
SurfelNeRF: Neural Surfel Radiance Fields for Online Photorealistic Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes

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Online reconstructing and rendering of large-scale indoor scenes is a long-standing challenge. SLAM-based methods can reconstruct 3D scene geometry progressively in real time but can not render photorealistic results. While NeRF-based methods produce promising novel view synthesis results, their long offline optimization time and lack of geometric constraints pose challenges to efficiently handling online input. Inspired by the complementary advantages of classical 3D reconstruction and NeRF, we thus investigate marrying explicit geometric representation with NeRF rendering to achieve efficient online reconstruction and high-quality rendering. We introduce SurfelNeRF, a variant of neural radiance field which employs a flexible and scalable neural surfel representation to store geometric attributes and extracted appearance features from input images. We further extend the conventional surfel-based fusion scheme to progressively integrate incoming input frames into the reconstructed global neural scene representation. In addition, we propose a highly-efficient differentiable rasterization scheme for rendering neural surfel radiance fields, which helps SurfelNeRF achieve 10×10\times speedups in training and inference time, respectively. Experimental results show that our method achieves the state-of-the-art 23.82 PSNR and 29.58 PSNR on ScanNet in feedforward inference and per-scene optimization settings, respectively.

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Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction using an RGB-D camera has been widely adopted for realistic content creation. However, high-quality texture mapping onto the reconstructed geometry is often treated as an offline step that should run after geometric reconstruction. In this article, we propose TextureMe, a novel approach that jointly recovers 3D surface geometry and high-quality texture in real time. The key idea is to create triangular texture patches that correspond to zero-crossing triangles of truncated signed distance function (TSDF) progressively in a global texture atlas. Our approach integrates color details into the texture patches in parallel with the depth map integration to a TSDF. It also actively updates a pool of texture patches to adapt TSDF changes and minimizes misalignment artifacts that occur due to camera drift and image distortion. Our global texture atlas representation is fully compatible with conventional texture mapping. As a result, our approach produces high-quality textures without utilizing additional texture map optimization, mesh parameterization, or heavy post-processing. High-quality scenes produced by our real-time approach are even comparable to the results from state-of-the-art methods that run offline.
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We present an integrated approach for reconstructing high-fidelity three-dimensional (3D) models using consumer RGB-D cameras. RGB-D registration and reconstruction algorithms are prone to errors from scanning noise, making it hard to perform 3D reconstruction accurately. The key idea of our method is to assign a probabilistic uncertainty model to each depth measurement, which then guides the scan alignment and depth fusion. This allows us to effectively handle inherent noise and distortion in depth maps while keeping the overall scan registration procedure under the iterative closest point framework for simplicity and efficiency. We further introduce a local-to-global, submap-based, and uncertainty-aware global pose optimization scheme to improve scalability and guarantee global model consistency. Finally, we have implemented the proposed algorithm on the GPU, achieving real-time 3D scanning frame rates and updating the reconstructed model on-the-fly. Experimental results on simulated and real-world data demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art systems in terms of the accuracy of both recovered camera trajectories and reconstructed models.
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We present a system for accurate real-time mapping of complex and arbitrary indoor scenes in variable lighting conditions, using only a moving low-cost depth camera and commodity graphics hardware. We fuse all of the depth data streamed from a Kinect sensor into a single global implicit surface model of the observed scene in real-time. The current sensor pose is simultaneously obtained by tracking the live depth frame relative to the global model using a coarse-to-fine iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm, which uses all of the observed depth data available. We demonstrate the advantages of tracking against the growing full surface model compared with frame-to-frame tracking, obtaining tracking and mapping results in constant time within room sized scenes with limited drift and high accuracy. We also show both qualitative and quantitative results relating to various aspects of our tracking and mapping system. Modelling of natural scenes, in real-time with only commodity sensor and GPU hardware, promises an exciting step forward in augmented reality (AR), in particular, it allows dense surfaces to be reconstructed in real-time, with a level of detail and robustness beyond any solution yet presented using passive computer vision.
High-fidelity online 3D scene reconstruction from monocular videos continues to be challenging, especially for coherent and fine-grained geometry reconstruction. The previous learning-based online 3D reconstruction approaches with neural implicit representations have shown a promising ability for coherent scene reconstruction, but often fail to consistently reconstruct fine-grained geometric details during online reconstruction. This paper presents a new on-the-fly monocular 3D reconstruction approach, named GP-Recon, to perform high-fidelity online neural 3D reconstruction with fine-grained geometric details. We incorporate geometric prior (GP) into a scene's neural geometry learning to better capture its geometric details and, more importantly, propose an online volume rendering optimization to reconstruct and maintain geometric details during the online reconstruction task. The extensive comparisons with state-of-the-art approaches show that our GP-Recon consistently generates more accurate and complete reconstruction results with much better fine-grained details, both quantitatively and qualitatively.
