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New Device to Measure Cross-Sectional Areas
and Segmental Volumes of Objects and Limbs
Frans Houwen
, Johannes Stemkens
, Don van Sonsbeek
, Robby van Sonsbeek
René van der Hulst
, Herman van Langen
Peracutus B.V., Kronenberg, the Netherlands;
Stemkens.Com B.V., Roggel, the Netherlands;
D-Sight B.V., Maastricht, the Netherlands;
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Maastricht University Medical Center+, Maastricht, the Netherlands;
Department of Medical
Physics and Devices, VieCuri Medical Centre, Venlo, the Netherlands
Correspondence: Frans Houwen, Peracutus B.V., Peelstraat 4a, Kronenberg, 5976 NL, the Netherlands, Tel +31-650234240,
Purpose: High accuracy volume measurements have important implications in different medical and non-medical situations. All
methods used to date have challenges to achieve a usable clinical accuracy. Moreover, current methods have limitations to measure
segmental volumes. We developed a new device that is able to measure a continuous prole of the cross-sectional areas along an
object. Herewith the total volume of an object or any part of it are correspondingly determined.
Methods: The Peracutus Aqua Meth (PAM) generates continuous proles of cross-sectional areas. Water is pumped in or out of
a measuring unit at a nearly xed ow rate and the speed of the water level (dh/dt) is measured continuously using a pressure sensor at
the bottom. The change of the water level is a measure for the cross-sectional area of an object at any height. Signal processing is
required to obtain valuable measurements. Three static objects and an arm of a test object were measured to demonstrate the accuracy
and repeatability of the new device.
Results: Cross-sectional areas of a PVC pipe obtained with the PAM and with a caliper were compared. The differences between the
two methods were less than 1.3%. Volume measurements of two mannequin arms show standard deviations of 0.37% and 0.34%,
respectively, whereas the standard deviation of the volume measurement of a genuine arm was only 1.07%. These gures surpass
reported clinical accuracy.
Conclusion: The new device demonstrates that determining the cross-section and its volumes of objects is possible in an accurate,
reliable, and objective way. The results show that segmental volume measurements of human limbs are possible. Application in
clinical and non-clinical situations seems meaningful.
Keywords: volumetric, continuous prole, local volume, usable accuracy, objective
High accuracy volume measurements have important implications in different situations. This holds for clinical
environments, sport sciences, and technical/industrial environments. Observing changes in (local) limb volume is often
difcult as increments and decrements are small and long treatment or exercising periods are needed for signicant
The measurement of limb volume with high precision is important for early detection of peripheral uid build-up
indicating, eg, starting edemas
or examination of increased or decreased muscle mass.
Further, during the treatment
of edemic patients by manual massage or recovering from an operation, it is extremely important to measure changes in
volumes in order to follow the impact of the treatment.
Because possible uid accumulation may move from one part
of the limb to another part, local changes in volume, ie, a precise segmental analysis, can help to monitor the treatment
appropriately. The same applies to the evolution of muscle recovery after limb fracture, a period of injury of a top athlete
or for the assessment of the effectivity and utility of the applied strength of a training program.
Also, accurate limb
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open access to scientific and medical research
Open Access Full Text Article
Received: 11 December 2022
Accepted: 23 March 2023
Published: 20 April 2023
volume and cross-sectional area measurement is important when taking measures for, eg, compression garments and
tools used in rehabilitation, and for the development of, eg, space suits.
Although volumetric measurement is important, there are challenges related to the different techniques used.
A measuring method should be reliable, valid, convenient, non-invasive, quick, accurate, operator independent, easy to
use, objective, and economically advantageous.
In this paper we describe a measuring device, the Peracutus Aqua Meth (PAM, Peracutus B.V.), for measuring
volumes of differently shaped objects. A detailed technical description of the PAM and of the measuring principle are
presented for this new volumetric device. The PAM utilizes water for the measurement, but it does not make use of water
displacement. Instead, a cross-sectional area is determined continuously along the length of a limb/object, resulting in
a prole of cross-sectional areas. The prole enables the determination of the volume of any chosen segment of the limb/
The rst prototype of the device was evaluated by measuring arms of healthy volunteers.
