected results.
Web-based education includes a complex process for establishing and maintaining social
relationships (Panigrahi et al., 2018). For individuals existing in the education and training structure to
be more competent in terms of knowledge, culture, or art by using the opportunities provided by
technology, such social networks should be integrated into education and used consciously (Karal and
Kokoç, 2010). Köşkeroğlu-Büyükimdat et al. (2011) stated in their study that the benefits of Facebook,
a social network, made a significant contribution to the use of such social networks as a professional
development tool, especially in communication, sharing, and socialization. In another study, Öztürk
(2011) argued that it was a necessity to integrate social networking sites into university education and
that their use in educational contexts would be beneficial in terms of communication, cooperation, and
resource/material sharing. On the other hand, Mazman (2009) emphasized the importance of using
social networks in educational contexts on issues such as providing effective communication, studying
together, collaborative learning to create common outputs within the framework of different views and
ideas, access to resources and material sharing.
These studies and observations demonstrate that learning perceptions and ways of accessing
information are changing rapidly. The ever-developing technology has made it mandatory for people to
use the internet more effectively. The use of social media has also evolved into such practices in many
fields and continues to do so. While the internet was mostly used for social media purposes in the past,
it is mostly used for educational purposes today. For this reason, students of all age groups should be
able to follow educational sites more closely, and develop their research skills. We can ensure that the
internet takes place in our lives in a more functional way by supporting the infrastructure in educational
institutions, and preparing the necessary ground for the education of students. Raising generations who
can keep up with the perception of learning of the new generations and guiding them accordingly should
be the primary goal of institutions/organizations. To make effective use of educational websites,
students receiving sports education must be made aware of how they can use these networks for
academic and professional learning. In this direction, considering the dynamic structure and colorful
contents of online education platforms, the attention of students who receive sports education can be
drawn to the lesson while increasing their motivation. This is because it is thought that the use of such
applications as introductory activities to the lessons will inform the students about what will be covered
in lessons, and serve as reminders of learning during lessons. As a result, it was revealed that educational
websites were beneficial in terms of sports education. Within this framework, educational websites
enabled students to share professional information among themselves, in addition to providing
convenience to both students and instructors while accessing various visual materials. Furthermore,
students could easily do their research via educational websites. Finally, it was determined that with the
development of technology, more applications could be included in social networking environments,
and they could be used more efficiently in the sports education process. As a result of this study, the
following suggestions were proposed.
Students' awareness about the use of such practices in education can be increased.
In sports education institutions, various educations can be organized for students to raise
awareness about the use of the internet, especially for developing internet skills for educational
purposes in each educational period.
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1. Contribution rate statement of researchers: First author % 40; Second author % 30,Third
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2. No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors
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Sosyal bilimler alanında lisans ve lisans üstü düzeylerde “bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri” ile ilgili pek çok ders okutulmaktadır. Anayasa'da, eğitimle ilgili yasalarda, öğretim programlarında ve yönetmeliklerde okullar ile öğretmenlerin öğretim dışında bir başka temel görevinin araştırma olduğunun vurgulanmasına rağmen, eğitim fakültelerinin yeniden yapılandırıldığı 1997 yılından itibaren öğretmen yetiştiren lisans programlarının tamamına yakınında bu tür dersler programlardan çıkartılmıştır. Daha sonra yapılan pek çok yerel, ulusal ve uluslararası araştırmaların sonuçları ilköğretim ve ortaöğretim öğrencilerinin en başarısız oldukları alanlar içinde bilimsel süreç becerilerinin ve problem çözme becerilerinin olduğunu göstermiştir. Bilimsel araştırma sonuçlarını referans alan Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı ilköğretimden başlamak üzere tüm ders programlarını yapılandırmacı anlayışa dayalı olarak yeniden hazırlamaya başlamış ve