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Using spectrum-of-spectrum (SoS) filtering to extract direct and multipath arrivals from a frequency domain simulation. Comparison with cepstrum and time-gating methods


Abstract and Figures

Different signal processing methods are explored to extract individual arrivals from frequency spectra that include interfering direct and multipath arrivals. Specifically, spectrum-of-spectrum (SoS) filtering of the frequency spectrum, cepstrum filtering, and time-signal gating techniques are investigated for an ultrasonic transmit-receive measurement system modeled using a frequency domain transmitter-medium-receiver finite element model. The measurement system consists of two coaxially aligned cylindrical piezoelectric ceramic disks vibrating in air in the frequency range of their first radial resonance. Findings show that all three processing methods are suitable for parts of the frequency range. However, SoS filtering demonstrates the best overall performance for the example case. Cepstrum filtering works well only when the contribution from the direct arrival is significantly stronger than subsequent arrivals. Time-signal gating produces good results only when either the distance between transducers is long enough or the transducers are sufficiently damped to achieve a steady-state signal. A recommendation is made to carefully analyze intermediate steps, or compare different methods, to avoid plausible yet erroneous results.
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Proceedings of the 46th Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics, Geilo, 29 Jan – 1 Feb 2023
Open Access
1 ISBN 978-82-8123-023-1
Using spectrum-of-spectrum (SoS) filtering to
extract direct and multipath arrivals from a
frequency domain simulation. Comparison with
cepstrum and time-gating methods
Eivind Nag Mosland1, Per Lunde1, Jan Kocbach2
1 Department of Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, P.O. Box 7803, N-
5020, Bergen, Norway
2 NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS, P.O. Box 22 Nygårdstangen, N-5838,
Bergen, Norway
Contact email:
Different signal processing methods are explored to extract individual arrivals from
frequency spectra that include interfering direct and multipath arrivals. Specifically,
spectrum-of-spectrum (SoS) filtering of the frequency spectrum, cepstrum filtering,
and time-signal gating techniques are investigated for an ultrasonic transmit-receive
measurement system modeled using a frequency domain transmitter-medium-re-
ceiver finite element model. The measurement system consists of two coaxially
aligned cylindrical piezoelectric ceramic disks vibrating in air in the frequency range
of their first radial resonance. Findings show that all three processing methods are
suitable for parts of the frequency range. However, SoS filtering demonstrates the
best overall performance for the example case. Cepstrum filtering works well only
when the contribution from the direct arrival is significantly stronger than subse-
quent arrivals. Time-signal gating produces good results only when either the dis-
tance between transducers is long enough or the transducers are sufficiently
damped to achieve a steady-state signal. A recommendation is made to carefully
analyze intermediate steps, or compare different methods, to avoid plausible yet er-
roneous results.
1 Introduction
Frequency spectra containing interfering direct and multipath arrivals are encountered
in experimental measurements and numerical modelling. It is often necessary to either
remove the interference from the multipath arrivals, or to extract a single multipath ar-
rival, for further analysis. Spectrum-of-spectrum (SoS) filtering of the frequency spec-
trum [1], cepstrum analysis [2, 3], and time-signal gating [4], are examples of signal pro-
cessing methods used for these purposes.
Such processing methods are of interest in relation to a high-precision sound veloc-
ity cell for natural gas [5-8], intended for calibration of the sound velocity measurements
in subsea ultrasonic gas flow meters. This sound velocity can potentially be used to cal-
culate the gas energy and mass flow rates in sales and allocation measurement [9]. Dif-
fraction effects must be accounted for to obtain accurate sound velocity measurements,
but existing diffraction correction models, like the piston-type (e.g., [10, 11]) and the sim-
plified finite element diffraction correction models [12, 8, 4], do not provide satisfactory
descriptions of such effects [5-8]. Therefore, a more complete diffraction correction
model is needed to reduce and quantify the uncertainty of the sound velocity measure-
ments. The transfer functions for the direct arrival and the first multipath arrival, ex-
tracted from a frequency domain finite element model of the transmitter-medium-re-
ceiver system, can be used to calculate such an improved diffraction correction [13].
Three different signal processing methods are considered in this study. Time-signal
gating [4] is a gating in the time domain by use of Fourier synthesis that is inspired by
the common approach of time gating used in experimental measurements. The cepstrum
filtering method is based on cepstral analysis [3], dating back to the 1960s, and makes
use of the periodicity in the phase angle and natural logarithm of the magnitude of the
frequency spectrum caused by multipath interference. SoS filtering, as presented by the
present authors in [1], has much in common with cepstrum filtering, but filters the real
and imaginary parts of the frequency spectrum instead of the phase angle and natural
logarithm of the magnitude. It was developed to avoid observed limitations in time-sig-
nal gating for highly resonant transducers and short distances, and used in [13].
The objective of the present work is to compare and evaluate the performance of the
three different processing methods using an example case, relevant for the calculation of
the finite-element based diffraction correction for use in a high-precision sound velocity
cell for natural gas [5-7].
Theory for the three processing methods is given in Sec. 2, along with a presentation
of the studied example case, and the specific settings used when the processing methods
are applied to the example case. Results are presented in Sec. 3 and discussed in Sec. 4.