In this paper we present ADOP, a novel point-based, differentiable neural rendering pipeline. Like other neural renderers, our system takes as input calibrated camera images and a proxy geometry of the scene, in our case a point cloud. To generate a novel view, the point cloud is rasterized with learned feature vectors as colors and a deep neural network fills the remaining holes and shades each output pixel. The rasterizer renders points as one-pixel splats, which makes it very fast and allows us to compute gradients with respect to all relevant input parameters efficiently. Furthermore, our pipeline contains a fully differentiable physically-based photometric camera model, including exposure, white balance, and a camera response function. Following the idea of inverse rendering, we use our renderer to refine its input in order to reduce inconsistencies and optimize the quality of its output. In particular, we can optimize structural parameters like the camera pose, lens distortions, point positions and features, and a neural environment map, but also photometric parameters like camera response function, vignetting, and per-image exposure and white balance. Because our pipeline includes photometric parameters, e.g. exposure and camera response function, our system can smoothly handle input images with varying exposure and white balance, and generates high-dynamic range output. We show that due to the improved input, we can achieve high render quality, also for difficult input, e.g. with imperfect camera calibrations, inaccurate proxy geometry, or varying exposure. As a result, a simpler and thus faster deep neural network is sufficient for reconstruction. In combination with the fast point rasterization, ADOP achieves real-time rendering rates even for models with well over 100M points.
Neural graphics primitives, parameterized by fully connected neural networks, can be costly to train and evaluate. We reduce this cost with a versatile new input encoding that permits the use of a smaller network without sacrificing quality, thus significantly reducing the number of floating point and memory access operations: a small neural network is augmented by a multiresolution hash table of trainable feature vectors whose values are optimized through stochastic gradient descent. The multiresolution structure allows the network to disambiguate hash collisions, making for a simple architecture that is trivial to parallelize on modern GPUs. We leverage this parallelism by implementing the whole system using fully-fused CUDA kernels with a focus on minimizing wasted bandwidth and compute operations. We achieve a combined speedup of several orders of magnitude, enabling training of high-quality neural graphics primitives in a matter of seconds, and rendering in tens of milliseconds at a resolution of 1920×1080.
We present a new point-based approach for modeling the appearance of real scenes. The approach uses a raw point cloud as the geometric representation of a scene, and augments each point with a learnable neural descriptor that encodes local geometry and appearance. A deep rendering network is learned in parallel with the descriptors, so that new views of the scene can be obtained by passing the rasterizations of a point cloud from new viewpoints through this network. The input rasterizations use the learned descriptors as point pseudo-colors. We show that the proposed approach can be used for modeling complex scenes and obtaining their photorealistic views, while avoiding explicit surface estimation and meshing. In particular, compelling results are obtained for scenes scanned using hand-held commodity RGB-D sensors as well as standard RGB cameras even in the presence of objects that are challenging for standard mesh-based modeling.
The modern computer graphics pipeline can synthesize images at remarkable visual quality; however, it requires well-defined, high-quality 3D content as input. In this work, we explore the use of imperfect 3D content, for instance, obtained from photo-metric reconstructions with noisy and incomplete surface geometry, while still aiming to produce photo-realistic (re-)renderings. To address this challenging problem, we introduce Deferred Neural Rendering, a new paradigm for image synthesis that combines the traditional graphics pipeline with learnable components. Specifically, we propose Neural Textures, which are learned feature maps that are trained as part of the scene capture process. Similar to traditional textures, neural textures are stored as maps on top of 3D mesh proxies; however, the high-dimensional feature maps contain significantly more information, which can be interpreted by our new deferred neural rendering pipeline. Both neural textures and deferred neural renderer are trained end-to-end, enabling us to synthesize photo-realistic images even when the original 3D content was imperfect. In contrast to traditional, black-box 2D generative neural networks, our 3D representation gives us explicit control over the generated output, and allows for a wide range of application domains. For instance, we can synthesize temporally-consistent video re-renderings of recorded 3D scenes as our representation is inherently embedded in 3D space. This way, neural textures can be utilized to coherently re-render or manipulate existing video content in both static and dynamic environments at real-time rates. We show the effectiveness of our approach in several experiments on novel view synthesis, scene editing, and facial reenactment, and compare to state-of-the-art approaches that leverage the standard graphics pipeline as well as conventional generative neural networks.
