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Comparison of Muscle Activity between the Horizontal Bench Press and the Seated Chest Press Exercises Using Several Grips

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Journal of Human Kinetics
  • US Soccer Federation

Abstract and Figures

This study aims to compare muscle activity in the pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, and triceps brachii in the horizontal bench press exercise with a prone grip at 150% and 50% of the biacromial width and the seated chest press exercise with two types of grips (a neutral grip at ~150% of the biacromial width and a prone grip at ~200% of the biacromial width). Twenty physically active adults performed a set of 8 repetitions at 60% of the one repetition maximum. The results showed that the clavicular portion of the pectoralis major had significantly greater muscle activity in the seated chest press exercise with a neutral grip (~30% of the maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC)) than in the lying bench press exercise with a prone grip at 150% of the biacromial width (~25% MVIC). The muscle activity of the anterior deltoid was not significantly different across any exercise or grip evaluated (~24% MVIC). The muscle activity of the triceps brachii was significantly higher in the lying bench press exercise with a grip at 50% biacromial width (~16% MVIC) than at 150% of the biacromial width (~12% MVIC). In conclusion, all exercises and grips showed similar muscle activity, and the selection of these exercises should not be based exclusively on the grounds of muscle activation but rather on the load capacity lifted, the level of technique of the participant, and/or the transference to the specific sporting discipline or event.
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Journal of Human Kinetics volume 87/2023, 23–34 DOI: 10.5114/jhk/161468 23
Section I – Kinesiology
1 Health Research Centre, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Almería, Almería, Spain.
* Correspondence:
Accepted for publishing in the Journal of Human Kinetics vol. 87/2023 in April 2023.
Comparison of Muscle Activity between the Horizontal Bench
Press and the Seated Chest Press Exercises Using Several Grips
José M. Muyor 1,*, David Rodríguez-Ridao 1, José M. Oliva-Lozano 1
This study aims to compare muscle activity in the pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, and triceps brachii in the
horizontal bench press exercise with a prone grip at 150% and 50% of the biacromial width and the seated chest press
exercise with two types of grips (a neutral grip at ~150% of the biacromial width and a prone grip at ~200% of the
biacromial width). Twenty physically active adults performed a set of 8 repetitions at 60% of the one repetition maximum.
The results showed that the clavicular portion of the pectoralis major had significantly greater muscle activity in the
seated chest press exercise with a neutral grip (~30% of the maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC)) than in
the lying bench press exercise with a prone grip at 150% of the biacromial width (~25% MVIC). The muscle activity of
the anterior deltoid was not significantly different across any exercise or grip evaluated (~24% MVIC). The muscle
activity of the triceps brachii was significantly higher in the lying bench press exercise with a grip at 50% biacromial
width (~16% MVIC) than at 150% of the biacromial width (~12% MVIC). In conclusion, all exercises and grips showed
similar muscle activity, and the selection of these exercises should not be based exclusively on the grounds of muscle
activation but rather on the load capacity lifted, the level of technique of the participant, and/or the transference to the
specific sporting discipline or event.
Keywords: electromyography; muscle excitation; muscle activation; fitness; strength
Currently, it is well known that strength
training has positive effects on sports performance
and the health of individuals (Pichardo et al., 2019;
Westcott, 2012). For strength training and strength
and conditioning, professional trainers usually
propose two types of exercises: those performed on
guided machines, usually for beginners or with
little command of technical execution, and those
performed with free weights for athletes with more
advanced execution techniques (Baechle and
Groves, 1998).
Therefore, it is essential to correctly select
the exercises that generate the necessary
adaptations in the appropriate muscles. One of the
most commonly used techniques to determine the
degree of muscle activation and identify activation
patterns of several muscles is surface
electromyography (sEMG) (David et al., 2000;
Strońska et al., 2018).
sEMG measures the electrical potential present on
the skin due to muscle contraction (Merlo and
Campanini, 2010), and it is highly correlated with
muscle force (Disselhorst-Klug et al., 2009).
The bench press exercise is a popular and
widely used example of this kind of exercise that
allows upper-limb muscle strengthening through
additional loads (Giorgio et al., 2009). It is a
complex exercise in which large external loads can
be lifted, requiring high neuromuscular activity
(Stastny et al., 2017). In this regard, the bench press
exercise is often modified by bench inclination
(Rodríguez-Ridao et al., 2020; Saeterbakken et al.,
2017), grip width (Barnett et al., 1995; Lehman,
2005; Saeterbakken et al., 2017), or using a Sling
shot (Wojdala et al., 2022) to adjust the muscle
activity of the primary movements.
24 Comparison of muscle activity between the horizontal bench press and the seated chest press exercises
Journal of Human Kinetics, volume 87/2023
A previous study by Barnett et al. (1995)
addressed the influence of grip width and bench
inclination on the muscle activity of the primary
movements during the bench press exercise with
two grip widths at 100% and 200% of the
biacromial distance (a narrow and a wide grip,
respectively). Those authors found that the
horizontal bench press exercise with a narrow grip
produced a higher sEMG activity of the clavicular
head of the pectoralis major and the anterior
deltoid than with a wide grip. With the trunk in a
vertical position, hand spacing had no effect on the
sEMG activity in the evaluated muscles. However,
those authors evaluated the bench press exercise
with the participants seated on a bench and with
the trunk vertical. Consequently, the load was
lifted vertically, as in a military press exercise, and
not pushed in a horizontal plane. Alternatively,
Lehman (2005) evaluated the influence of three
grip widths (100% and 200% of the biacromial
distance and a pronated grip with hand width
distance between the two hands) during the flat
bench press exercise on the muscle activity of the
clavicular head of the pectoralis major, the lateral
head of the triceps, and the biceps brachii. That
author reported that changing from the widest to
the narrowest grip width increased the sEMG
activity in the triceps brachii, independent of the
hand position (prone or supine) and decreased the
sEMG activity of the sternoclavicular portion of the
pectoralis major with a prone grip. However, these
authors did not assess the muscle activity in the
lower portion of the pectoralis major or the anterior
deltoid muscle. In this regard, the anterior deltoid
is an essential muscle in shoulder flexion, and the
pectoralis major, the lower portion, has an
indispensable role in the pushing action.
Therefore, electromyographic evaluation of these
muscles could provide more information on the
involvement of these muscles in the bench press
and seated chest press exercises with their grip
variations. Moreover, some authors have reported
that when, in the bench press exercise, the hand
spacing is > 200% of the biacromial distance, the
shoulder position puts the athlete at a high risk of
injury (Gross et al., 1993); therefore, the grip should
not exceed 150% of the biacromial distance (Green
and Comfort, 2007). Saeterbakken et al. (2017)
compared the sEMG activity in the bench press
exercise in the style of competition with either the
+25° inclined and 25° declined bench position
(wide grip) or using a narrow and medium grip
(flat bench). These authors concluded that there
were no differences in sEMG activity during the
wide grip and on a flat bench in chest and shoulder
muscles compared with inclined and declined
bench positions and in medium and narrow grip
width. However, the biceps brachii showed greater
and the triceps brachii lower sEMG activity during
the inclined bench press than the flat and declined
bench position.
