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Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019 Jul, Vol-13(7): YC01-YC06 11
DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2019/41713.12978 Original Article
Physiotherapy Section
Effect of Pilates on Lower Limb
Strength, Dynamic Balance, Agility
and Coordination Skills in Aspiring
State Level Badminton Players
Badminton happens to be one of the most popular and most
played sports in India and worldwide. Among the indoor games,
badminton occupies a place of pride both as an individual as well as
team sports [1]. Sports performance is based on a complex variety
of factors, which include physical (general and specific conditions),
psychological (personality and motivation), sociological and physical
factors [2]. Badminton is a complex physically enduring sport that
requires an extensive amount of core strength as well as upper and
lower body strength to produce powerful smashes, agility, good
balance and coordination during rapid postural movement around
the court.
Pilates exercises or Joseph Pilates method began developing his
exercise system over a period of approximately 50 years in early
1900s [3]. It is a whole body conditioning programme which was
initially used for managing low back pain and improving balance
in elderly. Now-a-days it is used for posture correction and fitness
training. Pilates based exercise works on the principles of trunk
stability, also known as “core stability”. “Core is described as
a box, with the abdominals (transversus) in front, paraspinals
(multifidus) in back, diaphragm in top and pelvic floor at the
bottom”. Pilates is a popular form of exercise training programme
which includes series of stretching and strengthening exercises
with proper trunk control and breathing. It is associated with
numerous health benefits like improved muscle strength, tone,
flexibility, coordination, lung volumes and capacities through deep
breathing [4,5].
Pilates training method is based on 6 principles that are Centering
(i.e., focussing on tightening the power house), Concentration, (i.e.,
mental focus and attention while performing exercise), Control (i.e.,
postural management while performing the exercise), Precision (i.e.,
accuracy of exercise techniques), Flow (i.e., smooth transition of
movement within the exercise sequence), Breathing in coordination
with the exercise [6]. Pilates improves posture, balance, increase
core strength, peripheral mobility, which may be helpful for improving
athletic performance [3].
The main purpose of pilates is to organise the mind, body, and
breathe to build up sleek and strong abdominal muscles and a
strong and agile back. It improves flexibility, tonicity, strengthens
core muscle groups, enhances body awareness, prevents injury,
develops posture and balance, and comfort of movement through
daily life. Pilates gives equal importance to strengthening-body
conditioning and the mind [7].
Conventional exercise programs are commonly thought to involve
those exercises that target specific muscles or muscle groups that
are recruited during sports specific technique, so as to enhance
their strength during performance. In badminton, the players and
coaches follow some of the conventional training items to improve
different aspects of physical fitness and psychological health of
sports person through different training programmes [7]. Warm
up, flexibility exercises, endurance exercises and sports specific
exercises for badminton are included in conventional training of
badminton players. Sports specific training is done for improving
fitness and performance in sports.
Keywords: Athletic performance, Core stability, Fitness, Star excursion balance test, Shuttle run test
Introduction: Badminton, considered as one of the fastest
racquet sports in the world requires excellent strength, dynamic
balance, quick reflexes and coordination. Pilates is a form of
training that focuses on strengthening core muscles of body and
achieving mind body connection. Traditionally Pilates has been
used for posture training and enhancing core strength. Now-a-
days it is increasingly being incorporated into athletic training
programmes for injury prevention and enhancing performance.
Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of Pilates on lower limb strength,
dynamic balance, agility and coordination skills in aspiring state
level badminton players.
Materials and Methods: Forty male aspiring badminton
players in the age group of 17-28 years were included in this
experimental study and randomly divided into two groups-
Experimental and control group with 20 players in each group.
Experimental group (Group A) received Pilates training along
with conventional training whereas control group (Group B) was
given conventional training only that included warm up, cool
down and sports specific exercises. All players were evaluated
for lower limb strength, agility, dynamic balance and upper limb
coordination with Vertical Jump Test, 10 m Shuttle Run Test,
Star Excursion Balance Test and Hand-Eye Coordination Test
respectively. Both groups received training for 5 weeks twice
a week, for 60 minutes. ANOVA and Student t-test was used
to compare the intergroup difference in the analysis of the data
collected for all variables at 1st week, 3rd week and last day of
the 5th week of intervention.