The view synthesis problem---generating novel views of a scene from known imagery---has garnered recent attention due in part to compelling applications in virtual and augmented reality. In this paper, we explore an intriguing scenario for view synthesis: extrapolating views from imagery captured by narrow-baseline stereo cameras, including VR cameras and now-widespread dual-lens camera phones. We call this problem stereo magnification, and propose a learning framework that leverages a new layered representation that we call multiplane images (MPIs). Our method also uses a massive new data source for learning view extrapolation: online videos on YouTube. Using data mined from such videos, we train a deep network that predicts an MPI from an input stereo image pair. This inferred MPI can then be used to synthesize a range of novel views of the scene, including views that extrapolate significantly beyond the input baseline. We show that our method compares favorably with several recent view synthesis methods, and demonstrate applications in magnifying narrow-baseline stereo images.
Real-time, high-quality, 3D scanning of large-scale scenes is key to mixed reality and robotic applications. However, scalability brings challenges of drift in pose estimation, introducing significant errors in the accumulated model. Approaches often require hours of offline processing to globally correct model errors. Recent online methods demonstrate compelling results but suffer from (1) needing minutes to perform online correction, preventing true real-time use; (2) brittle frame-to-frame (or frame-to-model) pose estimation, resulting in many tracking failures; or (3) supporting only unstructured point-based representations, which limit scan quality and applicability. We systematically address these issues with a novel, real-time, end-to-end reconstruction framework. At its core is a robust pose estimation strategy, optimizing per frame for a global set of camera poses by considering the complete history of RGB-D input with an efficient hierarchical approach. We remove the heavy reliance on temporal tracking and continually localize to the globally optimized frames instead. We contribute a parallelizable optimization framework, which employs correspondences based on sparse features and dense geometric and photometric matching. Our approach estimates globally optimized (i.e., bundle adjusted) poses in real time, supports robust tracking with recovery from gross tracking failures (i.e., relocalization), and re-estimates the 3D model in real time to ensure global consistency, all within a single framework. Our approach outperforms state-of-the-art online systems with quality on par to offline methods, but with unprecedented speed and scan completeness. Our framework leads to a comprehensive online scanning solution for large indoor environments, enabling ease of use and high-quality results.
A key requirement for leveraging supervised deep learning methods is the availability of large, labeled datasets. Unfortunately, in the context of RGB-D scene understanding, very little data is available -- current datasets cover a small range of scene views and have limited semantic annotations. To address this issue, we introduce ScanNet, an RGB-D video dataset containing 2.5M views in 1513 scenes annotated with 3D camera poses, surface reconstructions, and semantic segmentations. To collect this data, we designed an easy-to-use and scalable RGB-D capture system that includes automated surface reconstruction and crowdsourced semantic annotation. We show that using this data helps achieve state-of-the-art performance on several 3D scene understanding tasks, including 3D object classification, semantic voxel labeling, and CAD model retrieval. The dataset is freely available at
Conference Paper
There is large consent that successful training of deep networks requires many thousand annotated training samples. In this paper, we present a network and training strategy that relies on the strong use of data augmentation to use the available annotated samples more efficiently. The architecture consists of a contracting path to capture context and a symmetric expanding path that enables precise localization. We show that such a network can be trained end-to-end from very few images and outperforms the prior best method (a sliding-window convolutional network) on the ISBI challenge for segmentation of neuronal structures in electron microscopic stacks. Using the same network trained on transmitted light microscopy images (phase contrast and DIC) we won the ISBI cell tracking challenge 2015 in these categories by a large margin. Moreover, the network is fast. Segmentation of a 512x512 image takes less than a second on a recent GPU. The full implementation (based on Caffe) and the trained networks are available at .
Objective methods for assessing perceptual image quality traditionally attempted to quantify the visibility of errors (differences) between a distorted image and a reference image using a variety of known properties of the human visual system. Under the assumption that human visual perception is highly adapted for extracting structural information from a scene, we introduce an alternative complementary framework for quality assessment based on the degradation of structural information. As a specific example of this concept, we develop a Structural Similarity Index and demonstrate its promise through a set of intuitive examples, as well as comparison to both subjective ratings and state-of-the-art objective methods on a database of images compressed with JPEG and JPEG2000.
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