Recently, Rodríguez-Ridao et al. (2020)
evaluated the muscle activity of the pectoralis
major, anterior deltoid, and triceps brachii during
the lying bench press exercise in five bench
inclinations, using only one grip width at 150% of
the biacromial distance. Those authors found that
as the bench inclination increased, the sEMG
activity of the anterior deltoid also increased.
Additionally, they reported that the upper portion
of the pectoralis major (PMUP) showed the highest
sEMG activity at 30° of bench inclination.
However, they did not analyse the sEMG activity
regarding grip width.
Alternatives to the bench press exercise
are guided weight machines, which are considered
safe, effective, and easy to learn and are also an
alternative to free weights (American College of
Sports Medicine, 2009). However, the presence of
machine constraints reducing the degree of
freedom in multijoint exercises can conceivably
influence muscle activity patterns by altering the
muscle forces required for movement execution
and stabilization, affecting the specificity and
effectiveness of strength training (Cacchio et al.,
Several studies have compared the muscle
activation of the bench press exercise to other
exercises performed in guided machines, such as
the Smith machine (Saeterbakken et al., 2011;
Schick et al., 2010) or the peck deck (de Araújo
Rocha Júnior et al., 2007), in relation to other
exercises such as the pullover (Campos and da
Silva, 2014), the standing cable press (Santana et al.,
2007; Signorile et al., 2017) or with free weights
(Saeterbakken et al., 2011). However, few studies
have analysed whether there are differences in
muscle activation during the bench press exercise
compared to the seated chest press machine and its
grip derivates. Wattanaprakornkul et al. (2011)
compared shoulder muscle activity to the seated
chest press machine and a specific shoulder flexion
by José M. Muyor et al. 25
Articles published in the Journal of Human Kinetics are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
lying prone on a bench. However, those authors
did not evaluate muscle activity during the bench
press exercise. Recently, Coratella et al. (2020)
found that the sternocostal head of the pectoralis
major and the anterior deltoid were similarly
activated, and the triceps brachii and the lateral
deltoid were primarily recruited in the bench press
exercise rather than in the seated chest press
machine. However, those authors only evaluated
the seated chest press with a prone grip.
Therefore, this study aimed to: 1) compare
muscle activity, through sEMG, in the clavicular
portion, sternal portion, and costal portion of the
pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, and the long
head of the triceps brachii during the bench press
exercise with two grip widths (at 150% and 50% of
the biacromial width), and the seated chest press
exercise with both types of grips (prone and
neutral); and 2) analyse which muscles would have
the greatest sEMG activity in each of these
evaluated exercises.
The primary hypothesis was that the
muscle activity in all analysed muscles would be
similar between the lying bench press exercise with
a grip at 150% of the biacromial width and the
seated chest press exercise, independent of the grip
type (prone or neutral). However, we
hypothesized that the bench press exercise with a
grip at 50% of the biacromial width would show
greater muscle activity in the triceps brachii
compared to the same exercise with a broader grip
A total of 20 physically active adults (age:
22.90 ± 2.98 years, body mass: 75.00 ± 8.75 kg, body
height: 1.77 ± 0.04 m, body mass index: 23.96 ± 2.12)
with 5.03 ± 1.01 years of experience in strength
training participated in this study.
To be included in the study, participants
were required to meet the following inclusion
criteria: 1) have a minimum experience of 4 years
of strength training, with a weekly frequency of at
least twice a week of resistance training; 2) no
injury or limitation that would impact the
performance of the exercises proposed in the
study; 3) no history of upper or lower spinal
surgery; and 4) no use of any drugs, anabolic
agents or drinks that could alter the study results.
Moreover, all participants were asked to avoid any
vigorous exercise and not to ingest stimulant
drinks 24 hours before the measurements.
The sample size was a priori calculated
using G*Power software (version 3.1) for Mac OSX
(Faul et al., 2007), with a statistical power (1 – ß) of
0.8, a significance level of 0.05, and an effect size of
0.6. A final sample size of 19 subjects was obtained,
although in the current study, a sample size of 20
participants was used.
Prior to enrolling in the study, all
participants received verbal and written
information on the purposes and methods of the
study, which had been developed in accordance
with the Declaration of Helsinki and authorized by
the Bioethical Committee of the University of
Almería. An informed consent form was freely
signed by each participant.
Each participant went to the laboratory on
two occasions with at least 48 hours between each
visit to avoid muscle fatigue. During the first visit,
participants reached the maximal lifting load in a
unique repetition, i.e., one repetition maximum
(1RM) of the bench press exercise gripping the bar
(using a hook grip with the thumb) at 150% and
50% of the biacromial width and the seated chest
press exercise with both a prone and a neutral grip.
Participants performed the lifts in random order
for each exercise to minimize any possible order
effect. The second visit was conducted to evaluate
the muscle activity in each exercise.
Determination of the 1RM
Following the protocol described by
Rodríguez-Ridao et al. (2020), the first session
began by evaluating each participant’s biacromial
width, body mass (measured with an electronic
body composition analyser (model BF350; Tanita,
Tokyo, Japan)), and height (measured with a Seca
stadiometer (Seca, Hamburg, Germany)).
Afterwards, participants warmed up on an
elliptical machine. Then, they performed joint
mobility and active stretching exercises of the
upper limbs for 3–5 minutes. Next, participants
rested for 3–5 minutes to avoid possible fatigue
before the tests.
Participants then performed a specific
protocol to reach the 1RM in the bench press
exercise with both grip widths (at 150% and 50% of
the biacromial width) and in the seated chest press
exercise with both types of grips (prone and
26 Comparison of muscle activity between the horizontal bench press and the seated chest press exercises
Journal of Human Kinetics, volume 87/2023
neutral). This protocol by Saeterbakken et al. (2011)
was as follows: 1) 20 repetitions at approximately
30% 1RM, 2) 12 repetitions at approximately 50%
1RM, 3) six repetitions at approximately 70% 1RM,
and 4) one repetition at approximately 85% 1RM.
Last, participants had to lift the most
weight they could manage in one repetition (1RM)
while using the appropriate form (Kraemer and
Fry, 1995). Through this method, 1RM was usually
established in the second attempt. However, when
necessary, a third attempt was made. The rest
intervals between sets and between the bench
press and seated chest press exercises were
approximately five minutes long to avoid muscle
fatigue. None of the displayed signs of weariness
would have interfered with the accuracy or
validity of the tests. The 1RM for each exercise and
the grip variations were calculated in the morning
and later randomized and counterbalanced. The
results of the 1RM are shown in Table 1.
