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Socio-medical volunteering in a non-profile university



There is an increase in the number of volunteer corps and beneficiaries. The subjects of the volunteer movement are educational organizations of various training profiles. In a pandemic, the importance of medical volunteering is growing. Medical volunteering, being a retro innovation, loses its maximum professional (medical) focus during the pandemic, as the functionality and composition of volunteers expands. The concept of socio-medical volunteering is introduced as a type of volunteering in the healthcare sector, aimed at improving the quality of medical services and involving the participation of volunteers with a wide range of professional training. The study was conducted in three stages: theoretical method of scientific literature analysis, empirical methods (questionnaires, interviews) were used. The sample consisted of 87 volunteers from a non-core university. According to the results of the study, it was revealed that junior students predominate among the volunteers; the functionality of volunteers in the call center was specified; the motivation for the participation of students in volunteering was revealed; the problems they faced; level of readiness to continue participation in volunteering. In general, the results of the study indicate the insufficient readiness of volunteers of a non-core university for social and medical volunteering, which became the basis for the development of recommendations for the organizers of this movement in a non-core university. It has been proved that socio-medical volunteering in a non-core university is a promising area of educational work and a resource for adapting junior students to educational conditions. Scientific understanding of the issue of gender motivation of students in non-core areas of preparation for social and medical volunteering is required, as well as the specifics of the content of this volunteering, taking into account the development of information and communication technologies and digital volunteering.
Вандышева Л.В.
Социально-медицинское волонтерство в непрофильном вузе
 
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        
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      
            
     
 Вестник Самарского университета. История, педагогика, филология. 2023. Т. 29, № 1. С. 95–103
Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology, 2023, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 95–103
    
    
     
   
      
  
     
  
   
   
  
    
     
      
    
    
    
     
  
    
    
    
    
    
    
    
  
     
   
 
     
    
     
   
  
    
   
   
   
    
       
         Vestnik Samarskogo universiteta.
Istoriia, pedagogika, lologiiaVestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology   
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Социально-медицинское волонтерство в непрофильном вузе
 
   
    
     
      
    
    
   
  
 
     
    
   
    
   
      
    
       
      
   
   
    
    
  
   
   
    
   
     
  
     
    
   
   
 
    
    
  
      
  
    
  
  
     
   
   
  
   
    
     
   
   
 
    
  
    
 
  
      
   
    
     
      
      
    
   
   
   
    
   
    
      
 Вестник Самарского университета. История, педагогика, филология. 2023. Т. 29, № 1. С. 95–103
Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology, 2023, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 95–103
 
    
     
  
     
  
    
  
     
   
     
     
 
   
    
       
    
    
  
 
   
      
   
   
    
 
  
     
    
   
   
   
    
     
     
   
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   
   
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  
   
    
    
    
    
     
    
     
    
  
  
   
    
   
    
    
    
       
     
     
   
    
    
 
    
Вандышева Л.В.
Социально-медицинское волонтерство в непрофильном вузе
 
     
         
    
   
    
    
 
    
    
  
    
   
    
     
    
       
   
  
   
      
      
   
     
   
    
 
     
  
     
     
 
      
       
   
  
     
     
  
   
  
   
    
    
   
        
  
   
    
    
   
     
    
     
    
   
   
   
    
     
     
   
    
     
    
   
   
 Вестник Самарского университета. История, педагогика, филология. 2023. Т. 29, № 1. С. 95–103
Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology, 2023, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 95–103
      
   
 
     
     
      
   
     
    
   
   
       
   
  
Можно составлять заранее список с необ-
ходимой помощью, чтобы каждый мог выбрать,
чем ему эффективнее заниматься»
 «Уточнять, точно ли нужна помощь,
так как сталкивались с отсутствием работы
для волонтера»   
  «Работа, не требующая ме-
дицинских знаний»   
Я считаю, что работа во-
лонтера будет эффективной в одном случае: если
человек идет туда с настроем помочь, поэтому
надо искать людей, которые готовы оказать по-
мощь без ожидания получить что-то взамен»
«Поддержание связей между мед. учреждением и
координатором (действительно ли нужно на эту
смену такое количество волонтеров)»  
  