Conclusions are given in Sec. 5.
2 Theory
There are several different signal processing methods available for extraction of individ-
ual arrivals from a frequency spectrum containing multiple interfering arrivals. The
three methods considered in this study are presented and analyzed here for the voltage-
to-voltage transfer function of an example ultrasonic measurement system for gas. How-
ever, the methods can in principle be applied to any problem with interfering multipath
arrivals, e.g., acoustic waves in fluid and elastic/viscoelastic media with or without elec-
tromechanical coupling.
The example case is presented in Sec. 2.1. The three processing methods are briefly
presented in Sec. 2.2, along with the specific settings needed to reproduce the processing
of the example case. For method details, it is referred to [1, 2, 4].
All three methods make use of the Fourier transform. A harmonic time dependence
of  is assumed and suppressed here, with forward and inverse Fourier transforms
accordingly defined as
 
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
 
respectively, where  is the angular frequency, is the frequency, is time, and
. 󰇛󰇜 and 󰇛󰇜 can be a time series (signal waveform) and its corresponding fre-
quency spectrum (pressure, voltage, etc.), respectively, or an impulse response and the
corresponding transfer function. Both representations are used in the example consid-
ered here.
2.1 Example case
The three methods are compared for an ultrasonic measurement system like that de-
scribed in [14], with two identical cylindrical piezoelectric ceramic disks of the material
Pz27, with the dimensions 20x2 mm, used as transmitter and receiver, respectively. A
schematic of the system is shown in Figure 1. The disks are coaxially aligned, freely sus-
pended in an unbounded fluid medium and here separated by a distance = 0.10 m. The
fluid medium is air at ambient conditions, modelled without absorption. The disks op-
erate at the frequency range around their first radial resonance in the 100 kHz range. The
voltage-to-voltage transfer function of the system,
is calculated using a 3D axisymmetric frequency domain transmitter-medium-receiver
finite element model in COMSOL Multiphysics® [15]. 󰇛󰇜 is the open-circuit out-
put voltage spectrum at the receiver, and 󰇛󰇜 is the excitation voltage spectrum at the
transmitter. 󰇛󰇜 is modelled for the frequency range 50-200 kHz, in steps of 0.1
kHz. The unbounded fluid medium is modelled using perfectly matched layers. Model-
ling details can be found in [13]. Figure 2 shows the modelled pressure field at 99.3 kHz,
with the standing waves caused by the interfering direct and multipath arrivals.
2.2 Signal processing methods
2.2.1 Spectrum-of-spectrum (SoS) filtering
The SoS filtering technique utilize the periodicity of the oscillations in 󰇛󰇜 caused
by the interference from multipath arrivals. Treating the real and imaginary parts of the
transfer function 󰇛󰇜 like waveforms, their forward Fourier transforms can be cal-
culated to yield the spectrum of the spectrum (SoS). The features observed in the SoS are
associated with the individual arrivals, and information associated with the direct arrival
is localized in the lowest part of the SoS [1]. Lowpass filtering can therefore be used to
extract the direct arrival, and it can be applied multiple times to extract multipath arri-
vals. In practice, this SoS filtering technique is implemented in the frequency domain by
applying a digital finite impulse response (FIR) lowpass filter to the real and imaginary
parts of the spectrum, respectively. Method details can be found in [1].
The SoS filtering of the example case is performed as described in [1], using the ap-
plication-specific pre- and postprocessing described therein, i.e., performing the SoS fil-
tering on an intermediate quantity for which rapid changes in the underlying frequency
spectrum are removed. This is done to improve the performance of the SoS filtering tech-
nique around the rapid changes in the frequency spectrum, i.e., around the resonances
Figure 1: Schematic of the example measurement system studied here, with two coaxially aligned
cylindrical Pz27 piezoelectric ceramic disks operating in an unbounded fluid medium, air, sepa-
rated by a distance = 0.10 m. The setup is modelled using COMSOL Multiphysics®, with mod-
elling details given in [13].
Figure 2: Magnitude of the pressure field in the example measurement system studied here (Fig-
ure 1, modelled using COMSOL Multiphysics®. The transmitting piezoelectric disk is excited with
a monoharmonic continuous wave with the frequency = 99.3 kHz and an amplitude of 1 V.
in 󰇛󰇜. The intermediate quantity is calculated by dividing 󰇛󰇜 by a corre-
sponding far-field voltage-to-voltage transfer function, extrapolated spherically to =
0.10 m [1].
The lowpass FIR filter has a 0.1 dB passband ripple and a passband ranging from 0
to approximately 0.43 ms, where 0.43 ms is where the filter attenuation is -0.1 dB or more.
The filter has a stopband with at least -60 dB attenuation extending from approximately
0.56 ms and upwards. The phase delay of the filter is corrected for [16].
2.2.2 Cepstrum filtering
Analysis and processing of the cepstrum dates back to the 1960s [3] and has found a
wide range of applications, for instance within speech processing, analysis of mechanical
problems, and for multipath and echo removal [2, 3]. The main feature of this method is
its ability to detect and analyze periodicities in the frequency spectrum, like SoS filtering.