Electromyography Setup and Data Collection
This protocol was performed at the second
visit, which started with the same warm-up as in
the first visit. Corporal areas were then chosen for
electrode placement and were prepared by shaving
the hair and cleansing the area with alcohol to
reduce surface impedance. Ag/AgCl electrodes
(Medico Lead-Lok, Noida, India) were placed
parallel to the muscle fibres at a 2 cm centre-to-
centre distance.
To avoid any potential displacement
during the activities, the electrodes were then
placed on each participant's dominant side and
secured using adhesive tape. Particularly, the
electrodes were positioned in accordance with the
suggestions made by Surface Electromyography
for the Non-invasive Assessment of Muscles
(SENIAM) (Hermens et al., 2000), on muscles
following a detailed description (Table 2).
To standardize the sEMG readings
recorded during the bench press and seated chest
press exercises, the maximum voluntary isometric
contraction (MVIC) of each muscle was recorded
after the electrodes were placed. To this end, two
3-s MVICs trials were recorded for each muscle in
a randomized manner, with approximately a 10-s
rest interval between each contraction and a 2-min
rest interval between the MVIC measurement of
each muscle (Muyor et al., 2019). The MVIC was
determined as an average amplitude over a one-
second window of the highest rectified sEMG
signals (root-mean-square, RMS) with a 100 ms
window (Contreras et al., 2016). The intraclass
correlation coefficient (ICC) values were calculated
to verify the consistency between repetitions for
the MVIC tests. Additionally, the percentage of the
coefficient of variation (CV) was calculated. The
ICCs were > 0.95 (0.94–0.98; p < 0.000) and CV was
< 3% in the sEMG in all MVIC assessments.
The MVIC manoeuvres are shown in Table
2. All muscles were randomly tested to avoid
fatigue. Additionally, each participant received
verbal support from an examiner to maintain a
continuous effort throughout the MVIC.
Accordingly, to start the test each
participant completed a more focused warm-up
that included 15 repetitions at 30% of the exercise.
Last, after a 5-min rest interval, the bench press and
seated chest press exercises data were collected for
each grip condition in random and
counterbalanced order with a 5-min rest interval
between trials. The sEMG signal was registered
while participants performed a set of 8 repetitions
at 60% 1RM (Rodríguez-Ridao et al., 2020), and the
eccentric phase and the concentric phase were
performed and recorded at a velocity of two
seconds in each phase (Wattanaprakornkul et al.,
2011) for each exercise and grip condition. This
velocity was controlled by a KORG MA1
metronome (Keio Electronic Laboratories, Tokyo,
Japan) (Muyor et al., 2019; Rodríguez-Ridao et al.,
Regarding technique, all participants
began the bench press exercise supine on the
bench, gripping the bar with their thumbs in a
hook grip at either 150% or 50% of the biacromial
width, depending on the type of bench press
exercise they were performing. Participants also
kept their hands and forearms pronated
throughout all repetitions (Figure 1A). To maintain
the starting position, the bar was lowered to 1 cm
from the chest (sternum), the shoulders were
abducted to approximately 45° (during the
eccentric phase), and the bar was raised until the
elbows were extended (Muyor et al., 2019).
Regarding the technique during the seated chest
press exercise, all participants started the exercise
seated on the machine, gripping the bar with their
thumbs in a hook grip and the hands and forearms
pronated (a prone grip) (Figure 1B) or in a prone-
supine position (a neutral grip) (Figure 1C) during
by José M. Muyor et al. 27
Articles published in the Journal of Human Kinetics are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
all repetitions recorded.
Using a WBA Mega device (Mega
Electronics, Ltd., Kuopio, Finland), sEMG data for
each muscle were captured and sampled at 1000
Hz. An A/D converter (National Instruments, New
South Wales, Australia) was used to convert the
analogue signal to a digital signal. LabView
software (National Instruments, Austin, TX, USA)
was then used to filter the digital signal by
bandwidth (12–450 Hz) using a fourth-order
Butterworth filter. The MEGAWIN software
program (Mega Electronics, Ltd.) was used to
transform the raw sEMG data into RMS signals in
microvolts (V) for further analysis.
Although data were collected during eight
repetitions, the first (initial) and the last (8th) were
discarded to eliminate movement variability due
to initiation and termination of the exercise
(Cacchio et al., 2008).
Statistical Analyses
The Shapiro-Wilk normality test was used
to analyse the data distribution. Parametric tests
were performed because all variables followed a
normal distribution.
Two separate repeated-measures
ANOVAs were performed to analyse the
dependent variable of muscle activity. A 4 x 5
ANOVA (exercise*muscle) design was applied to
determine differences in each muscle activity (%
MVIC) across exercises and their variants of grips.
Likewise, a 5 x 4 ANOVA (muscle*exercise) design
was applied to determine differences in the muscle
activity (% MVIC) across different muscles in each
exercise and their variants of grips. Additionally,
to assess assumptions of variance, the Mauchly's
test of sphericity was performed using all the
ANOVA results. A Greenhouse-Geisser correction
was performed to adjust the degrees of freedom if
an assumption was violated. When significant F
values were obtained, pairwise comparisons using
a Bonferroni adjustment were employed. Partial
eta-squared (η2p) was used to estimate explained
variance and effect size, and a value of 0.2 was
considered a small effect, 0.5 a medium effect, 0.8 a
large effect, and 1.3 a very large effect (Levine and
Hullett, 2002).
Statistical analyses were carried out using
IBM SPSS software (v.27), and the level of
significance was set at p < 0.05.
ANOVA indicated that the main effect of
exercise on muscle activity for the PMUP was
statistically significant with a small effect size (F(3,57)
= 4.33, p = 0.008, η2p = 0.18), with post hoc testing
indicating that the muscle activity for the PMUP in
the seated chest press exercise was significantly
greater than in the lying bench press exercise (p =
0.016). The main effect of exercise on muscle
activity for the middle portion of the pectoralis
major (PMMP) was statistically significant with a
small effect size (F(3,57) = 11.79, p < 0.001, η2p = 0.38)
with post hoc testing indicating that the muscle
activity for the PMMP in the lying bench press
exercise with a grip at 50% of the biacromial width
was significantly lower than the rest of the
exercises (p 0.01). The main effect of exercise on
muscle activity for the anterior deltoid (AD) was
not statistically significant. Moreover, it showed a
very small effect size (F(3,57) = 1.20, p = 0.318, η2p =
0.05), with post hoc testing indicating that the
muscle activity for the AD was not significantly
different between any exercise (p > 0.05). The main
effect of exercise on muscle activity for the triceps
brachii (TB) was statistically significant with a
small effect size (F(1.63, 30.96) = 3.90, p < 0.038, η2p =
0.17), with post hoc testing indicating that the
muscle activity for the TB in the lying bench press
exercise with a grip at 50% of the biacromial width
was significantly greater than that in the same
exercise with a grip at 150% of the biacromial
width (p = 0.025). The specific values and their
comparisons are detailed in Figure 2.