Materials and Methods
Measurement Principle
An object is placed vertically in a cylinder and during lling or emptying of the cylinder, the height of the water column
in the cylinder is measured continuously using a pressure sensor on the bottom. Water is pumped at a nearly xed ow
rate and therefore the change of the water level is a measure for the cross-sectional area of the object at a certain height.
More specically, the cross-sectional area of an object at any height is assessed by determining the speed of the water
level (dh/dt) as function of the height (h). Thus, in the presence of an object, the following calculation for the cross-
sectional area (A) for each height applies
and, taking the calibration into account,
which results into
Signal Processing and Outcome
Measurement signals are processed by a state-of-the-art Analog/Digital Converter (ADC type AD7730BRZ, Elco Jacobs
B.V. Eindhoven, The Netherlands). The pressure is measured with a sample frequency of 200 Hz. Then, the signal is
ltered against noise (Butterworth lter) resulting in a net sample frequency of 20 Hz. The digital resolution of the
pressure signal is 7,064 points per mm water column. The ltered signal is sent to a Microsoft Excel le for additional
data processing. Due to mechanical vibrations which are not intercepted by the ADC-ltering, resonance effects occur
and a second lter, a moving average of 10 samples, is applied to render a smoother graph.
Each set of two subsequent results (measuring points) is processed and a prole of cross-sectional areas is derived. At
each height the thickness of the cylinder slice depends on the local cross-sectional area of the object. Furthermore, the
volume of a slice is approximated by the derivation A_Object * dh (slice). For A_Object, the averages of the slice start
and slice end values are applied. The total volume of a selected segment is calculated very accurately by integration
between any two chosen positions on the object, applying linear interpolation within the rst and last slices.
Peracutus Aqua Meth
The Peracutus Aqua Meth consists of a storage tank and a cylindrical measuring unit (200 mm x 1,000 mm) (Figure 1).
The storage tank is provided with two capacitive level switches and a temperature sensor, ensuring enough pre-warmed
water for three measurements. Water is pumped using a exible impeller pump (Combistar 2000 A, ZUWA-Zumpe
GmbH, Laufen, Germany) from the pre-warmed (30°C ± 1°C) storage tank via silicon and hydraulic tubing and two
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three-way valves into the measuring unit. The pump is 3-phase alternating current fed and is regulated by frequency in
terms of percentage of maximum turn frequency. The heater in the storage tank is a typical washing machine heater, 230
V and 1,950 W. All other components are electrically fed using weak current. The system is controlled by LabVIEW
(National Instruments). A safety transformer (Weseman 1 phase medical transformer) is used in order to prevent
electrical currents on the object.
First, the measuring unit is lled upwards till a capacitive level switch at the bottom of the measuring unit (switch 4),
and the pressure (height) is set to zero (calibration level). Then, data acquisition starts while pumping water in the
measuring unit with a nearly xed ow rate of 0.35 dm
per second till a predetermined height regulated by the upper
capacitive level switch (switch 3). The water is then almost immediately pumped out and the second data acquisition
starts. Both measurements take about 1 minute. The water leaves the system via three-way valve 1 to the drain. Emptying
the storage tank occurs via valve 2. Water is not reused.
During lling and emptying of the measuring unit, the height of the water column is measured using a pressure sensor
(Sendosensor SS115, Elco Jacobs B.V. Eindhoven, The Netherlands) at the bottom of the cylinder.
Detrimental inuence on the pressure signal is minimized by applying ow diffusing geometry: outgoing water is
conducted to the perimeter of the measuring unit, declining the ow velocity and leading the water away from the sensor.
In order to validate the measuring system, proles of cross-sectional areas of a piece of PVC pipe, the arms of two
mannequins, and the arm of a voluntary test object were determined. Data acquisition for the current study was only done
while emptying the cylinder.
System Characteristic
The speed of the water level (dh/dt) corresponds to the number of resolution points per measurement sample. The relation
between dh/dt and h, ie, the system characteristic, in the measuring unit without an object is not constant nor linear and is
depending on the outlet height of the water, container and piping geometry, temperature of the water, and pump
characteristics. Therefore, a calibration is needed to determine the characteristic curve for the measuring system.
Descriptive statistics were applied to determine means and standard deviations of the measurements.