Results: Both groups improved significantly at the end of
5th week but experimental group showed highly significant
difference for lower limb strength, dynamic balance, agility and
coordination as compared to Control group (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Pilates is an effective method for improvement in
lower limb strength, agility, dynamic balance and coordination
skills in badminton players.
Preeti et al., Effect of Pilates Exercise on Different Physical Fitness Variables in Aspiring State Level Badminton
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019 Jul, Vol-13(7): YC01-YC06
Data compilation, analysis and report writing took around 4 months
(till November 2018). A sample size of 40 was calculated using
G Power. Power of the study is 0.95.
Players who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria participated
in the study. The inclusion criterion for the study was: the age group
between 17-28 years, players who were playing badminton for
more than 2 years with no history of any injury in past 6 months.
Players who were excluded from the study were those having any
musculoskeletal problem that decreased the compliance of the
players to participate in the study and any medical condition that
would impair their playing activities. The whole procedure of the
training program was explained to the players and written informed
consent was taken from all the players.
Details like name, age, number of playing years, history of any
previous injuries, and any medical condition of the player was
recorded in the evaluation performa.
Players who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria were divided
into two groups by simple random sampling method i.e., group
A included 20 players which received Pilates training along with
conventional exercises (Experimental group) and group B included
20 players that received conventional exercises only (Control
group). Measurements were taken for age, height, weight and Body
Mass Index (BMI) for all subjects. All players underwent baseline
assessment for agility, lower limb strength, dynamic balance and
hand eye coordination.
1. Agility was measured by 10 m shuttle run test [16]
The objective of this test is to assess the athlete’s ability to accelerate
between marked lines and to rapidly change direction. It required a
slip-proof floor, 4 cones, a stopwatch and three sponges were used
to perform the test. The players performed warm up for 10 minutes.
Two parallel lines were drawn on the floor 10 m apart. The players
were asked to run as fast as possible from the starting line to the
other line and return to the starting line, crossing each line with both
feet every time. This was performed twice; covering a distance of 40
m (4×10 m). The stopwatch was stopped when the player crossed
the end line with one foot. Time in seconds was noticed.
2. Lower limb strength was measured by vertical jump test [16]
The players were instructed to put chalk on the finger tips to mark
on the wall. Keeping both feet in contact with the ground, they
stood side on to a wall and reached as high as possible with the
hand closest to the wall and marked it with finger tips. This distance
is called standing reach height (P1). Players were then instructed to
stand little away from wall and jump as high as possible in vertical
direction using both arms and legs and again mark the wall with
chalk on their fingertips (P2). The difference in the distance between
2 points (P1 and P2) was recorded as the score.
3. Dynamic balance was measured by Star Excursion Balance
Test (SEBT) [17]
The SEBT was performed with the player standing at the center of
a grid placed on the floor, with 8 lines extending at 458 increments
from the center of the grid. The 8 lines were labeled according to
the direction of excursion relative to the stance leg: Antero-lateral
(AL), Anterior (A), Antero-medial (AM), Medial (M), Postero-medial
(PM), Posterior (P), Postero-lateral (PL), and Lateral (L). To perform
the SEBTs, the player maintained a single-leg stance while reaching
with the opposite leg as far as possible. The player lightly touched
the farthest point possible on the line with the most distal part of the
reach foot then returning to a bilateral stance while maintaining their
balance. The distance was measured from the center of the grid to
the touch point with a tape measure in centimeters [Table/Fig-1].
4. Hand and eye co-ordination test [18]
This test was used to measure the co-ordination between eye and
hand. One line was marked two meter away from the wall. Subject
started the test from starting line. On the signal of start subject
Agility, one of the essential components of physical fitness can
be described as ability to rapidly change direction without losing
balance. Strength, speed and coordination are essential components
of agility. In badminton, agility is needed to reach the approaching
shuttle as well as for rapid changes in directions within small duration
of time that are needed during the process of game [8].
Lower body strength is essential in sports for enhancing balance,
agility and for generating power needed for explosive movements.