Regarding the muscle activity in each exercise
(Figure 3), the PMMP showed the highest muscle
activity in all exercises, except in the lying bench
press exercise with a grip at 50% of the biacromial
width. There were no significant differences in the
muscle activity between the upper, middle, and
lower portions of the pectoralis major and the AD
in any exercise evaluated, except for the lying
bench press exercise with a grip at 50% of the
biacromial width, where the PMUP had
significantly greater muscle activity than the
PMMP and the lower portion of the pectoralis
major (PMLP) (Figure 3).
28 Comparison of muscle activity between the horizontal bench press and the seated chest press exercises
Journal of Human Kinetics, volume 87/2023
Table 1. Mean ± standard deviation 1RM for the four exercises evaluated.
Mean ± SD
1RM Lying barbell bench press (kg) with a grip at 150% of the biacromial width (A) 85.00 ± 12.87
1RM Lying barbell bench press (kg) with a grip at 50% of the biacromial width (B) 69.25 ± 14.80
1RM Seated machine chest press with a prone grip (kg) (C) 79.25 ± 14.98
1RM Seated machine chest press with a neutral grip (kg) (D) 69.75 ± 11.05
Significant differences in 1RM between exercises:
p < 0.001: A vs. B; A vs. D; C vs. D
p < 0.01: A vs. C; B vs. C
Table 2. Surface electrode placement and maximal isometric voluntary
contraction (MVIC) manoeuvre description
Muscle Electrode placement MVIC manoeuvre
Pectoralis major
upper portion
(clavicular portion,
On the midclavicular line over the second
intercostal space (Glass and Armstrong,
1997). In a standing position, with shoulders and elbows
flexed at 90˚ (in the horizontal plane), the
participants brought their elbows towards their
body’s midline (simulating the pec-deck exercise)
against maximal manual resistance in the opposite
Pectoralis major
middle portion
(sternal portion,
On the chest wall horizontally from the
arising muscle mass (approximately 2 cm
out from the axillary fold) (Park et al.,
Pectoralis major
lower portion (costal
portion, PMLP)
At the midclavicular line over the fifth
intercostal space (Glass and Armstrong,
Anterior deltoid (AD)
At 1.5 cm distal and anterior to the
acromion (Saeterbakken and Fimland,
Participants performed a deltoid flexion at 90° in a
seated position with an erect posture and no back
support against maximal manual resistance in the
opposite direction.
Triceps brachii (TB)
long head
At the midpoint between the posterior
aspect of the acromion and the olecranon
processes (Cogley et al., 2005).
Participants performed a forearm extension with
elbows at 90° in a seated position with an erect
posture and no back support against maximal
manual resistance in the opposite direction.
Figure 1. Horizontal bench press exercise with a prone grip at 150% and 50%
of the biacromial width (A). Seated chest press exercise with a prone grip
(B) and a neutral grip (C).
by José M. Muyor et al.
Articles published in the Journal of Human Kinetics are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Figure 2. Comparison of the electromyographic activity of each muscle between
exercises and grips.
PMUP: pectoralis major upper portion (clavicular portion); PMMP: pectoralis major middle portion
(sternal portion); PMLP: pectoralis major lower portion (costal portion); AD: anterior deltoid; TB:
triceps brachii (long head). * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001
Figure 3. Comparison of electromyographic activity between muscles
in each exercise and grip.
HBP: horizontal bench press; SCP: seated chest press; PMUP: pectoralis major upper
portion (clavicular portion); PMMP: pectoralis major middle portion (sternal portion);
PMLP: pectoralis major lower portion (costal portion); AD: anterior deltoid; TB: triceps
brachii (long head). * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001
30 Comparison of muscle activity between the horizontal bench press and the seated chest press exercises
Journal of Human Kinetics, volume 87/2023
Coaches often prescribe different strength
exercises and variations in an attempt to activate or
modify the activation of the musculature involved
in the primary movements. In this regard, one of
the main aims of the current study was to compare
muscle activity in the pectoralis major (clavicular
portion, sternal portion, and costal portion),
anterior deltoid, and the long head of the triceps
brachii in the bench press exercise with two grip
widths (at 150% and 50% of the biacromial width)
and in the seated chest press exercise with two
types of grips (prone and neutral). When
comparing the muscle activity of each muscle
among the different exercises and grips, the main
result was that the PMUP showed significantly
greater muscle activity in the seated chest press
exercise with a neutral grip than in the lying bench
press exercise with a grip at 150% of the biacromial
width. The PMMP and the PMLP were
significantly less activated in the lying bench press
exercise with a grip at 50% of the biacromial width
compared to the rest of the exercises. The AD
muscle activity did not significantly differ in any
exercise or grip evaluated. The TB only showed
significantly higher activation in the lying bench
press exercise with a grip at 50% of the biacromial
width than with a grip at 150% of the biacromial
Our results agree with previous studies
that evaluated muscle activity according to grip
width in the horizontal bench press exercise. A
study by Barnett et al. (1995) found that the
clavicular portion of the pectoralis major and the
long head of the TB were more activated with a
narrow hand grip (100% of the biacromial distance)
than with a wide grip (200% of the biacromial
distance). In a subsequent study, Clemons and
Aaron (1997) observed that with a narrower grip
(100% of the biacromial distance), there was
significantly greater muscle activation in the TB
than in the pectoralis major. According to those
authors, although they did not specify which
triceps head they evaluated, the results are justified
because the narrower grip may reduce activity
towards the end of the lift due to lesser shoulder
transverse adduction and perhaps less torque on
the shoulder (Clemons and Aaron, 1997). In
contrast, Lehman (2005) did not find significant
differences in muscle activation when comparing
the sternoclavicular and clavicular portions of the
pectoralis major between a wide grip (at 200% of
the biacromial distance) and a middle grip (at 100%
of the biacromial distance) in the bench press
exercise. However, that author observed
significantly higher activation in the
sternoclavicular portion with a wide grip than with
a narrow grip (with one hand width distance
between the two hands). Likewise, as in the current
study, that author also found that TB activity
increased when the grip was changed from a wide
to a narrower grip (Lehman, 2005). However, in
that previous study, the lateral head of the triceps
brachii was evaluated rather than the long head.
From the results reported in previous
studies and those obtained in the current one,
although a significant activation of the TB can be
observed with a narrow grip, its muscle activity is
the lowest of the four evaluated exercises.