  
    
  
    
Обеспечить волонтеров транспортом, питани-
ем»    
  Слишком далеко ез-
дить, хотелось бы ближе 
   Базы практики
должны соответствовать месту проживания
Выбор места волонтерства ближе к месту про-
     
     
    
   
    
   
   
    Немно-
го сократить продолжительность смены»
    Ра-
ботать с 15:00–19:00  
    
Помогать я мог только во время каникул, так
как сейчас в связи с учебой у меня высокая заня-
тость. В поликлинике мне сообщили, что помощь
нужна с ~9 до 11–12, как я и помогал на каникулах.
Сейчас же в это время у меня пары...»
   
   
       
    
Обеспечить безопасность
волонтерам в плане здоровья»  
   Возможно,
выделить отдельное помещение»
ние средств индивидуальной защиты, отдельный
кабинет, куда не будут заходить посетители ме-
дицинского учреждения»
Волонтеров, которые
остаются на две и более смены, обеспечивать
питанием, водой»   
 «Можно чуть улучшить ус-
ловия волонтерства (например, не сидеть на сло-
манных стульях и не работать на компьютерах,
которые грузят страницу по 3 минуты)»
   
 
   
   
    
 Однокурсники говорили, что их долго
распределяли, если есть такая возможность, то
побольше бы специалистов в работу с прибывши-
ми волонтерами. И небольшой экскурс, что нуж-
но делать, что отвечать на телефонные звонки,
чтобы быть более компетентным в результате
Вандышева Л.В.
Социально-медицинское волонтерство в непрофильном вузе
коммуникации по телефону с заболевшими; ибо
иногда я не знаю, что ответить, когда меня
спрашивают люди, что им делать при таком-
то диагнозе или в какую смену работает тот
или иной врач»
     
   
     
      
     
   
   
   
   
    
   
  
  
     
    
  
   
  
     
    
   
   
    
 
     
   
   
   
    
 
     
    
   
   
    
   
   
    
  
  
   
  
 
Адресную помощь
Ермолаева Ю.В., Гречаная А.А., Башева О.А
 
      www
    Калимуллина О.А., Федулова И.В   
  
           
     Кетова Н.А., Слетова А.М., Морозова Е.П    
      
Кузнецова А.А., Соловьева Н.А.
 Вестник Самарского университета. История, педагогика, филология. 2023. Т. 29, № 1. С. 95–103
Vestnik of Samara University. History, pedagogics, philology, 2023, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 95–103
Литвинова Е.С., Бушмина О.Н
    
    Мадасова О.К., Захарова Т.С    
Мамедова А.О., Быкова П.В., Сысоев А.А., Гергокова Д.В
Певная М.В., Кульминская А.В., Широкова Е.А., Шуклина Е.А
           
          
Петрова Т.Э., Черкасова Т.В
   
       Рассохина И.Ю., Пфетцер С.А., Пфетцер А.А 
Рогова Е.Н., Яницкий Л.С
               
Российские практики
   Семенова О.А       
          
Трофимова Г.А., Лавровский С.Н., Гвоздецкая Е.А., Мамонова С.Б., Савельева А.В
  Тян М.А., Камалиев М.А    
   Федорова М.Н        
Федулова И.В
   Филипова А.Г., Зубова О.Г   
    Шмелева Е.А., Кисляков П.А     
Шонус И.Х   
             
    
    