Largest muscles located in the lower body (gluteal, abductors,
adductors, hamstrings, quadriceps) are essential in movements
needed for day today or sporting activities. Lower body strength
plays an important role in badminton as it helps in producing better
and faster footwork. The strong lower body allows stopping and
changing direction quickly and also improves speed while moving
around in badminton court. Also stronger lower limb muscles helps
in producing stronger smashes by transferring energy from legs to
upper body [9].
Dynamic balance requires moving a stable postural set over the
base of support. Badminton involves rapid postural movements
around the court which include quick and repetitive movements
like jumping and squatting. Dynamic balance is crucial fitness
component to prevent lower limb injuries that can result because
of poor balance [10].
Coordination is the capability to perform a sequence of movements
rhythmically smoothly and accurately. It involves the sense of
body, muscular contraction and joint movement of the body. All
racket sports require the coordination of eye, hand, foot and ball.
A successful badminton player requires a good physical fitness
and sense of coordination [11]. English T et al., studied the effect
of Pilates exercise on trunk and postural stability and throwing
velocity in college baseball pitchers. They found significant effects
in improving core strength, balance and throwing speed in college
baseball pitchers [12]. A study has found positive effects of Pilates
on balance, reaction time, muscle strength, number of falls and
psychological parameters in 65 plus-years old women [13]. Emery
K et al., studied the effects of a Pilates training program on arm-
trunk posture and movement. It was found that Pilates exercise
training was effective in improving the spinal alignment and core
muscle strength [14]. Rydeard R et al., did a study on Pilates-Based
Therapeutic Exercise, in Subjects with Nonspecific Chronic Low
Back Pain and Functional Disability. It was found that Pilates training
which train to stabilize the lumbo-pelvic region has a significant
effect in decreasing low back pain and disability [15].
None of the previous studies till date have studied the effect of
Pilates training on various parameters of physical fitness required
in badminton players. Most of the studies have studied effect of
pilates in healthy population. Very few studies have focused on the
effect of pilates in sports that require excellent strength, agility and
coordination. This work intends to develop novel ways of promoting
different training program utilisation that would have the potential
to revolutionise the improvement of performance in badminton
The research hypothesis, says that there would be a significant
difference between Pilates exercise group and conventional exercise
group in aspiring state level badminton players. The aim and
objectives of the current study was to compare the effect of Pilates
exercises along with conventional exercises with conventional
exercises alone on lower limb strength, dynamic balance, agility and
coordination in aspiring state level badminton players.
This experimental study was carried out at D’Valls badminton
school, Gurugram. The study was approved by the ethical research
committee of SGT University. Ref. No. SGTU/FOP/2018/37. The
data collection for study commenced in the month of March 2018
after ethical clearance in February 2018 and continued till July 2018. Preeti et al., Effect of Pilates Exercise on Different Physical Fitness Variables in Aspiring State Level Badminton
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019 Jul, Vol-13(7): YC01-YC06 33
hits/threw the ball against the wall and catches the ball with the
other hand, after he catches it he throws the ball with that hand
and catches it with the other hand. This process continued for the
30 second. After 30 seconds, the timer gives the signal stops and
the subject stopped and the numbers of correctly made catches
were recorded.
Procedure: Players in group A received Pilates training in addition
to conventional exercises which included warm-up followed by
badminton specific training. The session ended with cool down
exercises. Group B received conventional exercises only. Both
groups received intervention for 60 minutes twice a week for 5
consecutive weeks, with a total of 10 sessions under the supervision
of the therapist [Table/Fig-2].
exercise was repeated ten times. The subject began the training
session while in Pilate’s posture (“V” stance). While maintaining the
Pilates “V”, the subjects were instructed to rise onto their toes as
far as possible while keeping the heels together. Then they lowered
to the ground while maintaining a neutral spine. Maintaining proper
Pilate’s posture, the subject was then instructed to perform a plié
(bending at the hips and knees). The subjects were given verbal
feedback regarding corrections and progress [Table/Fig-5].
[Table/Fig-1]: Star excursion balance test.