Level Switch 1
Minimum Water Level for
Heating and Measurement
Digital in
Level Switch 2
Digital in
Level Switch 3
Digital in
Level Switch 4
Digital in
Pressure Senso
nalog in
Temperature Senso
nalog in
Waste Waste
Valve 1
Digital ou
Digital ou
Digital out 2
Measuring Unit
Storage Tank
Valve 2
Digital ou
Figure 1 A schematic presentation of the Peracutus Aqua Meth.
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Availability of Data
The data that support the ndings of this study are available from the corresponding author, FH, upon reasonable request.
Before measuring an object, the system curve (system characteristic) is determined without an object present, while
pumping water out of the measuring unit in about 1 minute. The system curve is not completely equal over the full range
of water levels. The system curve depends amongst others on the counter pressure in the pump, caused by the discharge
height of the water column and the resistance of the water in the tubing. The ratio between highest and lowest values was
less than 5% over the full range of water levels. Increased counter pressure results in a downward shift of an object
prole. Further, a downward shift of 0.5 cm
was measured per °C increase in temperature (not shown).
The system curve is appropriately described by a second degree polynomial dh = ah
+ bh + c (dh: resolution points;
h: cm). For the measurement of the piece of PVC pipe the system curve was determined from a series of ve
measurements. At 30°C the curve was described by dh = 0.0045 h
– 2.975 h – 4,828.4. Converted to cross-sectional
area the signal carries a noise level of only approximately 0.5 cm
. This curve was also used to evaluate the
measurements on the arm of a voluntary test subject. As a result of adjustments in the measurement unit the system
curve was repeated before measurements of the mannequin arms. It was described by dh = 0.0176 h
– 4.6343 h –
4,961.2, based on a series of six measurements. During the measurements the system characteristics are regarded as
A static PVC pipe with a cross-sectional area (diameter) of approximately 75 mm upon which a PVC socket and a cap
were present was measured both with the PAM and with a caliper. Figure 2 shows the prole of cross-sectional areas of
the pipe. Although the measurement is based on vertical movement of the water the position on the cylinder is presented
on the horizontal axis; the corresponding cross-sectional areas are presented on the vertical axis. As the measurement, ie,
data acquisition, was carried out by pumping water out of the measuring unit (cylinder), the time lapse is from right to
left in the Figure. From the top of the pipe (right) to position 32 cm (A) cross-sectional areas of 44.2 cm
were measured,
with a noise level of approximately 0.5 cm
as was seen with the system curve.
The socket on the pipe with a ring at both edges is observed between positions 32 and 23 cm. Then, between position
23 and 5 cm again cross-sectional areas of 44.2 cm
were observed, interrupted by some dips and peaks (H) which were
caused by moving the pipe three times downwards and upwards. The response of the system was fast. As expected, the
Figure 2 Prole of cross-sectional areas of a PVC pipe with socket and cap. Remarkable features in the graph are indicated (see text and Table 1 and Table 2).
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dynamic intervention resulted in uctuations in the graph, though the integral over the specic length of the tube (prole)
did not change. Finally, the tube cover is seen in the graph between positions 5 and 1 cm.
Cross-sectional areas obtained with the PAM and calculated areas from diameter measurements with a caliper were
nearly equal (Table 1). As abrupt discontinuities were present on the object possible overshoot of signals, ie, the
minimum/maximum peak value of the signal, was assessed. At three out of ve positions the signal overshoot could
be calculated (Table 2). However, the additional cross-sectional areas of about 20 cm
(B) and 12 cm
(E), respectively,
of both small rings on the socket, were not wide enough to let the signal settle to its stable level and overshoot could not
be quantied.
The overall lter settings as applied enables an absolute measurement of cross-sectional areas with an accuracy of less
than 1 cm
The same lter settings were then applied to measure arms of two mannequins, 10 times each, statically xed in the
measuring unit. The proles of cross-sectional areas as a function of the height, ie, the position in the cylinder and thus
on the xed arm, are shown in Figure 3. The measurements were carried out by pumping water out of the measuring unit
(cylinder), and therefore the time lapse in fact is from right to left in the gure. However, the graphs are described
starting at the bottom of the cylinder (left), showing rst the nger, hand, and the rest of the arm.