However, in our study, the pectoralis major,
followed by the AD, was still activated to a greater
extent, despite a narrow grip. Nevertheless,
Saeterbakken et al. (2017) recommend using a wide
grip in a flat bench press exercise if the load is high
to improve muscle hypertrophy in athletes.
The seated chest press exercise is a
machine-assisted multijoint exercise. Despite
limiting the degree of freedom of movement of the
joints, in the current study, when evaluating this
exercise with a neutral grip (at 150% of the
biacromial width), we found slightly greater
muscle activity (with no significant differences) in
the three portions of the pectoralis major and in the
AD, although with a 1RM significantly lower, than
in the lying bench press exercise with a grip at
150% of the biacromial distance and the seated
chest press exercise with a prone grip. Based on
these results, the seated chest press exercise with a
neutral grip could be considered a suitable exercise
for people who do not need significant strength
requirements in their training. A previous study by
Balachandran et al. (2016) found similar results
with improved physical function in older adults
after 12 weeks of strength training in seated
machines versus standing cable machines.
Similarly, Schott et al. (2019) compared a free-
weight training group with a machine-assisted
training group and found that after 26 weeks of
training, there were similar results on muscular
strength in high-functioning older adults.
Nevertheless, following the results
by José M. Muyor et al. 31
Articles published in the Journal of Human Kinetics are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
obtained in the current study, considering the
small influence that occurs when modifying grip
widths or the type of exercise (free weights or
machine-assisted), the choice of the grip position or
exercise should be determined by the athlete's
position or the type of movement required for their
Some limitations of the current study
should be considered. First, the results were
reported in absolute values and were not separated
into concentric and eccentric phases. These phases
could show differences in muscle activity.
However, our purpose was to evaluate muscle
activity in the whole movement of the barbell or
the machine. Another limitation was our decision
to evaluate the movements at a controlled velocity
(2 s for concentric and 2 s for eccentric phases).
Future studies should evaluate muscle activity at
different velocities of execution. Another limitation
was that the relative load evaluated was moderate
(at 60% 1RM) and selected to improve the
participants' security and technique. However, it
would have been interesting to evaluate these
exercises in a higher load to record the muscle
activity in several load resistances. Finally,
although normalization to an MVIC was
standardized, using procedures previously
described in the literature, the MVIC was not
matched to the task under investigation. Moreover,
grip width was not assessed during the seated
chest press exercise because the bar itself
assembled on the machine was used. Therefore,
there was no possibility of adjusting the grip
widths to 150% and 50% of the biacromial width of
participants. It would be interesting for future
work in which a customized bar could be installed
in this machine to adapt the grips to the
characteristics of participants.
Muscle activity of the three portions of the
pectoralis major and the AD was similar in the
following exercises: lying bench press exercise
with a grip at 150% of the biacromial width, seated
chest press exercise with a prone grip, and seated
chest press exercise with a neutral grip. The lying
bench press exercise with a grip at 50% of the
biacromial width showed significantly lower
muscle activity in the sternal and costal portions of
the pectoralis major and greater muscle activity in
the TB than during the same exercise with a grip at
150% of the biacromial width. Due to the similar
muscle activity found in these exercises, their
selection within a strength training program
should not be based exclusively on muscle
activation, but rather should be justified on the
grounds of the load capacity lifted, the level of
technique of the participant, and/or the
transference to the specific sporting activity.
Author Contributions: : J.M.M. and D.R.-R.; methodology: J.M.M., D.R.-R. and J.M.O.-L.; validation: J.M.M.,
D.R.-R. and J.M.O.-L.; formal analysis: J.M.M. and D.R.-R.; investigation: J.M.M., D.R.-R. and J.M.O.-L.;
resources: J.M.M., D.R.-R. and J.M.O.-L.; data curation: J.M.M. and D.R.-R..; writing—original draft
preparation: J.M.M. and D.R.-R.; writing—review & editing: J.M.M., D.R.-R. and J.M.O.-L.; visualization:
J.M.M., D.R.-R. and J.M.O.-L.; supervision: J.M.M., D.R.-R. and J.M.O.-L.; project administration: J.M.M.;
funding acquisition: J.M.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
José M. Muyor:
José M. Oliva-Lozano:
Funding Information: This work was supported by the Proyectos I+D+I Ministerio de Economía y
Competitividad. Gobierno de España. Referencia: DEP 2016-80296-R (AEI/FEDER, UE). José M. Oliva-Lozano
was supported by a grant funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities
Institutional Review Board Statement: Please include the following statement: "This study was conducted
following the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Institutional Review Board (or
Ethics Committee) of Universidad de Almería (protocol code UALBIO2014/009 – February 13, 2014).
Informed Consent: Informed consent was obtained from all participants included in the study.
32 Comparison of muscle activity between the horizontal bench press and the seated chest press exercises
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Received: 20 July 2022; Accepted: 07 November 2022; Published: 20 April 2023
... Along this line, several previous studies have analyzed the efficacy of the seated chest press (SCP) machine by performing a surface electromyographic analysis (EMG) of the activation of the upper limb musculature during its execution [4,[16][17][18]. The choice of the SCP machine was made because it is one of the most popular guided machines for push-work in fitness [19]. ...
... Muscle mass gains and increased strength levels are the main objectives of most users who practice it [1,3]. Multiple training methods and tools can be used to train for strength, with guided machines being one of the most widely used [4]. ...
... This may be due to the fact that the bundles of the SP and CP parts have a recruiting advantage during horizontal glenohumeral flexion and may be due to the better alignment of the muscle fibers with respect to the direction of movement [19,33] during the execution of the SCP, but that the fibers did not maintain the same linearity during the execution of the BIOFIT-SCP. Furthermore, in previous studies where a comparison of the EMG activity of each muscle between exercises and grips was performed, it was observed that a bench press with a grip at 50% of the biacromial distance compared with a grip of 150% of the biacromial distance, presented a lower activation of the SP [4]. Thus, the fibers of the CP and SP were able to collaborate to a greater extent in all phases in the SCP machine with respect to the BIOFIT-SCP machine due to the closest grip in the exercise performed on traditional machines [33]. ...
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Outdoor fitness equipment (OFE) are strength training installations comparable to those found in indoor gyms but are located outdoors with greater accessibility. However, the scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness remains limited. The objective of this study was to analyze and compare the electromyographic (EMG) activity of upper limb muscle groups during the use of a traditional seated chest press (SCP) machine, a classic OFE SCP (OFE-SCP), and a new OFE-SCP featuring a load selector system (BIOFIT-SCP). The sample was composed of 34 active young men. EMG activity of five muscle groups was analyzed: the anterior deltoid (AD), the clavicular (CP) and sternal (SP) heads of the pectoralis major, and the lateral (LHTB) and long heads of the triceps brachii (LongHTB), under different intensities. The OFE-SCP showed significantly lower EMG activity compared with the SCP and BIOFIT-SCP in all muscles and phases (p < 0.001). Significantly lower EMG activity for the SP in all three phases was found on the BIOFIT-SCP compared with the SCP (p < 0.001), but it was significantly higher for the LHTB and AD in the BIOFIT-SCP compared with the SCP during the full and concentric phases (p < 0.05 to p < 0.001). In conclusion, training with the OFE-SCP generates less EMG activity than traditional machine training, while, in general, BIOFIT-SCP proved effective for strength training comparable to the SCP.