Exercise program Pilates exercise program
(Group A)
Conventional exercise program
(Group B)
Warm up 10 minutes 15 minutes
Pilates exercises 25 minutes -------
training program 15 minutes 35 minutes
Cool down 10 minutes 10 minutes
Total time 60 minutes 60 minutes
[Table/Fig-2]: Training programme for Group A and Group B.
Group A Protocol
Pilates training included 7 exercises. Detailed protocol is explained
in [Table/Fig-3,4].
S. No. Exercises Equipment Repetitions×Sets
1. Standing footwork Mat 8×3
2. Hundreds Mat 8×3
3. Articulating bridge Mat 8×3
4. Rolling like a ball Mat 8×3
5. Plank Mat 8×3
6. Side plank Mat 8×3
7. Reverse plank Mat 8×3
[Table/Fig-3]: Pilates exercises program. I, II and III Weeks Pilates Exercise Training.
Rest between Exercises-: 10-20 Seconds
Rest between Set of Exercise-: 45-60 Seconds
S. No. Exercises Equipment Repetitions×sets
Standing footwork
Raised heels and maintained “v”
Mat 15×3
2. Hundreds with knee straight Mat 15×3
3. Articulating bridge
Extend leg alternatively Mat 15×3
Rolling like a ball
Grasp the ankles and pull into a
tighter ball.
Mat 15×3
5. Plank
Extend one leg at a time Mat 15×3
6. Side plank
Raised hand at 90° Mat 15×3
7. Reverse plank alternating leg
extensions on each leg Mat 15×3
[Table/Fig-4]: Pilates exercises program. IV and V Week Pilates Exercise Training.
Rest between Exercises-: 10-20 Seconds
Rest between Set of Exercise-: 45-60 Second
Following Pilates exercises were included:
Standing footwork [7]
It focuses on lower body strengthening, flexibility and core stability. It
strengthens the muscles of the legs and pelvis, increased hip flexibility,
strengthened the core, and improves balance. Breathing instructions
for this exercise were as follows: subjects inhaled after beginning
the movement and exhaled when performing the movement. This
[Table/Fig-5]: Pilates exercise.
2. Hundreds [7]
Players were asked to lie in supine lying position with arms at his
sides and neutral pelvis. The subjects were instructed to curl their
head and shoulders off the floor. The arms then move up and down
slowly, initiating the movement from shoulder joint. The subjects
inhaled for a count of five and exhaled for a count of five [Table/Fig-6].
3. Articulating bridge [7]
Players were asked to lie in supine lying with feet flat on floor
(knee bent) with arms at the side of the body. Players were asked
to draw the stomach inward. Then they were instructed to begin
peeling the vertebra from the floor one at a time beginning with tail
bone. The movement ended when it reached the shoulder blade.
The subjects then returned to the starting position. Subjects
inhaled while preparing for the movement and exhaled as they
lifted their torso. Then inhaled at top of position and exhaled while
lowering [Table/Fig-6].
4. Plank [7]
Players were in kneeling position on the mat on all fours with hands
aligned directly beneath the shoulder and knees directly beneath
the hips. While keeping the shoulders wide and flat, the subjects
lifted into a push up position by placing one leg at a time on the
Preeti et al., Effect of Pilates Exercise on Different Physical Fitness Variables in Aspiring State Level Badminton
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019 Jul, Vol-13(7): YC01-YC06
floor behind him. While maintaining body alignment the subjects
extended one leg at a time [Table/Fig-6].
5. Reverse plank [7]
The subjects began by sitting with their arms behind them. Weight
was on the hands with the fingers pointing at the heel. The subject
then lifted his torso and pelvis into plank position. Then they rose
onto one leg at a time without losing proper body alignment 3 times
with 5 alternating leg extensions on each leg. The subjects inhaled
to prepare for movement, exhaled as they lifted the torso upward,
inhaled at the top position and exhaled while lowering pointing at
the heel [Table/Fig-6].
6. Side plank [7]
The subjects sat on the side of his hip with the legs extended
slightly in front. They were then instructed to cross the top leg
over the bottom, resting on ball of his foot. The hand was placed
on the floor aligned comfortably with the shoulder. The subjects
then lifted their hips off of the floor in the movement and swept
their top arm upwards. The subjects then allowed the body to rest
on the lower hand and foot. Ribs were directly above the pelvis
and the hip square with the body. This position was held for few
seconds and then lowered to the floor maintaining body alignment
7. Rolling like a ball [7]
The subjects sat near the front of the mat with the knees bent
and feet flat on the mat. They grasped their legs behind each
knee and brought their chin toward their chest. The shoulders
were down and the elbows positioned up away from the body.