The rst part of the graphs represent the no-object-zones, which in these examples are approximately between 0
(calibration level) and 8 cm and 0 and 13 cm in the cylinder, respectively. Between these positions, the noise was again
Table 1 Comparison of Cross-Sectional Areas Measured with the
PAM and with a Caliper
Range (cm) Cross-Sectional Area (cm
) Delta
PAM Caliper
) %
A 63–32 44.46 44.10 (0.17) 0.36 0.8
D 28–25 52.05 52.27 (0.11) −0.22 −0.4
G 10–5 44.48 44.22 (0.24) 0.26 0.6
b b b b b
J 2.8–1.6 48.51 49.14 (0.20) −0.63 −1.3
Calculated from mean of three diameter measurements; segment A was
measured at three positions (a total of nine measurements). The corresponding
standard deviations are shown in parentheses.
Not applicable.
Table 2 Overshoot of Signals Due to Abrupt Discontinuities on the
Cross-Sectional Area
Signal Overshoot
PAM Caliper
B 30.2 64.78 64.40
b b
C 28.7 50.53 52.27 −1.74 −14.3
E 22.8 64.13 64.28
b b
F 21.1 42.50 44.20 −1.70 −8.5
I 3.4 49.65 49.14 0.51 10.4
Calculated from mean of three diameter measurements.
Not applicable.
Delta between the peak value minus the actual value.
Delta between the peak value
minus the actual value, relative to the step value.
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approximately 0.5 cm
. The arms were about 53 and 58 cm in the water column, and the maximum cross-sectional areas
of the upper arms were around 83 and 48 cm
, respectively.
The values in the no-object zones were slightly above the x-axis during the measurements; this must have derived
from differences in system characteristics between the measurements and determining the system curve.
Mannequin arm volumes were then calculated by integration between two chosen positions on the measuring unit
(Table 3). Percentage standard deviations for volume determinations were around only 0.35%.
Both mannequin arms measured do not have any abrupt discontinuities and the impact of signal overshoot is
considered negligable.
A nal set of measurements was performed on the left arm of a voluntary test subject. The proles of ten
consecutive measurements are presented in Figure 4. After each measurement the volunteer got up and put her
arm back in the measuring unit. The ten measurements took a total of about 40 minutes. Obviously, the arm was
not every time at exactly the same position (depth) in the measuring unit. All proles were therefore aligned by
setting the nger tips of all proles at 0. The arm volume was then calculated between positions 0 and 55 cm.
The mean arm volume based on the ten measurements was 2,319 cm
with a standard deviation of
24.90 cm
Under the conditions used the method results in a nearly continuous measurement. The thickness of each measured
slice depends on the local cross-sectional area of the arm (see Materials and Method section). During the measurements,
the nearly constant ow of the descending water was 0.35 dm
/s. Having a tube internal diameter of 189.4 mm
Figure 3 Proles of cross-sectional areas of arms of two mannequins. Only the rst of 10 measured proles are presented.
Table 3 Calculated Mean Volumes Between Two Chosen Positions of
Arms 1 and 2
Part of the Arm
(Position in cm)
Mean Volume
(mL) %
Arm 1 12.6–66.0 2393.1 32.09 8.90 0.37
Arm 2 8.0–66.0 1621.4 17.11 5.47 0.34
Note: *Difference between the largest and smallest values.
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(measuring unit) and a sample frequency of 20 Hz, slice thicknesses were between 0.7 mm at the ngertip to 1.1 mm at
a cross-sectional area of 83 cm
Several different measuring principles are used to determine the volume of a limb or an object.
Water displacement with
overow is often regarded as the gold standard, mostly based on its repeatability.
With the PAM we introduce a new
volumetric method using water without displacement and overow, in which water movement determined with a pressure
sensor poses as a core element. The measuring principle is based on the local cross-sectional area in a container with an
object and the corresponding change in water surface level.
The system curve, which is measured in the absence of an object, is not linear nor constant. Different system curves
are obtained mainly due to moving and setting up the device, whereby the outlet height of the water is especially
important as it inuences the counter pressure in the pump. Further, the temperature of the water may be a changing
variable. The frequency needed for determining the system characteristic will in the end be depending on the robustness
of the measuring system (contamination, wear of components, etc.).