There are different definitions of the cepstrum, but the initial step is always to calculate
the natural logarithm of the complex frequency spectrum. For the example case consid-
ered here, that means [2, p. 343]
where the resulting real part is 󰇛󰇜 and the imaginary part is 󰇛󰇜, i.e.,
the phase angle of 󰇛󰇜. The next step is to calculate the Fourier transform of the
real part to find the real cepstrum, or of the complex quantity to find the complex
cepstrum [3]. The cepstrum is defined using either the forward [2] or the inverse [3] Fou-
rier transform.
Here, the forward Fourier transform of the real part of Eq. (4) is calculated to yield
the real cepstrum, and a corresponding “imaginary cepstrum” is calculated by taking
the forward Fourier transform of the unwrapped imaginary part of Eq. (4). Moreover,
the filtering is here performed in a similar manner as for the SoS filtering, i.e., by apply-
ing lowpass FIR filters to the real and imaginary parts of Eq. (4), respectively, and by
filtering the intermediate quantity instead of filtering 󰇛󰇜 directly, as proposed in
[1]. The imaginary part, which is the phase angle, is unwrapped from  prior to filter-
ing and rewrapped to  after filtering. Identical lowpass filter settings as for the SoS
filtering, detailed in Sec. 2.2.1, are here used for cepstrum filtering.
2.2.3 Time-signal gating
Transfer functions for individual arrivals can be extracted from 󰇛󰇜 using Fourier
synthesis and time gating. A modified version of the time-signal gating method pro-
posed and described in [4] is used here. For each discrete frequency, , in the studied
frequency spectrum, time signal-gating is performed by the following steps:
1. Create a single-frequency sinusoidal time domain voltage excitation signal,
󰇛󰇜, of a specified length, and calculate its frequency spectrum, 󰇛󰇜.
2. Multiply 󰇛󰇜 with 󰇛󰇜 to propagate the signal from the transmitter to
the receiver, yielding the spectrum of the receiver’s open-circuit output voltage
signal, 󰇛󰇜. Calculate its inverse Fourier transform to yield the time signal
at the receiver, 󰇛󰇜.
3. Identify the steady-state part of 󰇛󰇜 associated with the direct (or multi-
path) arrival, extract this, apply a window function to minimize spectral leakage,
and calculate its forward Fourier transform, 
4. Calculate the gated 󰇛󰇜 for the direct (or multipath) arrival as the ratio
The two main modifications relative to the method described in [4] are the extraction
and use of the steady-state part of the signal, as opposed to the whole direct (or multi-
path) signal; and the application of a window function, both of which were suggested in
[4] but not implemented. In addition, it is chosen to extract the gated time signal,
󰇛󰇜, zero-pad it, and account for the phase delay, instead of using the technique
described in [4, p. 184].
The time-signal gating is here performed for each discrete frequency, , over the
frequency range 50-200 kHz, in steps of 0.1 kHz. A nominal signal length of 2 
󰇛󰇜, corresponding to the time difference between the plane wave direct and first mul-
tipath arrivals, is used to maximize the chance for the time signal to reach steady-state
while minimizing its interference with subsequent arrivals. An integer number of peri-
ods is used in 󰇛󰇜. In the Fourier transforms, all input quantities are zero-padded to a
length of  prior to the calculation. The upper and lower time limits used when ex-
tracting the (assumed) steady-state part of the direct arrival in 󰇛󰇜 are  
 
, respectively, i.e., the latter 30 % of the direct signal, excluding the ringing at the
end. A discrete Hann window, divided by its mean value to not affect the calculated
output voltage, is applied to this extracted time signal before 
󰇛󰇜 is calculated.
The effect of different time gating limits is investigated briefly in Appendix A.
3 Results
Results are shown in Sec. 3.1 for the voltage-to-voltage transfer function of the example
transmitter-medium-receiver FE model described in Sec. 2.1, containing both direct and
multipath arrivals. This 󰇛󰇜 is processed using the three methods described in
Secs. 2.2.1, 2.2.2, and 2.2.3 aiming to extract the part of 󰇛󰇜 containing only the di-
rect arrival, and the results are shown in Sec. 3.2. In Sec. 3.3, parts of 󰇛󰇜 corre-
sponding to different multipath arrivals are shown, obtained using the SoS filtering tech-
3.1 FE modelling results: 󰇛󰇜
The magnitude, phase angle, and slowly varying phase of 󰇛󰇜 are shown in Figure
3 for = 0.10 m over the frequency range 50-200 kHz, calculated using the FE model (see
Sec. 2.1 and [13]). The undesired oscillations caused by multipath interference are clearly
seen in both the magnitude and the slowly varying phase angle. In the magnitude, there
are two peaks around approximately 100 kHz and 115 kHz that correspond to the first
radial resonance of the cylindrical piezoelectric ceramic disks at transmission and recep-
tion, respectively.
The amplitude of the oscillations in the slowly varying phase angle is largest in the
frequency range 160-200 kHz. The irregular pattern in this frequency range is caused by
insufficient frequency resolution relative to the rapid changes in the slowly varying
phase angle and is not a physical effect. Furthermore, the seemingly large-amplitude
oscillations in the frequency ranges 80-100 kHz and 115-135 kHz are not caused by a
physical effect, but by oscillations with relatively small amplitudes close to 180° and
-180°. This results in wrapping of the phase multiple times in each period of the oscilla-
tion, which falsely appear to be oscillations with large amplitudes.