... Since this is an exercise that had not been analyzed in previous studies using EMG, the results cannot be fully compared with others. However, regarding execution with different widths, there are precedents in exercises that involve the upper extremities, such as the lying bench press, where a wide grip generates greater activation of the pectoralis major and less activation of the triceps brachii compared to the same exercise with a narrow grip (Calatayud et al., 2018;Muyor et al., 2023). Along with the results obtained in our study, where the highest activations of the BB were recorded with a narrow grip and the greatest, albeit not significant, activation of the LDM was achieved with the widest grip, these findings suggest that in the biomechanics of the upper limb, both in pushing and pulling, trunk muscles are more engaged with wider grips, while arm muscles are more engaged with narrower grips. ...
... For instance, in the lying bench press, a wider grip results in greater activation of the pectoralis major and reduced activation of the triceps brachii compared to the same exercise performed with a narrow grip. (Calatayud et al., 2018;Muyor et al., 2023). Alongside the results obtained in our study, where the greatest activations of the BB were recorded with a narrow grip and the greatest, albeit not significant, activation of the LDM was observed with a wider grip, these findings appear to contrast with the biomechanical principles of the upper limb. ...
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Existen diferentes tipos de agarre que pueden utilizarse en el remo horizontal en máquina de polea baja. El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar un análisis electromiográfico de la activación muscular de los músculos dorsal ancho, bíceps braquial, deltoides posterior y parte transversa del trapecio, para diferentes agarres bilaterales y anchuras. La muestra estuvo formada por 12 participantes varones sanos. Se midió el nivel de activación muscular, expresado como porcentaje de una contracción voluntaria máxima. Los resultados mostraron una diferencia significativa (ρ≤0,05) en el bíceps braquial, siendo el agarre estrecho neutro el que más lo activaba. Por otro lado, el deltoides posterior se activó más con los agarres más anchos, siendo el agarre neutro ancho el que más lo activó. Hubo diferencias significativas en el trapecio, que se activó más con el agarre neutro de anchura media. En el caso del músculo dorsal ancho, aunque no de forma significativa, fue el agarre supino ancho. Concluimos que, aunque no se encontraron diferencias en el músculo dorsal ancho, el trapecio parece ser el músculo que más se activa con este ejercicio, siendo el agarre neutro estrecho el que muestra una mayor activación en el bíceps braquial. Palabras clave: Activación muscular, agarres, electromiografía, contracción máxima voluntaria, remo horizontal de polea baja Abstract. There are different types of grip that can be used in horizontal row on a low pulley machine. The aim of this study was to carry out an electromyographic analysis of the muscle activation of latissimus dorsi muscle, biceps brachii, posterior deltoid and transverse part of trapezius, for different bilateral grips and widths. The sample consisted of 12 healthy male participants. The level of muscle activation, expressed as a percentage of a maximum voluntary contraction, was measured. The results showed that a significant difference (ρ≤0.05) was obtained in the biceps brachii, with the narrow neutral grip activating it the most. On the other hand, the posterior deltoid was more activated with the wider grips, with the wide neutral grip activating it the most. There were significant differences in the trapezius, which was activated the most with the medium width neutral grip. In the case of the latissimus dorsi muscle, although not significantly, it was the wide supine grip. We concluded that, although no differences were found in the latissimus dorsi muscle, the trapezius seems to be the muscle that is most activated with this exercise, with the narrow neutral grip showing the highest activation in the biceps brachii. Keywords: muscle activation, grips, electromyography, voluntary maximum contraction, low pulley horizontal rowing
... As shown in Table 2, there were significant temperature differences betw conditions post-intervention (anterior deltoid and triceps brachii), at 24 h (triceps and especially at 48 h post-intervention (sternal pectoralis, anterior deltoid and brachii). It is well documented that there are differences in electrical activity amo muscles during the bench press [31], particularly in this specific population Strength training has been observed to induce changes in skin temperature [ ...
... As shown in Table 2, there were significant temperature differences between the conditions post-intervention (anterior deltoid and triceps brachii), at 24 h (triceps brachii) and especially at 48 h post-intervention (sternal pectoralis, anterior deltoid and triceps brachii). It is well documented that there are differences in electrical activity among these muscles during the bench press [31], particularly in this specific population [32,33]. Strength training has been observed to induce changes in skin temperature [20], and thermography can be a valuable tool for the monitoring of training loads and identification of injury risks [21,34]. ...
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Variable resistance training has been widely used in athletic preparation. Objectives: To analyze the use of currents (VRT) and the traditional method (TRAD) on speed, power and temperature in a training session. Methods: Fourteen paralympic powerlifting (PP) athletes took part over three weeks. In week 1, familiarization and 1RM tests took place, and, in weeks 2 and 3, pre- and post-training took place, where the propulsive mean velocity and power and temperatures were assessed before and after, at 24 h and 48 h. Results: There was a difference in the sternal pectoral temperatures before and after VRT (p = 0.040) and at 48 h for TRAD and VRT (p = 0.018); in the clavicular pectoralis before and after VRT and TRAD (p = 0.003); in the anterior deltoid after and at 48 h for TRAD and VRT (p = 0.026 and p = 0.017); and in the triceps after and at 24 h and 48 h between TRAD and VRT (p = 0.005). In the training series, the MPV was significant in TRAD between Set1 and Set5 (p = 0.003), in training (VRT) between Set1 and Set5 (p = 0.001) and in Set5 between the methods (p = 0.047). For power, there was a difference between Set1 and 5 in TRAD (p = 0.016) and VRT (p = 0.002). Conclusion: We conclude that training with currents (VRT) promoted greater muscle fatigue when compared to traditional training.
... Nevertheless, there is still a paucity of information pertaining to the electromyographic analysis of the shoulder girdle muscles in the context of an additional attentional focus on individual muscle groups. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the mechanisms of selective muscle activation during resistance exercises such as bench press [12,14,23,24]. This has led to a deeper exploration of how different types of motivation-intrinsic, where the focus is on the movement and muscle engagement, and extrinsic, where the focus is on the overall outcome-affect muscle activation patterns. ...