Measurements with the PAM appear to be very accurate and repeatable. Cross-sectional area proles are obtained and
volumes calculated. Three static objects, a PVC pipe, and two mannequin arms were measured as examples; percentage
standard deviations being around 0.35% for the arms. This is in accordance with or better than values found by others
using static objects for volume measurements.
Measuring the arm of a test person resulted in a standard deviation
of only 1.07% (Figure 4). This shows that also measuring limbs with the PAM can be done very accurately.
Current techniques to determine volumes locally are water displacement, girth, and caliper measurements, MRI
imaging, X-ray tomography, ultrasound, and three dimensional imaging.
The distance between girth measure-
ments on a limb determines the length of the segment that is used in the calculation of geometric volume. This segment
length has not been standardized,
and varies from 1 cm,
3 cm,
4 cm,
5 cm
to 10 cm and more
and in between.
The Perometer measures a change in volume every 2.54–4.7 mm.
In contrast, the
slice thickness using the PAM is 1.1 mm or less measuring an arm. This enables extreme local volume determination.
Standard methods, as well as techniques in development like three dimensional imaging, are becoming more and
more suitable for clinical applications. Results obtained with the PAM are currently equal or more accurate, though
compared to the different shape-capture methods. Moreover, there is no clinical learning curve involved for using the
PAM and costs are very low.
Figure 4 Ten proles of cross-sectional areas of the left arm of a voluntary test subject. The proles have been aligned by setting the nger tips of all proles at 0.
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Determining (local) volumes with the girth, caliper, the Perometer, and three dimensional imaging require geometric
formulas to evaluate raw data.
In contrast, no geometric volume formulas are used to process the data
obtained with the PAM; the measurement is shape-independent.
Abrupt discontinuities on an object cause small overshoots of the signal (Figure 2 and Table 2). These dips and peaks
in a prole can be completely prevented by reducing the ow rate. No or hardly any overshoot was observed while
measuring the mannequin arms and the arm of a test person (Figures 3 and 4), showing that the PAM is suitable for
accurate measurements of human limbs.
Results obtained with the PAM are digitally available, enabling an easy comparison with measurements done at
different times. Moreover, important anatomical positions like nger tips, wrist, elbow, and upper arm can be marked. In
current practice this is usually problematic and results obtained with different measuring methods, eg, girth, Bravometer,
and 3D-imaging, are not interchangeable and the absolute values remain unknown. The anatomic markers present in the
PAM proles can be used to align the proles of different measurements and to compare specic segments (intervals in
the proles) of the limb.
Obtaining exact proles with the PAM is sensitive to the extent to which the ngers are stretched during the
measurement, which may lead to wrong conclusions. This can largely be overcome by the introduction of a newly-
dened anatomic parameter (Houwen et al, Segmental limb proles of cross-sectional area determination of test subjects.
In preparation).
Evidence obtained so far shows the possibility of using the PAM in different applications like health care, sport
sciences and technical/industrial environments to measure local volumes.
The PAM measures the speed of the water level (dh/dt) at any height using a pressure sensor. The data are converted to
continuous proles of cross-sectional areas with a high accuracy and repeatability. No geometric formulas are needed to
process data and therefore accurate volumes are obtained of an object or any segment thereof.
Slices with a height of 1.1 mm or less are easily achieved, enabling a high resolution with respect to differences in
cross-sectional area. As no abrupt discontinuities are present on a human limb the PAM is suited to determine segmental
as well as total volumes of limbs.
The PAM achieves usable accuracy in clinical and non-clinical environments.
The authors thank José Coenen for acting as a voluntary test subject. Greg Czerwinski is highly acknowledged for his
valuable support in the early phase of this work.
FH is owner of Peracutus B.V. This company is developing a medical device to assess (local) volume changes in limbs
and other objects. DvS is closely related to Peracutus B.V whereas J.S. was co-owner of Peracutus B.V. This research
received no specic grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-prot sectors. Dr Frans Houwen
has a patent EP3128910B1 issued to Peracutus Holding B.V., and a patent US10895453B2 issued to Peracutus Holding
B.V. The authors report no other conicts of interest in this work.
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