The subjects rolled backwards on their shoulder blades. The
subjects then rolled back-up and balanced on the tailbone
without letting their feet touch the floor, while keeping the same
body position throughout the movement. The subjects inhaled
while rolling back and exhaled when returning. The progression
for this exercise was to grasp the ankles and pull into a tighter
ball [Table/Fig-6].
Badminton-Specific Training Program
•Trainingschedule1:FootworkShadowstepping,full-eldcorner for 35 seconds in 8×8 again, a total of 6 sets, sets of
1-minute rest breaks. Total time: 20 minutes of intervention.
•Trainingschedule2:Stationtrainingincludedropeskipping,jumping work, multi-shuttle, forward and backward court
stepping training, 60% load at each station, a total of 5 sets of
20 seconds at each station, 1-minute rest break between each
set. Total time 15 minutes.
•Trainingschedule3:Striketrainingincludedclear,drop,highsmash, 20 balls feeding training, continuous backcourt spike
the ball thrown 20 kinds of work for each shot, 2 minutes
rest interval between each shot. Total time 20 minutes of
•Trainingschedule4:Drillwork,stroketrainingasstroketypescombined (Front, middle and back strokes made in the courts),
30 seconds loads, a total of 12 sets, 10 seconds rest period
between each set. Total time 15 minutes of intervention.
Cool down- The session ended with cool down exercises, which
consisted of following exercises: walk briskly/jogging, breathing and
stretches to help recovery, prevent injury and soreness.
Data Collection
Readings were taken for Lower limb strength, agility, dynamic
balance, and coordination skill by Vertical Jump test, Shuttle
run test, Star excursion balance test and hand eye coordination
tests respectively on 1st day of intervention and last day of 3rd and
5th week.
The data was analysed by using the software package SPSS 24 for
window version. Mean and standard deviation of all the variables
were calculated. The level of significance was set at p<0.05. ANOVA
and Student t-test was used to compare the inter-group difference
in the analysis of the data collected for all variables.
Mean comparison of age, height, weight and BMI was done for
players in both the groups. Between group analysis showed that
there was no significant difference in means of age, height, weight,
and BMI of the players in both group p>0.05 [Table/Fig-7].
[Table/Fig-6]: Pilates exercises.
Group A additionally received conventional training programme
mentioned below.
Group B Conventional Training Protocol
Warm up included light exercises like walking, running, jogging and
Variables Pilates group Conventional group t-value p-value
Age (years) 19.70±2.44 20.45±1.64 1.15 0.257NS
Weight (kg) 55.85±6.43 58.65±5.67 1.46 0.152NS
Height (cm) 166.85±8.84 169.85±5.96 1.26 0.216NS
BMI (kg/m2) 20.14±1.56 20.02±1.43 0.253 0.802NS
[Table/Fig-7]: Mean comparison of Age, Weight, Height and BMI.
p-value <.05 or .001 (significant or highly significant respectively)
p-value >.05 (non-significant)
NS: Non significant
The result of the study revealed that lower limb strength in group
A showed 60% improvement at the end of 5th week and group
B showed 20% improvement at the end of 5th week. Group A
(experimental group) showed highly significant improvement by
40% as compared to group B p<0.001 [Table/Fig-8].
Lower limb strength Pilates group Conventional group t-value p-value
Baseline 32.20±3.04 31.55±1.96 2.02 0.060NS
3rd Week 47.10±3.97 33.35±2.21 13.53 0.027*
5th Week 53.45±4.90 35.00±1.96 15.64 0.001**
[Table/Fig-8]: Mean comparison of lower limb strength between the groups.