Ermolaeva Yu.V., Grechanaya A.A., Basheva O.A.
Bulletin of Tula State University. Film Humanities
Retrieved from the ocial website of the Federal State Statistics
Вандышева Л.В.
Социально-медицинское волонтерство в непрофильном вузе
    Kalimullina O.A., Fedulova I.V.       
   Vestnik Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta kul’tury
i iskusstv        
Ketova N.A., Sletova A.M., Morozova E.P.
The Collection of Humanitarian Researches. Electronic scientic journal
Kuznetsova A.A., Solovyeva N.A.
Education and Science Journal
Madasova O.K., Zakharova T.S.
Eurasian Union Of Scientists
  Mamedova A.O., Bykova P.V., Sysoev A.A., Gergokova D.V.    
Education and science in Russia and abroad   
 Litvinova E.S., Bushmina O.N. Baltic
Humanitarian Journal
   Pevnaya M.V., Kulminskaya A.V., Shirokova E.A., Shuklina E.A
Monitoring of public opinion:
economic and social changes   
Petrova T.E., Cherkasova T.V
Izvestia of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Sociology. Politology        
Rassokhina I.Yu., Pfettser S.A., Pfettser A.A
Education in Russia and Abroad
Rogova E.N., Yanitskiy L.S.
Professional Education in Russia and Abroad,
Russian volunteer practices in a pandemic: analytical bulletin
Semenova O.A.    International Research
   Tromova G.A., Lavrovsky S.N., Gvozdetskaya E.A., Mamonova S.B., Savelieva A.V  
Tyan M.A., Kamaliev M.A.  
    Vestnik KAZNMU   
Fedorova M.N.
The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences  
Fedulova I.V.International Research
Journal         
Filipova A.G., Zubova O.G. 
  Sociodynamics   
Shmeleva E.A., Kislyakov P.A.
 Noospheric Studies 
 Shonus I.Kh.      
                  