3.2 Processed results: direct arrival
The part of 󰇛󰇜 corresponding to the direct arrival is shown in Figure 4 and Figure
5 for = 0.10 m over the frequency ranges 50-200 kHz and 85-130 kHz, respectively. The
results are obtained using SoS filtering, cepstrum filtering, and time-signal gating, re-
spectively, of 󰇛󰇜. The oscillations in the frequency spectrum are in general greatly
reduced by all three methods, indicating that the direct arrival is extracted.
For the magnitude, there is relatively close agreement between all three methods in
the lower part of the frequency spectrum, up to approximately 85 kHz, and in the fre-
quency range 130-160 kHz. Around the radial resonances, i.e., in the frequency range 85-
130 kHz, there is relatively good agreement only between the SoS filtering and cepstrum
filtering results, since the time-signal gating results exhibits some oscillations, as seen in
Figure 5a. In the frequency range 160-200 kHz, there is relatively good agreement be-
tween the SoS filtering and time-signal gating results, while cepstrum filtering yields a
larger magnitude (see Figure 4a).
Figure 3: Magnitude (a), phase angle (b), and slowly varying phase angle (c) of 󰇛󰇜 shown
for the distance = 0.10 m between the transmitter and receiver, over the frequency range 50-
200 kHz. Modelled by a frequency domain transmitter-medium-receiver FE model [13]. The slowly
varying phase is found by dividing 󰇛󰇜 by the plane wave phase term for the direct arrival,
For the slowly varying phase angle in Figure 4b and Figure 5b, there is also relatively
good agreement between the different methods, for the same methods and over the same
frequency ranges as for the magnitude results, up to approximately 160 kHz. In the fre-
quency range 160-200 kHz, there is relatively good agreement between the SoS filtering
and time-signal gating results, while cepstrum filtering yields slowly varying phase an-
gles oscillating over the full range of 180° for the frequency range 160-200 kHz. The
deviation in the cepstrum results, relative to the results obtained using the other meth-
ods, is more profound in the slowly varying phase angle than in the magnitude.
At either end of the frequency range, 50-200 kHz, there are gradually decaying rip-
ples in the results obtained using all three processing methods, but to a varying degree.
The ripples at either end decay as the frequency increases from 50 kHz and decreases
from 200 kHz, respectively.
Figure 4: Magnitude (a) and slowly varying phase angle (b) of 󰇛󰇜 before processing and
the part of 󰇛󰇜 corresponding to the direct arrival obtained using SoS filtering, cepstrum
filtering and time-signal gating, respectively. Shown for = 0.10 m over the frequency range 50-
200 kHz.
Figure 5: The same results as shown in Figure 4 but over the frequency range 85-130 kHz, around
the cylindrical piezoelectric disks’ first radial resonance. Magnitude (a) and slowly varying phase
angle (b) of 󰇛󰇜 before processing and the part of 󰇛󰇜 corresponding to the direct ar-
rival obtained using SoS filtering, cepstrum filtering and time-signal gating, respectively.
3.3 Processed results: direct and multipath arrivals
The magnitude of the parts of 󰇛󰇜 containing only the direct arrival and the first,
second, and third multipath arrivals, respectively, obtained using SoS filtering, are
shown in Figure 6 for = 0.10 m over the frequency range 50-200 kHz. The iterative pro-
cedure for multipath extraction described in [1] is used.
Up to approximately 160 kHz, the direct arrival appears to correspond to a moving
average of the magnitude of 󰇛󰇜 before filtering. This is not so over the frequency
range 160-200 kHz, where the magnitudes of the multipath arrivals increase significantly
relative to the direct arrival. This frequency range is where cepstrum filtering yields de-
viating results compared to the other two methods (see Sec. 3.2). For the frequency range
177-200 kHz, the first multipath arrival has a larger magnitude than the direct arrival.
4 Discussion
The results indicate that all the three studied processing methods, i.e., SoS filtering,
cepstrum filtering, and time-signal gating, can be used to extract the frequency spectrum
of the direct arrival from a frequency spectrum containing interfering multiple arrivals.
However, the methods’ performance varies for the example case of a frequency domain
transmitter-medium-receiver FE model with cylindrical piezoelectric ceramic disk trans-
ducers operating in air over the distance = 0.10 m. The SoS filtering method seems to
yield the best overall results, but both cepstrum filtering and time-signal gating performs
equally well for large (but different) parts of the frequency spectrum. The accuracies of
the methods cannot be quantified since reference solutions of the example case contain-
ing separate arrivals are not available. However, the relatively close agreement of results
obtained in different parts of the frequency spectrum using different processing methods
gives a strong indication that fair estimates are achieved.