**p-value <0.001 (**Highly significant)
*p-value <0.05 (*Significant)
p-value >.05 (not significant)
NS: Non significant Preeti et al., Effect of Pilates Exercise on Different Physical Fitness Variables in Aspiring State Level Badminton
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019 Jul, Vol-13(7): YC01-YC06 55
The between group analysis for dynamic balance for both lower
extremities (dominant and non dominant) in all four components
(anterior, medial, posterior, lateral) as measured by star excursion
balance test showed that there was a highly significant improvement
seen in Experimental group as compared to Control group at
5th week, p<0.001 [Table/Fig-9].
shuttle run test, dynamic balance as measured by star excursion
balance test and coordination measured by hand-eye coordination
test compared to control group (Group B) which performed only
conventional exercises.
Results of the study are similar to study by Yadav P et al., [19].
A pilot study was done on the efficacy of Pilates on agility and
coordination skills in badminton players. It was concluded that there
was a significant improvement in agility and coordination skills as
measured by shuttle run test and hand eye coordination test by
41% and 63% respectively after an intervention of 5 weeks. The
study concluded that Pilates training can enhance the control of
trunk movement and improves the neuromuscular coordination of
movements [19].
Lotfy S et al., studied the effect of Pilates on lower limb strength, jump
performance and biological efficiency. It was concluded that Pilates
training was highly effective in improving muscle ability (12.08%),
jump height (12.58%), and biological capacity (12.86%) which
might be due to biological efficiency and kinetic chain activities.
They concluded that Pilates improves trunk muscle strength
which improves motor coordination of limbs and hence motor
performance. In any athletic activities, the players spontaneously
hold their breath, which could affect their performance by reducing
the air entry and therefore reducing the oxygen uptake and energy.
One of the principles of Pilates is breathing control which makes
awareness of one’s own breathing during dynamic activities, which
would enhance the performance by increasing air entry and therefore
increases the oxygen uptake and energy. Pilates enhance biological
capacity as there is increased oxygen supply to lungs and muscles
by enhancing passage of oxygen through them [20].
The proposed mechanism for hand eye coordination improvement
in Pilates group might be due to kinetic chain activities. When core
stability is attained, the local group of core muscles gives stability
to the mobility of the distal segments and the global group of core
muscles increases the moment arm for lower limb movements,
generate and transfer the forces from lower limb to upper limb and
vice versa [21].
Results of this study are in accordance with results of study by Anitha
A et al., which found strong positive correlation (r=0.8) between
hand eye coordination and core muscle strength in non-athletes
with low back pain. It was suggested that core forms a strong base
on which strong and smooth movements of trunk and upper limb
can be performed [22].
Johnson EG et al., found the effects of Pilates-based exercise
on dynamic balance in healthy adults. The 5-week Pilates-based
exercise session improved core stability and subjects became more
kinesthetically aware of how to reduce faulty movement patterns,
resulting in improved motor control. He concluded that ten sessions
of a Pilates based exercise improved dynamic balance as measured
by the Functional Reach Test in healthy adults [23].
The statistical findings of study by Yeole UL et al., on the effect of
core strengthening on dynamic balance and agility in badminton
players showed that compared to group that performed conventional
exercises, Pilates training group had significant improvements in
agility, core strength, neuromuscular coordination and dynamic
balance at the end of 4 week of training [10].
The result of our study is consistent with the findings of the study
by Shavikloo J et al., [24]. They concluded that 6 week Pilates
training programme was more effective than conventional training in
improving anterior, posterio-lateral and posterio-medial components
of dynamic balance as measured by Y balance test in futsal players.
Pilates training resulted in enhanced stability of vertebral column,
neuromuscular coordination and hence dynamic balance [24].
In any of sporting activities, the performance is influenced by
the psychological status of that athlete. Pilates exercises also
balance Groups Mean±SD
3rd week
5th week
2.39±0.9 13.31 0.001**
1.84±0.7 8.432 0.001**
1.94±0.6 7.052 0.001**
2.26±0.9 17.81 0.001**
[Table/Fig-9]: Mean comparison of dynamic balance between the groups.
**p-value <0.001 (**Highly significant)
*p-value <0.05 (*Significant)
p-value >0.05 (Non-significant)
The result of this study revealed that agility in group A showed 60%
improvement at the end of 5th week and group B showed 25%
improvement at the end of 5th week. But group A (Experimental
group) showed highly significant improvement by 35% as compared
to group B p<0.001 [Table/Fig-10].