ilköğretim 1-5 yeni ders programlarını 2004/2005 yılında uygulamaya koymuştur. Yeni ders programlarının dikkat çeken yanlarından biri, öğrencilere araştırma kültürünün kazandırılmasına vurgu yapmış olması ve okulları adeta birer proje, araştırma yuvaları olarak görmesidir. Tüm bu gelişmelere paralel olarak YÖK eğitim fakültelerinin programlarının geliştirilmesine karar vermiş ve bu konuda eğitim fakültelerinin de katılımını sağlayarak öğretmen yetiştiren lisans programlarını yeniden düzenlenmiştir. Yeni ders programlarında bilimsel araştırma yöntemleriyle ilgili derslere yer verilmiştir. Bu kitap, eğitimin yanı sıra sosyal bilimlerin diğer alanlarında lisans düzeyinde okutulan araştırma yöntemleriyle ilgili dersler için ders kitabı olarak hazırlanmıştır. Kitabın aynı zamanda sosyal bilimler alanında çalışma yapan tüm araştırmacılar için kaynak bir kitap olabileceği düşünülmüştür. Kitabın Birinci Bölümü'nü temel kavramları da içeren “Bilimsel Araştırmanın Temelleri” oluşturmaktadır. “Problemi Tanımlama” olarak isimlendirilen ikinci bölümde problemin seçimi ve tanımlanmasına ilişkin süreçlere yer verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümü “Örnekleme Yöntemleri”, dördüncü bölümü “Veri Toplama Araçları”, beşinci bölümü “Nicel Araştırmalar” ve altıncı bölümü “Nitel Araştırmalar” oluşturmaktadır. Kitabın son bölümü, “Raporlaştırma” konusuna ayrılmıştır. Kitabın yararlı olması dileğiyle, kitabın hazırlanması sürecinde emeği geçen herkese şükranlarımızı sunarız.
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Bu araştırmada lisans ve lisansüstü öğrencilerin sosyal ağ kullanım amaçları incelenmiştir. Araştırma tarama modelinde betimsel bir çalışmadır. Araştırmanın katılımcılarını Facebook sosyal ağına üyeliği bulunan 228 lisans ve lisansüstü öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Veri toplama aracı olarak, Karal ve Kokoç (2010) tarafından geliştirilen “Sosyal Ağ Siteleri Kullanım Amaçları Ölçeği” ve katılımcıların kişisel özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla “Kişisel Bilgi Formu” kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre öğrencilerin sosyal ağları daha çok eğitsel amaçlı kullandıkları görülmüştür. Ölçeğin tanıma ve tanınma amaçlı kullanımı alt boyutunda cinsiyete göre anlamlı bir farklılık ortaya çıkarken diğer alt boyutlarda cinsiyete göre bir farklılaşmaya rastlanmamıştır. Ölçeğin eğitim amaçlı kullanımı alt boyutu ve sosyal etkileşim ve iletişim amaçlı kullanımı alt boyutunda yaş değişkenine göre anlamlı bir farklılık ortaya çıkarken diğer alt boyutta bir farklılaşmaya rastlanmamıştır. Öğrencilerin öğrenim düzeyi, herhangi bir gruba üye olma durumları, üye oldukları grup türlerine göre ve sosyal ağa bağlanılan cihaz değişkenine göre sosyal ağ kullanım amaçlarında anlamlı bir farklılık olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
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In recent years, there have been transformations in many fields due to the developments in information and communication technologies. For example, the opportunities provided by the internet have affected methods of communication, such as the socialization instruments of people especially the young and ways of moving in the online world. In recent years many different online environments such as social networking sites have begun to be used in line people’s needs. Social networking sites are among the internet platforms emerging with the development of Web 2.0 instruments. These sites provide users with social interaction, communication, relationships, sharing, education and many different opportunities. Examining the results of the studies and statistical research in the literature, it is observed that the membership of social network sites is increasing rapidly and these sites have become one of the most commonly preferred online environments by especially the young and university students. This raises the question of why and for what purpose do young people, especially, university students use social network sites. The objective of this study is to develop a scale to determine university students’ aim in using social networking sites. The sampling group comprises of a total of 315 students attending different universities in Turkey in the 2009-2010 academic year. The other sampling group study comprises 85 undergraduate students attending the Fatih Faculty of Education Computer Sciences and Instructional Technologies department of Karadeniz Technical University. The scale was applied over a period of 2 months to the latter group in order to determine the consistency of the scale. A draft scale was created from an item pool was created after a literature review and taking views of the students in account. In order to ensure content validity the scale was evaluated by 3 academics two of whom were experts in computer and instructional technology education and the third was an expert in the field of assessment and evaluation.. Then, the draft scale was reviewed by an academic member expert in the field of Turkish education. The final scale with 15 items was applied to 315 students attending different universities across