The two filtering methods (SoS, cepstrum) make use of the periodicity, or oscilla-
tions, in the frequency spectrum containing multiple arrivals, such as those caused by
standing waves between the transducers in the frequency domain simulations here. One
of the main limitations of such methods is that the undesired oscillations and the under-
lying frequency spectrum should be separable in the Fourier transformed spectrum. This
may not be the case, especially when the underlying frequency spectrum have sharp
resonances or other rapid changes. These will extend over a wide time band in the Fou-
rier transformed spectrum and may therefore be adversely affected by the filtering. It is
especially challenging when the time between the consecutive arrivals decreases, since
this moves the features in the Fourier transformed spectrum associated with the separate
arrivals closer together. This is discussed for SoS filtering in [1], and also applies to
cepstrum filtering. Filtering of an intermediate quantity without rapid changes in the
frequency spectrum can improve the results [1], and this has been successfully applied
here for both the SoS filtering and the cepstrum filtering. Other filtering-related chal-
lenges are the effects of the passband ripple and the gradual roll-off of the filter [1].
The gradually decaying ripples at either end of the frequency spectra in Figure 4
and Figure 6 are effects resembling the Gibbs effect, both for the filtering methods and
the time-signal gating results. In Figure 6, they increase for each subsequent arrival,
probably due to the iterative procedure used which inherits these effects from the pre-
ceding arrivals. The ripples are an inherent feature of the filtering process and may be
Figure 6: Magnitude of 󰇛󰇜 and the parts of 󰇛󰇜 containing the direct, first multipath,
second multipath, and third multipath arrivals, respectively, obtained using SoS filtering, shown
for = 0.10 m over the frequency range 50-200 kHz.
difficult to reduce. However, they were omitted from the results presented in [13] simply
by modelling and processing a slightly larger frequency band than what was presented
in the figures.
SoS filtering and cepstrum filtering yields almost identical results for the example
case over the frequency range 50-160 kHz, as seen in Figure 4 and Figure 5Error! Refer-
ence source not found.. Upwards from 160 kHz, the magnitude in the cepstrum results
starts to deviate from the SoS filtering and time-signal gating results, and the phase angle
results starts to oscillate. The reason for this is that the cepstrum method inherently as-
sumes a direct arrival (much) stronger than the subsequent arrivals [2]. The limitations
caused by this assumption are discussed in Appendix B. From the increasing deviation
between the cepstrum results and the SoS filtering and time-signal gating results in Fig-
ure 4, it can be inferred that the multipath arrivals become gradually too strong to fulfill
this requirement, starting from approximately 160 kHz. For the frequency range 177-200
kHz, the magnitude of the first multipath arrival is larger than that of the direct arrival,
as seen in Figure 6, possibly due to near-field effects.
Time-signal gating may be more intuitive than the filtering methods, and it allows
for analysis of the intermediate time domain signals. Relatively good results are obtained
for most of the studied frequency band for the example case, except for the frequency
band 90-125 kHz, see Figure 4 and Figure 5. At these frequencies, the part of 󰇛󰇜
associated with the direct arrival does not reach steady-state before the arrival of the first
multipath signal, for the case considered here with resonant transducers at a relatively
short distance ( = 0.10 m). The modelled 󰇛󰇜 needs to include a relatively large
frequency range for the Fourier synthesis to yield an accurate description of the time
domain signal at the receiver. The frequency resolution of 󰇛󰇜 is inversely propor-
tional to the length of the time traces, which must be long enough to include the multi-
path arrivals of interest. A long time trace also minimizes the effects of folding in the
time domain. Time gating limits are here chosen so that only the assumed steady-state
part of the signal is used to calculate the gated transfer function. Although this is as-
sumed to be the best approach when steady-state is reached, it is not necessarily the best
choice when this is not the case, as discussed in Appendix A.
Only SoS filtering is used to find the multipath results in Figure 6, since it is only
SoS filtering that yields relatively good results for the entire studied frequency range, for
the example case with = 0.10 m. However, it is assumed that cepstrum filtering would
yield similar multipath results as SoS filtering, for frequencies up to approximately 160
kHz, and that time-signal gating would yield similar multipath results as SoS filtering
outside the frequency band around the resonances.
It should be noted that inferior performance of SoS filtering, cepstrum filtering, or
time-signal gating is not always apparent from the processed results alone. Critical re-
view of the results is therefore important, for instance by analyzing intermediate results,
such as the Fourier transform of the frequency spectrum for SoS filtering and cepstrum
filtering, or the propagated time signals for time-signal gating. It may also be beneficial
to compare results obtained using different methods.
The SoS filtering method is shown to have the best overall performance for the ex-
ample case studied here, i.e., best performance for the special case where the direct arri-
val is not significantly stronger than the subsequent arrivals. It is expected that the
cepstrum filtering method will perform similar to the SoS filtering method for cases
where the multipath arrivals are successively decreasing in amplitude, given that filter-
ing of an intermediate quantity, as proposed in [1], is applied for both filtering methods
when required (see Sec. 2.2).
An electroacoustic example was studied here, but the processing methods may be
applied to problems with any type of acoustic waves (in fluid or elastic media), with or
without electromechanical coupling, as long as there are interfering multipath arrivals.
5 Conclusions
The SoS filtering, cepstrum filtering, and time-signal gating methods for extraction of
individual arrivals from a frequency spectrum that contains interfering multiple arrivals
have been evaluated for an example case of a frequency domain transmitter-medium-
receiver FE model of two coaxially aligned cylindrical piezoelectric ceramic disks oper-
ating in air in the frequency band of the first radial resonance, over a distance = 0.10 m.