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The article is based on the implementation of a collective project of studying the identities of modern youth and the practices of their consolidation in the Samara region (S.Yu. Mitrofanova, N = 541 (quantitative stage), N = 12 (qualitative stage), 2023), strategy of mixing methods was used. One of the objectives of the project was to identify mechanisms for involving young people in public associations. The case of the Samara region served as the basis for achieving this goal. The author's understanding of the mechanism of involving young people in the activities of public associations is proposed. Special attention is paid to the activities of the young themselves, as well as the channels and circumstances of youth involvement in public associations. The primary role of the actor in the operation of the mechanism is proved. The young people's own activities are related to their desire for ‟internal” and/or ‟external” self-realization. Formal and informal channels of youth involvement in public associations have been identified. The circumstances that promote and hinder young people in their social activities are indicated. Two types of mechanisms are identified: ‟open doors” and selection. Various mechanisms operates at different stages of transit through public organizations, and in associations of different orientation.
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The relevance of the study of identities and practices of the youth consolidation in the conditions of the Russian society is substantiated. The article defines concepts of the consolidation and identity at the theoretical and empirical levels. It considers the potential of the mix strategy in the study of identities and practices of the modern youth consolidation. The authors indicate factors of popularity of the mix strategy in the modern conditions, and the content of the discussion in the Russian scientific sociological field on the conformity of the translation into Russian of the English-language name Mixed Methods Research. Based on an appeal to the analysis of already implemented practices of applying the strategy of mixing methods, two approaches to its use are outlined. The article considers four key elements of the strategy of mixing methods within the framework of D. Creswell and V. Plano Clark’s approach, and indicates three strategies for combining methods from D.Morgan’s position. The author's position and problematic issues related to the use of the strategy of mixing methods are outlined. It is indicated what opportunities the application of the strategy of mixing methods opens up within the framework of the claimed study. It is concluded that the combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches in one research cycle complicates the task of understanding the identities and practices of the modern young consolidation, and at the same time allows you to look more deeply at the subject of research.
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The article is based on the synthesis of research advances of Russian and foreign authors covering the issues of young people’s self-identification and the practices of their association. This interest is caused by the project implemented in the Samara region «Youth Identity and consolidation practice: regional aspect». The article uses the research results of foreign scientists, which discuss the issues of digital, ethnic-racial, religious identities, as well as the identities of poor youth in the context of establishing the consumer culture values. The results of the All-Russian project «Z Generation Eventivity» (2018) on the childhood eventivity, directed by S.N. Mayorova-Shcheglova, are significant. The research results on the issue under study, obtained in the Samara region, are important. These studies are on the social and medical volunteering, the importance of the activities of folk performance teams for preserving and developing the Russian culture. It was found that the identity problems in foreign studies are mainly placed in the context of consolidation practices of various minorities, socially vulnerable, discriminated youth groups. Russian studies have another approach: the self-identification issues are considered as related to various activities of the young people, their participation in various prosocial groups. We consider the second approach to be more productive in the Russian conditions.
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В статье приводится анализ портретных характеристик регионального молодежного волонтерского сообщества, осуществляющего деятельность в период пандемии COVID-19, определяются особенности ее организации и реализации в условиях риска и неопределенности. Эмпирическое исследование проведено методом анкетирования молодежи Свердловской области от 14 до 24 лет в период с 15 августа по 15 октября 2020 г., N = 1105, тип выборки — квотная, ошибка не более 3,5%. В ходе статистического анализа реализованы процедуры бинарной логистической регрессии с целью оценки вклада факторов (социально-демографических, деятельностных, информационных, самоидентификационных и пр.) в участие добровольцев в акции #МыВместе. На результатах исследования показано, что героями сложного времени стали представители малочисленной просоциально настроенной и политически ориентированной части российской молодежи, ранее включенной в организационные структуры, создаваемые в рамках государственной молодежной политики. Исключенным оказалось молодежное большинство. Гипотеза о расширении социальной базы молодежного волонтерства в период пандемии за счет ресурсов интернет-коммуникации не получила эмпирического подтверждения. Была подтверждена дееспособность инфраструктуры волонтерства в решении социальных проблем в кризисный период только в отношении уже организованной молодежи региона. Ее информационные ресурсы оказались действенными исключительно для опытных, активно участвующих в организованной общественной деятельности молодых добровольцев. Показано, что для ядра организованного волонтерского движения молодежи характерны гибридные модели волонтерства, сочетающие элементы традиционной, советской и демократической модели. Благодарность. Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 20-011-00471.