Agility Pilates group Conventional group t-value p-value
Baseline 12.25±1.12 12.20±1.15 0.139 0.890NS
3rd week 8.10±4.81 10.10±4.24 5.43 0.033*
5th week 4.80±0.77 9.10±0.88 16.71 0.001**
[Table/Fig-10]: Mean Comparison of agility between the groups.
**p-value <0.001 (Highly significant)
*p-value <0.05 (*Significant)
p-value >.05 (**not significant)
NS: Non significant
The result of our study also revealed that coordination in group A
showed 62% improvement at the end of 5th week and group B
showed 30% improvement at the end of 5th week. But group A
(experimental group) showed highly significant improvement by
32% as compared to group B p<0.05 [Table/Fig-11].
Co-ordination Pilates group Conventional group t-value p-value
Baseline 14.60±1.12 14.00±1.15 0.972 0.337NS
3rd week 22.15±3.39 16.60±1.76 6.50 0.027*
5th week 28.10±2.49 18.25±1.77 14.41 <0.001**
[Table/Fig-11]: Mean comparison of coordination between the groups.
**p-value <0.001 (**Highly significant)
*p-value <0.05 (*Significant)
p-value >.05 (not significant)
NS: Non significant
The between group analysis for agility, lower limb strength,
and coordination using unpaired t-test showed that there was a
significant difference between both the groups at 3rd and 5th week
with more significant improvement seen in Experimental group i.e.,
Group A as compared to group B p<0.001.
This study aimed to find the effect of Pilates exercise training on
dynamic balance, lower limb strength, agility and coordination in
state level aspiring badminton players. The players in this study had
similar baseline values for age, height, weight and BMI.
The results of the study revealed that although both groups improved
significantly at the end of the 5th week but Group A which performed
Pilates exercises in addition to Conventional exercises brought
better results with respect to improvement in lower limb strength
as measured by vertical jump test, agility as measured by 10 m
Preeti et al., Effect of Pilates Exercise on Different Physical Fitness Variables in Aspiring State Level Badminton
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019 Jul, Vol-13(7): YC01-YC06
concentrate on the mind and body coordination. It can reduce
anxiety and enhance athletic performance. The Pilates group had
much significant improvement than control group because the
regular use of Pilates exercise led to strengthening of abdominal
and core muscles, flexibility of truncal muscles and increased the
biological capacity efficiency by breathing control [25].
The limitation of the study is small sample size and limited age
group because of which results cannot be generalised. Also, female
badminton players were not included in the study, so any gender
specific differences in the results and associated factors could not
be studied.
Study can be done on a larger sample size and long term effects
of Pilates can be studied. Long term effects on strength, agility,
balance and coordination can be studied. Effect of Pilates on
sports performance and incidence of injuries can be studied. Effect
of Pilates on other physical fitness variables like speed, reaction,
Cardiopulmonary fitness can also be studied.
The results of the study showed that physical fitness components
i.e., lower limb strength, agility, dynamic balance and hand eye
coordination showed significant improvement in the Experimental
group that performed Pilates training along with conventional
exercises as compared to the control group that performed
conventional exercises only. So it is concluded that Pilates
exercise training should be incorporated in the training programme
of Badminton players in addition to the conventional training
programme to improve balance, agility, lower limb strength and
coordination in aspiring state level badminton players.
The authors are highly grateful to all the players who participated in
the study, to the coach of the badminton academy for supporting in
conducting the study and to all others who were directly or indirectly
associated with the study.
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1. MPT Student, Department of Physiotherapy, SGT University, Gurgaon, Haryana, India.
2. Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, SGT University, Gurgaon, Haryana, India.
3. Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, SGT University, Gurgaon, Haryana, India.
4. Assistant Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, SGT University, Gurgaon, Haryana, India.
Sheetal Kalra,
SGT University, Gurgaon, Haryana, India.
Date of Submission: Apr 06, 2019
Date of Peer Review: Apr 26, 2019
Date of Acceptance: Jun 04, 2019
Date of Publishing: Jul 01, 2019