All three methods can be used for selected parts of the frequency range, but based on the
presented results it is concluded that SoS filtering of the frequency spectrum has the best
overall performance for the example case. The example case is challenging for the
cepstrum method due to frequency bands where the first multipath arrival is stronger
than the direct arrival, and for the time-signal gating method due to resonant transduc-
ers and a relatively short distance. The short distance and resonant transducers are also
challenging for the SoS and cepstrum filtering methods, but this is countered by the fil-
tering of an intermediate quantity, as proposed in [1] (see Sec. 2.2). When determining
which method to use for a specific application, it is recommended to study intermediate
results, such as the spectrum of the spectrum (SoS), and compare results obtained using
different methods.
This work is part of the SUBFLOW project, Subsea ultrasonic gas flow metering, funded by
the Research Council of Norway under grant 303169. The authors thank Magne Ves-
trheim, University of Bergen, Norway, for useful discussions and feedback during this
Appendix A: Effect of time window used in time-signal gating
As stated in Sec. 2.2.3, the time gating window can affect the time-signal gating results.
This is shown here with time gating defined so that either the signal from 
to  
denoted time window A, or from  
to  
, denoted time window B, is extracted and
used to calculate the part of 󰇛󰇜 associated with the direct arrival. The time gating
windows corresponds to the whole and latter 30 % of the excitation signal, excluding the
ringing at the end. Due to the large dynamic range of the 󰇛󰇜 compared to the os-
cillations in the time-signal gating results in Figure 5, Figure 7 shows results for the rel-
ative quantity 
 󰇛󰇜
. Here 
 󰇛󰇜 is the time-signal gating result
with different time gating limits, and 
󰇛󰇜 is the SoS filtered result. It is seen from
Figure 7 that for the example case here, with = 0.10 m, the deviation is largest in both
magnitude and phase angle when time window A is used. However, the deviation covers
a smaller frequency range than when tine window B is used, i.e., close to the two reso-
nance peaks in 󰇛󰇜. The results indicate that the two different time gating win-
dows yield similar results well outside the resonances. If the distance was increased or
more broadband transducers were used, it is expected that using the steady-state part of
the signal would yield the best results close to the resonances.
Figure 7: Deviations of magnitude (a) and phase angle (b) in the part of 󰇛󰇜 associated with
the direct arrival, when comparing time-signal gating results with two different window time-limits
to the SoS filtering result for = 0.10 m over the frequency range 85-130 kHz. Note that the
processing is performed using the 50-200 kHz frequency range, but only the frequency range
around the disks’ first radial resonance is shown.
Appendix B: Cepstrum filtering assumption
The cepstrum filtering method presumes that the multipath arrivals are weaker than the
direct arrival [2, p. 341]. Figure 6 shows that this is not always the case, and in such cases
the cepstrum filtering method fails. A simplified plane wave representation of the exam-
ple case is used here to explain this limitation and consequent failure of the cepstrum
filtering method. By considering only the direct arrival and the first multipath arrival,
and reflection at each interface as from a rigid plane wall of infinite extent, the total pres-
sure can be given as
where 󰇛󰇜
is the plane wave pressure of the direct arrival, consisting of
an amplitude and a phase term 
. Similarly, 󰇛󰇜
is the plane
wave pressure of the first multipath arrival. A harmonic time dependence of  is as-
sumed and suppressed. Calculating the natural logarithm of 󰇛󰇜 divided by the
plane wave phase term for the direct arrival yields
where 󰇛󰇜
is the magnitude and 󰇛󰇜
is the phase angle
of the total pressure divided by the plane wave phase term for the direct arrival.
Focusing on the real part of Eq. (2) as an example, it can be written as
Inside the natural logarithm and the square root in Eq. (3), there are an
term, an
term, and an oscillating term. This indicates that the condition needs to be ful-
filled for cepstrum filtering to yield a good estimate of , since otherwise the
will not be removed by the filtering.
Additional conditions apply, following a similar line of reasoning as above, when
estimating in the presence of a second multipath arrival, 󰇛󰇜
. If the
iterative approach discussed for the SoS filtering in [1] is used, the first step is to estimate
󰇛󰇜 under the conditions and . To determine 󰇛󰇜, the estimated
󰇛󰇜 is subtracted from the total pressure before performing cepstrum filtering, under
the condition . In general, it is required that and that is
much stronger than the sum of all subsequent multipath arrivals to successfully estimate
for the th arrival.
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... However, it may also be unnecessary or have adverse effects [4][5][6] . For the special case where the magnitudes of interfering multipath arrivals do not decrease compared to the direct arrival, cepstral filtering will likely yield erroneous results, as shown in [7] . ...
... Time-signal gating is typically used for multipath removal or extraction in frequency domain transfer functions derived from numerical simulations were harmonic time dependence (continuous waves) is assumed [ 2 , 7 ]. It may be used for the special case described above, but generally yields poor results at short distances and for narrowband transducers, for which steady-state conditions may not be not achieved [7] . ...