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Background/Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on selective muscle activation of the shoulder girdle during the barbell bench press. Specifically, this research focused on how attentional focus on individual muscles, such as the anterior deltoid (AD), pectoralis major (PM), and triceps brachii long (TBL), could influence their electromyographic (EMG) activity during the exercise. Methods: Twelve male participants, with at least five years of strength training experience, performed bench press exercises under two conditions: with extrinsic motivation (no specific focus on muscle activity) and with intrinsic motivation (internal focus on specific muscles). Surface electromyography (sEMG) was used to measure muscle activity during three sets of bench presses at 60% of one repetition maximum (1RM). Participants were instructed to focus on the activation of specific muscles in a randomized sequence. Results: The intrinsic motivation condition significantly increased muscle activation compared to extrinsic motivation. Electromyographic activity of the AD, PM, and TBL muscles was notably higher when participants focused their attention on these muscles. AD activation increased from 71.78 ± 11.13%MVC (extrinsic) to 88.03 ± 8.84%MVC (intrinsic) (p = 0.0019), while PM and TBL activation also demonstrated significant increases under intrinsic focus. Conclusions: The study concludes that intrinsic motivation, or an internal focus on specific muscle activation, can significantly enhance EMG activity in target muscles during the bench press exercise. This finding has important implications for resistance training and rehabilitation, where focused muscle activation can be utilized to improve training outcomes and muscle engagement.
Case A 34-year-old man, amateur weight lifter presented with acute worsening of right shoulder pain after 5 months of prodromal, progressive, atraumatic pain. Imaging showed a short oblique proximal third humeral shaft fracture without evidence of other osseous abnormalities. He was treated operatively with open reduction and internal fixation, healed uneventfully, and returned to weight lifting within 3 months. Conclusion Humeral shaft stress fractures most commonly occur in athletes or military personnel who engage in repetitive overhead activity. It is important to include stress fracture on the differential diagnosis for chronic pain in the upper extremity, especially in a physically active patient.
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Objective The bench press is a resistance training exercise that targets several upper body muscles, including the pectoralis major (PM), anterior deltoid (AD), and triceps brachii (TB). The purpose of this study was to influence the PM activity pattern during the bench press after a 10-week targeted resistance training intervention. Methods Sixteen men with significant experience in strength training participated in this study. They were divided into two groups: experimental and control. The experimental group underwent targeted training of PM and bench press, while the control group only did bench press. Electromyography (EMG) was used to assess muscle activity before and after the intervention. Results The experimental group had a significant increase in PM activity after the intervention (p=0.0002; ES=2.6), while the control group did not show any significant change (p=0.14). The activity of AD and TB remained relatively stable across both groups and time points. Conclusions These findings indicate that focused resistance training can improve PM involvement in the bench press, potentially optimizing muscle excitation patterns and performance.
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The objective of this study was to compare peak surface electromyography (sEMG) activity of selected muscles along with inter-limb asymmetries between a control (CONT) and a Sling shot assisted (SS) bench press exercise. Ten resistance-trained males with at least three-year experience in resistance training (22.2 ± 1.9 years, 88.7 ± 11.2 kg, 179.5 ± 4.1 cm, bench press one-repetition maximum (1RM) = 127.25 ± 25.86 kg) performed the flat bench press exercise under two conditions at selected loads (85% and 100% of 1RM assessed without the SS). Peak sEMG amplitude of triceps brachii, pectoralis major, and anterior deltoid was recorded for the dominant and the non-dominant side of the body during each attempt. The comparison between the dominant and the non-dominant side was carried out using the limb symmetry index (LSI(%) = (2*(XR-XL)/(XR + XL))*100%) where XR = values of the right side and XL = values of the left side. There was a main effect of condition (p = 0.004; η2 = 0.64) and the load (p = 0.004; η2 = 0.63) for the triceps brachii LSI in parallel with a main effect of condition (p = 0.003; η2 = 0.42) for the anterior deltoid LSI. Post hoc analysis for the main effect of condition showed significant differences in the LSI between the CONT and SS conditions for the triceps brachii (p = 0.003; 1.10 vs.-8.78) as well as for the anterior deltoid muscles (p = 0.03; 12.91 vs. 9.23). The results indicate that the assistance of the Sling shot significantly affects the sEMG activity pattern on both the dominant and non-dominant sides of the body while influencing inter-limb asymmetries.
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The bench press exercise is one of the most used for training and for evaluating upper-body strength. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the electromyographic (EMG) activity levels of the pectoralis major (PM) in its three portions (upper portion, PMUP, middle portion, PMMP, and lower portion, PMLP), the anterior deltoid (AD), and the triceps brachii (TB) medial head during the bench press exercise at five bench angles (0 • , 15 • , 30 • , 45 • , and 60 •). Thirty trained adults participated in the study. The EMG activity of the muscles was recorded at the aforementioned inclinations at 60% of one-repetition maximum (1RM). The results showed that the maximal EMG activity for PMUP occurred at a bench inclination of 30 •. PMMP and PMLP showed higher EMG activity at a 0 • bench inclination. AD had the highest EMG activity at 60 •. TB showed similar EMG activities at all bench inclinations. In conclusion, the horizontal bench press produces similar electromyographic activities for the pectoralis major and the anterior deltoid. An inclination of 30 • produces greater activation of the upper portion of the pectoralis major. Inclinations greater than 45 • produce significantly higher activation of the anterior deltoid and decrease the muscular performance of the pectoralis major.
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The current study compared the muscle excitation in free-weight bench press variations and chest press machine. Ten competitive bodybuilders were recruited. The EMG-RMS amplitude of clavicular and sternocostal head of pectoralis major, long head of triceps brachii and anterior and lateral deltoid was recorded while performing horizontal (BP), inclined (45°) (IBP) or declined (-15°) bench press (DBP) and chest press machine (CP). Four non-exhaustive repetitions were performed using 80% of 1-repetition maximum of each exercise. Both concentric and eccentric phases were recorded. During the concentric phase, [d effect size: 2.78/7.80] clavicular head was more excited in IBP and less excited in CP (d: -9.69/-4.39) compared to all other exercises. The sternocostal head was similarly excited in DBP vs BP and BP vs CP and more excited (d: 2.42/9.92) compared to IBP. Triceps brachii excitation was overall greater (d: 2.01/6.75) in BP and DBP compared to all other exercises. Anterior deltoid was less excited (d: 3.84/19.77) in DBP compared to all other exercises. Lateral deltoid excitation was greater (d: 0.96/3.10) in BP, IBP and DBP compared to CP. Muscle excitation during the eccentric phase followed a similar pattern, with the exception of the greater (d: 3.89/11.32) excitation in the clavicular head in BP compared to all other exercises. The present outcomes showed that the excitation of the clavicular and sternocostal head of pectoralis major depends on the bench inclination angle. The use of BP variations vs CP allows overall greater triceps brachii and lateral deltoid excitation, due to the greater instability.