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Introduction. In the modern world, volunteering is one of the most effective ways for successful social development and improvement of the quality of human life. By the Decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, the year of 2018 has been declared the Year of Volunteer in the Russian Federation. Voluntary activity has a positive impact not only on people who are provided with help but also on volunteers. Volunteering is beneficial for the formation and strengthening of moral position and citizenship, development of philanthropy, responsiveness, sense of justice, leadership skills. Besides, youth volunteering abroad has long been used as an important element of preparation to perform professional duties. Participating in the professionally focused volunteering, the student has an opportunity to gain professional experience, to check the correctness of own professional self-determination and career aptitude. Similar volunteer service is especially relevant for representatives of the “caring” professions – teachers, social workers, psychologists and doctors, i.e. people who have to be a priori ready for pro-social activity and have such qualities as goodwill, communicability and conscientiousness. The aim of the paper is to study the dynamics of the psychological characteristics of future health-care professionals regularly participating in professionally-oriented volunteer activities. Methodology and research methods. The research is based on competency-based and activity approaches to education. Also, research methodology involves the key provisions of the concept of a humanization of the pedagogical process of the higher education institution, and the basic principles of volunteers’ activity declared in documents of the “United Nations Volunteers” (UNV) programme. The survey among students was the main method of information collection. Psycho-diagnostic tools involved: the assessment technique for communicative and organizing tendencies of an individual (V. V. Sinyavsky, V. A. Fedoroshin); the questionnaire for assessing the development level of empathic tendencies (A. Megrabyan, N. Epstein); the methodology for studying of valuable orientations of the individual (M. Rokich); the questionnaire “Motivation of Assistance” (S. K. Nartov-Bochaver). To objectify the data obtained, the Mann–Whitney U Test statistical technique was applied to reveal a difference in values of the parameter between small selections. Results and scientific novelty. The volunteer team was organized at the Department of Psychology of Health and Correctional Psychology of the Kursk State Medical University. This team is engaged in volunteering at the boarding school for children with disabilities. The authors came to the conclusion that the real directions of quasi-professional voluntary student unionism substantially correspond to the abilities and skills required of future health professionals. The authors analyzed the two-year dynamics of changes in students’ psychological characteristics and professional competencies under the influence of their constant involvement in the volunteer movement. The key personality traits of an experienced student volunteer were designated: orientation towards humanistic values; motivation and readiness of providing assistance to needy people; well-developed communicative abilities and empathy. It has been established empirically that the level of development of these professionally important qualities among the student volunteers is initially above, compared with fellow students who were not involved in volunteering. Also, the level mentioned above continues to evolve actively due to the performance of the professionally focused and socially important volunteer mission. Practical significance . Results of the undertaken research prove convincingly that inclusion in the pedagogical process of higher education institution of professional volunteering as one of the priority activities contributes to the spiritual-moral education of students, the formation of professional and general humanistic outlook. In addition, student volunteering allows future graduates to find the necessary experience in the chosen field of employment.
The social well-being of the Russian students showed how steadfastly this category of youth survived the period of the covid-pandemic peak and the post-covid stage. Mass opinion polls revealed that the new generation mastered the distance learning system, and it properly assessed the prospects for virtual learning. Russian universities adapted to the new distance learning system despite the fact that the professional and educational Internet addiction of students increased. Working students pursuing “remote work”, were included in the state program of self-employment. The overwhelming majority demonstrated civic self-organization and a responsible position in the context of the covid pandemic, they observed safety measures, and the most active provided volunteer assistance to the people in need. It is not a secret that there existed negative consequences from covid self-isolation. They provoked family conflicts among the respondents. The conflicts were overcome by joint efforts due to the tactics of cooperation between “parents and children”. Thus, the institute of Russian higher education and the institute of the traditional Russian family were able to withstand all the covid-pandemic consequences of 2019–2020. The social well-being of students remained within the limits of the norm.
Раскрыта сущность волонтерства в современных условиях. Рассмотрены формы организации волонтерского движения в сфере высшего медицинского образования. Обобщен опыт мобилизации человеческих ресурсов для волонтерских программ в условиях пандемии коронавирусной инфекции. The essence of volunteerism in modern conditions is revealed. The forms of organization of the volunteer movement in the field of higher medical education are considered. The article summarizes the experience of mobilizing human resources for volunteer programs in the context of the coronavirus pandemic.
This article reviews volunteering as one of the forms of participation of youth in making socially important decisions. Volunteering forms the culture of engagement in social life that contributes to consolidation of civil initiatives and democratic values. Teenagers and youth can also participate in improvement of their living conditions and defend their interests via volunteer activity. The key research question is associated with seeking the ways by teenagers and youth to express their opinion through volunteering, and consideration of that opinion by the leaders of volunteer organizations. Group discussion served as the main method for obtaining empirical data; total of 5 group discussions with young people aged 16-18 were held. Roger Hart's Ladder of Children's Participation was applied in the course of this research. Alongside determination of the “level” of engagement of young volunteers as a ratio of personal initiatives and decisions of the adults organizers, the author determines the two lines of analysis – transformation of volunteering during the COVID-19 pandemic and trends of volunteer activity in ten years from now. Group discussions with young people allowed concluding that volunteering, as any other activity organized by adults, indicates the lack of freedom for young people to show their initiatives and participate in making socially important decisions. Pseudo-participation is especially evident in school volunteering.
) the organization of professional volunteering in the context of solving personal and professional development of students of medical college
  • G A Trofimova
  • S N Lavrovsky
  • E A Gvozdetskaya
  • S B Mamonova
  • A V Savelieva
trofimova 2015 -Trofimova G.A., Lavrovsky S.N., Gvozdetskaya E.A., Mamonova S.B., Savelieva A.V. (2015) the organization of professional volunteering in the context of solving personal and professional development of students of medical college. Pulse, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 384-387. available at: eDN: https:// (In russ.)