... An alternative method is presented here, denoted spectrum-of-spectrum (SoS) filtering, which has improved performance compared to the cepstral and time-signal gating methods for the special case where the magnitude of interfering multipath arrivals does not decrease [7] . SoS filtering of the frequency spectrum can be used to extract the direct arrival or any multipath arrival, and can be applied to, e.g., acoustic, electroacoustic, or electromagnetic problems. ...
Full-text available
In measurements and numerical modelling of wave propagation, undesired interference between direct and multipath arrivals can be reduced using Fourier-based signal processing methods. Existing methods, such as cepstral analysis and time-signal gating, are not applicable to all cases. Here, an alternative Fourier-based signal processing method is presented, called spectrum-of-spectrum (SoS) filtering. Its main advantage over existing methods is its ability to extract single direct or multipath arrivals for relatively short propagation distances even when subsequent arrivals do not become successively weaker. The method is based on the following steps: •Apply a lowpass filter to the real and imaginary parts of an input frequency spectrum individually, using a digital finite impulse response (FIR) filter in the frequency domain. •Recombine the filtered real and imaginary parts of the frequency spectrum to get the frequency spectrum of the direct arrival. •For extraction of the first multipath arrival, subtract the filtered frequency spectrum from the input frequency spectrum and repeat the previous steps. Repeat multiple times to extract subsequent multipath arrivals.
... In this work, a more complete FE-based system modeling approach that avoids these limitations is implemented, here denoted system Funded by the Research Council of Norway, grant No. 303169. model B, based on [4], [6], [7]. Full FE modeling of the piezoelectric transmitter, fluid medium, and piezoelectric receiver inherently accounts for near-and far-field sound propagation effects, and transmission, reception, and diffraction as experienced by real transducers. ...
... Since these conditions may not always be achieved in measurements with relatively short burst signals, the effects of short signals are included in the system model using timesignal gating. This Fourier-synthesis method [7], adapted from [10], is applied to the calculated H V V 0m6 (L, f ) using burst length and window settings as in the measurements. ...
... An FE model of the transmitter, medium, and receiver is used in system model B. It is based on [10], but reimplemented with improved PML performance and convergence [6]. Since the output of this model is the superposition of the direct arrival and all subsequent multiple reflection between the transmitter and receiver, SoS filtering [7] is applied to extract the direct arrival [6]. ...
Full-text available
In measurements and numerical modelling of wave propagation, undesired interference between direct and multipath arrivals can be reduced using Fourier-based signal processing methods. Existing methods, such as cepstral analysis and time-signal gating, are not applicable to all cases. Here, an alternative Fourier-based signal processing method is presented, called spectrum-of-spectrum (SoS) filtering. Its main advantage over existing methods is its ability to extract single direct or multipath arrivals for relatively short propagation distances even when subsequent arrivals do not become successively weaker. The method is based on the following steps: •Apply a lowpass filter to the real and imaginary parts of an input frequency spectrum individually, using a digital finite impulse response (FIR) filter in the frequency domain. •Recombine the filtered real and imaginary parts of the frequency spectrum to get the frequency spectrum of the direct arrival. •For extraction of the first multipath arrival, subtract the filtered frequency spectrum from the input frequency spectrum and repeat the previous steps. Repeat multiple times to extract subsequent multipath arrivals.
Conference Paper
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Ultrasonic gas flow meters for volumetric flow rate fiscal metering of natural gas (USMs) may possibly also be used for mass and energy flow rate measurement, partially based on sound velocity measurement. To establish the accuracy of the sound velocity measurements given by the USM, and for traceability purposes, an independent high-accuracy sound velocity measurement cell may serve as reference. To include dispersion effects, the cell should preferably work in the operational frequency range of USMs, i.e. 100 - 200 kHz, with natural gas under high pressure. Highly accurate sound velocity cells are available in the audio frequency range, however, less work have demonstrated sufficient accuracy in the 100 - 200 kHz range. Three transient methods are investigated as part of the sound velocity cell development [Proc. 2005 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, pp. 1443-1447, 2005]; the methods are seen to have several common sources of experimental uncertainty. In the present work, a three-way pulse method (3PM) is considered as a candidate for the sound velocity cell, and sound velocity results obtained in a prototype cell, containing air at about 1 atm and 27 degC are presented. The results are compared with output from a sound velocity model for air, including dispersion [J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 93 (5), pp. 2510-2516, 1993]. The results indicate that the 3PM may have potentials to perform in line with the target specifications of the sound velocity cell, i.e. 100-200 ppm, in the frequency range of USMs, 100-200 kHz. Use of a temperature regulated bath is expected to significantly reduce the temperature induced convection flows presently limiting the accuracy of the cell, and to reduce the measurement uncertainty accordingly
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Ultrasonic gas flow meters for volumetric flow rate fiscal metering of natural gas (USMs) may possibly also be used for mass and energy flow rate measurement, partially based on velocity of sound (VOS) measurement. To establish the accuracy of the VOS measurements given by the USM, and for traceability purposes, an independent and high-accuracy VOS measurement cell may be used as reference. To include relevant effects of dispersion, the cell should preferably work in the operational frequency range of USMs, e.g. 100-200 kHz, with natural gas under high pressure. Three different transient methods are investigated, aiming to realize a VOS measurement cell, and they are seen to have several common experimental uncertainty sources. In the present work, a two-distance method is discussed in more detail as an example, and some results from measurements in an insulated chamber with air at 1 atm and ca. 25°C are presented. The relative expanded measurement uncertainty was estimated according to ISO guidelines to 282 ppm (95 % conf. level). One major source of measurement uncertainty was experienced to be small convection currents in the chamber. Without these, the expanded uncertainty would have been about 162 ppm. Such convection effects are expected to be strongly reduced in a properly designed measurement cell. The VOS measurement results were compared with predictions from a VOS model for standard air, including dispersion [J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 93 (5), pp. 2510-2516, 1993], resulting in a mean deviation of -18 ppm with a two standard deviation spread in the data of 190 ppm over the temperature range.