Turkey. As a result of the factor analysis that was conducted, one item was removed from the scale. Examining the results of a second exploratory factor analysis, it was determined that the draft scale comprised three factors and the variance in relation to the quality measured by the scale was 56.418 %. The factors that were determined were, “social interaction-use with the aim of communication” and “use with the aim of acquaintance”. The Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient calculated for the whole scale was found to be 0.830; for the first factor for “social interaction-use with the aim of communication” it was 0.808; for the second factor “use with the aim of acquaintance” it was 0.742; and the Cronbach Alpha was 0.661 for the third factor, “use with the aim of education”. The test-retest reliability of the scale was found to be 0.930. Following the reliability, validity and factor analyses a scale consisting of a total of 14 items and 3 factors, the “University Students’ Aim of Use of Social Network Sites” scale was created.
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In this study, an explanatory mixed method design was employed to evaluate preservice information technology teachers‟ Facebook usage and their perspectives about Facebook as a professional development tool. In quantitative phase, data were collected through a Facebook usage survey on a total number of 338 undergraduate Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) students from three representative state universities in Turkey. Survey results indicated that preservice teachers favored and utilized Facebook. To find out more in-depth data, the results of quantitative data analysis were used to develop a structured interview to be done with four preservice teachers who were selected purposefully. The data collected from the interviews were subjected to content analysis where coding was conducted to create meaningful organization of the data. According the results of this explanatory study especially communication, sharing and socializing capacity of Facebook were found important in terms of using Facebook as a professional development tool.
The use of Technology to facilitate better learning and training is gaining momentum worldwide, reducing the temporal and spatial problems associated with traditional learning. Despite its several benefits, retaining students in online platforms is challenging. Through a literature review of the factors affecting adoption, the continuation of technology use, and learning outcomes, this paper discusses an integration of online learning with virtual communities to foster student engagement for obtaining better learning outcomes. Future directions have been discussed, the feedback mechanism which is an antecedent of students’ continuation intention has a lot of scopes to be studied in the virtual community context. The use of Apps in m-learning and the use of cloud services can boost the ease and access of online learning to users and organizations.
This study investigated graduate students' gender-specific preferences for certain website interface design features, intending to generate useful information for instructors in choosing and for website designers in creating educational websites. The features investigated in this study included colour value, major navigation buttons placement, and navigation mode. In this study, 56 graduate students in a north-eastern research university in the US volunteered to evaluate 30 pairs of web page screenshots or website prototypes, and to indicate on the questionnaires their preferences within each pair of prototype. Each participant's preferences for the three features were coded and categorised for chi-square tests of independence to determine the relationships between gender and the investigated design features. The findings of gender effects on graduate students' preferences for the aforementioned features were presented and discussed.
The purpose of this study was twofold: first, to explore the relationship between students' learning styles and their online participation in a blended learning course, and second, to investigate the relationships of students' online participation with their learning achievement and with course satisfaction. A total of 78 undergraduate students from a general education course called Digital Citizenship took part in the study. All the participants were required to participate in four different types of online activity: information access, interactive learning, networked learning and materials development. The study used the method of partial least squares to explore the relationships between different constructs. The results indicate that students' learning styles were significantly related to online participation and that online participation in networked learning and materials development was significantly related to their learning achievement and course satisfaction. This study highlights not only the crucial role of learning styles in online participation but also the importance of individual constructivism and social interaction for effective online learning.