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The present study aimed to evaluate and compare the levels of electromyographic activation in the pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, triceps brachii, forearm, rectus abdominis, external oblique, and rectus femoris muscles during a horizontal bench press in two situations: 1) with the feet on the ground; and 2) with active hip flexion and 90° of knee flexion. Twenty young men were familiarized with the procedure and the calculation of one-rep max (1RM). In a second session, electromyographic activity values were recorded in both bench press situations (with the feet on the ground vs active hip flexion and knees at 90°) at 60% 1RM. Performing the bench press with the hips and knees flexed produced significantly greater muscle activation of all elevated muscles (p < 0.01; d > 0.5). The pectoralis major showed the greatest activation, followed by the anterior deltoid and the triceps brachii. In addition, the greater activation of the abdominal muscles occurs due to the need to stabilize the core while performing the bench press with hip and knee flexion as well as the lumbar spine due to traction of the hip flexors.
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Resistance training and weightlifting are regarded as safe and effective training methods for youth. However, no studies have examined the effects of a year-long resistance training program using weightlifting movements on strength, speed or power. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the long-term effects of combined resistance training (traditional strength training + plyometrics) with or without weightlifting movements on motor skill performance of adolescent males. Fifty-nine males aged 12-14 were matched by maturity and allocated to a combined resistance training or a combined resistance training with weightlifting group. Each group completed 28 total weeks of training over an academic year. Pre-, mid- (14 weeks of training) and post-training (28 weeks of training) tests included the Resistance Training Skills Battery quotient (RTSQ), absolute isometric mid-thigh pull peak force (IMTPABS) and ratio scaled isometric mid-thigh pull peak force (IMTPREL), countermovement jump, horizontal jump and 10, 20 and 30 m sprint. Repeated measure analysis of variance revealed that there were no significant between-group responses, but all variables improved significantly within-group. Both groups made small-moderate improvements in RTSQ, IMTPABS and IMTPREL after the first 14 training weeks (d = 0.45 to 0.86), whereas small-moderate improvements in lower body power, upper body power and speed were made after the second 14 training weeks (d = 0.30 to 0.95). Both groups made small-moderate improvements in all performance variables after 28 weeks of training. These findings highlight the importance of establishing movement competency and strength as a foundation for the subsequent development of power. Furthermore, these findings may help practitioners understand the time course of certain adaptations following a long-term periodized plan for adolescent males.
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The aim of the study was to compare the EMG activity performing 6RM competition style bench press (flat bench-wide grip) with 1) medium and narrow grip widths on a flat bench and 1) inclined and declined bench positions with a wide grip. Twelve bench press athletes competing at national and international level participated in the study. EMG activity was measured in the pectoralis major, anterior and posterior deltoid, biceps brachii, triceps brachii and latissimus dorsi. Non-significant differences in activation were observed between the three bench positions with the exception of 58.5-62.6% lower triceps brachii activation, but 48.3-68.7% greater biceps brachii activation in the inclined bench compared with the flat and declined bench position. Comparing the three grip widths, non-significant differences in activations were observed, with the exception of 25.9-30.5% lower EMG activity in the biceps brachii using a narrow grip, compared to the medium and wide grip conditions. The 6-RM loads were 5.8-11.1% greater using a medium and wide grip compared to narrow grip width and 18.5-21.5% lower in the inclined bench position compared with flat and declined. Comparing the EMG activity during the competition bench press style with either the inclined and declined bench position (wide grip) or using a narrow and medium grip (flat bench), only resulted in different EMG activity in the biceps- and triceps brachii. The 6RM loads varied with each bench press variation and we recommend the use of a wide grip on a flat bench during high load hypertrophy training to bench press athletes.
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Background The bench press exercise (BP) plays an important role in recreational and professional training, in which muscle activity is an important multifactorial phenomenon. The objective of this paper is to systematically review electromyography (EMG) studies performed on the barbell BP exercise to answer the following research questions: Which muscles show the greatest activity during the flat BP? Which changes in muscle activity are related to specific conditions under which the BP movement is performed? Strategy PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) in the Cochrane Library were searched through June 10, 2016. A combination of the following search terms was used: bench press, chest press, board press, test, measure, assessment, dynamometer, kinematics and biomechanics. Only original, full-text articles were considered. Results The search process resulted in 14 relevant studies that were included in the discussion. The triceps brachii (TB) and pectoralis major (PM) muscles were found to have similar activity during the BP, which was significantly higher than the activity of the anterior deltoid. During the BP movement, muscle activity changes with exercise intensity, velocity of movement, fatigue, mental focus, movement phase and stability conditions, such as bar vibration or unstable surfaces. Under these circumstances, TB is the most common object of activity change. Conclusions PM and TB EMG activity is more dominant and shows greater EMG amplitude than anterior deltoid during the BP. There are six factors that can influence muscle activity during the BP; however, the most important factor is exercise intensity, which interacts with all other factors. The research on muscle activity in the BP has several unresolved areas, such as clearly and strongly defined guidelines to perform EMG measurements (e.g., how to elaborate with surface EMG limits) or guidelines for the use of exact muscle models.
Background: Resistance training is assumed to be a key player in counteracting the age-related decline of functional capacity as well as the incidence of falls in older adults. Functional training using free weights is presumed to mimic daily activities, but there is a lack of studies comparing free weight training with barbells and machine training in older adults. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the development of muscle strength for high resistance training in high functioning older people for machines as well as free-weights as well as testing the feasibility of free weight training for this target group. Methods: Thirty-two fitness trained women and men aged 60 to 86 years (mean: 66.9, SD: ±5.5) participated in this study. Machine exercisers (n = 16; chest press, leg press, upper row, biceps cable curls, triceps cable extension) vs. free weight exercisers (n = 16; squat, bench press, bent-over rowing, biceps curls, lying triceps press) participated twice à week for a total of 26 weeks. They trained the same five muscle groups for three sets with 10 to 12 repetitions at the 10-Repetition-Maximum, followed by 20 min of endurance training over six months. Three measurements (dynamic, isometric strength and endurance) were taken at the beginning, after 10 weeks and again after 26 weeks. Results: Repeated measures MANCOVA analysis revealed significant increases in the free weights training group (FWT) as well as in the machine training group (MT) over the period of 6 months. However, only for leg strength (113 vs. 44%) and triceps (89.0 vs. 28.3%) the free-weights group exhibited significant differences for the percentage increase over a period of 26 weeks compared to the machine group. A detraining period revealed the decline of the dynamic strength without training. The analysis of the follow-up questionnaire resulted in higher demands for safety, but also higher values for fun, motivation, future, and benefit for daily life for the FWT group compared to the MT group indicating an overall better evaluation of their training specific regime. Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that especially free-weight training has benefits in improving leg and triceps strength as well as in the subjective perception in older adults. Nevertheless, our results do not overall indicate that free-weight training is superior to machine training for increasing strength.