Existing diffraction correction models for ultrasonic transmit-receive measurement systems rely on simplifying assumptions with respect to the boundary conditions at the transmitter or receiver. Common simplifications include approximating the sound field radiated by a piezoelectric transducer using a baffled piston model and assuming that the receiver's electrical response is proportional to the spatially averaged free-field pressure over its front surface. In many applications, such simplifications may be adequate, but their validity and accuracy need to be evaluated and quantified. Here, a diffraction correction model utilizing the full set of electrical and mechanical boundary conditions at the transmitter and receiver is presented, avoiding these simplifications. The model is based on finite element modeling of coaxially aligned piezoelectric transducers in a fluid medium. Comparison is made with existing models for an example case of cylindrical piezoelectric ceramic disk transducers operating in air at 50–300 kHz and 0.03–2 m apart, relevant for, e.g., sound velocity and absorption measurements in fluids and ultrasonic gas flow metering. In the near-field, errors introduced by the simplifications are up to 3 dB and 47° for the first radial resonance. Generally, such errors are application-specific and depend on distance, frequency, transducer construction, vibration pattern, and medium properties.
Quantitative modeling of ultrasound measurement systems is of considerable value for design, analysis, and interpretation of measurements, methods, and systems. In this work, a model is developed for description of transmit-receive measurement systems based on radial-mode transducer operation in a homogeneous fluid medium. Axisymmetric finite element (FE) modeling is used for the transmitting and receiving piezoelectric transducers and sound propagation in the medium. Transmission-line modeling is used for transmitting and receiving cabling and electronics. The model potentially accounts for the full frequency response of the transducers, including radial and thickness modes, mode coupling, and interaction with the medium. Reciprocal transducers are assumed in the model, and linearity in all parts of the system. Near field effects are accounted for using diffraction correction. Simulations are compared with measurements for the transmit-receive voltage-to-voltage transfer function of two piezoelectric ceramic disk transducers vibrating in air at 1 atm, over the frequency range of the first two radial modes of the disks, and the time domain voltage waveforms at the electric terminals of the transmitting and receiving transducers. The results demonstrate that quantitative simulations of the measurement system can be done with reasonable accuracy. Potentials of improvement are identified and discussed.
It is not widely realised that the first paper on cepstrum analysis was published two years before the FFT algorithm, despite having Tukey as a common author, and its definition was such that it was not reversible even to the log spectrum. After publication of the FFT in 1965, the cepstrum was redefined so as to be reversible to the log spectrum, and shortly afterwards Oppenheim and Schafer defined the “complex cepstrum”, which was reversible to the time domain. They also derived the analytical form of the complex cepstrum of a transfer function in terms of its poles and zeros. The cepstrum had been used in speech analysis for determining voice pitch (by accurately measuring the harmonic spacing), but also for separating the formants (transfer function of the vocal tract) from voiced and unvoiced sources, and this led quite early to similar applications in mechanics. The first was to gear diagnostics (Randall), where the cepstrum greatly simplified the interpretation of the sideband families associated with local faults in gears, and the second was to extraction of diesel engine cylinder pressure signals from acoustic response measurements (Lyon and Ordubadi). Later Polydoros defined the differential cepstrum, which had an analytical form similar to the impulse response function, and Gao and Randall used this and the complex cepstrum in the application of cepstrum analysis to modal analysis of mechanical structures. Antoni proposed the mean differential cepstrum, which gave a smoothed result. The cepstrum can be applied to MIMO systems if at least one SIMO response can be separated, and a number of blind source separation techniques have been proposed for this. Most recently it has been shown that even though it is not possible to apply the complex cepstrum to stationary signals, it is possible to use the real cepstrum to edit their (log) amplitude spectrum, and combine this with the original phase to obtain edited time signals. This has already been used for a wide range of mechanical applications. A very powerful processing tool is an exponential “lifter” (window) applied to the cepstrum, which is shown to extract the modal part of the response (with a small extra damping of each mode corresponding to the window). This can then be used to repress or enhance the modal information in the response according to the application.
Calculations and tables are given for the exact diffraction corrections to the results of ultrasound phase velocity measurement for circular transducers of equal radius. Simple formulae have been obtained for the diffraction corrections within the approximations of plane and spherical waves.
Diffraction effects in the ultrasonic field of transmitting and receiving circular piezoceramic disks in radial mode vibration
  • E Storheim
E. Storheim, "Diffraction effects in the ultrasonic field of transmitting and receiving circular piezoceramic disks in radial mode vibration," Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Physics and Technology, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 2015.